12/15/2013 11:23:09 AM,
This article corrects an incorrect statement that I made in the article on Race that messengers {Angels} fathered children before the flood of Noah
It is FALSE that messengers {Angels} have or can father children, it is further confirmed that ancestor spirits (demons) ALSO cannot father children
False teachings regarding Africans and Jews having been fathered by messengers are also confirmed as false
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11/9/2013 5:53:01 AM,
I was asked to comment on an article attacking Shaul {Paul} and labeling him a heretic
The response is relevant to all such debates in which believers start attacking other believers on the basis of the bible
The document that I am responding to also shows a lack of fear with regard to what will happen on the Day of Judgment should it be found that Shaul was, indeed, close to Yah
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11/9/2013 6:47:25 AM,
This article presents the essence of my current understanding with regard to the Bible as the culmination of something like twelve years moving from a point of believing that the Bible was "The Living Word of Yah" to understanding that it is "a little book" that represents a collection of fragments that Satan was unable to keep Yah from preserving
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10/12/2013 1:42:40 PM,
As I seek to consolidate my understanding regarding the Bible it occurred to me that my article on Summing Up only addressed the negative aspects of the Bible, this article seeks to balance that
I have also created a comprehensive page on the website that presents everything I have written about the Bible since 2009 see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/TheBible.aspx
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10/12/2013 10:24:50 AM,
I was recently asked to sum up what I hold to be true about the Bible and it seemed appropriate to document this.
What is written below is my consolidated understanding gained since 2001 when Yah told me that the Bible was NOT His Word.
It has taken me over decade to adjust to that revelation and to fully understand the way Yah sees the Bible.
At the end of the article are a large number of links to other articles that have a bearing on the topic
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10/12/2013 9:11:07 AM,
I received the following article from Gerry Easton in response to the debate with regard to the personage of Yahooshua
With the message "This may help those with the identity problem of the Heavenly Father and His Son"
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10/12/2013 7:38:02 AM,
Someone recently asked me which bible version they should read
This article presents my response which simply put is "none -- build a deep personal relationship with the Almighty and read what He tells you to read "
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9/28/2013 2:35:47 PM,
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12/14/2013 1:15:19 PM,
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9/28/2013 10:33:21 AM,
Following on from the article in which Yah stated that the bible was a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men the next logical question is "what do I do about this?"
This article discusses various actions that are appropriate once you realize the bible is NOT what you thought it was
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9/28/2013 10:20:05 AM,
In supporting a person who has prayed to be judged in this life and is experiencing a harsh situation Yah has given me a very harsh message concerning the proper perspective on the bible
This article traces my journey through worshipping the book {bible} to the point where I can now hear Yah make such a statement and elaborate on the statement.
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9/28/2013 5:20:47 AM,
In further response to the article on the true Sabbath I received the article below which chronicles some references to prove that human beings changed the Sabbath from Saturday (the seventh day) to Sunday (the first day) with NO authority from Yah.
It is interesting how many who condemn the Catholic Faith do not realize that the pillars of Christian teaching are based on the teachings of that faith.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Much of what we are taught in terms of history is flawed at some level
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Some people are troubled by the extent to which I minimize the importance of the bible
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