3/4/2023 1:07:41 PM,
I fairly regularly receive emails about the Microchip being the “Mark of the Beast”. This is based on Revelation 13:16 and 17 “16 Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast], 17 and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Because it is postulated that the microchip will be necessary in order to buy or sell in the so-called “new world order” it is inferred that the microchip IS this mark.
There are a number of challenges with this interpretation:
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2/27/2019 11:56:08 AM,
The Mark of the Beast is NOT a micro-chip, it relates to breaking the Ten Commandments with our thoughts (in the forehead) and in what we write and contract (in the right hand). Unless a believer is materially breaking the Ten Commandments the forces of darkness will do all they can to obstruct that believer from selling and therefore obtaining income. In such cases the believer must seek a very high level of set-apartness {holiness} and must ensure that their house is in a very high level of
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
There is much talk of the Mark of the Beast but it is NOT the microchip
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