7/29/2023 2:49:35 PM,
In the last year or two I have shared a large number of articles and videos from third parties to address topics that I do not have the anointing to teach on.
My discipline with such items is that I do not edit or censor but share, “as is” and leave it to readers and listeners to discern the truth for themselves.
Recently I have become concerned that I have shared such a volume of material that certain key truths are being overwhelmed. Accordingly I have produced the following video to address these concerns and share the items I consider most important:
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11/23/2021 3:45:56 PM,
We will look at names in the Bible that include “Yah” which is the true name of the Creator. Then we will consider some technical principles applied to the analysis and some technical caveats relating to what I am going to share with you.
We will first look at words translated “God” including El and Eliy. We will note that Yah is the essential name of our Creator and Heavenly Father and we will look at “scribal devices” that corrupt the Bible.
We will then look at a sample of names including Yah, and then further examples of words and phrases containing Yah. Then we will look at the BIG ONE – Yahooshua meaning Yah is Salvation.
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
About ten years ago the Almighty started to deal with me about a wide variety of issues, one of these was His true Name
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