2/18/2024 2:45:10 PM,
It is not possible to really understand the history of this Earth and particularly the history of humankind on Earth without understanding the Turnaround Emissaries {Apostles} and the turnarounds that they have initiated and facilitated. There have been a limited number of major Turnarounds and a few lesser ones. This article will address only the MAJOR turnarounds.
Also, I was recently requested to write a piece about how Believers in financial lack could get out of that situation. That is the aim of this broadcast. Following are the points to consider, as always this article is only relevant to committed Believers.
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2/18/2024 2:35:45 PM,
A notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
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2/18/2024 1:19:20 PM,
This article sets out to outline what I consider most important with regard to Emunah (Trust and Belief) {Faith}. Faith is the commonly used English term but has Pagan connotations and therefore I recommend the Hebrew word “Emunah” which is essentially “Faith on Steroids.”
Also, a notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
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12/3/2022 2:34:14 PM,
A notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
In this context refer John 10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” Amplified Bible Yahooshua {Jesus} speaking.
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1/2/2023 4:46:32 PM,
I continue to be contacted by committed Believers in financial lack and to battle with lack myself. So I continue to seek to understand exactly WHAT is required to overcome lack. That is the aim of this article.
I regularly write about climbing the Mountain of Relationship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”. See particularly https://www.ETIMin.org/mountain-of-relationship. This article looks at a different angle – the reality that the Mountain looks different depending on how you come to it.
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11/30/2022 3:54:19 PM,
Following on from the previous articles regarding factors that most are unaware of that can lead to major spiritual problems it is also important to note that any form of remote sex is STILL sex and that the associated one-flesh bond, love bond, etcetera are STILL formed. So sex on the phone/Skype/Zoom/Teams/WhatsApp/Text Message/even separated in the same room is STILL sex in the sight of the Court of Heaven resulting in a Spiritual House which can be divided and results in a one-flesh bond.
So, if you are in financial lack this might be an area to examine. Note that this lack impacts ALL parties involved whether directly or indirectly by being in covenant with/one-flesh bond with one of the parties.
I continue to be contacted by committed Believers in financial lack and to battle with lack myself. So I continue to seek to understand exactly WHAT is required to overcome lack. That is the aim of this article.
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2/5/2022 5:02:59 PM,
I continue to be contacted by committed Believers in financial lack and to battle with lack myself. So I continue to seek to understand exactly WHAT is required to overcome lack. That is the aim of this article.
In September last year (2021) I published the article “2021.09.02 The Essence of my message regarding the Poverty of Believers” https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-poverty-of-believers This summarizes 16 different points that require attention. Most of these are relatively straightforward and should be resolved quickly.
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12/23/2021 5:44:18 PM,
I was recently requested to write a piece about how Believers in financial lack could get out of that situation. That is the aim of this article. Following are the points to consider, as always this article is only relevant to committed Believers.
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9/9/2021 1:19:14 PM,
I was recently requested to write a piece about how Believers in financial lack could get out of that situation. That is the aim of this article. Following are the points to consider, as always this article is only relevant to committed Believers
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6/6/2021 1:01:50 PM,
Many committed Believers are in serious financial lack – WHY is this?
Fundamental principle – “A house divided against itself cannot stand” – MattiYahoo 12:25, Luke 11:17, Mark 3:25
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5/28/2019 8:00:51 AM,
Critical Considerations with Regard to Believers Resisting Death
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12/27/2017 10:20:54 AM,
Much lack amongst believers results from them being in sin thereby opening the door for the forces of darkness to obtain judgments against them. However, a prevalent cause of lack is a divided house, a spiritual unit of man and woman who are NOT in harmony.
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3/25/2019 7:10:19 AM,
Believing Men in Lack
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
One of the biggest challenges facing true believers is division in their spiritual house leading to financial lack
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Those believers who are truly seeking to serve the Almighty are frequently in financial lack
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
A discussion of the reasons why so many true believers are in severe financial lack
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