5/4/2024 12:45:29 PM,
This is the letter of Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor who presided over the sentencing of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}) to the Roman Emperor Tiberius Ceaser about the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua. Vitally important independent testimony about reality of Yahooshua! – Part 2.
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6/14/2024 9:48:15 AM,
Last week I published the YouTube video of the letter of Pontius Pilate the Governor of Judea at the time of Yahooshua to Tiberius Caesar the Emperor of Rome about Yahooshua {Yahooshua} His Execution {Crucifixion} and Resurrection.
I have had the video transcribed and that is presented here. I have added emphasis and footnotes to key passages.
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5/9/2024 5:50:24 PM,
Last week I published the YouTube video of the letter of Pontius Pilate the Governor of Judea at the time of Yahooshua to Julius Caesar the Emperor of Rome about Yahooshua {Yahooshua} His Execution {Crucifixion} and Resurrection.
I have had the video transcribed and that is presented here. I have added emphasis and footnotes to key passages.
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4/27/2024 12:29:40 PM,
This is the letter of Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor who presided over the sentencing of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}) to the Roman Emperor Tiberius Ceaser about the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua. Vitally important independent testimony about reality of Yahooshua!
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4/13/2024 3:25:18 PM,
Last week I published the YouTube video of the letter of Pontius Pilate the Governor of Judea at the time of Yahooshua to Julius Caesar the Emperor of Rome about Yahooshua {Yahooshua} His Execution {Crucifixion} and Resurrection.
I have had the video transcribed and that is presented here. I have added emphasis and footnotes to key passages.
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4/7/2024 12:28:07 PM,
This is an exceptionally important piece – the most important third party item I have ever shared.
This is the letter of Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor who presided over the sentencing of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}) to the Roman Emperor Julius Ceaser about the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
This article outlines why it was fundamentally necessary for Yahooshua {Jesus} to die the way he did and why recent Television reports postulating other theories are fundamentally flawed
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