2/1/2025 5:20:13 PM,
The Covenant Meal is an essential element of receiving forgiveness for sin and therefore for living above sin. I share the prayers to pray and the basis of those prayers and it is Father’s will for us to prosper and I share that with listeners including appropriate prayers.
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12/25/2024 8:44:49 PM,
From time to time it occurs to me that it might be useful for others to have some idea of what we pray every night. Most of the prayers are contained on the webpage “The Essence of my message regarding Prayer” but not as a systematic suite of daily prayers, there are many other prayers there. Accordingly I decided to record what we pray nightly with commentary.
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11/6/2024 9:25:10 PM,
I am troubled by the extent to which many / most Believers give Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the remnants of their time and wealth. They seek excellence in their careers and in their home and family life and then fob Yah off with a few hours and a few pounds (or dollars, or whatever currency) once a week, if that.
Yah is the Mighty One of Excellence -- consider the Universe and all that is in it, the Solar System, Planet Earth, the Plants, the Animals, us human beings. Each one precise, elegant, attractive, effective, an example of the excellence that Yah strives for in all that He does.
I will share a prayer if you realize that you have NOT been walking in Excellence towards Yah
We will then look at the rewards for excellence of service in Heaven.
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10/19/2024 2:53:09 PM,
If you previously Believed but you have now realized that you have neglected the Creator and are headed for the Outer Darkness or, at best, a very low rank in the Throne Room, please pray along the following lines – note that belief in Jesus / Messiah / Yahooshua counts for nothing, it is belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that matters.
This broadcast presents a prayer and then addresses related issues. Specifically “Actions to take on returning to Father”. I will then suggest that “Yah as Father Abba Daddy -- Yah is Gentle”.
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10/15/2024 5:35:11 PM,
When a person first comes to Belief in the Almighty Creator, whose true Name is “Yah” as in “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” which describes Him, Yah imparts a portion of His Spirit into the new Believer. For this reason this is referred to as the “Set-Apart Spirit” because Yah sets apart a portion of His Spirit to help and guide that person. This broadcast will address that point.
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10/5/2024 1:14:53 PM,
If you have come to Belief in the Creator, please pray along the following lines – note that belief in Jesus / Messiah / Yahooshua counts for nothing, it is belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that matters. This broadcast will address that point.
We will then look at “Prayers to Rehearse the Covenant Meal {Communion} for Forgiveness of Sin and Protection”
And then “The first eight days from true belief are filled with Chen {Grace}”
Finally we will look at “Critical Actions on First Belief”
Finally, we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator
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10/11/2024 9:33:14 AM,
The following critical actions should be taken by any person who first comes to belief, this will lay a foundation for a powerful life in relationship with the Almighty Creator. Refer to the Article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah”. These same procedures can be applied at any time, however they are particularly effective when applied immediately after a person comes to Belief.
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8/29/2024 4:07:22 PM,
As we have seen in the recent article “Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation” the Satanic and Demonic forces dominate and control the world – how do you get free?
Since Creation over 100 billion human beings have died as unbelievers and become Ancestor Spirits (aka Demons). Barring a minute number of strong Believers who are strongly walking free of sin and have repeatedly prayed the appropriate prayers, every other human being is carrying any number of Demons. Believers are particularly prone to carrying Demons as the Satanic and Demonic Realm does everything possible to destroy or at least disempower Believers such that most wars are fought between competing groups of Believers.
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7/6/2024 4:58:40 PM,
Acknowledge the Covenant regularly – if you are not clear what I am referring to please read the article The miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua – where, how and what
This is only available to Believers in the Creator, if you are not sure whether you are a Believer or not please read the article Prayer on coming to Belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and pray as appropriate
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7/6/2024 4:40:43 PM,
If you previously Believed but you have now realized that you have neglected the Creator and are headed for the Outer Darkness or, at best, a very low rank in the Throne Room, please pray along the following lines – note that belief in Jesus / Messiah / Yahooshua counts for nothing, it is belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that matters
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7/6/2024 4:26:56 PM,
If you have come to Belief in the Creator, please pray along the following lines – note that belief in Jesus / Messiah / Yahooshua counts for nothing, it is belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that matters:
“Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I now Believe that you exist. I confess my sin of unbelief and repent of my unbelief and I ask you to forgive my sin.
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8/29/2024 4:04:13 PM,
As we have seen in the recent article “Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation” the Satanic and Demonic forces dominate and control the world – how do you get free?
Since Creation over 100 billion human beings have died as unbelievers and become Ancestor Spirits (aka Demons). Barring a minute number of strong Believers who are strongly walking free of sin and have repeatedly prayed the appropriate prayers, every other human being is carrying any number of Demons. Believers are particularly prone to carrying Demons as the Satanic and Demonic Realm does everything possible to destroy or at least disempower Believers such that most wars are fought between competing groups of Believers.
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10/5/2024 1:11:38 PM,
If you have come to Belief in the Creator, please pray along the following lines – note that belief in Jesus / Messiah / Yahooshua counts for nothing, it is belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing that matters. This broadcast will address that point.
We will then look at “Prayers to Rehearse the Covenant Meal {Communion} for Forgiveness of Sin and Protection”
And then “The first eight days from true belief are filled with Chen {Grace}”
Finally we will look at “Critical Actions on First Belief”
Finally, we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator
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1/27/2024 11:58:39 AM,
Recently a number of situations have led me to conclude that there may be benefit in recording what I pray daily as an example to others. It is hope that this will help you with your prayers.
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2/18/2024 2:35:45 PM,
A notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
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2/18/2024 1:19:20 PM,
This article sets out to outline what I consider most important with regard to Emunah (Trust and Belief) {Faith}. Faith is the commonly used English term but has Pagan connotations and therefore I recommend the Hebrew word “Emunah” which is essentially “Faith on Steroids.”
Also, a notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
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12/28/2023 12:24:48 PM,
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document. This is part 4.
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12/28/2023 12:20:43 PM,
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document.
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12/28/2023 12:16:56 PM,
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document.
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5/14/2023 2:21:47 PM,
One of the gifts that result from a True Believer being filled with the Spirit of Yah, also known as “Anointed with the Spirit of Yah” {aka Christ} is the gift of being able to pray in the Spirit, led by the Spirit and including but not limited to the gift of praying in different tongues which may be in an Earthly language unknown to the Believer in question or a spiritual unknown to any human being.
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12/24/2022 1:31:52 PM,
Power Relationship with Yah
Fundamentally we were created to have a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator whose TRUE Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, see “2021.02.01 WHY are we HERE?” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/why-are-we-here
Following are the essential elements of entering into relationship with Yah ONCE you have accepted the reality of his existence. See “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close for a much more detailed discussion:
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12/3/2022 2:34:14 PM,
A notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
In this context refer John 10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” Amplified Bible Yahooshua {Jesus} speaking.
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10/22/2022 1:52:44 PM,
I am currently corresponding with a couple of people who are energetically seeking to draw close to Father and I thought it would be helpful to them and to others to summarize my current thoughts on what is required to do this.
Around the Day of Atonement in 2014 I wrote a lengthy (72 page) article on Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator see https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close This article was written under a significant anointing at a time that I was particularly close to Father Yah and is therefore a useful reference. I have great confidence that if you put everything in that article into practice over a period of one to two years at the end of that time you WILL be close to Father Yah.
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9/17/2022 1:49:42 PM,
I regularly watch videos on YouTube relating to the matters of the Almighty and share these with a limited list of people who have contacted me off the website or have shown real interest in the ways of the Almighty in other ways. If you would like to be added to that list please reply to this email with “Please add me to the BCC list” in the subject line.
I have published a number of previous lists of videos that I recommend on https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch
Following are some of the videos that I have recommended since publishing the above.
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6/14/2023 4:19:12 PM,
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document.
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6/11/2022 3:32:06 PM,
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document.
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4/23/2023 4:57:20 PM,
A question that it seems most people do not ask and therefore do not answer is “WHY are we HERE?” – Why do humans exist? Why does this planet exist? Etc.
One of the things I have noticed recently is the extent to which death is viewed as very undesirable. Our society goes to great lengths to prevent death and individuals fight hard to avoid dying “prematurely” whatever one means by “prematurely.”
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1/2/2023 4:51:42 PM,
As I progressively consolidate my knowledge of the matters of the Almighty Creator it seems important to me to spell out to YOU the Essence of my message to YOU!
This article seeks to outline my vision for my life ahead.
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8/16/2022 2:35:32 PM,
This article discusses the essence of becoming a Friend of Yah, the Almighty Creator, which is the sole reason we exist.
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9/26/2021 8:20:27 PM,
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent document aligned with my present understanding. Hence this document.
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7/10/2021 3:54:12 PM,
As I progressively consolidate my knowledge of the matters of the Almighty Creator it seems important to me to spell out to YOU the Essence of my message to YOU!
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6/12/2021 5:33:33 PM,
The article “The Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend of the Almighty Creator” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend discusses some principles relating to becoming a Friend of the Creator which is the greatest rank available to any Believer on Earth and in Heaven at any time. It is a rank that is available to YOU IF you choose to seek it. To see this in its proper context see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom In fact as one comes to understand these things it becomes apparent that the ONLY reason that human beings exist IS to become Friends of the Creator.
In this article I will endeavour to set out practical steps towards becoming a Friend of the Creator.
The Essence of becoming a Friend is as follows
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6/6/2021 1:01:50 PM,
Many committed Believers are in serious financial lack – WHY is this?
Fundamental principle – “A house divided against itself cannot stand” – MattiYahoo 12:25, Luke 11:17, Mark 3:25
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1/16/2021 3:25:00 PM,
I refer quite regularly to the importance of Fasting as a way of getting closer to Father, finding truth and resolving issues. However, for various “good” reasons it is several years since I last fasted seriously, apart from one day on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur every year.
Last night I found a Video on YouTube “Prayer and Fasting - When you Fast by Derek Prince”.
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3/26/2023 4:44:36 PM,
The harsh reality is that the vast majority of prayers are futile and are never answered. This article shares some thoughts on this topic with a view to helping you pray effectively.
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3/26/2023 4:40:40 PM,
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions.
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12/19/2020 1:18:06 PM,
The harsh reality is that the vast majority of prayers are futile and are never answered. This article shares some thoughts on this topic with a view to helping you pray effectively.
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12/19/2020 1:06:16 PM,
For many years I have prayed along the lines of "Father help me to be led by your Spirit every second of every day in every possible way".
Recently I made a very bad business decision assuming that I WAS being so led.
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7/13/2020 4:29:48 PM,
This Broadcast looks the attributes of a person who is a Friend of the Creator. Someone who does not let anything get in the way of their relationship with the Creator and has spent years drawing close to Yah. It is noted that true Friends understand the Battle and constantly wage war in the Spirit Realm. Friends are committed to helping others draw close to the Creator. We look at requirements for REAL Service to the Almighty and note that the sole reason for all of this is so that Father may have Friends. We examine Satan’s rebellion and the Contest and the Rules of Engagement and note that the prize is a High Throne in Heaven for Eternity. We discuss the penalty for unrepented sin in Hell. It is noted that only the strongly Anointed are relevant in the Battle.
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5/26/2019 2:05:37 PM,
Seven Critical Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
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5/26/2019 1:59:54 PM,
Critical Elements of the Anointed Life
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5/26/2019 1:04:44 PM,
This section discusses a number of Spiritual Principles including Sabbath Observance, Prayer, Worship, issues in This Life, seeking Truth and NOT Error and Judgment in THIS life.
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5/25/2019 8:14:33 PM,
This Broadcast continued a fairly detailed discussion into the subject of prayer and what is required in order to pray effectively. Various examples of prayers I have found effective are presented.
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5/25/2019 8:21:02 PM,
This Broadcast continued a fairly detailed discussion into the subject of prayer and what is required in order to pray effectively. Various examples of prayers I have found effective are presented.
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5/29/2019 6:10:07 PM,
This Broadcast continues a detailed analysis of the Seven Areas of Engagement that are necessary to develop a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator. This Programme continues the focus on “Prayer”, the importance of appropriate quality prayers that enable the Almighty to intervene in powerful ways in one’s life.
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5/29/2019 1:55:33 PM,
This Broadcast continues a detailed analysis of the Seven Areas of Engagement that are necessary to develop a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator. This Programme focusses on “Prayer”, the importance of appropriate quality prayers that enable the Almighty to intervene in powerful ways in one’s life.
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5/10/2019 6:53:10 AM,
If one is to have a meaningful relationship with the Almighty Creator it is necessary to take a quality decision and drastic measures to change one’s life in order to come to a spiritual position where one can build a deep personal relationship with Him, this article describes seven steps that can be taken to achieve this level of relationship
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5/15/2019 8:53:55 PM,
If one is to have a meaningful relationship with the Almighty Creator it is necessary to take a quality decision and drastic measures to change one’s life in order to come to a spiritual position where one can build a deep personal relationship with Him, this article describes seven steps that can be taken to achieve this level of relationship
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5/1/2019 7:38:30 AM,
This article examines the importance of prayer and gives a number of powerful suggested prayers.
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6/5/2018 11:07:00 AM,
Most prayer is a waste of time
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5/24/2018 10:08:21 AM,
Prayer must align with Yah's will else it is futile
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5/17/2018 7:52:24 AM,
Discussion of key principles with regard to prayer and different types of prayer
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11/1/2014 2:14:27 PM,
There are numerous things that get in the way of us getting close to Yah, this article discusses the most important steps that YOU can take to grow close to Yah
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3/25/2019 7:06:20 AM,
Judge me Severely and Correct me Harshly that I may serve You more Perfectly
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1/10/2019 11:37:53 AM,
Yah was able to perform much greater miracles thousands of years ago because of the level of anointing on his people in those days and also the level of prayer that was offered up
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1/3/2019 7:10:11 AM,
The prayers that I consider MOST important
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1/3/2019 7:05:36 AM,
A selection of prayers that I have found important, effective and powerful
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1/3/2019 7:00:01 AM,
Prayer is petition to the Court of Heaven. This section discusses some principles with regard to prayer and provides some recommended prayers
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12/29/2018 10:42:33 AM,
Prayer in agreement is where two or more believers pray to the Almighty an
Prayer in agreement is where two or more believers pray to the Almighty and agree on the subject of the prayer, this is extremely powerful
d agree on the subject of the prayer, this is extremely powerful
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12/27/2018 2:20:17 PM,
The Almighty Creator deeply desires an intense personal relationship with YOU, this section discusses some important principles
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1/30/2014 10:52:31 AM,
Following on from the previous article on prayer herewith a fairly comprehensive list of the prayers that I pray fairly regularly, some nearly daily, which I hope you will find helpful.
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3/5/2014 5:23:22 PM,
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9/28/2013 4:39:08 AM,
Many people believe that if they pray something it is an act of faith to believe and declare that the prayer has been answered and it is done.
Some go so far as to pray something and then declare out loud that it is done!
In virtually all cases where a person is making a serious effort to serve Yah such a declaration is erroneous.
Prayers are ONLY granted to real believers when they are praying in the will of the Almighty (Yah), have the anointing and authority to pray that prayer, are free of sin that will permit the forces of darkness to obstruct or steal the answer to that prayer AND if the person praying is one flesh with any other human being or human beings plural is in harmony with all the people they are one flesh with.
The closer the family unit that is praying the prayer is to the Almighty the more rigorously the forces of darkness will oppose the prayer. The further they are from the true will of Yah in their lives, the greater their error, the more likely the forces of darkness will NOT oppose the prayer or may even intervene in order to cause the fulfilment of the prayer in order to keep the person in bondage.
Even when everything is in place it can take decades for a prayer to be fulfilled, as in the case of the declaration by Samuel of David as King over Israel.
Furthermore, IF the prayer is the will of Yah it is unnecessary to make such a declaration -- the prayer will be answered anyway.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
This article sets out specific principles for hearing from the Almighty
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
I constantly encounter people who disagree with much of what is written on the End Time Issue list and websites.
To resolve differences it is vital to recognize that the one in error will burn for part of eternity in the lake of Fire and Brimstone and that the only way to resolve disputes is to get close to Yah and hear what He has to say
This article discusses in some detail how to get close to Yah in order to obtain clarity on doctrine, etc
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
The only way to hope to spend eternity in heaven is to ask Yah to judge you in this life and correct you
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
It is probable that you will find much on this website that you disagree with me on, what should you do about it? -- Remember that ONLY Yah's opinion matters
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
What we take as miraculous today was common place thousands of years ago
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
Reference to the prayer that Yahooshua prayed before he died
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
A powerful report of the deliverance of a man serving Satan and how the demonic and Satanic forces operate and how prayer operates
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9/8/2019 1:50:48 PM,
The Anointing and Prayer Does NOT Guarantee Infallibility
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7/28/2019 1:24:44 PM,
Some Useful Prayers
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7/28/2019 1:22:11 PM,
Hell-Shaking Prayer!
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6/29/2019 12:51:16 PM,
ASAP Always Say A Prayer
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7/4/2019 7:46:33 PM,
ASAP Always Say A Prayer
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
Many who believe battle in their lives because they do not know what to pray.
This document lists a number of prayers that I have found particularly valuable and functional.
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