3/22/2025 1:40:08 PM,
There is a lot of confusion about the man commonly referred to as “Jesus”. Many believe he is a manifestation of the Almighty Creator and worship him. What is the truth?
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3/15/2025 2:49:27 PM,
I discuss where Satan came from, how the Satanic and Demonic operates and how to overcome them.
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3/1/2025 3:15:38 PM,
There are regular statements that “Jesus is coming soon”. In fact “Jesus” has been coming soon for several hundred years and he has NOT come. Not to mention that his name is Yahooshua and NOT Jesus and Jesus is a pagan, that is Satanic, name! Yahooshua is waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool Fact is that there are some things that need to happen BEFORE Yahooshua will come. Foremost of these is that he is waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool.
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2/9/2025 2:35:36 PM,
It is said that the Creator is loving, merciful, gentle, forgiving, slow to anger and many other positive attributes. But the world is a mess with wars, disease, poverty running rampant on the Earth. Something does not add up?! So, what is REALLY going on?
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12/7/2024 1:55:42 PM,
In the broadcast “Emunah {Faith} is vital to walking closely with the Creator” it is stressed that it is not possible to walk closely with Yah unless one does so with a deep settled assurance of the existence, reality, goodness, protection, healing, provision, etcetera of Yah. Implicit in this principle is that if one does NOT walk in Emunah one is walking in faith in Satan and the Satanic and Demonic Realm – in other words if you walk in fear you are a servant of Satan!
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11/9/2024 7:02:20 PM,
There is a great tendency amongst people to look for errors in others and then use this as a basis to dissociate. This is the reason for so many religions and so many denominations within each religion. People find something they regard as absolute truth and then shun those who do not agree with them and, conversely, cast those people out of their assemblies.
Many years ago, Father taught me a vital principle “Seek Truth NOT Error” – when you first meet someone, look for the truth that they have and that you lack, take that truth on board and do NOT be offended by what you perceive to be error. On this basis it is possible to engage with anyone on the planet constructively.
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11/9/2024 7:02:25 PM,
There is a great tendency amongst people to look for errors in others and then use this as a basis to dissociate. This is the reason for so many religions and so many denominations within each religion. People find something they regard as absolute truth and then shun those who do not agree with them and, conversely, cast those people out of their assemblies.
Many years ago, Father taught me a vital principle “Seek Truth NOT Error” – when you first meet someone, look for the truth that they have and that you lack, take that truth on board and do NOT be offended by what you perceive to be error. On this basis it is possible to engage with anyone on the planet constructively.
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10/26/2024 1:52:19 PM,
In the article “Emunah {Faith} is vital to walking closely with the Creator” it is stressed that it is not possible to walk closely with Yah unless one does so with a deep settled assurance of the existence, reality, goodness, protection, healing, provision, etcetera of Yah. Implicit in this principle is that if one does NOT walk in Emunah one is walking in faith in Satan and the Satanic and Demonic Realm – in other words if you walk in fear you are a servant of Satan!
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9/21/2024 11:55:52 AM,
In response to the article “About Yahooshua {Jesus}” I received the following email:
“Hi James,
“1. Why did Yah banish Satan + his minions to earth when He knew He was going to create a heaven on earth for other beings to live and thrive?
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9/19/2024 1:04:10 PM,
There is a lot of confusion about the man commonly referred to as “Jesus”.
Many believe he is a manifestation of the Almighty Creator and worship him.
What is the truth?
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9/5/2024 12:56:30 PM,
There are regular statements that “Jesus is coming soon”. In fact “Jesus” has been coming soon for several hundred years and he has NOT come. Not to mention that his name is Yahooshua and NOT Jesus and Jesus is a pagan, that is Satanic, name!
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8/27/2024 7:24:16 PM,
It is said that the Creator is loving, merciful, gentle, forgiving, slow to anger and many other positive attributes.
But the world is a mess with wars, disease, poverty running rampant on the Earth.
Something does not add up?!
So, what is REALLY going on?
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8/3/2024 4:31:03 PM,
A few days ago I received the following message from Jess and thought it would be worth sharing my response as it deals with some key issues regarding what one believes about the Bible and Yah.
“Hiya, hope you’re doing great?
“What do you make of
“2 Sam 24:1 and 1 chronicles 21:1?
“Who was angry do you think? Yah or Satan?”
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6/8/2024 11:17:08 AM,
There is an almost universal lack of awareness of the Rules of Engagement which must be understood in the context of the Contest between the Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and Satan. The Contest is summarized at the end of this broadcast but first let us consider the rules of Engagement.
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2/18/2024 2:48:50 PM,
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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1/20/2024 8:21:17 AM,
Few people in this age understand Judgment – this broadcast sets out the essence of what YOU need to know about Judgment in THIS life.
There is a lot of wrong thinking regarding the End of the Age of mankind on Earth. Much of this results from wrong interpretation of verses in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible which is, in turn, the consequence of failure to recognize that while the Bible is a useful history book about Anointed Believers over a limited period of time, that is ALL that it is. Much has happened since the last “books” were written in the Bible and the Bible was then subsequently collated. Further, Father Yah says that only about 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, and the rest, while containing important historical truth, contains significant ERROR.
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1/28/2023 12:00:03 PM,
I fairly regularly receive emails about conspiracies of all sorts. Supposedly there are sinister groups of human beings who are conniving and plotting all sorts of evil against human kind.
In considering these submissions there are a few key principles to keep in mind:
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11/20/2022 3:52:36 PM,
There are regular statements that “Jesus is coming soon”. In fact “Jesus” has been coming soon for several hundred years and he has NOT come.
Yahooshua waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool
Fact is that there are some things that need to happen BEFORE he will come. Foremost of these is that he is waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool:
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10/29/2022 4:49:05 PM,
Back in 2013 I published a series of articles on the Evils of Halloween based on the writings of others. In the lead in to Halloween 2022 it seems appropriate to republish these articles as a compendium which is presented here.
If you have never been exposed to revelation of the intense Evil of Halloween I encourage you to at least skim these articles
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6/14/2023 5:01:14 PM,
There is a lot of wrong thinking regarding the End of the Age of mankind on Earth. Much of this results from wrong interpretation of verses in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible which is, in turn, the consequence of failure to recognize that while the Bible is a useful history book about Anointed Believers over a limited period of time, that is ALL that it is. Much has happened since the last “books” were written in the Bible and the Bible was then subsequently collated. Further, Father Yah says that only about 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, and the rest, while containing important historical truth, contains significant ERROR.
Father says that in 100 years from now if current trends continue there will close to zero true believers left. Within 200 years the reign of the Satanic and Demonic on Earth will have reached fever pitch and the degradation that is currently becoming more and more pronounced will be going full steam ahead to totally block any possibility of Yahooshua returning.
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6/14/2023 4:57:21 PM,
Few people in this age understand Judgment – this article sets out the essence of what YOU need to know about Judgment in THIS life.
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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7/9/2022 2:13:42 PM,
There is a general lack of knowledge of what faces human beings when they reach the end of their lives. There is a general, pervasive, unease when it comes to the question of death but very little understanding of what the scenarios are when one dies.
This article seeks to address this issue.
So, WHAT happens? WHERE do we go?
DEATH, the undiscussable outcome that we ALL face!
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6/25/2022 1:59:27 PM,
The challenge for anyone interested in the matters of life on Earth is to find an accurate historical account of the key elements of history that are really important. This article seeks to present such a history.
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10/30/2022 7:08:53 AM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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10/30/2022 7:02:59 AM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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9/21/2022 4:10:20 PM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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12/31/2021 12:02:50 PM,
What follows is a series of measures that you can take in recognition of the harsh reality that virtually every human being on earth is in gross error and grossly corrupted and contaminated by the evil in this world and that, in order to draw close to our Father in Heaven we need to take extreme measures to move ourselves out of our current condition to a position where we can be truly close to Him and bring Him joy every day.
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12/23/2021 5:37:51 PM,
We examine the subject of being IN the World but NOT OF the World. It is stressed that True Believers have a settled assurance of the existence of the Creator. It is noted that True Believers see things differently but most do NOT understand this principle. It is stated that True Believers are filled with the Spirit of Yah, the Creator. It is emphasized that True Believers hear Father Yah’s “still small voice.”
It is noted that True Believers actively honour the Ten Commandments. In closing it is stressed that ALL unbelievers are fundamentally serving Satan.
We then look at a second message relating to “Why are YOU afraid of DYING?”
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11/6/2021 1:21:28 PM,
A very important principle that many Believers miss, is that Believers are IN the World but NOT OF the World – see the Bible John 15:19, John 17:16 and other verses.
In this context “The World” refers to the World system which is ruled over by the Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds while Satan is serving his 1,000 year sentence in the Pit, they are based in Woolwich in London, UK. ALL unbelievers are part of “The World”.
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7/24/2021 2:42:27 PM,
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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6/26/2021 5:15:39 PM,
There is a lot of wrong thinking regarding the End of the Age of mankind on Earth. Much of this results from wrong interpretation of verses in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible which is, in turn, the consequence of failure to recognize that while the Bible is a useful history book about Anointed Believers over a limited period of time, that is ALL that it is. Much has happened since the last “books” were written in the Bible and the Bible was then subsequently collated. Further, Father Yah says that only about 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, and the rest, while containing important historical truth, contains significant ERROR.
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1/20/2020 2:37:37 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the real history of mankind up to the present. It is noted that there is huge error in organized religion, no matter which religion we speak of.
This Broadcast addresses the need for another turning around. It is stressed that Yah, the Creator, is at risk of losing The Contest. It is noted that worship of the Bible is not sensible and that the Bible hardly addresses the real issues facing this generation. The Bible does not have supernatural attributes but if one rea
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1/20/2020 2:26:43 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the real history of mankind up to the present. It is noted that there is huge error in organized religion, no matter which religion we speak of.
The reality of Ancestor Spirits, also known as Demons, is discussed, reference is made to the first Unbelievers and how they served Satan and became the Masterminds of what is happening on Earth. It is noted that there are over 100 billion Demons on Earth today so you really do NOT want to end up as a Demon. It is also stated
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1/20/2020 2:16:55 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the real history of mankind up to the present. It is noted that there is huge error in organized religion, no matter which religion we speak of.
This program explains that Adam was created to reign over Satan and the Force of Darkness but by disobeying the Creator Adam and all his children ever since became servants of Satan. It is explained that the only way a human being can have a deep relationship with the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, is by ha
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5/25/2019 10:06:13 PM,
Critical Elements of What I Believe
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5/1/2019 7:54:27 AM,
Most believers are not aware of Judgment in THIS life and do not understand that the reason things go wrong in their lives is a consequence of Judgment. This article explains how this happens and why it is important.
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4/28/2019 12:36:38 PM,
This article discusses the truth about Creation and the headlines of the true history of human kind on Earth.
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2/16/2019 10:06:54 AM,
How Judgment Works
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6/7/2018 10:18:06 AM,
New dispensation – Satan in the Pit
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5/17/2018 6:18:05 AM,
Satan was sent to the Pit for 1,000 years for his crimes in May 2013
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5/12/2018 11:30:51 AM,
Satan rules the Earth today through a group of Demonic Strongmen known as the MasterMinds. This necessitates that believers are cautious about what they say and do
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5/12/2018 10:52:02 AM,
Yah and Satan are constrained to act through Humans and this seriously limits their ability to act
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5/12/2018 10:47:42 AM,
The Contest between Yah and Satan is the reason this earth is such a mess today.
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12/29/2017 5:16:43 AM,
An overview of the circumstances that led to Satan being sent to the Pit for 1,000 years
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12/29/2017 4:54:09 AM,
There was a change in the Spiritual Dimension in 2003 before Satan was sent to the Pit -- all Grace was withdrawn so that the charges against Satan would be effective
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12/27/2017 12:15:29 PM,
Something went horribly wrong, Satan rebelled and took one third of the messengers {angels} with him and has totally corrupted the world we live in today.
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5/9/2019 3:08:23 PM,
The ULTIMATE SIN -- unbelief -- believing the Almighty Creator does NOT exist -- by default allegiance to Satan
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5/9/2019 2:52:22 PM,
What IF Satan WINS?
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5/8/2019 7:01:11 AM,
The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Seed of Satan
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3/23/2019 1:37:11 PM,
Satan to the Pit for a Thousand Years
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3/7/2019 11:42:54 AM,
The slide of mankind to total destruction has been turned around by a number of key prophets, specifically Noah, Abraham, Moshe, Yahooshua, Mohammed and Martin Luther These prophets have each had a dramatic impact on the world at a moment in time
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3/6/2019 10:40:36 AM,
When Adam disobeyed Yah and ate of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil he knew NO evil, only Good, at that point mankind commenced a journey to learn ALL evil, a journey that is now well on its way to being fulfilled
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2/28/2019 11:50:36 AM,
A detailed description of what the fate of unbelievers is on earth today and what they will face in the event that Satan wins the Contest
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2/28/2019 11:34:07 AM,
A discussion of what is REALLY happening on earth in terms of the activities of the Satanic Realm and the activities of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator
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2/28/2019 11:30:55 AM,
A discussion of some of Satan's methods and devices
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2/28/2019 11:09:52 AM,
When Yah created Adam he also created a woman, Lilith, who fell away after Satan very quickly. Thereafter Yah created Chavah {Eve}
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2/27/2019 1:24:00 PM,
The man typically referred to as "Jesus" was and is a man, he is NOT Yah or the Spirit of Yah, therefore to invite Jesus into your heart is to invite a demon called Jesus into your heart. There is a very powerful order of Demons named Jesus
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2/27/2019 1:20:49 PM,
Molech is one of the most powerful demons on earth, he is one of the Masterminds, the most powerful demons who report directly to Satan and advise him and direct the Satanic campaign on earth. Molech was one of the first unbelievers before the Flood of Noah and survived the flood riding on Ham, Noah's youngest son. He and the others that survived the flood on Ham rapidly built up a very powerful command structure on earth which exists to this day
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2/27/2019 1:18:05 PM,
When an unbeliever dies their spirit remains on earth as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon and is locked into service as a servant of Satan. Some demons, the spirits of "good" unbelievers try and avoid being sucked into the evil, the rest work at becoming more evil with a view to gaining promotion
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2/27/2019 1:14:56 PM,
Satanists are Satan Servants, primarily male, who serve Satan through curses, the control of demons and other spiritual mechanisms directed at advancing the agenda of Satan on earth. They receive rank in proportion to the evil they commit
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2/27/2019 1:08:19 PM,
Witches are Satan servants, mostly but NOT always women, who use cursing, control of demons and all sorts of other mechanisms in the spiritual realm to serve Satan. High end Witches are extremely powerful and gain power by killing and sacrificing other human beings and through other acts of obedience and obeisance to Satan. Witches are Illuminated ones
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2/27/2019 1:05:40 PM,
An Illuminated one is a person who is filled with Demons in the space designed for the Spirit of the Almighty, this is a Demon POSSESSED person
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2/27/2019 1:02:09 PM,
In terms of the Rules of Engagement Yah and Satan are both constrained to operate on earth through human beings. Yah is therefore constrained to act through believers and the fewer believers there are and the less they are filled with Yah's Spirit and in touch with Yah the less Yah is able to do so that in the present age Yah is almost powerless on earth
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2/27/2019 12:58:16 PM,
The real battle is in the spiritual or Heavenly Realm
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2/27/2019 12:38:11 PM,
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2/27/2019 12:14:14 PM,
Principalities, powers, thrones and dominions are the high level organizational structures of the Demonic and Satanic realm
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2/27/2019 12:10:41 PM,
Satan is a messenger or angel that rebelled against Yah
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2/27/2019 12:08:03 PM,
Satan is a messenger or angel that rebelled against Yah and was cast out of Heaven. He challenged Yah to a contest and claimed that if he was given 7,000 years he would corrupt Yah's creation of human beings to such an extent that NOT ONE human being would serve Yah in any meaningful way at the end of the 7,000 years, he has come close to achieving this goal on several occasions, he is assisted by billions of other messengers and billions of demons including demonic Masterminds
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2/14/2019 7:01:51 AM,
A discussion of who Satan is, the messenger {Angel} who rebelled against Yah, the Almighty Creator, was cast out of Heaven and entered into a Contest with Yah to see if he could totally mislead mankind from serving Yah
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1/3/2019 7:25:43 AM,
The reason that in strict terms that an animal was slaughtered when a covenant was made is to reflect the fact that there is a death sentence for breaking covenant -- Yahooshua, by prophetic assignment, substituted bread and wine for the body and blood of the covenant animal but the principle remains the same -- if you break the covenant you have with Yah through the offering of Yahooshua you WILL die
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1/3/2019 7:19:22 AM,
A covenant is a strong contract with a death penalty for breaking it -- a covenant is entered into as a formal contract by taking bread and wine together over the terms of the contract in former years an animal was slaughtered and the blood sprinkled -- Yah is the originator of covenant and it is vital to understand covenant to understand how Yah operates
The Satanic realm also makes much use of covenant, this is why blood is so significant in the practice of witchcraft, Satanism, etc
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1/3/2019 6:39:07 AM,
Satan sent to the Pit for 1,000 years in 2003
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1/3/2019 6:31:40 AM,
The spiritual government of this world is directed by Satan through seven Demonic Masterminds, the spirits of seven human beings who died before the flood and survived the flood riding on Ham, the youngest son of Noah These Masterminds operate through a sophisticated hierarchy of demons and Satanic messengers to seduce and mislead the people on earth today
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1/2/2019 2:47:33 PM,
In may 2003 Satan was sentenced for his crimes against humanity and sentenced to spend 1,000 years in the Pit, at the end of this time he will be released and the final stage of the contest will culminate with judgment as to whether there is an anointed servant of Yah to take authority on the earth or whether Satan has won the contest
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1/2/2019 3:33:33 PM,
A description of the battle that rages in the Heavenly, non-physical realm
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1/2/2019 3:29:42 PM,
A discussion of the mechanisms and devices that Satan uses to operate on earth and with which he has been highly successful having dominated most of the planet for most of the 6,000 years of the contest
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1/2/2019 3:18:41 PM,
The Masterminds are the most powerful demons on the planet, they have the intellect and experience to rule the Satanic realm with direct reporting to Satan and, in his absence in the Pit, they rule totally on earth today. The most senior masterminds survived the flood riding on Ham, the youngest son of Noah
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1/2/2019 3:14:34 PM,
Demons are the spirits of human beings who have died without ever believing in Yah for deliverance {salvation}
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1/2/2019 2:59:28 PM,
If Satan wins the contest he will rule on earth for eternity with the evil and degradation that has always accompanied Satan's rulership as evidenced by Africa, many isolated islands and other so-called "primitive" people all of whom have turned to serving Yah, once the Spirit of Yah finally departs the planet ALL living human beings and animals will die and the earth will become a desolate wilderness with stranded demons next to the corpses of their carriers and demonic masterminds fighting for
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1/2/2019 2:37:32 PM,
For the last 6,000 years mankind has been learning all there is to learn about evil and error to the point where humans today hardly know anything about Yah and the things and matters of Yah, this website seeks to restore knowledge of these things
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1/2/2019 2:31:54 PM,
The real battle on earth is between the highly anointed, filled with the Spirit of Yah and the highly illuminated, filled with and controlled by demons
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1/2/2019 2:28:46 PM,
The forces of darkness, Satan and his servants rule on earth because Adam gave authority to them, Yah is constrained to operate through believers and since there are so few believers and even fewer who accurately hear Yah and understand the reality of the contest Yah is severely constrained
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1/2/2019 2:23:28 PM,
Satan also has to work through the sons of Adam, neither Satan nor his servants whether messengers {angels} or ancestor spirits {demons} can do ANYTHING on earth unless it is first spoken out through a living son of Adam, that is a living human being
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1/2/2019 2:20:45 PM,
In terms of the rules of engagement Yah works on earth through the sons, that is descendants of Adam, Yah can do NOTHING on earth unless it is first spoken out by a son or daughter of Adam
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1/2/2019 2:17:05 PM,
There are specific rules relating to the battle or contest between Yah and Satan on earth
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1/2/2019 2:07:02 PM,
A discussion of the contest between the Almighty Creator and Satan
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1/2/2019 1:59:53 PM,
The most effective lies of the Satanic realm -- things that are widely believed and generally considered to be true
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12/29/2018 11:56:02 AM,
The continuum between Yah and Satan can be viewed as a flattenend S on its side with the right hand side climbing steeply towards the Almighty and ALL truth and the left hand side sloping steeply towards Satan and ALL error, there is a wide almost flat portion in the middle where the vast majority of human beings live
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12/27/2018 2:14:21 PM,
The End Time Issue Ministries logo represents the continuum between all error in the form of Satan and all truth in the form of the Almighty Creator, the goal of this ministry is to assist people to climb away from error and towards increasing levels of truth
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12/25/2013 4:55:57 AM,
The second article on Christmas, dealing with some heavier issues
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12/25/2013 4:36:00 AM,
Father Yah requested that I find three articles that best summarize the issues that believers should consider when deciding whether to observe Christmas or NOT
This is the first article
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11/23/2013 7:08:21 AM,
In order to understand much of what is written on this list it is vital to understand the fundamental spiritual context in which what is written here is presented
This article discusses the rules of engagement between Yah and Satan with a view to assisting readers to better understand what is happening
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10/12/2013 8:40:28 AM,
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
In understanding that the bible is NOT all that is claimed for it it is important to recognize the other side of that debate
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Worship of the bible is idolatry and is pervasive across the planet
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
How do you draw close to Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator?
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
When things go wrong in your life look in the mirror for the cause
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
The hierarchy of control of the Satanic realm
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
The organization of the Satanic realm
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
A discussion of the forces of darkness that are operating in the world
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