2/6/2025 8:04:29 PM,
Carlos Salgado Lubo in Columbia has been walking with me since 2019 and has energetically implemented most of my teachings; worshipping and praying daily, cleaning up his life and seeking to draw close to Yah.
At 07:15 am my time (UK) 2:15 am his time on Monday 3rd February 2025, Carlos messaged me to say “James; I am anointed; Strongly anointed; Just had a most powerful experience while in my sleep; And woke up; Feeling a power I’ve never felt” he sent a whole lot of messages outlining what he had experienced.
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10/15/2024 5:35:11 PM,
When a person first comes to Belief in the Almighty Creator, whose true Name is “Yah” as in “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” which describes Him, Yah imparts a portion of His Spirit into the new Believer. For this reason this is referred to as the “Set-Apart Spirit” because Yah sets apart a portion of His Spirit to help and guide that person. This broadcast will address that point.
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6/1/2024 2:35:02 PM,
Clarifying the role of the Set-Apart Spirit of Yah.
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2/17/2024 11:16:19 AM,
The Anointing -- what is it? -- why seek it? -- how does it manifest? -- be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU”
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12/26/2023 12:44:51 PM,
This article provides robust biblical evidence that “baptism” is in fact “immersion” and was prescribed in the Torah {law} by Moshe {Moses}.
It is evidenced that the Almighty and Yahooshua require us to continue to practice these ordinances as appropriate and that there are many situations in which immersion is appropriate.
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5/14/2023 2:21:47 PM,
One of the gifts that result from a True Believer being filled with the Spirit of Yah, also known as “Anointed with the Spirit of Yah” {aka Christ} is the gift of being able to pray in the Spirit, led by the Spirit and including but not limited to the gift of praying in different tongues which may be in an Earthly language unknown to the Believer in question or a spiritual unknown to any human being.
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5/13/2023 7:26:24 PM,
One of the foundational experiences of a Believer is to be Immersed {Baptized} in the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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10/1/2022 2:14:09 PM,
This coming Friday 7th October 2022 is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, from sunset Thursday to sunset Friday. This is the most important day in Yah’s Calendar in the entire year and should be observed with a total fast, water only, from Sunset to Sunset, it is a High Sabbath, NO secular or commercial activity, totally committed to Father Yah, please take leave.
The following Wednesday 12th October is the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, again a High Sabbath, please take leave, this is the day that Yahooshua was born. Wednesday 19th October if the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles and is again a High Sabbath. If you want a Feast Day to replace Christmas, THIS is the day to do it.
To better understand the relationship between Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} and the Feast of Tabernacles I have sourced the article that follows. I encourage you to read the entire article, it contains some important insights that make the Feast of Tabernacles MUCH more relevant to committed Believers.
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12/25/2021 2:11:03 PM,
This is an authoritative and important work and should be read in the context of eschewing Christmas and rather observing Tabernacles. Read this in the context of the article “The True Birthday of Yahooshua” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/true-birthday-of-yahooshua and “The Evil of Christmas” https://www.eti-ministries.org/evil-of-christmas So read this article with a mind to how you would observe Tabernacles in coming years.
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3/23/2023 9:09:15 PM,
This is an authoritative and important work and should be read in the context of eschewing Christmas and rather observing Tabernacles. Read this in the context of the article “The True Birthday of Yahooshua” at https://www.etimin.org/true-birthday-of-yahooshua and “The Evil of Christmas” https://www.etimin.org/evil-of-christmas So read this article with a mind to how you would observe Tabernacles in coming years.
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5/26/2019 1:59:54 PM,
Critical Elements of the Anointed Life
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12/27/2018 2:49:20 PM,
The infilling or anointing of a believer with the Spirit of the Almighty is a vital component of equipping a person to serve the Almighty
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
The concept of "The Trinity" being "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" is pervasive and occurs throughout Christianity, it is however false and blasphemous and should be avoided
This article explains why
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
One of the most fundamental principles of walking with Yah is dying so that Yah can live through us
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7/27/2019 1:02:28 PM,
A New Age Has Begun: We Are Called To Reign With The Anointing Of The Set Apart Holy Spirit
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