3/25/2023 8:01:33 PM,
Back in 2011 I recorded a set of videos on “Proof of a Global Flood” and posted them on YouTube. Today I downloaded the videos from YouTube and concatenated them into one video which I hope you will find of interest. The key message is that there WAS a massive hydraulic and tectonic event resulting from an Ice Comet impact with the Earth about 4,500 years ago as a judgment from the Almighty. The videos look at a range of geologic and geographic factors which corroborate this.
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4/12/2020 10:13:11 AM,
This Broadcast examines the manner in which the presence of Sedimentary Rocks over about 90% of the Earth’s surface proves the reality of a Global Flood. Examples such as Table Mountain and the Grand Canyon are cited to evidence this. We then go on to look at Granite Domes and specifically the Halfway House Granite Dome in South Africa as evidence of a massive tectonic event and the resulting disruption of the sedimentary rocks into which the Dome has intruded. We then look at the African Erosion Surface as evidence of massive cutting action. All of these provide supporting evidence with regard to the Global Flood.
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
End Time Issue Ministries has recently produced a series of videos which exhaustively prove there has been a global flood from various viewpoints.
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