3/2/2025 7:15:16 PM,
Recently I was asked why I say the true Sabbath is Saturday and NOT Sunday, this article addresses this question.
Many years ago Father showed me that He had NOT changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as practiced by nearly all Christians and that I should strictly observe Saturday as the Sabbath in accordance with the Fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments as reported in Shemoth {Exodus} 20:8-11
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1/28/2025 9:09:46 PM,
A discussion with Bible references defining Sin relative to the Ten Commandments, an outline of Judgment in this life and the benefits of living without sin. Essential teaching if you are really committed to serving the Almighty in this age.
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1/25/2025 1:03:07 PM,
Last week we spoke about the power and authority that comes from living above sin.
This week In this broadcast I discuss the reality that one of the fundamental requirements for any True Believer to have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah as in “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” is to live life free of sin. It is NOT possible to get REALLY CLOSE to Father Yah while you have sin in your life and are therefore a servant of Satan.
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1/11/2025 11:51:15 AM,
There is considerable difference of opinion with regard to the “Law” that was given by Moshe {Moses} that has been fulfilled by Yahooshua versus the so-called “Torah” that it is said is still applicable, versus the “Law” that Yah has said He will write on the hearts of true Believers. This broadcast discusses the various conflicting interpretations and sets out my understanding of what is correct.
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1/18/2025 5:31:35 PM,
Teaching 18th January 2025 on Who IS Yahooshua {Jesus}?, what is the “Way”? Right hand of the Father, what should YOU do?
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1/4/2025 1:04:05 PM,
There is considerable difference of opinion with regard to the “Law” that was given by Moshe {Moses} that has been fulfilled by Yahooshua versus the so-called “Torah” that it is said is still applicable, versus the “Law” that Yah has said He will write on the hearts of true Believers. This broadcast discusses the various conflicting interpretations and sets out my understanding of what is correct.
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12/28/2024 11:31:38 AM,
There is considerable difference of opinion with regard to the “Law” that was given by Moshe {Moses} that has been fulfilled by Yahooshua versus the so-called “Torah” that it is said is still applicable, versus the “Law” that Yah has said He will write on the hearts of true Believers. This broadcast discusses the various conflicting interpretations and sets out my understanding of what is correct.
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12/22/2024 5:51:36 PM,
Over a number of years I have had contact with various “Messianic” people who see themselves as “Torah Observant” and who correctly see Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus} as Messiah [the Anointed One who was to come]. The question that arises is whether Torah Observance as in a formal study of texts and observance of texts is relevant in this age. In saying this, while I have read the so-called “Old Testament” from Bereshith {Genesis} to Malaki {Malachi} over twenty times since I came to serve Father Yah intensely, Father has never impressed on me that I should become observant of some of those books at an intellectual / works level.
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8/24/2024 2:01:11 PM,
One of the fundamental requirements for any True Believer to have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah as in “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” {incorrectly the LORD} is to live life free of sin.
It is NOT possible to get REALLY CLOSE to Father Yah while you have sin in your life and are therefore a servant of Satan.
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1/20/2024 8:17:55 AM,
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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5/27/2023 1:47:34 PM,
Sunday 28th of May 2023 is Shavuot, the day of Pentecost which is a high Sabbath and should be observed accordingly. It starts at sunrise Sunday and ends at sunrise Monday.
Two major events happened historically at Shavuot:
- The Almighty Creator manifested on Mount Sinai with flames and smoke and gave the Ten Commandments out loud to the children of Israel and gave the Commandments to Moshe engraved on stone tablets.
- The Set-Apart {Set-Apart {Holy}} Spirit of Yah, the Creator, was poured out on the Believers in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after the resurrection of Yahooshua {Jesus}.
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3/4/2023 1:07:41 PM,
I fairly regularly receive emails about the Microchip being the “Mark of the Beast”. This is based on Revelation 13:16 and 17 “16 Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast], 17 and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Because it is postulated that the microchip will be necessary in order to buy or sell in the so-called “new world order” it is inferred that the microchip IS this mark.
There are a number of challenges with this interpretation:
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6/14/2023 4:52:40 PM,
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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10/30/2022 7:08:53 AM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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10/30/2022 7:02:59 AM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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9/21/2022 4:10:20 PM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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12/31/2021 12:02:50 PM,
What follows is a series of measures that you can take in recognition of the harsh reality that virtually every human being on earth is in gross error and grossly corrupted and contaminated by the evil in this world and that, in order to draw close to our Father in Heaven we need to take extreme measures to move ourselves out of our current condition to a position where we can be truly close to Him and bring Him joy every day.
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12/23/2021 5:37:51 PM,
We examine the subject of being IN the World but NOT OF the World. It is stressed that True Believers have a settled assurance of the existence of the Creator. It is noted that True Believers see things differently but most do NOT understand this principle. It is stated that True Believers are filled with the Spirit of Yah, the Creator. It is emphasized that True Believers hear Father Yah’s “still small voice.”
It is noted that True Believers actively honour the Ten Commandments. In closing it is stressed that ALL unbelievers are fundamentally serving Satan.
We then look at a second message relating to “Why are YOU afraid of DYING?”
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11/6/2021 1:21:28 PM,
A very important principle that many Believers miss, is that Believers are IN the World but NOT OF the World – see the Bible John 15:19, John 17:16 and other verses.
In this context “The World” refers to the World system which is ruled over by the Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds while Satan is serving his 1,000 year sentence in the Pit, they are based in Woolwich in London, UK. ALL unbelievers are part of “The World”.
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6/20/2021 4:59:40 PM,
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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3/26/2023 4:40:40 PM,
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions.
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4/13/2020 5:57:58 PM,
This Broadcast further examines a range of Spiritual and Religious Principles and laws that we should be aware of. We look at various names that are Satanic and should be avoided, like God. We look at the confusion relating to the meaningless word Christ, we discuss the confusion relating to acceptable marriage, we note that there is a death penalty in the Court of Heaven for breach of Covenant. Judgment in this life is discussed, we are told NOT to worship any Mighty One but Yah. The Ten Laws or Ten Words (Ten Commandments) are discussed and it is explained how Yahooshua accomplished what he accomplished. The Mark of the Beast is briefly discussed.
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4/13/2020 5:37:33 PM,
This Broadcast further examines physically verifiable signs of Judgment and cautions that further Judgment can be expected. It is noted that the greatest miracle is that Noah and his family survived the massively traumatic event of the Global Flood and that this, alone, should cause people to fear Judgment. Other proof of the accuracy of the writings in the first five books of the Bible is offered.
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8/7/2019 7:15:02 PM,
This article demonstrates that it is possible to Overcome and that there are many rewards for Overcoming. It looks at the Ranks in Heaven in the Context of how we live our lives on Earth. It demonstrates that it is necessary to live differently, act differently, believe differently, pray differently and embark on radical change. The article looks at Indicators with regard to pleasing the Almighty.
In particular it looks at Emunah (Faith). Faith is a word that has got a lot of pagan connotations. Emunah is the Hebrew word which is a much richer and more embracing term for what you may know as faith. The article also evidences that it is necessary to pay a price to gain the rewards of the Kingdom of Yah, Yah being the true name of the Almighty Creator whom you may know as the Lord and God.
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7/16/2019 1:33:03 PM,
This Broadcast continues the discussion of “Where will YOU Spend Eternity” and looks at the reality that 99% of those called are NOT in Heaven, that we have to take personal responsibility for our Eternal Destiny, that we should FEAR the Judgment of the Almighty. It questions whether we know what sin is and defines the essence of sin and asserts that nearly all of mankind is breaking most of the Commandments. It is asserted that we are called to Love the Almighty Intensely and that there is a Continuum in where we can end up.
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5/25/2019 9:58:22 PM,
This section looks at Core Teachings or Doctrine that are important to understanding the matters of the Kingdom of the Almighty. The section starts with an analysis of what I personally believe and then looks at critical considerations with regard to Core Belief. It then examines critical aspects of the Contest, the Rules of Engagement and Turning around. The realites with regard to Yahooshua {Jesus} are then examined in more detail together with the realities relating to the Bible. The Ten
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5/25/2019 8:41:28 PM,
This article continues the discussion on cleansing with particular emphasis on the Ten Commandments and on deliverance from Demons.
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5/1/2019 8:11:58 AM,
This article discusses why it is important to seek “Truth and NOT Error” and the reality that the Mark of the Beast is breaking any of the Ten Commandments.
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5/1/2019 8:02:10 AM,
This article gives further discussion on the Ten Commandments, how the vast majority of believers break most of the Commandments and what is required in order to comply and why it is important to comply.
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5/1/2019 7:58:55 AM,
This article gives an in-depth analysis of the Ten Commandments, how the vast majority of believers break most of the Commandments and what is required in order to comply and why it is important to comply.
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5/18/2018 7:48:04 AM,
All of the Ten Commandments are being broken, this article explains why
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5/18/2018 6:46:12 AM,
Discussion of the Ten Commandments, how they have been disregarded and how important they are
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4/28/2018 1:07:05 PM,
There is NO point in honouring and complying with the Ten Commandments ULESS one is in a material relationship with the Almighty Creator
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3/24/2018 6:50:08 AM,
The Ten Commandments are given to enable us to divide truth from error -- we should use them as a sharp two edged sword in this context
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4/16/2019 6:16:56 AM,
Section 8: Signs Of Judgment -- Real Mount Sinai and Ten Commandments
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2/27/2019 11:58:56 AM,
All of the 10 Commandments as well as the Principal Commandment have been almost universally broken and made of NO effect through the errors of church teaching
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Many believers get side-tracked and into serious sin with regard to conspiracy theories
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
A series of answers to some challenging questions each one of which highlights major error in the Christian church
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
This article follows on from the article "What is really happening" and discusses the different spiritual components of the forces that are engaged in the spiritual battle for supremacy on earth
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
There is much talk of the Mark of the Beast but it is NOT the microchip
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
A few days ago I received an email which, amongst other things, posed the question "How can believers get to the point of a close relationship with Yah?
Based on my own experience and the experience of others that I have come across I will share some suggestions.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Few people understand how the forces of darkness operate
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
The true meanings of law and grace -- clearing up the confusion
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
Over the years Father Yah {the LORD, God} has led me to understand many important truths.
This article summarizes the most important of these.
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
If while visiting this site you conclude that you have been in serious sin with regard to the Names, the person of Yahooshua, the book {bible}, etc you might pray as follows:
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
If while visiting this site you conclude that there really is a Creator and you have doubted or not believed previously, you might pray as follows >>
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
End Time Issue Ministries has recently produced a series of videos which exhaustively prove there has been a global flood from various viewpoints.
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