2/16/2025 8:50:38 PM,
In response to the teaching on Saturday 15th February 2025 that Jesus is NOT God, Yahooshua is NOT Yah
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2/15/2025 2:41:15 PM,
A detailed discussion based on numerous Bible passages proving that Yahooshua is NOT Yah (Jesus is NOT God).
- Can you prove that Jesus IS God?
- Comprehensive proof from the Bible that Yahooshua is NOT Yah
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8/26/2024 2:42:37 PM,
How does one have a relationship with someone if one does not know that person’s name?
The Almighty Creator has said “IF you love me you will call me by my True Name!”
So, do YOU know The true Name of the Almighty Creator?
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7/29/2023 2:49:35 PM,
In the last year or two I have shared a large number of articles and videos from third parties to address topics that I do not have the anointing to teach on.
My discipline with such items is that I do not edit or censor but share, “as is” and leave it to readers and listeners to discern the truth for themselves.
Recently I have become concerned that I have shared such a volume of material that certain key truths are being overwhelmed. Accordingly I have produced the following video to address these concerns and share the items I consider most important:
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5/6/2023 2:33:47 PM,
One of the questions that I suspect many (most?) of the people who encounter my teachings regarding the Names, position of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}, position of the Bible, etcetera must ask is “there are so many people who speak authoritatively about Jesus, God, The LORD, the Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is God, Sabbath is Sunday, etcetera, HOW can James be right and they are all mistaken?!”
It is certainly a valid question.
Particularly since I assert that people who continue in the use of these Names and concepts will spend time in Hell if the do NOT repent in this life!
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4/30/2023 3:53:45 PM,
I regularly post content from third parties, either from websites or from YouTube, particularly on the informal mailing list. In general most, if not all of the items I share differ with me on certain key points, some of which I consider important – to the extent that people listening or reading might draw incorrect conclusions.
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3/25/2023 8:01:33 PM,
Back in 2011 I recorded a set of videos on “Proof of a Global Flood” and posted them on YouTube. Today I downloaded the videos from YouTube and concatenated them into one video which I hope you will find of interest. The key message is that there WAS a massive hydraulic and tectonic event resulting from an Ice Comet impact with the Earth about 4,500 years ago as a judgment from the Almighty. The videos look at a range of geologic and geographic factors which corroborate this.
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3/4/2023 1:07:41 PM,
I fairly regularly receive emails about the Microchip being the “Mark of the Beast”. This is based on Revelation 13:16 and 17 “16 Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast], 17 and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Because it is postulated that the microchip will be necessary in order to buy or sell in the so-called “new world order” it is inferred that the microchip IS this mark.
There are a number of challenges with this interpretation:
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1/7/2023 3:52:59 PM,
I periodically get emails from people who take issue with me because I state that Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus} was and is a human being, a created being and is NOT “God in the flesh”. I have addressed this in various ways over the years see “2022.10.08 The Five BIG Lies about Jesus” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-five-big-lies-about-jesus and “2022.11.02 The Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {Jesus}” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/nine-greatest-truths-about-yahooshua-jesus See also “2021.04.05 The Essence of my message concerning Yahooshua {Jesus}” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-yahooshua-jesus
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12/8/2022 7:31:19 PM,
Many years ago, as I came to terms with the true Name of the Almighty Creator which is “Yah” as in “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” He said to me "IF you love me you will call me by my true name!"
Think about it – the ONLY reason we exist is to have a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator – HOW can you do this if you do NOT know His Name?
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11/5/2022 11:33:16 AM,
The truth about Yahooshua, who is mistakenly widely called “Jesus”, is complex. I have written widely on this topic over the years, see for example the Article on “The Miracle of Yahooshua’s Death” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-yahooshua-jesus as two important recent examples
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10/19/2022 2:33:32 PM,
I fairly regularly encounter people who disagree with me regarding Jesus. In response to my recent article 2022.10.07 The Spirit of Yah NOT Jesus Indwells Anointed Believers (https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-spirit-of-yah-not-jesus-indwells-anointed-believers) I received the following from LB a retired Army Chaplain who had a dramatic conversion experience with Yahooshua many years ago “If Jesus does not indwells you, Then The devil indwells one. Chaplain B” I responded and there was an exchange but we got nowhere.
In considering my response to LB I concluded that there was a need for a blunt article that addresses the harsh reality of the lies relating to Jesus. Hence this article.
In contemplating my response I concluded that there are FIVE major LIES about Jesus that need to be addressed, they are:
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4/23/2023 5:02:06 PM,
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions. Nearly all of my writings are presented on the Website www.ETI-Ministries.org including a set of PDF volumes available at https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings.
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4/23/2023 4:52:53 PM,
There is all sorts of debate about the true name of the Almighty Creator commonly known as "God" or "The LORD" and the true name of the Prophet of Galilee commonly known as "Jesus".
There is ONLY one way to find the true names and that is by praying for guidance and fasting until one comes to a place of personal revelation through the leading of the Spirit of the Almighty.
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11/23/2021 3:40:32 PM,
We will mention that my ministry and my life with the Creator is the culmination of applying Engineering Principles to every facet of my life and my learning about the Creator. We will mention the document “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” and stress its importance as a foundational document.
We will then speak about the article “Critical Actions on First Belief” and stress its importance. Thereafter we will look at the essence of my Message with regard to Names. We will start by looking at “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” mistakenly translated “The LORD.”
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8/21/2021 1:17:32 PM,
I have recently received several emails regarding the true Name of the Almighty Creator, following is a discussion of the key points on this topic.
In particular I would like to offer a number of corrections with regard to names that are commonly used in English – these corrections are made within the context of the reality that Belief in the Creator and Belief through Yahooshua {Jesus} are represented to a degree in Christianity, and Christianity is therefore a fundamentally Hebrew Religion.The wrong names that are almost universal in Christianity have, for the most part, been adopted in the English used by Jews, Moslems and other religions to refer to the Almighty Creator.
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12/19/2020 4:11:03 PM,
There continues to be great confusion about the true names of the Almighty. This article sets out key points relating to the fact that the TRUE Name of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, occurs over 7,000 times in the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament. Nearly 7,000 times in the form Yahooeh or Yahweh meaning “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and many more times in words and names like Yahooshua, HalleluYah, etc.
It is also noted that The LORD, God and Jesus are Satanic names and should NEVER be used.
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6/26/2022 4:55:40 PM,
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions.
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12/19/2020 1:11:07 PM,
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions. Nearly all of my writings are presented on the Website www.ETI-Ministries.org including a set of pdf volumes available at https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings
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6/9/2020 6:47:09 PM,
An overview of key facts that are fundamental to coming to a place of close relationship with the Almighty Creator addressing words that are commonly used but which are in serious error.
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4/13/2020 6:11:03 PM,
This Broadcast further examines the reality that the True Name of the Almighty Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and that this name is important to Him. We look again and false names and the confusion they cause and ask whether YOU love Father Yah enough to change your use of names. We ask what you choose to do and look in more detail at names containing Yah.
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4/13/2020 6:07:16 PM,
This Broadcast examines the True Name of the Creator in the Bible in more detail. Yah has said that IF we love Him we will call Him by His true Name. We examine the implications of the Commandment NOT to take His Name in Vain. We examine the truth with regard to Yahooeh or Yahweh as opposed to “The LORD”, we note that Almighty is the correct translation of Elohim in most cases. We look at names that reference Yah and note that Yahooshua means “Yah is Salvation”. We look at other names and descriptors relating to the Almighty.
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4/13/2020 6:01:52 PM,
This Broadcast examines the true Name of the Creator. It also examines the false names, particularly God, The LORD, Jesus and Christ and explains how these false names have given rise to all sorts of confusion and misunderstanding. It is noted that words that sound like Yah break the Commandment NOT to take the Name of the Almighty in Vain. It is stressed that the correct names ARE really important.
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5/10/2019 5:58:37 AM,
Seeking to help people to draw close to the Almighty Creator by restoring lost truths by applying an engineering approach of rigor, inquiry and seeking understanding of fundamental first principles
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5/15/2019 7:55:03 PM,
Seeking to help people to draw close to the Almighty Creator by restoring lost truths by applying an engineering approach of rigor, inquiry and seeking understanding of fundamental first principles
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4/28/2019 12:48:14 PM,
There is a widespread belief that “Jesus is God”, that Yahooshua is equal to and equivalent to the Creator, this is NOT true and this article discusses in detail why Yahooshua is a man and NOT the Creator in disguise.
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5/10/2019 7:06:09 AM,
Seeking to help people to draw close to the Almighty Creator by restoring lost truths by applying an engineering approach of rigor, inquiry and seeking understanding of fundamental first principles
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5/15/2019 9:00:05 PM,
Seeking to help people to draw close to the Almighty Creator by restoring lost truths by applying an engineering approach of rigor, inquiry and seeking understanding of fundamental first principles
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3/7/2019 11:46:14 AM,
There are three primary religions on earth today which are at some level seeking to serve the Almighty, ALL three have major errors, these are Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- the full truths of the Almighty lie roughly in the center of these three religions
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3/7/2019 11:31:20 AM,
The inquisition largely stamped out the will and knowledge to observe true belief and teaching with regard to matters pertaining to Yah in ways that continue to impact the world today
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2/28/2019 1:42:44 PM,
The LORD is an accurate translation of "Baal" which is the name of a pagan (Satanic) mighty one (idol) and should NOT be used to describe the Almighty OR Yahooshua {Jesus}
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2/28/2019 12:51:41 PM,
The LORD is an accurate translation of "Baal" which is the name of a pagan (Satanic) mighty one (idol) and should NOT be used to describe the Almighty OR Yahooshua {Jesus}. "The LORD" is frequently incorrectly used to translate the Hebrew phrase "Yahooeh" which means "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing", "Yah" is the true name of the Almighty
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2/28/2019 12:47:12 PM,
Grace has been withdrawn for the use of the false and blasphemous names like "God", "The LORD", "Jesus", "Christ", etc. Satan is now in the Pit for his crimes against humanity and Yah is constrained from further extending grace for the errors of human beings resulting from the interference of the Satanic realm
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2/28/2019 12:43:23 PM,
A discussion of the false, blasphemous names applied to the Almighty and in other situations
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1/3/2019 6:31:40 AM,
The spiritual government of this world is directed by Satan through seven Demonic Masterminds, the spirits of seven human beings who died before the flood and survived the flood riding on Ham, the youngest son of Noah These Masterminds operate through a sophisticated hierarchy of demons and Satanic messengers to seduce and mislead the people on earth today
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12/30/2018 7:21:07 AM,
Some specific messages given by the Almighty through James Robertson (over and above the teachings, etc on this site which are inspired at different levels), there are other older messages that have NOT been catalogued yet
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12/27/2018 2:20:17 PM,
The Almighty Creator deeply desires an intense personal relationship with YOU, this section discusses some important principles
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12/27/2018 2:09:11 PM,
James Robertson supports his ministry through working as a Management Consultant at the strategic executive level with regard to strategic planning and business information systems trouble shooting and implementation assisted by the Spirit of the Almighty
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12/27/2018 2:04:37 PM,
End Time Issue Ministries is the ministry through which James Robertson has published the information that he has gathered in his years of seeking to serve the Almighty
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12/27/2018 1:57:49 PM,
An overview of the major milestones in the walk of James Robertson seeking to know the Creator
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12/27/2018 1:54:06 PM,
James Robertson is a Civil Engineer by training and applies Engineering methods in the strategic application of Business Information Systems in order to support his ministry
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12/27/2018 1:49:21 PM,
This section contains more detailed information regarding James Robertson, End Time Issue Ministries and James Robertson's business through which he supports this ministry
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12/27/2018 1:46:14 PM,
Seeking to help people to draw close to the Almighty Creator by restoring lost truths by applying an engineering approach of rigor, inquiry and seeking understanding of fundamental first principles
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12/27/2018 12:49:00 PM,
Further words including Yah or making reference to Yah
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12/27/2018 12:39:33 PM,
A detailed listing of a wide diversity of words that, in fact, refer to Yah but which in common English usage bear no relation to that Name
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12/27/2018 12:34:42 PM,
A brief indication of the extent to which the Name Yah occurs
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12/27/2018 12:19:42 PM,
Some further words which refer to Yah
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12/26/2018 2:27:37 PM,
A detailed listing of all words that most visibly contain the name of Yah This is vitally important in order to understand how Yah as expressed through His Name permeated Hebrew society in the centuries that are most comprehensively documented in the Bible It is also critical to understanding the truth regarding the name of the man commonly referred to as "Jesus" but whose actual name was "Yahooshua"
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12/26/2018 2:08:33 PM,
A detailed analysis of the words that are typically translated as "God" and "The LORD" This is vital to understanding how to unpack the mass of error that exists
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12/26/2018 2:01:22 PM,
Some important considerations in interpreting this document
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12/26/2018 1:56:37 PM,
The TRUE name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" other names are blasphemous and should be avoided
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Many people resist using the true names Yah and Yahooshua
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Dramatic miracles performed in the name of Jesus, are they of Yah?
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
How should you conduct yourself over Easter (the feast of the goddess Ishtar)?
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Most of the miracles in the church today, and most of the answered prayers, are being delivered by the forces of darkness
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
About ten years ago the Almighty started to deal with me about a wide variety of issues, one of these was His true Name
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
Over the years Father Yah {the LORD, God} has led me to understand many important truths.
This article summarizes the most important of these.
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8/30/2019 8:29:29 PM,
Comment On Forgotten Yah's Name For Baal (the LORD)
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8/30/2019 8:26:19 PM,
Forgotten Yah's Name For Baal (the LORD)
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7/27/2019 3:19:35 PM,
Why Do You Say That The LORD Means Baal
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