10/29/2022 4:49:05 PM,
Back in 2013 I published a series of articles on the Evils of Halloween based on the writings of others. In the lead in to Halloween 2022 it seems appropriate to republish these articles as a compendium which is presented here.
If you have never been exposed to revelation of the intense Evil of Halloween I encourage you to at least skim these articles
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2/27/2019 1:08:19 PM,
Witches are Satan servants, mostly but NOT always women, who use cursing, control of demons and all sorts of other mechanisms in the spiritual realm to serve Satan. High end Witches are extremely powerful and gain power by killing and sacrificing other human beings and through other acts of obedience and obeisance to Satan. Witches are Illuminated ones
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2/27/2019 12:01:26 PM,
An explanation of the Satanic as it affects believers contains much little known information
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2/15/2019 6:21:21 AM,
The death penalty is ordained by Yah because those who have murdered once are likely to murder again, many murderers commit murder because at some level they are involved in Satanic rites and rituals and should therefore be eliminated
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11/9/2013 7:43:45 AM,
After sending the previous message I realized that I had not provided prayers against witchcraft and curses, these are provided here.
This is a complex topic and there is much more that could be written about it.
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2/1/2014 10:34:02 AM,
A number of people have asked for money in recent weeks, several of them persistently and insistently, two using charismatic witchcraft to try and manipulate the writer.
This article addresses life by faith and makes it clear that this ministry will NOT help people who beg but only those who Yah indicates should be helped -- something that happens infrequently because funding others is NOT the purpose of this ministry.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
In understanding that the bible is NOT all that is claimed for it it is important to recognize the other side of that debate
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
The organization of the Satanic realm
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