6/14/2024 9:56:27 AM,
I regularly write about climbing the Mountain of Relationship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.” See particularly https://www.ETIMin.org/mountain-of-relationship. This article looks at a different angle – the reality that the Mountain looks different depending on how you come to it.
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1/20/2024 11:40:35 AM,
What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?
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1/20/2024 12:57:12 PM,
This is an interview with a former Agnostic Engineer who came to Belief following a Near Death Experience.
This video provides an overall summarization of various other Near-Death Experience videos that I have shared from time to time, see “2021.01.09 A collection of important videos on YouTube that are worth watching”
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1/8/2024 5:00:27 PM,
Recently I was referred to a video "Near-Death Experiences Point to God and Heaven (35+ Year Expert)" on YouTube
This is an interview of a former Agnostic Engineer who came to Belief following a Near Death Experience.
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12/28/2023 12:44:21 PM,
In documenting the essence of what I believe it seems appropriate to document the essence of coming to Belief in the Almighty Creator whose true Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
In recent weeks I have been pondering the question that “there are so many people on Earth who are truly seeking to live ‘GOOD’ lives and yet very few of them are Believers and they are therefore destined to become Demons when they die – HOW do I communicate my message so they can receive it?” The following questions and answers are intended to help people who do NOT believe to come to Belief.
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7/1/2023 1:39:29 PM,
I have just been exposed to a situation with a man aged 80 who has been stricken with runaway cancer and is faced with the prospect of heavy Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment. I was asked to pray for him.
In such a case there are two options:
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5/28/2023 12:11:26 PM,
MattiYahoo 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.” Amplified Bible
This is a passage in the Bible that few talk about but it is absolutely central to understanding one’s relationship with the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.
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9/17/2022 1:49:42 PM,
I regularly watch videos on YouTube relating to the matters of the Almighty and share these with a limited list of people who have contacted me off the website or have shown real interest in the ways of the Almighty in other ways. If you would like to be added to that list please reply to this email with “Please add me to the BCC list” in the subject line.
I have published a number of previous lists of videos that I recommend on https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch
Following are some of the videos that I have recommended since publishing the above.
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7/9/2022 2:13:42 PM,
There is a general lack of knowledge of what faces human beings when they reach the end of their lives. There is a general, pervasive, unease when it comes to the question of death but very little understanding of what the scenarios are when one dies.
This article seeks to address this issue.
So, WHAT happens? WHERE do we go?
DEATH, the undiscussable outcome that we ALL face!
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6/25/2022 1:59:27 PM,
The challenge for anyone interested in the matters of life on Earth is to find an accurate historical account of the key elements of history that are really important. This article seeks to present such a history.
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4/3/2021 2:02:46 PM,
Following are a collection of YouTube videos that I would like to recommend for your viewing – these have previously been forwarded to a small group of people on a separate mailing list and others on WhatsApp, I am now sending this to the entire mailing list.
These are an output of a journey I have been on for the last couple of months learning more on diverse topics after a fast seeking new revelation
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1/16/2021 3:12:28 PM,
In recent weeks I have been pondering the question that “there are so many people on Earth who are truly seeking to live ‘GOOD’ lives and yet very few of them are Believers and they are therefore destined to become Demons when they die – HOW do I communicate my message so they can receive it?” The following questions and answers are intended to help people who do NOT believe to come to Belief.
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1/9/2021 12:56:44 PM,
In a recent conversation with a person who claims not to believe they asserted that when they died they would simply cease to exist and there would be no consequences for their life.
So, in other words, you just do what you do, be the best person you can be, whatever best means if there is no judgment and then one day you just cease to exist.
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8/23/2021 6:03:57 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the Glorious state of Committed Believers in Heaven after they die and describes there appearance and some attributes of each of the ranks in Heaven starting with the Foolish Virgins, then the Adulterous Wives, then the Wise Stewards, then the Good and Faithful Servants, Overcomers and finally Friends of the Most High Creator. Listeners are encouraged to seek to qualify to reach one of the high ranks in Heaven.
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8/23/2021 5:58:12 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the Glorious state of Committed Believers in Heaven after they die and describes there appearance and some attributes of each of the ranks in Heaven starting with the Foolish Virgins, then the Adulterous Wives, then the Wise Stewards, then the Good and Faithful Servants, Overcomers and finally Friends of the Most High Creator. Listeners are encouraged to seek to qualify to reach one of the high ranks in Heaven.
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6/18/2020 3:01:42 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the different categories of belief on Earth today based on the statistics on 25 December 2015. It is noted that the vast majority of people on Earth today do not believe and that most of those who do believe are to all intents and purposes useless to the Almighty. The different ranks in the lower echelons in Heaven are also discussed.
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5/11/2020 7:19:44 AM,
This Broadcast looks at the Glorious state of Committed Believers in Heaven after they die and describes there appearance and some attributes of each of the ranks in Heaven starting with the Foolish Virgins, then the Adulterous Wives, then the Wise Stewards, then the Good and Faithful Servants, Overcomers and finally Friends of the Most High Creator. Listeners are encouraged to seek to qualify to reach one of the high ranks in Heaven.
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4/20/2020 9:09:38 AM,
This Broadcast looks at the horrors of death as a Nominal Believer, ending up in the Outer Darkness in Heaven, pitch black, cold with Eternal Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth. This is contrasted with death as an Unbeliever and the glory of death as a Committed Believer. It is stressed that one does NOT want to die as a nominal believer.
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5/28/2019 8:00:51 AM,
Critical Considerations with Regard to Believers Resisting Death
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3/25/2019 9:31:49 AM,
It is NOT just heaven or the lake of fire, there is a continuum
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3/23/2019 1:25:09 PM,
The Foolish Virgins in Heaven
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3/23/2019 1:21:29 PM,
The Outer Darkness in Heaven
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12/27/2018 2:33:00 PM,
There is much uncertainty as to WHY we exist and what we are here to do, unless one has clarity on this the rest of life is effectively pointless
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Vision given to a woman who was caught up to heaven
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
A sobering account of a young woman's visit to hell
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8/16/2019 1:29:33 PM,
A Different View Of Heaven
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6/28/2019 9:07:55 PM,
The Call
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