6/10/2023 1:08:52 PM,
I write regularly about the Anointing of the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Creator on Anointed Believers but I have never told people who seek such Anointing what to expect.
This was brought home to me recently when I was chatting to a man who is making a real effort to draw close to Father and who mentioned that on two occasions recently people had commented that he had an “aura”. I was excited as it was an indication of the progress he was making in his quest to draw close to Father.
It then occurred to me that I had never indicated to him, or to the list generally, what to expect as one draws closer to Father Yah. That is the purpose of this article.
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1/10/2019 1:48:36 PM,
Once one has a significant infilling with the Spirit of Yah one can begin to tap into the mind of Yah in the form of wisdom, insight, inspiration and general guidance, this is a progressive process as one matures as an anointed one
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1/10/2019 11:16:05 AM,
In the context of the Bible, what IS inspiration? How do we determine if a text IS inspired?
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1/2/2019 1:11:02 PM,
Yah's teachings are frequently very rich and multi-dimensional and capable of multi-faceted interpretation
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1/2/2019 1:07:03 PM,
Inspiration is the conduct of a human being who is at some level filled with the Spirit of Yah giving them wisdom and resulting in inspired writing, inspired singing, inspired teaching, etc
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1/6/2019 7:59:31 AM,
Inspiration is the conduct of a human being who is at some level filled with the Spirit of Yah giving them wisdom and resulting in inspired writing, inspired singing, inspired teaching, etc
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
I continue to receive items that argue that the Christian bible is inspired by Yah and therefore totally definitive.
The most recent item argues that because the name "Jesus" occurs in the English translation of King James and that since that is the definitive and divinely inspired English translation that the name "Jesus" has divine approval.
On the contrary Yah has clearly told us to cease using that name.
This article briefly looks at the origin of the concept of the bible being inspired as an indication that it is not what is widely claimed for it.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Many people believe the bible is 100% the "word of God and without error", what exactly IS inspiration?
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