3/24/2018 11:25:36 AM,
Sedimentary rocks cover most of the planet to considerable depths and prove the reality of a Global Flood
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3/24/2018 7:39:16 AM,
The Geology of the Gold Mines of South Africa prove that there has been a global flood
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5/5/2019 8:16:30 AM,
South Africa
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5/8/2019 6:17:47 AM,
South Africa
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12/30/2018 7:51:15 AM,
Yah has spoken to South Africa and the situation in South Africa through James Robertson in great detail warning believers to leave and warning of coming collapse and massive blood letting
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7/27/2014 10:25:42 AM,
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7/27/2014 10:25:43 AM,
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12/22/2013 8:05:18 AM,
The previous article addressed the wrong conduct of many Afrikaner men NOT all, there ARE many Afrikaner men who ARE close to the Almighty
This article addresses the situation specifically of those Afrikaner women who ARE close to the Almighty and are in covenant with / married to those men who are in grievous sin and / or seriously abusing their women
Because of the harsh judgment that has now been unleashed on South Africa the Almighty will extend special grace to women in this situation and will grant them divorce where possible
This article discusses the basis for such divorce
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12/15/2013 2:29:43 PM,
This article summarizes a major sin amongst many Afrikaner men that Father has been revealing to me progressively in recent months as we have interceded and worked to avert the destruction that Father showed me two years ago was coming on South Africa
It turns out that many Afrikaners believe that Africans are sub-human and that intercourse with them is of no consequence and that the children that result are excluded from the community of those who believe and therefore ALSO of no consequence
This has resulted in massive fornication by this category of men with African women and the birth of children with African physical appearance who outnumber the children with European physical appearance of the same men
The magnitude of the anger and hatred that this has kindled amongst African people is huge and the magnitude of the sin and judgment that this sin is bringing upon these people is similarly huge
This couples with all the other sins that are present in South Africa on both sides of the "racial" divide including extreme witchcraft and ancestor worship on the part of many Africans, including the President and leadership of the ANC
The consequence is that South Africa will be utterly destroyed within eighteen years.
This article examines this sin in more detail including an account of an incident revealed to me by the Almighty with regard to a specific individual which Father says is representative of the sins of hundreds of thousands of other primarily Afrikaner men
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12/15/2013 11:30:58 AM,
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12/14/2013 2:11:33 PM,
In the last few months since I first started writing about the Almighty's call to believers to gather at the Voortrekker Monument on the Day of the Covenant I have received a significant number of emails most to the effect that "That place is Satanic, the LORD would NEVER ask us to congregate there, there is NO way I will go near that place". I have responded to these emails in several emails and on the website but people keep writing.
Initially I was NOT sure how to respond, I was certain Father HAD given me the instruction and yet did NOT know how to respond to these criticisms
Several times I got on my knees before Him and asked Him how to respond
Over time His response has become more specific AND more ANGRY
The article below summarizes what He has said to me
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11/9/2013 6:58:06 AM,
In response to a fairly lengthy multi-sided debate about Jesus, Jews and other matters I suggested that the people who were opposing what I was saying fast and pray and seek Father in order to learn the truth
In response one individual sent me quite a lengthy reply attacking what I had said
In the process the writer raised diverse issues that opened the door for me to write about equally diverse issues, quite a few of which I have NOT previously written about on this list
After I had finished Father instructed me to publish the resulting email to the list as it contained information of relevance
The emails concerned are reproduced below
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11/9/2013 7:17:16 AM,
In response to the message on Prayer and Fasting for South Africa I received two emails relating to the Masonic aspects of the actual Monument at the Voortrekker Monument site
This highlighted for me that I was seeing the gathering as being in and around the amphitheatre and NOT at the physical monument itself so please take this as a correction
My response to the emails is contained below
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11/9/2013 7:43:45 AM,
After sending the previous message I realized that I had not provided prayers against witchcraft and curses, these are provided here.
This is a complex topic and there is much more that could be written about it.
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11/9/2013 7:36:30 AM,
Having given little time to the situation in South Africa for many months I have suddenly been given an urgency for the situation there with particular reference to Yah's call for 100,000 adult believers to assemble at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria (as the outward symbol of his covenant with a segment of the believing population) on Monday 16th December 2013 to repent of the sins of the people and the nation and cry out for deliverance
Yah has also said that as many people as possible should embark on seven three day fasts at weekly intervals in the lead up to this meeting in order to prepare the way for repentance and to make sure that the required number of people attend the gathering
The article below gives a detailed set of recommended prayers
See also http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/374/2012-01-05-Getting-close-to-Yah-Appropriate-prayer-and-fasting-are-VITAL-the-answer-to-doctrinal-dif.aspx
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9/28/2013 2:35:47 PM,
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12/14/2013 1:15:19 PM,
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10/17/2013 10:38:17 AM,
In response to the video of Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, singing "the Cabinet will shoot the boer with machine guns" at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys discussed in two messages last week, Yah has given me an extremely challenging and difficult message calling the people to repentance and to seek His face for deliverance
I have agonised over writing this article but eventually concluded it had to be written
It is likely to offend no matter what your religious or political viewpoint so I ask you to consider it prayerfully
Once you have read it, if you recognize the core message to be from Yah, please consider forwarding it to other believers who will potentially take it and act on it
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9/28/2013 10:52:37 AM,
In response to the video of Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, singing "shoot the boer" allegedly at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys the day after Yah declared that there would be massive revolution and destruction, Yah declares that the Covenant between black and white in South Africa has been violated and is no longer of effect (likewise the Constitution) and that a full scale genocidal race war will, in time, occur UNLESS President Zuma and the ANC leadership repent and turn away from such genocidal songs and talk
It is vital to understand that the singing of this song by the President carries far more weight than if it is sung by anyone else, when it is sung by the President publicly in front of a large audience who join in, as in this video, the spiritual impact is huge!
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6/29/2019 11:59:56 AM,
Urgent Press Reports Regarding High Profile Divorce In The South African Church
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7/4/2019 7:00:28 PM,
Urgent Press Reports Regarding High Profile Divorce In The South African Church
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
A warning of harsh judgment for South Africa and a call to repentance
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