9/28/2013 4:39:08 AM,
Many people believe that if they pray something it is an act of faith to believe and declare that the prayer has been answered and it is done.
Some go so far as to pray something and then declare out loud that it is done!
In virtually all cases where a person is making a serious effort to serve Yah such a declaration is erroneous.
Prayers are ONLY granted to real believers when they are praying in the will of the Almighty (Yah), have the anointing and authority to pray that prayer, are free of sin that will permit the forces of darkness to obstruct or steal the answer to that prayer AND if the person praying is one flesh with any other human being or human beings plural is in harmony with all the people they are one flesh with.
The closer the family unit that is praying the prayer is to the Almighty the more rigorously the forces of darkness will oppose the prayer. The further they are from the true will of Yah in their lives, the greater their error, the more likely the forces of darkness will NOT oppose the prayer or may even intervene in order to cause the fulfilment of the prayer in order to keep the person in bondage.
Even when everything is in place it can take decades for a prayer to be fulfilled, as in the case of the declaration by Samuel of David as King over Israel.
Furthermore, IF the prayer is the will of Yah it is unnecessary to make such a declaration -- the prayer will be answered anyway.
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