1/11/2019 7:14:25 AM,
There is much poverty in the body of believers because they are not aware of what is available to them through the Spirit of Yah, or they are in sin and yet expect Yah to provide, poverty is generally a consequence of ignorance or sin -- it is significantly challenging to walk in Father's provision given the level of Satanic opposition we are faced with
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1/11/2019 7:01:54 AM,
Through the wisdom one may receive from the Spirit of Yah, coupled to your existing knowledge and experience and skills one can develop greater practical and commercial ability thereby providing one's needs
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1/9/2019 2:39:14 PM,
A discussion of the manner in which many believers abdicate their intellect in order to believe teachings that are logically incongruently and fundamentally flawed
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12/30/2018 7:14:34 AM,
One of the greatest problems on earth today is that men and women rely on their intellect and understanding and turn to other human beings in order to know and understand Yah, that is a huge mistake, Yah desires a deep personal relationship with each and every one of us and He desires this with YOU -- stop trying to figure it out and turn to Him in trust and belief and He WILL answer you
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1/9/2019 1:13:15 PM,
Some people expect that once they have given their lives to Yah that He will organize and direct everything, this is NOT the case, we were created to have an intellect and a will and Yah expects us to use these to voluntarily serve Him and do His will -- He has repeatedly said to me, "James, you are NOT a glove puppet", YOU choose
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9/28/2013 1:22:17 PM,
In recent months I have received a stream of emails arguing diverse topics based on human intellect and logic founded on the writings of men, including the Bible
Nearly always these arguments are totally at odds with what the Almighty has to say on the topic
Herewith please find an article written early last year which outlines spiritual measures that one can take in order to hear the Almighty more clearly and align oneself with Him
These recommendations relate to some apparently high risk prayers and intense fasting and seeking after truth
IF you are serious about seeking, serving and pleasing the Almighty Creator these measures are commended for your consideration
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9/28/2013 6:49:49 AM,
Many believers rely on others to guide them and in the process abdicate their intellect in believing things that are clearly at odds with the bible or with what rational common-sense indicates .
You do NOT have to abdicate your intellect in order to serve Yah.
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