2/9/2025 2:35:36 PM,
It is said that the Creator is loving, merciful, gentle, forgiving, slow to anger and many other positive attributes. But the world is a mess with wars, disease, poverty running rampant on the Earth. Something does not add up?! So, what is REALLY going on?
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1/24/2025 8:08:15 PM,
What are your thoughts about revival?
I recently listened to an interview with a major US church leader which gave me quite a bit of food for thought.
This prompted me to write to the person who conducted the interview, whom I have known for many years, to suggest that there was “another perspective that you may find interesting”
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8/27/2024 7:24:16 PM,
It is said that the Creator is loving, merciful, gentle, forgiving, slow to anger and many other positive attributes.
But the world is a mess with wars, disease, poverty running rampant on the Earth.
Something does not add up?!
So, what is REALLY going on?
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10/7/2023 10:53:08 AM,
THE burning issue of the current millennium is whether humankind ends the millennium in relationship with the Almighty Creator or hands total control to Satan. These three articles, based on recent broadcasts, present my thinking as it has evolved over the last thirty years in terms of what is REALLY IMPORTANT for any Believer today. In various articles I have written about Revival and urged readers to focus their attention on initiating Revivals on the Earth
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9/30/2023 11:41:19 AM,
A series of items dealing with what is possible if one is highly anointed and deeply Spirit Led together with how to become deeply filled with the Spirit of the Creator.
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1/20/2024 8:21:17 AM,
Few people in this age understand Judgment – this broadcast sets out the essence of what YOU need to know about Judgment in THIS life.
There is a lot of wrong thinking regarding the End of the Age of mankind on Earth. Much of this results from wrong interpretation of verses in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible which is, in turn, the consequence of failure to recognize that while the Bible is a useful history book about Anointed Believers over a limited period of time, that is ALL that it is. Much has happened since the last “books” were written in the Bible and the Bible was then subsequently collated. Further, Father Yah says that only about 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, and the rest, while containing important historical truth, contains significant ERROR.
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9/30/2023 2:25:38 PM,
THE burning issue of the current millennium is whether humankind ends the millennium in relationship with the Almighty Creator or hands total control to Satan. These three articles, based on recent broadcasts, present my thinking as it has evolved over the last thirty years in terms of what is REALLY IMPORTANT for any Believer today./span>
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2/18/2023 1:06:33 PM,
This morning I received the following email from Louie Bender – it is powerful and encouraging – Revival IS possible in this age and I urge you to seek this in YOUR life and YOUR location – it is entirely possible! Usual Caveats apply.
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10/22/2022 1:52:44 PM,
I am currently corresponding with a couple of people who are energetically seeking to draw close to Father and I thought it would be helpful to them and to others to summarize my current thoughts on what is required to do this.
Around the Day of Atonement in 2014 I wrote a lengthy (72 page) article on Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator see https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close This article was written under a significant anointing at a time that I was particularly close to Father Yah and is therefore a useful reference. I have great confidence that if you put everything in that article into practice over a period of one to two years at the end of that time you WILL be close to Father Yah.
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9/17/2022 1:49:42 PM,
I regularly watch videos on YouTube relating to the matters of the Almighty and share these with a limited list of people who have contacted me off the website or have shown real interest in the ways of the Almighty in other ways. If you would like to be added to that list please reply to this email with “Please add me to the BCC list” in the subject line.
I have published a number of previous lists of videos that I recommend on https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch
Following are some of the videos that I have recommended since publishing the above.
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9/10/2022 1:36:53 PM,
In various articles I have written about Revival and urged readers to focus their attention on initiating Revivals on the Earth, see, for example https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/will-you-initiate-a-revival-with-me
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6/14/2023 5:01:14 PM,
There is a lot of wrong thinking regarding the End of the Age of mankind on Earth. Much of this results from wrong interpretation of verses in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible which is, in turn, the consequence of failure to recognize that while the Bible is a useful history book about Anointed Believers over a limited period of time, that is ALL that it is. Much has happened since the last “books” were written in the Bible and the Bible was then subsequently collated. Further, Father Yah says that only about 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, and the rest, while containing important historical truth, contains significant ERROR.
Father says that in 100 years from now if current trends continue there will close to zero true believers left. Within 200 years the reign of the Satanic and Demonic on Earth will have reached fever pitch and the degradation that is currently becoming more and more pronounced will be going full steam ahead to totally block any possibility of Yahooshua returning.
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7/2/2022 2:24:29 PM,
I see a lot of fervent people engrossed with all sorts of cares and issues but it seems to me that very few people ask the question “what does the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth REALLY want from ME?”
Based on my experience to date I will give you what I believe He wants from every Believer on Earth INCLUDING YOU! – note that He is NOT in the least bit interested in the unbelievers, those who do NOT believe He exists, He is ONLY concerned about those that Believe at some level
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1/2/2023 4:51:42 PM,
As I progressively consolidate my knowledge of the matters of the Almighty Creator it seems important to me to spell out to YOU the Essence of my message to YOU!
This article seeks to outline my vision for my life ahead.
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8/16/2022 2:43:55 PM,
Father says that in 100 years from now if current trends continue there will close to zero true believers left. Within 200 years the reign of the Satanic and Demonic on Earth will have reached fever pitch and the degradation that is currently becoming more and more pronounced will be going full steam ahead to totally block any possibility of Yahooshua returning. This broadcast presents a detailed discussion of the question “Will you Initiate a Revival with me” and then continues to outline what is required to achieve a Power Anointing.
It is stated that the end objective is a MASSIVE GLOBAL REVIVAL that radically transforms things.
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10/5/2021 9:25:29 AM,
We note that we exist ENTIRELY to be FRIENDS of the Creator and that the Creator is ONE and that His name is “Yah” and that infilling with His Spirit is vital for a Believer.
We note that the Torah, the Bible, the Quran are only books and contain error. It is pointed out that Creation took place in an Evolutionary Manner and that a global hydraulic and tectonic event destroyed the surface of the Earth, also Satan rebelled leading to The Contest – from which we note that the Rules of Engagement limit Yah.
It is stated that Yahooshua {Jesus} is the most powerful Human Being in the Universe. It is noted that men and women were created to be in sexual life covenant. It is stressed that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the core Monotheistic Religions.
It is pointed out that Turnaround Prophets have defined History and that Hell is for Believers. Also that Believers go to Heaven when they die and qualify for various ranks.
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10/5/2021 9:20:02 AM,
We look at the High Sabbaths in September 2021 – Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, First Day of Tabernacles and Great Day of Tabernacles.
We then look at “Why are we here?” We will then discuss that we are here in order to be Friends of the Creator, to enjoy His Creation WITH Him, to discover, invent, build, construct, experiment with Him.
We are also here to fight the battle in the Spiritual Realm FOR Him, and to Pray HIS Will on Earth.
We then look at “The Essence of my message to YOU.” We note that YOU were created to be a Friend and that YOU choose where YOU spend Eternity.
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8/14/2021 2:28:28 PM,
I receive a steady stream of messages including some that claim that the Covid-19 Virus is a hoax or a conspiracy to bring all people into subjection or kill some percentage of humanity and that the Vaccine has similar objectives and Is NOT a vaccine at all. This week I received a message that all people who have received the vaccine will die within ten years.
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7/10/2021 3:54:12 PM,
As I progressively consolidate my knowledge of the matters of the Almighty Creator it seems important to me to spell out to YOU the Essence of my message to YOU!
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6/26/2021 5:15:39 PM,
There is a lot of wrong thinking regarding the End of the Age of mankind on Earth. Much of this results from wrong interpretation of verses in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible which is, in turn, the consequence of failure to recognize that while the Bible is a useful history book about Anointed Believers over a limited period of time, that is ALL that it is. Much has happened since the last “books” were written in the Bible and the Bible was then subsequently collated. Further, Father Yah says that only about 2.5% of the Bible is inspired, and the rest, while containing important historical truth, contains significant ERROR.
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4/3/2021 2:02:46 PM,
Following are a collection of YouTube videos that I would like to recommend for your viewing – these have previously been forwarded to a small group of people on a separate mailing list and others on WhatsApp, I am now sending this to the entire mailing list.
These are an output of a journey I have been on for the last couple of months learning more on diverse topics after a fast seeking new revelation
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3/6/2019 11:46:57 AM,
Many people today are crying out for "revival" and alleged revivals are happening, Yah says that these revivals are NOT from them, they are demonic in response to prayer and worship in the false names, observing the false sabbaths and the general sin of the body of believers. The dispensation has changed and true dramatic and powerful Spirit Led revivals are NO longer possible
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9/28/2013 12:58:20 PM,
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8/24/2019 8:42:54 PM,
REVIVAL!! - Africa, Asia, Latin America
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8/17/2019 12:20:56 PM,
The 2 Secrets Of Revival ~ by Andrew Strom
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8/21/2019 9:26:26 AM,
The 2 Secrets Of Revival ~ by Andrew Strom
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8/16/2019 12:24:56 PM,
Reformation Not Revival
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