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For as long as I can remember it has been my understanding that those who did not qualify to enter heaven would be tormented in the Lake of Fire for ever and ever, in fact, for eternity.
I have repeatedly been troubled by the thought of being able to see people I had known and perhaps loved in this life tormented for ever and I have on many occasions asked Father for mercy for those who have at some stage been close to me that I would not have to experience this. I took it as a given that things were the way I understood them and never asked Daddy Yah about this topic.
A few weeks ago I received an email from someone who had visited the new website with a link to
I subsequently followed the link and watched the fairly lengthy video – I have downloaded the video and can post it to you on CD if you are unable to watch it on-line for some reason.
The video, by Doug Batchelor, presents a convincing argument that the wicked, those who do not qualify to enter heaven, will be consumed in the Lake of Fire and cease to exist.
I subsequently asked Father Yah about this and He confirmed that ultimately those who are sent to the Lake of Fire without a basis to enter heaven WILL be entirely consumed and cease to exist and they will NOT be tormented for eternity.
The Lake of Fire IS eternal but the punishment for sin is commensurate with the sin and so all sentences in the Lake of Fire are of finite duration.
On reflection it becomes clear that it MUST be this way. Yah is uncompromisingly righteous and just and He will never hand down a sentence that is not a merciful sentence and appropriate to the unconfessed sin. Eternal torment is NOT consistent with this and it is, in fact, sin against Yah to believe or teach that the torment is eternal. Father, I repent of believing ill of you in this!
It is now my understanding that with regard to the Lake of Fire there are four basic scenarios:
Faith in the salvation of Yah (i.e. Yahooshua = Yah is Salvation) AND all sin dealt with before the end of this life.
Faith in the salvation of Yah BUT unrepented sin before the end of this life.
No faith in the salvation of Yah, no knowledge of Yah and unrepented sin before the end of this life.
No knowledge of Yah but a life lived without sin.
Each of these scenarios carries with it a very specific outcome after death in this life:
Faith in the salvation of Yah (i.e. Yahooshua which means "Yah IS Salvation") AND all sin dealt with before the end of this life
Where a person has a knowledge of Yah and of Yah's salvation and a revelation of the Commandments (Ten Commandments) and has made a concerted effort to live by those commandments and has availed themselves of the terms of whatever Covenant is available to them in order to receive forgiveness of sin and has constantly examined their lives before Yah and brought all sin to Him for forgiveness they may proceed directly to Heaven and NEVER experience the Lake of Fire.
This is a minute fraction of all people who have lived or will ever live but it is available to every one of us. These are the people who are called "Overcomers", those who will sit on thrones with Yahooshua and rule in the Universe for eternity, those who will receive great honour on the Day of Judgment.
This is something that every one of us should aspire to, pray for and work towards.
Faith in the salvation of Yah BUT unrepented sin before the end of this life
Where a person has a knowledge of Yah and of Yah's salvation and has exercised faith for that salvation but has unrepented sin at their death they will experience a PART in the Lake of Fire.
This is where just about all who claim some level of belief will end up unless they take serious measures to be in the first category. This is where YOU as a reader of this message are likely to end up unless you ACT on what you read here.
This period of torment, which we have seen described graphically in a number of articles posted on the ETI list in the last nine months will be terrible.
BUT, it will only be for a season and the period of torment will be directly proportional to and appropriate to the unrepented sin that is recorded in the book of their life on the day they die. Refer to the article 2011_05_06_Pictures from Hell published in May 2011 for paintings of the different types of torment associated with different types of sin.
Thus, for one instance of adultery that lasted for one day there will be an exactly just period of torment of a particular kind. If the adultery lasted longer and involved more instances the torment will last longer and be more severe.
For stealing the torment will be different and again directly proportional to the magnitude and duration of the sin.
And thus it will be for every sin, lying, worshipping other than Yah, idolatry, taking the Name of Yah in vain, failing to observe Yah's Sabbath's, etc.
These sentences will VARY depending on the covenant under which that particular person was operating. Thus those who had access to the covenant through Yahooshua will be judged according to their compliance with the terms of that covenant and the extent to which they availed themselves of the promises of that covenant.
Muslims will be judged according to the terms of the covenant made through Mohammed and covenant terms entered into by Yah with Ishmael, etc.
Others in other sheepfolds will be judged according to the covenant's available to them.
In this context it is really important for those who subscribe to "Christianity" to understand that they will be subject to by FAR the MOST severe judgment – they have access to the most powerful and most liberating covenant and they will be judged accordingly.
Note also that those who claim to know and who have been leaders and teachers will be judged according to their accountability in that role.
Note also that in the judgment process the awards and penalties will be determined, NOT ONLY on our own performance but on our impact on others.
Thus, insofar as we positively benefit the lives of others we will receive credits which may result in a mitigation of sentence and a higher status in Heaven while insofar as we have negatively detrimented the lives of others we will receive debits which may result in increased severity of sentence and lower status in Heaven.
Thus those who have taught false doctrines and negatively impacted thousands or millions of people through the ages may find themselves subject to a very severe and very lengthy period of torment in the Lake of Fire whereas those who were followers who accepted the teachings of others in trust may be subject to a much LESS severe judgment and associated torment.
Note also that those who have truth but do NOT publish it or share it will be judged more severely than those who did not have truth.
In this context recognize that all who have access to the Internet will be judged MUCH more harshly than those who do not – there are numerous sources of truth on the Internet and the fact that one has not availed oneself of these resources, or not asked questions, or not searched when one could have will count AGAINST one on the Day of Judgment.
Note also that if you have received an email or other document and not opened it or not read it or ignored it or deleted it you will be judged more severely than if you had never received that email or other document. Pray "Father, in the name of Yahooshua I ask that if there is any document, video or other information in my possession that I need to read or watch that you will draw my attention to it and if there are things you do not want me to read that you will keep me from reading or watching them and that you will give me discernment to sift truth from error".
It therefore behoves us all to examine ourselves constantly and to pray prayers like "Father I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" AND then to be sensitive to and obedient to the judgments that come upon us.
Pray also "Father, I ask in the name of Yahooshua that you will show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it" and such other prayers as you may be impressed to pray including "Father, I ask that I may be found to be a good and faithful servant on the Day of Judgment and that I may overcome to the end", etc.
Also, "Father, I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to speak to me in whatever way I am able to hear you, through people, radio, television, the Internet, emails, books, magazines, people I know, people in the street, in any way I am able to receive the information I need from you" – having prayed such a prayer it is up to you to be sensitive and discern what is from Yah that is delivered using these channels.
Keep in mind that the forces of Darkness can also reach you through all of these channels and you must therefore constantly turn to Yah for guidance.
Directional prayers such as "Father I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people that you do not want in my life out, I ask you to open the doors you want opened in my life and close the doors you want closed, I ask you to guide me and direct me in every possible way", etc should also be prayed regularly. Again, note that it is up to you to discern Yah's leading and not force doors open that He is closing or force doors closed that He is opening, force the retention of relationships or force the termination of relationships, etc.
Yah is gentle and his Spirit is gentle and easily grieved, be sensitive!
These are vital prayers in order to avoid the Lake of Fire.
Notwithstanding the above, ONCE the period of torment is completed and ONE has paid the price for the sins that ONE did NOT bring before Yah's throne in repentance that person WILL be released from the place of torment and take up their place in Heaven for eternity according to the net balance of works in their life.
This may see a person in the place of "Outer Darkness" or the "Place of the Foolish Virgins" in the outer regions of Heaven reserved for those who trusted in Yah's salvation but failed to be obedient to Yah and do the works that they were called to do or it may see such a person in a reasonably high place in Heaven where the good works performed by them substantially outweigh the sin and wickedness in their lives.
Such rewards will INCLUDE all the good that has come in the lives of others through the works of such people.
In most cases such people will be disqualified from entering the place of the Overcomers although in certain exceptional cases a person who has been negatively judged and refined by fire will be able to qualify as an Overcomer and sit on a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity.
It is VITAL to understand that this judgment will vary depending on the covenant a person was born into and according to the covenant they were grafted into with the Covenant through Yahooshua being the highest, most powerful and therefore STRICTEST covenant available to the sons of Adam.
No faith in the salvation of Yah, no knowledge of Yah and unrepented sin before the end of this life
Those with no saving knowledge of Yah and no relationship with Yah will be judged according to the sin in their lives and will pay the appropriate penalty, as with the second category except that at the end of their period of torment they will be blotted out and cease to exist.
No knowledge of Yah but a life lived without sin
This will be a very uncommon situation but it is possible for a person to have no knowledge of Yah but to be "a law (Torah) to themselves" and keep the Commandments within the limitations of what is known to them.
Such people might have some level of relationship with Yah but not know Him by name, they might even know Him by another name!
These people will find themselves judged according to what was available to them and might even find themselves in a high place in Heaven for eternity.
It is vital that we seek to draw close to Yah, that we become familiar with the exact terms of the Covenant we are living by and that we are scrupulous and rigorous in our commitment to serving Yah and seeking His guidance in our lives.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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