This Broadcast looks at the reality of Hell as a place of torment for Believers through a vision by Bill Weise who was taken to Hell and experienced the torture that is meted out to Believers who die with unrepented sin.
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Listen to Recording_2020_05_15_Hell is Real and for Believers Part 3
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
So if you don't believe and you're living life expecting something pleasant to happen when you die, you're in for a nasty shock. You could end up next to your corpse for a very long time or in the cremation oven for a long time or haunting your relatives or friends or whoever; really not a good place to be.
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness, a cold, black terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth -- the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
So again, if you're living life, you made the decision at some point in time that the Almighty existed and you've carried on living life as though he doesn't exist, well you're in for a nasty shock when you die. You're going to spend eternity in a place where He is not interested in you and not concerned about you and totally ignores you. It's fair enough -- if you ignore Him in this life why should He not ignore you in the life to come? Think about it.
IF you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty the rewards in the Life to Come are HUGE – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority and a permanent close relationship with the Creator AND with Yahooshua {Jesus}.
To put this in context the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
Today's topic is a continuation of the last two -- Hell is Real and for Believers part 3.
Hell is Real and for Believers – Part 2 -- Overview
This Broadcast discusses the reality of Hell and shares a vision of a man taken to Hell in a Vision.
The torment that he describes correlates with the images drawn by the Korean Artist that were discussed in last week's broadcast.
It is vital to understand that this relates entirely to Believers.
Unbelievers just die and remain on Earth as disembodied Ancestor Spirits or Demons.
Finally we examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I have been a Strategic Management Consultant for over 30 years, and also a Business Executive. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Amy asked: "Where can these pictures of Hell be found?"
Amy, if you go to the website that I've just mentioned depending on what device you're looking to view the website and near the top the Menu you will find a page by the name of Hell. If you click on that link you will find underneath that the images and also attached to that a number of articles about Hell.
Francis asked: "You say Hell is only for believers? Does that go for partial believers or only certain ones?"
Francis, it goes for every Believer unless one who dies completely free of sin. It doesn't matter how minimal your belief is, if you just took a decision that the Almighty was real at some point and prayed some sort of prayer and you lived the rest of your life ignoring Him, you will go to hell for a very long time and when you're finished you will end up in the Outer Darkness. If you have some level of relationship but you have a whole lot of unconfessed sin, when you die you will go to Hell for a significant period of time while you pay the price for your unconfessed sin.
Jasper asked: "Does this apply to only those who believe in the Almighty and are trying to get close to Him or only those who have fallen from grace?"
Jasper, as I have just said, it applies to anybody who at any time has ever believed in the Almighty. So if you believed and you've got sin in your life when you die, you will go to Hell for a season.
Larry says: "There is so much to consider bout Hell. What amount of trying is involved and what time frame are we talking?"
Larry, you can pretty much instantly turn this around if you choose to. Get on your knees, ask Father to help you, pray the prayers that I've given before, ask for forgiveness of your sin, ask Father to show you all the sin you need to confess, take the covenant meal, the bread and the wine which you may know as Communion and pray the prayers that I've given before "Father, I ask you to forgive me in the name of Yahooshua as I take the bread and the wine." Yahooshua died so that you could be forgiven. You can turn it around. If you go to Father today and say "Father, I confess that I have sinned, I ask you to forgive me, I ask you to help me to clean out everything," He will help you to do it. There is a document on the website -- Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty, it is about 75 pages, there is a whole portion of that document on cleansing, which includes dealing with sin, going through your life making list of all the things you've done wrong, repenting of them. There are prayers and everything. So I would strongly suggest you get hold of that document today and start applying what you find there. If you apply everything in that document you will get close to Father very quickly.
Avery asked: "So you are saying no one actively tries to be evil here on earth?"
Avery, I think so. I think that everybody who is doing evil things is doing so because they are deceived. I really believe that the Satanic and Demonic Realm are leading people into Evil. There is no question about that. The Demons know what they're doing. There is no question about that. They are serving Satan. They are trying to make sure that Satan wins the Contest so that they don't have to go to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, and they are causing people to do evil things. I think even the out and out Satanists don't understand the truth that we have been talking about on this programme for the last year and a half. I believe if an out and out Satanist realised that they could go to Heaven and sit on a High Throne, they would repent and turn around.
Philip asked: "If we can have a ministry, how would we know if we are worthy of ministering to others?"
Philip, it's not about worthy of ministering. You have a responsibility to minister. You're either a prophet, a spokesperson, or you're an evangelist, or you're a shepherd or pastor, but don't use the word pastor, Father doesn’t like it. You're a shepherd or you're a new believer -- you can only be one of those four. You've a responsibility to find out what your ministry is and to minister and you have a responsibility to learn how to minister well. So don't get stuck in this thing that ministers are sort of people who have special qualifications and go to Bible school, etc. Folks that’s all hogwash. It's just not true.
Missy asked: "Are these pictures a scare tactic or a wakeup call for people?"
Missy, they are a wakeup call. Everything that I'm giving you these last two programmes and tonight's is to wake people up. I am convinced that if people know what Hell is like they will decide to live a life free of sin.
Mary asked: "Can demons ever be seen with human eyes or is it in the items like smoke and drink?"
Mary, you can discern Demons sometimes. It varies from person to person. I've seen them with blurred outlines on a few occasions, generally I don't see them at all. Other peoples see them graphically and clearly.
Pam asked: "Are those people who do wrong like murder, rape and other things, are they considered believers?"
Pam, if a person is a Believer, if a person at one point in time believed in the existence of the Almighty, they are Believer. If they go on and commit murder and rape and other things, they will be judged and they will go to Hell as we've discussed. If they continue and it's brought to their attention that they are sinning and they are continuing their sin, eventually they will be rejected.
Jasmine asked: "Does anyone know better than others or are some further on the road to get to the Creator?"
Yes Jasmine, if you go on the website and look at my books you will see that the cover has got an S-shaped curve with a Z on its side and there are people who are very close to the Almighty and there are people who are very long way from the Creator. It's up to each one of us to get as close as we can.
Lester asked: "Have you yourself been through this type of experience or were you given this information to teach others?"
Lester, I've had a few very peripheral visions, but nothing like the one that we heard about last week and the one I am going to talk about tonight. I've been given this information to teach others.
Body of the Article
Hell is REAL and is for disciplining BELIEVERS with regard to unconfessed sin
There are many misunderstandings regarding the place that is commonly referred to as "Hell" -- the place of torment.
In particular Believers believe that Unbelievers are going to "Hell" and they, Believers, are going to Heaven.
Unbelievers generally do NOT believe there is a Hell, a place of torment and, for them, that is correct. As I have said a few minutes ago, unbelievers are going to stay on Earth as disembodied spirits, ancestor spirits, demons. They are not going to go to Hell; it's the Believers who are going to go to Hell.
This Broadcast series references further visions or out-of-body experience reported by a Believer who was taken to the place of torment we call Hell.
Folks, as I have explained in the last two weeks, Yahooshua died a terrible death. He was beaten, he was mocked, he was lashed, whipped with cat o' nine tails, whatever, forced to drag the tree trunk up to the place of execution, nails, big thick heavy rough steel pegs driven through his hands and feet, held up there. He died after hours and hours of suffering. It is right that if we sin in our lives and we do not repent, we do not confess and repent and take advantage of his offering, it's right that we should be tormented in Hell. So please get a fix on that. This is not something that is unreasonable. Everything Father does is just and so is this.
Visions of Hell
In listening to what follows please be aware of the following:
a. Father requires that I do not edit or censor other people's work so the articles that I present tonight are presented just as they were recorded by the person concerned -- it is up to you to sift out any error there may be -- consult the rest of these broadcasts and the website for pointers.
b. In a vision or dream Father is constrained in terms of the Rules of Engagement to only confirm or clarify information that is already known to the recipient or to answer questions that they have explicitly asked, accordingly all visions and dreams are filtered through the knowledge, experience and beliefs of the recipient and are therefore to some extent coloured and may contain material error, so, if a person only knows the name of "Jesus" that is the name that will be interpreted by them in the vision. If they believe that "Jesus is God" they will interpret that Yahooshua is the Almighty in some form instead of that he is a man, etc. See also the Article on "The Rules of Engagement" on the Website.
It is important to distinguish between the facts of what was actually observed and the interpretation that is placed on those facts. The observed facts are almost certainly reliable; the interpretation is NOT necessarily reliable.
Folks, this is so important. Just because somebody has had a vision doesn't mean they have all truth, somebody is a Prophet doesn't mean what they have are all truth. We have to discern. We have to ask Father to show us what the truth is.
February 2011- Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese
This article was published on my mailing list in February 2011. It's called 'Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese.'
It is another powerful testimony of a man, Bill Wiese, who was taken to Hell.
It is extremely sobering.
Please remember that Hell is for Believers who have NOT repented of all sin before they die -- it is quite possible for each one of us, as believers, to spend a portion of time in the place described in this article.
There are elements of the message that are distinctly different to what i have written but I have been told that it is for each one to pray about these issues and draw their own conclusions. I have been told to simply post the report without editing or comment.
This message is from There is more material at that website. There are lot of visits to Hell, etc. on that website.
I virtually never quote or report the writings of others these days, I generally only write and publish what I believe Father Yah has given me but He has impressed on me to extract the core of this message today.
You will find the complete article on the Website under the Hell page and also on the SpiritLessons website.
Not many people have had the sort of dramatic experience that the young woman last week from Korea, the artist, have had or this fellow Bill Wiese has had. She was an observer; he actually was subject to torment, it's quite horrifying as you will see in a few minutes and the reason I'm sharing this with you is I want you to be scared of Hell. I want you to get on your knees, repent and make a strong commitment from today forward to live a life free of sin.
23 Minutes in Hell
By Bill Wiese
Transcribed from a convention in Kansas City, called Kansas City for America. The experience in Hell happened on November 23, 1998. For the most complete story, please purchase his book!
I have omitted most of the Bible verses that are cited and also much of the interpretation and focussed on reporting the facts that are reported. It's a long article and I don’t have time to go through the whole article in today's broadcast. I have tried to lift up what I think are the most important parts but quite incomplete. I got through about half the article and there is still another 30-40-50% to go but I think this gives the point I am not going to continue with the article next week. I am clear that this is the last I am going to talk about Hell right now. So if you want the full story, it is on the website or on the other website that I have mentioned.
(Introduction by Announcer) (Direct quote)
A couple months ago, Mike Bickle, whom I work with at the International House of Prayer, asked me to teach on the subject of Hell. While studying that subject I was handed a tape by a friend named Steve Carpenter. On that tape was the message you're going to hear by Bill Wiese and his wife Annette. His message rocked my world. And it permanently altered the way I engage my family, my friends, and even people I don't know. It's permanently altered. I'm not exaggerating, so please don't think I'm speaking in hyperboles here. It has permanently altered the way I look at the few remaining years I have on this earth. It's my prayer that God will do that in you today. I cannot exaggerate the importance of this message. Bill is a Christian. He surrendered his life to Christ at age 16. He has known the Lord for 32 years. He moved to California in 1976 and spent 10 years under the ministry of Pastor Chuck Smith in Costa Mesa, California. Bill is a Realtor, as is his wife. For the last 15 years, Bill has been in the congregation and in the leadership during different seasons of Eagles Nest, under the Pastorate of Dr. Gary Greenwald, there in Orange County, California.
A Pastor there at Eagles Nest named Pastor Raul came to Bill and said several months ago, "Bill, God's going to do a work of revival. He's going to begin in Kansas City for America. He's going to send you there, and you should go?" Bill and Annette have never been to Kansas City in their whole life. The next day, I called Bill and said, "Would you consider coming to Kansas City? I've seen your video and I think you're supposed to come." I believe they are here at God's command.
You're going to hear the vision of Hell, but even more important, you're going to hear a vision of intimacy with Jesus Christ and the love He has for this whole world. Bill was in Hell. He wasn't a casual observer, as so many people have been in legitimate visions, but He experienced the torments of Hell for about a half an hour with absolutely no hope of ever escaping. Bill and his wife are deeply devoted to Jesus Christ, and to the work of God, and to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. You're going to like him also. Please welcome Bill and Annette Wiese.
(Bill Wiese speaking)
It is an honor to be here. This whole trip has been such a blessing to us. Like Hal said, we are in the real estate business. We don't do this for a living. We don't do this for money. We just know that God has told us to go and tell the world about His love for people and the place He doesn't want any of His creation to go to. So that's why we're here. So, for the sake of time, I'm going to shorten this testimony and just get right into it.
But first I want to address a couple things, questions that might be in your mind. The first question that would be in mine, if I was listening to me, would be, "How do you know it wasn't just a dream that you had? A Bad dream?" A couple points to make, first of all, I had left my body. I saw my body when I returned, lying on the floor. So I know for sure it was an out of body experience. Some Christians have said, "Oh a Christian can't leave his body." But that's not true, In 2 Corinthians 12:2, when Paul was caught up into the third heaven, He said, "whether in the body, or out of the body I do not know." So if he didn't know that must mean it's possible. And also he said in verse 1 that it was a vision, so I believe this comes under the classification of a vision.
In Job 7:14 it says, "thou scarest me with dreams and terrifieth me with visions." So this is definitely what the Lord did, terrified me through a vision. Also in returning from this, it took me a year to calm down, and become like a normal person again. I was so upset and traumatized from the fear that it's changed my whole viewpoint on how to witness and how much to appreciate what God saved us from.
It's an important message. You will notice that there are a number of words, etc. that don't correlate with what I've been teaching. I deliberately haven’t changed them. Please go back to the early messages of the podcasts to get the truth there, but basically Jesus is not Jesus, his name is Yahooshua, the Almighty's name is Yah, God means the Almighty and so forth.
(Bill's wife Annette speaking)
It was about 3:23 in the morning when I woke up. I just remember that because I looked at our digital clock, and I noticed Bill was not next to me, and I heard screaming coming from our living room. I proceeded to go down the hallway. I found my husband in a way I'd never seen him before. If anyone gets to know Bill, he's very conservative by nature, very calm, and a professional man. He's just not the type to get excited or get real emotional over anything, unless it's God at times. But, anyway, I saw him there traumatized, literally traumatized holding his skull, holding his head between his hands and crying out and screaming. He was in a fetal position on our living room floor. I didn't know what to do. I thought he was having a heart attack. I just started to pray and he cried out and said, "Pray that the Lord would take this out of my mind! The Lord took me to Hell. I feel like my body is dying, I can't handle this." So I proceeded to pray over him, and in about ten to twenty minutes he began to calm down. He was literally in a traumatized state, like someone who went to Vietnam and has a reoccurrence, or a horrible car accident where they're reliving it. It was not just someone who had a bad dream and woke up. So I just wanted to testify to that.
(Bill Wiese speaking)
I'm so blessed with a good woman. I'm really grateful to God. I've been married for four years, and have known her for six, and it's been the best six years of my life, I have to say, so praise God.
I wanted to find out when got back from this experience, if there's anybody in the Bible who has ever experienced Hell. So I began research. I listen to Chuck Missler a lot. He's a Bible teacher across the nation, a real scholar and he had said that Jonah had experienced Hell. In Jonah 2:2 it says, "In Hell he cried out." And in Jonah 2:6 it says, "The earth with her bars was about me forever, yet thou has brought up my life from corruption." So at least there was somebody in the Bible that experienced Hell, Jonah.
I also wanted to find out, because I was raised in the early days of Calvary Chapel, that any spiritual experience that you would go through should already be in the Word of God. So I knew that if what I experienced was true, it would already be there in the words. So I began to research and I found over 400 scriptures that depicted everything I saw, heard, felt, everything to do with Hell. It's already in the Bible, so whatever I'm telling you it's already there. I'll make reference to some of the scriptures as we go. I can't quote all 400, but I will for some of them. I also found out there were about 14 other people that had experienced some portion of Hell. Most of them were near death experiences, people in the hospital dying and were brought back.
So to get right into it, quickly: My wife and I were at the Sunday night prayer meeting that we always attend with our pastors. And we went home like any other normal night and went to bed. About 3:00 o'clock in the morning I was taken. I did not know how I got there until I returned. Then the Lord explained. But I was just dropped into a prison cell, just like a regular prison cell, like you imagine, with roughhewn stone walls and bars on the door. I didn't know where I was yet. All I knew was that it was extremely hot, terribly hot. It was so hot, I couldn't believe, that I was alive. I felt like I should have disintegrated with this heat, but I was still alive. It was light in the room for a little while, and I believe the Lord's presence was there for me to see the scenery better, but then it got dark after about a minute.
In Isaiah 24:22 it says: "And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison...."
Proverbs 7:27 "they shall go down to Hell in the chambers of death"
By "Chambers" it means rooms. So part of Hell has prisons cells, chambers, pits of fire, and big areas of fire, so I was just in a prison cell at this time.
Also in Jonah 2:6, "the earth with her bars was about me for ever...."
And Job 17:16 "They shall go down to the bars of the pit..."
So again, everything I saw was in The Word.
I have now omitted the Bible verses as I said earlier just to give more of his direct account into today's broadcast.
Continuing his narrative:
I found myself in the cell, and these 4 creatures were in the cell with me. I didn't know they were demons at the time, because I went there as an unsaved person. God took it out of my mind that I was a Christian. I didn't understand why, but He explained it to me on the way back. These creatures, I didn't realize that they were demons, but they were enormous. They were about 12 or 13 feet tall, one you will see in the video. One of the people that gives their testimony, he saw the same demon that I did. So you will see what one actually looks like. There is a really good picture of it in the video where one guy was drug up to the bars of Hell. It's Kenneth Hagan's testimony.
Anyway, it was all scaly. This one had scales all over its body, giant jaws with huge teeth, and claws sticking out, along with sunken-in eyes. They were just enormous. And the other one didn't looked like this at all, but it had razor sharp fins all over with one long arm and out of proportion feet. Everything was deformed and twisted and out of proportion, out of symmetry, no symmetry, one arm longer and one shorter and just odd looking creatures, horrible, horrible looking things.
And they were blaspheming God. The whole time they were cursing God. I wondered, "Why are they cursing God? Why are they hating God so much?" And then they turned their attention to me, and I felt the same hatred they had for God, they had for me also, and again I thought: "Why do they hate me? I haven't done anything to them." But they hated me with a hatred that I have never experienced on earth; way beyond what man has the ability to hate with. They absolutely hated me, and I knew they were assigned to torture me.
There were things that I am going to say, that I don't know how I knew. In Hell your senses are keener, you are just aware of more than our physical bodies are. I was aware of distances, I was aware of time, and so forth, much more than you are here. I knew these things were assigned to me, to torture me forever in this place.
I was lying on the floor in this cell and I had absolutely no strength in my body. I wondered, "Why can I hardly move, what is wrong with me?" I was just aware of no strength, and I was helplessly lying there. One Demon just grabbed me and picked me up, and threw me into the wall like a glass. He just picked me up like a glass. That was how light I was, or how strong he was. And threw me into the wall, and every bone in my body just broke. And I felt pain! I just began to lie on the floor there, crying out for mercy, but these creatures don't have any mercy at all, absolutely no mercy.
The one picked me up, and the other one, with his razor-sharp claws; he just shredded my flesh right off. He just tore it off, and had absolutely no care whatsoever for this body that God so wonderfully made. It had a hatred that was so intense against me. I wondered, "Why am I alive, why am I living through this? I don't understand why am I not dead." My flesh just hung there in ribbons. And there was no blood, just flesh hanging, because life is in the blood, and there is no life in Hell. And there is no water in Hell.
… Bible verses omitted
The smell of these demons and the smell in Hell were so atrocious; I can't even describe it to you. There was a smell of burning flesh, of sulfur. The smell of these demons was like an open sewer, putrid, rotten meat, bad eggs, sour milk and everything you can imagine. Take it in, times 1000, and put it up to your nose. And you just breathe it in. It was so toxic, that it would kill you, if you were here in this body, you would die. And I wondered, "Why am I living through this smell, it is so horrendous?" But again you don't die, you have to endure it.
The profanities, that they were cursing at God.
… Bible verses omitted
Profaning, degraded vulgar language and blasphemies.
… Bible verses omitted
It is just a cruel, miserable, horrible place that you have to endure. You have to endure all these things.
God has made mankind the highest form of creation, and these demons are the lowest form of creation. As men we work hard to get ahead in life, we better ourselves, we study. But in Hell, your life is run by demons. These creatures have a zero IQ, absolute ignorant creatures. All they know is hatred for God, hatred for you and torture. And they run your life, and you can't do anything about it.
… Bible verses omitted
On and on it goes. That was a horrible thing, to have your life run by these creatures, that have no mercy for you whatsoever.
A point of clarification; these are not actually Demons, they are torturers, they are purpose-built for this purpose. It's a torture in Hell. Demons are disembodied human spirits and they are not involved in what happens in Hell. The key thing to realise also is that this is reserved for Believers, not for Unbelievers.
Continuing with this narrative:
I was lying in the cell and it went dark, pitch, pitch black. I mean a darkness I have never ever felt before. And I have been down in caves, way down in iron mines in Arizona. There was a blackness that you couldn't even imagine. I managed to crawl out, somehow I was able to crawl and they let me apparently. I remembered where the door was so I crawled towards it and I felt my way, and I got outside the cell. I looked one direction, all black, and all I heard was screams, billions of people screaming in this place. I knew there were billions, and it was so loud. If you have ever heard someone scream before, it is so annoying. Well if you hear billions of people screaming, you can't imagine how it affects your mind. You just can't stand it. You hold your ears because it is so loud and penetrating. You can't get away from the screams.
And the fear that overcomes you is unbelievable. Everything is dominated by fear. There is no presence of God in this place, so you have to endure the fear and the torment and the blackness. You can't see anything. You can't even see what is coming up against you.
… Bible verses omitted
And there is a darkness which may be felt.
Folks, it's so important to understand that if you are a Believer and you die with unrepented sin, something like this is going to happen to you as we saw last week the specifics will vary depending on the sins that you've committed that you haven't repented of but you will get tortured and it's so easy not to go there. Yahooshua died to give us a simple escape: Take the bread and the wine of the covenant and pray and ask for forgiveness in the name of Yahooshua and it will be granted to you, then do what you have to do in terms of making right with people.
Continuing with his narrative:
The fear, I got to tell you, was so powerful. It grips you. If you have ever seen some scary movie, where the fear jumps up in your throat, if you can take that and multiply it by at least a thousand, and hold it there, that is how you stay all the time! And I know something about fear. When I was young, I used to surf. When I was really young we were in Coco Florida surfing and there was a school (group) of sharks coming around me. And a 9 foot Tiger shark came up and bit my board right in a half. And it grabbed me by the leg and pulled me down. So my leg was in the mouth of this giant shark. I wasn't a Christian then; it was before I was even saved. And all the sudden, it let me go. I know God opened that shark's mouth. But for a few moments, the fear that comes into you is absolute overwhelming. If anybody ever saw JAWS, that fear was NOTHING compared to actually going through it. The fear was terrifying. The guy next to me was just a couple of feet away, and a shark ripped his leg right off! And they dragged him up on the beach, with blood everywhere. He was screaming and had no leg. So I understand fear, but that fear was nothing, absolute nothing compared to the fear I felt in Hell, no comparison at all. I think the fear I felt from the shark attack was one of the greatest fears we could experience on earth.
So these are some of the things we have to endure in Hell.
… Bible verses omitted
I was now outside the cell and I looked this direction and as I looked this way I could see there was flames of fire, about 10 miles away from me. I knew it was 10 miles. And a pit of fire, about 3 miles across, had flames that lit up the skyline enough to see the landscape of Hell just a little bit.
The darkness was so heavy; it just eats up any light. But there was enough to just see some of the skyline. It was all brown and desolate! I mean absolutely not one green leaf, not anything of life of any kind, just stone, dirt and black sky, and smog in the skylight. The flames were really high, so I could see it.
There is no life whatsoever in Hell. It is so strange to be in a world where there is no life. Here we enjoy trees and fresh air, but there it is absolutely all dead. (Heat)
The heat was so intense, you can’t even describe it.
… Bible verses omitted
That's what is going on in Hell, it is so hot. All these things should kill you, but you don't die! You had to keep enduring all these things. I wanted peace of mind, to get away from the screams and to get out of there. It's like when you want to go home at night, when you had a rough day, you just want peace of mind. But there you endured all the screaming and all the torment. And you never ever get away from it, ever.
… Bible verses omitted
You are also naked in Hell. It is just another thing you have to endure.
… Bible verses omitted
There is no water in Hell, at all, no water. There's no humidity in the air and no water of any kind. It is so dry; you are desperate for a drop of water, just one.
… Bible verses omitted
Then one of the demons grabbed me, and drug me back into the cell and began all these torments again, which I really hate to talk about, because I don't like to have to re-live the torment. They began to crush my skull. One demon grabbed me and tried to crush my head. I was screaming and begging for mercy, but no mercy! About this time they each grabbed an arm and a leg and were about to tear off my legs and my arms. I thought, "I can't endure this, I can't endure this!"
And all of a sudden, something grabbed me and pulled me out of this cell. I know it was the Lord, but then I didn't know that. I was there as an unsaved person, so I didn't know these things. I just went there as if I had never accepted the Lord. I was placed over next to the fire that I had seen. I was standing alongside that pit. I was beneath a cavern, like a giant cave, with a tunnel going up.
Alongside the fire I could see through the flames, just enough to see bodies, people in the fire screaming, screaming for mercy, burning in this place! And I knew I didn't want to go in there. The pain I'd endured already was bad enough, but the heat from that flame I knew was worse. These people were begging to get out.
There were these big creatures lined all around the edge of this Pit, and as the people crawled up trying to get out, they would be shoved back in to the fire and not allowed out. I thought, "Oh, this place is so horrible, so horrible and horrendous."
All this is going on at the same time. You're thirsty, you're hungry, and you're exhausted. You don't get to sleep in Hell either. You need sleep just as you do now. Your body needs sleep.
… Bible verses omitted
You never get to sleep. You can imagine how that is, never sleeping.
… Bible verses omitted
Continues – What we have covered today is about half the article. There are a whole lot of Bible verses and a whole lot of interpretation which I have omitted. He is saying that this is for Unbelievers; I'm saying it's for Believers. It's up to you to go before Father and find out which of us has got it correct. I've been praying for many, many years, judge me severely correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly, lead me into all truth by your spirit, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it. I've been on something like seven fasts of water-only fast for three days at a time, seven such fasts in a series, and I've done that about seven times seeking truth. So I have a high level of confidence in what I'm saying to you is correct. However, it is up to you to discern and make up your mind.
Summing Up
The verbal images are graphic.
It is vital to understand that it is NOT necessary for you to go to Hell.
It is entirely possible to get free of sin in this life and stay free of sin; Yahooshua died a terrible death to make this easily possible.
But it requires self-discipline and determination and prayers like "Father, in the name of Yahooshua, I ask you to lead me into all truth by Your Spirit."
"I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it."
"I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly."
See the pages on Prayer on the Website and also the episodes on prayer about a year ago on this programme.
Folks, it is really easy to deal with your sin, you have to choose to do it and it's not that difficult to live a life without sin. Father has given His spirit to help us live life without sin. Think about it. Yahooshua died a terrible death. Why should you get off scot free if you can't be bothered to deal with your sin? It's really doesn't make any sense what the church teaches frankly.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
In closing I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If NOT, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
You could pray as follows:
"Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua. I have just realised that you want me to seek a deep personal relationship with you. I choose that now, I ask you to help me and guide me. I ask you to fill me with your spirit. I ask you to give me wisdom and understanding in favour. I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people you don't want in my life out. I ask you to open the doors you want opened in my life and close the doors you want closed. Help me to draw close to you Father. Help me to know me you're willing to do it. Help me to hear your voice and be instantly obedient. Show me everything I need to do in order to draw close to you. Show me everything I need to do in order to become your friend. Lead me and guide me Father. I give my life to you. I will do whatever you want me to do. Amen."
I challenge you to pray a prayer like that right now; you will be surprised what happens.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator."
"Recommended Worship" -- Songs that are strongly recommended.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing."
"Where will you Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
All of this available at
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles -- email to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
There is a substantial amount of information on the website, the culmination of 27 years of walking with Father, most of what I have written is on the website. So whatever your questions are, there is a good possibility that you will find an answer there, otherwise please contact me.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, this is really important to understand, unless there is at least one human being in right standing and right relationship and free of sin at the end of the millennium which is round about May 3003 so 983 years from here or something like that, Yahooshua will not return. Jesus is not coming. Jesus is not coming for nearly a thousand years. We have to make his enemies his footstool. We need to make sure that there is somebody in right standing with the Almighty on that day. I want to make sure that there are millions of friends by that day. I want there to be billions of people who believe and are in some level of good relationship with the Almighty by then. I want to turn the situation around and I am asking you to join with me to make this a reality. It's time that we take this world back from Satan and his cohorts and it needs your help to do it. I appeal to you let me know if you would like to help me. Thanks so much.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 15, May 2020