Without sex there is NO human race -- sexual reproduction is fundamental to the propagation of humans and is therefore the single most important physical dimension of human existence
Sexual intercourse has, however, a much deeper spiritual significance, when a man reaches sexual climax he not only ejaculates semen, he ejaculates part of his spirit and this will attach to whoever or whatever the ejaculation is directed at, be it in or on a woman, a man or an animal. When a woman climaxes a similar spiritual ejaculation takes place. This bond, called the "one flesh bond" was created by Yah (the Creator) so that a spiritual family unit of a man and one or more women could form a deep and tight bond that would hold them together no matter what and would give the family unit considerable spiritual power -- two people with a strong one flesh bond will start to think alike and know one another's thoughts, etc
This bond is also given to us so that we may understand the spiritual bond that is supposed to exist between a human being and their Creator, Yah the eternally self-existing {also incorrectly known as God and The LORD} -- it is NOT possible to fully understand the relationship between Yah and a believer without also understanding the spiritual dimension of human sexual congress
In both areas this understanding has been almost entirely lost amongst those who believe, but this knowledge has, at some level, been retained amongst those who are most committed to serving Satan where widespread fornication gives rise to a vast network of one-flesh bonds that spans the globe and ties all Satanists, Witches, Warlocks, Wizards and other agents of Satan together in a significantly powerful manner that expands to include ALL humans on the planet with uncontrolled one-flesh bonds
The overall lack of understanding results in virtually all believers being sexually joined to other human beings who may or may not be believers who are, in turn, joined to other humans, who are joined to other humans, ad-infinitum such that any human being who is joined to another human being who is NOT part of a closed family unit is, in fact, one with every other human on the planet, including all the agents of Satan mentioned above. The only exception to this is those other believers who are in closely controlled closed family units
This network of one-flesh bonds gives the forces of darkness, the Satanic realm, significant spiritual power on earth and dramatically weakens the body of believers
There are specific prayers that can be prayed by a believer to cut off sexual ties that have been unwisely formed BUT these prayers are governed by strict spiritual laws, see the article on "The Virgins Covenant" for more information
In addition to these spiritual principles sex is, in and of itself, as a pleasurable act that is enjoyed by most human beings, an extremely powerful gift from Yah
It was given to us so that we could draw close to one another WITHIN a covenant relationship {marriage} and build strong ties spiritually and emotionally as well as giving great pleasure
Not only does sexual intercourse give rise to one flesh bonds it ALSO gives rise to intense soul (emotional) ties AND intense love -- sexual intercourse is NOT called "making love" for nothing, a man and woman or man and man or woman and woman who "make love" sensitively and considerately WILL create a bond of love and soul ties. Even in abusive relationships these spiritual forces are created at some level
Sexual intercourse also gives rise to "transfer of spirits", the demons on either partner are replicated onto the other partner so those who have numerous sexual partners become massively demonized in time
Sexual relationships also give rise to soul ties, friendship and similar ties
Beyond the above, sex is also intended to be a highly pleasurable act, WITHIN the confines of a close covenant relationship
The huge problem today is that many / most who are at some level religious have a very distorted view of sex and those who do NOT have a deep relationship with the Almighty Creator use sex freely with whomever they like resulting in the massive global spiritual network referred to above
One of the key faults with regard to sex amongst believing people is a belief that the act, itself, is in some way dirty and defiled and that this explains the "biblical" commandments with regard to sex -- nothing could be further from the truth -- Yah created ALL forms of sexual pleasure WITHIN a close covenant family unit of one man and one or more women, to be pure, set-apart and entirely pleasurable -- Yah WANTS us to enjoy sex -- the proscription is on WHO we have sex with NOT how we have sex with those who are permitted
This section of the website seeks to explain in some detail some key aspects of sex viewed from the perspective of the Creator
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Evolutionary Creation is the ONLY practical explanation of what exists today
NEXT SECTION: The Virgin's Covenant is CRITICAL to understand sex, marriage, adultery and divorce >>>
NEXT SUB-SECTION: The Spiritual Nature of Sex >>>