The article “The Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend of the Almighty Creator” at discusses some principles relating to becoming a Friend of the Creator which is the greatest rank available to any Believer on Earth and in Heaven at any time. It is a rank that is available to YOU IF you choose to seek it. To see this in its proper context see In fact as one comes to understand these things it becomes apparent that the ONLY reason that human beings exist IS to become Friends of the Creator.
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In this article I will endeavour to set out practical steps towards becoming a Friend of the Creator.
The Essence of becoming a Friend is as follows:
- Realize it is Possible and Choose to Seek it
The first step in this journey is to realize that it IS possible and choose to GO for it – see articles cited above.
- Commitment
Make a Commitment to Father Yah to seek to become His Friend.It is important that you declare your intention and ask Him to guide you.Remember that He WANTS YOU to become His Friend.
- Read all the Essence Articles on the Website
Visit my website and read and apply ALL the “essence” articles near the top of the menu. There are my most recent writings and sum up many of the key principles, practices and knowledge relating to deep relationship with the Creator.
- Read Other Articles on the ETI Website
There are about 1,000 articles and webpages, over 9,000 A4 pages, on a great diversity of subjects on the ETI Website that will answer your questions and help you to grow in truth and draw closer to the Almighty.Use the Article Search and Google Site Search in the right hand sidebar of most pages on the site to search for specific information.Read as you feel led.The is another way of looking for information on the basis of key words and key phrases. The various sliders on most pages will also offer up articles randomly and can be used by Father to draw your attention to articles that you might not otherwise find.
If a word or phrase comes to mind, do not hesitate, search for it on the website, it may be Father leading you.
- Contact me – I will Coach you
IF you are serious about becoming a Friend you will have my wholehearted support.I will support you and Coach you.I have been coaching someone for around 18 months and he is close to becoming a Friend.I would be delighted to help YOU in the same way – we have exchanged up to around 20 emails a day at times – short questions and short answers, things that otherwise it would not occur to me to share.
- Read the Seven Components of Drawing Close Article and Put It Into Practice
In terms of practical steps in drawing close to Father Yah the MOST important article on the website is the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” This document is about 70 pages and contains a very substantial amount of important information written under a very strong Anointing with a strong level of Inspiration.
The Seven Steps are:
- Decision
Decide that the Creator exists and decide to seek a deep personal relationship with Him or, IF you already believe He exists, chose to seek a much deeper personal relationship with Him.Chose to seek to become a Friend;
- Prayer
The article contains a range of prayers intended to enable you to get MUCH closer to the Creator and be led by Him in every possible way, prayers like “show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” – prayers that are intended to enable you to walk directly with the Creator and NOT rely on other human beings;
- Fasting
It is NOT possible to get really close to the Almighty without fasting, some basic guidelines on what to do and what to pray.I cannot stress this enough.Without regular disciplined Fasting you are NOT going to become a Friend;
- Cleansing
This earth is controlled by the Satanic realm and demons, when one first comes to the Almighty one is highly contaminated, this section discusses at length what is required to get to a place where you can draw close to the Almighty and hear Him clearly.In particular it lists a number of spiritual rituals that are necessary for you to get REALLY clear of Satanic and Demonic influence.This includes:
- Symbolic and actual full body shaving excluding eye brows for men and also excluding hair on the head for women;
- Full body anointing with the Blood of the Covenant (red grape juice or red wine) and the Oil of the Spirit (Olive Oil);
- Triple Immersion in clean water;
- Spiritual audits – tracing back over your entire life and repenting, cutting off modern curses, etc, etc
- Casting out Demons, cutting off blood line curses, etc;
If you do NOT apply ALL of these procedures it is highly UNLIKELY that you will ever get to be a Friend.These procedures are a vital component of signaling to the Satanic and Demonic Realm that you are cutting your ties with them to serve the Creator ONLY.
- Worship
Worship is vital in drawing close to the Almighty, a selection of highly effective worship songs that will help you on your journey.Further songs at;
- Research
You are unique, your needs are unique, the value you can add to the Creator is unique, you need to investigate Him and His Kingdom for yourself and work with Him to craft your unique position in His service;
- Action
Having done all the above it is now time for you to step out with the Almighty Creator and start being of service to Him and developing that deep personal relationship that you have chosen to pursue.
- Visualize Yourself as a Highly Anointed One when Reading
When reading books or watching Videos about strongly Anointed Ones, such as stories in the Bible, videos of modern day healing evangelists over the last 200 years, etc put yourself in the shoes of that person and imagine what it would be like to operate in their Anointing and under their Mantle.Do this with Yahooshua in the so-called “Gospels”.Where an anointed one really impacts you ask Father to permit you to know Him in the same way as that Anointed One.IF you REALLY desire this re a particular person get on your face and pray this repeatedly.Be wary of doing this with regard to people who did things you do NOT want to do.There are some videos at that you could watch. The BEST role model is Yahooshua.
- Listen
Learn to hear Father.It takes time. He has a still, small voice.Initially it is easy to miss His quiet voice or to mistake it for your own thoughts.As you start to hear you will start to hear Him say things you could NOT imagine for yourself.It takes a significant amount of time to get to a place where you reliably hear the Almighty with confidence.Keep working at it and step out in Emunah {Faith}.
- Seek to see the World as Yah sees it
Seek to see the World as Yah sees it.STOP looking through Carnal Human Eyes and seek Yah’s view.For example in this age Yah is unconcerned about the unbelievers, He desperately needs to hold onto the few who really believe most of whom are falling away in great error and deception. So STOP praying for the World and pray YAH’s WILL!
- Cry Out to Yah
Finally, cry out to Yah to help you become a Friend.Fast, pray, get on your face before Him!He WILL answer you.
You will know you are a Friend WHEN He speaks to you personally and tells you that you are now His Friend.No person can give you that information,you must get to a place in your relationship with Him where YOU can hear that.
Yah WANTS you to become His Friend. It will probably take a couple of years of intense effort but it IS possible if you apply everything referred to above! Remember the Mountain, this is about climbing the Mountain to draw CLOSE to Father.
And remember to email me and I WILL support you as long as you are sincere and follow my advice 😊
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman
End Time Issue Ministries
12 June 2021