I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Muslims. I have already written similar articles for Christians and Jews and aim to produce articles for other Beliefs and for Unbelievers. Nearly all of my writings are presented on the Website www.ETI-Ministries.org including a set of pdf volumes available at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings
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That said, I want to stress that this is NOT a Christian message, it is NOT intended to draw you into Christianity, it is intended as the fulfillment of your Muslim heritage as a child and servant of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, who you know as Allah, leading to a reward when you die that will potentially entitle you to a high throne in Heaven with the Creator for Eternity.
I also want to stress that I am NOT a Christian, I started this journey as a Christian but have been thrown out of numerous Churches and after numerous supernatural experiences, many fasts and much personal revelation I now regard myself purely as a Servant and Messenger of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth to ALL human beings irrespective of your religious beliefs.
My message is personal to YOU as an individual and I want to stress that with great personal effort YOU can come to a place of relationship with the Almighty Creator, your Father in Heaven such that YOU can satisfy His desire to have a DEEP personal relationship with YOU. Father desires intense prayer from you.
This is about YOU achieving YOUR full potential as a Believer for Eternity!
This is about worshipping ONLY the Almighty Creator and serving Him ONLY! And doing this any time, all the time. For example, you do NOT have to go to some special place to worship Him. If you are really serious, get on your face on the floor before Him in your bedroom or your study or wherever and cry out to Him for deliverance and for relationship, He WILL meet with you! He wants to be your FRIEND and desires for you to become His FRIEND!
This is about relationship NOT slavish observance of minutiae!
For direct words from the Almighty to myself, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/important-insights
If you are a Muslim, particularly a deeply committed Muslim, I urge you to read this article to the end prayerfully and then to pray the prayer at the end.
In all my writings, words and phrases in curly brackets {} are commonly used words that are incorrect at a level that they should be avoided. My journey with the Almighty has been deeply informed by the rigour of my Engineering training (I have a Doctorate in Engineering).
This article presents a headline review of most facets of my teachings as they apply first and foremost to Muslims. I have written similar articles for Christians and Jews and subsequent articles are planned for other Beliefs and Unbelievers.
I stress that I am NOT highly knowledgeable with regard to Islam, what follows is my best attempt based on my limited knowledge and I ask you for Grace to the extent that some of what I write may not be entirely technically correct.
- The Correct English Translation of “Allah” is “The Almighty”
The correct English translation of “Allah” in Arabic is “The Almighty” just as the correct translation of “Elohim” in Hebrew is also “The Almighty” and NOT “God” which is a blasphemous name.
- Islam is one of the Three Mainstream Monotheistic Religions
Islam, meaning “Submission to the Will of the Almighty” [Allah] is one of the three nominally monotheistic major religions together with Christianity and Judaism which at SOME level seek to serve the Almighty. As with the other religions insofar as the TRUE reason we exist is to have a relationship with the Creator, most Muslims are NOT true Believers.
All three of these religions are in serious error overall such that TRUE relationship with the Creator is somewhere in between all of these religions with touches from other religions.
The Creator says that there are MORE true Believers in Islam than in Christianity and that Christianity is in serious error to the point of largely being pagan with only a limited number of true Believers.
- Mohammed was one of the Great Turnaround Prophets
In the degradation of human condition that has ensued since Adam ate the fruit of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" -- whatever that fruit may have been, the essential sin was rebellion and obeying Satan -- mankind has slid progressively into greater and greater evil
This has taken place against the context of The Contest see https://www.eti-ministries.org/real-contest in terms of which Satan and his followers are vying against the Almighty in accordance with a strictly defined set of rules, to establish Satan as ruler on Earth for Eternity
At various times Satan has been winning hands down and Yah, the Almighty Creator, has had to rely on a single individual who was in right standing with Him and obedience to Him at some level, to initiate actions that would bring about a restoration of the things of the Almighty and cause people to turn to Him
The most significant of these people were:
1. Noah who prayed for judgement on a corrupt world, was given guidance in building a large vessel designed for massively rough seas and who survived a massive catastrophe in which an Ice Comet impacted the Earth and caused a massive tectonic upheaval coupled with submerging the planet in water -- in the process all except Noah and his immediate family were wiped out -- during this tectonic (Earth surface) upheaval, the core of the Earth, which is a powerful nuclear reactor, had reached such a level of heat that the core expanded almost explosively causing the diameter of the planet to increase by about 25% resulting in the formation of the seas as we know them and the water draining off the land -- end result was a new civilization that started out with ALL members knowing the Almighty and His ways in significant measure
2. Abraham who alone stood for Yah when the world around him was completely apostate
3. Moshe {Moses} who, when almost the entire planet had forsaken the Almighty, led the children of Yisrael {Israel} out of corrupt Egypt and into independence in the process facilitating a number of dramatic miracles which have kept elements of the resulting Jewish faith at some level true to the Almighty even to today, which is why they continue to be blessed and prosper
4. Yahooshua [Isa] {incorrectly Jesus} who, as the first created being, having lived in Heaven with the Almighty throughout the Creation process over millions of years, came to Earth as the spirit in the child born to a virgin of Natzareth {Nasareth} and grew up to be a mighty prophet and was eventually put to death on a stake {cross} -- having lived a sinless life he was immediately resurrected from the dead and became the king of all human kings and lord of all human lords -- through observance of his teachings the Christian religion came into existence and has greatly impacted the world although having fallen into much error within a short space of time after Yahooshua died as correctly reported by Mohammed.
5. Mohammed who, after a time of seclusion drew close to the Almighty and brought a message of correction and discipline to the Arab people who were descended from Abraham through Ishmael thereby giving birth to the religion we today know as Islam.
It is important to understand that Mohammed’s message was timeous and necessary because both Judaism and Christianity were largely apostate at that time.
6. Martin Luther took a stand against the extreme errors of the Roman church and started a movement that resulted in many of the most extreme errors of the Roman church being over-turned, however, the Reformation and resulting Renaissance and "Protestant" church compromised in certain key areas, nevertheless this Reformation started by Luther, has dramatically impacted the world.As with the Jews, Luther was in significant error towards Islam as well.
Overall it is apparent that we are facing an increasing slide away from the Almighty, the errors of the Christian Church are huge, as discussed elsewhere on this website and there are also major errors in Islam and Judaism
The problem is so severe that the Almighty says that within 200 years the current Renaissance will peak and there will be an increasing slide into Satanic domination of the world UNLESS another turnaround prophet is raised up to do what is necessary to avert the looming disaster
IF you are serious about serving the Almighty I urge you to do ALL you can to seek ALL truth and turn to the Almighty in a much more intense way than you are at present and do what YOU can do to make a difference through intercession, seeking truth, spreading the message, etc -- YOU might even become the NEXT turnaround prophet!
- We exist to be Friends of the Creator DIRECTLY and NOT through an Imam or Worship Leader or Prayer Leader
There is fundamentally only ONE reason that Human Beings, this Planet, this Solar System, this Universe exist and that is because the Almighty Creator, who has always existed, was lonely and wanted companions and, specifically Friends.Friend of the Creator is the highest achievement in this life and anything short of that is a misfire, particularly if you have not even attempted to achieve this status with Him.This means that:
- You talk to Him constantly
- You know His TRUE Name – “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and you use it exclusively
- He talks to YOU constantly
- You know His plans and participate in them
- You know His goals and work towards them
- You pray His will into existence on Earth in close consultation with Him.
- Etcetera
If you qualify as a Friend at the end of your life then you qualify to sit on a Very High Throne in Heaven with a Glorious Resurrected Body, Great Authority, Great Prestige and Great Power.
One of the key errors of Islam, as with Christianity, Judaism and other religions, is that individual believers have abdicated their responsibility to have a PERSONAL relationship with the Almighty Creator in favour of a relationship with an Imam or other leader who is expected to have some level of relationship with the Creator.
- One of the Human Beings Closest to the Creator in this Age is a Muslim Imam in Teheran
On 25th December 2015 I was given statistics on the number of people on Earth at different levels of relationship with the Creator.I was told that there were more true Believers in Islam than any other religion and I was told that of the three men who were at that moment closest to the Creator one was a Muslim Imam in Tehran, another was a Jewish Rabbi in Jerusalem and the third was myself coming from a Christian background albeit no longer regarding myself as Christian.
- The TRUE Name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and He desires us to use THAT name
The Name “Yah” occurs over 7,000 times in the Hebrew books of the assembly commonly referred to as “The Bible” – it is frequently rendered by Jews as “Adonai” when, in fact the Hebrew is YHWH which correctly renders “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” which accurately translated is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” such that the TRUE ESSENTIAL Name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah”.He loves it when we use that name with appropriate esteem.In fact, He has said “IF you love Me then call Me by My true Name”.He HATES it when people hide His true name with Hashem, God, G_d, etc.He prefers this name to Allah but Allah is far preferred to the other names.
- The Quran IS a very Important Religious Book
The Quran is a very important religious book and is inspired overall at a greater level than the Bible, albeit the Quran is also just a book written by humans and DOES contain error.Many in Islam have fallen into the trap of according the Quran undue esteem such that they effectively worship the Quran.This is sin and should be avoided at all costs.It is NOT appropriate to beat or kill people for what they may say or do negatively regarding the Quran.
- Mohammed, thru the Quran is Correct about the Major Errors of Christianity
Mohammed, through the Quran, is correct about the two big errors of Christianity:
- The wrong worship of Jesus [Isa] correctly Yahooshua, he is NOT the Almighty in the flesh, there is NO deity of Yahooshua and there is NO Trinity all as espoused by Christians.
- The wrong worship of the Bible as “The Word of God” and related errors.
Beyond those two errors and a range of other errors Christianity in its essence is a valid religion in service of the Almighty and reconciliation between Islam and Christianity is highly desirable.Waging war against Christians and murdering Christians is no more valid that it is in the opposite direction, ultimately true Muslims and true Christians are serving the same Creator.
- Mohammed, thru the Quran, is Correct about the Major Error of Judaism
Mohammed, through the Quran is correct about the error of the Jews in worshiping their books and specifically “The Torah”.The Quran refers to “people of the book”.
Beyond this error and a range of other errors Judaism in its essence is a valid religion in service of the Almighty and reconciliation between Islam and Judaism is highly desirable.Waging war against Jews and murdering Jews is no more valid that it is in the opposite direction, ultimately true Muslims and true Jews are serving the same Creator.
Many Muslims have Fallen into the Trap of Inappropriate Esteem for Mohammed and the Quran
Regrettably, given that the Quran condemns the Christians and the Jews, “The People of the Book” for inappropriate esteem for their respective books, and the Christians for inappropriate esteem of their leading prophet in the current age many Muslims have fallen into the same error with regard to the Quran and with regard to Mohammed.The Quran is inspired at a significant level but NOT fully, it is no more than a very important religious book and it should NOT be worshiped and inappropriately esteemed as is the case with some Muslims.Likewise Mohammed is a great prophet but he should also NOT be worshipped.
Murdering people because they do not accord the prescribed level of esteem to Mohammed or the Quran is just that, murder and those who do these things will face a terrible judgment.
- When Believers Die they go Directly to Heaven and are Judged and sent to Hell for Unrepented Sin
When True Believers (those with a relationship with the Almighty Creator [Allah], whether Muslim, Christian, Jewish or other) die they go directly to Heaven where they are judged in terms of how they have lived their lives.Depending on the quality of their life on Earth and their relationship with the Creator they will be assigned a Rank in Heaven.They will also be sentenced for time in Hell where they will be tortured for ALL unconfessed and unrepented sin that was in place at the time they died.This is NOT widely understood.
- There is Sex in Heaven BUT NO 72 Virgins for Jihadists -- Suicide Bombers WILL be Judged Harshly
It is widely reported that certain Jihadist Muslims believe that if they die while waging war against the “Infidels” they will go directly to Heaven where they will be given “72 virgins” as a reward.This is FALSE, a person who kills someone without a proper trial by a properly constituted court with properly qualified judges will be judged in Heaven as a murderer and spend a very considerable amount of time being tortured in Hell before they enter Heaven and they will NOT receive any virgins!
Women are NOT chattels to be dispensed with as rewards to men!
- There are many more Women than Men in High Positions in Heaven and many Muslim Men do NOT Treat Muslim Women the way the Almighty expects them to be treated
It is vital to understand that there are many more women than men in high places inHeaven because generally women spend more time seeking relationship with the Creator.This must be seen in the context that many Muslim men do NOT treat their women right.Women have equal standing before the Creator as do men, they simply have a different role in the plans of the Almighty and it is highly offensive to the Creator to oppress women, hold them in bondage (emotional or physical), etc.
- The Covenant Introduced by Mohammed is distinct from the Covenant introduced by Yahooshua through the children of Israel
The Covenant introduced by Mohammed is distinct from the Covenants introduced by Moshe {Moses} and Yahooshua [Isa] {incorrectly Jesus}.There are certain benefits associated with the Covenant through Yahooshua (which was entered into on behalf of Israel) that are NOT available to the Muslim people except by being grafted in to the Covenant through Yahooshua by trust and belief {faith}.
The Essence of my message for Muslims
- We were created to have a deep, personal relationship with the Almighty Creator
As stated above, we were created to have a DEEP personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, if you do NOT have such a relationship you are missing the only reason you exist.
This is available to every human being alive today irrespective of religion, race, colour, creed, denomination, education, wealth, gender, etc.
It is NOT necessary to go through a human intermediary such as an Imam, Rabbi, Priest, Pastor, etc.
- “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” is the True Name of the Almighty Creator (Allah)
The phrase “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” occurs in the so-called Old Testament nearly 7,000 times represented as “The LORD”.This phrase in Hebrew is “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” depending on preference.It is the Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and His true, fundamental Name is “Yah”.If you do NOT know this name and use it you will never draw particularly close to Him.How do you form a relationship with someone when you do NOT know their name or do not use it?Note that the essential Name of the Almighty “Yah” occurs over 7,000 times, it is embedded in numerous names in the Hebrew writings.
For a detailed discussion of the Name Yah and how it permeates every facet of “Old Testament” life and the names of people please visit https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-bible/more-about-the-bible-4/name-yah-in-book
As stated above “Allah” [more accurately “The Almighty”] is much preferred as the name for the Creator than “God” or “The LORD” or other names that are incorrectly used Allah is acceptable BUT Yah is more accurate than Allah.
Note that Adam, Noah, Abraham and Ishmael knew the Creator as “Yah” so “Yah” is NOT a Christian or Jewish name it is a name to be used by ALL true believers.
- Yahooshua [Isa] {incorrectly
As stated above the true name of the Spokesman {Prophet} and Emissary {Apostle} of Natzareth {Nazareth} is Yahooshua meaning “Yah is Salvation” – this is vital to understanding this man and his role and his mission.It is VITAL to understand that Yahooshua is NOT the Almighty, NOT Deity, NOT anything like that.
Note that the common Arabic name “Isa” is much more accurate than “Jesus”.
Note that this name is NOT exclusive to Yahooshua of Natzareth, it was a common name in Old Testament times, generally incorrectly translated as “Joshua” in English Protestant Bibles.
Jesus is derived from the Greek “Ieosus” which, in turn is derived from “Zeus” another Pagan, that is Satanic and Demonic name and, in fact, means “blessed of Zeus”, so it is an insult to refer to Yahooshua as Jesus and again Grace has been withdrawn.
The situation with all these Demonic names is that if you persist in using them, particularly when you have been apprised of your error, the Satanic and Demonic realm have authority to take control of you and of your life and totally destroy your relationship with the Almighty Creator.Furthermore the Creator will progressively reject you.
- Anointed with the Spirit of Yah {incorrectly
Another meaningless Christian name is “Christ”.This is a rendering of “Christos, Christoon, etc” in Greek.This, in turn is a rendering of “Meshach” in Hebrew which means to smear or anoint with oil OR to anoint with (smear) with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah, in other words to be filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.
So, at the time that Yahooshua was immersed by Yahoochanan {John} in the Jordan River and the Spirit of the Almighty descended on him, he was filled with the Spirit of Yah.See MattihYahoo {Matthew} 3:16 “When He had been baptized, Yahooshua came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of The Almighty descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.”
It was this infilling (Anointing) with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah that gave Yahooshua the power to Prophesy, to heal people, to raise the dead, etc.So all of these miracles were performed by YAH NOT Yahooshua.
Taking this further, the word Christ is used in the context of:
- “Jesus Christ” = “Yahooshua Anointed with the Spirit of Yah”
- “Christ Jesus” = “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua”
- “Christ” = “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah” as in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} which strengtheneth me.” KJV
- “Christ” = “the Anointed one” – referring to Yahooshua of Natzareth or any other Anointed one.
The net effect is that Christ can be applied to ANY Spirit filled Believer, so, I can rightly be referred to as “James Christ” just as legitimately as Yahooshua can be called “Yahooshua Christ” {Jesus Christ} and if YOU are Spirit Filled you can just as legitimately be referred to as “your name Christ”.
Thus we see that “Christ” refers to the Spirit of Yah and therefore to YAH and NOT to Yahooshua so when we refer to Jesus using the word Christ on its own it is effectively meaningless.The net effect of this is that “Christianity” correctly interpreted would mean “the religion of those filled with the Spirit of Yah”, which it is NOT because the vast majority of those who call themselves “Christian” are NOT filled with the Spirit ofYah.So, Christianity is effectively a MEANINGLESS religious word as well!
Note that the biggest impact of “Christ” is that people think that Yahooshua {Jesus} is The Almighty {God} when, in fact, he was and is 100% a human being.
- Stake NOT Cross
Yahooshua died on a Stake, a length of tree trunk, NOT on a Cross, a Cross is a Pagan, that is Demonic Satanic symbol, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/not-cross and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death
- Other incorrect words and names
There are many other words that are incorrectly rendered in English see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/true-names and other pages on the Website for more information.
Most of them have less dramatic consequences in terms of the impact of the error but they should be corrected nevertheless, as is done where relevant in this article.
- The “Death” of Yahooshua [Isa] was a Miracle
The death of Yahooshua (known to Muslims as Isa) involved a series of inspired {prophetic} acts – refer https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death for a detailed discussion of the miracle of Yahooshua’s death.
- A cave was excavated beneath a cliff face that became known as “Golgotha” (the place of the Skull) because it looked like a Skull hundreds of years before Yahooshua died;
- At the time of the Babylonian invasion of Yahoodah {Judea} in 597 BC YirmYahoo {Jeremiah} removed the Ark of the Covenant from the Temple and hid it in the cave;
- At some stage the Romans or earlier people established an execution site directly above the cave;
- The human being Yahooshua was created by the Creator as a Creative Miracle with an Ovum of Miriam his mother whereby he was conceived without a Father and therefore no blood-line curses which was critical with regard to enabling him to live a life without sin.
- Yahoochanan {John} the Immerser {Baptist}, a Levite of the Priestly line, proclaimed Yahooshua of Natzareth “The Lamb that takes away the sins or the world”;
- At the time Yahooshua was executed a fourth stake {cross} hole was excavated behind the three existing holes and positioned directly above the Ark of the Covenant – specifically for Yahooshua – the people doing this did NOT know the Ark was there ;
- Pontius Pilate the Roman Emperor, who had the authority to proclaim a Jewish King, proclaimed Yahooshua King of the Yahoodites {Jews};
- The High Priest laid hands on Yahooshua and sarcastically proclaimed him Moshiach (Messiah – Anointed One who was to come) and therefore High Priest
- The People declared his blood on themselves and their children thereby proclaiming him the offering for Atonement for sin;
- Yahooshua declared the Bread and Wine at the final Passover meal to represent his body and blood and thereby ushered in the New Covenant when he died – Jews still observe the Passover meal without understanding the full significance;
- When Yahooshua died an Earthquake split the rock beneath the Stake Hole and caused a crack to form from the Stake Hole to the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant in the cave below;
- A soldier then pierced Yahooshua’s side and blood and water ran out and down the crack onto the Mercy Seat;
- By his SINLESS blood running onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant hidden in the cave below the execution site Yahooshua became High Priest, the Atoning Sacrifice for sin and ushered in the New Covenant see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death
All of this was a series of carefully orchestrated interventions by the Almighty to ensure that Yahooshua accomplished his mission. The planning for this started over a thousand years before with Moshe in the Wilderness and ran right up to the minute that Yahooshua died and was pierced and the blood fell on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
It is vital to understand that this was YAH and Yahooshua’s plan from the beginning, that Yahooshua KNEW what he was coming for and that he HAD to die exactly that way.
So we see that Yahooshua [Isa] {Jesus} HAD to be 100% human and HAD to die exactly that way in order to establish a new Priesthood, a New Covenant and a New Offering for Forgiveness of Sin. Without ALL of this we would have a serious problem.
Sadly, Christianity does not understand most of the above and has so corrupted the truth that it is very difficult for observant Muslims to believe in the Covenant of Yahooshua.
- Yahooshua gained his authority through his sinless life and his blood on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant
There is all sorts of wrong Christian teaching regarding how Yahooshua gained his authority. It is vital to understand that by living a life without sin and dying on the Stake when he was guiltless and his blood flowing down the Earthquake crack onto the Mercy Seat that he fulfilled the Covenant of Moshe as given on the Mountain by the Creator.
It is vital to understand that because of his sinless life this offering was Eternal and applies for ALL TIME, this allows Yahooshua to be High Priest for Eternity and allows his Covenant to endure for Eternity.
It is vital to understand that IF one has sin in one’s life, even a single sin, that makes you a Servant of Satan. It was ONLY by living a life above sin that the man Yahooshua could qualify to become King of Human Kings, High Priest, etc and that his blood on the Mercy Seat meant anything.
- Immersion is prescribed as a regular practice
Note that Leviticus repeatedly prescribes immersion for cleansing of any defilement so it should be a regular practice.At times I advocate triple immersion, that is going under the water three times with the first time being for cleansing from defilement and the third for entry into the Kingdom.
- ALL authority on Earth was given to Yahooshua after his death and delegated to his followers
ALL authority on Earth was given to Adam who gave it to Satan when he rebelled and ate the forbidden fruit and therefore submitted to Satan.See Genesis 1:28 “28 And the Almighty blessed them, and the Almighty said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the Earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth.” KJV
Yahooshua regained this authority by living and dying without committing a single sin.Regrettably almost no believers live without sin today and therefore the Satanic and Demonic realm dominate on Earth today and almost no one walks in this authority.
In order to gain this authority Yahooshua had to be 100% HUMAN! AND he had to live without sin.If YOU will choose to live your life above sin, you too, will have great authority on Earth today in the Spirit Realm.
This authority over-rides and supersedes the authority of all other human beings in the Spiritual Realm.
- Yahooshua is seated at the Right Hand of the Father Waiting for his Enemies to be made his Footstool
Yahooshua [Isa] is now seated at the Right Hand of the Father, the Almighty Creator, WAITING for his enemies, the Satanic and Demonic Realm and their human servants, to be made his footstool. This requires Believers to live free of sin which almost no one is doing and wage spiritual war in his name.If his enemies are not made his footstool Yahooshua will NOT return.Target date for Yahooshua to return, following release of Satan from the Pit is May 3003, in other words 982 years from now (February 2021).
Psalms 110:24 Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD} says to my Adon {Lord}: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”
- Yahooshua is the MOST Powerful Created Being in the Universe
Yahooshua is the most powerful created being in the Universe.The spirit that became Yahooshua was the first spirit being the Almighty created early on in Creation and was Yah’s Executive Assistant and Chief Operating Officer throughout the Creative process until he came to Earth at which point, as stated above, he became 100% human with only the authority and power of a human being.
He could not have performed his mission if he was NOT 100% Human and he would NOT hold the high status that he holds today were he NOT 100% Human.For more information see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/yahooshua and the child pages under this page.
Yahooshua’s [Isa’s] power and authority today are a consequence of dying without sin and being promoted to be the first born from the dead and King of ALL Human Kings and Adon {Lord} of ALL Human Adon’s {Lords}.
- The Creative Miracle of Yahooshua in Miriam {
Mary} was less of a Miracle than the creation of Adam and the Creation of Chavah {Eve}
The Creative Miracle in the Fallopian Tubes of Miriam {Mary} that gave rise to the human being we know as Yahooshua [Isa] {Jesus} was LESS of a miracle than the creation of Adam and Lillith and the subsequent Creation of Chavah {Eve}.Yahooshua the man was therefore 100% human with NO inherited bloodline curses.
Deifying Yahooshua {Jesus} because of his virgin birth misses the point.Yah did NOT have sex with Miriam He performed a creative miracle with her ovum that was LESS miraculous than creating Adam and Lilith from the dust of the Earth and Chavah {Eve} from Adam’s rib.
There is therefore NO REASON to worship Jesus!
See the child pages under https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/yahooshua for more on Yahooshua.
- Yahooshua is scheduled to return around May 3003 – 982 years from now
Yahooshua is scheduled to return around May 3003, 982 years from now (February 2021) but ONLY if there is a human without sin and in Right Standing with Father Yah to call for his return.If there is NOT such a human being Satan will rule on Earth forever.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/satan-wins and other webpages.
- Satan was sent to the Pit for One Thousand Years on 3 May 2003
Satan was brought before the Court of Heaven on 3 May 2003.The charges against him were read out, he was convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit.He will come out on 2 May 3003, 982 years from time of writing in February 2021.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/satan-to-pit-2003
Shortly after that IF there is a Committed Believer in right standing with the Creator on Earth at that time the final judgment will come and Satan and all the Satanic Messengers {Angels} and Demons (Ancestor Spirits – spirits of deceased unbelievers) that follow him will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly destroyed.If there is NOT a person in right standing Satan and his followers will rule on Earth forever and Yah will withdraw His Spirit and those who at some level follow Him and all humans, animals and plants remaining on Earth will die.
- Ancestor Spirits / Demons the Spirits of Unbelievers
It is vital to understand that UNLESS one has a life changing deep realization of the reality of the Creator AND prays accordingly to be accepted by Him then one is an Unbeliever.As such, when you die you will be taken to Heaven and be told that you have been lied to and then taken to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and told that this is where you will end up if Father wins the Contest and you are then returned to your corpse where you may either be harvested by a Satan servant and put to work serving Satan or you will remain on your corpse in the Grave or Crematorium furnace forever or you may manage to transfer to a loved one or friend who embraces your corpse.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/articles/article-view-page/articleid/555/2015-11-07-clarification-do-human-spirits-live-forever-v-001 for clarification
- The Earth is Ruled by a Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds
Today, with Satan in the Pit, the Earth is ruled by a Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds, brilliant men and women who died as unbelievers not long after Creation see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/demonic-masterminds-direct
- Those who followed Yahooshua suffered massive persecution
Following the death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Believers in his Covenant suffered massive persecution by the Jews and the Romans such that the religion largely died out in Israel and survived primarily in Greece where the believers adapted their religion to Greek Pagan tradition in order to gain greater acceptance and reduce persecution.The religion became progressively more corrupt.It was also eventually adopted in Rome with further corruption.This resulted in the corrupt religion we call Christianity today.
It is vital to understand that the knowledge we have available to us today regarding Christianity, primarily through the Bible and the teachings of the various forms of Christian Church, is corrupt, incomplete, inaccurate and therefore of LIMITED reliability.It is vital to get close to Father Yah to seek truth.My Website contains a huge amount of information, of the order of 1,000 webpages, which you can turn to for a lot of information. Much of this information is also available in 15 pdf volumes available at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings
- Yah IS Chesed {Covenant Love}
The Almighty Creator is Chesed (Covenant Love, Lovingkindness, Mercy, Grace).He is fundamentally NOT a vengeful angry “God”.This persona is what corrupt human beings have imposed on Him.This does not prevent Him from sentencing corrupt human beings to death.
- Yahooshua told those who follow his example to worship ONLY the Creator NOT him
Yahooshua [Isa] {Jesus} told those who follow him to worship ONLY the Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, referMattihYahoo {Matthew} 22:37 “Yahooshua said unto him, Thou shalt love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” KJV names corrected.This is quoting Deuteronomy 6:4-7 which says “4 Hear, O Yisrael: Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is one! 5 You shall love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
This must be read in conjunction with Exodus 20:2-3 “2 “I am Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One, who brought you out of Mizraim {Egypt}, out of the land of slavery.3 You shall have no other Mighty Ones before me.”
Deuteronomy 5:1-10 “1 And Moshe {Moses} called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them. 2 Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One made a covenant with us in Horeb. 3 Yah the Eternally Self-Existing made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day. 4 Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5 (I stood between Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One and you at that time, to shew you the word of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 6 I am Yah the Eternally Self-Existing our Mighty One, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 7 Thou shalt have none other mighty one’s {gods} before me. 8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the Earth: 9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One am a jealous Mighty One, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.” KJV names corrected
The word translated “before” in the above passages is Strong’s Number 5921 -- Strong’s Concordance – an exhaustive analysis of every single word in the Bible see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong%27s_Concordance This indicates that 5921 is effectively a meaningless word, there are literally over 150 different meanings ascribed to this word see https://biblehub.com/hebrew/5921.htm
So the CLEAR meaning of the two passages above is that you shall have NO other Mighty One’s apart from Yah.Clearly that demonstrates that it is SIN to Worship Yahooshua or esteem him in any sort of religious sense.Fundamentally, by definition, Christianity breaks this Commandment and since the Almighty Creator spoke these words to the ENTIRE assembly of Yisrael (Israel) from the Mountain at Sinai in the Arabian Peninsula it is clear that it is an abomination to worship Jesus.In this context it must be stated that anyone who breaks ANY of the Ten Commandments will face HARSH judgment when they die if they have not repented and turned away before death.
Note that it is NOT the role of Muslims to bring judgement on Christians no matter how much error they are in.
Note that there are a number of verses in the Christian “New Testament” that clearly indicate that Yahooshua was a man and NOT the Almighty in the flesh, the Christians simply choose to ignore them or corrupt them.For example:
- Seek TRUTH NOT Error
A fundamental principle of serving the Almighty is to focus on Truth and NOT on Error.The world is full of sin and error, do NOT let that overwhelm you, seek truth at all times and disregard the error other than to the extent necessary to note it for what it is and disregard it.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seek-truth/seek-truth-not-error
- The World is such a Mess because of “The Contest”
The World is such a mess because Believers have abdicated their responsibility to live above sin and dominate the Forces of Darkness.This is in response to the Contest between Yah and Satan which came about after Satan (then Hillel) rebelled before the Creation of Adam and challenged Yah to a Contest to prove that if he was sent to Earth Satan would so corrupt mankind that after 7,000 years there would NOT be a single person who was in right standing with the Almighty who could call for Yahooshua to return and, in that case, Satan would rule on Earth for Eternity and Yah would withdraw from Earth.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-contest
As things stand at present Satan is well on track to win the Contest, there are a very small number of people truly in Right Standing and free of error at a level that sets them in a position to pray for Yahooshua to return.My mission on Earth is to increase the number of such people dramatically and to lay a foundation to make this turning around so enduring and sustainable that it lasts to the end of the current Millennium in 3003.
What Satan did not realize is that when Yah withdraws His Spirit from Earth ALL living things, plant, animal and human will immediately die so Satan will win a pyrrhic victory and be relegated to the Satanic and Demonic Realm fighting amongst themselves.
- When Unbelievers Die they become Ancestor Spirits [Demons]
When Unbelievers die they become Ancestor Spirits, also known as Demons.They stay with their bodies in the grave or crematorium oven or are harvested by Satan Servants and deployed to lead others into sin or transfer onto a loved one or friend who embraces their corpse.There are over 100 billion Ancestor Spirits on Earth today.If Satan loses the Contest the Ancestor Spirits together with the Satanic Messengers {Angels} and Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly destroyed.If Satan wins, they will remain on Earth ruled by Satan and the Almighty will withdraw His Spirit from the Earth and ALL living things will instantly die leaving the demons stuck on the corpses of their hosts forever.The vast majority of people who claim to be Believers are, in fact, Unbelievers.
- There are various ranks in Heaven of those who please the Almighty
There are various ranks in Heaven, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom see also https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/mountain-of-relationship and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend
The lowest rank of those who really please the Almighty is “Wise Steward”.This requires that you seek truth, seek to walk above sin and constantly seek the Almighty.On 25 December 2015 there were about 200,000 people on Earth who qualified, there are many more already in Heaven.You will get a glorious resurrected body and significant esteem, authority and power.
Next closest to the throne is“Good and Faithful Servant”. You are more directly involved with the matters of the Creator on Earth.About 5,000 people.You will get a more glorious resurrected body and greater esteem, authority and power.
Closer still is “Overcomer” – you are walking in truth, have victory over sin and the forces of darkness and have a material relationship with the Creator.You will get to sit on a Throne together with a glorious resurrected body and significant esteem, authority and power for Eternity.20 people on Earth on 25 December 2015.
Finally there are “Friends” who sit on the Highest Thrones with the most glorious resurrected bodies, great esteem, authority and power for Eternity.1 on Earth on 25 December 2015.
For the most part these numbers have not changed much in the last five years, some new people have qualified and others have gotten into sin and error and dropped off.Some have died and not been replaced.Overall the headcount is reducing, most of those who qualify are of the older generations.Within 100 years if nothing changes there will be virtually nobody who qualifies.
There SHOULD be MUCH greater numbers in ALL of these ranks on Earth today – YOU can qualify.
- There is Judgment in this Life for Believers who sin
There is judgment in this life if you are a believer and you sin.If you constantly have things going wrong in your life as a Believer it is because you have sin in your life.
- The Almighty sits on a Throne of Judgment.
- Yahooshua, our advocate, represents you, particularly if you are a young believer and pleads for mercy, this only applies to immature believers.
- The Satanic forces act as Prosecutors and bring charges against you for your sin.
- The Almighty passes judgment and the Satanic and Demonic Realm execute that judgment.
See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/judgment-this-life
- The Quran, the Torah and the Bible are just books and NOT the “Word of God” and contain error
Regarding the Quran, the Torah and the Bible, whichever variant people consider authoritative, it is vital to understand that it is ONLY a book and NOT the Word of God / Word of Yah.The Bible is a compendium of portions of text from diverse authors NONE of whom testifies that what they have written is inspired by the Almighty and without error.Neither do the compilers of the entire Bible claim that what is assembled was inspired by the Almighty and without error.
The fact is that regarding the so-called New Testament there ARE discrepancies, for example, relating to the death of Yahoodah of Kerioth {Judas Iscariot}, see MattihYahoo {Matthew} 27:5 “And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself” versus Acts 1:18 “Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out”
Either he cast the money into the Temple or he purchased a field and either he hanged himself or he fell headlong and his guts spilled out.Clearly it is one or the other.There are a significant number of other discrepancies between different texts and other points that are not accurate.There are websites devoted to errors in the Bible, the exact extent is NOT important.
Note that Mohammed and the Quran correctly identified these errors.
In the Prophets we read in 2 Samuel 24:1 “And again the anger of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing was kindled against Israel, and he moved Dawid {David} against them to say, Go, number Yisrael and Yahoodah {Judah}.” Whereas in 1 Chronicles 21:1 we read “Now Satan stood up against Yisrael, and moved David to number Israel.”Either Satan moved Dawid to Number Yisrael or Yah did, they cannot both have done that.
In fact, once you realize that the Bible is NOT the “living Word of God and without Error” or some derivative of this mistaken belief the errors cease to be of real concern since it is now our personal responsibility to discern the validity of what we read and research anything that is disparate.Beyond that the CORE issue is to develop a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator such that you can ASK Him directly about any area of concern.
What IS fundamentally true about the entire Bible is that it is an extremely valuable resource as a HISTORICAL RECORD of the interactions of human kind with the Almighty Creator up to roughly 2,000 years ago.It also contains about 2.5% inspired text (as indicated to the author by the Almighty) but it DOES contain error.
Likewise the Quran is ALSO a highly important historical book with guidance about the matters of the Almighty, albeit that it, too, contains errors.
Remember also that most of the New Testament was written in Hebrew, translated to Greek by unknown people and repeatedly transcribed by unknown people with NO guarantee of the accuracy of the translations or transcriptions and NO guarantee that someone along the way did not embellish or change words or verses to reflect their personal prejudices.
It is useful to read the Bible a few times in a few translations of which the King James Version or the New King James version, “The Amplified Bible” from Zondervan and “The Scriptures” from the Institute of Scripture Research are worth reading once each – all available on Amazon.The Jewish “Living Torah” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan and the “Living Nacht” are also worth reading once.Beyond that there are a huge number of books relating to belief in the Almighty from diverse authors, many of them Spirit Filled to a greater or lesser extent, that are worth reading although all books as with all other information are to be read and received with caution.A deep relationship with the Almighty is CRITICAL!
What IS true about Islam is that there IS a HUGE amount of practical literature relating to diverse facets of relationship with the Almighty [Allah] that is worth scanning and reading selected books or sections of books AS LED by the Spirit of the Almighty ONCE you have formed a personal relationship with Him.
On a related front see the books listed at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/important-information for some useful references to get started.
For more information on the Bible and what it is and what it is NOT see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-bible and the associated child pages.
- True Believers are Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty (Anointed)
Anyone who is a True Believer and has asked for infilling is filled at some level with the Spirit of the Almighty.The majority of such people are Charismatic Christians although there are also some Jews and some Muslims who are so filled.
One of the problems of Christianity is that because of the confusion regarding Jesus, there are many Jesus worshippers who ALSO have some measure of infilling with the Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty and they then attribute the workings of the Almighty in their lives to Jesus.This is an abomination in the sight of the Creator and these people will end up as “Adulterous Wives” in Heaven IF they make it into Heaven at all.
A person who is Anointed (Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty) lives life in a different space and a different mode, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/anointed-life
Refer Psalms - Chapter 51 Verse 13 “Do not cast me away from before You, and do not take Your Qodesh (Set-Apart) {Holy} Spirit from me.
Also Isaiah 11:2 “And the Spirit of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.
1 Samuel 16:13 "and the Spirit of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing gripped David from that day on."
Psalm 143:10 "Let Your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground."
Isaiah 42:1 "Behold My servant, I will support him, My chosen one, whom My soul desires; I have placed My Spirit upon him, he shall promulgate justice to the nations."
Isaiah 44:3 "So will I pour My Spirit on your offspring, My blessing upon your posterity."
Joel 2:28 "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy."
It is important to understand that the Set-Apart (Qodesh) Spirit of the Almighty is NOT a “person” or a “third person of the Trinity” as claimed by Christians.The Set-Apart Spirit is that portion of the Spirit of the Almighty Creator that He Sets-Apart for those who truly believe and draw close to Him.That Spirit is available to ALL who believe if they humbly ASK for it.
It is also important to recognize that it is FALSE that the Creator has ceased giving His Spirit to those who truly believe today.Yes, there is a huge amount of error and therefore very few people know the truth and therefore they do NOT seek the Anointing but it is just as available today to those who ask as it was thousands of years ago.
- Hell is REAL and is for Believers with Unrepented Sin
Hell is a real place as are the torments that occur there and it is reserved for those who Believe but distain Yahooshua’s Sacrifice and die with unrepented sin! – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/hell for graphic images painted by someone who has been there and graphic accounts by others who have been there. If you die as a Muslim, Christian, Jew, or other Believer and have not dealt with all the sins outlined above and other sins associated with general belief you will spend considerable time in Hell before you are admitted to Heaven IF you are admitted at all!
- There is a Great Falling Away in the present generation
There is a Great Falling Away at present, the number of True Believers is reducing constantly as the old generation die out and the younger generations do NOT believe see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/great-falling-away
- Sunday is Pagan, Saturday is the True Weekly Sabbath from Sunrise
Sunday is a Pagan, that is Satanic Sabbath, the true Weekly Sabbath is Saturday from Sunrise Saturday to Sunrise Sunday see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/sunday-pagan
It is vital to understand that the Sabbath runs from Sunrise to Sunrise, NOT as widely believed by Jewish people.It does not make any sense for the day to begin at the start of night, that is a Satanic belief that has crept in and corrupted true belief over the years.
Note that Mohammed requested that Muslims observe Friday as their Sabbath because of the errors of the Christians and the Jews.This does NOT alter the fact that the Creator has designated Saturday as His true Sabbath so Moslems should seek to adjust to this where possible.
- The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong
One of the realities in the Spirit and Religious Realm is that the majority are always in error.Yah’s truths are preserved by a small minority.This is a huge trap that has ensnared a huge number of people https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-majority-is-always-wrong
- The Bible IS Valuable in that it has preserved the history of some greatly Anointed Ones
The Bible IS valuable because it HAS preserved the history of some greatly Anointed Ones and the history of people who served and failed to serve the Almighty for a period of primarily about 2,000 years.It also contains SOME inspired text, about 2.5%.But, as stated above it is JUST a book written and transcribed and translated by, for the most part, unknown parties with various levels of anointing and various levels of accuracy.By worshipping the Bible as “The Word of God” Christians and Jews have devalued the Bible and given it false status as a substitute for relationship with the Almighty to the extent that today the Almighty says that the Bible is the “Greatest Idol” on Earth today and that He HATES it.Jews have committed similar error with the Torah and other writings being deified and having supernatural properties ascribed to them.
Muslims make the same mistake with the Quran.
- Blessings of Belief and Curses of Unbelief
Those who DO have true Belief are blessed at some level with regard to Healing, Wisdom, Protection, Provision, Favor, etcetera but all of these require some measure of living above sin.Islam has in large measure walked in this but, as noted above, this is slipping away and in a few hundred years without a massive change we will slip again into barbarism and Satanic and Demonic ways.Those who are NOT filled with the Spirit of the Almighty will be led by the Demonic and NOT by the Almighty.
- Virginity is Set-Apart, a Woman may Covenant with Only One Man
Women are born with the seal of virginity – the hymen, therefore they may ONLY Covenant (have intercourse) with ONE man unless they are widows or truly divorced.Adultery is sex with a woman who is one with another man.Men may Covenant with, cover, protect and provide for more than one woman.There are many errors in teachings with regard to the relationship of men and women today.Note that this does NOT prevent women from being powerful leaders and servants to Yah, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/men-women/men-and-women-and-covenant/the-virgins-covenant Where a woman is truly divorced prayers can be prayed to set her free to consummate with another man.
- It is acceptable for more than one woman to covenant with one man
In light of the seal of virginity it is acceptable, and was in fact the design intention of the Almighty, for a number of women to covenant with one man.However in modern society most women cannot handle sharing so this form of marriage is mostly impractical.This does not alter the fact that it is powerful and pleasing to the Almighty see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/men-women/scriptural-definition-of-marriage/2-define-marriage-covenant
Islam has greater truth relating to this than Christianity although it is so that many Muslim marriages where the man is NOT a true believer are oppressive and NOT pleasing to the Almighty.
- Seven Times as many Women as Men in high places in Heaven
There are seven times more women than men in the body of True Believers and in high places in Heaven see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/single-women-believers-7-x-men This is important in the context of Islam where there is a tendency for active religion to be dominated by men and, in some respects, to be quite harsh towards women and in general. Women in Islam tend to be oppressed and held back from their full potential in many cases this is NOT pleasing to the Creator.
- We must keep the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment
We must keep all ten of the Commandments spoken out aloud by the Almighty Creator at Mount Sinai – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/commandments
In addition the Great Commandment is “Love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, will ALL your soul”.
Note that Islam does NOT report the Ten Commandments, however, if your goal is to draw close to the Almighty you should make a point of keeping these Commandments, they are NOT onerous.
The Ten Commandments are:
- Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have NO other Mighty Ones beside Him. Includes NOT worshipping Yahooshua.
- Have NO idols, includes NOT worshipping the Quran / Bible / Torah etc as the Word of God or similar and not worshipping the Cross (actually a Stake).
- Do NOT take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain (Blasphemy) – includes NOT calling Him God, The LORD, G_d, the Tetragrammaton or Hashem, also not having a www.Yahoo.com email address or website, etcetera. Allah is acceptable but Yah is preferable.
- Keep the Sabbaths. We are commanded to keep the High Sabbaths being Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the First and Great Days of the Feast of Tabernacles. We are also commanded to keep the Saturday Sabbath from Sunrise Saturday to Sunrise Sunday. As stated above there is grace for Muslims to observe the Sabbath on Friday.
- Honour your father and mother, if you curse them you will die.
- No murder, includes NO abortion and NO abortive contraceptives. Includes unrighteous judgments leading to a death sentence.
- No adultery – men having sex with women who are not virgins given to themselves, men with men. There are prayers that can be prayed to clean this up.
- No stealing, includes taking “Tithes and Offerings” while preaching and teaching lies.
- No false witness and no lying, includes not teaching and preaching lies in Mosque / Synagogue / Church / Temple, etc.
- No coveting and no lusting.
Breaking ANY of the above leads to judgment either in this life or in the lift to come.We are required to live free of ALL of these sins.
- Prayer, Worship and Fasting are Vital
It is vital to pray regularly, in fact we should seek to pray in the Spirit without ceasing, Worship regularly and Fast regularly.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/prayer for important prayers.
Worship is critical, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/why-believe/worship
Fasting is a vital component of drawing close to Father.I advocate seven three day water only fasts at weekly intervals as an absolute minimum at least once a year for at least seven years.
A seven day water only fast is highly recommended on first belief or when cleansing from major spiritual defilement.A 21 day fast on soup and vegetables is recommended by some and a 40 day water only fast is almost certainly required if you are seeking a power anointing and power ministry.In all cases this must be accompanied by ongoing prayer, reading of anointed writings, etc.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/importance-of-fasting Only tackle the longer fasts if you are filled with the Spirit of Yah and He has confirmed you should do it.
- Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
There are Seven major elements in drawing close to the Almighty, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close
These are:
- Decision
- Prayer – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/prayer
- Fasting
- Cleansing (including Deliverance from Demons)
- Worship -- https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/recommended-worship-songs
- Research to learn what Yah wants you to learn and do
- Action – putting what you have learned into action with a view to aiming to become a Friend of the Creator – your personal ministry.
The abovementioned article is particularly important if you decide to get close to the Creator.
- There WAS a Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Event about 4,500 years ago
It is so that there WAS a worldwide Hydraulic and Tectonic Event, also known as “The Flood” in which the entire planet was submerged in water as a consequence of an Ice Comet Impact.The surface of the Earth was then totally mashed up and the Earth expanded draining the water off the continents.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/proof-of-global-flood
It is important to understand that reports of finds on Earth that are millions or billions of years old are incorrect, the entire surface of the planet was formed about 4,500 years ago by the event referenced above.Further, high levels of radioactivity were emitted during and after this event with the result that there were major mutations and diversification of plant and animal species and degradation of Human Beings – Noah [Nuh} was about eighteen feet, six meters, tall – his house and grave have been found.
The miracle of the Flood is that Nuh prepared for the flood by building a boat and assembling a representative sample of animals and birds and survived the flood despite tumultuous seas – every living thing on the Ark was strapped down and then the Almighty put them into Suspended Animation.
- ALL People on Earth today are descended from the three sons of Nuh {Noah}
All people on Earth today are descended from the three sons of Nuh:
- Shem – the Jews, Arabs, Europeans, Russians, Asian Indians, North American Indians – Christianity, Judaism and Islam – at some level serving the Almighty.
- Japheth – Japanese, Chinese, Koreans and other Far East Asian peoples – idolatry and worship of the Emperor.
- Ham – most of Africa – Ancestor (Demon) worship.
- Creation took place in an Evolutionary Manner over Millions of Years
It is also important to note that Creation did NOT take place in seven periods of 24 hours.The word translated “Day” in Genesis in most English translations relates to a “period of time of indeterminate duration”.So Creation took place in an Evolutionary manner of progressive discovery by the Creator as He progressively created more and more complex planets, plants, animals, spirit beings, etcetera until He finally created humankind just over six thousand years ago.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/our-world-today-history
- Christianity DOES Preserve Important Truths
As mentioned above Christianity is corrupt and pagan insofar as it worships a man (Jesus) and idolizes the Bible.The vast majority of people who class themselves as “Christian” today are classified by Father Yah as “Believing Unbelievers” – tens of millions of them, some are “Foolish Virgins” or “Adulterous Wives”.
At the same time, important truths are preserved in Christianity, particularlythe truth or semi-truth about Yahooshua albeit it is masked by major error.The supernatural, Charismatic Gifts are more widely present in Christianity than other religions for the most part.That said, most of the Charismatic Christians today are “Adulterous Wives” because of their worship of Jesus and the Bible.See the page “The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah in December 2015” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom
- Your Ministry
There is nothing in Yah’s plan for this age that involves people sitting in seats being taught for years at a time.The intention is that you Believe, clean up your life (https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close ) and then go into ministry as either:
- A Spokesman / Spokeswoman {Prophet / Prophetess} – one who listens and speaks on behalf of the Creator.
- An Evangelist – one who publicizes the matters of the Creator and leads people to Belief.
- A Shepherd – one who cares for the new converts and leads them to a point where they can enter into Ministry on their own.
- An Emissary {Apostle} – a senior and experienced one of the above.
It is VITAL to understand that YOU are called to Ministry! Basically you should have an occupation that provides the finances for your Ministry and then you have a Ministry that you self-finance.
- It is NOT about the people
Many believers get sidetracked about the messed up state of the world and the distress and turmoil of “the people” – most of the people who are in this distress are unbelievers and they are there BECAUSE of their unbelief.Yah is INDIFFERENT to their lot so praying for them and constituting ministries for them is a waste of time.Focus on getting close to the Almighty and THEN focus on reaching the Believers, then the Unbelieving Believers and the Believing Unbelievers and teaching them the truth.The vast majority of people who we today assume to be Believers are, in fact, Unbelievers because ofthe errors regarding Names, etc.
- Each Major Religion and Denomination Preserves Different Truths
Each Major Religion, particularly Islam, Christianity and Judaism preserve different truths – other religions also contain truth.The sum of all truth is at least theoretically available from consideration of what every one of these groupings hold to be truth.Note that all the denominations and major divisions of Christianity each preserve certain distinct truths while at the same time largely sharing key common errors.Different groupings of Muslims, Jews and Christians also preserve distinct truths and argue amongst themselves over their differences.
Throughout time there have been pockets of people in each religion and denomination who ARE moderately close to Father and they have preserved important truths.
- Christmas, Easter, etcetera are Pagan Feasts and should be avoided at ALL costs
Christmas, Easter, etcetera are Pagan Feasts.Yahooshua was born on the first Day of the Feast of Tabernacles – around September / October and NOT on 25 December.25 December is the birthday of the sun god and is an abomination in the sight of Yah.Easter is also NOT Passover.See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/satanic-feasts -- https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/true-sabbaths and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/christmas-pagan
- There are very few TRUE Believers on Earth Today
As at 25 December 2015 there were only approximately 205,000 human beings in some measure of right standing with the Creator on Earth, that number has, if anything, decreased since then.That number includes Muslims, Christians, Jews, Yogi’s, Hindu, etc.
There were about another 2,500,000 who would make it into the Great Hall in Heaven, again across all peoples.Of these, about 500,000 were “Adulterous Wives” who were Spirit Filled but who were worshipping Jesus, Mohammed, Moshe, etc -- most of these were Charismatic Christians.If anything that number has decreased.
There were also about 2 million “Foolish Virgins” people who at some level had true Belief but had never been filled with the Spirit of the Almighty, many Muslims will end up here.
Then there were about 20 million who had at some time believed but who had never formed any sort of relationship with the Creator or done anything in His service, these will end up in the “Outer Darkness” outside the Great Hall in Heaven, the “Trash Heap of Heaven” as Yah calls it – with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (their teeth) for Eternity.In fact they would probably be better off if they had not believed – so a lot of Muslim outreach is largely futile.
Finally there were about 100 million “Believing Unbelievers” people who were at some level religious but who had never admitted the reality of the Creator at a level that brought about a spiritual state change.
See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom for detailed discussion.
In considering these statistics you need to check firstly whether you TRULY believe that the Almighty Creator exists, THEN you need to check whether you have at SOME LEVEL a relationship with Him.If not you need to clean up urgently.See https://youtu.be/oWoJe-fkvWA and https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close
Then consider the reality that many of the people you have considered to be Believers are NOT!
Consequently, your entire picture of Religion on Earth today is likely skewed by lack of awareness of the above statistics such that those who truly have some measure of right relationship are scattered all over the Earth across most religious groupings and interspersed with large numbers who are NOT in right standing.
Note that when I say “Right Standing” that is a relative term.They virtually ALL have most of the errors that are addressed above and on my website and are therefore NOT particularly close to the Almighty.
- Good is NOT the Issue
When you consider the previous point then the NEXT point is that there are huge numbers of “Good” people on Earth, Billions, but the vast majority have NO relationship with the Creator and are therefore, by the standards of the Almighty, of NO consequence to Him.In fact, He has said that He is “indifferent” to them.So, IF your standard of religious acceptance is “good” I regret that you need to rethink.
Then, to compound this, many of those who ARE at some level of True Belief are heavily demonized and some are participating in wars and all sorts of things that are evil so would NOT be classed as “Good”.They will pay a heavy price for this in Hell after they die but right now things are confused so do NOT judge!There are Jihadists in Islam who fall into this category.
To put it bluntly, there are BILLIONS of Good people who are servants of Satan!This is one of the Satanic and Demonic Realm’s most effective ploys.
- The “Mosque” / “Synagogue” / “Church” is Corrupt and Valueless
An extension of the previous point is that collective religion, be it the Muslim Mosque, the Christian Church or the Jewish Synagogue and their associated communities who are doing all sorts of “good works” are irrelevant and valueless from the perspective of the Creator because they do NOT teach people to have a deep relationship with the Creator but rather make people dependent on the Imam, Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, etc to have the relationship and even then most of those leaders do NOT have significant relationships with the Creator and are teaching error.
In years past these institutions had value, today that is no longer the case.
Further it is important to remember that the collective of people who were effectively “The Church” in Jerusalem at the time Yahooshua was put to death were calling for his death so it is correct to say that the Church put Yahooshua to death!In fact, Yah, the Creator, says that if Yahooshua were to come today the Church would AGAIN put him to death.Consider the Inquisitions (see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/inquisition) and the Pogroms for an indication of what Christianity does to those who believe differently to the masses – in most cases they kill the True Believers. I have been kicked out of a number of Churches for daring to challenge their wrong beliefs.
The brutal truth is that the Satanic and Demonic Realm control the Mosque, the Church and the Synagogue under the guise of “good”.One can be as “good” as one likes as long as one is NOT a strong believer in the Creator and are then entirely irrelevant!These comments apply to ALL religious groupings.To take this a step further – try introducing the above truths to the average gentle loving Moslem Imam and see them change into a raging irrational demonized tyrant if they are unable to convince you that you are mistaken and should trust their teaching!
The harsh reality is that IF you take this message seriously and apply it fully you will find that you are NOT welcome in any form of organized religion EXCEPT if you band together with a few other like-minded believers.But, right now, they are few and far between.
- True Belief Recognizes the above and worships ONLY the Creator
True Belief recognizes ALL the above and Worships Yah alone and NOT Yahooshua [Isa] {Jesus} and NOT the Quran, the Bible or the Torah.In fact, a person who TRULY accepts ALL the above is NOT a Msulim OR a Christian OR a Jew or whatever, they are a “Servant of Yah”PERIOD.
This is vital to understand, Christianity has been corrupt from within a short time after Yahooshua died and has become more corrupt over time.There was a limited recovery following on from Martin Luther albeit coupled with massive anti-Semitism and anti-Islam and there has been some further limited recovery since then.However, the worship of Jesus [and Yahooshua] and the worship of the Bible have made Christianity beyond the pale so to speak and IF you are truly seeking a relationship with Father Yah, the Almighty Creator, the day will come when He will tell you to “come out of her” – the Mosque, the Synagogue or the church of Christ, which as an institution is beyond redemption.Judaism already had major error at the time of Yahooshua and Mohammed also spoke against this in the context of worship of “The Book”.
- The Fundamental Reason we Exist is to Become FRIENDS of the Creator
Finally, the Ultimate reason we exist is to become Friends of the Creator, fundamentally NOTHING ELSE matters!IF you do that, you will qualify for a High Throne in Heaven for Eternity, if you do NOT get it all rightyou will still qualify for a proportionate reward, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/-video-why-seek-relationship-most-important- see also https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend
Accordingly, if you are a Muslim, be it nominal or deeply committed I appeal to you to turn from your error and turn to the Almighty Creator whose TRUE name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and pray the following prayer or something like it.
Prayer – adjust as appropriate to your unique circumstances
“I confess that I have used wrong names for you, Yahooshua and others, I now recognize this as sin and I repent and I ask you to forgive me and help me to start on a new path using the correct names and words.
“I choose to forsake the pagan religion of Islam and turn to worshipping and serving Yah the Eternally Self-Existing alone.I thank you for what I have learned through Islam that has brought me thus far and brought my relationship with you thus far but I now choose to serve YOU ONLY!
“Please help me to do this in whatever way possible, help me to pray appropriately and to act appropriately.
“Thank you for forgiving me and setting me free.
Take the Bread and Wine of the Covenant and claim forgiveness.See the webpage https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/-critical-actions-on-first-belief- and also the articles on the webpage https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/-video-why-seek-relationship-most-important- particularly the article on “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close
I hope that this has helped you and that you will now turn to serving the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing alone.Part of doing this is that you no longer call yourself a Muslim but rather refer to yourself as “A Believer in the Most High Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
20 February 2021