2023.05.02 If you don't ask the right questions Yah cannot correct youOne of the questions that I suspect many (most?) of the people who encounter my teachings regarding the Names, position of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}, position of the Bible, etcetera must ask is “there are so many people who speak authoritatively about Jesus, God, The LORD, the Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is God, Sabbath is Sunday, etcetera, HOW can James be right and they are all mistaken?!”
It is certainly a valid question.
Particularly since I assert that people who continue in the use of these Names and concepts will spend time in Hell if the do NOT repent in this life!
2024.10.05 Fear is Faith in Satan -- without Emunah-{Faith} it is Impossible to please YahIn the article “Emunah {Faith} is vital to walking closely with the Creator” it is stressed that it is not possible to walk closely with Yah unless one does so with a deep settled assurance of the existence, reality, goodness, protection, healing, provision, etcetera of Yah. Implicit in this principle is that if one does NOT walk in Emunah one is walking in faith in Satan and the Satanic and Demonic Realm – in other words if you walk in fear you are a servant of Satan!