The need for an accurate summation of the world today
I am a Civil Engineer by training with a Bachelor of Science Honours degree with distinction and a Doctorate also in Engineering. In my entire journey with the Almighty I have sought to apply the rigorous approach instilled in me as an Engineer.
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NEXT SECTION: Essence of my Message Regarding Poverty of Believers >>>
On Friday 12th March 1993, at approximately 07h00 in Sandton, South Africa, having spent the entire night running strategic processes on my life and seriously considering suicide the Almighty Creator spoke to me audibly, as clearly as you would hear me if we were in the same room. He simply said “phone Iain Peters, he has something you need”.
I phoned Iain, a business associate, told him “Iain I believe you have something I need” and he invited me to dinner. That evening, having confessed my sin and the broken state of my life, Iain and his wife shared his deep living relationship with the Almighty Creator and led me in prayer to recommit my life to Him. That Sunday Iain took me to his church and I started on a journey that continues to this day.
That day I KNEW that the Almighty had spoken to me and was real, I also knew that the magnitude of my sin was such that had I died that day I would have been close to being utterly rejected. Accordingly I chose to serve Father as best I could for the rest of my life. By His grace, I have managed to do this, NOT always at the level that He would have liked but always managing to hang in there.
In the intervening years I have had innumerable experiences that evidence to me again and again that our Creator lives and is real and that He wants a deep personal relationship with me and every other human being on the planet.
I have had Him fill my bedroom with the mighty roar of the wind of Pentecost and had Him lay His hand upon me and fill me with His Spirit. I have had His Spirit flow through me into others who have fallen to the floor convicted of sin, I have seen others healed through the laying on of my hands, I have been given words of knowledge for others that have been precisely accurate. I have had people sent across my path with messages, healing, teaching and much more. I have met others who are close to Him and I have received much personal teaching and revelation by His Spirit.
In 1995 I first realised that the Spirit of the Almighty was given to lead us into ALL truth and started to pray according. In the late 1990’s I started to pray “Father show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”, I still pray that regularly. I also started to pray “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly”. These are critical prayers IF you are serious about truth and about serving Father faithfully to the end.
In those early years I immersed myself in the Bible, attended church as frequently as possible, read innumerable books and listened to innumerable teaching audio tapes. My understanding of the matters of the Almighty grew steadily. The visions reported in “The Final Quest” and “The Call” by Rick Joyner had a powerful impact on me and opened my understanding to new possibilities and particularly the possibility that I could qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity.
By 1997 I had learned that much of what was being taught by the established Christian Church was in error and I had been thrown out of a number of churches and badmouthed from the pulpit. In one case a visiting preacher called me and my wife out of the congregation and proclaimed a dramatic and powerful blessing over us for our obedience. The following week we were told to leave the church!
In 2000 Father called me apart in the middle of the year and I embarked on a series of eight three day full fasts at ten day intervals. I experienced a massive increase in revelation, discovered that the correct name of the Almighty was NOT “God” or “The LORD” but “Yahweh”. Subsequently I discovered that “Yahweh” means “Yah the eternally self-existing” and that the essential Name of the Creator is “Yah”. In time I undertook a very detailed analysis of the name of Yah and wrote a lengthy article on the subject see also
Further revelations included that the correct name of the man most know as “Jesus” was “Yahooshua” and that Christmas was a pagan feast and Yahooshua was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles (around September / October) and NOT anywhere near Christmas see
As I learned I questioned the importance of these facts. Regarding Father’s Name His reply was “how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy” -- “God” and “The LORD” are both the names of Satanic deities. Regarding Christmas “how would you like it if your family ignored your real birthday and instead celebrated it on the birthday of your worst enemy?” Christmas is the birthday of the Sun god, see
And so I got that what I was learning was critically important and so I progressed.
In the period 2000 through 2003 I wrote hundreds of articles which I published by email to a small list of people. Some of these articles were of great accuracy and others reflected the massive learning curve I was on together with a large amount of false teaching that I had taken on board along the way. Those articles are available at and also in the Articles database at In 2003 I prayed for Satan to be judged and sent to the Pit for a thousand years which prayer was, I believe, granted see
In the years that followed I had dry spells when I did almost nothing for Father and others where I was extremely active. In 2013-14 we created a very substantial website containing nearly all the articles that I had written up to that point together with a large amount of new content based on revelation that I was receiving as I wrote. In 2018/9 I greatly expanded the content on the website and capture nearly all previous writings. That website is at I also had all the articles to May 2019 collated into a set of 15 pdf volumes which were published as physical books. The pdf’s are available for download at in both A4 and A5 format.
During this journey I came to learn that almost everything that I had taken on board in the early days of the journey was at best corrupt and at worst entirely false. I came to understand that Yahooshua {Jesus} was NOT deity or the Almighty in the flesh, but a man filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. I came to understand that the Bible is in fact a book comprised of fragments of text written by fallible human beings and assembled by fallible human beings and, while a useful reference, is NOT “the living Word of God and without error” or any of the other claims made for it. In fact, I finally came to understand that Father HATES the Bible because of the way men worship it and spend time with it when He wants them to spend time with Him.
I came to understand that the whole message of “salvation” was topsy turvy, we were created to be in deep personal relationship with Father and THAT is the only criterion that matters and that, while Father WOULD like all human beings to be in Heaven with Him for Eternity He really is indifferent to those who do NOT have a deep relationship with Him. Eventually I heard Father say “why would I want someone to spend Eternity with Me in Heaven when they do NOT believe I exist?” – it makes sense and puts a very different spin on much that is believed and taught. Then I learned that “the outer darkness” IS a very cold, very dark, very unpleasant place in Heaven and that all people who at some time confess belief in the Almighty and then continue with their lives indifferent to Father will end up there, a place Father refers to as “the trash heap of Heaven”. And I learned that believers will burn in Hell for their unconfessed sins. And I learned much more.
Most of this is documented in detail on the abovementioned website This ebook seeks to draw much that I have learned into a compendium of information that relates specifically to aspects of the history of this planet and of mankind that I hope will be useful to others. With this in mind, while it DOES summarize many of the articles on the website and DOES provide information that I have not previously documented, it should NOT be seen as replacing the website.
It is my hope that by the time you have read this ebook you will have a heightened awareness of the matters of the Almighty and have taken decisions that lead you much closer to Him.
Chapter 1
The beginning – Father was lonely
Bible worship and the misinterpretation of Hebrew and Greek text in English and other translations has led to extremely distorted pictures of how humankind and this planet came to exist – this has led to vast numbers of intelligent and educated people being turned off the matters of the Creator because of the wrong thinking of many believers. This chapter seeks to set out the Creative process and answer questions with regard to the enduring debate of “Creation versus Evolution”.
In considering what follows it is important that you understand that I present this information as a person with qualifications in Engineering, Science and Biology and that I hold that everything that follows complies with the levels of rigour that my training requires.
- Father was lonely
As His name “Yah the eternally self-existing” indicates the Creator has always existed.I understand that this represents a challenge for many people in terms of making an intellectual decision to believe.However, because of my deep personal experience of the reality of His existence coupled to deep application of Engineering disciplines and principles in my journey with Him and learning about Him, I conclude with absolute certainty that He exists and that every facet of the world we live in evidences this.
I therefore suggest for your consideration, IF you today are one who does NOT believe in the existence of the Creator or one who sort of believes but is NOT confident enough to defend your position, that each element of what is presented here will, at some level, point towards the conclusion that He is REAL.BUT I recognize that for many, perhaps most, this will NOT be sufficient and, accordingly, I suggest that you pray to Him for guidance and proof of His existence.I will give more guidance on this towards the end of the book but you might also like to read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” at
Early on in my walk with Father I came to understand that the reason we exist is because He wanted companions, people He could talk to, have relationship with, learn with.
Did I say “learn”? yes! I did.It is a lie that Father knows ALL things.He is constantly learning, we are an experiment, He is constantly learning with us and about us.In fact, the messed up state of the world today is a consequence of errors in manufacturing and errors of judgment made by our Father during the Creative process.
Many many millions of years ago Father decided that he wanted companions, friends, beings He could talk to, share things with, learn things with and so He set Himself the task of creating highly intelligent beings, beings as much like Himself as possible.People who had willpower, the ability to make decisions, to discuss, to debate, to create, people with emotions and so began a long iterative and incremental journey over millions of years to create an environment suitable for these beings and then, finally, to create the beings themselves.
At an early stage Father realized that He would make mistakes and, accordingly, He created an incinerator where failed experiments could be cast into intense fire to be utterly destroyed.This place is today known as “The Lake of Fire and Brimstone” and is at the very centre of the place colloquially known as “Hell”.
- Periodic table of the elements
In order to get started Father needed material to work with and so He set about creating matter or “stuff” or whatever you would like to call it.The elemental building blocks that constitute the matter from which this Universe, this planet and ourselves are constituted.

To create the elements he first had to create the sub-atomic particles that make up the elements and then create the elements themselves.
When one considers the question of our existence as a random “evolutionary” act with NO design guidance versus a process of “evolutionary creation” under the direction of a super-intelligent Creative being it is useful to consider the question of how something as orderly and systematic as the Periodic structure of elements, as graphically depicted above, could come into being through a random, unmanaged, stochastic process.
Note that once the sub-atomic elements were created the above progression was inevitable, so the real intelligence evidenced by the periodic table lies in the specification and creation of the sub-atomic elements.Either way, I submit for your consideration that it is impossible for the above order to come into existence without some super-intelligent design engineer to design and build this complexity.
- The Universe
Once the full range of elemental building components had been created it was time to create a large body of material containing these elements and to cause that large body to explode and expand into the nothingness of space, basic laws of physics, mechanics, chemistry and, and, and having been first established.
And so we find that there was a “big bang” that set about the initial creation of the Universe in order to create a gravitational environment for more refined development.As the matter of the Universe expanded outwards from the origin numerous planets and suns were formed and Father intervened with these as He saw fit to craft environments suitable for further development.Thus it is entirely valid that there are numerous solar systems, suns and planets that are similar to our own, and others very different, that during the progression of experimentation have been used to progressively establish the optimum conditions for the optimum form of life to create the highly intelligent beings that Father wanted to be His friends.
However, where an experiment has failed to meet required design standards it has been terminated such that life has NOT continued.It is my clear understanding that right now Earth is the ONLY inhabited planet out there.No harm in looking but NOT going to find other life although other life is entirely plausible were it NOT for the controlled nature of the experiment.
- Solar System
Within the Universe there are innumerable Solar Systems of which ours is but one of many and these have been developed experimentally to create varying conditions with a view to creating an environment suitable to establish a planet suitable for the highly intelligent creative beings that Father has been working towards for all these years.
- Planet Earth
So that brings us to Planet Earth, a very specific, precision engineered micro-climate suitable for sustaining human beings as an intelligent life form.Again, many other planets with variable conditions created in the progressive evolutionary journey of arriving at THIS planet and THESE beings.
At each step of the way the Creative process has followed a mixture of pseudo-random creative events like the Big Bang coupled to surgically minute tuning of specific components of specific situations to create very specific conditions, in this case, conditions that would sustain human life as we know it.
In considering the geometry of this creation it is vital to understand that the conditions on Earth that support life require extremely precise conditions in terms of levels of light, heat, gravitational force, etc and that these conditions will only remain in effect for relatively limited time spans at the end of which the experiment will terminate, either successfully with the required friends having come to Heaven or Heaven being unfilled.
As it happens, the experiment that we are part of HAS been successful insofar as Father has succeeded in creating a suitable Solar System with a suitable Planet with suitable beings, albeit that the beings are corrupt and highly defective in terms of Father’s design objectives.Thus there ARE, today, human beings who have successfully lived life on Earth, established some level of relationship with the Creator and therefore qualified to spend Eternity with Him in Heaven.A few of these are true friends, more are servants and a huge number are in the outer darkness mentioned above.However, over 100 billion humans have, at this stage, FAILED to qualify to enter Heaven and today they are roaming the Earth as Ancestor Spirit’s or demons tormenting and leading astray the living human beings pending the outcome of the Contest between Yah and Satan which will reach conclusion some time in 3003 according to the present calendar.
Given that NOT all of Heaven will be filled by the conclusion of the experiment on planet Earth, will Father create another planet and other beings?At this stage I understand Him to say that information is NOT for public distribution but that this current experiment has been so painful that He will think more than once before embarking on further creative experiments.
- Plants of increasing complexity
Having created a planet with the exact environmental conditions that were required to support life, Father set about creating plants to beautify the planet, provide food, cleanse the air, etc.He started with single cell organisms and eventually worked up to the extremely delicate and complex plant forms that exist today.I include those forms of plant that grow under water in the form of seaweed, etc.
In considering plant life it is vital to understand that most of the more complex plant forms reproduce through sexual reproduction.In other words there are male and female reproductive organs and reproductive cells.Sometimes these both occur on the same plant and in other cases there is a distinct male plant and female plant.
Either way it is vital to understand that sexual reproduction is a complex mechanism that requires that all elements of the male and female plant organs be fully formed and function effectively so that the male and female reproductive cells (gametes) are able to merge to produce one whole new unit.
It is also vital to appreciate that in most cases there is the need for an external agency, be it wind, birds, insects, etc that is capable of transferring the male reproductive cell to the location of the female reproductive cell, frequently on another plant, sometimes a significant distance away.Again, this capability cannot come about as part of a progressive incremental uncontrolled “evolutionary” process it must ALL be in place at the beginning.
Note also that in many cases there is an intermediate life form between the reproductively mature adult and the outcome of the mating process – consider the chrysalis and caterpillar in the case of the butterfly and moth.Again, NOT possible for this to happen as a random stochastic event.
This again indicates the existence of a highly intelligent and creative agency with engineering skills to conceptualize the entire plant together with its reproductive organs and associated reproductive agency in order to ensure the ongoing existence of the species.Note also that from an “evolutionary” perspective there is NO reason to have sexual reproduction in plants.They could just as well reproduce vegetatively – again, evidence of a Creator.
- Animals of increasing complexity
Concurrent with the plants, lagging somewhat since the animals needed something to eat, Father progressively and in an evolutionary, experimental way, created animals of increasing sophistication and complexity.As with the plants the diversity, interest, beauty and character of animals created is far greater than is required for any utilitarian model and speaks volumes of a highly intelligent Creative agency who progressively crafted more and more complex animals for no other reason than the joy of creating.
Again we find sexual reproduction, again the sexual reproduction cannot function except in its fully developed form.There is NO way that two animals can chose of their own volition to be of different sexes, develop reproductive organs and cells and reproduce in an evolutionary manner.Either there IS a male and a female and they can mate and reproduce in which case the species survives or the sexual organs do NOT work and the animal dies out immediately – in fact, it cannot exist at all.
Note that with animals there is greater complexity than with plants in that the sexual organs are more complex, many of the more advanced animals have organs that interlock as in penis and vagina and there are emotional and erotic responses at play.All of these have to work exactly before the species can reproduce, thus it is clear that they had to come into existence with fully developed sexual organs and reproductive tendencies such that males and females DESIRE to mate and carry out sometimes obscure and complex mating rituals BEFORE reproduction can occur.
Again, evidence of a genius Creator and proof that random stochastic evolution with NO Creative oversight did NOT occur.
Add to this the fact that in many mammals and also in humans there exist completely superfluous organs such as the clitoris which exist purely for the purpose of sexual pleasure and one must conclude that this did NOT come into existence in some uncontrolled manner.Even female whales have a clitoris.
- Spirit beings of increasing complexity
Concurrent with the above Father created spirit beings of increasing complexity.In fact, long before creating plants and animals Father created the beings that we today refer to as “messengers” {angels} as emotionless servants to help him with some of the heavy lifting and precision manipulation that was required during the creative process.
Up to this point, where designs did not turn out the way that was required it was easy to terminate them and either abandon them or cast them into the incinerator (lake of fire).
However, as discussed in the next chapter, things went horribly wrong.Lucifer (now Satan) one of the three leaders of the messengers {archangels} fell into pride and rebellion and challenged Father to a Contest to see if he (Satan) could lead human beings astray to such an extent that they would all forsake Father.Father accepted the challenge, which he now deeply regrets, and the result is the messed up state of the world today.
Father also put spirits into higher order animals and thus we have animals with character and personality.Human spirits live on forever unless destroyed in the incinerator.
- Humankind
The culmination of all of this was humankind as we know ourselves today.The existence of these massively complex spirit beings with free will, intellect, creative ability, emotion, etc and complex and beautiful bodies is the culmination of Yah’s creative endeavours over millions of years and, at this stage, a source of huge disappointment and grief to Him.
He created us to have a deep personal relationship with Him and, today, hardly anyone truly believes He exists let alone has any sort of relationship with Him.Even those who are at some level convinced of his existence are almost all in deep error and sin and have only the most superficial relationship with Him.
It is a tragic situation, put yourself in His shoes, millions of years of painstaking creative effort to arrive at what exists today and they are almost all in rebellion and deny that He exists.What a tragedy!
I hope that after you have read this ebook you will have a better appreciation for the challenges of the Creator and the tragedy of the situation that exists today and, I hope, you will be challenged to seek a closer relationship with Him as top priority in your life going forward.
Chapter 2
Satan – an experiment gone horribly wrong – the Contest
- Three most powerful messengers
In order to assist Him with the creative process and in the operation of all that He had created, Father created what we know as messengers {angels}.
The three most powerful of these, the chief messengers {archangels} at that time were:
- Gavri’el (Gabriel) – meaning El (my beloved mighty one, the Almighty) is my strength
- Mikha’el (Michael) – meaning who is as El (my beloved mighty one, the Almighty)?
- Helel (Lucifer) – meaning light bearer who was the worship leader in Heaven
Various accounts report seven chief messengers but for the purpose of this article I will make reference only to the three above.
It is my understanding that each of the three messengers above were given command of one third of the total force of messengers.
These massively powerful spirit beings, with the ability to manifest with human like bodies were in charge of many operational aspects of Father’s Kingdom. The first two remain in this role, Helel has fallen as discussed shortly.
- Messengers are guardians and servants
A key role of messengers {angels} in this age is as guardians of believers and record keepers and servants of all living humans. Every human being has a messenger assigned to them at the moment they are conceived and their spirit comes into existence. This messenger keeps a record of all that they do and say that is the evidence presented when they are judged when they die.
More senior believers who operate with significant authority are assigned further messengers to protect them and to do their bidding but virtually no believers are aware of this and so those messengers generally follow them around with nothing much to do other than to protect the person that they are assigned to IF that person prays the necessary prayers and does not give the force of darkness legal right to harm them as a consequence of sin. See the article on Judgment in this Life at for a discussion of how this works.
- Helel became proud à rebelled à cast out à became Satan, the Accuser
As the creative process reached its culmination and the creation of human beings occurred, Helel (Lucifer) became proud and rebelled. His force of one third of all messengers followed him in his rebellion.
Helel, together with his followers were brought on trial, preparatory to them being cast into the incinerator, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, when he challenged Yah, the Almighty Creator, saying something to the effect that “your whole Creation is a failure, give me seven thousand years on Earth with these humans and I guarantee you that NOT ONE of them will believe you exist let alone have a deep personal relationship with you!”.
- Satan cast out
Father was greatly angered and in a moment of hurt and frustration He accepted the challenge. A set of rules for this contest was agreed and Helel, Lucifer, now Satan, the Accuser, was cast down to Earth with his one third of the messengers.
- The Rules of Engagement
The Rules of Engagement are discussed on the webpage of that name at
In particular, neither Yah nor Satan nor their followers and servants are permitted to do anything on Earth or give any command unless it is given through a human being alive at the time. Neither of them can communicate nor teach anything unless a human being asks or creates an opening for them to intervene. The rules are fairly simple but strict and greatly limit what each can do.
For this reason, Father Yah is intensely constrained in terms of what He can communicate to His servants EXCEPT if they ask. So, if you believe the Bible is the Word of God, Yah cannot tell you that you are mistaken and is forced to work with that lie. If, however, you ask Him whether the Bible is the Word of God, He can then answer your question.
This applies to every aspect of life and explains why most believers are so massively ignorant. They believe what they are taught and do NOT understand their responsibility to question, ask questions, evaluate and decide for themselves. The also do NOT understand their responsibility to rule and give direction to the Spirit realm, rather they wait for Yah to act and He is unable to act unless they act or speak first. For example, the world was submerged in the deluge or Flood because NOAH called the Flood into existence in consultation with Yah. Yah did NOT unilaterally bring the Flood into existence. The same with Moses parting the Red Sea and the same with the most trivial thing that you hope that Father will do in YOUR life.
- Seven Thousand Years to total apostasy and defeat for Yah or defeat for Satan
The ultimate outcome of The Contest is determined very simply.
If, after 7,000 years from the Creation of Adam, there is NOT one human being on Earth who is free of sin and in right relationship with Father Yah, in other words the entire humankind on Earth at that time is in submission to Satan, then Satan is the victor and he will reign on Earth with his followers, both messengers and humans, for ever.
IF, after the 7,000 years there IS a human being free of sin and in right relationship with Yah and able to hear Yah and aware of their authority and responsibilities such that they can call the end of the Contest and Yahooshua can return to rule on Earth, then Satan will have been defeated and he and all his followers will be cast into the incinerator, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly consumed.
- Satan in the Pit for a thousand years
Another term of the Rules of Engagement was that after 6,000 years a similar judgment would take place such that if there was a human being in right standing with Yah, hearing Yah and knowing their authority, they could bring Satan on trial in the Court of Heaven and secure a sentence for him in the Gaol or Pit, for a thousand years to pay the price for his sin.During this thousand years neither Yah nor Satan is permitted to intervene on Earth directly and they would be required to act through their followers.
This happened on 3 May 2003 when Satan was cast into the Pit and the entire spiritual dispensation on Earth changed accordingly.
If there had NOT been a man on Earth free of sin and aligned with Father sufficiently to bring charges against Satan, Satan would have won the contest at that point and would have been spared the thousand years in Gaol.
- Fundamentally The Contest is about relationship with Father
I have come to understand that fundamentally The Contest is about relationship with Father.
Father went to ALL of the effort to create the Universe, the Solar System, Planet Earth, plants, animals, messengers, humans with ONE goal, beings who would have a deep personal relationship with Him and who would share in discovering and learning about the world and Universe He had created.
If Satan can ensure that there is NOT a single human being with a deep personal relationship with Father at the end of the 7,000 years then Satan has achieved the ultimate victory!
Thus, it is NOT about your relationship with your Bible, your Church, your Mosque, your Synagogue, your Temple, your Pastor, your Priest, your Imam, your Rabbi, your Home Cell Leader, your service to the Church, Mosque, Synagouge, Temple, etcetera – it is ENTIRELY about whether you have a deep personal relationship with Father and that requires that you live a life without sin and in service to Father in a way that you make the sacrifices that are necessary to overcome sin in your life and do the work that Father requests you to do.
Right now there are almost NO human beings with DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS with Father and even most of those with relatively significant relationships are in deep error and sin and therefore only in limited relationship with Him.
There was only ONE human being on Earth in a position to be able to bring Satan to trial in 2003.Right now, on a basis of simple statistics, there is a very SMALL probability of there being such a person in a position to act around May 3003.
In fact, if one is brutally frank about it, Yah has almost totally lost the battle.To date there have been over 100 billion human beings who have died without ever believing in the Creator and the vast majority of those who have at some level believed find themselves in the Outer Darkness in Heaven after a lengthy sentence in the Reformatory, Hell, where they were sent to pay the price for all their unconfessed and unrepented of sin.
The number of Overcomers, those who have overcome much of the sin and adversity on Earth, is relatively small and the number of true FRIENDS of the Creator who currently sit on High Thrones alongside Him is very much smaller.
Fact is that right now Father is almost totally defeated!
So, that poses the question, “what are YOU going to do about this?” – if you do NOT believe, now is the time to deal with your unbelief and seek a relationship with Father.
If you DO believe, now is the time to stop playing games and seek a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP, see the article on this at:
and the article on Seven Components in Drawing Close to Yah at:
- This was NOT planned, it was entirely unexpected
In considering the points above it is vital to understand that NONE of this was expected.
Father was engaged in a journey of invention, creation, discovery.Something went wrong with Satan and that triggered a series of consequences that triggered the situation that exists today.
Yah did NOT expect Satan’s rebellion.
The Rules of Engagement were hastily drawn up and Yah sincerely did NOT expect there to be a major problem.What happened in the years that followed was totally unexpected and has been a time of grievous hurt and disappointment for Him.
He was looking forward to exploring all He had created in harmonious partnership with us, instead, the discovery that has taken place has in large measure taken place with and through human beings who have, at best, had very limited relationships with Him.
The brutal truth is that whereas Father had been working towards an era of glorious harmony with His Creation He ended up with a ghastly mess of rebellious and sinful beings who have totally defiled His image and His intention for us.
It is a grossly tragic situation.
I hope that after reading this chapter that you have a much more sober and real view of the world we live in, life on Earth and YOUR LIFE and where YOU are heading.
I pray that after reading this you will choose to ACTIVELY seek a much deeper much more personal relationship with Father.
Chapter 3
Adam as Ruler – rebellion and falling away
- Adam to Rule over Satan
Adam was placed on Earth to exercise Yah’s authority on Earth as Yah’s agent or representative– as a ruler to exercise dominion, especially over Satan and his horde who had been cast down to Earth.
- Adam gave authority to Satan
The minute that Adam disobeyed Yah and did what Satan proposed by eating the forbidden fruit, Adam became a servant of Satan and unable to have authority over Satan and his horde.Note that the type of fruit is irrelevant, it was the act of disobedience that counted.
- Satan became the Mighty One of this Earth
Thus Satan became the mighty one {god} of this world and has ruled on Earth ever since over ALL children of Adam except those who gain mastery over sin and actively serve to seek the Almighty Creator – those who are known as “Overcomers”.
- Victory over sin
The only way that a human being can escape the clutches of Satan is to eschew sin and defeat the forces of darkness in their life by achieving a deep personal relationship with the Almighty AND living a life above sin.
- Only Yahooshua has fully succeeded
Only Yahooshua has FULLY succeeded in achieving this goal, he was born with no Earthly father and therefore no blood-line curses and he lived and died without committing sin ONCE.As such his victory elevated him to the position of King of all Human Kings and Lord of ALL Human Lords.
- Yahooshua delegated his authority
After his death, Yahooshua was instantly resurrected because death had NO hold on him and he was granted “all authority in Heaven and on Earth”. Since he was leaving the Earth he had NO authority on Earth and so he immediately delegated this authority to those who followed him, that is, those who followed his example and sought to live a life without sin.Thus those who truly believe and are in right standing have delegated authority to deal with the forces of darkness.
In nearly all cases those who have at some level had a revelation of this authority have still been corrupt and in sin and error but, until recently Father granted grace (chen) with regard to this.This has resulted in a situation where believers think that the gifts and authority that they are exercising indicates that they are in right standing when, in fact, it does not.This chen {grace} has now been withdrawn for the reasons explained in the article on Withdrawal of Grace at:
and Withdrawal of Grace prior to 3 May 2002
In order for Father to secure a judgment against Satan to send him to the Pit for 1,000 years it was necessary for ALL grace to be withdrawn.This has now resulted in a situation where mature believers are falling into greater and greater error, see the article “Why are so many mature, committed, sincere believers in such gross error?” at
This descent into error over the past two decades has led to increasing demonization of believers, see the article “Demonized Believers who Hate Truth” at:
- Very few understand this
Very few people understand this and those that DO attempt to walk in this authority are compromised by the level of sin and error in their lives.
I hope that as you read this you will be challenged to step up to the mark that Yahooshua set and seek to live a life above sin and, in so doing, draw very close to Father Yah AND come to a place where YOU can reign over evil on this Earth.
Chapter 4
The Flood – why it happened and how it happened
- Degeneration into gross sin
Following Adam’s fall mankind progressively degenerated into sin and unbelief until roughly 1,500 years after the creation of Adam only Noah and his eldest son Shem and their wives were in relationship with the Almighty Creator. Noah’s son Japheth and his wife were unbelievers and Noah’s youngest son Ham and his wife were active ancestor worshippers, that is demon worshippers.
- Yah and Noah agree to destruction by a flood
Yah consulted with Noah and together they agreed that the offenders should be destroyed by a global hydraulic and tectonic event, commonly referred to today as “The Flood”.Remember that in terms of the Rules of Engagement in the Contest between Yah and Satan, Yah could do NOTHING on Earth without the agreement of a human being so Noah had to request Yah to send the flood.
- Yah deflects an ice comet
In response to Noah’s petition Yah had an Ice Comet (chunk of Ice) deflected from the Kuiper Belt and directed towards Earth.He gave Noah the wisdom to build an extremely stable and extremely robust survival vessel made of wood, see and and child pages.
- Comet impacts and melts
The comet impacted the Earth, shattered and melted as water thus covering the entire surface of the Earth to a depth of at least one kilometre with water, there were NO major mountains in that time.
- Impact knocks Earth off orbit and off axis
The impact of the comet knocked the Earth off its vertical axis and out ifs circular orbit around the sun and into an elliptical orbit.This change in inclination and change in orbit gave rise to massive forces in the crust of the Earth leading to massive tectonic disruption in the form of fractures, volcanoes, upwelling of granite and lava, etc.
- Massive Tsunami waves
Because the surface of the Earth was submerged and the Earth was rotating around its axis as well as orbiting the sun and because of the orbit of the moon massive tsunami type waves ripped around the planet in one continuous swathe.These waves cut down high ground and laid down the eroded material in vast horizontal beds which we today know as sedimentary rock.This intense erosive force cut the tops off volcanoes and granite domes as well as whatever high ground originally existed and that which was up-thrust during the event.
- Core heated and expanded
The core of the Earth contains a nuclear reactor which is why it is molten and why material from the core has a level of radioactivity.The core had progressively become hotter in the years following the creation of the Earth resulting in a build-up of pressure in the core.This pressure was partially released through the cracks caused by the disruption of the surface in the form of volcanoes, lava flows and granite up-welling’s but then the pressure caused the core to expand with the surface of the Earth separating into what we today know as the continental plates.It is estimated, based on how the continents fit together, that the Earth expanded in diameter by around 25% from the point that the rupture of the surface took place and defined the shape of the continental plates.
- Water drains off the continents
This expansion and associated cracking of the surface of the Earth caused the water to drain off the continents with the resulting erosion giving rise to the broad landforms we have today which were further refined by the resulting “plates” colliding giving rise to the major mountain ranges such as the Andes, Rockies, Himalayas, etc.
- Videos
See the videos and presentations on this topic at:
This event led to the development of completely new settlement of the Earth by Noah and his sons. All human beings can be traced back to Noah through one of his sons and all animal forms can be traced back to the animals that survived on the survival vessel.
Chapter 5
Human spirits – ancestor spirits and the demonic Masterminds
- Reward for those in deep relationship
Father Yah’s plan was that those humans who entered into close relationship with him would be rewarded on death with a high rank and a throne for Eternity.Those who were rejected because they never believed in his existence would be cast into the incinerator, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly destroyed.
Satan’s challenge changed this so that the rejects remain on Earth till the end of The Contest and, if Satan wins The Contest, on Earth for Eternity.
There are various ranks in Heaven:
- Friends – those who were friends to Yah in this life sit on the highest thrones close to Yahooshua.
- Generals – senior Friends who are really fighting the Forces of Darkness and helping Yah to win the Contest. Sit on the very highest thrones.
- Overcomers -- also sit on thrones but NOT the highest thrones.
- Good and faithful servants -- NOT on thrones but towards the front of the throne room.
- Wise stewards -- further removed from the thrones – filled with the Spirit of Yah but only performed limited service to Father.
- Adulterous wives – those who were filled with the Spirit at some level but in serious sin, especially many Jesus worshippers and Bible worshippers will end up here.
- Foolish virgins – those who believed but never received an infilling of the set-apart Spirit of Yah, mostly because they did NOT know it was possible or did NOT believe in it. Most traditional Christians and most Moslems and Jews will end up here. Note that it IS possible to get filled with the Spirit without knowing it is possible and that it IS possible for someone who is NOT filled with the Spirit to qualify for one of the higher ranks but it is more difficult to get there without the infilling of the Spirit.
- Those sentenced to Eternity in the Outer Darkness – “the Trasheap of Heaven” – those who believed but then continued to live as unbelievers and never served Father Yah at all. A very large number of those who are products of Christian “Outreach” and missionary activity will end up here
- The first unbelievers
Within a few generations of Adam men and women were born who did not believe and who, when they died, became the first ancestor spirits or demons, taking orders from Satan.
- Satan enrols deceased human spirits
Satan quickly realized that these highly intelligent and highly knowledgeable human spirits were a very powerful resource and so he set about working with them to determine how best to mobilize them in his hate campaign against Yah.This campaign being directed at ensuring there were NO believers in right standing with Yah by the end of the 6,000 years after creation and, failing that, by the end of the 7,000 years that will mark the end of The Contest in around May 3003.
- First demons recognize power opportunity
These first ancestor spirits (demons) in turn recognized the opportunity presented by them being the first demons and set about applying their considerable knowledge and experience to understand how to gain power and authority by supporting Satan in his evil quest.
- Demonic organization
They organized themselves as they had when alive, with governments, committees, etc, which bodies were reconstituted after the flood.
There are similar ranks in the demonic realm in the kingdom of Satan to those listed above in the kingdom of Yah:
- The Council of ruling Masterminds who reported directly to Satan until Satan was sent to the Pit for 1,000 years. This Council of Masterminds today rule the Earth in Satan’s absence very powerfully and very effectively such that many of the activities that attract so much attention from conspiracy theorists, such as “The New World Order” are, in fact, being instigated and driven by the Council of Masterminds and NOT by living human beings, the living human beings are just pawns in this power play.
The incumbents have thousands of years of practice and guard their positions jealously and violently with huge numbers of committed supporters in a power--fear structure.
The Masterminds today include Baal, Molech, Malak, Ashteroth, Jesus, God, The LORD and Christ. Prayers to the last four names are NO LONGER answered by Yah as an act of Grace but are answered by the Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions that muster in under each of the corresponding Masterminds.
- Illuminated one -- were highly committed to Satan as a Satanist, Witch, Warlock, etcetera in this life, were filled with demons, perpetrated many human sacrifices and other extreme evil in order to win favour with Satan and the Masterminds -- will be rewarded with a position of considerable evil power in support of the Masterminds.
- Foot soldier -- were moderately successful in sinning, led many others into sin, had some sort of relationship with the demonic and Satanic realm, a position of some authority and esteem in the Satanic sense
- Pretender -- into sin, denied the Creator but really never did very much for Satan, largely disregarded in the Satanic realm, will be used for low level assignments to low level people on Earth -- remember that these will be one of over 100 billion ancestor spirits at the time they die
- Kingdom of the white witches -- good "faeries" {demons} -- lived a good life, sort of thought there might be a God but never truly believed and never thought it important, may have been well educated, done all sorts of good works, went to church regularly but never had a deep revelation of the existence of the Creator -- no major sin, no real use to the kingdom of Satan so they will largely leave them alone in some lonely location, such as a graveyard to be a "good ghost" unless a white witch thinks she can use them in her witchcraft using the Satanic and Demonic realm to attempt to do good. Many end up on their children, grandchildren or other relatives or friends.
- Most demons stranded in the flood
During the flood the vast majority of human spirits of unbelievers were left where their carriers died and mostly remain today embedded in rocks, floating in the sea, attached to marine life, etc.
- Ruling Masterminds survived on Ham
The ruling Masterminds before the flood (Molech, etc) realized what was happening just before the flood and managed to attach themselves to Ham, Noah’s youngest son and an unbeliever.So they survived the flood such that the demonic realm got a jump start after the flood.
Yah DEEPLY REGRETS allowing Ham and Japheth and their wives to survive the Flood and today asks that we should NOT ask special favours of Him with regard to our unbelieving children and families.
Again, the key lesson is that Father desires a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU and desires that you should strive to become His Friend and qualify for high honour when you cease to live on Earth.
Chapter 6
The recovery of Earth from the Flood and ongoing degeneration of mankind
The Earth recovered progressively from the flood but mankind continued to degenerate and decline, such that degenerative evolution occured. Three families and historical developments leading to the world as it is today.
- Surviving the flood was traumatic – a sodden muddy mess
Surviving the flood was traumatic, the boat was tossed in every direction and there were significant injuries.
After the Earth expanded and the waters subsided to form the oceans the Earth was a sodden muddy mess of massively disrupted deposits with water everywhere, heavy cloud and much rain.It took centuries for a reasonably equitable environment to develop.Global drying and warming today is, in part, a manifestation of the ongoing draining of residual deposits of water from the flood from the land.
- Much knowledge and experience – rapid technology advance
The survivors had brought with them a very substantial library of technical literature, tools and much knowledge and experience.They were also of great stature (Noah was 18 feet (6 meters) tall) and of great intellect.We were literally created with massive intellect in the likeness of the Almighty.So in a short space of time advanced centres of civilisation stared to spring up around the World, consider Egypt, etcetera.
- Three families from Noah
The three sons of Noah brought with them three distinctly different spiritual and physical dispensations:
- The children of Shem clung closely to the religion of their fathers, Shem and Noah and became the people of the Middle East, Europe and India. They were highly inventive and adopted a culture of justice – right versus wrong.
- The children of Japheth were agnostic and idolatrous but NOT ancestor worshipers and were of lesser physical stature although highly intelligent. They were also inventive and highly disciplined and adopted a culture of honour versus shame.
- The children of Ham sank into full blown ancestor (that is demon) worship and degenerated to become the people of Africa. They adopted a culture of power versus fear. Today there are people who are counter to this trend by virtue of cross fertilization by people of Shem and Japheth. ALL people CAN develop a deep personal relationship with the Creator today!
- Global nuclear war – genetic aberrations
Some hundreds of years after the flood there was a global nuclear war and many civilizations were wiped out.The resultant nuclear contamination resulted in aberrant genetic malformation which gave rise to the cave dwelling semi-human remains that have been found in certain parts of the World.These are NOT a missing link in evolutionary development they are the remains of genetically deformed humans as a consequence of intense radioactive exposure!
- Degenerative evolution
As noted above, Noah and his family were of great stature, they were giants by today’s standards both physically and intellectually.As a consequence of the reduced gravitational forces consequent on the expansion of the Earth and as a consequence of general spiritual degradation mankind has devolved (degenerative evolution) from the great stature and intellect of Adam and even Noah to what we have today.
In the years immediately following the flood the high level of radioactive material ejected from the core of the Earth through volcanoes, lava flows and granite upwelling’s resulted in a level of limited mutation such that while there was only one species of cat on the survival vessel we now have a range of cats in different parts of the world.The same applies to other animals and to plants.There has been massive “evolutionary” development since the flood albeit in a degenerative sense.
- Abraham a Turnaround Emissary and other Turnarounds
By the time of Abraham there were almost NO people truly serving Yah.Abraham initiated a turning around which propagated through Ishmael, Yaakov (Yisrael), Moshe and David through to Yahooshua and Mohammed each one of which initiated a Turnaround of different levels of intensity.Martin Luther also initiated a turnaround bringing an end to the Dark Ages and initiating a major global renaissance.It is vital to understand that the prosperity we enjoy today coupled with ever increasing levels of comfort and advanced technology is a direct consequence of large numbers of people turning back to Father Yah with invention and prosperity being a direct result of the blessings associated with serving Him.
- Need for another Turning around today
Today, January 2016 (updated June 2022), there is a DEEP need for another emissary to once again initiate a major turning around.As things stand at present Yah is at great risk of losing The Contest to Satan so that Satan will rule on Earth for Eternity.
There is also a great risk that the current prosperity will come to an end within a few generations as the leaders turn to full blown service to Satan and the residual effects of Yah’s standards of morals, etcetera are eliminated.Associated with this will be another swing to the horrors of the Dark Ages with the associated massive spiritual and associated economic decline that goes with it.
Another global nuclear war is definitely in prospect.
What will YOU do today to facilitate the turning around that is so desperately required?
Chapter 7
How the madness of Bible worship has corrupted understanding
This section discusses how the inappropriate stature accorded to the Bible has contributed to the high level of falling away that exists today. See the article “Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah elaboration” and companion articles for a discussion of the extent of the falling away.
- The Bible hardly addresses any of this -- Miniscule fragments of Shemite history
In considering the previous chapters it is apparent that the Bible hardly addresses any of the most important elements of human history.
The Bible records minuscule fragments of human history assembled by people from the Shemite dispensation under extreme duress.As such it IS a useful but restricted resource.
And it WAS preserved with some level of supernatural intervention when Satan tried to destroy it as a limited remaining source of knowledge at the time that the Bible was compiled in around the fifth century AD.That does NOT mean that it replaces the huge volume of direct revelation and teaching about the matters of the Almighty that Father Yah has given in recent centuries.
- A useful history book – period -- part of a broad prayer led study protocol
The Bible should be read as a useful history book in conjunction with other historical accounts, NO MORE.
It is of greatest value when read together with deep fasting, prayer and questioning to understand why things happened and together with much wider reading.Prayer is needed regarding what is NOT discussed and to seek ALL truth.Prayers like “show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” and other prayers in the article “Seeking truth” at and elsewhere in my writings, see also
- The Bible is NOT the “Word of God” -- NO supernatural attributes
Any belief that ascribes special significance to the Bible such as “the living Word of God and without error” is gross error, idolatry and breaks the Second Commandment “No Idols”.
Ascribing special “magical” or supernatural status to the Bible like standing on it or placing it on one’s head is irrational, foolish and results in any number of wrong beliefs not to mention witchcraft practices.The fact is that the modern English or other language Bible is comprised of human translations of a book compiled by other humans from fragments of material recorded and in many cases repeatedly copied by humans.
- Yah is forced to show up when we exercise Faith for Him to be there
It is important to recognize with regard to supposed supernatural experiences with the Bible that there is a thing that Father refers to as “Force of Faith” whereby if one goes to the Bible with strong faith that one will find Yah there, He is forced to show up (His words) – see the article “Do YOU treat Father Yah like a Performing Seal?” at
This phenomenon results in greatly mistaken beliefs about the nature of the Bible.Note also that our brains filter the spiritual impulses we receive from Father when He speaks to us so, if we believe the Bible IS the Word of God, we will hear “my word” when Father actually is trying to communicate to us about “The Bible”.These errors also open the door for Demons and Satanic Messengers {Angels} to speak to one.
- Wrong beliefs have turned many from faith in Yah
These wrong beliefs about the Bible have turned many people in this generation against Yah because of the foolish and absurd claims made about the book.These wrong beliefs have also led to a culture of Bible worship which has prevented huge numbers of people developing close relationships with Father as they have pursued Bible school, Bible study and other Bible based activities while ignoring the most important element, relationship with Father.
- Much on the End Time Issue Ministries website
There is much information on the End Time Issue Ministries website, much of it written at times of intense separation and much fasting so I testify with some confidence that it is a valuable and useful resource recognizing that I am human and do make mistakes.Also that my understanding of these matters is constantly evolving and being refined.
Yah says that you should read the contents of this website rather than repeatedly reading the Bible see (use the Google Search and Article Search in the right hand sidebar, the Table of Contents, the Article Keyword Cloud at the bottom of every page, etc ).There are about 2,400 articles in the Article database at about 1,000 webpages.There are also numerous audio broadcasts on the podcast sites listed at the end of this article.Also fifteen volumes of books in pdf format at and child pages.
- Fundamentally the issue is RELATIONSHIP with Yah
AND you should be seeking a deep personal relationship with Father BEFORE you spend all your time reading and gaining head knowledge.The ETI website is geared to helping you draw close to Father quickly and to answering MANY questions you may have along the way but it cannot be comprehensive.
Father wants you to draw close to HIM and seek answers from HIM!
ANYTHING or ANYONE who gets in the way of you developing the closest possible relationship with your loving Father in Heaven should be LET GO!That includes association with ANY religious grouping, religious label or whatever.You should first and foremost be a “believer in the Almighty Creator Yah the eternally self-existing”, everything else is fluff and stuff by comparison!
I challenge you to choose this day WHO you will serve and then go ALL OUT to get as close to Father Yah as any person on Earth EVER has!
Chapter 8
Where we are today – the choices we each face
Consideration of the preceding chapters brings us to consideration of where we are today and the choices we each face with regard to the rest of our lives:
- A watershed
We are at a watershed as extreme as that of Noah, Abraham, Moshe, Yahooshua, Mohammed, Martin Luther, perhaps more extreme – the number of believers is small and most of them are in gross error and deception, refer the article on “The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth Today” at
- Almost NO record and almost NO person listening
There is almost NO record of the core facts and principles and almost NO person able to hear and record this information.
- Almost NO person who realizes the extent of the problem and the need for change
There is almost NO person who realizes the severity of the situation, let alone who realizes the need for change.
- Almost NO person willing to make the sacrifices and do the hard work
There is almost NO person willing to make the sacrifices and do the HARD WORK to bring about the magnitude of change that is require to prepare the way for Yahooshua to return in victory.
- Are YOU willing to come alongside me?
Are YOU willing to come alongside me and help to bring about this turning around in whatever way you can manage?
- Are YOU prepared to take the mantle and run further?
Better still, are YOU prepared to take over the mantle from me and run further?
- Yah’s will for YOU today!
I tell you today, without fear of contradiction, that it is Yah’s will for you to come alongside me with a view to taking over and running further in the years ahead.
There is a GREAT work to be done and a GREAT reward to any person who will take up this challenge and successfully drive it through to the next level.
I challenge YOU to do this today!
THAT is Yah’s call for YOU today!
Conclusion -- Yah’s call to YOU today
Yah’s call to YOU today is to draw MUCH closer to Him.
All the posts on the ministry website at:
In particular study the article “Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends” at
Whether you communicate anything to me or NOT, whether you choose to align with me or NOT I implore you to choose to align yourself with Yah and do EVERYTHING you possibly can to get close to Him, closer than I am and push ahead further than I have – He IS worthy, He has gone to such great lengths to create us and create the wonders of creation for our enjoyment and for our fellowship and He is SO lonely and SO tired of being treated like a performing seal. Please choose to love Him today and seek to serve Him faithfully for the rest of your days.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
23 January 2016 – updated 25 June 2022
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