<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Yah's Plan for Healing Marriage -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
NEXT SUB-SECTION: Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Part 1 – The Coming Tribulation >>>
In 1995 I became aware of the extremely high level of divorce in the Christian church and started praying about it. Inherent in asking why there was so much divorce was a question about what was required to prevent divorce.
As a consequence I was given a considerable amount of direct revelation and also led into a large amount of inquiry and research including getting divorced and remarried myself.
In about 1997-98 I wrote and compiled an eBook of over 360 pages on “The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery with many of my findings and observations including extracts from a variety of other books, etc. This book is contained in Volume 5 of the Book Set and is on the Website at https://www.eti-ministries.org/men-women/scriptural-definition-of-marriage
In 2000 I set out to create a few audio teachings on marriage. At the same time I embarked on a series of what would eventually be nine three day fasts at ten day intervals seeking truth. With this I started to receive dramatic revelation on numerous fronts. Concurrently with this we were attending a small fellowship in Pretoria North with Neil Dreyer and a series of prophetic messages were preached over the same period that correlated with what Father was showing me that created an important context to what I was recording. The end result was that the body of teachings expanded to a collection of some 105 recordings many ranging from an hour to two hours in length. Many of these messages were recorded by me, others came from various other sources but fitted the overall picture.
The title that came to me after I had started with the recordings was “God’s Plan for Healing Marriage – Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage”. These were recorded from roughly the middle of 2000 to early in 2001. During this period I came to understand that the Name of the Almighty was NOT “God” and NOT “The LORD” but was, at that time, “Yahweh” which I subsequently came to understand meant “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”. I learned many other things.
I subsequently transferred the recordings from Audio Cassette Tapes to Computer and then to Audio CD’s. A limited number of copies were distributed in various formats.
In 2014, when we were building the www.ETI-Ministries.org website I was impressed to upload these audio files onto the website and this was done.
In 2018, as I was preparing a set of books covering just about all my publications since around 1998 it occurred to me to have the recordings transcribed, something I had long meant to do but not had the resources. Father confirmed to me that while the recordings were old and contained significant doctrinal error the basic message and content WAS inspired by Him at a significant level and He would really like me to have them transcribed so that they could be made more widely available.
At the time of writing there are about seven recordings awaiting transcription and the rest, excluding the Deliverance teachings, have been transcribed. Regrettably, Carol Orfer, the person who recorded the Deliverance series was offended by something on my website and forbade me to use her material so there is a gap in the body of knowledge represented here that was not intended. The eBook “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Almighty” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close provides guidance on alternative methods of getting free of Demons and setting oneself apart {sanctifying oneself}.
It is my understanding that barring the errors with regard to overall doctrine regarding Names, Sabbaths and related issues the core message on was “Yah’s Plan for Healing Marriage – Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage” is sound and provides a huge amount of guidance on how to achieve a highly successful, pleasurable, fulfilling and sustainable marriage. This was complemented subsequently by the Marriage Strategy which is published on the Website at https://www.eti-ministries.org/men-women/marriage-strategy. Taken together these resources provide a powerful basis for successful marriage.
Extract from an Earlier Introduction
Subsequent to recording these messages I received much greater revelation on diverse topics including the reality that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a prophet and man and NOT the Almighty in the flesh although it was the Spirit of the Almighty ON Yahooshua that enabled Yahooshua to perform miracles and speak for the Almighty, just as the Spirit of the Almighty on an anointed believer today may enable similar deeds.
It is therefore important to understand that there is material here that attributes things to Jesus that belong to the Almighty Creator -- this error is widespread -- please see the section on Yahooshua on the Website.
Accordingly, as with all material from this Ministry, I caution that because I am constantly learning the older material DOES contain errors, Father Yah consistently says to me that this is NOT an issue and I am NOT to get caught up in going back and "correcting" previous writings and recordings. He says that it is up to YOU to seek truth and filter out error and there is much material on this website to enable you to do that.
Even though these articles are now 19 years old at time of writing Father has stressed to me that there is MUCH of value in them and He has pressed me to load them onto the website -- on this basis I commend these teachings to you if you are serious about achieving Heaven on Earth in your marriage.
At the time that I recorded these teachings I was suffering from extreme tiredness and consequently the voice pace and pitch is NOT as animated as I would like, at the same time I would like to confirm that Father WAS leading me, albeit that I was hearing Him less accurately than I believe I do today.
Please accept my apology for the quality of the recording.
Important Note -- Teachings from other Ministries
It is important to stress that the material from other Ministries cited in these teachings is included because Father expressly instructed me to include them, their inclusion does NOT constitute an overall endorsement of those other ministries by myself NOR does it constitute any form of endorsement from them.
Their material, to the extent that it was given to them by the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is His material to distribute as He sees fit.
The transcripts are nearly complete in draft but must still be proofread. Given that they run to over 1,100 pages it will take time for me to do this. There may therefore be minor typographic errors and errors where the transcriber misheard what I said or did not understand it. Regrettably I have used up all available Annual Leave producing this Book Set so it is likely to be a year or longer before I have time to proofread the entire set. However, Father has stated to me that He has been waiting a long time (19 years) for me to make these documents available and that He would rather publish them now in their present form than wait for a further indeterminate period for me to proofread and publish.
This set provides a comprehensive analysis of the current spiritual dispensation and also why marriage in this age is such a mess and HOW to fix it. I therefore encourage you to read these texts allowing for possibly mis-transcription to a limited degree.
Table of Contents
The Contents of the entire set are as follows:
00 00 Introduction
00 01 Introduction to the Full Series
01 The Coming Tribulation
A series of messages given while the marriage series was being recorded relating to coming tribulation and judgment of the church. These teachings provide important context to the marriage teachings.
01 00 Introduction -- The Coming Tribulation
01 01 Job and Serving God by Neil Dreyer
01 02 Job and Sanctify Yourselves by Neil Dreyer
01 03 Things That Need to be Dealt with in the Earth by Neil Dreyer
01 04 Abundance in Famine -- Outpouring of the Holy Spirit by Neil Dreyer
01 05 Do YOU Love Like Jesus Loves? By James Robertson
01 07 What Brings Jesus Joy? by Neil Dreyer
01 09 Who Is the Good Samaritan? By Chris McIntyre
01 10 You Must be Born Again -- God Cannot Compromise with Sin by Neil Dreyer
01 11 Spiritual Warfare Prayers by James Robertson
01 12 Words (+ Prophetic Words, etc} by Dutch Kinnear
01 13 The Gift of God by Neil Dreyer
01 14 The Wrath of God for the Church by James Robertson
01 16a The Wrath of God for Adultery - Part 1 by James Robertson
01 16b The Wrath of God for Adultery - Part 2 by James Robertson
02 Judgment in this Life
A series of teachings with regard to the subject of Judgment in this Life and why many committed believers are struggling to survive financially. These provide a vital context to understanding how the Satanic Realm kill's, steals and destroys in this life and how to resist them effectively. Also an important context to the teachings on marriage.
02 00 Introduction -- Judgment in this Life
02 01 Judgment in this Life
02 02 Responding to Developments in the Church
02 03 Judgment in this Life -- God’s Objective -- Revival
02 04 Manifestations of Judgment -- Lying Wonders, etc
02 05 “Rapture” to Escape coming Judgment? Prepare for Tribulation
02 06 The Financial Stewardship of believers-- Responsibilities of those who Give
02 07 Poverty in the Church of Jesus Christ-- an indicator of Sin and Judgment in Our Lives, Part 1 of 4
02 08 Poverty in the Church Part 2
02 09 Poverty in the Church Part 3
02 10 Poverty in the Church Part 4
02 11 Spiritual Warfare Prayers Preparing for the Coming Judgment
02 12 Words + {Prophetic Words + Mark of the beast?}
03 Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce & Adultery
An in depth examination of what can be inferred from the Bible regarding marriage, divorce and adultery and related subjects towards an overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth – the first few teachings are based on the eBook “Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery” which is presented at https://www.eti-ministries.org/men-women/scriptural-definition-of-marriage and is contained in Volume 5 of the Book Set. These teachings lay the scriptural foundation for understanding why there is so much divorce and marital distress in the Body of Christ today and what is required in order to turn this around.
03 00 Introduction -- Definition of Marriage Divorce and Adultery
03 01 Foundation Concepts -- the Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery
03 02 How Scripture Defines the Marriage Covenant
03 03 The One Flesh Bond and Submission
03 04 Love
03 05 The Husband as Covering but the Wife Builds the House
03 06 Headship -- the Relationship between Christ and the Church as a Pattern for the Relationship between Husband and Wife
03 07 The Scriptural Definition of Adultery
03 08 Tying Up Some Loose Ends -- Some Controversial Points
03 09 Do You Love Like Jesus Loves?
03 10 Scriptural Divorce Versus "Putting Away"
03 11 Marriage -- Summing Up
03 12 Scriptural Response to the Sexuality of Teenage Girls
03 13 The Scriptural Relevance of betrothal
03 14 The Price of Righteousness -- Lessons from Judges 19-21 -- Rape, Vows, Oaths, Etc
03 15 Marriage Matters for Men
03 16 Learning How to Love
03 17 The Scriptural Response to a Rebellious or Treacherous Wife
03 18 Is Polygamy Scriptural?
03 19 Facilitating Change in Marriage
03 20 Closure -- Volume 1 -- the Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery
04 Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
The second set of teachings of an in depth examination of what is required to achieve the overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth. These teachings build on the foundation of the first series and contain a diverse set of teachings on the Believers way, the Believing life, bringing about change in our lives by the Spirit of Yah, etc. This is the spiritual "how to" with regard to application of the teachings in the first set of tapes.
04 01 Introduction -- Volume 2 -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
04 02 Bringing Joy to Jesus
04 03 Kingdom Context -- The Call -- End of the Age
04 04 Preparing for Change in Marriage
04 05 Faithfulness
04 06 Before the Judgment Seat of Christ in this Life
04 07 The Realm of Exceedingly Abundantly -- Hidden Answers by the Holy Spirit
04 08 How to Discipline Your Flesh
04 09 Renewing Your Mind
04 10 The Power of the tongue
04 11 The Anointing & the Four offices of Jesus'
04 12 Demonic Oppression of the Flesh and Deliverance
04 13 Cleansing the Temple of the Holy Spirit & Jezebel
04 14 Covenant made by Blood -- Hesed - Agape
04 15 Cutting the Marriage Covenant
04 16 Faith and Implementing Change
04 17 The Power of Negativity -- Preventing Change
04 18 Building the House (the One Flesh Bond)
04 19 Building the House Continued
04 20 The World -- the Church and Marriage from 4000 BC to 2000 AD
04 21 Responsibility of Married Christian Women towards Single Christian Women
04 22 Living in Excellence - Reaching for the Heights of Marriage
04 23 Spreading the Good News -- the Theology of Nobodies
05 Practical Application of the Marriage Teachings
The third set of teachings give an in-depth examination of what is required to achieve the overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth building on the first series. These teachings take the teachings in Parts 3 and 4 and provide a far reaching set of guidelines on how to apply them in a wide variety of situations relating to healing marriage, recovering from divorce, etc. These teachings include specific recommendations with regard to ministry procedures, prayers to pray, etc.
05 00 Introduction -- Volume 2 -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
05 01 Foundation for a Miracle -- Fundamentals of the Faith
05 02 Healing Marriage -- Who Are You Really Married to?
05 03 Resolving One Flesh Bonds
05 04 What Scripture Really Says About Marriage -- for Men
05 05 What Scripture Really Says About Marriage -- for Women
05 06 Divorce-- First Seek Healing
05 07 Sanctifying Your Marriage and Cutting a Holy Covenant
05 08 Deciding to, Preparing for and Starting Marriage
05 09 Recovering from Adultery; Divorce; Putting Away; Rape; Violence; Homosexuality; Lesbianism; bestiallity; Satanism; Etc
05 10 The Implications of Isaiah 4--1
05 11 Forging the One Flesh Bond (the Art of Sexual Love Making in Godly Marriage)
05 12 Further Considerations (and the One Flesh Bond Continued)
06 A Study on the Ministry of Deliverance
A series of teachings with regard to the ministry deliverance by a highly anointed and gifted servant in that field, recordings made in the late 1990's.
This is an important set of teachings as there is NOT that much published material available.
Regrettably Carol Orfer forbade me to include her material on my Website. The article on Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty at https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close contains alternative processes.
07 Conclusion
07 Conclusion
Collectively the full set of teachings represent a comprehensive understanding of what the Spirit of Yah is saying to the Body of Believers today in the area of healing marriages in order to bring an end to divorce and prepare for the coming of the Yahooshua.
About the eBook The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery
This eBook is printed in Volume 5 of the Book Set and is also online at https://www.eti-ministries.org/men-women/scriptural-definition-of-marriage
This book was written in 1998/99 following several years of intense research and study of the Bible in order to understand what marriage, divorce and adultery REALLY were.
While my understanding of many factors has changed radically since writing the book the analysis of marriage, adultery and divorce remains almost entirely valid, the book is available on the website for download and the main section of the book are presented on the Website.
This was the first time that I discovered that the Christian Church was in MAJOR error and was totally NOT prepared to consider its error.
I found that men who I respected and believed to be close to the Almighty suddenly turned vicious, aggressive, threatening and irrational.
They claimed to believe the Bible to be authoritative but totally rejected arguments based on the Bible.
This book was written in order to evidence what Father Yah had shown me based on the Bible which was my measuring stick at that stage.
It was only much later that I realized that the Bible was NOT all that I had been told it was.
The book systematically catalogues EVERY Bible verse that has ANYTHING to say about men, women, marriage, divorce, adultery and sex and analyzes what is presented there in order to present comprehensive evidence that it IS Biblical for more than one woman to marry one man, that virginity is set-apart {sacred} and that adultery is sex with a woman who is NOT a virgin and whose virginity one did NOT take.
Marriage, adultery and divorce are exhaustively examined in this book and, while my understanding on many topics has changed radically, my basic understanding on these topics remains much as it was when the book was written with the exception that I now understand that the Almighty is MUCH more willing to grant divorce for outright covenant breaking than I had understood at that time -- see the section on divorce for more information.
About the detailed Marriage Strategy
The Marriage Strategy analysis was undertaken in 2001 but Yah says it remains valid.
A series of Critical Issues processes were undertaken to examine various facets to marriage the way Yah intended it to be.
I have learned much since doing this analysis including a number of divorces and a number of covenant unions yet Yah clearly tells me to make this information available. It is available at https://www.eti-ministries.org/men-women/marriage-strategy
A bit more context:
In 1995 I asked Father Yah why there was so much divorce in the body of believers.
In the years that followed He taught me much, including telling me to get divorced myself.
In 1997 / 98 having undertaken considerable research I wrote the eBook “The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery”, cited above.
In the middle of 2000 a series of events resulted in me separating myself from worldly activities and setting myself apart to serve Father with fasting and prayer. In the latter half of 2000, during nine three day fasts at intervals of 10 days I tape recorded over fifty x one-and-a-half-hour audio teachings on marriage.
Through all of 2001 I was separated and seeking Father, learning a huge amount, writing a large number of articles, spending considerable time in prayer and reading and generally growing and learning rapidly.
Late in 2001 I was impressed to undertake a strategic analysis of marriage using a suite of Excel Spreadsheets that I had developed for business use.
The result of this was a series of spreadsheets analyzing every aspect of marriage and the headings of family life and covenant-based business which are available for download off the website at the link above.
Father has impressed on me to make this more readily available and stressed that notwithstanding what I have learned in the intervening period “this is a VERY important document”.
Original Introduction to the Marriage Teachings
Yahweh’s Plan for Healing Marriage
Introduction (2nd Edition)
This series of teaching tapes was birthed in 1995 when I was deeply distressed at the 66% plus level of “divorce” in the Body of Yahshuah Messiah (Church of Jesus Christ) and cried out to Yahweh (The Lord) to show me why there was so much divorce. That was the beginning of a journey deep into aspects of scripture that are not generally recognized or understood in the Body or the world today.
Early on in this journey, I found myself confronted with scriptures which totally challenged certain principles which I had accepted as fundamental to the practice of marriage in the Messianic (Christian) Faith. In one instance, I argued constantly with the Spirit of Yahweh for months while finding the truth that He was showing me, which was totally contrary to modern belief, confirmed from Genesis to Revelation. He has taken me to meet people and purchase books half way around the world, He has spoken to me through His Word and numerous other ways.
These tapes were started together with a series of four three day fasts over a period of about 40 days starting in September 2000. In the process of recording, Yahweh gave further revelation and undertook a major work in my own marriage as He showed me a vision of His view of marriage which is beyond all that we can ask or imagine in its beauty and spiritual authority.
Initially I understood there to be about six tapes titled “Understanding Yahweh’s Way in Marriage - The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery”, this expanded to ten, then to twenty, then to a second volume of a further 23 titled “Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage” and then a third volume of twelve tapes was revealed, titled “Practical Application of Marriage Teachings”. Finally, on 27 December 2000, He guided me to produce a compendium including a set of teachings and prophetic words over the same period given at a Fellowship in Pretoria which He had led me to title “The Coming Tribulation” plus a set of tapes I recorded in late 1999 early 2000 titled “Judgment in This Life” together with a set of teachings on “A Study on The Ministry of Deliverance” obtained at a course given by another ministry.
Immediately after issuing the first edition of these teachings, i was given three messages on “The Wrath of God For The Church”, the second and third messages dealing with “The Judgment For Adultery”, these tapes are included at the end of the series on “The Coming Tribulation”. This set of 96 tapes, which provides a comprehensive guide to healing marriage, preparing for marriage and experiencing HEAVEN ON EARTH IN MARRIAGE, I was impressed to call “Yahweh’s Plan for Healing Marriage in the Seventh Millennium”.
This series of tapes unfolds a great and many faceted canvas of marriage and the church today. It has been crafted by the Holy Spirit for our edification and instruction and I urge all readers to LISTEN TO ALL TAPES IN SEQUENCE. If you miss tapes and jump around you will almost certainly encounter information that you will not be properly equipped to handle UNLESS you have prayerfully listened to EACH TAPE IN TURN!
Inclusion of Other Teachings
While recording these tapes, I was led to incorporate various teachings, sometimes tapes I had not listened to for years, as Yahweh (The Lord) painted the full picture. The inclusion of these tapes does not signify that the people who Yahweh used to deliver these teachings have any knowledge of this Ministry or these teachings and therefore does not in any way signify whether these people and ministries have accepted these teachings or not.
They are included as the spoken Word of Yahweh as led by His Spirit as they represent part of the Free Gift which God constantly gives to His people through His Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers by His Spirit. In praying about including the teachings of others in response to comment received from a certain quarter, I was given Acts 8:20-23 “20 But Peter said to him, "Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! 21 "You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. 22 "Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. 23 "For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity." (NKJ) From this it was clear to me that there is no basis for any person to profit from or deny teachings
May Yahweh bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai (The Lord Jesus Christ) of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
James Robertson, Randburg, South Africa, December 2000, 2nd Edition June 2001
00 Introduction
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the introduction to a series of tapes, which I felt impressed this morning to call "God's Plan for Healing Marriage in the Seventh Millennium." This series of tapes started life about seven years ago when faced with the absolute grief and hurt and anger and bitterness of three Christian women who had been abandoned by their husbands and confronted with the reality that in excess of 60% of all Christian marriages were ending in divorce, I cried out to God and said why. As an engineer and an analyst that by implication meant that I was asking God how to fix it. And in the years that followed since a day early in 1995, God has taken me on the most amazing rollercoaster ride to open my eyes to see what is going on in the spiritual realm. As He did that, He took me halfway around the world to meet with people, to buy obscure books in obscure bookshops. He spoke to me through teachings of servants of this age and previous ages. He lead me to university libraries and He spoke to me through His word. He opened my eyes to His word and ways that frequently challenged me enormously. In the process, He also took me into contact with people who could not accept and could not believe what God was showing me. He showed me the magnitude of the manner in which Satan has gone about bringing the church to a place where 60% to 70% of all Christian marriages end in divorce and even high-profile international church leaders think it is acceptable for them to get divorced or alternatively think that their marriage is beyond being saved. And in all of this God has progressively opened my eyes to give me the most wonderful picture and the most wonderful vision of how He intended marriage to be.
The Lord God intended marriage to be Heaven on Earth. He intended it to be a prophetic statement of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave us marriage in order to understand how we should relate to Him and relate to Jesus. It is the most fabulous and most awesome picture but it is a picture that is hardly understood in the Body of Christ today. It is a great privilege to me to bring to you this series of teachings which by the time you have completed listening to these tapes, I truly believe will have given you a vision of Heaven on Earth in marriage. And in the process, as an engineer seeking an answer He has given me I believe in this set of tapes, solutions to every problem that I have encountered in terms of marital relations not working, the things that give rise to divorce.
So in this series of tapes you will find solutions to any marriage that is not working to the extent that I say to you with deep conviction as I open the presentation of this series of teachings that God is able and willing to make your marriage work. He is able to heal and deliver any marriage where that marriage is according to the Word of God, I am not talking about situations of adultery and deception, that God is able to heal any marriage and make that marriage Heaven on Earth if husband and wife will go before Him in faith and trust Him and put into practice which is contained in these teachings. I go so far as to say that even if a Christian is married to an unbeliever, if you diligently apply what is contained in these teachings, your marriage will become wonderful and there is a strong possibility that you will bring your spouse to salvation.
In fact I would go so far as to say that many of the principles contained in this series of teachings will even bring about a situation where a marriage between unbelievers will improve dramatically if they will receive the truths that are contained. In this whole journey, in this process of being constantly confronted with truth in the Word of God, which were deeply hidden and are deeply hidden from the Body of Christ at large, I found myself regularly being challenged. Early on in the process, after I cried out to God, I started to get an answer by His spirit, which completely confounded everything that I had believed the Word of God said regarding the fundamentals of marriage. As I argued with Him night after night and day after day and asked for confirmation after confirmation, He gave me those confirmations. I read from Genesis to Revelation and found confirmation in every book of Scripture.
He sent people across my path, He lead me to buy books, He confirmed it and He confirmed it until finally I had to say, "Father I accept the truth." That was the first of a number of major paradigm shift that I was required to make as I had to choose between putting the Word of God first in my life or compromising with the ways of the world and therefore the ways of Satan. In the process, I was persecuted, I lost my business, I lost my wife, I lost custody of my children.
The truth that I bring you today is a truth has cost dearly but it is a truth that truly is a pearl of great price. I urge you to receive this truth for what it is, a pearl of infinite price, of infinite value. It is a pearl which is one of the pearls that Jesus died for. It is one of the pearls that is absolutely paramount in preparing the bride of Christ for this incoming king. The Lord has said to me that church cannot be ready for the marriage supper of the lamb until the church understands how marriage was intended to be. A bride in which 70% of believers are divorced and remarried is not fit for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. She must be healed, she must be restored. She must be cleansed of her unrighteousness. Jesus is returning for a bride without spot or blemish. One of the biggest spots and blemishes on the bride of Christ right now is the level of divorce, putting away, adultery and fornication. So I urge you to listen diligently and work systematically through this series of tapes and put into practice what you find here in order that you may serve the Lord your God effectively in this age, that you may not be found to be an unprofitable servant on the Day of Judgement and that you may be found to be a sheep and not a goat, wheat and not tears, a wise virgin and not a foolish virgin. A faithful servant and not a worker of inequity that you may not find on the Day of Judgement that you have failed your saviour.
As I was putting all this together and preparing and as I have been through the Scriptures time and time again, I am constantly confronted with some truths which are immensely painful to Jesus, to his Father, to the Holy Spirit, and which are immensely painful to anybody who will open their hearts to feel Jesus' heart on the matter. I refer you first of all to Malachi 2:14-16: "Yet you say, 'For what reason?' Because the Lord has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one, Having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. 'For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,' Says the Lord of hosts. 'Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.'" Matthew 19:8-9: "He (Jesus) said to them, 'Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.'" 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."
So we see not only is that putting away of a woman for no cause adultery, we see that those who commit that sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God. As I have gone down this journey, the Lord has repeatedly brought me into sharp confrontation with His Scriptures. On more than one occasion when I wanted to walk away from this truth where I wanted to turn from the persecution and the condemnation, He has brought me up sharp with Scripture. One of them which He gave to me in an instance where I was debating whether to prepare a document which is one of the many on which this teaching is based, He took me to Mark 7:6-9: "He answered and said to them, 'Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: 'This people honours Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.' For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men—the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do.' He said to them, 'All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.'" And I have seen very clearly in this teaching in this series that almost everything that is taught by the church today with regard to marriage, is subject to the judgement in that passage of Scripture. It is the traditions of men and it nullifies the commandments of God in virtually every conceivable area of marriage.
Again, another Scripture, Matthew 7:3-5: "And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye,' and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." If 70% of the church of Jesus Christ is divorced, how do people presume to continue to counsel newly married people in the way they have counselled before those whose marriage has failed? As I wrestled with these truths, my marriage of 25 years in the Sight of God failed as God showed me that my wife had been treacherously betraying me for our entire relationship and yet I had been for endless counselling, I put into practice everything that I found to do that the council gave me and yet eventually my wife lost to salvation, blasphemed the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ turned his back on her and walked away to leave her to go to hell.
Recently I was ministering to another man who had a similar experience. The Lord Jesus appeared to him in a vision and showed him a rotten corpse in his bed. His wife had been spiritually dead for years. I would say to you as you listen to these tapes, if something rises up from some of what has to be said in these tapes, please take authority over it. Until you have seen the woman you have loved for 25 years, turn go to hell with no turning back and you have lost custody of your children to that woman, you cannot comprehend the magnitude of the spiritual turmoil and destruction that is taking place in marriage on the Earth today. So I urge you whenever you find yourself confronted with truths in these teachings which are hard to swallow, please put aside your offence. An offence is a crime, it is a sin. We are not called to get offended with one another, we are called to love one another. When offence rises up, there is something wrong. Put it aside and please listen carefully lest you too find yourself in a place of judgement.
Another Scripture, James 3:1-2: "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body." We know only too well that only Jesus is the perfect man. So we will all make mistakes. It is not a sin to discover that you have made a mistake. It is a sin to refuse to repent to that mistake. There is much in this series of teachings which is almost certainly going to require you to admit that you have made mistakes. I urge before all things fear God and fear His judgement.
This morning as the Lord was tying together a whole series of parallel activities that had been going on in my life for some time and giving me the final picture of this series of teachings and how they should be assembled, He took me to John 9 and I want to read that entire chapter to you because it contains a fundamentally important principle to be applied in understanding what follows. "Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.' When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. And He said to him, 'Go, wash in the pool of Siloam' (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing. Therefore the neighbours and those who previously had seen that he was blind said, 'Is not this he who sat and begged?' Some said, 'This is he.' Others said, 'He is like him.' He said, 'I am he.' Therefore they said to him, 'How were your eyes opened?' He answered and said, 'A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, 'Go to the pool of Siloam and wash.' So I went and washed, and I received sight.' Then they said to him, 'Where is He?' He said, 'I do not know.'
They brought him who formerly was blind to the Pharisees. Now it was a Sabbath when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. Then the Pharisees also asked him again how he had received his sight. He said to them, 'He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.' Therefore some of the Pharisees said, 'This Man is not from God, because He does not keep the Sabbath.' Others said, 'How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?' And there was a division among them. They said to the blind man again, 'What do you say about Him because He opened your eyes?' He said, 'He is a prophet.' But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind and received his sight, until they called the parents of him who had received his sight. And they asked them, saying, 'Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then does he now see?' His parents answered them and said, 'We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind; but by what means he now sees we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. He is of age; ask him. He will speak for himself.'
His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had agreed already that if anyone confessed that He was Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue. Therefore his parents said, 'He is of age; ask him.' So they again called the man who was blind, and said to him, 'Give God the glory! We know that this Man is a sinner.' He answered and said, 'Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.' Then they said to him again, 'What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?' He answered them, 'I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become His disciples?' Then they reviled him and said, 'You are His disciple, but we are Moses’ disciples. We know that God spoke to Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from.' The man answered and said to them, 'Why, this is a marvellous thing, that you do not know where He is from; yet He has opened my eyes! Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind. If this Man were not from God, He could do nothing.' They answered and said to him, 'You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching us?' And they cast him out.
Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, 'Do you believe in the Son of God?' He answered and said, 'Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?' And Jesus said to him, 'You have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you.' Then he said, 'Lord, I believe!' And he worshiped Him. And Jesus said, 'For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind.' Then some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words, and said to Him, 'Are we blind also?' Jesus said to them, 'If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, ‘We see.’ Therefore your sin remains.'"
I urge you to consider carefully the implication of this and the previous messages of Scripture. The men who crucified the Lord Jesus Christ were men who were highly knowledgeable in the Word of God. There were urgently seeking the coming of Messiah but they had their traditions, their preconceived notions of how God was and how He would act so firmly entrenched that even in this example, they could not would not accept the Lord of glory. We are in an age where Jesus is moving on this Earth and again, many who claim to see are rejecting him. No more in no other area is this is pronounced as it is in the area of marriage. We have no option if we fear God but to recognise that for there to be 70% divorce in the Body of Christ, there is something terribly, terribly, terribly wrong and therefore we dare not hold on to any tradition, any preconceived notions, any doctrine of man. We must return to the living Word of God to Jesus himself no matter how much Satan persecutes us.
In parallel with putting this whole series together, the Lord has been opening my eyes with regard to the scriptures pertaining to the end of the age and perhaps the most succinct summary of that is contained in Matthew 24:29-30: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." There can be absolutely no doubt that the church must go through tribulation first. The question is purely the timing. And it is not my intention to give an in-depth declaration of the word of God and the subject, however I have been impressed to include as the first set of 11 tapes in this series, a series of tapes recorded at the meetings of Foundation for Living Christian Fellowship in Pretoria, South Africa going back to the beginning of October this year when the Lord suddenly told me and my wife to move and join ourselves to that congregation until the end of the year and in that series of teachings, He took that congregation, which is a small group of mature believers many who have been in the faith for 30, 40, 50 years down the road of strong teaching to show us very clearly that the church was already in tribulation and that much greater tribulation was at hand to show us clearly that Jesus ushered in a spiritual covenant and that we should cease looking with the eyes, our natural eyes and stop looking at the things which are seen and look to what was happening in the spirit realm. To see that there was indeed a great tribulation on the Earth and that even greater tribulation was to follow, to see that judgement is at the very door and accordingly in this series entitled 'God's Plan for Healing Marriage in the Seventh Millennium' the first collection of tapes is a series of tapes from FFL. They are not all the teachings that have been given in that period, but they are a sequence which God led me to put together for that congregation under the title "The coming tribulation."
I would encourage you before you get too far into the teachings on marriage to listen attentively to what the Spirit of God is saying to the prophetic words associated with a number of the messages and understand that there is no more time to put off doing what God has called you to do to put off drawing close to Him. People are dying in the spirit like flies, right now, we just cannot see it. The level of spiritual persecution and turmoil is intensified certainly for those who are truly seeking to serve God. The level of backsliding and falling away is escalating in an alarming proportion according to all that I speak to, there is no more time. Tribulation is at the very door. We have been in tribulation but the tribulation that is to come is far beyond anything that we have been anticipating but it is in the spirit realm. Yes, there may be concentration camps. Yes, there may be plans to eliminate all but 500 million people on this Earth but none of those are what Scripture is talking about. I have seen this clearly only for the last week or so but I say to you now with profound conviction, do not look to the things that are seen. Ask God to open the eyes of your spirit to see what is going on in Scripture realm and see the massive battle that is taking place and claiming the lives of maybe even at this stage, millions of people who have called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A further Scripture, 2 Corinthians 5:10-11: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences." Do you know the terror of the Lord? Do you fear appearing before the judgement seat of Christ or are you complacent that judgement is an awesome thing, few will emerge unscathed. Most will find that they have been unprofitable servants and the best only they will be saved, their works having been found to be in a straw and stubble and consumed by fire. I urge you to listen diligently to the teachings that follow.
1 Peter 4:16-19: "Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter. For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? Now 'If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?' Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator." My friends, judgement has begun in the house of God and His house must be fully and completely judged before he will judge the world. We must be dealt with in all our sin and in all our iniquity before the wrath of God is poured out on those who do not have the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not allow those who would tell you that rupture will precede tribulation to mislead you. We are in tribulation, there will be no rising up of believers to meet the Lord in the air until the church has been judged and refined by fire and prepared to be a spotless bride for the lamb of God and until the world has been judged.
Matthew 12:35-37: "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." We have to examine our words, we have to ensure that our words are profitable and productive and we have to ensure that what is being taught regarding marriage is according to the Word of God. I say again, most of what you will find in these teachings which is solidly based on Scripture will reveal to you the magnitude of the errors in the church with regard to what Scripture says in the subject of marriage. To return to judgement, Matthew 10:29-34: "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." That is Jesus speaking. Understand that if not one sparrow falls to the ground apart from our Father's will, then not one hair of your head will be harmed, you will not suffer illness, you will not suffer financial loss, you will not suffer divorce, you will not suffer anything apart from your Father's will. I am not talking fatalism, I am talking judgement.
As the second set of tapes in this series is a series that I produced about a year ago entitled "Judgement In This Life," which goes in detail into the manifestations of judgement in this life. How to diagnose them and in broad terms, how to respond to them, how to turn from your sin to bring an end to judgement. And like the series on the coming tribulation, these are presented in order to provide a solid scriptural and spiritual context to the teaching on marriage. You do not necessarily have to listen to all the tapes on tribulation and all the tapes on judgement before you start listening to the tape series on marriage, but I would encourage you to consider seriously doing that. If you have a deep and settled assurance of the reality of judgement in this life and the reality of tribulation which is the manifestation of judgement in this life at a settled and reverent certainty that you can no longer afford sin in your life, you will find it far easier to accept what is contained in this series on marriage.
Let us understand briefly the principles that are contained in this series on judgement from the perspective how do we experience tribulation, how do we experience judgement, how is it that people get sick and do not get healed? How is it that people lose loved ones? How is it that Christians are bankrupted and cannot recover financially despite faith in the promises? The answer to all of these things is judgement. The answer to all of these things is sin. John 10:9-11 Jesus speaking: "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep." We now understand Satan comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. So if this killing, stealing, and destroying going on in your life and I am not necessarily talking physically, but also spiritually. But if you are financially destitute, if you are in ill health and cannot get healed, then Satan is to blame. Satan is doing something.
1 Peter 5:8-9: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." Satan looks for the people he may devour that is a permissive sense. In other words, he can devour nobody unless he is given permission. So we are told to resist him. We resist Satan by dealing with the things in our lives which give him a legal right to attack us. Why do I say that? 1 John 2:1-4: "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, 'I know Him,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."
We dare not say we love God and continue to preach heresy in the area of marriage or any other area. Recognise the role of an advocate in a court of law. The advocate pleads the case on behalf of his customer, his client, seeking minimisation of sentence or of judgement of not guilty. Jesus does the same thing. He stands before the Throne of God, the Father or rather he is seated at the right hand of God the Father as our advocate pleading our case and where we are young and inexperienced in the faith, he extends grace. He asks for grace. He asks for the sin to be covered by the blood. But as we go older and more mature in Christ, if we do not actively and personally bring our sin to the cross, confess it, repent of it, and turn around from it and receive forgiveness, Jesus cannot continue to release us from the consequence of our sins. Our advocate cannot plead for clemency when we have been before the court on the same charge previously and been granted reprieve. Hebrews 12:22-25: "But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from Heaven."
Again, we see Jesus, the mediator, the advocate pleading on our behalf. God the Father is a righteous judge. He abhors sin. He must judge us. In the Book of Revelation, we read that Satan is before the Throne of God night and day accusing the brethren. What does he do? Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Satan is the prosecutor. Satan looks for sin in our life and he takes that sin to the courtroom of Heaven and he requests, nay he demands sentence for every sin. And in the process, Satan sends out his Demons to trigger us into more sin. But if not a sparrow falls to the ground, so would be the Father's will, no risk, Satan cannot attack or kill, steal, and destroy in your life more than the Father permits and Father will not permit more than your sin allows. Job 1:6-12: "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan, 'From where do you come?' So Satan answered the Lord and said, 'From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.' Then the Lord said to Satan, 'Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?' So Satan answered the Lord and said, 'Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!' And the Lord said to Satan, 'Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person.' So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord." So there we see Satan in the throne room of God. We see that he has been roaming around, we see that he camps and we see that God says that Job is in His power; how come Job is in his power?
Job 3:25: "For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me." So we see that Job was walking in fear, not faith. Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear is faith in the devil. Earlier we read in Job that Job offered sacrifices in case his sons had sinned, not because they had sinned. He offered sacrifices in fear, not in faith. Job chapter 29, the whole chapter, I just read a few versus from 18 to 23: "Then I (Job) said, 'I shall die in my nest, And multiply my days as the sand. My root is spread out to the waters, And the dew lies all night on my branch. My glory is fresh within me, And my bow is renewed in my hand. Men listened to me and waited, And kept silence for my counsel. After my words they did not speak again, And my speech settled on them as dew. They waited for me as for the rain, And they opened their mouth wide as for the spring rain.'" In the whole of chapter 9 is Job boasting about how esteemed he was, how wise he was. We see in the middle of those verses that I just read his pronouncement about the manner in which he would die in his nest, multiplying his days as the sand. Total presumption, total pride. God says that he resists the proud.
So out of that passage we see that judgement comes upon believers because of sin in their lives and the second set of tapes in this series was tapes on judgement in this life provide a fairly comprehensive analysis based on my own experience of saying why Lord, of how Satan secures judgement against us and what we can do in broad terms to avoid those judgements. I would urge you to listen, firstly to the set of tapes on the coming tribulation, the first part of the first volume of this set, volume 0 and then to set of tapes on judgement in this life as the lord leads, but please be sure that it is the Lord leading. You might want to start listening to the marriage series in parallel with this, but based on the fact that this is profoundly what I believe God has shown me and is profoundly the manner in which He has taken me through this journey myself, I urge you to listen to these tapes in sequence.
The third set of tapes is volume 1, in the marriage series, which is entitled "The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery" and in this collection of 20 tapes, there is a comprehensive scriptural analysis of all the doctrines relating to marriage. It is a rigorous analysis and leaves no room for [inaudible 0:46:58] that I do not make any statements in that teaching of any significance so that I have first been through an extremely rigorous process of trial whereby the Lord has shown me of the veracity and the truths of what is declared in those teachings. I am not talking about days or weeks or even months, I am talking about years. All the fundamentals contained in those teachings have been known to me for several years. They have been documented by me, they have been tested in practice. They have been debated with others and made much persecution and I declare to you before the Throne of God today that they are truth before God. I urge you therefore to listen attentively to the content of those 20 tapes. And if you find things which are hard to examine your heart and to go before the Throne of God and ask Him to confirm what is there.
The second volume of the marriage teachings entitled "Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage" is a set of 23 tapes in which God paints the most awesome picture for marriage as a holy and sacred institution on Earth, a shadow and type of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, a fundamentally important requirement for the Bride of Christ to be prepared. Something that sums up the entire Christian walk in the entire Christian way, something that requires holiness and sanctification if it is truly to be the institution God intended it to be. Something that is both awesome and beautiful and wonderful at the same time. In those tapes He has taken us on the most wonderful journey, bringing teachings from a wide variety of different sources, prominent men and women of God around us. His teachings He brought together some of whom He gave me four, five years ago assembled to paint a wonderful picture of what God intended marriage to be and the spiritual tools and techniques and methods that He has provided for us to get there. This set of tapes also draws together various things from my experience as an engineer and management consultant, particularly in the areas of the management of change and collectively these tapes contain most of what you need to know in order to get even the most destitute marriage healed, restored, and brought to the place of being Heaven on Earth.
Volume 3 of the marriage series is entitled "Application of the Marriage Teachings." It is a compendium of tapes dealing with a variety of subjects ranging from who you are married to, to sanctifying your marriage, to recovering from divorce, adultery, rape, etc., and various other topics, all of which are necessary to build on the foundations made in the first two series of teachings on marriage. This set of 12 tapes ties together everything that is contained in all the tapes preceding it.
The final set of tapes in this series is entitled "The Ministry of Deliverance." It is a series of tapes produced by a lady by the name of Carol Auffer who has a ministry in the area of deliverance and these tapes are distributed at cost to those who require them, and I have taken the liberty of including them here because I truly believe they are amongst the most anointed messages in the area of deliverance that I have encountered and without that knowledge, resolving many of the things which give rise to the failure of marriages is at best problematic at worst impossible and so the Lord has impressed on me to incorporate as the last set of tapes in this series, the 15 tapes of Carol's teaching on deliverance. We also have copies of her manual available to those who might need it in terms of the diagrams, etc., recognising that the Ministry of Deliverance is a Ministry of great spiritual danger for those who do not know what they are doing and I refer you to the Seven Sons of Sceva who were beaten up when trying to exercise a man in the name of Jesus without having a revelation of their authority in Christ. But if you have a revelation of your authority in Christ, if you are aware of what the Word of God says, but you lack the basic information to effectively minister deliverance to yourself or your spouse or your family, these tapes contain that information. It is information to be used carefully as led by the Spirit of God that they are a powerful set of tapes. Taken together with the other tapes in this series, I truly believe that the Lord has provided everyone of us with a complete and compact set of knowledge for the healing of marriage.
If you listen to this entire set of tapes, I have no doubt that you will find that you need to listen to them repeatedly over several years progressively putting into practice more and more of what you learn. We have learnt much just as we have put together these tapes and we have seen a major blessing in our own marriage and even so as I listen to the tapes from time to time as I have been putting together and assembling this entire set, I keep finding truth that I am not yet fully walking in my own life. I have no doubt that I need to listen to these tapes repeatedly to come to the place where I know God has purposed for us to be, which is Heaven on Earth in our marriage. I have no doubt that it will take some years before we are walking fully in this and I have no doubt that it will be a lifetime before we come to the fullness of the stature of the man Jesus Christ. I have absolute assurance that if anybody listening to these tapes is diligent and works systematically through them, they will experience a miracle in even the most difficult marriage. You must understand the context of judgement. You must understand the context of the requirement to overcome in this life. You must understand the context that God is bringing revival to this world and that a fundamental requirement for revival is a revival in marriage. You must understand the absolute paramount significance of unity in the Body of Christ. John 17:20-21, Jesus speaking: "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me."
The first step to that is for perfect unity and harmony to prevail in Christian marriages. Then the world will begin to believe that God sent Jesus and as we learn and apply the lessons in marriage to the Body of Christ to tear down the walls of division between denominations and congregations, we will see the day when believers in this Earth will do the works that Jesus did and greater works because they are dwelling in unity. Satan hates marriage, because he knows that man and woman fully united with the full magnitude of the One Flesh Bond are an unstoppable spiritual entity and that a congregation of such men and women is a spiritual force to be reckoned with that will rock the very gates of hell. I challenge you today, lay down your life for the truths regarding marriage. Go all out for Jesus Christ to learn what he has to teach you about marriage. It will change your life, your children's lives, and change the world. Having said all this, you must work systematically. This set of tapes will challenge virtually everything you have ever been taught or believed about marriage. If you jump around, if you do as somebody did the other day and went straight to tape #8 of the first part of marriage which is entitled "Tying Up Some Loose Ends, Some Controversial Points," you will almost certainly be offended because you will not have the scriptural context and the background to what is contained in that tape. The same applies to many other tapes in this series.
God has taken us on a journey, He has painted a wonderful panorama, He has charted a course through a jungle of demonic infestation, but there is no short cut. Please stick to the road, work through the tapes systematically and you will be blessed. You may find that there are some aspects in some of the tapes that are hard to accept and while I would be the first to acknowledge the possibility that there is leaven in what I have done, I say again, that none of the more significant truths that are contained in these tapes are placed there lightly. They are placed there with the absolute total 100% unshakeable conviction that they are the word and the will of God. So if you find something that you are battling to accept, may I suggest to you that you just pass it by, put it on the shelf and ask God to speak to you about it and either to confirm it or deny it and move on to the next tape.
There is an enormous diversity of subjects addressed and each of them is addressed iteratively in ever-increasing detail. Therefore, if one of them offends you, just put it aside and carry on with the rest of the tapes in this series. There are teachings from various ministries included particularly in volume 2 of the marriage series and clearly the first series on the coming tribulation and the series on deliverance, I need to say to you that the inclusion of these teachings does not in any way signify that the people concerned have been consulted about their content of the rest of the tapes and therefore I do not hold an opinion of whether they confirm or deny those teachings and their inclusion does not represent in any way in natural terms and endorsement of me or my ministry with the content of the tapes. That is not to say that I believe that if they were to listen to these tapes systematically, they will not come to a similar revelation of the truth, just that at this moment in time they have not had that opportunity because that is not the way that God has led me. I need to stress to you that the tapes are contained and these messages from other ministries are contained because I truly believe and I have been led by the Spirit of God to include them that it is the Will of God that those messages are being spoken through anointed men and women of God by the leading of the Spirit of God. Again, there are elements of leaven in every message. We are all human, only Jesus Christ is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all slip up. We all get ideas at the last minute, which add or take away a little bit from what the Spirit of God has said. Do not get distracted by those things. There are elements in some of those teachings which are not at [inaudible 1:01:00] with what I have taught but that is not the point. The heart of what God is saying through those people, the heart of what He is saying through me is all part of the big picture, which we will only fully comprehend and understand when we have shrugged off this mortal coil and we are dwelling for eternity, God willing, with Jesus.
I must stress that the Word of God is free. It is a free gift and therefore it is very clear to me that it is not for any human being to restrict the distribution of His word, nor is it for them to charge and make a profit for the distribution of His word. We distribute these tapes and teachings at no cost, funds permitting, save only that where it is necessary to post the large sets of tapes internationally, we would ask for a donation to cover postage if you can afford it. We have arranged distribution in various countries to facilitate that. The teachings are available on data CD suitable for playing in any multimedia computer, which has a sound card and speakers in order to make it more cost effective and affordable to supply the whole set of teachings to those who require them. I would encourage you if you feel it would be useful to make copies of some or all of the tapes with CDs and pass them on to others, please feel free to do so you. You do not need to approach me for permission. By the same token, if you want to use some or the entire series of teachings in any public forum to the glory of God, you are welcome to do so. All I ask is that you understand that if you misrepresent or twist or distort or selectively detrimentally edit the contents of these teachings, you will be judged for your actions on the Day of Judgement.
I would also mention that these teachings were produced against a very tight deadline as a consequence of my own disobedience and I confess that that is sin and I repent of it and I have repented of it and by the same token, I confess that I was not sanctified as I would have liked and consequently I was under continual demonic attacks as I was preparing these messages. You will find the odd tape where there was quite a lot of yawning, slurring, and even perhaps occasional transposing of words as a consequence of my failure to sanctify myself sufficiently and I confess again that that is sin and I repent of it and I continue to seek the Lord's guidance to come to a place where these things are less material. But I say that in this context that I have been through a great journey of sanctification in the last few years to come to a place we are notwithstanding the fact that I have these attacks. I believe that I speak from a position of some degree of sanctification and I remind you that at the end of his life, Paul the apostle, the greatest perhaps apostle that has ever lived referred to himself as the chief of all sinners at the end of his life. It is also to mention that in the process of recording these steps, I was learning about the technology, it is the first time I have ever produced tapes of this nature or in fact done anything in a formal recording environment and I have started out with relatively limited equipment and as the thing unfolded, the Lord provided more sophisticated equipment and taught me how to use the tools more effectively. But nevertheless, these tapes have not been produced in a recording studio with studio quality equipment and again, please accept the intention here is not to produce some highflying, glitzy, professional presentation. It is to share from my heart what God has been teaching me over the last five, six years in order that you may be blessed and your marriage healed and that you may share these truths with others that they may be blessed and their marriage is healed.
If you feel that you are more competent to record what is contained in these tapes, share by all means at liberty to do so. God willing, these tapes will shortly be available as I have said before on a series of data CDs and MP3 digital audio format together with some supplementary documents plus labels and audiocassette and CD case covers to make it easy for you to make copies of these teachings. As I say, you are free to reproduce and duplicate the set of tapes or the CDs as led by the Lord. I appeal to you to distribute the entire set and not selective tapes. At the same time, it is not necessary to acknowledge the source if you do not want to. The copyright is not mine, it is the Lord's.
I hope shortly also to have a website with all of these teachings on a compressed audio format suitable for downloading or emailing. You can contact me at James@End-Time-Issues.org.za for more information on that. The tapes can be obtained locally in South Africa from End Time Issue Ministries, PO Box 898, Randpark Ridge 2156, Republic of South Africa or by contacting me on the email address I have just given you or telephonically. International dialling code in most countries 0027, local code 11, telephone 791-2327, fax 0027-11791-5004, and you are welcome to contact me and refer others to me. My name is James Robertson by the way. For copies of these tapes and other teaching materials, I have also arranged provisionally for distribution of these materials in other centres around the world. In the United States you can contact Scott Ledbetter at Remnant Sounds Ministries, 2500 Louis Henna Boulevard, Apartment 3203, Round Rock, Texas 78664, United States of America. Email Scott Ledbetter@Hotmail.com.
In the United Kingdom you can contact Isaac Aluochier, PO Box 22855, London, NW98ZF, United Kingdom. His telephone number, his cellular mobile is, country codes ++44, code in the United Kingdom 956187232. His email address: ServantsOfYahweh@CWCom.net. These ministries should be able to help you with the teachings on CD and some of them may be able to help you with the full set of audio tapes. If you have any difficulty, please contact me as indicated previously. As mentioned before, we do not charge for the supply of these materials. The other ministries may charge as they feel led by the Lord and as they deem appropriate. Should the Lord lead you to sow into this ministry, the ministry is End Time Issues and our bank account is called End Time Issue Ministries. The account number is 0427527805 at the Standard Bank of South Africa, Randburg Branch, branch code 018005. In some cases, the branch code may need to be reflected as an eight-digit number in which case it is 018005 as before, followed by 90. This depends on the bank at which the deposit is being made.
That completes the preparatory introduction for the series of teachings. I pray that you will enjoy and be blessed as much as I have what God has in store for you in the tapes that follow. I appreciate it is an extremely long and seemingly onerous journey, but if you recognise that marriage is the state or the institution which perhaps more than virtually anything else in your life influences how you overcome in this life and how you serve God and in fact, how you find life to be, I am sure that you will appreciate that some degree of effort is required to experience Heaven on Earth in marriage. So welcome and I really hope that you enjoy what to me is the most wonderful and beautiful picture that the Lord God Almighty has painted concerning marriage, the way He intends it to be and how everyone of us can have our marriages healed in this age.
Father I pray that all that is being said on this tape and all that is said in this entire series that is according to your word and according to your will, will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers. It will be engrafted by your spirit, watered and nourished and fed by your spirit and will grow forth and produce abundant fruit. Father I ask likewise that anything that may be contained in this tape or any other tape that is not according to your word, not according to your will, will be blown away by your spirit and find no root in the hearts of the hearers, in Jesus name. And Father I ask that you will send your mighty warring Angels to encamp around those who would listen to these tapes to guide them to strengthen them, to give them the fortitude by your spirit, to press on and to listen to this entire series no matter what the price that they may come to a place of experiencing your Heaven on Earth in their marriages. I thank you Father that their marriages are healed and restored that they walk in the fullness of the anointing and the calling that you have for them and I thank you for blessing them and prospering them in every way, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, saviour of the world. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. Amen.
This is the introduction to the series of tapes from Foundation for Living, Christian Fellowship entitled "The Coming Tribulation." The series of teachings contained in this set trace a period of time from the 1st of October the year 2000 to the 31st of December the year 2000, in terms of which God progressively revealed to the congregation the situation in the world today, made a very definite call for holiness and sanctification and through the prophetic word in particular made it very clear to us that the time of tribulation was at hand, that judgement was to be expected and that we should prepare our hearts for that judgement and seek God as never before. It is also established that there were strong indications to believe that the Mark of the Beast was a spiritual rather than a natural mark. This series is included at the beginning of the series ‑ "God's Plan for Healing Marriage in the Seventh Millennium" in order to provide a more detailed spiritual context for this entire set of teachings as something which God has provided to bring the Bride of Christ to a place of holiness and sanctification for the return of the bridegroom. I pray that you will find these teachings and encouragement in Jesus name.
This is the introduction to the set of tapes entitled "Judgement in this life" incorporated into the suite of tapes, "God's Plan for Healing Marriage in the Seventh Millennium." This set of tapes were recorded by this ministry about a year ago as an initial set of 10 tapes with two additional tapes added recently derived from the developments at the Foundation for Living ministry. The basic content of the set of tapes is a comprehensive analysis of the scriptural basis whereby Satan gains footholds to attack us in this life and a catalogue of aspects which open the door for Satan to gain legal right in the judgement hall of God to kill, steal, and destroy in our lives in the process of accusing the brethren and executing judgement against us for our sin. It is incorporated into this suite of tapes at this point in order to lay a solid foundation for the teachings on marriage to assist listeners to understand how absolutely essential it is for a Christian, to walk in holiness and sanctification, to walk in quick repentance, to walk in the love of God and put the word of God first and the commandments of God first in one's life in order to minimise the extent to which Satan is able to use legal means to attack us. With that background and with the revelation of the coming tribulation out of the first set of tapes, it is my hope that you will be in a place having listened to this series on judgement to have a good understanding of how the devil attacks you and then as you walk down the road of coming to greater and greater revelation in the area of marriage seeing your marriage healed, you will be able to better understand what the devil is doing to you, understanding that since marriage is such a fundamentally important truth and that Satan has fought so hard for so long to steal marriage the way God intended it to be, he is not going to give up on your marriage without a fight. He is going to use whatever legal means he can to distract you from putting these teachings into effect and from coming into a place where there really is Heaven on Earth in your marriage, particularly if he has had you in a situation where your marriage has been less than fulfilling, where there has perhaps been talk of divorce or where there has been regular argument, etc.
Satan knows that as you start walking through these teachings, his hold on your life is going to be substantially diminished and therefore he is likely to pull out all the stops to seek to prevent that from happening. With these teachings behind you and dealing with obvious sin that the Holy Spirit reveals to you as you listen to this series of tapes, I truly believe that the Lord will enable you to stand strong with the onslaught that Satan will bring against you and equally as we move into great tribulation, the sin in our lives is the basis whereby Satan is going to obtain judgement against us and kill, steal, destroy, persecute, do whatever he can find to do against those who truly are committed to serving the Lord God. So with that background, I encourage you to listen to the series on judgement before moving into the series on marriage purely in order to lay a solid foundation. This is not to say that you could not start listening to the series on marriage concurrently with or before the series on judgement, but I was very impressed with the Lord this morning as I was finalising this pack of teaching tapes that it should be in this sequence that people should lay a foundation of a revelation of the coming tribulation and the tribulation that is at hand, a revelation of judgement, which is the mechanism through which Satan brings tribulation and then from there going in to dealing with the issues of marriage, understanding the full significance and the impact of adopting scriptural practices in the area of marriage and other areas of our lives. So with that in mind, I pray that you will be blessed and benefitted from what is contained in this particular subset of the teaching tapes. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Amen.
This is the introduction to Volume 1 of the marriage teachings in the suite of tapes entitled "God's Plan for Healing Marriage in the Seventh Millennium." Volume 1 of the three volume set on marriage is entitled "The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery" and it provides a 20-teaching or 20-tape set of a comprehensive analysis of what the scriptures have to say about the subjects relating to marriage, divorce, adultery and related topics. In total this suite provides a solid and robust and comprehensive scriptural basis for understanding what the Word of God truly says about marriage for understanding how God intended marriage to be, understanding how God intended marriage to work. It provides a robust statement that God created marriage to work between any man and any woman provided they are both believers. It provides a basis for understanding the power and the potential of marriage as God created it to be. It provides the foundation which the rest of this teaching is built up.
Volume 2 in the marriage suite which is entitled "Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage" provides a whole lot of scriptural and spiritual principles with regard to bringing about the necessary change to experience Heaven on Earth in your marriage to have your marriage healed no matter what the state of that marriage may be. Volume 3 in this series entitled "Practical Application of Marriage Teachings" goes into a variety of specific aspects required to put these teachings into practice in the lives of believers no matter what the background from which their lives and their marriages have come. This set of tapes as I says is a comprehensive scriptural, if you like, doctrinal analysis of what the Word of God really says. I need to stress to you, it contains much that you are going to find controversial, much that is going to challenge you. It has taken me many years to get to a place where I can come before you confidently and say that this is what the Word of God says. I come to you in the capacity of an apostle and prophet of God and I appeal to you to listen carefully and attentively to what is contained in these tapes, the bulk of the message as given by the Spirit of God, recognising our humanity and our frailty and our propensity to miss it from time to time. There may be the odd bits of leaven and I ask you to forgive me for that, but at the same time, I declare before the Throne of God right now that the bulk of what is contained in these teachings, everything that is of substance has been subject to the most careful and rigorous scrutiny, measurement against the Word of God, debate and argument with the Spirit of God, asking for confirmation and confirmation until I can come before you to say and serve the Lord, these are the factors that are giving rise to the 70% odd failure rate of marriages in the Christian church today that are giving rise to fornication and adultery on a global scale of the magnitude that is beyond comprehension as one comes to grasp it and understand it.
Therefore I urge you to listen attentively to what the Spirit of God is saying through these tapes. At the same time, I must say to you, please, please, please follow the sequence of these tapes. Start at the beginning and go on to the end. Each tape builds on the foundation of the first tape, builds on the Word of God in such a way that God willing, you will be able that each step of the way to accept the truths that are revealed as the teachings unfold. The teachings comprise a suite of iterative approaches to the truths which God is revealing. I had not seen the picture in the light that it is presented in these teachings. Before I did the teachings, they unfolded literally at the leading of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God on a daily basis over a period of about three months. When I started these tapes and recorded the first one, I expected to record six tapes, that grew to 10 tapes, it grew to 20 tapes, it grew to 43 tapes, it grew to 55 tapes, and then it ended up with the supplementation of the various other tapes which make up the series at about 94-95 tapes. And only as this thing came to completion this very morning of the day that I am recoding this message on the 27th of December, the year 2000, did I see fully how the Lord had pulled all of this together to provide a set of tapes which I have complete certainty provide the answer to just about anything that can be wrong with just about any marriage in the Christian faith.
This set of tapes, even though it is a large number represents God's plan for healing your marriage and making your marriage Heaven on Earth if you will choose to step out in faith, listen to these tapes diligently and systematically and put into practice what is contained in them. You will get your miracle. But recognise that it has taken a long time for you to learn all the stuff that you have learnt that has brought you to a place where your marriage is not necessarily the way God intended it to be, it is going to take some time and some effort to get it to the place where God did intend it to be.
With that I pray that you will be blessed and that you will find these tapes accomplish that which God has appointed for your life at this time, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
This is the introduction to Volume 2 of the marriage tapes in the suite of tapes "God's Plan for Healing of Marriage in the Seventh Millennium." The second volume of marriage teachings concerned with "Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage." This set of teachings builds on the first set of marriage teachings and I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is for you first of all to listen to the tapes in Volume 1 of the Marriage Series and I would encourage you to have made sure that you listen to the tapes on the Coming Tribulation and the tapes on Judgement in this Life before you do that. Please in going through Volume 2 work systematically, start at the beginning and go on till you get to the end. As with the previous series, you will find much that is controversial and much which if you do not approach this in the order that the Spirit of God gave it to me is likely to offend you. As I mentioned before, the whole process that God has used in this is iteratively dealing and digging deeper and deeper into the truths of His word, into the practical application of those truths, and in the process, revealing more and more which has the potential to offend if you do not have the right foundation. So please walk the journey that the Lord has set out in the series of tapes.
Volume 2 of the tapes that we are dealing with now comprises 23 teachings. It includes teachings from a variety of different ministries on issues such as faithfulness, the blood covenant, disciplining of flesh, etc., and that was a combination of tapes which the Lord just led me to pull together as the teachings were unfolding to assist to paint a wonderful tapestry of the beauty of what marriage was intended to be, the vision that God has for marriage and that He wants us to have for marriage and how to get there. The spiritual principles and spiritual disciplines and scriptural principles that God has provided for us to get our marriages healed and to come to a place of Heaven on Earth in marriage, to deal with the issues of change. This set of tapes also draws on my experience as a management consultant in the areas of bringing about organisational change and some lessons and principles associated with that and it draws on my entire life experience, things that God has been dealing with me on for a number of years and as with the first series, I say to you with firm conviction, all the fundamental principles that are contained in these teachings, God has been revealing to me over a number of years to finer points of how it all fits together, the finer points of how it is applied and practised have only been revealed to me as I have been putting the tapes together but the underlying core scriptural principles or things that I have been wrestling with and debating with God for a number of years and I declare again as with the first volume, this is given by the Spirit of God, please receive it as that, in Jesus name. Amen.