I regularly get requests from people who visit my website, connect with me on LinkedIn or WhatsApp or other channels and express interest in my teachings. Then some of them ask me for donations for orphans, for food, for clothing, etcetera because they are in lack or they want to purchase ministry materials, etcetera.
I am also regularly asked for Bibles and the like.
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Regarding Money
I would like to respond to all such requests as follows:
- I am a one man operation, I do NOT have substantial resources to help others -- it is NOT my ministry to help others financially or materially.
- I work extremely hard to support my ministry, NOT to support others.
- My ministry is as a Spokesman and Emissary, a Prophet and Apostle – I listen, write and publish.
- There is NO requirement anywhere in the Bible for any such ministry to help others financially, in fact, those who benefit from my ministry should contribute tithes and offerings, NOT the other way round so people approaching my ministry for money are seriously out of line. -- read the accounts in the Bible and you will NOT find any prophet providing finances for those he or she ministers to.
- It costs me a substantial amount to operate my ministry, website hosting, broadcasts on numerous channels, email broadcasts, people to help with various tasks, etcetera -- if I give you money it is at the expense of my ministry or of my personal needs, food, etcetera.
- I have over 1,600 people on my primary mailing list and about 60,000 on my secondary lists. I have over 27,000 contacts on LinkedIn and 5,000 on Facebook. I broadcast on more than10 Internet radio and TV channels. All of this costs a considerable amount. Please understand that you are NOT the only one in communication with me!
- Further, I have substantial ambitions for my ministry, to reproduce the website in at least five other languages, to publish articles to millions of email addresses weekly, to broadcast more widely, to promote the message on LinkedIn, FaceBook, Google, YouTube and Twitter – I need very substantial amounts a month to do all this – I certainly do NOT have money to help others.
- We are each responsible for supporting ourselves so if a person is in lack they need to work harder or get closer to Father to learn how to obtain finances and read / listen to my teachings and not come begging to people who are teaching them. In this context see "2021.09.02 The Essence of my message regarding the Poverty of Believers" at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-poverty-of-believers and "2022.12.01 I am a Believer, why do things keep going wrong in my life?" at https://www.eti-ministries.org/i-am-a-believer-why-do-things-keep-going-wrong-in-my-life
- If you would like to donate to support my work please click on the link to make a donation.
Regarding Bibles
This is just another form of asking for money, please see above.
My books, which I testify are at some level Anointed and Inspired are available free of charge at the Book Set -- Compilation of Most Writings webpage at https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings you are welcome to download these and use as you feel led.
My version of the Bible, correcting seriouis translation errors, is available at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-eti-bible-version to download in printable format and also electronically so people can read on their phones.
My bottom line is please do NOT ask me for money, Bibles or anything else -- I will happily teach you but that is it.
James Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
16 December 2024