Some time ago I watched the YouTube video "Heaven Is For Real" Interview with Todd and Colton Burpo" which reports a near death experience in which Colton Burpo at the age of four died and was taken to Heaven and spent time with Yahooshua before being returned to life. It is a powerful account.
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Essence of my Message concerning Yahooshua
NEXT SECTION: Solid evidence of the reality of Yahooshua {Jesus} >>>
Subsequently, he saw a painting of Yahooshua which he recognized as exactly accurate of what he had seen in Heaven.
This is the picture:

The extract of the video containing this image and with the context is available to download at:
The full video is available at
It is vital to recognize that Yahooshua is the GREATEST Created Being in the Universe, see he is NOT the Creator in the flesh, it was the Spirit of the Creator in and on Yahooshua that performed the miracles and spoke through Yahooshua.
Warm regards and blessings
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
05 June 2021