Sexual love making results in massively powerful spiritual forces which are little understood and therefore largely ignored by all sides of the spectrum of Believers and Unbelievers. Sexual love-making was very carefully and thoughtfully crafted by the Almighty Creator, whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and should therefore be treated with respect as a very precious gift.
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Fundamentally, what follows is addressed to Believers although most of the principles apply equally to unbelievers.
If you find yourself getting offended I ask you to reconsider, this really IS important.
Fundamentally sexual lovemaking is the highest spiritual act that human beings can perform after worship of the Creator but most Believers do NOT know how to do this well. This series of articles is intended to address this short coming.
Following are the major components of sex and sexuality which, in my experience, are fundamental to understanding the sexual nature of human beings.
- Sex is a fundamental element of being human
Without sex there is NO reproduction and human beings would die out. Sexual reproduction is a very carefully designed mechanism for ensuring diversity and sustainability.
Accordingly one must recognize that sexuality and sexual reproduction and the associated sexual desire, sexual love making, etcetera are intrinsic and fundamental elements of being human. This article seeks to make visible the full extent to which sexuality is central to human existence on Earth.
Sex is intended to be highly pleasurable and we have a huge number of nerve endings and mental and emotional drivers that exist only to help us enjoy sexual love making and desire it.
Sexual love making is intended to create a powerful, unbreakable bond. Every time a man or woman experiences orgasm they eject part of their spirit that bonds with their partner.
The Satanic and Demonic Realm have orchestrated matters such that Unbelievers may experience the full power of sex whereas Believers are frequently prudes and very inhibited sexually. Thus learning about sex is very difficult for Believers, hence the case studies cited at the end of this article.
Celibacy is NOT from Father, we were designed to live in loving family units with intense uninhibited sexual congress – ALL religious teaching relating to celibacy is false and NOT from Father. Yahooshua was celibate for very specific reasons that do not apply to any other Believer and have never applied and will never apply to any other Believer.
Loneliness leads to unwise socialization which leads to unwise sexual unions, we were NOT designed to live alone, we were designed to live in caring, loving relationships with lots of cuddling, kissing, love making, communing, etcetera – marriages where this is missing will eventually almost certainly end up on the rocks.
A family unit where man and woman / women are tightly one-flesh and in harmony WILL be very prosperous and a family unit where the members are NOT in harmony will be in lack and will ultimately fail.
Note that a person on their own is relatively weak spiritually, particularly a man needs at least one woman in strong covenant in order to prosper. A single woman can request Yah to be her husband and to cover her and protect her and can therefore be very strong – for reasons discussed later the predominant situation for Believing women is to live without an Earthly husband.
- Sexual intercourse is an extremely powerful spiritual act
Sexual intercourse involves spirit to spirit contact between the parties engaged in the sexual act with associated very powerful forces at play.
Sexual love making in which both parties give themselves freely and considerately causes a spiritual force we call “love” to come into existence, more correctly this is “Chesed” (Hebrew) meaning “Covenant Love” as described in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 13: 4 through 10 “4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
“8 Love never fails [love never dies]. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.”
This is really important, love NEVER DIES, do NOT make love to someone you do NOT intend to spend the rest of your life with, you will be torn apart if they leave you or you try and leave them.This phenomenon leads to a lot of spiritualconfusion in those that fornicate.
The power of sex is something that is well understood by Satanists and Witches and is used very effectively by them.The spiritual forces at play here are real whether you believe it or not – hiding this from Believers is one of Satan’s most successful frauds.
The red valentines heart is a symbolic representation of the aroused woman’s vulva and therefore has strong sexual connotations which should be kept in mind in using that symbol – only use it with someone you are in sexual life covenant with.
- The Virgins Covenant
When a man penetrates a virgin and ruptures her hymen with shedding of blood this is a Covenant act whereby in the Court of Heaven a Covenant Union (what we typically call “marriage”) comes into existence.I write here with regard to Believers, for Unbelievers the Court of Heaven is NOT interested in them.
This Virgins Covenant is unbreakable by human beings and it locks the man and woman into a life-time legal agreement which locks down whatever they have agreed or not agreed at the moment that the hymen is ruptured.Thus whatever was in place becomes the basis of their relationship whether they like it or not.So if the man was in submission to the woman then that is the state for the rest of the union.If the man has multiple sexual partners then the woman has by default consented to this.Likewise if the woman has multiple sexual partners.And so on for all other facets of the relationship.
See for a detailed discussion of this.
Where a woman is no longer with the man who took her virginity and there is no way that he will take her back, if she is a Believer she must do all she can to contact him and ask him to take her back and it is only if he refuses (which is commonplace) THEN she can ask Father Yah for a Divorce.
- The One-Flesh Covenant
Male Semen contains all the elements of blood and therefore male ejaculation into the Vagina of a woman seals a similar covenant relationship to that described above albeit somewhat less contractually strong.Where this takes place in conjunction with the taking and giving of virginity it is particularly strong.
At the same time as physical ejaculation of sperm there is a spiritual ejaculation of the spirit of the man into the woman such that an unbreakable spiritual bond is formed between the man and woman.This is the “one-flesh bond” – the more times the man ejaculates in the woman the stronger the bond becomes until they are so strongly connected that they know each other’s thoughts and there is a massively powerful connection between them.
If the man ejaculates in the mouth, vulva or anus of the woman a weaker bond is formed, where the woman is spiritually a virgin this is a betrothal bond.If she is already joined to another then this is adulterous.Ejaculation elsewhere on the body of the woman forms a weaker one-flesh bond and does NOT lead to betrothal.
When a woman climaxes in contact with a man a portion of her spirit is likewise ejaculated.If he is in her vagina at the time then a full strength bond is formed. Simultaneous orgasm is particularly powerful. If she reaches her climax through manual or oral stimulation or contact with another part of the man then a weaker bond is formed.
If two woman engage in sexual intercourse with orgasm then a one-flesh bond is also formed at the betrothal level.
If two men engage in sexual intercourse anally or orally then a one flesh bond is formed at the betrothal level albeit that this is adultery.Adultery is a sexual union between two men, whether via a commonly joined woman or two men together.This is forbidden for Believers, this law is irrelevant to Unbelievers.
Note that in conjunction with the One-Flesh bond there is transfer of Demons (replication of Demons between sexual partners), Soul Ties, Friendship Ties, etcetera all of which have Spiritual significance and which will hold a legitimate couple or man and several women together and which have to be cut off in the event of Divorce or in the case of cleaning up after fornication in the event of repenting of the fornication.
Once a One-Flesh covenant bond is formed the woman comes under the “covering” of the man, this is a spiritual “umbrella” which shelters the woman from Spiritual attack provided she is in alignment with the man.This frees the woman up to be a powerful support to the man.
Note that vows in Church or Court are ONLY valid if the woman is a Virgin, otherwise the conditions that prevailed at the time of Consummation are upheld in the Court of Heaven and the vows in Church or Court are meaningless.
- Women are Spiritually and Intellectually Equal to Men
I have been deeply grieved by recent reports of women in certain countries being forced into marriage against their will, having their education and commercial activity constrained and generally being treated as second class citizens.
It is vital to understand that for Believers, in the sight of the Creator men and women are entirely EQUAL, they simply have different principal roles.In particular they are intellectually equal.
In this context it is vital to understand that there are roughly SEVEN times more women than men in the body of true Believers on Earth today AND in high ranks in Heaven see see also “2017.12.02 Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah elaboration” at
It is entirely possible for a woman to be President, Prime Minister, Chief Executive, etcetera, women are NOT second class citizens and it grieves Father deeply that some male believers treat women this way.That said many women choose to align themselves with their man and in support of their man, that is entirely acceptable and a matter of personal choice.First prize is for man and woman / women to be harmoniously engaged in commercial activity together.
It is entirely possible for women to have powerful sexual relationships with other women within a committed covenant relationship.So, legal marriage between women is entirely permissible for Believers, marriage between male Believers is forbidden.
- Treat Women tenderly and make love considerately
That said, it IS appropriate for men to treat women who are joined to them tenderly and make love to them considerately.It is incumbent on the woman to do the same but the issue is generally a case of men treating women badly, often because they have never been taught how to treat women well.See the case studies referenced at the end of this article for examples of how to treat women well, including sexually.
A corollary to this is that where a woman is treated badly or where a woman is contentious or fault finding this causes spiritual distress to the man which is likened in the Bible to “rottenness in the bones”.So, if a woman is treating a man badly, the first place to look is to see whether he is treating her badly!Proverbs 12:4 “A worthy woman is the crown of her husband, but a disgraceful wife is as rottenness in his bones.”
As a general principle women will respond very favourably to a man who treats them with respect and tenderly, in other words, a “Gentle Man”.
Men and women in Covenant Union were created to treat one another with respect, intense desire, passion and tenderness – there is huge amount of wrong thinking on this topic.
- Seven days of Consummation
Following consummation there is a seven day window during which the spiritual realm is particularly supportive of the relationship between man and woman (or between two women).During this period the parties should make love as frequently and intensely as possible, this will result in the strongest possible one-flesh bond and love bond and will put them in postion for a strong, robust and highly sustainable life time union.In such a case failure of the relationship at a later date is highly unlikely.
- Women 7 x more than Men
As noted above, in the body of true Believers there are roughly seven times more women than men depending on the assembly.
In this context, given that most women cannot share their man the reality is that believing women should NOT look for a husband unless Father clearly brings them one.Note also that a woman should ONLY join herself to a man who is closer to Father than she is which, since there are many more women close to Father than men means that most women should remain single.
That said it is important to note that Leviticus 18:22 states “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” – for Believers sex between men is forbidden.There is NOTHING that says that sex between women in a committed relationship is forbidden.So it is entirely permissible for two or more women who are committed Believers to establish a family unit in which they have a strong sexual relationship with NO man.
- Adultery
As noted above adultery is sexual union between two men, either two men joined directly together or two men through union with the same woman.This results in a spiritual short-circuit between the two male blood lines and, in the case of Believers, is an abomination in the sight of the Creator.Where such adulterous bonds exist appropriate measures must be taken to repent and clean up and cut the ties that have been formed, see
In the case of Unbelievers the Creator is entirely indifferent, they can do what they like.
Where a woman commits adultery against her man a “spirit of Jealousy” comes on the man and he may get bad tempered and even violent.
A woman who is one with more than one man will attract abuse because she is violating her covenant with one or more of those men.Women who have had previous sexual partners and enter into a committed relationship without cleaning up previous unions as set out below, may well be treated badly and even violently.The answer is to clean up the one-flesh bonds, etcetera.
Fornication is random sex with varying partners and defeats all the above and leads to spiritual confusion and defeats Yah’s intent.It is a gross abomination for Believers.
Note that where one has a constructive and considerate relationship with another person of the opposite gender and where one or both persons are in a toxic or unloving union the potential to “fall in love” is considerable, exercise caution unless you are spiritually in a position where such attraction may legally (in the Court of Heaven) lead to a life time sexual covenant, in that case negotiate terms and move to consummation quickly.
- Families with more than one woman
Father Yah created human beings with the capacity for one man to covenant with more than one woman.Sadly very few women can handle this today.See the case studies for some examples where this HAS worked.
In cases where such families exist extremely powerful simultaneous orgasm’s between all partners are possible and desirable.
Note that strictly speaking in terms of overall laws of Father a man taking another woman is NOT a basis for divorce although IF there is a strong covenant agreement NOT to take further women then there MAY be a basis for divorce.
- Spiritual Categories with Regard to Sex
There are broadly a number of spiritual categories with regard to sex in the context of Believers:
- Men and women who gave and received the Virgin’s Covenant, have NEVER had extraneous sexual congress and who have had powerful loving sex throughout their union – these families will be very strong and tend to be very prosperous – this happens very infrequently.
- Men and women who entered into covenant after other sexual partners but who consummated strongly and who have a very strong sexual relationship – also infrequent but in extreme cases can be strong – see a few of the case studies at the end of this article.
- Men and women who engage in fornication with multiple partners, they are constantly looking for what they are missing and never really form strong relationships. They will easily enter into new sexual relationships and generally respond favourably to any sexual approach. Often the case where first sexual encounters were casual with different partners at an early stage.
- Men and women who eschew sex and think it is dirty and who have locked down their sexual desire. These women will react very harshly and negatively to any form of sexual approach.
These categories will respond very differently to others who seek to initiate a sexual connection with them.In principle, all Believers should be in categories (a) and (b) although many are in category (d) and will battle to form a deep covenant relationship.Any form of sexual approach, even at the most basic level, to a category (d) woman will be harshly rebuffed and may lead to complaints and even legal action.
Note that with regard to so-called “transgender” the gender that is recognized in Heaven is the BIRTH Gender of each human being, transgender is NOT recognized.For unbelievers this is irrelevant they can do what they like.
- Age at Consummation
Fathers original intent was for women to enter into a life time covenant at Puberty or certainly the age at which they first become sexually aware.In most countries this is now illegal and is undesirable because our society has NOT prepared women to lose their virginity at that age.Google reports that most men and women today lose their virginity at about the age of 17 to 18.The thing to note here is that our society for the most part condones lose sex at this age, when young adults hormones get out of control.
The desirable state is firstly that teenagers are educated about the issues discussed here and encouraged and supported to wait until they find a suitable life partner.What I understand to be the ideal situation was described to me by an Orthodox Jewish friend many years ago where he informed me that inhis social setting when ayoung man or woman reached the stage of strong sexual urges their parents would evaluate their social circle and look for ayoung man or woman who they considered as a suitable life time mate for their child.
Once they had identified someone they would approach that persons parents,have a discussion and if both sets of parents considered their teenagers suitably matched they would arrange for the youngsters to meet and discuss their interests, etcetera.If the young man and young woman both agreed that they could see themselves living with the other then a wedding would be arranged within a few weeks and the young couple would consummate and live with one or other set of parents.
In this context it is vital to understand that with a strong consummation it is possible for just about any man and any woman to very successfully enter into a life time covenant relationship {marriage}.That was Yah’s intention from the beginning.The challenge is to find a person who is extremely well suited and with whom there is a strong connection.Dropping in and out of failed sexual relationships is NOT Father’s way.
This would typically take place around age 18, in other words, as soon as it was legal.It is notable that a few of the case studies that result in enduring relationships occur when the woman is around this age.I recently connected with a school friend who married immediately after leaving school and who still had a very strong marriage fifty years later.
In general it was originally desirable for the man to be somewhat older than the woman but in current circumstances this is generally not possible, certainly for a first wife.
- Divorce
It is regrettably so that in this age marriages DO fail and divorce is sometimes necessary.
Note that where a Believer is joined to an Unbeliever, divorce is mandatory and is required by the Almighty Creator, this is NOT negotiable.It does NOT matter how good the marriage may be.The only exception is IF the unbelieving spouse can be brought to Belief fairly quickly.
If consummation took place when there were multiple one-flesh bonds and covenant bonds with people who were NOT part of the union then separation from the men or women who were illegal is required.
If there was a weak consummation such as a “quicky” and then infrequent hasty sex it is highly likely that the union will be weak and the probability of the union failing is very high.
If there was a strong virgin consummation with strong one-flesh bond and strong seven day love making after consummation the union is likely to be very strong and will stand no matter what comes – this is HOW things are intended to be.If the choice of partner is inappropriate intellectually, socially, etcetera this may give rise to problems so choosing the right partner BEFORE first intercourse is really important.I strongly advise that parents are involved to facilitate the right choice as discussed above for youngsters who are becoming strongly sexually aware.
If you have done everything possible to make your relationship work in terms of this article and your current husband or wife refuses to work with you and do all necessary to make the relationship work powerfully there WILL come a time when Father WILL condone divorce. I have come to understand that, while Yah hates divorce, He WILL condone it after all reasonable attempts have been made to save the marriage.
Note that if you break off a relationship after significant positive love making it WILL be very painful but provided you have made absolutely certain this is the right thing to do then sweat it out and look for someone else.
IF divorce or separation IS necessary, see
- What IS Forbidden?
There is a lot of wrong thinking amongst Believers with regard to sex in terms of forbidden acts, etcetera, the reality is that only certain relationships are forbidden, nothing else, so what IS forbidden?
- Sex with animals is forbidden.
- Sex between men is forbidden.
- Sex by two or more men with the same woman at the same time or at different times is forbidden.
- Sex by a woman with multiple men at the same time or at different times, the corollary to the previous point, is forbidden.
- There are other relationships that were forbidden at the time of Moshe {Moses} but that was as a consequence of degradation of human beings NOT in terms of a Commandment. Breeding between close relatives today frequently leads to DNA abnormalities and deformities and is therefore forbidden – generally this is illegal in most countries.
Note that originally the children of Adam and Chavah {Eve} had NO choice but to marry brothers and sisters and children of Noah’s sons had no choice but to marry brothers and sisters or first cousins.So, while these relationships are now prohibited they are NOT prohibited in the way that the forbidden items listed above (a to d) are prohibited.
What is NOT forbidden?
Any sexual act between consenting partners in a life time covenant relationship is NOT forbidden:
- Masturbation either way.
- Oral sex -- fellatio – woman on man.
- Cunnilingus – man or woman on woman oral sex is permissible. This is actually desirable as part of the sexual repertoire and can give rise to strong love bonds if done tenderly.
- Anal penetration of the woman or stimulation of either anally is permissible -- up to each partner as an aesthetic issue.
- Bondage and similar is NOT forbidden but I STRONGLY advise that it is NOT appropriate in a relationship seeking to serve Father Yah.
- Other Considerations – Masturbation, Pornography, etc
Masturbation is undesirable if it focusses on forbidden situations but is infinitely better than loose uncommitted sex or sex with an unsuitable partner – masturbation focusing on a specific person or specific photograph of a specific person WILL result in a weak one-flesh bond but this can be relatively easily cut off.
Pornography is also undesirable BUT it is far preferable to make use of Pornography, provided it is NOT focusing on forbidden situations, than it is to engage in loose uncommitted sex or sex with an unsuitable partner.
So, WHAT am I saying here?
Specifically IF you are in a situation where you do NOT have a sexual life partner living with you and a strong and active sex life and you have sexual needs, do NOT go out and seek casual sex, one night stands, “dating”, etc. Rather masturbate and if you need to make limited use of pornographic material – preferably women only and not women with men.
Dating is dangerous – dating when one is sexually deprived will very rapidly result in sex whether the other party is a suitable life partner or not. IF you are going to date do so on a dating site where you can specify that your objective is a life time covenant relationship, set out your beliefs and stress that you are looking for a Believer of similar spiritual maturity to yourself and that you will have detailed discussion of your interests, beliefs and objectives in life in order to ensure you are compatible from the very first meeting. Do NOT continue meeting if your first meeting fails to establish substantial common ground and certainly do NOT mess around sexually unless you are certain this is for life.
- Sexual technique is a paramount skill
I have increasingly come to realize that most people have very little instruction in the techniques of love making and particularly in how to engage in considerate, tender love making coupled with multiple strong orgasms.
Over the years I have studied these techniques through various books, etcetera albeit that I have NOT been very successful applying them in practice.I have concluded that education with regard to sexual technique is HIGHLY desirable BEFORE consummation.
After much soul searching I have identified a few articles which are effectively case studies of what IS possible and desirable.These are taken from an Erotic Literature website and are written from a worldly view of unbelievers who at some level have no difficulty with fornication.Note that Satan has corrupted the view of Believers with regard to sex in order to deprive and weaken Believers but has left sex amongst unbelievers to reach its full potential in order to put another obstacle in the way of unbelievers coming to Belief.
These are presented in a separate article that is only available on this link link Appendix A -- Case Studies and should be read carefully and prayerfully, focussing on the techniques and attitudes that are described.
Sex is intended to be beautiful and powerful, I hope that through this article I have sensitized you to what is possible and intended.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His Face to shine upon you and give you His Peace.
James Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
06 November 2021