The article “Where will YOU Spend Eternity” was originally published on or about 13 April 2004. It was refreshed in 2019 and was revised in January 2024. It addresses a most important topic – how to truly walk with the Almighty and qualify for a High Throne for Eternity. The Final Quest by Rick Joyner is arguably the most important writing published in recent centuries and is arguably more important than virtually all of the Bible.
This article formed the basis of 14 broadcasts on Radio and TV between 19th January and 19th April 2024. These broadcasts amplified and elaborated the original article in considerable detail.
Those broadcasts have now been transcribed and are collated below together with links to the individual broadcasts.
This series of broadcasts presents many verses from widely accepted texts, primarily the books commonly referred to as “The New Testament” to demonstrate that it is by no means certain that any Believer will qualify to hold any significant rank in Heaven. This is supported by reference to passages in “The Final Quest” in terms of the ranks in Heaven and the indication that it IS possible for a Believer to qualify for a High Throne for Eternity.
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NEXT SECTION: Good is Insufficient - Relationship with the Creator is what Counts -- Elaborated >>>
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2024.01.19 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 1
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Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
My name is James Robertson.
I am a researcher, publisher and teacher regarding the matters and truths of the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – I have been actively serving Him since 1993 – over 30 years.
If you are NOT actively serving Yah then by default you are serving Satan – my objective is to show you how you can make a big difference on Earth and qualify for a position of high esteem in Heaven for Eternity.
It is important to understand that as a Believer just being good is NOT the point, it is Relationship with Yah that counts. Without this you will be in a very unpleasant place in Heaven with no way out – my aim is to show you how to get close to Him.
If you are a good person without a clear relationship with Yah, then you are in a spiritual no-mans-land and will NOT enter Heaven when you die. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
Yah is calling EVERYBODY on the planet to be involved and serve Him and help Him to have victory over Satan; my goal is to show YOU how to do this.
Fundamentally we each need to learn to see things on Earth from YAH’s perspective and my aim is to teach you how.
Please visit my website at or email me on
Today we're going to talk about "Where will YOU Spend Eternity?"
Where will YOU Spend Eternity? – Overview
What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity? This is based on an eBook that I wrote many years ago.
We will start with a summary of the full eBook.
We will then start to work through the body of the book.
And then look at an Important Caveat.
And then cycle back to the question “Where Will YOU Spend Eternity?”
Finally we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Body of the Article
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition
What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?
Foreword – January 2024:
This eBook was originally published on or about 13 April 2004. It was refreshed in 2019 and is now revised in January 2024. It addresses a most important topic – how to truly walk with the Almighty and qualify for a High Throne for Eternity. The Final Quest by Rick Joyner is arguably the most important writing published in recent centuries and is arguably more important than virtually all of the Bible and this draws on that.
If you at some level believe in the Creator, you may find that the brutal truth is that nobody has really said to you that there are different ranks in Heaven. Nobody's really said to you that you can qualify for a high throne or you can qualify for the Outer Darkness, a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, your teeth. You may just be muddling along going to church on Sunday or maybe you got a revelation that the Sabbath is actually Saturday and you're going to an assembly on Saturday, but if you're not actively seeking to serve Father, you're going to be so disappointed when you die. Heaven is a beautiful place. You got to do something in this life to qualify for a reasonable position in Heaven. I'm going to talk to you about that tonight and over the next few weeks and I hope that it will wake you up to a big opportunity.
The eBook on which this broadcast is based addresses the most important question facing every human being today:
"Where will I spend Eternity?"
Revelation 3:21 in the Bible "To him that Overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." (KJV) – Yahooshua speaking.
It IS possible for any one of us to sit on a throne for Eternity IF we Overcome.
It is possible for anyone of us to sit on a throne for eternity if we become. What is overcoming meaning? We will talk more about that momentarily, but basically overcome sin. Probably the biggest achievement of Yahooshua who you may mistakenly know as Jesus, was that he lived for 33-1/2 years and died a terrible death after much abuse without sinning once. Because of that he qualified for a high throne in Heaven. He is the most powerful created being in the universe and will be forever because of how he lived his life on Earth. And you can qualify to sit close to him in Heaven if you really put your mind to it and put your back into it. That’s what we're going to be talking about for the next few weeks is what is it that's required to qualify to sit on a high throne?
So I've made the point that you can qualify for a high throne, this contrasts with many Bible verses that indicate that all people, INCLUDING all who consider themselves to be “Believers” will be judged and that “Believers” can spend a part of Eternity in Hell for their unconfessed sins. Other verses indicate that Believers can spend Eternity in the Outer Darkness or can be found to be Foolish Virgins.
On the Day of Judgment the Almighty may also tell Believers to depart from Him because they were workers of iniquity and therefore He never knew them and send them to the Outer Darkness, which Father refers to as “the Trash Heap of Heaven.” Iniquity is lawlessness which is disregard for the Commandments.
You are probably not aware of the fact when He created all of this, Father did not expect there to be unbelievers and He didn't expect there to be people who believed in Him, but ignored Him. So he set up the whole throne room in Heaven accordingly and allocated the different ranks. And then He started to get people who didn't believe, so He had nowhere to put them. What was left for them was outside the throne room in the outer darkness, which is very cold and very dark and a really horrible place. The people who are there weep and wail and gnash their teeth.
Revelation 21:8 states “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (KJV) – note that the lake is correctly a reference to Hell for Believers.
Since the unbelieving are specifically identified, it is apparent that the rest of Revelation 21:8 relates to Believers. Fundamentally, Believers CAN go to Hell for a season (a part).
So if you're a fearful believer or commit abominations or you murder, which includes using abortive contraceptives or having abortions or instituting abortions or you're a whoremonger, a fornicator and those who practice sorcery and adultery, we're talking here about believers and then liars. So if you believe that Jesus is God you're going to go to Hell for a while. You believe that the Bible is the Word of God and without error, you're going to go to Hell for a while because they are lies.
So it is really incumbent on us in this life to clean up our act. What you will notice is a lot of the items there in Revelation 21:8 tie into the Ten Commandments. Fundamentally the basis of judgment is the Ten Commandments. If you die having broken any of the Ten Commandments, and not gone to Father, confessed your sin, repented of your sin in the name Yahooshua ask for forgiveness, receive forgiveness, taken the bread and wine, you're going to be in a pretty miserable situation when you die.
This article presents the Ten Commandments, given to Israel at Mount Sinai, spoken out publicly by the Almighty and written in stone by the Almighty as the fundamental basis of judgment.
It is suggested that most people today, including people who consider themselves to be Believers, are transgressing most of the Commandments. Many of them through ignorance as a consequence of incorrect teachings and doctrines.
Folks, I can't stress this enough. There is a whole lot of stuff about believe in Bible is the Word of God or the Torah was given to Moses by God or Quaran is the Word of God or whatever, they are just books, folks. There is only one thing that Father has written Himself and those are the Ten Commandments that He wrote in Hebrew in stone and gave to Moshe {Moses} twice. The fact that they are in stone tells you that they will never change. All the rest is fluff and stuff. If you're running around trying to comply with 613 mitzvoths, you're wasting your time. Get filled with the Spirit of Yah, He will help you to keep His Commandments and then get serious about the Ten Commandments. And the fact of the matter is that if you believe that Jesus is God, you're breaking the First Commandment. If you believe that Bible is the Word of God or the Torah is or the Quaran is, you're breaking the Second Commandment. If you're worshiping Jesus, worshiping Moses, worshiping Mohammed, you're breaking the Commandments. If you don’t know that the Almighty's name is Yah and you use yah for yes in Afrikaans or you've a email address, you're breaking the third commandment, taking the name of Yah in vain.
There is a continuum of Judgment outcome available to all Human Beings which ranges between reigning on a High Throne for Eternity at one end to being a Demon (Ancestor Spirit) on Earth to the Day of Judgment at which point they may be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly destroyed. It is also possible for a Believer who persists in their sin to be utterly rejected and cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone after they have paid for their sin in Hell.
This broadcast seeks to present some information with a view to making the options more readily visible.
If you've been following my teachings on this channel for some time, you will be aware of a lot of things I'm going to talk about, I'm just coming at a slightly different angle in this particular set of teachings. The key thing is there are two judgments. We get judged as human beings the day that we die. We're either rejected from coming into Heaven or we're admitted to Heaven and we're sent to Hell to pay the price for our unrepented sin and once we have done that, we're given some rank in Heaven, which may be quite junior or may be quite senior depending on how we've lived our lives or what we've done for the Almighty. So where do you want to go? Have you never thought about it? Have you thought it doesn’t really matter whether I don’t believe or not? Have you thought it doesn’t matter, I believe, I go to church now and again, you're in for a nasty shock.
Reference is made to the book, "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner, which reports that according to the Almighty, in 1995 only 1% of those who had been called to spend Eternity in Heaven up to that date would do so unless something changed. More recent statistics indicate the situation has deteriorated considerably.
The article presents many verses from widely accepted texts, primarily the books commonly referred to as “The New Testament” to Demonstrate that it is by no means certain that any Believer will qualify to hold any significant rank in Heaven. This is supported by reference to passages in “The Final Quest.”.
I think that The Final Quest is probably the most important book published in the 20th century. I think that Rick Joyner is a notable prophet, I think he made some mistakes, one of which is that he believed that what he was experiencing was not as important as the so-called Canon of Scripture. There is no Canon of Scripture, Father never stopped talking to people. What He said to Rick Joyner in 1995 was the most important thing that He had ever said to a human being in that age. He took him into Heaven and showed him the throne room in detail and we're going to look at that over the next few weeks. I urge you to come along and join me over the next few weeks so that as we go through that teaching you can get a clear understanding of what that entails. I think The Final Quest is so important, incidentally I think The Final Quest is more important than most of the Bible, so much so that I'm putting it on the website.
Numerous passages setting out the requirements to enter Heaven and to sit on a throne for Eternity are presented. It is shown that this requires a lifestyle that is very different to what most people on Earth are living. This lifestyle is also very different to what most people who consider themselves to be Believers are living.
Requirements like loving our enemies, turning the other cheek, praying for those who despitefully use us, not judging others, walking in humility, walking in unconditional love and not fighting back, even when we are tormented, humiliated, abused, tortured and viciously put to death, are all Demonstrated.
Folks, Father's ways are not our ways. So if you've grown up in a culture in the society of fighting and warring and beating people up, you're going to get a nasty shock when you get to Heaven, if you get to Heaven if you're a believer. And the fact of the matter is that a lot of the wars through the ages have been believers fighting with believers. Not a lot of people know that Adolf Hitler was a Christian. I watched a YouTube video a few months ago, somebody who was a believer who was taken to Hell and shown what Hell was like. There in the depths of Hell was Hitler being tormented for all of his sins. So Hitler was a believer. And what may shock you is that once he's paid the price in Hell which may still be for quite a few years, you're going to find Adolf Hitler in Heaven because he believed and at some level he tried to serve Father, even it was in a radically perverse and wrong fashion. If you look at what's happening in Gaza and Israel, they are believers on both sides of the fence and they are killing each other. They hate each other. They are both nominally serving Yah.
And that’s not Father's intention. That’s not the way it's meant to be folks. It's a mess and I've talked about that in some length in previous broadcasts.
A number of passages reporting visions given by the Almighty in “The Final Quest” give clear evidence that many people who Believers esteem have only just made it into Heaven and suggest that many people who Believers expect to find in Heaven will not be there.
Various guidelines are given as to how a person who decides to seek a High Throne in Heaven, might go about this and some prayer suggestions are offered.
Folks, it's sobering stuff. I'm going to go through it in quite a bit of detail over the next few weeks. I suggest you get a copy of The Final Quest. You can find it in Google, you can buy it on Amazon. You can buy it from the Morning Star website. There are various other copies on the web, some are free, some have to be purchased, there is also a copy on my website but we're going to go through it in a lot of detail and I suggest you read it again or you read it while you're waiting for me to get there.
This article is a challenging and sobering presentation of a picture that it seems that not many people today are seriously considering. It's a picture that I'm not sure that it has been seriously considered at any stage by any significant number of people.
The article challenges every person who reads it to reassess their priorities and decide how important it is to them to make a concerted effort to avoid spending Eternity as a Demon on Earth, or to be relegated to the Outer Darkness, the trash heap of Heaven versus a position of esteem in Heaven.
This article was originally published in April 2004 and is now (January 2024) being refreshed and republished. There is much supporting information on the website at
The thing that struck me the first time I read The Final Quest which was in about 1998, my copy is dog-eared and notes scribbled in the margins and in the back of the book and so forth. There are some things in that book which at that time radically challenged my paradigm. Since taken most of it on board, there are some things that I think are error, but most of that is valid and valuable and it's caused me to change the way I live quite significantly and I encourage you to do the same. So that's the summary, it gives you a bit of a feel for where we're going. Incidentally the whole article is about 76 pages I think.
The Body of the Article -- Where Will You Spend Eternity?
1 A Critical Question
The most important question facing every human being today, as in every generation, is:
"Where will i spend Eternity?"
Have you even asked the question where will I spend eternity? This life on Earth is simply a prequalifying test. This is not what it's really about. Eternity is what it's really about. Where are you going to spend eternity? I'm going to give you some pointers in the next few minutes. It's a question that very few people are considering in earnest and I've to suggest for your consideration that it may well be the most important question you've ever been asked.
Revelation 3:21 "To him that Overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." (KJV) – Yahooshua speaking.
It IS possible for any one of us to sit on a throne for Eternity IF we Overcome.
As I said a few minutes ago, 99% plus of the people who are called have not been there. So it is relatively easy to qualify for a high throne, in the sense, there is a lot of vacancies. Contrast this with...
Revelation 20:11-15:
"11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the Earth and the Heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
“12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before the Almighty {God}; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
“13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
“14 And death and Hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
“15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (KJV, adjusted)
Folks, unless you have a significant and material and substantial relationship with the Almighty Creator, unless you have a deep settled realization and revelation that He is real that He exists, you are not going to Heaven. You're either going to stay on Earth as a demon and at the end of the contest in about 3003 and if Satan loses the contest, you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and in a moment of torment and terror you will be destroyed or if Satan wins, you will stay on Earth as a disembodied demon, all living things will be taken off the Earth and you will just be stuck there, there wouldn’t be even a skeleton because there won't be any life left even for the corpse to rot.
It is possible to be cast into the lake of fire to be utterly consumed (this applies only to unbelievers i.e. those NOT written in the book of life, in the event that Satan loses The Contest).
Note that a Believer guilty of repeated wilful sin that they have repented of but then returned to will also be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly destroyed after they have paid the price for their sin in Hell.
There are few who understand that Eternity involves a continuum ranging from reigning on a High Throne with Yahooshua {Jesus} for Eternity to being cast into The Lake of Fire and utterly consumed in the event that they have followed Satan and Satan loses The Contest. See
This article seeks to make the options more readily visible.
I may be belabouring the point folks, but these are choices that are not being well articulated. People go around telling unbelievers that they are going to rot in Hell for eternity. No, not true. Somehow the unbelievers know that it's not true. It's the believers who will be tormented in Hell for a season for all their unrepented sin. Yahooshua died a terrible death to provide a simple way, take the bread and wine, receive forgiveness, repent, confess your sin, ask for forgiveness, take the wine, drink the wine, receive forgiveness, that’s simple. He died a terrible death, so what do you think you should get if you don't take him up on his offer?
2 An Important Caveat
Many readers are likely to conclude that this article is written from what many will regard as a "Christian" perspective, based on the writings that are cited.
At one level this is accurate, since this is the tradition from which my perspective has developed and on which most of my knowledge is based.
However, I have chosen to detach myself from the "Christian tradition” and simply to see myself as "a Believer in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" (the Almighty). In doing this, i am seeking to find a position which is the essence of what the Almighty is saying to mankind today.
So I draw on Islam, I draw on Judaism, I draw on Christianity and I draw on little bits and pieces from other groupings and different denominations. I've stepped right back from associating myself with any human grouping. I would commend that position to you. Don't follow James Robertson or follow this church or that church, this denominational or that denomination or whatever. All the religions are doing it. There are all sorts of Jewish sects, there are all sorts of Muslim sects, there are all sorts of Christian sects. Just step right back. They are there because there is so much error and so much confusion. Turn to Father, draw on Father, seek Him for truth and build a relationship with Him. I'm here to help you. There is a lot on the website to help you to get there. At the end of the day, turn to Yah and say "Father, I want to become your friend. I want to qualify for a high throne."
While my understanding of this position is based on what is commonly referred to as the "Christian tradition,” I have increasingly come to understand that there are pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that are not really covered in modern "Christian" thinking. I have also come to conclude that most of modern "Christian" thinking is far removed from the way Yahooshua {Jesus} understood things.
In fact, since writing the first edition of this e-book in March 2004, my understanding of many things has changed MASSIVELY. In preparing the Second Edition I attempted to incorporate the most significant changes in understanding without completely rewriting all that is still valuable in the original edition. In particular, while there are numerous references to the Bible in this document I have come to understand that the Bible, while a useful and authoritative historical resource, is NOWHERE near as important as a reference work as I thought it to be over 20 years ago. See for detailed discussion of this topic.
Folks, I took a vow when I first came to belief. I had been in a bad situation, I was about to kill myself, Father spoke to me audibly as clearly as you can hear me now. He told me to call a business associate, that man led me back to Father, took me to his Church, Bible Church, I was very impressed with people making notes in their Bibles, I bought a Bible, I held it up and I said "Father, these people say this is your word. It doesn't make any sense to me. Please answer all my questions." And for 8 years He answered all my questions and eventually He said "It's not my word; it's just a book." It took me 8 years to get to a place where I was able to hear that because He could have said it to me on day 1, but the rules of engagement meant that He couldn't say it because I didn't know what questions to ask.
In arriving at my current position I have increasingly taken account of other traditions, particularly Jewish and Muslim since both these groups are expressly seeking to serve the Almighty and I have also placed more and more reliance on hearing from Father directly. In the time since I wrote this originally in 2004 to where we are now in 2024, 20 years have elapsed and the last at least 15 years I've not been relying on human beings for any teaching. I turned to Father. I hear what He wants me to know. Sometimes I will read a book or whatever, but I hardly ever pay attention to what other people are saying now. I'm only interested in what Father says. And you can be there too. He wants that with you.
There are also traditions and bodies of knowledge that I am currently not knowledgeable about. Particularly in John 10:16 Yahooshua says "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (KJV)
And that's what I'm trying to facilitate is that there will be one fold. There is only one shepherd, Yah and Yahooshua. Yahooshua is the human representative of Yah. All these different denominations and whatever, folks, it's fluff and stuff, it's rubbish, it's from pit of Hell, it's Satan dividing up the believers, fighting amongst each other. It's tragic. It's not the way Father intended it to be.
There is reportedly a tradition in South or Central America amongst Aztec or Inca Indians, of a man, who is considered by some to be Yahooshua, appearing to their ancestors at about the time of Yahooshua's resurrection and appearance to his followers in Israel. There are other reports of others around the world looking to some manifestation of a saviour from the Almighty.
Accordingly, there are grounds to suppose that there is much that we do not understand about other traditions, other bodies of teachings, etc., which may add to the understanding of what is presented in this document.
Accordingly, this message is relevant to ALL mankind, no matter what tradition they have followed to arrive at their present position.
There is an article on the website/webpage "Different views of the Mountain" and we will see as we move on with this book that Joyner reports that mountain of Yah and there were places off around the mountain that were barely visible where there were truths that were little known and he doesn’t go into that, but basically there is a reality that if you're a Muslim or Jewish or Christian or whatever, you see the world and you see your perception of Yah differently. It doesn't mean that you're wrong and I'm right and they are wrong and they are right. It means that the whole gamut, multidimensionality of Yah is so much richer and so much more complicated and so much multifaceted that we just can't get all of it into our minds.
So I fully accept there is information that I lack and at the same time I like to think it off, probably accumulated more information than most.
3 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity?
The question of "where will i spend Eternity" is a question that very few who claim to "believe" and to have some form of relationship with the Almighty seem to be considering in earnest.
As far as I can determine, most of those who "believe" have some vague idea that because they "believe" whatever they "believe" they WILL spend Eternity in Heaven.
There are many verses in the sacred writings that indicate that this is not necessarily so. And when I say sacred writing, I'm talking Bible, Quaran, Torah, etc.
Amongst the broad spectrum of those who CLAIM to "believe" there is massive disparity, diversity and disagreement. They CANNOT all be correct. How does anyone know that they are correct?
The best answer I can give you and I got it out of The Final Quest in 1998, is to pray "Father, I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly." Together with that pray "Father I ask you to lead me into all truth by your spirit. I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it."
I have been praying that on and off. I prayed it on and off from 1998 through to about 2010 and from 2010 with a few ups and downs, I've prayed it pretty regularly. At the moment I pray those three prayers every night, just about every night. Where will you spend eternity? I hope that as you listen to this, you're seriously challenged that you're going to Father and saying "Father, if I were to die today, where will I spend eternity?"
In fact, prayerful consideration of key verses and other prophetic documents indicates that the reality is very different.
The book, "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner reports a number of visions in which Joyner was caught up into the Second Heaven and the Third Heaven. In this book, Joyner reports statements that suggest that only 1% of those who had been called to spend Eternity in Heaven up to the time of the visions in 1995 would do so.
In other words, 99% of those called to spend Eternity in Heaven as of 1995 would, in fact, spend Eternity elsewhere.
I will continue this next week and probably for the following two or three weeks. I sincerely hope you will be able to join me.
2024.01.26 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 2
Audio on Dropbox:
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Body of the Article
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part2
What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?
And the question I have for you is did you know that it was possible to qualify for a high throne? And did you know that it is possible to qualify for the outer darkness, a black, cold, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) and a whole range of ranks in between?
We closed last week with the observation, reported by Rick Joyner in The Final Quest.
In other words, 99% of those called to spend Eternity in Heaven as of 1995 would, in fact, spend Eternity elsewhere. Since then the statistics have got worse.
There is a huge lack of understanding, lack of appreciation, misunderstanding of why we're here and where we will go when we die. There really is Heaven, which is amazing, beautiful and way beyond anything that we can visualize. And there really is Hell, just more terrible and tortured than we can visualize and that's for believers who die with unrepented sin. So I really encourage you to give this some thought and hopefully I'm going to give you some food for that thought now.
On 17 January 2002, I was told by the Almighty that in terms of the present generation, it was no longer 1% that would make it, the number of the present generation had declined. I was told that as at that date, IF the world was to be judged at that moment, only 30 million people of the entire world population on Earth at that moment would qualify to enter Heaven.
On Passover 2004 (6 April), I was told that this number had reduced to 3 million.
The thing to understand here folks is that the spiritual dispensation changed in 2003, May 2003. Satan was sent for a thousand years in the pit for his crimes against humanity and the Satanic and Demonic realm was left scrabbling as to what to do because they really didn't expect him to be cast into the pit. They thought they were going to actually win The Contest. So we were left with the seven masterminds who now control the Satanic and Demonic realm on behalf of Satan who is in the pit. The thing to realize there folks, is that there are over 100 billion demons (unbelievers) who have died. There are billions of Satanic messengers and their number one goal is to make sure that nobody believes in Father Yah and number two, that any who do believe are so weak and so full of sin that they are useless and powerless to take authority over Satan at the end of The Contest, which is roundabout May 3003, about 980 years from now.
With that change in state, grace was withdrawn for whole lot of sin and people are just being backsliding and in error and deception and there is a whole lot of people who think they are going to Heaven who aren't going to Heaven. It's tragic. There are a whole lot of people who call the Creator God and the Lord when His true name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and God means the Almighty.
The statistics that I've just quoted regarding the number of people who would go to Heaven relate to dramatic changes that have taken place in the spiritual realm in the years following the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Yahooshua, the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}. Most importantly, Satan was sentenced to spend 1,000 years in the Pit on 3 May 2003. see
The above statistics are given by the Almighty in order to challenge every one of us to turn to Him and repent of our sins and our errors. Particularly those that we do NOT KNOW are sins and errors. We are called to turn from those things that are accepted as true doctrine by hundreds of millions and in some cases billions of people and turn to Him.
Much of this relates to the withdrawal of the Grace that has prevailed on Earth since the death of Yahooshua on the stake {cross} and the ushering in of the New Covenant at that time. This withdrawal of Grace was a necessary precondition to the Almighty sentencing Satan to 1,000 years in the Pit.
Today, mankind is being required to take responsibility for what we believe.
We are being called to enter into a close personal relationship with the Almighty – see also the article “2024.01.05 Good is Insufficient – Relationship with the Creator is what Counts -- Elaborated” at and broadcast immediately before this series.
Folks, I shared on a Facebook group the other day that Father wants a deep personal relationship with each one of us and tragically one woman came back to me and said where does it say that in the scriptures? Firstly, only about 2.5% of the Bible is actually technically "Scripture" in other words, inspired by Yah. And the fact that it's not in the Bible means absolutely nothing. The Bible is a very limited snapshot of a few periods in time of human beings interacting with Yah. I'm telling you that Father wants a deep personal relationship with you and I urge you to go for it.
We are being called to take personal responsibility for what we believe and to stop relying on other men and women and the writings of other men and women to define our faith.
We are being called to return to the essential, fundamental writings, inspired by the Almighty, both ancient and modern and to hear His Prophets. We are also being called to test every word in prayer through a deep personal relationship with the Almighty.
Folks, this thing of defining your relationship with the Creator, defining your life on the basis of the Bible, the Torah, the Quaran or whatever, is off the mark. The source of all information or knowledge of any relevance is to go directly to Him and you say to me "Oh, I can't hear Him." Well, it's not His fault. He wants to talk to you. So make an effort to get to talk to Him. Get set-apart, get cleansed, spend time worshiping, spend time praying, spend time reading relevant documentation, make an effort. He wants to talk to you. I guarantee you. It doesn't matter if you're the most outrageous Satanist, Witch, Warlock or whatever, He wants a personal relationship with you. He wants to turn your life around. He wants you to become His servant. He wants you to become His friend. He wants you to help Him regain authority on the Earth.
If you're not doing that, I have to say to you that on the day that you die, when you come before the judgment seat, you will be devastated at what you've missed.
We are being called to consider the challenge:
a) Will YOU go all out to seek to please the Almighty?
b) Will YOU go all out to seek to be found to be a "good and faithful servant?"
c) Will YOU go all out to seek a High Throne for Eternity in the hope that you will AT LEAST qualify to spend Eternity in Heaven SOMEHOW?
If you're not doing that, if you're not seeking to please the Almighty in a very deep visceral way, if you're not spending time daily in worship, in prayer, in study, in service, you're not doing something tangible with your life to make a difference in the Kingdom of Heaven. What are you going to say when you come before the judgment seat? "Well, you know God, I sort of thought you probably existed, but you know, I was so busy, making a living is not easy in the world, you know," it is going to count for nothing my friend. He is going to say to you "My name is not God. Show me some respect. You're taking my name in vain. You're going to go to Hell for that," etc. Is that what you want? Is that what you want to slog through the rest of this life doing whatever it is you're doing to earn a crust of bread? You need to come before the judgment seat and be told "Depart from me you worker of iniquity."
d) or will YOU consume your life believing whatever you believe at the risk of being bitterly disappointed on the Day of YOUR Judgment?
e) or, having once Believed, will you turn to rebellion and sin to the point that you are utterly rejected and, following your service in Hell for your unrepented sin, be cast into the Incinerator of Heaven, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly consumed in a moment of torment and terror?
Do YOU fear the Judgment of the Almighty?
Do you think about what He will say to you when you come before the judgment seat? Does it concern you? Does it interest you? Are you doing anything to ensure that when you come before the judgment seat, He says to you "Well done my good and faithful servant, come up higher." And perhaps you become a friend, if you've really put your effort into it, you really made a difference on Earth, He might even summon you up to one of the high thrones, where you will be a ruler over a city or ruler over a planet or a solar system or whatever, with huge power, with a dramatically powerful glorious spiritual body. Where do you want to go? Does that promotion work really mean that much to you? Or should you perhaps be spending a little bit more time building a relationship with the Creator? After all He went through a huge amount of trouble to create the universe, the solar system, this planet, the plants and the animals so that you could have a nice time on Earth and so that you could have a relationship with Him.
With a view to assisting each one of us to answer these questions, here are a few verses to consider:
Revelation 3:21 "To him that Overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." (KJV)
It IS possible to sit on a throne for Eternity, HOWEVER, it requires that one "Overcometh." So you need to overcome sin, you need to live without sin, you need to overcome false doctrine, false teachings, false preoccupation with the things of the world. You need to separate yourself, be in the world, not of the world.
Philippians 2:12 "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." (KJV)
We are advised to work out our OWN salvation with fear and trembling.
If you are not fearful of the day of your judgment, if you do not have a revelation of Yah as the judge, of Yahooshua as the advocate, the legal officer pleading on your behalf and if you've given him nothing to work with, you're going to go to Hell and pay the price of your sin, or maybe if you haven't believed, you're not going to even make it that far, you're not going to get before the judgment seat. You're just going to be told "You know what, there is Heaven, that’s what you could have had, now go back to your corpse, stay with your corpse." May be you will get picked up a Satan servant and you will haunt somebody, but that's about the best you can hope for. Death as an unbeliever is a pretty horrible, and death of a nominal believer is also pretty horrible.
In other words, simply because one has "made a decision" or prayed a prayer, or goes to the local assembly {church/shul/mosque}, or prays regularly, or reads the writings {book/Bible/Torah/Quran/etc.}, this verse suggests we need to WORK OUT our salvation.
Salvation is NOT inevitable, nor is it a right.
A place in Heaven is NOT inevitable, nor is it a right.
There are billions of people living good lives who somehow think that they are going to go to Heaven and they are sadly mistaken.
Consider Revelation 21:7-8 "7 He that Overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his Mighty One {God}, and he shall be my son. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." (KJV, name adjusted)
So if you overcome, you will have a place of prestige. If you're a believer, notice that Revelation 21:8 specifically names the unbelievers, so the rest of them, the fearful, the abominable, the murderers, the whoremongers, the sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars are going to go to Hell for a while. Think about it. Where are you heading for eternity?
Here we see a critical juxtaposition:
a) If we Overcome, we shall inherit all things and the Almighty will be our Mighty One {God} and we will be His sons (children).
b) Otherwise, we will have a PART in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. which is the second death. This says a "part." Note that correctly this refers to Hell, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone is in Hell but there is much more to Hell than the Lake. There are numerous Dungeons where unrepented sinners who Believed, are tormented and punished for their unrepented sin!
Remember Yahooshua died a terrible death to provide as sacrifice and offering for forgiveness of sin. It's there for you to avail yourself and say "Father, I confess that I've sinned, done such and such. I repent. I turn around. I ask you to forgive me." You take the bread and wine of the covenant meal, take the cup and say "I thank you that by Yahooshua's sacrifice I'm forgiven for my sin." Or don't. If you do, Yahooshua's sacrifice will be to your benefit and you will be completely forgiven, your slate will be wiped clean. If you don’t, you will come before the judgment seat, if you're a believer you will go to Hell for a day, a week, a month, a year, or decade the length of your time on Earth, who knows, maybe more.
Someone who was given a vision recently and taken to Hell and saw Adolf Hitler in a place of deep torment; interesting!
In other words, one can go to Heaven but FIRST burn in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, for one's sins!
Notice also that verse 8 specifically mentions "the unbelieving." This accounts for all those who are NOT Believers!
In other words, the REST of verse 8 is speaking to "Believers." It is also speaking to those who call themselves Believers but who do not believe.
Huge misunderstandings. Unbelievers when they die do not go to Hell. They are shown the Lake of Fire. They are shown Heaven and they are taken back to their corpse. Then depending on how things work out, they may spend forever with their corpse in the grave or if the corpse is incinerated, in the incinerator, if the incinerator is demolished, then they will end up in a pile of rubble. Or they might be lifted off the corpse by family member embracing the corpse or a Satan servant in the hospital or undertaker's facility might lift them off and send them for training to lead other people into deeper sin. It's not pleasant folks, you don't want to die as an unbeliever.
On the other hand, if you die as a person who has really committed your life to serving Yah, you could sit on a really high throne with glorious body, much authority, many powers. I know which I'm going for, what about you?
So, if you are a Believer and at some time in your life you have been:
- Fearful. Remember the fear is faith in Satan. Fear is believing the opposite of faith, of emunah. Fear is saying I fear such and such will happen, and that gives the satanic and demonic realm the authority to bring that to pass in your life. If you read the Book of Job after his house has been destroyed and his children have been killed, he says that which I most feared has come about.
- Unbelieving
- Abominable, if you just do ugly things.
- a murderer (remember Matthew 5:22 "whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of Hell fire"). Remember also that life begins at the moment of conception. An abortive contraceptive or any form of abortion is murder. If you've ever had an abortion or you're impressed on a woman that you've impregnated to have an abortion, you will go to Hell to pay the price.
- a whoremonger (adulterer, fornicator - Man are you living with every woman whose virginity you have taken? Woman, are you living with the man who took your virginity? Sexual promiscuity is huge issue. Ever other sin is outside the body, sexual sin is inside the body.
Sexual intercourse with a virgin IS marriage, if a woman is not living with the man who took her virginity, they are almost certainly in adultery - repentance does NOT fix this, it is much more complicated! – see the article on The Virgins Covenant for more information
Fornication ALSO includes spiritual treachery - Man, are you in complete submission to the Almighty or in rebellion? Woman, are you in complete submission to your husband or in rebellion? Etc.)
We can get into a whole debate about the men-women thing. The way I see it, it's like the officer commanding and the second-in-command of a military regiment. The second in command submits to the commander as an act of will, not because they are inadequate or they are second-rate or whatever. It simply there has to be one person at the top and so it is with marriage. There has to be one person at the top and Yah ordained that to be the man, but if you really feel strongly about it, it could be the other way around as well, but there needs to be one leader and the other person needs to align in submission. Submission is not an ugly, beating up, treating thing. It's written, love your wife as yourself. So look at Yahooshua as the example. He loved us so much that he died for us. He was beaten for us. Man, are you willing to do that for your woman? Woman, are you willing to do that for your man? Men and women are basically equal in the sight of Yah, they just have different roles. You just need to understand those roles and comply with them.
- sorcerers (Are you engaged in manipulation? Are you praying manipulative prayers? Are you cursing others by judging them and speaking out your judgments or in other ways? Are you using swear words like “damn” and “Hell”, etc? etc)
- idolaters (Who or what are you worshipping besides the Almighty? Are you worshipping Yahooshua {Jesus}, a created being? Are you worshipping "The Bible" as the "inerrant word of God" even though none of the writers claim this? etc) likewise, the Quaran, the Torah. I've come across a group of Torah believers and the more I interact with them, the sadder I become that they are locked into this thing of holding that this collection of writings that are roughly 3,000 years old define service to the Almighty today. It's a massively disempowering tragic thing when Father wants to have a deep personal relationship with them, and all they can do is read a book and argue about the book and get into legalistic dispense. Yahooshua died so that we could be filled with the Spirit of Yah, to lead us into all truth.
- a liar (includes all false doctrines you have heard or read about and believed, practice, talk about, preach yourself. Includes all jokes, “white lies,” practical jokes, etc. Includes what you write for advertisements, TV programmes, magazines, books, etc. that is not factual and accurate versus fiction. Includes if you even absorb these things and speak of them as though they are true.
IF you are doing ANY of the above, Revelation 21:8 indicates that you WILL spend time in Hell, EVEN if you make it to Heaven, UNLESS you have confessed your sin and repented in this life.
1 John 1:8-10 "8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." (KJV)
Matthew 13:49-50: "49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, 50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." (KJV)
Coming back to the liars for a minute, if you are one of these people who pays a lot of attention to conspiracy theories, etc., in my experience, just about all of them, may be not all of them but most of them are false, they are invented and people elaborate on them, they imagine things, and if you propagate that, you're sucked into their sin, you become a liar by repeating their lies. You need to be careful about what you believe and what you take on board and what you listen to and what you share with others. You need to focus on Yah. This life is not long enough to get caught up in talking about all the sins of the world and everything that's wrong in the world. Talk about what Yah has to offer. Talk about the fact that He wants to be your friend.
4 A Vital Question: Do we Know What Sin Is? - What Is The Essence of The Judgment?
Revelation 21:8, cited above, gives us a fairly detailed identification of sin. Many other verses provide more detail.
In essence, the basis of the Judgment is defined in Exodus 20:
Exodus 19:16-20 & 20:1-19
"16 And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.
17 And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with Yah {God}; and they stood at the nether part of the mount." This is Mount Sinai in the Arabian Peninsula. The Israelites have come out of Egypt, Father has brought them out with a strong hand, He has parted the Red Sea and if you've not seen it, there is a material on the website about the Red Sea, there is a page on archaeology and Yah brings them to the mountain and He speaks to them.
It's important to understand to the best of my knowledge, this is the only time in all of history where the Almighty has brought a group of people together and spoken to them directly and audibly. So I suggest for your consideration what we are about to talk about now is seriously, seriously important stuff.
"18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the LORD} descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.
19 And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and Yah {God} answered him by a voice.
20 And Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the LORD} came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the LORD} called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up."
Try and visualize what this looks like. Mount Sinai, if you look at the videos on the Important Videos page is not huge. It's actually quite small. But there were some millions of people gathered at the foot of that mountain in the valley and Yah came down and He summoned Moshe up and He spoke to the people.
1 And Yah {God} spake all these words, saying,
2 I am Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other mighty ones before me. (1)
Yes, Yahooshua is a mighty one, the way we translate the word mighty one, Elohim, Yahooshua was a good. But he is not the Almighty Mighty One and it is sin to put Yahooshua equal to Yah. It's even greater sin to say that Yahooshua is Yah. It was the Spirit of Yah on Yahooshua that enabled Yahooshua to perform the miracles.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth:
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One am a jealous Mighty One, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my Commandments. (2)
Simplified, have no idols. Yah says that the greatest idol on Earth today is the Bible. People devote thousands of hours to Bible study, Bible school, etc. They spent more with their Bible than they do on their knees before Him and spend time worshipping. Folks, the Bible is not the Word of God, it's 2.5% inspired, the rest is just history book written by human beings. Ditto the Quaran, ditto any other book that you get to think of. They may be inspired at a certain level, it's irrelevant, don’t worship it, worship Yah.
7 Thou shalt not take the name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One in vain; for Yah the Eternally Self-Existing will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (3)
His name is Yah, not the Lord, not God. If you call Him the Lord, you call Him God, you're taking His name in vain. Don’t do it.
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six periods of time Yah the Eternally Self-Existing made Heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh period: wherefore Yah the Eternally Self-Existing blessed the sabbath [seventh = Saturday] day, and hallowed it (set it apart). (4)
If you are not observing Saturday as a strict Sabbath, sunrise to sunrise Sunday, if you still observe Sunday, you're out of line. If you're not keeping the six major set-apart days, Sabbaths of Yah, Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the first and the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, you're in serious error. You're breaking those commandments.
So what I want to say to you is simplistically if you are not scrupulously keeping that set of commandments, you got a problem. We will talk more about it next week, I'm out of time for tonight. But I really want you to see that. You probably are breaking most of the commandments because there is so much ignorance.
2024.02.02 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 3
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2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 3
We're continuing to look at “A Vital Question: Do we Know What Sin Is? - What Is The Essence of The Judgment?”
We started by looking at the Ten Commandments.
We noted that the First Commandment was that Yah is one, we're to have no other Mighty Ones beside Him or before him, which means that we should not worship Jesus or Yahooshua. We looked at the Second Commandment which said that we should have now idols and I pointed out to you that Yah says that the Bible is the greatest idol on Earth today because it keeps people from seeking a deep personal relationship with Him.
And then we looked at the Third Commandment moment, which is not to take the name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain and I pointed out to you that if you call Him God or the Lord or Hashem or G_D, you're taking His name in vain. And if you have a email address, you're taking His name in vain. If you're in the habit of saying yah in Afrikaans for yes or Jahwohl in German, you're taking His name in vain. Then we talked about the High Sabbaths.
So continuing...
12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One giveth thee. (5)
13 Thou shalt not kill. (6)
An extension of that is that abortive contraceptives, contraceptives which work on the basis that once they allow the sperm to reach the egg in the woman's fallopian tubes and once fertilized, they prevent implantation of the fertilized egg in the womb of the woman, that's murder. Anything that kills from the moment of conception is murder. This stuff about abortion legal up to 14 weeks or x weeks or y weeks or z weeks, it's all murder folks. You're going to burn in Hell if you do it.
14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. (7)
Women have a seal of virginity. They are only permitted to engage with intercourse with one man.
15 Thou shalt not steal. (8)
It includes taking up tithes and offerings while you're preaching lies.
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. (9)
No lying, no cheating, no deception.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. (10)
It goes for lusting, goes for lusting off the cars you can't afford, houses you can't afford, etc.
18 And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.
So Moshe {Moses} is on the mountain, Mount Sinai with Yah and there is all this thundering, etc., going on.
19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not Yah speak with us, lest we die." (KJV, adjusted)
This is the only time in recorded history that i know of where the Almighty has come down on a mountain in fire and smoke and SPOKEN to a large group of Human Beings about His Commandments.
My understanding is that there was something like 2 or 3 million people in the valley below the mountain, they had come out of Egypt, there are different estimates.
Since the people asked that it never happen again, it seems likely that it has never happened again.
I have never come across any report of Yah again speaking out loud to a group of human beings with the Commandment. There are a couple of occasions where in the life of Yahooshua, He spoke from Heaven and said, "This is my beloved son, hear him." The rest of the time He's spoken through His spokesman/spokeswoman/prophets/prophetess. Then we say that Father didn’t want to speak to us in this age. No, no, no. We said we didn’t want Him to speak to us. He said He will only speak to those who make an effort to hear Him.
Furthermore, in Deuteronomy 10:4 Moses (Moshe) states "And he [Yah the Eternally Self-Existing] wrote on the tablets, according to the first writing, the ten Commandments, which Yah the Eternally Self-Existing spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and Yah the Eternally Self-Existing gave them unto me.” (KJV, adjusted)
The Almighty, Himself, recorded the Ten Commandments on the tables (tablets) of stone.
Stone indicates that these Commandments will NEVER pass away.
It is therefore clear that those Commandments are the most important words the Almighty has spoken to mankind. It is the writer's clear understanding that they are a critical element of the Judgment and a key element that will determine whether a person will spend Eternity in Heaven or elsewhere will be based on these Ten Commandments.
There is a whole lot of other stuff folks about the Torah and the Bible is the Word of God and the 613 mitzvoths and so on and so forth. Those are all human embellishments. Yah is interested in your compliance and my compliance with the Ten Commandments. In Hebrew, they are referred to as the Ten Words, there are ten Hebrew words which sum up the Ten Commandments. That is the Word of God, the Word of Yah is the Ten Commandments. Not the Bible, not the Torah, not the whatever, not the Quaran, the Ten Commandments written in stone are the Words of Yah. That's how you will get judged, that's how you should be living your life complying with the Ten Commandments.
5 Cause for Concern - Nearly All of Mankind is Breaking Most of the Commandments
In recent years, I've come to understand that most of mankind, including PARTICULARLY the "Christian" “church” is, at an individual and corporate level, breaking most of the Commandments.
Commentary – January 2024:
I have subsequently come to understand that Yah is INDIFFERENT to unbelievers and is ONLY concerned with the conduct of Believers, see “2023.04.08 The Almighty Creator, Yah, is INDIFFERENT to unbelievers” at
So, things have changed. Two thousand years ago Yahooshua was concerned about unbelievers, the emissaries, the apostles went out to bring unbelievers into faith. It didn't work. Today there is of the order of about 2 million believers left on the planet, people who have some modicum of a relationship with the Creator. I'm not talking about people who prayed a prayer and have ignored Him ever since. I'm talking about people who actually are actively doing something about the Almighty, whether it's with the Bible or Bible school or Bible church or whatever, whether they are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu or anything. There are less than 2 million people really activity at some modest level trying to do something.
In particular, almost universal doctrines of the "Christian church" regarding who Yahooshua {Jesus} is considered to be, the way many view "The Bible," the names applied to the Almighty and Yahooshua, the day observed as weekly Sabbath, the major holidays and feasts, the way parents are treated, marriage and virginity (monogamy) are resulting in sins that are affecting an extremely large portion of the world population and an extremely large portion of the Christian/Jewish/Muslim/whatever population, including most of the 2 million that I just spoke about.
Furthermore, sins that are commonplace in "Christian" nations, like abortion, advertising that stimulates covetousness and lying or is misleading or manipulative, "jokes" (which are lies), etc., is seriously compounding the sin of the world.
The reason why people offer jokes is because they feel uncomfortable because they are lies. I can't stress it enough folks. Yahooshua {Jesus} was a spokesman, a prophet, an emissary, a human being, still is. He is not Yah, he is not Yah in the flesh. It was the Spirit of Yah upon Yahooshua that performed the miracles.
This is compounded by the false doctrines of the vast majority of mankind.
All of this adds up to a terrible litany of sin.
Ultimately every person will pay the price for what they have done and what they have believed on their Day of their Judgment AND for what they have caused others to believe.
Hence the terrible statistics in terms of the implications if judgment was to come on the world today!
This is coupled with an enormous need for repentance, self-examination and turning around in order to reverse these statistics.
Matthew 18:14 "Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." (KJV)
That's true, but there is a catch. Almost the entire population of the planet does not believe Yah exists. Those that have some vague level of belief because they read the Bible and go to church or whatever, but still don't have any relationship with Him are also in huge error. They are not going to Heaven. On 25th of December 2015, Yah said to me that there were 100 million what He called believing unbelievers on the planet at that point in time that if judgment were to come then, the 100 million people who thought that they were believers, but were not believers because they did not have a relationship with Him, they would not go to Heaven. It's scary stuff folks.
6 Is There an Alternative? - Can One Aspire to a High Throne?
Psalm 111:10 states "The fear of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his Commandments: his praise endureth for ever." (KJV, name adjusted)
So, we can start by fearing Yah and seeking to DO His Commandments.
1 John 5:3 "For this is the love of Yah, that we keep his Commandments: and his Commandments are not grievous." (KJV, name adjusted)
IF we love the Almighty then we should want to keep His Commandments and we should not find this grievous.
If you call Him God or the Lord, how do you have a relationship with Him when you don't even know His name? To put that in context, I became aware of the wrong names late in 2000 after going on a series of fasts. Somebody sent me an email and said His name is Yahweh and I went o Father and I said is this important? He said "James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy?" The Lord is a translation of Baal, pagan demonic God. God is based on the name of another demonic God Mighty One, and you think you're going to go to Heaven by calling Him call and the Lord? Sorry to disappoint you. There was grace for this at one stage, it's long since been withdrawn in 2003.
IF we love the Almighty, we should be willing to check out our doctrines and our conduct and make whatever adjustments are called for.
Are you willing to love the Almighty THIS intensely - even if it requires that you RADICALLY change what you believe and what you do?
Consider Jude 1:7 as a counterpoint "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." (KJV)
Fornication includes spiritual treachery, idolatry, false doctrines, etc.
Folks, this is heavy stuff. If you're a believer and in sin where sin is fundamentally breaking one or more of the Ten Commandments, each of those flows out into whole lot of subcategories in detail and interpretation, etc., but fundamentally if you're breaking one of the Ten Commandments and you're a believer, you're going to go to Hell where you're going to be tortured and tormented to pay the price of your unrepented sin. If you confess your sin and repent, He is faithful and just to forgive your sin. Yahooshua died to provide an offering for sin.
So if you go to Father Yah and you say "Father, I've done this and I've done that and I recognize now that sin, I confess it, I repent, and I ask you to forgive me in the name Yahooshua," you will receive forgiveness. Take the bread and wine.
There IS a place of ETERNAL FIRE – that is fire that will burn forever.
There are two issues implicit in the above verse – the eternal fire of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone in which the unbelievers will be consumed in a moment of torment and terror in the event that Satan loses the contest. Plus Hell, in which the Lake of Fire and Brimstone is located, which is the place of correction of Believers who die with unrepented sin!
The Quran is very much more explicit about the torment for those who do not believe and for those who unrepentantly transgress the Commandments of the Almighty.
There IS a CHOICE!
See “2021.06.05 The Essence of my Message regarding the Commandments” at for a detailed discussion of the application of these Commandments.
The key thing here, and I'm belabouring I'm sure, but it's so important, Yahooshua died a terrible death to provide a new atoning sacrifice for sin because the old sacrifice wasn't working in the old days and the covenant of Moshe you had to bring and go to a kid or a lamb, if you're a poor, a dove, and the priest would slaughter that and offer it as a burnt offering as an act of repentance of sin. By the time of Yahooshua, the priesthood was illegitimate, the temple was destroyed when Babylon invaded about 560 BC and the Ark of the Covenant was hidden away. A new covenant was required. There is a lot of nonsense about this is a renewed covenant or whatever; it's not. People are playing word games. It was a new covenant. There is an article on the website "The Miracle of Yahooshua's Death," which explains it all in detail.
7 It is Not Just Heaven or the Lake of Fire, There is a Continuum
As mentioned before, it is not simply a question of EITHER Heaven or the lake of fire/Hell.
There is a continuum between the "outer darkness" at the very fringes of Heaven where the unbelieving Believers will weep and wail and gnash their teeth for Eternity and there are High Thrones with Yahooshua for those who Overcome in this life.
The unbelieving believers are not the same as the believing unbelievers that I spoke about a minute ago. The believing unbelievers are about 100 million in December 2015 not going to Heaven. The unbelieving believers, believers who at some stage pray some little prayer and do nothing after that, so as they have ignored Yah, He will ignore them, put them in the Outer Darkness, weep and wail and gnash their teeth.
Consider Matthew 8:11-12
"11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of Heaven.
12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (KJV)
So there is a place of outer darkness, for Believers, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, the teeth of those believers in the Outer Darkness.
Notice that they shall come from the east and the west. So people will come from all over the world to Heaven. And many of the people who regard themselves as believers wouldn’t make it. In December 2015 Yah said that if judgment would have come that time, there are about 20 million people who were going to the Outer Darkness.
Consider also the parable of the "Foolish Virgins" in Matthew 25:10-13:
"10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Adonay {Lord}, Adonay, open to us.
12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (KJV)
Here Believers are rejected on the basis of their conduct.
Folks, there is a huge lie from the devil that it doesn't really matter what you do with your life, how you live your life, you're going to go to Heaven anyway. On the contrary, if you want to go to Heaven, the first thing you have to do is make a quality decision that the creator exists and pray a prayer to ask Him to accept you and to commit your life to Him. Not a prayer about Jesus or to Jesus or for Jesus – pray to Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. And then you need to start cleaning up your life.
There is an article on the website "Seven Components of Drawing Close" which is about a 70-page document on all the things that you can do to get close to Father and clean up your act. And if you do that energetically, over about 2 years, you will get to a point where you can qualify for a high throne in Heaven if you do it energetically and if you don’t, you may never get there.
Consider also Matthew 7:13-24:
"13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Adonay, Adonay, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Adonay, Adonay, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:" (KJV)
The way to destruction is large and the way to salvation is strait (constrained, tight, difficult) and the gate is narrow.
Those which do not bring forth good fruit are cast into the fire.
In 1995 in a vision, Rick Joyner was taken up into Heaven, into the judgment hall, and speaking to Yahooshua, Yahooshua said to him, "I left the 99 to go after the 1 that was lost. Today 99 out of a 100 are lost." If the end were to come today, a minute number of the people on Earth today would make it into Heaven. If you are not personally actively seeking a relationship with Father, actively cleaning up your life, actively seeking to draw close to Father, you're going to get a terrible shock when you die.
The sole reason we exist, the sole reason this planet exists, the solar system, this universe, is that Yah was lonely and He wanted friends. If you are not actively seeking to become His friend or at the very least to become a loyal, a good and faithful servant, you're not going to make it into Heaven my friend. I don’t want you to think I'm being ugly, I'm just telling you the way it is. There is huge misunderstandings around this topic.
Many will call on Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and on Yahooshua and do many mighty works in the name of Yahooshua and yet the Almighty and Yahooshua will declare "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Iniquity is lawlessness, failure to keep the Commandments.
So, one can call on the Name of Yah, pray in the Name of Yahooshua and yet not keep the Commandments and on the Day of Judgment one can be told "I never knew you, depart from me."
That’s scary stuff folks. And we have seen that worshiping Yahooshua breaks the First Commandment, worshipping the Bible or the Quaran or Moshe or Mohammed breaks the Second Commandment. We have seen that calling the Creator the Lord or God, and calling Yahooshua Jesus breaks the Third Commandment. So you think you're a believer in right standing with Yah and you're breaking one or more of the top three commandments, and then worshiping on Sunday, and you're not honouring your parents, and you're using abortive contraceptives, how do you expect to have a place of standing in Heaven? It's not going to happen. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it's not going to happen. You need to clean up your life dramatically and make a real effort to serve Yah.
Such people may STILL qualify to enter Heaven but will be at a level in Heaven that is commensurate with their service to the Almighty and the extent to which they have overcome sin ranging all the way to the outer darkness, the location furthest from the throne. Much of this is discussed in “The Final Quest” which I'm currently preparing commentary on. Look at
There is a broad continuum between those who truly please the Almighty and who sit on a High Throne to those with whom He is greatly displeased but who may exercise just sufficient faith to scrape into Heaven. Yah refers to the Outer Darkness as “The Trash Heap of Heaven,” He never visits the people there and they are NOT allowed into the body of the assembly in Heaven, as they rejected Him and ignored Him during their lives so He ignores them and rejects them for Eternity!
There is a huge deception of people who go out and evangelize people and I can't comment really on how much of this occurs in Islam and Judaism, but it's used to be rife in Christianity, so-called crusades, revivals, thousands or millions of people preach to led to pray a simple pray generally in the name of Jesus to Jesus. "Jesus come into my heart." And some of those people may have actually made a connection with Yah and then they are left to their own devices and that's it. It's almost better for a person to die as an unbeliever than to die as an unbelieving believer. The outcome is too horrible to contemplate.
There is a similar continuum amongst the Ancestor Spirits (Demons) on Earth – the spirits of humans who die NOT knowing the Almighty. See for a discussion of the different kingdoms in the Satanic and Demonic realm on Earth where there are currently over 100 BILLION human spirits. Further discussion of this aspect is not relevant, this document is directed at those who choose to seek to spend Eternity in Heaven.
The judgment and torment in Hell is reserved for Believers. Hell is where Believers are punished for their unconfessed sins prior to entering Heaven. see
Satan and unbelievers will be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed at the end of the Contest, SHOULD Yah win the Contest – see Right now it is a harsh and brutal truth that Yah is losing the Contest. The number of true believers on Earth is going down day by day as the elderly die and the youth for the most part don't believe. Yah has said to me that within 100 years there will hardly be any believers left on Earth, there may not even be anybody left on Earth and in 200 years in the absence of a body of believers who can do things differently, we will degenerate into the worst excesses of the dark ages. Thankfully I won't be here at that stage. My goal is to turn that around and I encourage you to join me in that objective.
For an indication of the continuum in Heaven consider 1 Corinthians 3:12-15:
"12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." (KJV)
This passage confirms that our works in this life (what we do) will be tried by FIRE and that which endures the fire shall result in a reward.
So, it is possible to live life in some form of service to the Almighty and yet lose EVERYTHING one has worked for on the Day of Judgment and yet STILL be saved.
Folks, there are two pieces here. One is if you're a believer and you are not actively doing something concrete to advance the Kingdom of Heaven, you're going to be not exactly warmly welcomed when you die. And the other side is if you're doing things on Earth supposedly for Father with wrong motives and wrong doctrines and wrong thinking in error and sin, what you do will be destroyed and discarded and you will get no reward for it. So be thoughtful.
Consider also Jude 1:23 "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." (KJV)
Carnality, the flesh, is something that will be destroyed in the fire.
The works of our own strength, our own intellect, our own comfort, our own will, etc. - those things that we do that the Almighty did NOT tell us to do, will be destroyed in the fire and we may be saved with nothing to show for our lives.
So I've talked today a lot about why you need to raise your game. We will talk in due course about high thrones, we have already talked about high thrones a bit. It is possible for you to become a friend of the Creator, that's what you were created for. It doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor, fat or thin, tall or short, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, African, Asian, Indian, American, European, Caucasian, Witch, Warlock – Father wants you to become His friend and I encourage you right now to do something about that.
So this is all for today. I'm just going to wrap up in the next couple of minutes. This will be continued next week.
2024.02.09 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 4
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2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 4
Continuing to look at “It is Not Just Heaven or the Lake of Fire, There is a Continuum.”
We are looking at the reality that there is a wide spectrum of outcomes available for the life of each human being.
It is entirely possible for you not to belief. In fact, just about the entire population of planet Earth right now does not believe in the Creator. There may have some muddling thoughts about yes, there is a God or whatever, but they don't know Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth – The Almighty. They don’t know Him and they certainly don't have a relationship with Him. Those people are not going to make it into Heaven. They are going to end up as ancestor spirits or demons on Earth for, at the very least, the rest of this millennium. Is it that what you want? When you die, you might end up stuck on your corpse in the grave for a very, very long time or you might end up in the crematorium oven for a very long time or you might manage to jump off your corpse onto another human being who comes to pay their respects after you die, probably a good idea to do that, just keep that in mind if you're not going to believe.
Or you might find that you're taken captive by a Satan servant, a witch or a warlock or whatever in the hospital or undertakers room or morgue or whatever, that's if you are a promising demon, if you've sinned quite extensively. Then they will take you through a really harsh training program and they will put on somebody else to haunt them and lead them astray. So being an unbeliever is not a great thing and we will talk more about belief, we will talk more about the place of the Outer Darkness in Heaven and the other ranks in Heaven and carry on today.
Consider also 1 Peter 1:7 "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}:" (KJV, adjusted)
Consider also John 15:6 "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned." (KJV)
If we do not live life the way the Almighty wants us to live it and abide in Him through Yahooshua, we can be cast forth and burned.
The book, "The Final Quest" provides considerably more insight into this and some extracts are presented later in this series.
If you're a believer and you sin, when you die, you will first spend time in Hell paying a price for your sin before you're admitted into Heaven. If you really go over the top and blaspheme and disobey Yah as a believer, you will eventually be utterly rejected and you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, where in a moment of torment and terror you will be utterly consumed and destroyed.
8 It IS Possible to Overcome
In the context of earning a High Throne or even earning a place in Heaven, consider the following passages:
Revelation 2:7 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that Overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of Yah." (KJV, name adjusted)
Only those who Overcome will get to eat of the tree of life!
Revelation 2:11 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the assemblies {churches}; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." (KJV)
Only those who Overcome ALL SIN will not be hurt by the second death (Hell) - refer above.
So the Tree of Life if you read The Final Quest, there is a very detailed description of the Tree of Life and the fruit of the Tree of Life and what it means to be at that level of relationship with Yah. I encourage you to read it. I'm doing a rendering of The Final Quest where I'm putting in my own commentary. It's on the website under the Bible page. I encourage you to read it. I've done the first two chapters of the book.
Note that those that overcome sin are NOT necessarily “Overcomers” in terms of rank in Heaven. It is possible for those who qualify for the Rank of Overcomer to have unrepented sin just as it is possible for those of lower rank to overcome sin in the sense of this verse.
Revelation 2:17 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that Overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." (KJV)
We may not understand this today, however, it is presented as a significant reward and benefit.
An overcomer is somebody who will end up in Heaven. You've got a very substantial investment in this life in serving Yah. You've done significant works for Him. You have a reasonably substantial relationship with Him. You've overcome sin or you're close to overcoming sin and fundamentally if you're going to be an overcomer, you should overcome sin. In fact, if you're going to be a believer at any level, you should overcome sin. It's not that difficult. The trouble is it's all muddied up by all this wrong teaching about 613 mitzvoths and the Torah and this and that and the Torah compliant and Torah observant and what have you. Folks, there are Ten Commandments which Yah in person wrote in stone, which means they never change, it's all He wrote in stone that clearly the most important basis of judgment and I've talked about this before – sin means you stop breaking the Ten Commandments, which means you need to understand the Ten Commandments and then you need to do what's necessary to comply. Not that difficult, but just about nobody does it and I've talked about it before.
Revelation 2:26-28 "26 And he that Overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: 27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. 28 And I will give him the morning star." (KJV)
Those who do NOT Overcome shall be ruled with a rod of iron! It's pretty heavy stuff folks. So if you're pottering along, forgive the pun, and just doing your odd bit here and there for Father and really not making a difference in the world, you're probably not an overcomer. And if you're not an overcomer, well, life is not going to be that great either, better in Heaven than it would be on the Earth. So a lot of that verse is talking about the Earth and the unbelievers but it's also important to understand, if you get to sit on a high throne in Heaven, you will be given rulership over a city or a nation or a constellation or a solar system or whatever.
Revelation 3:5 "He that Overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels." (KJV)
Those who do NOT Overcome will have their names blotted out of the book of life and will NOT have their names confessed before the Father!
Revelation 3:12 "Him that Overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my Mighty One {God}, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Mighty One {God}, and the name of the city of my Mighty One {God}, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of Heaven from my Mighty One {God}: and I will write upon him my new name." (KJV, adjusted)
We may not understand this today, however, it is presented as a significant reward and benefit.
Revelation 3:21 "To him that Overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." (KJV)
Those who OVERCOME will sit with Yahooshua on his throne for Eternity!
Revelation 21:7 "He that Overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his Mighty One {God}, and he shall be my son." (KJV)
Those who Overcome will inherit ALL things and the Almighty will be their Mighty One and they shall be sons of the Almighty. This suggests that those who do not Overcome may NOT inherit anything and the Almighty may NOT be their Mighty One and they may NOT be sons of the Almighty.
Collectively, these passages about Overcomers present a picture of enormous eternal benefit if one Overcomes and enormous loss if one does not Overcome.
From these passages it is clear that the Overcomers are those who sit on thrones for Eternity.
And again, I would encourage you to read The Final Quest. If you go to the website, there is the ETI Bible version and under that you will find The Final Quest. And you might say to me, why is The Final Quest under the Bible section? Because it is as close to modern scripture as I've ever come across. It is inspired at a significant level. It does contain some error but so does all this other stuff that’s called Scripture. I'm correcting wrong language like equating Yahooshua with Yah and things like that. I'm in the process of doing that in the whole Bible, so on the same area you will find the entire New Testament with corrections there. At this stage I have done corrections and commentary up to the Philippians, and I've done some corrections the rest of the way through Revelation and I've done basic corrections in the Old Testament, Bereshith to Malaki.
So you might want to go and read it there. That’s the only version of the Bible I know of that’s worth reading if you forgive me for boasting.
Not everyone will Overcome in every area and this will result in a further distribution of the continuum within Heaven. Some of what is reported in "The Final Quest" supports this interpretation although other passages suggest a more rigid approach. There are a number of distinct ranks in Heaven being:
1. Friend of the Creator, the most senior Overcomers – the highest thrones there are – these people had deep personal relationships with Yah while on Earth and made MAJOR sacrifices to serve Him. Generals are the most senior Friends, they actively took the battle to the enemy while on Earth and achieved notable victories;
2. Overcomer, as discussed above – the remaining thrones – did NOT have a deep personal relationship but made major sacrifices;
A friend is where you want to be. If you're a high achiever on Earth, you may want to repurpose your life and reposition your thinking and say, "You know what, I can sit on a high throne on Earth, but I'm going to die one day and lose it or I can scale back my ambitions in the material, physical, financial sense on Earth and focus on ambitions towards the Creator."
If you really make a difference on Earth, if you really lay down your life to serve Yah in this life, you will reap a great reward in the life to come. There is a lot of my website about it. The whole focus of my ministry is around helping people to become Friends of Yah, to overcome to the end, to make a difference so that Yahooshua can return in victory.
3. Good and faithful servants – NOT on thrones but immediately adjacent to the thrones, obedient and faithful in their service of Yah but NO material relationship;
4. Wise stewards – further away from the throne but still esteemed – these first four categories are all people who were filled with the Spirit of the Almighty at some level, in other words they were NOT virgins;
If you will forgive my metaphor, they have made love to Yah, not in a carnal sexual way, but in a loving obedient worshipful way. They have worshiped intensity, they have asked for infilling of the spirit, they have been immersed, they have been anointed, and they've received repeated infillings of the Spirit of Yah and in that way, drawn close to Him, but not at the level of a friend; a friend being somebody who converses with Yah and who understands Yah's priorities on Earth and prays them into existence, goes out and does things to bring them into existence.
We've recently started praying "Father in the name of Yahooshua, we thank you that your will is done on the Earth and in particular the foretellings in The Final Quest and The Call are realized. And that you raise up emissaries, spokesmen and spokeswomen, prophets and prophetesses and intercessors to pray your will on Earth into existence and to do what needs to be done to bring your will into existence."
So the people who are going to do that are these four categories that I've spoken about and then you get the...
5. Adulterous wives – filled with the Spirit of the Almighty but worshipped Jesus, the Bible, Mohammed, the Quran, etc.
When I say worship, they put those people or books on a pedestal. Some people go and somebody making fun of Mohammed as blasphemy. It's not blasphemy. Blasphemy is taking the name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain and so forth. Folks, stop it. One Mighty One Yah, don't take His name in vain and don't have any idols. Don’t make Jesus, the Bible, Mohammed, the Quaran an Idol; they are just people and just books.
6. Foolish virgins – further away from the throne, one step removed from the trash heap, people who believed at some level but were never filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. The vast majority of dedicated church/shul/mosque going people will find themselves there;
7. The Outer Darkness – far removed from the throne, cannot see the throne, the “Trash Heap of Heaven,” Yah calls it – all those who at some time made some sort of decision that Yah existed but NEVER made any attempt after that to serve Yah, learn about Him, be filled with His Spirit, etc. – the people who are the product of the vast majority of outreaches, missionary works, altar calls, etc., fall into this category – in fact the VAST majority of mission and evangelistic work is a total waste of time, just diverting people from the outer reaches of the Satanic Kingdom to the outer reaches of Yah’s Kingdom.
Now, it's important to understand when we talk about these ranks, Father set out at the beginning to create friends. He recognized that they wouldn’t necessarily all get that close, so He had a couple of levels. Over time, He found Himself having to deal with people who are less close, made less of a contribution, and so He progressively gave them places further away from the throne. Then He found Himself confronted with the harsh reality that there were people who one day said yes, I believe in the Creator, Amen, and did nothing after that. So they didn’t qualify for any of the ranks and He ran out of places to put them. The only place He could put them was on the trash heap because that's all that was left.
So if you at some stage said "Father God or whatever, I believe you exist," and since then you've done nothing more, you're going to end up in the Outer Darkness and you're going to weep and wail and gnash your teeth. It's very, very dark. It's very, very cold. It's very, very unpleasant. And there is a whole lot of people there.
When I got a demographic from Father in 2015 in December, He said the 20 million people on Earth if Yahooshua came that day would end up in the Outer Darkness. Today, it's more and the number who would make it into Heaven are less. If you look at the cover of this broadcast, there is a diagram of a mountain and a line with statistics on it in the different categories that in December 2015 would make it into Heaven from the people on Earth today. Number of people who will make it into Heaven has decreased. The number of people who won't make it into Heaven is the population that keeps growing. So they just keep growing.
At this point, it seems less important to understand the finer nuances of the Law (Commandments) than to understand the broad principles and to make a choice whether to make a CONCERTED effort to seek to please the Almighty and seek to earn a position on a throne for Eternity, versus taking some other view of how one choses to live one's life.
It is important to understand that we know so little about the ways of the Almighty in this age that simply deciding to seek a High Throne is NOT enough.
One must be willing to pray differently, live differently, act differently, believe differently – one must be willing to embark on radical change AND carry it out AND live it through to the VERY LAST DAY of one's life! See also the article Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah at for more information.
There is NO guarantee that anyone can achieve a High Throne.
We can aspire, and if we truly aspire and truly commit ourselves to seeking to please the Almighty in EVERYTHING, there is a basis to conclude that we will AT LEAST enter Heaven for Eternity.
Folks, I want to be clear, my message is not to those people who think it's okay to go to church on Sunday or shul on Saturday or mosque on Friday or whatever. And that's it. This is to people who are prepared to change their lives. This is for people who are prepared to spend an hour or two hours a day on their knees talking to Father, spend an hour or two hours per day worshiping Father, spend an hour/two hours/more reading about the matters of Yah, learning about Yah, putting it into practice and then doing other things to help advance the Kingdom of Yah, teaching others, ministering to others, praying with and for others.
If you want a high throne, you are going to have to work for it. There is a lot of wrong thinking about grace and salvation is not earned, true salvation is not earned, but a high throne is earned. If you aspire to be a friend of Yah, you better do something to look like a friend of Yah. That means you talk to Him, you converse with Him, you understand His objectives on Earth, you understand the constraints that He operates under, you work to relax those constraints, you work to pray His will on Earth, and you work to do things that help other people grow close to Him. This is so important. You have the opportunity to trade your life for Yah in this life, which could be quite rough and tough in order to qualify for a high throne for eternity.
So do you want some glory for men for the next few years? And then something mediocre in Heaven or not even make it into Heaven? Or do you want to be in Heaven on a high throne? It's up to you.
8 What Indicators are there about Pleasing The Almighty?
There are some verses that give indications of individuals who have pleased the Almighty.
Hebrews 11:1-40 provides quite a lengthy catalogue of people for reference and indicates that FAITH is a vital component of pleasing the Almighty:
This article on which this broadcast is based "Where will you spend eternity with commentary on The Final Quest" is on the website. It's fairly close to the top on the Menu. I've only lifted out certain verses out of Hebrews 1 to 40, the full passage of Hebrews 11:1-40 is on the website and obviously you can go to pretty much any Protestant Bible and get it.
"1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
“6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to Yah must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
“16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an Heavenly: wherefore Yah is not ashamed to be called their Mighty One {God}: for he hath prepared for them a city.
So faith is about believing things that Yah has shown you that you've been told, that you can't see, you can't touch. Many years ago after I've done some fairly ambitious things for Yah, somebody who met me in a dream in which they saw me stepping off the edge of cliff into space and as I stepped out, the ground came up to meet me and to me that spoke of the extent to which I had gone out by faith and done things that didn’t make any sense to people around me. So you can do that.
1”7 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
“35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
“36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
“37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
“38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the Earth.
So there is some pretty tough stuff there folks about people who really were regarded as an example of living by faith. Are you willing to believe strongly enough in the reward that's awaiting you for you to go through some of these things? Now it's my contention, there is another verse which says that "no weapon performed against you shall prosper, every tongue that rise against you in unrighteous judgment will be refuted, the messengers encamp around me to protect me." So if you're free of sin, the Forces of Darkness can't touch you, so you don't have to go through those things. You can walk in victory and be a powerful example.
It is really important to notice that at times ALL of these people suffered for their faith and made sacrifices. Some more than others. I've made substantial sacrifices. I've gone about 7 years where I had no employment and I just devoted all my time to serving Yah and writing about Him, His kingdom and writing answers to questions that came my way. It's not been easy but I believe it's worth it.
NONE of them lived according to the standards of the world in which they lived. ALL of them chose to live life differently to those around them, NO MATTER WHAT it cost them, even if they were stoned or sawn apart while alive.
There is a reasonable basis to conclude that the people mentioned above, at least at some level, represent Overcomers. We may not understand why some names are on this list and others are not. That is not the point.
We can learn lessons and we can learn that service to Yah demands a PRICE in this life!
If you are going to church or synagogue or mosque or temple or wherever and you think that you can just happy go and sit in a seat and listen to somebody else talk to you on the basis of some sort of relationship that they may or may not have with Father and you think that something really nice is going to happen when you die, but I'm sorry to disappoint you. You need to make an effort. You need to do something. If you're not prepared to do that, just be satisfied that I'm going to end up as a foolish virgin or I might end up in the trash heap of Heaven, the Outer Darkness, or I might not make it at all, may be that doesn’t fear you, in which case, I can't help you.
Following are a few specific cases:
James 2:23 "And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed Yah, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of Yah." (KJV)
Somebody challenged me a few weeks ago and said, "You know, this stuff that you're talking about relationship with Yah, where is it in the Bible?" Well, firstly, it doesn't have to be in the Bible because the Bible is not comprehensive. It's not definitive. It's just a book, but secondly, here we have it in the Bible that Abram was called a friend of Yah.
Abraham was called the FRIEND of Yah.
So the life of Abraham is certainly a frame of reference.
Even if we may think he missed it a few times or there are things we do not understand about what Abraham did.
Genesis 32:28 "And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but YisraEl: for as a prince hast thou power with Yah and with men, and hast prevailed." (KJV)
Jacob (Ya‛aqoḇ) (YisraEl) had POWER with the Almighty.
Another frame of reference, even if there are things we think he may have missed or which we do not understand.
It's advisable not to speak ill of Him. So there is another individual that interacted with Yah at a very intimate level, and had a very substantial standing with Yah so much so that Jacob (YisraEl) became the father of 12 tribes, became the nation of Israel, that had favour and privilege with Yah.
It is really important that in considering all these people that we remember Romans 14:4 "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for Yah is able to make him stand." (KJV, name adjusted)
It really is NOT our place to judge ANY of these people.
I fairly regularly encounter people who are judging this one, judging that one, this one's this, this one's that. I've come across a few people recently who say that Paul not really an apostle that he was this and that and what have you. The fact of the matter is that Rick Joyner in The Final Quest says he is sitting on one of the highest thrones in Heaven. So you need to be very careful about what you say about other people.
A few more examples:
Exodus 33:11 "And Yah the Eternally Self-Existing spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Yahooshua {Joshua}, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle." (KJV, name adjusted)
This is a remarkable testimony with regard to the relationship between Moshe {Moses} and the Almighty.
Speaketh unto him, as unto a friend. In other words, he was a friend. I can't make it more clear folks. Moshe had that level of relationship. He did mighty miracles. And that’s available to you if you choose to go all out to become a friend.
In 1 Samuel 13:14, Samuel, speaking to Saul and referring to David states "But now thy kingdom shall not continue: Yah the Eternally Self-Existing hath sought him a man after his own heart, and Yah the Eternally Self-Existing hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which Yah the Eternally Self-Existing commanded thee." (KJV, adjusted)
David is referred to here as a man after the Almighty's own heart! And Saul is rejected after only a few years as king.
Again, a useful frame of reference. David is not a man whose life it is wise to condemn or preach against. He may have done some things which we understand to be mistakes, however, there is considerable evidence that the Almighty was well pleased with David.
1 Kings 15:5 confirms this "Because David did that which was right in the eyes of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing , and turned not aside from anything that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite." (KJV)
So he made one mistake, the whole thing of adultery with Bathsheba getting Uriah murdered. Save for that, he was a man after Yah's own heart and he did what was right in the eyes of Yah. So I anticipate that if you make it into Heaven, you're going to find Yisrael (Jacob), David, Abraham all sitting on high thrones.
This brings us to Yahooshua of whom it is written in 2 Peter 1:17 "For he received from Yah the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (KJV, adjusted)
Insofar as the Almighty saw fit to say of Yahooshua on at least one occasion publicly that He (the Almighty) was WELL PLEASED with him (Yahooshua) it is clear that Yahooshua provides a valuable source of information regarding what is required to please the Almighty and, therefore, by extension, what is required to Overcome and sit on a High Throne for Eternity.
Now, it turns out from Joiner in The Final Quest that Yahooshua is sitting on The Highest Throne in Heaven because he is the exemplary example of an Overcomer and a Friend. When Yahooshua was dying on the stake, just before he gave up the ghost, he said "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" which translates as, according to most Bibles, "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?" But in actual fact, if you understand the Hebrew more clearly, Eli is my Beloved Mighty One, my Darling Mighty One. So what Yahooshua was saying when Father took his spirit away from him, "My darling, my darling, why have you forsaken me?" Can you imagine what it would be like to be at such a level of relationship with Yah that you call Him your darling? Can you imagine what that means to Him? And it's available to you if you make the effort.
2024.02.16 Experiencing the Anointing and Where Spend Eternity, Part-5
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I have recently become acutely aware of the reality that very few people have deep experience of the Anointing, let alone understand it. For example, the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about Yahooshua and his 12 Chosen Ones {Disciples} completely misses the point as far as the Anointing is concerned.
Also, this broadcast presents many verses from widely accepted texts, primarily the books commonly referred to as “The New Testament” to demonstrate that it is by no means certain that any Believer will qualify to hold any significant rank in Heaven. This is supported by reference to passages in “The Final Quest.”
Body of the Article
2024.02.04 Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU
The Anointing – What is it? – Why seek it? – How does it manifest? – Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU.
I have recently become acutely aware of the reality that very few people have deep experience of the Anointing, let alone understand it. For example, the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about Yahooshua and his 12 Chosen Ones {Disciples} completely misses the point as far as the Anointing is concerned.
I write fairly regularly about the Anointing but it has occurred to me that I have been assuming that readers know what I am talking about.
See particularly “2021.01.10 A challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry” at
And “2022.09.04 Things that Destroy the Anointing” at
Folks, fundamentally, relationship with the Creator is about coming to a place where you're filled with His spirit and that you're walking closely with Him. Anything less than that is a compromise, you're just missing out on something that is so powerful and so beautiful. I'm going to seek in the next 20 minutes or so just set out what the anointing is, why you should seek it, and how it manifests.
What IS the Anointing?
The Anointing is the infilling of a true Believer who has requested it with the Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty.
The Anointing MAY be imparted on immersion {baptism}. But notice that baptism by dabbing is not baptism. The rite that was applied by Yahoochanan, the immerser, John the Baptist, was complete submersion in water, complete immersion in clean water.
The anointing MAY be imparted at any time by requesting infilling. Father Yah in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to fill me with your spirit.
It grows the more one worships and spends time with Father.
Anointing comes from the word, the Hebrew word Mashach, which means to smear with oil. In the Middle East where it's hot and dry, they smear themselves with oil to reduce the perspiration. Anointing is the impartation of the Spirit of Yah. As I said a minute ago, you can go to Him right now and say "Father, I desire to be filled with your spirit." You can go and immerse yourself at your earliest convenience anywhere where you can get clean water, a swimming pool, a river, a lake, a dam, even the tube in your home. "Father, I ask you to cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I ask you to cleanse me of my sin." Just ask Him to fill you. It's not a big thing. It's in a sense of form of a marriage with Him. It's about just opening yourself up to Him, leading Him to come and live in you.
The anointing can be destroyed by anger, fear, betrayal, a divided house and any other occurrence that has Satanic and/or Demonic connections.
It can wane if one ceases to worship and spend time with Father.
I can be lost if one joins sexually to another who is not similarly anointed.
It can be destroyed by major sin and particularly by repeated wilful sin.
The Anointing is a precious Jewel, a Pearl of Great Price to be treasured and nurtured.
Notice that I said that anger, fear, betrayal, a divided house, are all from the Satanic and Demonic realm. If you're going to run around shouting and screaming at people, you're going to damp down and ultimately destroy the anointing. Father can't exist. The Set-Apart Spirit, which is the anointing is the portion of Father's spirit that He gives to each one of us who believe is His investment in us, if I can put it that way.
So initially when somebody comes to belief, they get a betrothal portion, and then they come to full belief and deep relationship with Father and they get filled with His spirit. This is distinct from the universal Spirit of Yah, which holds the entire universe together. If Yah were to withdraw His universal spirit from the Earth, everything would die. He holds it all together. The Set-Apart Spirit, the Holy Spirit is distinct from that. It's part of Yah's spirit that He gives to you and you only if you come to Him and ask for it.
See the article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” at for a detailed discussion of the actions that will enable you to draw close to Yah.
The Anointing can be boosted at the right time by asking Father to impart an Anointing comparable to that of a servant of Yah that you esteem, either modern or ancient – Yahooshua is the best example. So you could pray “Father Yah, I desire to know you the way that Yahooshua knew you.” Only pray this once you have progressed to a significant level of relationship with Yah.
I had an experience about 9 months after I came back to serving Father in 1993 where I had a dramatic encounter with Him where He spoke to me audibly and I rededicated my life to Him, I started going to church on Sundays and middle of the week and spending an hour on my knees praying morning and evening and an hour reading the Bible morning and evening end listening to worship songs in the car and teachings and so forth. And I really set myself apart in a dramatic fashion for 9 months. At the end of that I read a book by a chap by the name of Benny Hinn, you may have heard of him, there are different opinions about him today, but he was really close to Father back then, we're talking December 1993. And he wrote a book "Good Morning Holy Spirit," which spoke about his encounter with the Spirit of Yah. I read the book, I couldn't put it down, and early about 3 o'clock in the morning of the January 2, 1994, I would lay on my bed saying "Father, I desire to know you the way Benny Hinn knows you." I must have prayed that, I don’t know, 10-20 times, and suddenly the room was filled with this mighty roar and this pressure came on me and I was filled with His spirit. I woke up the next morning able to heal people, able to speak on His behalf. I want that for you. That's what this particular segment is about.
Why should YOU seek the Anointing?
You should seek the Anointing IF you are truly committed to serving Yah and desire to get as close to Him as possible.
If you desire to have a material impact on the Earth you should seek the Anointing.
Be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU – this is available to YOU IF you seek it earnestly.
If you desire supernatural wisdom, led by the Spirit of Yah, supernatural favour with people, supernatural energy, the ability to heal others, the ability to do great works, things that you have read about in the Bible and elsewhere, etcetera – YOU should seek the Anointing!
If you look at what's going on in the world today, if you read the news and say "Oh, my goodness, it's such a mess. Where is this all going to end up?" Well, the answer to that is you can either sit back and keep bemoaning the situational or you can go to Father and say "Father, I dedicate my life to you. I ask you to fill me with your spirit. I ask you to equip me and empower me to make a difference on Earth." And He will meet you where you are. It may take you a year, two years, three years to get really close to Him. The article Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah (an e-book of about 70 pages) will give you a whole lot of guidance on what to do, but at the end of the day, it's up to you.
How does the Anointing Manifest?
The manifestation of the Anointing is specific to each individual and their specific relationship with Yah. It can include but is not limited to and in no particular order: I'm going to give you a list of things and talk a little bit about each one of them. This is what can happen through you if you're filled with the Spirit of Yah and you seek to be led by Him. As I said, in no particular order and not necessarily a complete list:
a. Supernatural wisdom – answers to every question. You know about things that you don’t know about. Somebody can come to you with some problem and before you know where it is, out of your mouth are coming stuff that you didn’t know.
b. Utterance without preparation – go into a meeting of any sort, ranging from a ministry discussion to a business consultation to a legal matter with no preparation and yet speak with wisdom and authority and have answers to every question including relating to things that you have no prior knowledge of. That’s a variation of the previous point. I don’t prepare for meetings. I go into meetings and I trust Father to give me utterance; it doesn’t matter what it is, I get it lot covered because I'm not constantly trying to figure things out on my own.
c. Supernatural boldness and confidence – NOT pride.
The assurance that you have Father's backing you and you're going to a meeting and you speak confidently and boldly.
d. Increasing dialogue with Yah – Please understand you need to spend significant time in prayer. You need to spend significant time reading about Yah, not just the Bible but anointed books, there is plenty on my website and worshiping, praising Him, couple of hours a day, listen to worship songs and sing along with them when you're in your car or on the bus or on the train, put little earbuds and I have a little MP3 player that goes with me wherever I am and it plays through the night so that He has something to soothe Him.
You hear Him increasingly clearly and are increasingly able to engage in dialogue with Him regarding your relationship with Him, His Ways and Will on the Earth, your work, your family, your hobbies, your ministry, etcetera. He desires to be included in EVERY facet of your life.
e. Led by the Spirit of Yah in every aspect of your life – things just come together in ways that you could not anticipate, you meet people who can help you who seem to appear from nowhere, Divine Appointments become a routine part of your life. You have a clear view of where you are going and what your life purpose is, etcetera.
f. Supernatural favour with people – everyone you deal with is friendly and helpful. I can't remember when I last encountered a fractious or unhelpful person. I just experience moving through life and things just come together most of the time. Sometimes I slip a bit, but it's powerful folks, it's a different way of living.
g. Supernatural energy – you have boundless energy, you only need three or four hours sleep and you awake refreshed and full of energy for the day. When I was walking under the fullness of my first anointing, I would work until 2 o'clock at night, go to bed for a few hours, get up at 5, pray, worship and so forth. I met a lady many years ago who is highly anointed, she operated on 2 to 3 hours' sleep a night, day in and day out, week in and week out; just had abundant energy.
h. Supernatural peace – you have great confidence that Yah is watching over you and that nothing bad will happen to you and that you have a clear direction.
i. Supernatural protection – you are absolutely confident that you have Messengers {Angels} encamped around you to protect you. In the unlikely event that you DO have a motor vehicle or other accident you emerge unscathed; your messengers protect you.
j. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
k. Every tongue that rises against you in unrighteous judgment is refuted. I've been helping a chap in Los Angeles recently and a chap stole money from him and was threatening him and I came and took him away. I had a motorcar accident many years ago, I was driving a bit recklessly, mountain road, late for catching a plane, came around the corner, mud on the road, casted sideways, there was a ridge, it should have just turned and somersaulted down the hill, but instead I cried out to Father and His messengers took the car and just gently placed it at the bottom of the hill. My diary was open with my pen on it, on the passenger, it didn’t even move. I was completely unshaken. I got out, took my briefcase, climbed up on to the road and there was a vehicle that gave me a lift to the police station and I was going to see a senior and they gave me a police escort and they radioed ahead and held the plane for me and I got to my meeting on time. So it's possible folks.
l. Supernatural joy – nothing gets you down, you are joyful in the knowledge of your relationship with Yah.
m. Supernatural health – nothing affects your health detrimentally.
n. The ability to heal others – you lay hands on people and speak the will of Yah in their lives and they are instantly healed.
o. You KNOW the Will of Yah in your life and, as you mature, you know His will on Earth and you pray it into existence.
I have a lady friend who is just permanently joyful. She loves Yah and she wakes up in the morning and says good morning Yah and goes through the day, bubbling with positivity. There is so much wrong on the Earth but do you know what Yah actually wants done on the Earth?
I've had a couple of experiences where I've asked Yah what He wants to happen in specific situations. One was an election some years ago. And He said I want this one to win the election and remember that He can do nothing unless it is first spoken into reality by a human being, a live human being. So I got on my knees and I said "Father, I'm asking you to make this man president of this country." There was some supernatural intervention in the election process. He scraped in and became the president. And Father said to me, "It's not that I think he is a great guy. He is just going to cause more people to turn to me."
p. You are given messages to others and their response demonstrates the accuracy of your message. I've had experiences where I've gone up to a person and said, the Almighty says such and such and in one case they just stick with me. I gave the message to a woman, she cried out to her husband, "This man has got the word that we have been waiting for." It's so encouraging, it's so lifting.
q. In an advanced level it is possible for Yah to speak through you using your vocal chords.
I had one experience, I was really walking in a powerful anointing and Yah spoke through me to one man for about 20 minutes. I had no control other than shutting my mouth. And then the next man and the next man and the next man and then myself. So for about two or three hours, Yah just spoke through me and things came out of my mouth that I had absolutely no knowledge of and no way of knowing.
r. The ability to do great works – when you reach an advanced level of maturity, probably the consequence of at least one forty-day water only fast, you are able to raise the dead, walk on water, calm storms, translate (move instantaneously from one location to another) and do other great works.
s. At an advanced level if you are bitten by venomous snakes, stung by venomous scorpions or tricked or forced into drinking poison none of these things will in any way harm you.
t. You are able to do other things that you have read about in the Bible and other ancient texts and in modern texts.
In short, you become a powerhouse on Earth in the service of Yah!
What is in it for you?
Consider the above manifestations – is THAT something you desire to do? Would you like to have supernatural wisdom? Would you like everything to go smoothly in your life?
Would you like to be able to make a difference in the world, speak wisdom and Yah's words into society, into government, into business? You can make a difference on the Earth, in society locally and as you progress nationally and internationally.
The woman that I mentioned earlier, when I met her, had raised 19 people from the dead. She had on one occasion being delayed for a gathering of believers. She phone the head to say she would be two hours late. As she drove, she drove into a mist and few minutes later she drove out of the mist and she was at her destination. So she had travelled a 2-hour journey in about 5 or 10 minutes. And on occasion she was called in to speak to presidents, to speak to government groupings because they recognized that the Almighty was speaking through her and they wanted guidance.
Folks, that’s available to you if you decide you want it enough that you're prepared to change the way you live your life. Pray significantly daily. Worship significantly daily. Read about Yah significantly daily. Change your mental position and get filled with His spirit.
You WILL have to make sacrifices and focus on Yah rather than on worldly matters, but it WILL mean that you qualify for a significant position in Heaven after your death provided that you use the above gifts to the benefit of Yah’s Kingdom. See “Where are YOU headed?” at
The above briefly lists most of the points that I consider significant with regard to the Anointing.
I challenge you to seek a Power Anointing and draw close to Yah so that YOU can make a difference on the Earth.
As I said, the anointing is a precious jewel. At the time that I was first powerfully anointed, church didn’t recognize me. I didn't really understand what was happening to me. I went through a brutal divorce, I lost my anointing. Over the years that followed, I made a number of other mistakes and lost the anointing repeatedly. Once you've lost a particular anointing, you can't get it back. So I don't walk in that sort of anointing. I have an anointing for wisdom. I've an anointing for utterance. I've an anointing for writing, but I don't have the anointing for healing and things like that, which is sad because if I knew at the beginning of 1994 what I know today, I would have done a lot of things very differently back then, but I didn’t. I'm available to help you seek a power anointing and to help you to preserve it and nurture it and look after it. You've got my email address,, please email me and I will be happy to help you. There is a wealth of information on the
So that’s the end of that piece, we're going to pick up where we left off last week.
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 5
- What Indicators are there about Pleasing The Almighty?
I've made quite a lot of reference to the Bible in this particular piece, so I'm just going to carry on there, all my references are to the King James version of the Bible with names, etc., where there are translation errors corrected.
Colossians 1:18-20 states the following about Yahooshua:
"18 And he is the head of the body, the assembly {church}: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;
20 And, having made peace through the blood of his stake {cross}, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in Earth, or things in Heaven." (KJV)
Yahooshua is the FIRSTBORN from the dead.
Yahooshua is THE example of how a person can Overcome in this life in order to triumph, please the Almighty and sit on the HIGHEST throne next to the Almighty for Eternity.
Assembly, not church, church is a meaningless English word. Cross is a pagan symbol, he died on a stake, length of tree. So it's important to put Yahooshua in the right place in your mind.
Yahooshua is therefore THE example to follow. He has gone before and he has shown us how it can be done.
There is a whole lot of wrong thinking about Yahooshua is the way as he is some sort of portal into Heaven. No! He is the example. He showed us how we should live our lives, what we should do, spending time with Father, doing good works, etc. Yahooshua became the firstborn from the dead by suffering and DYING voluntarily despite having NEVER committed ANY sin as stated in Hebrews 4:15-16:
"15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (KJV)
So Yahooshua WAS tempted in ALL points like we are and yet he was able to do so without sinning.
Folks, this is so important to understand. One of the biggest things, if not the biggest thing that Yahooshua accomplished was that he lived for 33-1/2 years without committing a single sin. You may say, well, that’s amazing, that's impossible. Well, if you're filled with the spirit like I've just been talking, you can live a life without sin too. Father through His spirit in you will keep you from sinning, keep you from doing wrong. So you need to get clear on who Yahooshua is. He is not God. He is separate created being. He lived a life free of sin and because of that, death had no place for him.
In considering this point, it is really important to recognise that Yahooshua was a created being, the result of a creative miracle, and he lived life ENTIRELY as a human being.
The ONLY divinity in Yahooshua was the anointing of the set apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah that came upon Yahooshua when Yahoochanan {John} immersed him, the “Christ.” Christ means anointing of the Spirit of Yah or one anointed with the Spirit of Yah, depending on context. There is about three different Greek words all translated Christ.
Matthew 3:16 "And Yahooshua {Jesus}, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the Heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Yah descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:" (KJV, adjusted)
It's important to understand that Yahooshua lived first 30 years of his life without an anointing, without the infilling of the Spirit of Yah. The Spirit of Yah came upon him, when he was immersed in the Jordan by Yahoochanan at the age of approximately 30. It's so important. One of the sad things about the drama "The Chosen" is that they don't go into this, they don’t depict it, they don’t depict Yahooshua going into the wilderness for 40 days and fasting, and that is so central to who Yahooshua was and what Yahooshua accomplished. And it's important to realize if Yahooshua was God the whole thing was a hoax. He couldn’t have been God.
Yahooshua also repeatedly went apart to pray to the Almighty. Mark 6:46 "And when he [Yahooshua] had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray." (KJV)
Clearly, Yahooshua is not the Almighty, if he was he would not need to pray to the Almighty and he would not have said what he said in Matthew 27:46 "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My Beloved Mighty One , my Beloved Mighty One , why hast thou forsaken me?" (KJV, adjusted)
Yah had to take his spirit away from Yahooshua when he was on the stake because he couldn't have died with the full anointing that he had and the Spirit of Yah in him.
It is therefore POSSIBLE that we can aspire to live life to the standard that Yahooshua set. We may not succeed. However, we CAN aspire.
Remember that Yahooshua said "I go to my father so that you can do greater works than I did." So anything that Yahooshua did, it is possible for you to come to a level of anointing and level of relationship with Yah that you can raise the dead, heal the sick, heal the lepers, open blind eyes, open deaf ears, release dumb tongues, walk on water, do mighty works. It's totally available to you if you will seek it. And "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani, My Beloved Mighty One," mostly translated "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me." But Eli is a term of endearment towards Yah, means my Beloved Mighty One, oh my darling.
After all, Yahooshua stated in John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (KJV)
We CAN do GREATER works than Yahooshua did, IF we aspire to.
IF we are willing to pay the price!
We CAN Overcome to the end.
We CAN sit on High Thrones for Eternity.
IF we are willing to PAY the price.
A big if! I've touched on briefly earlier on this broadcast the sort of things you need to do – hours of praying. You will say "James, where am I going to find 2 hours a day to pray, 2 hours a day to read about Yah, 2 hours a day to worship, and then hold down my job, look after my family?" That’s why I said to you, if you get close to Yah, if you go all out for Yah, He will give you supernatural energy. You will only need 3 hours' sleep instead of 8 hours' sleep, so there you're, you scored the hours that you need. You will have to work upfront to get to that point, but He is there to meet you. He wants you to succeed. He wants to be part of your life. That's how you get to Him. You don't have to do this folks. You can just potter along doing whatever you're doing and be sort of desperately surprised when you get to the end of your life and Father says "Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you, and you never knew me."
Father wants a relationship with you. The only reason we exist is to have relationship with the Creator, that's why this whole thing is here, the universe, the solar system, the planets, the plants, the animals and us; we're here to have a relationship with Him.
- How do we Overcome? What is the Price?
In order to understand at some basic level what is required to Overcome and what the price is, we can consider all the people listed above with particular, but NOT exclusive, emphasis on Yahooshua.
In order to understand this and INTERPRET these experiences, reports, teachings, etc., there is a VERY important principle set out in 1 Corinthians 1:18-31: -- selected verses:
“19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
“20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not Yah made foolish the wisdom of this world?
“25 Because the foolishness of Yah is wiser than men; and the weakness of Yah is stronger than men.
“27 But Yah hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and Yah hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
It is really important to grasp that the Almighty's way of doing things is NOT the way of the world.
IF we desire to please the Almighty it is necessary that we be willing to live life VERY differently to the way we may have lived it up to now. In fact, it is probably accurate to say that there is no one on the Earth today who is truly living life the way the Almighty would like them to be living.
We know so little of the things of the Almighty today that there is an ENORMOUS amount for us to learn.
I've done a huge amount of learning after I came back to Father and He spoke to me in March '93. I really committed myself. I've spent tens of thousands of hours seeking to draw close to Him, praying, worshiping, reading, writing. I've written about 2,500 articles on the website. There is about 1,500 pages on the website, There is a huge amount of information there. It's all available to you and I encourage you to go for it.
Remember, the only reason the universe exists, the only reason that the solar system exists, the only reason that planet Earth exists, the only reason that the plants, the animals exist, the only reason that the human beings exist is because Father Yah was lonely and He wanted friends, He wanted people to talk to Him. If you're not making an effort to be His friend, then I've to ask you what's the point of your life? Why are you taking up space on the planet if you're not trying to become His friend? That’s the only reason that we are here, but almost nobody knows that and almost nobody is doing anything to get close enough to Him to become His friend, but it's there for you.
You pray right now "Father Yah, I want to become your friend." He will meet you where you are today, and He'll help you get there. Just say "Father, I ask you to help me to get there." Email me and I'll help you.
2024.02.23 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 6
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2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 6
Continuing to look at “How do we Overcome? What is the Price?”
What follows highlights some important points.
In Matthew 6:19-21, Yahooshua states:
"19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (KJV)
This is referring to the same principles addressed previously.
What Yahooshua is saying here is there is really no point in laying up worldly wealth if you don't do things that benefit Yah. So I'm touching on those things in this broadcast, I'm touching things on the website, but basically what we're looking at is what are you doing to earn yourself a place of high esteem in Heaven. And if the answer to that is "I'm not sure or I don't think I'm," then you might want to rethink, because this is your opportunity to make a huge difference on the Earth.
We are advised to do works that will withstand the fire and that will result in being Overcomers on the Day of Judgment.
In considering this, it is important to consider that the very word "Overcomer" implies that there will be adversity and that it will not be easy.
The reward is so GREAT precisely because it is NOT easy.
So the world is dominated by Satanic and Demonic forces. Satanic being Messengers/Angels that followed Satan when he rebelled. Demonic being Demons/Ancestor Spirits/the spirits of human beings who did not serve Yah, who did not believe in Yah and who died on Earth as unbelievers and currently there is over 100 billion of those. So the world is crawling with demons, it's crawling with Satanic messengers – what are you doing to combat that? What are you doing to bring the Kingdom of Yah to Earth? What are you doing to bring joy to your Father in Heaven? What are you doing to change the status quo?
Right now there is a vanishingly small number of people who are truly close to Yah on the Earth today. There are not many more who at some modicum of serving Him. It's no more than few hundred thousand and perhaps another million or so who at some people believe in Him. And another chunk who believe but do nothing about it and end up in the Outer Darkness. So you might want to think about that.
It's important to recognize that the reward that Yahooshua received was so great precisely because it is NOT easy to live a life without sin, to please the Father, to do the Father's will ALL the time and then to DIE a terrible and agonizing death by CHOICE!
So, when Yahooshua tells us in Matthew 10:38, Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Mark 10:21 and Luke 14:27 that we should take up our stake {cross} and follow him, it is prudent to take his advice seriously.
When I refer to that, Yahooshua is seated on the right hand of the Father in Heaven. He is massively glorious and massively powerful. He can follow multiple conversations on Earth simultaneously. He can be in multiple locations on Earth simultaneously. He can do mighty works but he is constrained because like Yah, he has to work through human beings. So the question is will you be a human being through which Yah and Yahooshua can work? Or will you just potter along, doing whatever it is that you've been doing up till now and then be very very disappointed when you die, and you realize what you might have been?
Consider particularly MattihYahoo {Matthew} 16:24-27:
"24 Then said Yahooshua {Jesus} unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his stake {cross}, and follow me.
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works." (KJV, adjusted)
This entire passage contains a number of very profound and very challenging statements.
In 1994 with a group of men in Malawi, Father spoke through me to each one of the four of us for about 20 minutes through my mouth and He called me to the death of the cross, I didn’t know about the stake in those days. But I've to tell you it's not fun. But I sincerely believe that there is a significant reward waiting for me when I die, if I can run the race to completion and not lose it. And that's there for you. There is nothing that I've done that you couldn't do, apart from sending Satan to the pit I guess. But you are able to qualify to sit on a high throne next to Yahooshua or close to Yahooshua or sit on a high throne if you put your back into it. If you do what's needed in order to qualify for that. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, you can start today.
We are told to deny ourselves, take up OUR stake {cross} and FOLLOW (do like) Yahooshua. Follow has got a connotation that a lot of people miss. Do like Yahooshua. Live your life like Yahooshua. Get full of the Spirit of Yah and go out and do things on the Earth to change things on the Earth.
We are told that if we try and save our lives in a worldly way, we will lose our souls and we are told there is something we CAN give in exchange for our souls – the essence of what this message is about.
We are told that Yahooshua WILL come and we will all be rewarded ACCORDING to our works.
If one really considers deeply what this is saying, it is profoundly challenging.
Take up your stake {cross} and do like Yahooshua. Make a difference on the Earth. Right now, I suspect you might agree with me if I say that the world is in a pretty right mess and there is every indication that it is going to get a lot worse and there's really not much indication that it's ever going to get better. Father said to me some time ago that in 200 years if nothing changes, the world will be as dark as during the darkest times of the dark ages – wars, persecution, pogroms, inquisitions, wars, nuclear wars – are you happy for that to happen? Do you feel there is nothing you can do about it? I'm telling you there's something you can do about it and that’s what this message is about.
I have certainly come to understand increasingly that what I have understood about this passage and many of the others quoted in this document, was very shallow and that there is MUCH more that is expected of us.
The piece about "he who seeks to save his life shall lose it," I have found to be much more far reaching.
It applies to ANYTHING that we seek to hold onto in our own strength, our possessions, our family, ANYTHING that we try and force to remain with us rather than trusting the Almighty to either restore it to us or not, as He pleases.
Last week I did a bit of a detour and talked about the anointing and I talked about the manifestations of the anointing on somebody who's really got close to Father, talked about divine guidance, I talked about divine healing, I talked about divine wisdom and so many other attributes of one who is really close to Father and filled with His spirit. I made the point that is available to you. If you read the article on Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah, if you do everything that I'm advising you to do, you can come to a place of deep connection with the Creator and great power and authority, such that you can change things. If you've ever heard of the Welsh Revival or the revival from Azusa Street or other major revivals, but those two in particular, it is available to you to impact the Earth greater than was the case with either of those two men.
Abraham sacrificing Isaac and Yahooshua laying down his life are two classic examples. Isaac was restored to Abraham and Yahooshua gained eternal life and the highest throne in Heaven next to the throne of the Almighty through his obedience.
In order to start seeking to better understand what is being referred to here, consider again Matthew 6:19-21 referred to above where Yahooshua advises us to "lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven."
This passage is preceded by Matthew 5:1-6:18 – selected verses
“1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the Earth.
6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see Yah.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of Yah.
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law (Commandments), or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law (Commandments), till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.
So how do you want your life to pan out? Would you like to be called "great" in the Kingdom of Heaven? Or do you want to be least and there is another verse which says that people can do mighty works in the name of Yahooshua and they come before the judgment seat, they say Adonai Adonai, and He looks at them and says "Depart from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you."
So if you're using the names God, the Lord, Jesus, the grace for those errors is long since gone. The Lord correctly is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, God is correctly the Almighty, Jesus is correctly Yahooshua, Y-A-H-O-O-S-H-U-A. Yah is salvation. If you're not using those correct names and you're worshiping Jesus and worshiping the Bible, you're going to have a really unpleasant shock when you get to Heaven, if only you can get there.
“39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."
“44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”
Have you ever tried that? It's a challenge.
All the verses that begin "blessed are" are very challenging, particularly the verse about "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." We are told that there is a great reward for this.
So what are we saying? If you are really going out of your way to serve Yah, to preach His good news, to tell people that the real truth, it's likely that people aren’t going to like you very much, because you're going to be threatening their demonic comforts zones.
There are many other passages above that are very difficult, like loving our enemies, turning the other cheek, etc.
Consider also Ephesians 5:22-25:
"22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as the anointed one {Christ = Yahooshua} is the head of the body of Believers {church}: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the body of Believers {church} is subject unto the anointing of the set apart Spirit of Yah {Christ NOT Yahooshua}, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, love your wives, even as the anointed one {Christ = Yahooshua} also loved the body of Believers {church}, and gave himself for it;" (KJV, adjusted)
Wives are told to submit to their husbands in EVERYTHING.
Husbands are told to love their wives the way Yahooshua loved the body of Believers AND gave himself for it.
In other words - wives submit to your husbands even if they beat you.
Husbands love your wives even if they strive with you and beat you!
So it's reciprocal. There is huge error in so many societies on Earth today about the way men put women down and treat them badly and force them to dress in ways that are demeaning quite frankly, from where I sit that won't allow them to be educated that won't allow them to have good jobs, that beat them, this female genital mutilation. It's horrible folks what men are doing to women all over the world, even in so-called civilized societies, whatever that means, you treat women badly a lot of the time.
Consider also 1 Peter 2:1-3:22 – selected verses:
“11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify Yah in the day of visitation.
Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for Yah the Eternally Self-Existing's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;”
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
15 For so is the will of Yah, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:"
Now a lot of believers, particularly Christians, don't get that particular piece. Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, whether be to the king or the president or the prime minister or governor or members of parliament or government officials, as unto them that are sent by Him for the punishment of evildoers.
There is something you need to understand. There are a lot of good people on Earth who are not serving Yah. And if you're a believer, you're required to obey the laws of your country. And if you really have a problem with that and the laws are unjust, well then, it's a problem, it's a challenge; you might see if you can go somewhere else.
“18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward Yah endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? But if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with Yah. For even hereunto were ye called: because the anointed one {Christ = Yahooshua} also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
It's heavy stuff folks. How much of this are you compliant with? I've been walking this road for 31 years nearly and I have to say when I re-read this article, I get the nasty sense that I'm not doing as well as I could be. It's a big thing. Man for conscience towards Yah endure grief, suffering wrongfully. Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the forward, the bad-tempered, the unreasonable, the unjust and so forth. There is a principle there that if you're in submission, you can change things.
1 “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:"
It's a pretty robust set of requirements here. I wonder how well you score. There is a lot of men who take wives being subjection to their husbands and completely misinterpreted. I touched on this a minute ago, it's close to my heart. I am very clear that there are many more women in Heaven than men, that there are a lot of men in Heaven who are under the authority of women, and that there is a huge amount being done on Earth against women that is absolutely unconscionable.
“14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
17 For it is better, if the will of Yah be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
18 For the anointed one {Christ} also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to Yah, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:"
Again, some enormously challenging verses.
We are advised to follow after Yahooshua and to suffer for doing good, no matter how unjustly we are treated.
There is a point here, don’t go out of your way looking for suffering. It is possible to walk in the fullness of the power of the Spirit of Yah, with full protection – no weapon formed against you shall prosper – every tongue that rise against you in unrighteous judgment will be refuted – messengers encamp around me to protect me. If you're free of sin, you don’t necessarily have to have all these things. The thing about Yahooshua that you need to realize is he went out of his way, he came to Earth to die the way he died. He went out of his way in the last 6, 12 months of his ministry to get up the noses of the high priest and the Pharisees and the doctors of the law, etc. He called them vipers. He called them whitewashed walls. He overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple. He provoked them to kill him, because he had to die that way in order to fulfil his mission on Earth.
Returning to the verses we have just read...
Wives are advised to submit to their husbands without a word, EVEN if their husbands treat them the way Yahooshua was treated when he was taken prisoner and put to death. So wives arguing with, questioning or judging their husbands is NOT an option.
We are all advised to submit to the authorities whether they are just or unjust. So, Believers opposing the government of the day (other than democratically), or condemning the government of the day or leading protest marches or "freedom fighters" does not fit.
There is a big component embedded in all of this which relates simply to UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (Chesed).
And as I've said, there is a reciprocal clause. Husbands chesed, love your wives, as Yahooshua loved the church, the assembly, the body of believers. Remember it was the church, the formal religious orders that were responsible for Yahooshua being murdered. It wasn’t some ragtag bunch of whatever, it was the church who dragged him before Pilates and demanded his execution, that beat him. So husbands love your wife even if she drags you before the authorities and beats you and demands a death sentence for you. It's reciprocal. You can't treat your wife badly and then expect Yah to be pleased with you. So those of you who are doing that, I suggest you wake up because you've got a serious problem.
Unconditional love to wife, to husband, to neighbours, to enemies - there are NO EXCUSES, NO explanations, NO justifications ONLY LOVE! Note that “love” is more correctly “covenant love” or “Chesed” in Hebrew.
Summed up by Yahooshua's words on the stake {cross} "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Can you say that with regard to the people who have treated you badly? Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
Luke 23:33-34:
"33 And when they were come to the place, which is called Golgotha {Calvary}, there they executed him on a stake {crucified him}, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 34 Then said Yahooshua {Jesus}, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." (KJV, adjusted)
He's been brutally beaten, lashed until the flesh was peeling off his back, crown of thrones rammed into his head, course, crude pieces of steel hammered there his hands and his feet, hanging there in anguish, naked, bleeding, thirsty, tormented, and he says "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 defines charity or covenant love (Greek Agape, Hebrew Chesed) – selected verses:
“4 Chesed suffereth long, and is kind; chesed envieth not; chesed vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."
8 Chesed never dies {faileth}: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.”
In many respects, verses 4 to 7 summarise much of what has been presented in the last few minutes.
Suffereth long and is kind, envieth not. It's not puffed up. Does not behave unseemly, seeketh not her own, not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, rejoiceth in the truth. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Chesed never dies, it never fails.
So for men and women make love, covenant love within a covenant relationship {marriage}, their love will last forever for eternity, even when then are in Heaven, or if you join yourself to an unbeliever, you might end up in Heaven, deeply in love with a person who's on Earth as an ancestor spirit or demon, trapped in their grave – you don't want to get involved sexually with unbelievers.
Much of this may seem simple, one may even pay "lip service" to many of these principles.
However, in my own experience, I very seldom manage to walk in much of this for very long and it increasingly is apparent that most Believers experience the same difficulty.
This becomes particularly apparent when one chooses to walk in the difficult truths that not many people are talking about AND then finds oneself being attacked verbally and spiritually.
Think about it folks. There is a chunk of what I've read out in the last 30 minutes or so, spoken by Yahooshua, a man who died a terrible death. It's mind-boggling to imagine him hanging there, pull himself up so that he can breathe and the pain, the agony, he let's go and then the agony in his feet and he pushes up, up and down, gasping for breath, bleeding, ridiculed, reviled, Father forgive them, they don't know what they're doing. Check it out.
Fundamentally, it seems that the essence of this message is about really understanding WHY those who sit on thrones for Eternity are referred to as "Overcomers." Grasping what that means in one's own life. At least at some basic level. And then choosing to live life that way anyway - which means first and foremost praying prayers like:
"Father please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it."
"Father please judge me severely and correct me harshly so that i may serve you more perfectly."
If you really are serious about serving Yah, that is a really important prayer to pray. Trust Yah that you won't be judged beyond what you can endure. I've had some judgments, couple of motorcar accidents of various severity, couple of fractured teeth in one case which went septic and intense agony for nearly a week before it was correctly treated. It wakes you up. Makes you decide to stay on track.
"Father please help me to lead a life that is pleasing to you in every way, every day."
Help us to bring you joy, we pray that every day. If you pray those three prayers, it will help to get you on track. It might take a bit of time, it might take somewhat unpleasant experiences, but it will get you on track.
So that’s all I have time for today. I will continue with this teaching next week. As I said, I think there is probably about another six or seven broadcasts following through on the subject, "Where will you spend eternity?"
2024.03.01 Yah's Calendar and Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-7
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2024.02.06 Yah’s Calendar for 2024 – Please Diarize
Every year I publish Yah’s Calendar, the dates of this year that are important to the Creator so that you can observe the Special Sabbaths that He has ordained for us. Father’s calendar is based on the lunar cycles and therefore does NOT correlate directly with the world’s calendar.
I encourage you to take these Sabbaths seriously and observe them strictly IF your relationship with Father means anything to you. These are ALL HIGH SABBATHS, i.e. you observe them as you would the Saturday Sabbath but more strictly and with more discipline regarding worship, etcetera – see “2022.03.01 The Essence of my Message Regarding Sabbath Observance” at
So folks, first thing to understand is that originally the Earth was a perfect sphere. The surface of the Earth was uniform. There were exactly 360 days in a year. There were exactly 12 moon cycles in a year. Then along came the Flood, an comet in the Kuiper belt rammed into the planet, knocked the planet off its axis, deflected it in its orbit around the sun, and caused the Earth to split open. A consequence of that was that we moved to 365 and a quarter a few decimals days per year and roughly 13 moon cycles or 12 and some number of days of moon cycles per year. The result that these days, which are based on the lunar calendar fluctuates from year-to-year which is I rely on the resource in South Africa, Qodesh Books who do a special study to get the dates right and I trust that they are the right dates Father has shown me. So we will go on and talk a little bit more about this now.
I take the dates from the Calendar published by Qodesh Books in South Africa which I regard as a reliable source, see Qodesh means set-apart, holy.
All Sabbaths are from Sunrise to Sunrise except Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which is Sunset to Sunset.
I can't tell you why Yom Kippur is the exception. It just is. And I just take it that way. The key thing here is these dates that I'm going to share with you, are very important in Yah's calendar. Generally if He is going to do anything significant on the Earth, He will do it on one of these days or associated with one of these days. And that’s important to understand. He doesn't that in people's lives as what I've had significant things happen on some of these key dates. It doesn't mean that He can't do things the rest of the year. The main thing here is they are important. If you really care about serving Yah, you will strictly observe these six high Sabbaths, and by strictly observe I mean no commercial work, no housework, no shopping, none of the things that you can do the rest of the week. You've got Sunday to do the shopping, etc. You shouldn’t be doing that on the Saturday and so on and so forth.
So the reward that Yahooshua received was so great, so I'm going to carry on now and talk about the individual days. The first one in the annual cycle, it's the first according to the worldly calendar and it's the first according to Yah's calendar. Yah's new year begins two weeks before Passover, but I'm not going to talk about that.
1. Pesach (Passover) – Monday 25th of March 2024 – the day before the slaying of the First Born of Egypt and the flight of Yisrael from Egypt, also the day after Yahooshua died – see for more information.
Fundamentally what happened there, Yah told Moshe {Moses} to tell the people to slaughter a lamb, take the blood of the lamb, put it on the door posts and the lintels of their house and to have to roast the lamb and eat it under specific conditions. Yahooshua celebrated that feast with his followers and the next morning he was betrayed and executed. So it's a really important day to observe with very considerable respect. I recognize and remember the offering, the sacrifice that Yahooshua made, give thanks for that, take the bread and wine, communion, you might call it the holy sacraments, other people call it.
2. Shavuot (Pentecost) – Sunday 19th of May 2024 – Yah came down on Mount Sinai and gave the Ten Commandments. It's also the day on which the Set-Apart Spirit was given to the followers of Yahooshua in the Upper Room after Yahooshua had ascended up into Heaven – see for more information.
Generally if Father is going to do something that involves pouring out His spirit on some individual, some group of people, He is particularly inclined to do that at Shavuot. If you're not spirit filled, you don’t have to wait to Shavuot. You can ask Him right now "Father in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to fill me with your spirit, I ask you to come and dwell in me."
The first step is just to believe in Yah. Say "Father, I believe that you exist. Please accept me as your child." The next step which can follow immediately or sometime in the future if you didn't do that in the first place is what I've just said, "Father, I ask you to come and dwell in me with your set-apart spirit. Make me yours, fill me with your spirit, lead me and guide me, help me to be your servant, help me to be your son or daughter or your child." It's so important.
If you really are committed to serving Father, you need to be filled with His spirit and you need to observe Shavuot as a very important set-apart day that you spend worshiping and serving Yah.
3. Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets) – Thursday 5th September 2024 – sound the Ram’s Horn Trumpet (Shofar). You can purchase such a Trumpet (Shofar) on Amazon – see
So, ideally blow the trumpets which can be a bit disruptive for your neighbours, so don’t blow it for very long. As I say, you can order a ram's horn trumpet from Amazon, I can't say for sure you can today, but certainly I got one about 5-6 years ago.
So trumpets is the day of rejoicing, it's the day of shouting, it's the day of tearing down strongholds and really just celebrating Yah. It's a feast and it's time to draw close to Him, as all these days are time to daw close to Him.
There is a lot less written about Yom Teruah than there is about the other days, and I've never really researched it in a lot of detail, but what I do is I observe it as a strict Sabbath. I take leave from work. I don't work on those days. I put them in my calendar right at the beginning of the year. So when I put together the email on which this presentation is based, I put those dates in my calendar and I am scrupulous about not making customer appointments, cloud appointments on those days, and you shall be too; you should put it in your calendar, take leave if you're in salaried employment and worship Yah.
4. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) – Friday 13th September 2024 Sunset to Saturday 14th September Sunset – water only fast, no food, no tea, no coffee, just plain water, it's the most set-apart {Holiest} day in the year – see for more information.
Having said that, when I fast, I take a small portion of matzos unleavened bread, dried unleavened bread, and a portion of a glass of red grape juice and I observe and I remember and rehearse the covenant of Yahooshua based on what he said to those who followed him the night before he was betrayed. And I encourage you to do that and in that you make a declaration of your commitment to Yah. You ask Him for any specific and any special favours or grants that you may have to ask Him. And generally you use it as a time of really dealing with your sin. That’s Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement.
One of the things that Yahooshua did was to introduce a new offering for atonement. See the article on the Miracle of the Death of Yahooshua to understand what I'm talking about. But basically, Yom Kippur is about dealing with all you sin, getting close to Father, afflicting yourself with fasting, and saying "Father, I want to get closer to you. I want to do your will. I'm repenting the wrong that I've done and all the things I've not done that I should have done."
5. First Day of Sukkot (First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles) – Thursday 19th September 2024 – feast day, birth of Yahooshua – celebrate INSTEAD of Christmas – see for more information.
Now, the thing here folks, is that you should not be observing Christmas. Christmas is an abomination in the Sight of Yah, it's when the whole world worships Satan. But you can say, but we worship Jesus and God and the Lord and what have you on Christmas. Folks, I have to say to you, back in 2000 when I went on ten 3-day fasts at 10-day intervals seeking truth, I learned about Christmas, I went to Father, and said "Father, is this important? Should we stop observing Christmas?" He said "Yes, it's abomination to me." We sort of observe Christmas because we only asked at the last minute and it was a mess. I've never observed Christmas since then. Grieved by what I see in the world, people with Christmas trees which are Asherah poles, all sorts of bobbles and bangles, which have demonic significance. That year that I just mentioned to you, we were sitting in the lounge on a Christmas day praying and my young son said to me "Daddy that troll is looking at me!" And sure enough, there was a troll decoration on the Christmas tree. There was a demon in it and you could see the demon looking out through the eyes of the troll. We took the troll outside and we burnt it. We took the Christmas tree outside and we burnt it and we never observed Christmas again. It's an abomination. It's Satan's high feast day.
Christmas is the day when Satan laughs the hardest and the longest at Yah because he is basically saying "See how even the people who claim to believe in you worship me on Christmas Day." Folks, if you celebrate on Christmas Day, you are worshiping Satan. It's as brutal as that. If you think it's important to remember the birth of Yahooshua, then do that on the First Day of Sukkot, the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, have a feast like you would have on Christmas, so you can have roast turkey and whatever and whatever and whatever. You can give gifts, don't have a tree please, it's an Asherah, it's abomination in the Sight of Yah. And you can do all the good things that you might have done on Christmas Day you can do on the First Day of Sukkot.
6. Great Day of Sukkot (Great (eighth day) Day of Feast of Tabernacles) – Thursday 26th September 2024 – Great Feast – Yahooshua circumcised – see for more information.
Folks, if you don't have a big party on the first day, then definitely have a big party on the eighth day. Sukkot remembers how for 40 years the Israelites lived in the wilderness. It's the time to rejoice in your love of Yah, if you love Yah of course. It's a day to celebrate your belief. It's a day to celebrate whatever Yah has done in your life in the past year. It's a bit of a harvest festival in a way, so you can also integrate that sort of thinking in that. Give thanks for everything that you've earned and received during the year. Folks, it should be the greatest feast of the year, in the same that Yom Kippur should be the greatest fast of the year.
Conclusion – Book these dates
Please diarize these dates and book leave from work now. It is really important to observe these Sabbaths. I strongly recommend that where these days occur on a business day that you book annual leave for each date. I will suggest you do that right now for the whole year. It's only six days and several of them this year are over weekend.
Please feel free to email me at if you have questions or comments. Go to the website, there is a lot of material there.
So I want to carry on and let's continue to look at...
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Part 7
I'm just picking up where I left off last week. I'm juxtaposing going through this entire eBook with other things which seem timeous and relevant at this stage.
Another very important prayer - based on Galatians 2:20 "Father please let me be put to death with Yahooshua; nevertheless let me live; yet not i, but let the anointing of your set apart Spirit live in me: and the life which i now live in the flesh let me live by the faith of Yahooshua who loved me, and gave himself for me." (based on the KJV)
Galatians 2:20 reads "I am put to death {crucified} with the anointed one {Christ = Yahooshua}: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ NOT Yahooshua} liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of Yah, who loved me, and gave himself for me." (KJV, adjusted)
Father's name is Yah, elaborated as Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, which is often transliterated as Yahweh or more correctly, Yahooeh. He is not God, He is not the Lord. There was grace for those names in the past, but they are pagan names. It's an insult to call Him the Lord or God. The word translated Lord is actually Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. And Yahooshua, he is not Jesus. Again, there was grace for Jesus, but that's gone long past. It's an insult to call him Jesus, it means blessed by Zeus, Zeus is a demonic God.
So, "Father, please let me be put to death with Yahooshua, nevertheless let me live yet not I let the anointing of your set-apart spirit live in me and the life which I now live in the flesh let me live by the faith of Yahooshua who love me and gave himself for me." You don’t have to pray exactly as Galatians 2:20 and adapt it as you see fit. It's a very powerful prayer, and it should be prayed with caution.
Only pray this prayer IF you are REALLY committed AND you are in a stable relationship – the above prayer can literally kill you in time if you pray it regularly and then get into sin, join yourself to someone sexually who is NOT anointed, get into fear, depression, anger, etc.
And then:
PRAY whatever the Spirit of the Almighty leads you to pray.
So what I would share with you back in 2010 some things happened, I missed it on a couple of key things. I decided to go on seven 3-day fasts at weekly intervals which I've done seven times in the last 30 years or last 20 years actually and which is a really important way of cleaning up your act and getting close to Father. That’s 3 days water only plus small amount of bread and wine morning and evening, declaration of what you're committing the fast to. And then just go about your daily life. Spend as much time worshiping, etc., as you can, seeking truth.
So 7 times for 7 weeks I prayed morning and evening and took communion – Father put me to death with Yahooshua – prayer that I've just shared with you. It worked. I could hear Father much more clearly. Problem was, I was single at the time, I subsequently married a woman who for various reasons didn't fully agree with me, at a point she betrayed me. The spiritual torment and tension and trauma that I experienced as a consequence of that tore me apart. I lost my anointing and I very nearly died because I was dead with Yahooshua and it was the Spirit of Yah, the anointing that was holding me together.
Since then it happened a couple more times in various ways, I'm not going to go into that, and each time I've nearly died. Pulled back from the brink, today I battle with tiredness, I don't have a lot of energy, I just soldier on. So don’t pray that prayer until you are in a union with somebody who is really going to back you up in it and understands the significance of getting into strife and fear, etc. with you. If you don’t have such a partner and you're single, then you need to decide that you're going to remain single. If you're not going to remain single, don't do it. Wait until you have a life partner that you trust, that you can rely on to back you up absolutely to the full, not to betray you, not to get into fear, not to get into anger. It's heavy stuff folks. If you really, really want to serve Father deeply, these are things you can do. This is not for anyone who just sort of feels like a bit of a prayer or something. This is for somebody who is saying "You know what Father, I want to get so close to you that I stop making stupid mistakes. I want to get so close to you that I have the ability to minister to people in a powerful way."
DO whatever the Spirit of the Almighty leads you to do, no matter how uncomfortable, how unconventional, how much you don't want to do it, how much it offends you or hurts you or upsets your friends or your family or your wife or whatever.
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight:" (KJV)
As I've said, this is for people who are taking this thing very seriously. This is for somebody who is doing regular fasts and really, really, really wants to get close to Father.
Proverbs 3:5-8
"5 Trust in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and depart from evil.
8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones." (KJV, adjusted)
There is so much that we do not even begin to understand in terms of what we're talking about here folks. But it's pretty fundamental. If you're serious about Yah, if you desire to be in a place of esteem in Heaven for eternity, then you need to trust in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing with all thine heart, lean not unto thine own understanding. There is a commandment love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength. It doesn't leave space to love Jesus or anyone else or your pastor. You can chesed them, treat them with respect, covenant love, but true deep chesed, love, should be reserved for Yah. Yes, there is a different sort of love between man and wife. There is a different sort of love between family members, but the fundamental truth is love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.
We cannot figure this out in our own understanding or based on what we see with our natural minds.
We can only accomplish anything of worth in this life if we choose to be TOTALLY led by the Spirit of the Almighty and do the best we can each day to hear His voice, be led by His Spirit, to seek His guiding hand, etc.
If you are a person who truly believes that Yah is important, that Yahooshua is important, then I have to say to you that both Yah and Yahooshua expect you to make a real effort to get close to them and to do what they want you to do in this life. And that probably means that you're going to have some full-time employment to pay the bills and then you're going to have your ministry on top of that. If you're willing to go out by emunah, by faith, and trust Yah to provide for you and just go out and start telling the world about Yah, by all means do it; just understand it's up to you, it's up to you emunah, your faith, whether you succeed or not.
The more that we can come to a realisation that we can do NO GOOD THING in our own strength, the more we are likely to please Him and come to close relationship with Him. Consider Isaiah 64:6 "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." (KJV)
There is much more that could be written, however, it is hoped that this gives some indication.
There is also a piece that we're not glove puppets. There is an article on the website about the biggest error that's affecting committed believers. We have to exercise our will. We have to exercise our mind. Father didn't give us to be little puppets that do what He does. He is not oppressive in that sense. He wants us to be led by His Spirit in terms of the way we live our lives and our obedience to Him and His commandments, etc. But He also wants us to exercise our will in terms of our service to Him. It's an act of the will to say "I will worship Yah alone." It's an act of the will to say, "I repent of worshiping Jesus, I repent of worshiping the Bible. I repent. I repent. I repent. I repent." All of that is an act of the will. The Spirit of Yah will help you to do that but at the end of the day, you have to make the choices. In the same way, if you are stuck in God and the Lord and Christ and Jesus, and you're saying "Well brother, tell me where is the Scripture?"
The Bible is full of gross translation errors. It is not the LORD, it is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. The translation is corrupt. It's not God. It's the Almighty/Mighty One depending on context. The translation is a mess. It's not Christ. It's the anointing of the Spirit of Yah on the person or it's one anointed with the Spirit of Yah, again depending on context.
If you are going around with Jesus, God, and the Lord, you are in a bad place. When you die, if you go to Heaven, you're going to find yourself in front of the judgment seat and Father is going to send you to Hell to get your tongue cleaned up for all the profanities that you speak out using those names.
10 Some Challenging Passages from The Final Quest
Insofar as many do not consider the book, "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner to have the same authority as the texts from the Bible cited above, it was considered appropriate to cite passages from The Final Quest in a separate section.
Commentary regarding The Final Quest – January 2024:
Since writing the above I have concluded that “The Final Quest” while it contains errors, is of comparable value to the “Bible” and should be read and engaged with by all Believers.
When I was still reading the Bible, I used to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation or Bereshith to Revelation and then I used to read The Final Quest and The Call. If you've not read The Final Quest, I encourage you to do so. I have doctrinal concerns with regard to certain passages in The Final Quest and The Call, but the writer has been told by the Almighty that much of what is presented in "The Final Quest" is based on information given by the Almighty in a series of visions. "The Final Quest" is therefore a valid and valuable resource from which we can prayerfully increase our understanding of the Kingdom of the Almighty, His way of doing things and that which is still to come, particularly the Day of Judgment.
In the text that follows, various quotes and summaries from "The Final Quest" are presented in support of the overall thesis of this article.
All quotations and references are from the 1996 printing by Whitaker House, 30 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068. ISBN: 0-88368-478-0. The book is available in many bookstores and over the Internet, including at Eagle Star Ministries, the ministry of Rick Joyner, at and at It is also available at
Scanned Copy of The Final Quest with James Robertson Notes PDF on the ETI Bible Version section on the website – this is the version on which the commentary that follows is based – page numbers and paragraph numbers correspond to the scanned document.
An editable version of The Final Quest is available at the same location
The Final Quest is also published on the website in PDF format and DOCX format, so that you can actually take it down and make your own notes.
There is also a copy of the same text, the original text, which I've annotated, I've corrected words like Jesus with Yahooshua, with God with Almighty, with Lord with Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and so forth. And I've put commentary on what I think is important because there is a lot of metaphor, there is a lot of symbolic content in the book. For example, shooting arrows, where the arrows are actually words and that's not directly evident, you got to figure that out. So I've explained all of those things. I've put in sentence numbering so that you can send somebody a reference to The Final Quest and cite sections number, verse number. So it's all there on the website.
I want to stress to you folks, the only reason we exist is because Father was lonely and He spent a huge amount of time and effort to create this entire universe, to create this solar system, to create this planet Earth, to create the plants and the animals so that it was a pleasant place to live. Then He created us. The only reason He created us was because He wanted people to talk to and work with Him and invent things with Him and do things with Him. So I have to say to you why are you not doing that? What are you doing with all of your life? If you are not actively seeking to hear Father? To speak to Father? To see what He sees, to feel what He feels. To pray His will on Earth. To get close to Him, to get free of sin, to strive for a high throne for eternity. You're missing the entire point of what you're doing on this planet. I can't stress that enough.
There is only one reason why you, who are listening to me right now, not the person on either side of you or behind you or above you, whatever. Not your pastor or your priest or you imam or you rabbi or whatever. Forget all of that. Seek a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. That’s what this life is all about. I urge you to go for it now. Email me, I'll help you.
2024.03.08 The Chosen Amplified and Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 8
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2024.02.07 The Chosen Amplified and Where will YOU Spend Eternity Part 8
If you have not yet watched the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about the life of Yahooshua and the 12 Followers {Disciples] that he chose, I recommend it.
Having said that, there are some important details about Yahooshua that have been missed and to that end I am delivering this broadcast to amplify those key things that I consider important to know about Yahooshua.
This series has become quite a phenomenon so you may well have heard of it and quite possibly watched it. So far, there have been 3 seasons, each of 8 episodes. Season 4 has just started in movie cinemas.
The past episodes are available on YouTube – first two episodes at – the remaining episodes follow.
There is also an App if you are watching on your phone (more convenient than YouTube) – go to the Play Store on an Android phone or the App Store on Apple and type in “The Chosen” and the app should be displayed to download, it is free of charge.
Sadly, there are some items that I regard as absolutely critical to understanding Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus} that are missed:
1. The role of the Spirit that became Yahooshua in Creation.
2. The details of the conception and birth of Yahooshua through a virgin.
3. The immersion of Yahooshua by Yahoochanan the Immerser {John the Baptist} with Yah speaking and commending Yahooshua and the Spirit of Yah coming upon Yahooshua.
Yahooshua spending 40 days in the Wilderness fasting and contesting with Satan.
This is discussed in more detail now.
5. The role of Yah is largely downplayed to the point of being ignored.
6. The program is all done in the names God, Jesus, etc.
7. Artistic license.
1. The role of the Spirit that became Yahooshua in Creation
In understanding Yahooshua, it is important to understand that the Spirit being that was imparted to the human embryo that became the man Yahooshua was the Spirit of the first spirit being created by Yah. This being was Yah’s assistant, effectively Chief Operating Officer, throughout the process of Creation, so he came to Earth with deep knowledge of what was going on and the nature of The Contest and the day-to-day spiritual battles on Earth. He also had a deep knowledge of the errors he would encounter as well as a deep knowledge of how he would die. He had watched numerous offenders executed at Golgotha!
Refer to “2020.10.01 The miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua – where, how and what” at for more information about Yahooshua.
This knowledge and experience meant that from the moment of birth Yahooshua had an authoritative view of what was happening around him and so he went into his ministry with a very authoritative posture which is not presented in The Chosen.
Folks, this is really, really important. There is a brief reference in the Good News, the Gospel of Yahoochanan {John} to Yahooshua being with Yah at the beginning. It's very obscure. There are one or two other teases to the same effect. The fact is that Yahooshua was actively involved in every facet of the process of creating the universe, creating our solar system, creating our planet Earth, creating the plants, creating the animals, and creating human beings. He knew exactly what was going on. He knew about all the error and deception and wrong thinking of the Scribes and the Pharisees and the High Priests. He knew about Roman justice, he knew that it was Roman practice to take offenders out of the city of Jerusalem, nail them into a stake (not a cross), the cross is a meaningless incorrect translation. If you look at any good concordance you will find that the word translated cross is in fact the word stake.
So he came to Earth with his eyes open and knowing full well what was going to happen. He worked and collaborated with Yah to plan what would happen down to the last detail. He came with a couple of objectives. Number one, live a life without sin. Number two, draw people back to Yah and particularly make a way for new impartation of the Spirit of Yah to individual believers who were not of the priestly and Levitical line. Number three, to provoke and irritate and annoy the high priests and the scribes and the Pharisees to such a point that they would eventually call for his death. Number four, to die without sinning and so qualify for the highest throne in Heaven next to Yah, where he is seated at the right hand of the Father, waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool.
This is so important to understand. The Chosen does not present Yahooshua as the authoritative man that I believe that he was. He becomes more authoritative towards the end of Season 3, but as I have it, he was authoritative right from day zero.
2. Details of the conception and birth of Yahooshua through a virgin
The book of Luke 1:5 – 2:7 in the Bible is presented in Appendix A of the article The Chosen Amplified on the website and the text is taken from the ETI Version from the ETI Version page on the website.
This sets out in detail a number of events foreshadowed in the historical writings and foretellings leading up to the birth of Yahooshua.
This knowledge is again vital to understanding the role of Yahoochanan the Immerser {John the Baptist} and Yahooshua both of whom were foreshadowed. Sadly this is not covered in The Chosen although there are a few oblique references to the virgin birth albeit with strong reference to Yahooshua’s earthly adoptive father.
Again, critical to understand. Yahooshua came on the basis of something that was planned at the very least hundreds of years previously which was set up through a number of the great emissaries, prophets, hundreds of years beforehand so that people, the intercessors could pray it into existence. If you don't understand that Yahooshua was born of a virgin and therefore free of bloodline curses, you again underestimate who he was and his power and his authority.
3. The immersion of Yahooshua by Yahoochanan the Immerser {John the Baptist} with Yah speaking and commending Yahooshua and the Spirit of Yah coming upon Yahooshua
Appendix B contains MattihYahoo Chapter 3 verse 15 to 23 from the ETI Version. Note in particular:
“21 Now when all the people were immersed, it came to pass, that Yahooshua also being immersed, and praying, the Heaven was opened,
“22 And the Set-Apart Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from Heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.
“23 And Yahooshua himself began to be about thirty years of age , being (as was supposed) the son of Yoseph, which was the son of Heli,
Couple of key points here. Number one, Yahoochanan the Immerser came with strong authority, he was of the priestly line, so he was a descendent of Aaron, his father was a priest. He came again in authority, and to some extent The Chosen parodies Yahoochanan as a bit of an eccentric sort of cheeky sort of little guy or that's the way I experienced it. Again, I infer from his bloodline and his upbringing that he spoke very authoritative. He knew Yah had sent him to immerse. And then when Yahooshua was immersed, the Heaven was opened and the set-apart Spirit of Yah, part of Yah's spirit that is given to a believer was imparted visibility on Yahooshua and Yah spoke in the hearing of at least or perhaps a few hundred possibly even more people so there was no question in terms of the message that got broadcast around that area that Yah had spoken about this man. Again, there is nothing in The Chosen that exemplifies this. In addition to that, Yahoochanan said behold the Lamb of Yah. So Yahoochanan laid the foundation for the death of Yahooshua on the stake 3-1/2 years later as the offering, the sacrifice of the Lamb of Yah, which was the legal basis whereby he fulfilled the Passover, the Pesach sacrifice offering such that he became the offering for sin, such that he became the offering for atonement, such that he qualified to become high priest, such that he qualified to become advocate and so on and so forth.
Again, I refer you to the article The Miracle of Yahooshua's Death. And then it's important to note that he was 30 years old when he started his ministry. Again, he started out with power and that power is not evident in the early part of The Chosen.
This is vital to understand:
a. That Yahooshua was immersed – this was a necessary precursor to entering into full time ministry. He had to have the spirit on him, he had to be immersed to cleanse him as a symbolic act to comply with Mosaic Law, Torah, whatever you want to call it.
b. That the Spirit of Yah descended on Him and Anointed Him – until that point Yahooshua was an ordinary man with NO anointing. From that point he was filled with the Spirit of Yah whereby he was subsequently able to perform miracles and speak on behalf of Yah – see the article “2024.02.04 Experiencing the Anointing -- HOW does it manifest?” at This Anointing will have resulted in Yahooshua IMMEDIATELY starting to speak with Authority! Speaking from personal experience, when the Spirit of Yah comes on you powerfully and you're anointed, Yah starts to give you utterance and you speak authoritatively and you say things that you didn’t know, so given that Yahooshua knew hang of a lot more than I ever did, I speak with conviction that Yahooshua spoke with authority very much so from the point at which he was anointed.
It is vital to understand that it was this Anointing that empowered Yahooshua to perform the miracles he performed – it was the Spirit of Yah IN Yahooshua that performed the miracles, not Yahooshua the man!
c. That Yah spoke in front of an audience to acknowledge Yahooshua as His Son! So there was a significant audience that understood the standing of Yahooshua with Yah.
These three events are vital to understanding Yahooshua and how he was equipped to minister.
Sadly The Chosen only mentions the immersion of Yahooshua very briefly with none of the other details covered at all.
4. Yahooshua spending 40 days in the Wilderness fasting and contending with Satan
Appendix C presents MattihYahoo Chapter 4 verse 1 to 14 from the ETI Version. Note particularly:
“1. AND Yahooshua being full of the Set-Apart Spirit returned from Yarden, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
“2 Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing : and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.”
A forty day fast is pre-requisite to Power Ministry – without being filled with the Spirit of Yah AND fasting for forty days Yahooshua would not have been able to enter into Power Ministry!
“13 And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season."
This is nothing in The Chosen about anything that I've just said to you. Back in 2010 I met a lady who was a powerful emissary/apostle/prophetess who had raised 19 people from the dead. She advocated and had herself executed a 40-day fast to come into power ministry. In fact she had done two if not three 40-day fasts and some of those who followed her had done 40-day fasts. On the strength of that she had raised 19 people from the dead. She had delivered the witch, the head witch of France. She had spoken authoritatively to many leaders both in secular government and in the ministry. She was a powerful force filled with the Spirit of Yah. She only slept 2-3 hours a night. She spoke to Yah continually. If she misplaced something in her house, she asked Yah where it was and He told her where it was. She had been delayed two hours for a meeting that she was to address, some two hours' drive from where she was, she left where she was, phoned a head to say that she was running late, moments after that a mist descended on the road and the next thing that happened she and her car appeared at the venue. So she got there on time, even though she left two hours late.
I want to say to you folks, that is the power of the Spirit of Yah on any human being. It's available to you. It's available to me. But it needs at least 40-day fast. Yahooshua went on a 40-day fast so he could do those things, so that he could walk on water. If you don't understand that, you get completely the wrong message about Yahooshua because you think he is God and he is doing it in his own strength. NO! It's the Spirit of Yah upon him that did it.
“14 And Yahooshua returned in the power of the Spirit into Galil and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.”
It is also vital to be aware that Yahooshua was actively tempted by Satan and gained victory.
Note also that the fame of Yahooshua went out IMMEDIATELY – The Chosen sadly totally overlooks all of this and presents Yahooshua as diffident to start with and his ministry as ramping up slowly.
Not the case. He hit society hard. He came through the immersion and came out as that powerful servant of Yah filled with the Spirit of Yah, performing miracles. It's so important to understand it.
5. The role of Yah is largely downplayed to the point of being ignored
The role of Yah, as “God” is hardly mentioned such that it is unlikely that viewers will come to relationship with Yah or even awareness of Yah – fundamentally it is vital to understand that the miracles attributed to Yahooshua were ALL performed by Yah operating THROUGH Yahooshua.
There is some mention of Yahooshua going apart to Pray but it's very downplayed and there are customary Jewish prayers to God but that is all. Yah speaking out loud to bless Yahooshua when he was immersed is missing. The impression is created that Yahooshua is performing the miracles in his own power as opposed to in the power of the Spirit of Yah upon him.
This is tragic, this is a powerful movie that apparently is touching millions but which is not doing anything to lead people to belief in Yah let alone to relationship with Yah. So it is likely producing millions of followers that Yah refers to as “Believing Unbelievers” people who at some level believe but who have no relationship with Yah and who will therefore never enter Heaven.
Folks, the world is full of people who believe in Jesus, but don't believe in Yah at a level of saying "Father Yah, I believe you exist. I commit my life to you. Touch me, lead me, guide me, help me to draw close to you." They may pray like that to Jesus and The Chosen does nothing to get them to pray the prayer that I've just shared with you or anything that even vaguely approximates it. The movie becomes more powerful with the miracles that Yahooshua delivers towards the third season and I believe in the fourth season, it's even more pronounced. It doesn't lead people to Yah and that is the sole reason. The name of Yahooshua means Yah is Salvation. Yah is the saviour, not Yahooshua. Yahooshua came to appoint people through Yah as the saviour. Yahooshua came to make an easy way for people to come to salvation.
The word Salvation in Hebrew is Yeshua. There are a lot of people calling Jesus now Yeshua. Yeshua is a descriptive word which means Salvation. It is not the name of a person. The related name of a person is Yahooshua, in other words, Yah is Yahooshua, Yah is Salvation. It's so sad folks. So many people think that they are following Jesus when they need to be following Yah.
6. The program is all done in the names God, Jesus, the Lord, etc.
There is no reference to Yah, Yahooshua, the Almighty, etc., and since all grace for the use of God, Jesus, Christ, the Lord has been withdrawn, again this movie will not lead to new Believers in Yah!
God is the name of a pagan deity. Yah extended grace to the use of God, but He had to withdraw it in 2003 before Satan could be convicted of his sins against humanity and sent to the pit for 1000 years. God correctly translated is the Almighty or Mighty One, depending on context. There is more than one variant of Elohim, the Hebrew that translates correctly as the Almighty or Mighty One. The Lord correctly translated in Hebrew is Baal, another pagan, demonic deity. The correct translating of the Hebrew which is Yahweh is better than nothing. It's more accurately Yahooeh, but accurately it is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. To call Him the Lord is an insult. Christ is a meaningless Christian word. It means anointed with the Spirit of Yah or the anointed one of Yah, depending on context. There are about four different Greek words all of which are translated Christ.
If you truly value your relationship with Yah, I implore you to use the correct names. Many years ago, Father Yah said to me, "James, if you love me, you will call me by my true name," in other words, Yah.
7. Artistic license
There are many additions to what is in the Bible and some items that I consider particularly important are overlooked. There is a lot of back story which is engaging and entertaining but which is not in the Bible and which does not necessarily correlate with what I infer from reading the Bible as many times as I have in addition to just having rendered the four books of Good News {Gospels} for the ETI Bible Version with correction of all the translation errors that I know. There is a whole lot of human interest, but if you've not read the Bible or not read it thoroughly and comprehensively repeatedly, I'm talking about the so-called New Testament, I'm talking specifically about the part that’s called The Gospels, MattihYahoo, Mathew, Mark, Luke, Yahoochanan, John. If you do not know those passages fairly intimately, you may well think that everything in The Chosen is out of the Bible. It's not! About 20% of what's in The Chosen correlates roughly with the Bible and even then to some extent it is inaccurate.
The way that for example Shimon {Simon} is portrayed as a little bit of an eccentric foolish character is not what I read in the Bible. I could go on. They have taken artistic license and given what they've done that's acceptable, it's real, but they have downplayed Yah in the story, they have downplayed Yahooshua in the story, and they have overplayed their hand in creative scripting. This is such a powerful set of videos. They are entertaining, they are engaging, I've watched all of the first three seasons and I really enjoyed them at one level, barring the points that I've just raised with you.
I encourage you if you've watched The Chosen, take note of what I've said and watch it again. If you've not watched The Chosen, take note of what I've said and watch it. It's worth watching if you do it within the context of the relationship with Yah and see in Yahooshua his relationship with Yah and see implicitly because it's not made explicit how Yahooshua led his 12 followers to deep relationship with Yah. There is much to be gained at that level if you go in with that mindset. If you just go in as a nice story about Jesus and you think it's all true, and did Jesus really was like that, I'm sorry to have to say to you, you are going to be misled and sidetracked from what you could get out of the movie. But if you don't understand the power that Yahooshua had, the authority that he had, you will miss the point.
The bottom line is that IF one is a Believer who is reasonably familiar with the Bible, particularly the four books MattihYahoo, Mark, Luke, Yahoochanan, one will get benefit from The Chosen, as I have done, while, if one is an unbeliever, one may be challenged to seek relationship but one is not offered any way to do this.
This is sad, this is a powerful movie and a huge missed opportunity.
Notwithstanding the above caveats, The Chosen is a powerful series of videos that is well worth watching.
Please feel free to email me (James) at if you have questions or comments.
Sadly, there is not even at the end of each session of each episode, a one or two minute interlude to say if you have been touched by this, pray as follows: "Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I now recognize that you exist. I now recognize your power, I desire to be your servant, I desire for you to be my friend and I choose now to invite you into my life to fill me with your spirit and to take my life and turn it around." Something along those lines, it doesn't have to be exactly those words. Pray whatever you feel led to pray. If you are listening to this and you have never prayed a prayer like that or you've prayed it to Jesus, then I encourage you right now to pray that prayer and if you're not ready to pray that prayer, watch The Chosen and when you get to the end, pray that prayer or at any point during the process when you recognize that the miracles that have been performed by Yah, not by Jesus. Yah desires a deep personal relationship with you.
So we have got a few minutes left and I'm going to continue with the article 2024.01.03 Where Will You Spend Eternity with commentary on The Final Quest, the third edition, part 8
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 8
Continuing with Some Challenging Passages from The Final Quest.
There are MANY passages in "The Final Quest" that deliver hard and challenging messages about the way that we understand the ways of the Almighty.
Readers are encouraged to read “The Final Quest” particularly from Part IV onwards. It is preferable, however, to read the entire book.
Numbers of the form "23 (1)" are page numbers (23) and paragraph numbers ((1)) on the page in the edition of "The Final Quest" referred to above. The scanned version of that copy is on the website. If you go to the ETI Bible page, The Final Quest is under there because I hold that the Final Quest is of comparable importance to anything in the Bible. It's a modern vision about the end times, about what's going on in the Earth right now, about what judgment looks like. I saw a completely different picture after I read The Final Quest. I've read The Final Quest I don’t know 10-20 times, it's very informative and that’s why I'm in the process of rendering it to correct translation errors and I encourage you to read the version that’s on the website. I've done up till the end of Part 2, Chapter 5.
In all quotations words like "God" and "the Lord" have been substituted using the words that I understand to be more pleasing to the Almighty in accordance with the same conventions used in this broadcast thus far.
The first part of The Final Quest refers to the battle.
The Battle
In one of the early visions, Joyner reports the commencement of a major battle between the forces of darkness and the servants of the Almighty.
In 22 (3) Joyner reports that there were "many more Christians being used by the evil one than in the army of Yah."
This is a really important observation in terms of the basic theme of this article. A large proportion of those who consider themselves to be Believers are not serving the Almighty at present. The problem was severe in 1995, when the vision was given; it has become considerably more severe since then.
It's close to 30 years since Joyner received these visions. Part of what he saw is in the process of being fulfilled, but at a very embryonic state. And it's important to understand that in his vision of The Battle, the Demonic Forces are riding on believers, not just Christians, but Christians, Muslims, Jews and other religions that have in any shape or form some sort of connection to the Creator. It's a disturbing picture and important to realize that while there are billions of Christians, billions of Muslims, hundreds of thousands of may be millions of Jews, very few of them are on Yah's mountain. Very few of them are climbing to get close to Yah. Most of them are in deep error, heavily demonized.
Later in the visions, Joyner sees increasing numbers of people realising they have been deceived and changing sides. This article is presented to assist people to do this. I believe that what is in The Final Quest refers to a FUTURE state, currently the level of error amongst all believers is INCREASING!
When I was growing up, I was confirmed in the Anglican Church, a South African Branch of the Church of England. I believed in God. It wasn’t a lot of talk about Jesus. Today if you go into most Christian churches, there is a lot of talk about Jesus and not a lot of talk about God.
In 23 (1) Joyner reports that the majority of the soldiers in the army of Yah were "women and children."
Again, this is an important observation in terms of the body of Believers at present. Many of the adult men who appear to be serving the Almighty are not doing so in a place of submission to the Almighty.
If you're listening to this and you are a man who thinks you're superior to women, a man who won't allow women to be educated, a man who won't allow women to play an active role in the commercial and social structure of the society, a man who forces women to wear headscarves and strange outfits and not to dress with the same latitude as the men, you have a major problem. When you die, you are going to find that there are something like seven times more women than men in Heaven and you might end up under the authority of a woman to help you get your thinking right.
I'm out of time, I will continue with this next week.
2024.03.15 Where will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 9
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Body of the Article
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 9
Continuing to look at “The Battle” as described by Joyner.
In one of the early visions, Joyner reports the commencement of a major battle between the Forces of Darkness and the servants of the Almighty.
The number references that I will give you're to the pages and paragraphs in my copy of The Final Quest which is available on the website as a scanned PDF. Go to the ETI Bible version and under that you will find The Final Quest.
In 22 (3) Joyner reports that there were "many more Christians being used by the evil one than in the army of Yah."
This suggests also that ALL of us who are men should check out very prayerfully where we REALLY stand with the Almighty! He reports that there are far more women and children in the army of Yah than there are men.
This observation should also be considered in the light of Isaiah 4:1-5:
"1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
4 When Yah shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning."
This passage is speaking about the end of the age when the Almighty shall cleanse the body of Believers by fire. It is my understanding that this period has now commenced but is at a very early stage. The Almighty has also indicated that verse 1 indicates that in these days there will be SEVEN times as many women as men in the body of true Believers. That is Believers as judged by the Almighty, NOT as we judge it.
Folks, this is so important. There is a massive body of wrong thinking in many religious groups regarding the position and the role of women. In Yah's sight, women are absolutely equal to men. They have a different role in life in terms what Yah envisaged as bearing children and raising children, but they are just as important and they have just as much rank. It is great sin to treat women differently to men in a negative way. I'm talking about not letting them go to school, not letting them go to university, forcing them to wear headscarves, speaking down to them, denying them access to the most senior jobs. It's just wrong folks.
If you're a man who thinks you're better than women and you at some level prefers to be a believer, I urge you to let go of the lie because if you don't and you make it to the judgment seat, you're going to get a nasty shock. If you make it into Heaven, you're probably going to get an even bigger shock because you're going to find there are many more women than men in Heaven.
Father has also shown me that many of the women are in spiritually desperate circumstances and desperately need the covering of a man who fears Yah. There are not nearly enough of such men to go round and most of the men who fall into this category do not understand their responsibilities. I have also found that it is psychologically, emotionally, and socially impossible for women raised under monogamy to share a man so the vast majority of believing women must either remain single and celibate or marry unbelievers, which Yah forbids. See for more information.
If you're a believing woman and you don't have a husband and you're looking for a believing husband, I have to tell you, you're probably not going to find one and there just aren’t a lot to go around. There are far more women than men in the body of true believers today. It's a great mistake and great sin to join yourself to an unbeliever, so please don't do that. If you can't find a man who is a true believer, who is at least as close to Father as you are, you're better to remain single.
There is a bit of a catch there and that is it is not forbidden for women to have sexual relationships with other women and I'm talking now about lifetime covenant relationships. So that is an option if you can find the appetite for it, which most women can't.
The Armour
In 22 (4) Joyner also reports that very few of those in the army of Yah had on all their armour and those that did had very small shields (faith).
In 23 (1) he reports that "few of those who were fully armed were adequately trained to use their arms."
This is a reference to Ephesians 6:10-18:
"10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of Yah, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yah, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Yah:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;" (KJV, adjusted)
This passage does NOT include the Mantle of Humility, which The Final Quest evidences is critically important.
Folks, each of these deal with spiritual disciplines if you like. The loins girt about with truth, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet shod with the gospel of peace. The shield, the emunah, the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit, which is the Commandments of Yah, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. So it's important to understand that the Armour is a metaphor, disciplines and beliefs that we take on. So we need to be always speaking the truth and never lie. We need to always be seeking peace and not strife and conflict. We need to always walk in emunah, in faith, and by faith we will be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one. "In the name of Yahooshua, I speak to that demon that has just manifested and I bind you now and I command you to go where Father Yah sends you."
The helmet of salvation, the awareness of your relationship with Yah that you are close to Him, sword of the Spirit, the Commandments, the Ten Commandments, to help as a two edged sword, dividing between truth and error. Pray it at all times. You can ask Father to teach your spirit to pray at all times 24x7x365. Very few people understand that but it is a gift that your spirit can be praying even while you're engaged in business, eating meals, family matters, etc.
It is really important to pray regularly for guidance to walk in the fullness of what this passage represents. It is also important to realise that components of the armour can be lost or damaged. This is what the metaphor tells us and is confirmed in "The Final Quest." I have recently added to the above “the mantle of humility” as per the visions.
See to better understand the forces of darkness against which the battle is directed.
Folks, it's easy to read The Final Quest at a superficial level, but it's important to go beyond that. Read The Final Quest understanding what I've just shared with you. Understand that when he sees people who lose their armour, they stop worrying about truth, they stop worrying about righteousness, etc. When they cast down the swords, they discard the Commandments of Yah. And that's what happens when people go off the mark, go off the rails and conversely people who have never been instructed in those things don't know them, and don’t do them.
In 33 (2) Joyner reports an incident in which the Spirit of the Almighty, embodied in the vision as "Wisdom," one of the seven Spirits of the Almighty, prevents Joyner from falling off the mountain of Yah and reminds Joyner of 1 Corinthians 10:12 "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." (KJV)
"The Final Quest" offers a number of references to this verse in the context that when we become confident of our place with the Almighty or have a major victory, we are most likely to fall. The visions and metaphors in the book also indicate that such a fall can be dramatic.
It is possible to get really close to Father and it is possible to fall away overnight if you get into major sin or error or deception. The best protection I know about that is to pray regularly, preferably daily, "Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly so that I may serve you more perfectly. Amen." I currently pray that every day. I've prayed it on and off since 1997 when I learnt that I could pray that from The Final Quest. The judgments generally are quite manageable. If you get into fairly major sin, they could be quite painful. It's far better to be judged by Yah than to blunder along making mistakes and not realizing you've made the mistakes.
For example, it is indicated that pride can result in a person who has won a mighty victory for the Almighty being taken prisoner by the enemy immediately thereafter.
Pages 34 and 35 make particular reference to "The Father's Unconditional Love." This ties in with the passages cited previously in terms of walking in unconditional love. This is extremely important AND extremely challenging.
On page 45 reference is made to the Third Heaven and it is stated that it is wisdom to seek to know about the Third Heaven. It is also stated that there is much more to learn than can be learned in this life. This entire message is essentially about what is required in order to be an Overcomer in the era of the Third Heaven with some reference to what that looks like.
Folks, I'm going into detail with The Final Quest because the insights that I've gained through reading it repeatedly I believe are very powerful and I believe are largely from Yah. There are errors where he's off the mark, where he refers to the Canon of Scripture, where he worships Jesus as the Almighty, which is not. He still uses the names God, the Lord, Jesus and so forth, which really upsets Father, but basically he had the visions, he was taken into Heaven, they really are genuine. So I encourage you to read the book. The book is on the website. I've made commentary up to Part 2 of Chapter 5. If you go to the ETI Bible version page near the top of the menu on the website, under that is The Final Quest. Why is The Final Quest there? Because I regard it as of equal importance to the Bible. Folks, Father hasn’t stopped speaking to His people.
Pages 46 and 47 make particular reference to knowing both the love [chesed] and the severity of the Almighty where His severity is represented by His Judgments. We are advised to fear the Judgments of the Almighty AS WELL as knowing His love.
In various parts of "The Final Quest" reference is made to humility. It is repeatedly indicated that humility is NOT something that appeals to Human Beings and that we are prone to pride.
It is also indicated that without humility it is not possible to understand much about the Almighty and His Kingdom. It is also not possible to see clearly in the spiritual realm without humility. Pride blinds our spiritual eyes and blocks our spiritual ears.
I think humility is one of the most difficult things to consciously seek. I don’t think we have a real role model in this era of a truly humble person that we can learn from and asking Father to judge us is probably the best way.
From this information it appears to be really important to regularly pray "Father please humble me and cleanse me of all pride, self-righteousness and all other forms of self."
On page 53 it is pointed out that the armour of Yah, set out in Ephesians 6, cited above, does NOT cover the back. So, turning and running from the enemy in fear opens one up to defeat just as much as advancing into the enemy ranks in pride opens one up to defeat.
We are created to work together in teams, Yahooshua sent his followers out in two's, precisely for this reason, so that each could cover the back of the other.
This is one reason why a divided house cannot stand as stated in Matthew 12:25 "And Yahooshua {Jesus} knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:" (KJV, name adjusted)
A couple of key points here folks; it is so important not to go into a situation driven by pride, self-confidence, self-righteousness. You expose yourself to attack to come behind you. In the same way, turning around and running from a situation, you need to go into a situation in the name of Yahooshua and confront it boldly, firmly, in emunah, faith, with every aspect speaking truth, peace, righteousness, salvation, wielding the commandments of Yah as sharp two-edged sword, tearing down principalities, powers, thrones and dominions. The point about two by two is a major reason why strife between husband and wife or wives is so spiritually damaging and why submission of wives is so important. If a wife is arguing with her husband, how can she cover his back and how can he cover hers? If the husband is advancing in pride or the wife is retreating in fear, or vice versa, how can the house stand? The same observations apply to strife, pride, and fear in a business. Strife, pride, and fear in a ministry. Strife, pride, and fear in a nation, etc. This is why submission to leaders is so important.
On page 54 it is illustrated that advancing in pride can open the door for "strong delusion" and doctrines of Demons. The potential to fall at any time from any level is stressed.
On page 55 we are advised to inquire of the Almighty before making major decisions and to seek humility.
Directional prayers, such as those suggested above, prayed sincerely in faith out of recognition of one's own fallibility, are absolutely vital.
In 55 (5) it is stated that Yah is "closer to the homeless than to kings," that we only have "true strength" to the extent that we walk in the grace of Yah because the Almighty "gives His grace to the humble."
This is a reference to 1 Peter 5:5, quoted below in the context of 1 Peter 5:1-11:
5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for Yah resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of Yah, that he may exalt you in due time:
Folks, I am very aware of the fact that I don't really know what humility is and in my own strength, I don't know how to walk in humility. I don't even know whether I'm particularly humble or not because nobody's expressed an opinion to me on that topic in quite some time. For many years I battled with pride and so I sort of understand pride and how it comes in but I'm working a business where I operate in a lot of assurance in terms of my knowledge and experience. I speak very authoritatively. Do I speak authoritatively in humility? I don't know. I don't think I operate in pride anymore. I certainly did many years in my life and there were many years in my life where I was pride enough to say that I was humble. I don’t go there anymore. The best suggestion I can make "Yah judge me severely, correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly." I encourage you to go for that.
In 55 (5) it is also stated that "no evil weapon" can penetrate the mantle of humility because nothing can overpower the grace of the Almighty.
This is an extremely important and challenging principle. The ONLY way one can manage to walk in true humility is to ask the Almighty to humble one, to judge one, to correct one, to guide one, etc.
It's very difficult. I don’t know what more to say – seek humility and seek humility by asking Yah to humble you. And then understand that it is probably going to be a little bit of an uncomfortable journey for some time. Depends on how quickly you learn. Joyner then goes on to speak about prophets, in other words spokesmen and spokeswomen. Prophet is another meaningless modern term. It relates to people who hear Yah and speak on His behalf.
Spokesmen and Spokeswomen {Prophets}
In 59 (2) it is stated that only those who receive prophets as prophets "can receive the prophet's reward" or the benefits of the services of a prophet. In other words, those who judge the man or woman to determine if he is a prophet are likely to miss it from the start. It is advisable to rather hear a woman or man who claims to be a prophet and subsequently prayerfully decide what to do with what they say than to pass a judgment on them and reject him or her. No matter what one's understanding may say about them or their "word."
The reference to prophets in 59 (2) is specifically in the context of receiving warnings of danger, error, etc.
Only if we realise how far we are from the Almighty and how imperfect all of our brethren in the faith are, can we choose to cease judging and rejecting others and let the Almighty speak to us, even through those who are imperfect.
This may be vital to turn us away from strong delusion or other serious error.
We may not like the message of the prophet, however, it may be critical in terms of where we spend Eternity.
I find myself fairly regularly, particularly on Facebook, encountering people where I offer comment based on what Yah has shown me, and they come back and say, but that's not in the Bible, to which my answer is that the Bible is 2000 years old and Yah has not stopped speaking to His people, so why should it be in the Bible? And then they reject the message and they reject the messenger. It has been happening since the very early days. There is a saying, there is a verse which says we're in the world, we're not of the world. The fact of the matter is that even amongst believers, the majority of believers do not understand Yah, they do not understand what's going on, and if somebody comes to them speaking in the name of Yah who actually has heard Yah, they are likely to reject the message and the messenger.
I said to someone the other day, you know, that you are part of the group of people who if Yahooshua were to turn up today, you would probably put him to death. It's sad. People don't know how to receive spokesmen and spokeswomen, prophets. They don’t know what to do with what they hear. I've had a number of instances where I've gone to somebody and said, Father says ABC, they go and do XYZ. They just don't get the importance of the message.
In 63 (2) Joyner states "I now think that most of the right things I did, I did for the wrong reasons, and many of the wrong things I did, I had good motives for."
Since first reading this passage, I continue to see how true this is.
It also creates great difficulty for others. They see us doing "right things" for "wrong reasons" and conclude that the Almighty did not speak to us or did not guide us or that we were doing the "wrong things."
Conversely, where people see we have "good motives" they conclude that what we are doing is "good" or "right."
Our tendency to do these things and judge others and the actions of others is a major hindrance to us doing the will of the Almighty AND leading others in the will of the Almighty.
So I shared earlier situation with the managing director of a medium-sized British company who has the situation with his brother where they are constantly at loggerheads. Brother took over the business, ran it into a 2 million pound loss, this brother took over the business from the other brother, turned it into 1.5 million pound profit and there is still politics going on about doing at this man's way or that man's way. It's very difficult to know who's doing the right things unless you're close to Yah and Yah is helping you.
In 63 (2), Joyner also states "The more I learn, the more unsure of myself I feel." The prophet that is speaking to Joyner then advises him in 63 (5) that what Joyner is experiencing is "the true faith." Joyner responds in 63 (6) that he is referring to "serious doubts."
The prophet responds that it is "wise to doubt yourself" and then goes on to state in 64 (1) that true faith depends on the Almighty, "not yourself."
In essence, I understand this to indicate that the more we move ahead in "confidence," the more likely that we are to mess up at some point. Where we are constantly praying to the Father, asking His guidance, the more likely we are to do His will. At least to some extent. Note that such prayers are NOT a blank cheque to storm ahead and do whatever we feel “led” to do. We have the final say, we are ultimately accountable for ALL our words and deeds.
This is so important. There is a lot of wrong thinking about being led by Yah, that Yah is just going to script things and set things up for you. It doesn't work that way. We are going to be judged for what we do on Earth and Yah is not going to take you over and take your life over and just direct you and what have you. He will give you guidance, He will open some doors, He will close some doors, He will give you favour, He will give you wisdom, but at the end of the day it's up to you what you do, every second of every day. Father has said to me on occasions "James, I don't know what you're going to do or say in the next minute. How can I know what's going to happen in the end of your life?"
He can give you indications under certain circumstances, but you're not a glove puppet. He said this to me several times "You are not a glove puppet. I'm not a performing seal." He will help you. There is an article on the website "The greatest error that is destroying strong believers," have a look at it.
This lack of self-confidence and total reliance on the Almighty, may be misinterpreted by others in all sorts of ways. Again, another reason not to judge others.
In 64 (3) it is stated that it is "together, not individually" that we are to know the secrets of the Almighty.
In 66 (4) it is indicated that "Spiritual maturity is always determined by our willingness to sacrifice our own desires for the interests of the kingdom, or for the sake of others." This is an essential part of the message of Yahooshua in Matthew 5 and 6 cited above. It is also central to many of the other passages, such as men loving their wives as Yahooshua loved the body of Believers and died for them, wives submitting to their husbands as Yahooshua submitted to those who killed him, etc.
In 66 (4) it is also indicated that, that which "requires the most sacrifice" will "always take us to the highest level."
So folks, if you have been seduced is the word that comes to mind by prosperity teaching, God wants you to prosper and just do this and do that and do this and you will be wealthy – it's not quite as easy as that. You need to do things. You need to make sacrifices. You need to put yourself in a place where you're doing something for Yah. Otherwise the Satanic forces will bless you and kid you and lead you to believe that God is doing it.
And if you're still using God and the Lord and Jesus, please stop. It's over 20 years since Yah made it very clear that those names were no longer acceptable, that the grace for their use had been withdrawn. You hurt Father grievously with your bad language. He is not God, a pagan entity. He is not the Lord, a pagan entity. He is not Jesus or Yahooshua is not Jesus, a pagan entity, please stop. The Almighty, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, Yahooshua. In other words, a vital point of seeking to qualify for a high throne for eternity is to be willing to make great sacrifices. This can look like letting go of deeply held beliefs, dealing with issues in our own lives that we would rather ignore, doing things we don't want to do or find uncomfortable or inconvenient, loss of popularity, loss of following, loss of family, loss of finances, physical suffering or any other form of sacrifice.
It's not easy, not because Yah didn't want it to be easy, but because there is this huge body of Satanic and Demonic entities who are out to get you if you are a truly committed believer. They are going to get you. They are going to get judgments against you. They are going to trip you up. They are going to try and kill you. They are going to try and break you down. They are going to try and lead you into pride, lead you into doing stupid things, lead you into wrong beliefs about Yah and the way He does things. So you're going to need to make some adjustments.
The Judgment Seat
On page 75 the Judgment Seat of the Anointing of Yah {Christ} is introduced. Refer to Romans 14:10-13:
"10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of the anointing of Yah {Christ}."
Christ is another meaningless English word. The Hebrew word translated Christ means anointed with the Spirit of Yah or one anointed by the Spirit of Yah. There are actually about four Greek words all of which are translated Christ, all of which relate to different aspects of the anointing of the Spirit of Yah.
So you will be judged by the Spirit of Yah that was in you as a believer.
"11 For it is written, As I live, saith Yah the Eternally Self-Existing , every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to Yah.
12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to Yah.
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way." (KJV, adjusted)
Folks, we will carry on next week with a lot more about the judgment seat. In my mind, the part about the judgment seat is probably the most important part of The Final Quest because I'm going to walk down that pathway one day and if you're a believer, you're going to walk down that pathway. So I encourage you to listen again next week. Get on the website. Read The Final Quest. It's really important stuff.
2023.03.22 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 10
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2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest -- Third Edition – Part 10
Continuing to look at “The Judgment Seat.”
On page 75 the Judgment Seat of the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} is introduced.
In considering this the fundamental reality is that at the instant that one first believes in Yah He imparts a portion of His Spirit, set apart to that person – this is the “set-apart Spirit” incorrectly translated “Holy Spirit.”
When one invites Yah to fill oneself with His Spirit further portions are given and the anointing – the manifest presence of the Almighty on the individual, grows.
It is this portion of Yah’s Spirit that indwells us and knows EVERYTHING that we say, do and think and which gives utterance and performs miracles.
It is also this portion of Yah's spirits that judges us when we come before the judgment seat.
I only realized this very recently because of the wrong translation judgment seat of Christ, everybody thinks it is Jesus' judgment seat. No, no, no! It's the judgment seat of the anointing of the Spirit of Yah, the set-apart Spirit of Yah, it's the judgment of the believer by the portion of Yah's spirit that has indwelled that believer from the second that they believed. That’s the portion of Yah's spirit that knows everything about you – everything that you said, done, and thought from the moment you believed to the moment that you die and come before the judgment seat. It's really important to realise that.
2 Corinthians 5:10 states "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of the anointing of Yah {Christ}; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." (KJV, name adjusted)
In 75 (5) it is stated that the judgment is "the greatest fear in the creation" and that it is also the source of the "greatest wisdom" that we can know "in this life, or in the life to come."
It is apparent that seeking to know the judgments of the Almighty and, thereby, to know how to please Him, is an essential component of qualifying for a High Throne for Eternity. We will only get to a High Throne VIA the judgment. Therefore, it is important that we are aware of the judgment and what it entails.
We can only do this IF we are willing to seek His face and if we are willing to ask Him to judge us and guide us constantly.
I've spoken before about a prayer that I've prayed many times in the last 25 years or so: "Father judge me severely, correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly." You may say how can you do that? When I prayed it I had confidence that Father would not judge me beyond what I could endure, not sentence me beyond what I can bear, and it's never happened. I've broken teeth, I had been in agony for a few days, but it was not beyond what I could endure.
On 75 and 76 of The Final Quest it is stated that Believers today are not giving much attention to the judgment.
In 76 (1) it is stated that the "greatest authority that men can receive will be entrusted only" to those who are willing to experience judgment in this life.
Thus the only way to a High Throne in Heaven, which is, after all a judges or rulers throne, is to be judged in this life so one can be found fit to judge (rule) together with Yahooshua in the life to come. Refer Revelation 2:26-27, referring to Overcomers, cited previously.
Folks, this is so, so important. There is such a lack of understanding that how you live your life is going to determine how you spend eternity. I can't stress this enough. If you don't believe, you're going to stay on Earth as a demon, an ancestor spirit. If you do believe but you do nothing about it, you're going to the Outer Darkness. If you do believe and sort of potter along, go to church, do a few things, you might make it to the outer reaches of the throne room.
On the other hand, if you actively seek to know Yah, if you actively seek to please Yah, if you actively seek to be filled with His spirit and to do works that bring Him pleasure, that advance His kingdom, you have the potential to sit on a throne and even sit on a high throne, with great authority, great splendour, great prestige in Heaven for ever and ever and ever. That's what I want and I think if you stop and think about it, it might just be what you want.
79 (2) states "Yah has a different definition of peace and safety than we do. To be wounded in the fight is a great honour. It is by Yahooshua's {the Lord's} stripes that we are healed, and it is through our stripes that we, too, are given the authority for healing. In the very place that the enemy wounds us, once we are healed, we are given the power to heal others. Healing was a basic part of Yahooshua's {the Lord's} ministry, and it is also a basic part of ours. That is one reason why the Almighty allows bad things to happen to His people, so that they can receive the compassion for others by which the power of healing operates. That is why the apostle Paul told of his beatings and stonings when his authority was questioned. Every wound, every bad thing that happens to us, can be turned into the authority to do good. Every beating that Paul took resulted in salvation for others. Every wound that every warrior takes will result in others being saved, healed, or restored."
It is important to understand that the losses and wounds that we suffer in this life, provided they result from obedience to the Almighty, do constitute treasure in Heaven.
In other words, if one is praying to be an Overcomer, praying to hear the words "well done though good and faithful servant" and similar prayers, then one should not be surprised when one experiences attacks, both spiritual and physical, loss, etc., for the sake of the Kingdom.
There is a lot of wrong teaching that you believe and then you have the chariot ride of glory and every things happen, yes you can get to a place where you walk in favour, where you walk in prosperity, where you walk in health, but at the same time, you may find that things happen to injure you physically, spiritually. It depends on how you live your life, depends on your relationship with Father, depends on whether you come to a place where you're free of sin, free of error.
Consider James 1:2-4 "2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (KJV)
The word rendered "temptations" means "a putting to proof (by experiment [of good], experience [of evil], solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication, adversity:" (Strong's definition)
This is about being tested in our obedience and willingness to suffer loss. Are we willing to LITERALLY take up the stake and LITERALLY follow Yahooshua? Either to physical torture or to spiritual torment and loss?
In 1994, Father spoke to me through my own mouth and said I'm calling you to the death of the cross. I didn't know then that it was the stake, so He couldn’t say the death of the stake. In the years that followed, I suffered greatly at psychological level. In particular, I went through a brutal divorce, I lost custody of my children, I became angry and bent out of shape. I was trying my best to serve Father, that has given me the ability to help others who are going through similar things.
79 (4) indicates that there is "no courage unless there is real danger" and reminds us of the Almighty's exhortation to Joshua (correctly also Yahooshua) to be strong and courageous. Refer Joshua 1:5-9, quoting the Almighty:
"5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.
7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for Yah the Eternally Self-Existing thy Mighty One is with thee whithersoever thou goest." (KJV, adjusted)
Folks, it's so important. Yahooshua had spent a lot of time in the tabernacle when he was serving Moses. He was strongly anointed, strong emunah, faith. He still had to physically go out there with a sword and destroy the nations in the land that Yah had promised to give to the Israelites. So here we see immediately after telling Joshua that He will be with Yahooshua as He was with Moshe, the Almighty three times instructs Yahooshua to be strong and courageous. The Almighty would go with Israel however had to fight the battle, which included seeking the Almighty for guidance and assistance and being obedient to the Commandments of the Almighty.
In other words, both a physical and a spiritual battle with the essence of the spiritual battle is to do what the Almighty tells one to do, no matter how our natural minds judge it. By taking one's son to sacrifice or kill, like walking around the city for seven days, like raising a staff to the Red Sea so that the waters part, like telling the sun and moon to stand still, like being thrown into a den of lions, like being beaten and dying on a stake without committing any sin and so on.
This is some indication of the courage the Almighty is seeking in his overcomers. This is really important folks. If you're coasting along as a believer and I don’t really care whether you're a Jew or Christian or Muslim or whatever, you have some sort of level of belief in the Creator and you're just coasting along, maybe you go to shul or mosque or church or temple now and again, and you think that you are a mighty servant of the most high, I'm sorry if you're not doing significant things for Yah, you're not on the radar screen for a high throne.
80 (4) states "Until you have beheld and appreciated the depths of the treasures of salvation, you cannot see the glory that comes from suffering for the sake of the good news {gospel}. Once you have seen it, you are ready for the tests that will release the highest levels of spiritual authority into your life. These scars are the glory that we will carry forever. This is why even the wounds our Lord [Yahooshua] suffered are with him in Heaven. You can still see his wounds"
"These are the medals of honour in Heaven. All who carry them love Yah and His truth more than their own lives. These are the ones who followed the lamb wherever he went, being willing to suffer for the sake of truth, righteousness and the salvation of men. True leaders of His [Yah's] people, who carry genuine spiritual authority, must have first proven their devotion this way."
This reinforces the message that it is an honour and a privilege to suffer in the service of the Almighty.
So I ask you to consider this. I'm not offering you an easy ride the rest of your life. I'm challenging you to take the road less travelled. I'm challenging you to walk on the narrower road. I'm challenging you to seek to go through the narrow gate. I shared the messages the other day with a believer who has been walking with me for a couple of years, said I feel like I'm walking a tight road. I said yes, you're walking a tight road. The road is narrow, it's straight, it's difficult and until you get comfortable walking on the road, you are effectively walking a tight road.
In 81 (2) it states that it is "through these sufferings" that ones "worthiness to receive the great authority" that will be given to those who become members of the Almighty's own household are "surely proven."
In 81 (3) it is stated that "courage is a Demonstration of faith" and that the Almighty "never promised that His way would be easy, but He has assured us that it would be worth it."
In 82 (3) it is stated to Joyner that "Because you have been faithful in a few things you will now be given the great honour of going back to suffer, that you may be made a ruler over many more."
Each of us must ask ourselves whether we are willing to make sacrifices in order to become rulers in Heaven, versus living a comfortable life on Earth and something much less in the life to come.
In 83 (2) Joyner states "what seems right is usually the least fruitful path, and often the road to failure. Throughout my journey, the path of greatest risk was the path that led to the greatest reward."
There is a huge thing here that if you're going to walk truly with Yah, if you're going to keep all ten of His Commandments, it's not necessarily easy. People won't understand you, people will ridicule you, you will go out and do things and apparently produce no fruit. It's not that easy to stop lying and stop lusting and coveting and so forth.
In 83 (3) we are advised that "it takes more faith to walk in the higher realms of the Spirit." It is suggested that the "map" to the Kingdom of the Almighty is contained in the words "If you seek to save your life you will lose it, but if you will lose your life for My sake you will find it." We are advised that "those words alone" can keep us on track.
Reinforcing what I've just said, it is not easy to really intensely actively serve Yah. It's very easy, way is broad, and it's easy to serve Satan. If you look at the page for the broadcast, you will see the mountain and the vast majority of the population are in the sea around the mountain – very small number are climbing the mountain. I'm challenging you today to climb the Mountain of Yah and seek to draw close to Him, seek to make a difference on the Earth. You can be one of the herds of dissolute ineffective people serving Satan and you can get lot of satisfaction, you can get wealthy, you can get a lot of prestige and it will all be gone the day that you die and you wake up to find that your disembodied spirit in a corpse in a grave or in a crematorium oven or may be on some other believer, your grandchild, and haunt them and lead them down the wrong road that you took.
Joyner’s Experience of The Judgment
Starting on page 84, Joyner reports a series of visions in which he is taken into the Hall of Judgment in Heaven and experiences judgment of himself.
This experience includes meetings with people who have already died and been judged. In his conversations with these people he learns much about the Judgment and how life on Earth is viewed very differently by the Almighty relative to how men view it.
Insofar as each person is judged immediately they die these visions were all real experiences and Joyner DID actually meet with the people concerned. It is important to be aware that the so-called “Day of Judgment” is the day on which the outcome of “The Contest” will be determined – i.e. whether Satan has won or lost the competition to totally corrupt mankind, see
The whole 7000 years of humankind on Earth is about will you have a deep personal relationship with Yah or will you serve Satan. That’s brutal. There is a whole a lot of rubbish being told about the end of life, virtually all of which is nonsense. You will be judged when you die and the first judgment is are you a believer or not. If you're not a believer, will you just go back to your corpse and stay there unless Satan servant comes and harvest you.
It is vitally important to be aware that in terms of “The Rules of Engagement” neither Father nor Yahooshua nor the people interviewed in The Final Quest were permitted to directly correct wrong beliefs and teachings, thus Joyner was NOT corrected in terms of a number of serious errors which are perpetuated in The Final Quest. We are each responsible for seeking truth and, in this context, constant seeking after truth, fasting, etc., as described in the article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” are vital. See
See also the article on “The Rules of Engagement” for more information “2021.04.02 The Essence of the Rules of Engagement and The Contest” at
Folks, The Contest is about Satan rebelling, Yah was about to throw Satan into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly destroyed along will all the messengers, the angles that followed him. Satan turned around and said, "I challenge you that if you put me on Earth with these human beings you are about to create, after 7000 years there will be not one in right standing with you." And Yah got angry, He said "Satan it's nonsense, I will put you on Earth and I will show you you're wrong." Sadly, Satan has just about won the battle so far. He nearly won it in 2003, Yah scraped through with one person. In 3003, if there is not one believer in right standing free of sin, who knows what's going on, to pray for Yahooshua to return, Yahooshua will not return and Satan will reign on Earth for eternity, Yah will take His people off the Earth.
I am certain that Joyner DID experience the visions he describes and that most, but not all, of what is reported in "The Final Quest" IS from the Almighty and is for our edification, instruction and guidance. Joyner specifically records that in some cases he allowed some time to elapse before recording his experiences. We must also constantly be aware of the Rules of Engagement preventing even the Almighty from correcting our errors and sin UNLESS we have first prayed for Him to do so – so YOUR experience of the Almighty is in large measure constrained and determined by what YOU pray and what those close to you pray for you!
Joyner describes the Judgment experience commencing at the outer reaches of the outer darkness until he eventually reaches the throne and subsequently is permitted to have conversations with certain people who are sitting on thrones.
I understand this information to be enormously important for anyone who aspires to spend Eternity in Heaven.
I have to say to you that in my opinion, The Final Quest and The Call are probably the two most important books on planet Earth today in commercial distribution. If you've not read them, I encourage you to get them and read them. They are on the website. Look under the ETI Bible version page. They are sitting there because I regard them as of comparable importance to the Bible. They give us an understanding of things about the realm of Heaven that is not available anywhere else that I've come across.
The Outer Darkness
In the vision, Joyner enters into the Judgment Hall through a door. As the door closes behind him, he finds himself in "the most frightening darkness I had ever experienced" 84 (5). He describes a "terrible battle with fear" and even states that he began to think that he had "stepped into Hell itself."
I understand this to be "the outer darkness" referred to in various passages above. It seems, that there is a place in HEAVEN which is terrible and frightening!
This is a place for Believers and Father Yah says that today the vast majority of people who believe end up there – He refers to this place as “the trash heap of Heaven” – He is highly displeased with the people who find themselves here because they ignored Him throughout their lives. Note that these people still pass through Hell to pay the price for their UNCONFESSED sin BEFORE arriving at this destination for Eternity!
Think about it. Maybe you did believe at some point in time. Maybe the light went on at some instance. And then you just carried on living life the way you had always done, going to the movies, doing whatever it is that you do, and totally ignoring Yah. When you die, you will come before the judgment seat. You will go to Hell to pay the price for all your unconfessed sins. And then you will be banished to this place where the darkness is so frightening that Joyner describes it as being Hell itself. And you will stay there for ever and ever and ever.
So if I were you, and you're a believer, I will pull my socks up and start actively serving Yah.
In this location Joyner does not report meeting anyone or having any conversations. This does not mean there were not people there, simply that it was so dark that he may not have met anyone who might have been there and might not have been able to receive what they might have had to say or that they were constrained by the Rules of Engagement.
After entering into the outer darkness, Joyner reports that he cried out for forgiveness and for help and then started to see Yahooshua on the cross (stake) as a light in the distance and started to move toward it. As he did so he began to experience peace.
As he moved forward he describes no longer feeling "cold," then starting to see a "dim light" which gradually became a "glorious light" which then "became so wonderful that I felt that i was entering into Heaven itself."
So the rules of engagement of The Contest, because Joyner apparently did not believe in the outer darkness, he was not able to receive communication from people in the outer darkness and not even able to be aware that they were. It's a major issue with believers today who are trapped into paradigms of error are not fasting and seeking truth and therefore never get revelation of their errors and their sin and then they get to Heaven and they find that they got to spend a whole lot of time in Hell to pay the price of their wrong doctrine, their wrong beliefs. It's frightening stuff folks. This game that you think you're playing is not a game. It's a high stake. Winner takes all competition.
In 85 (3) Joyner describes how he soon reached a point where "the beauty of it could not even be imagined by any reference to human architecture" he reports that he was "overwhelmed with joy and beauty."
Heaven truly IS exceedingly beautiful and there IS joy to be experienced there.
Also in 85 (3) Joyner reports that he then understood that every time that he had "experienced great pain or darkness of soul, it had been followed by a much greater revelation of glory and peace."
It's very difficult in a written document to convey what Joyner saw. But if we just take it at its face value, the beauty of it could not even be imagined by any reference to human architect, overwhelmed with joy and beauty. Those are direct quotes from The Final Quest. So visualize the most beautiful building you've ever seen and understand that Heaven is much more beautiful. Don’t you want to spend eternity there? Why would you want to spend eternity in the outer darkness as a believer who ignored Yah? Why would you want to spend eternity on Earth as a demon or ancestor spirit with no motive power, in a grave, in a crematorium oven, haunting somebody? There are horrible consequences folks. You can have a great life, lots of money, fancy house or houses, fancy yacht, but when you die, you're just going to be one more demon and there are over 100 billion demons on the planet today. Hundred billion people who died not believing in the Creator, increasing moment by moment.
It is perhaps helpful for some who have had experiences of pain or darkness of soul to see that such experiences may well also have had similar benefits that may only become apparent at the time of their judgment.
In 85 (4) and 86 (1) Joyner reports a "holy fear" as he moved towards the judgment seat but that he also experienced the judgment seat as a "source of more security than i ever experienced."
I read The Final Quest the first time in about 1998. I subsequently read it 10-20 times in the years that followed. I've written several articles that reference The Final Quest. I've purchased and given away, I don’t know, 10, 20, 30 copies to people that I regarded important that I thought should read it. It is an extremely important book. If you have not read it, buy it on Amazon or go to the website and read it online. I've put my commentary and clarifications in the version that’s on the website. It's a powerful story. It opens up understanding on a whole range of issues and it should encourage you to actively seek a deep personal relationship with the Creator of the heavens and Earth whose true name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. If you're still calling Him God and the Lord, for goodness sake just stop it. It's nonsense.
The Foolish Virgins
In 86 (3) Joyner describes noticing enormous numbers of people standing in ranks. He describes them as "dazzling, more regal than anyone I had ever seen. Their countenance was captivating. Never had such peace and confidence graced a human face. Each one was beautiful beyond any Earthly comparison."
Joyner enters into conversation with one of these people who informs him that they are "the great cloud of witnesses" and that they "know all of you, and we see all that you do."
This information, in its own right, is sobering. This great cloud of witnesses are, in some way, able to observe all that we are doing. In addition to the Almighty they are seeing what we do or do not do. They see what we do in private, they see our arguments, our sin, etc. So, if your parents are Believers they are watching you still!
On page 87 Joyner recognizes someone that he had known on Earth and they enter into conversation.
In 87 (3) this man states that "Heaven is much greater than we could have dreamed while on Earth" and states that the room where Joyner finds himself is "but the threshold of realms of glory that are far beyond the ability we had to comprehend."
Heaven IS clearly a desirable place to spend Eternity.
That’s all for this week. I will continue next week with more on "Where Will You Spend Eternity?" I've a few things to share with you in a minute, but the key thing here folks is that Heaven is real. It is possible for you to enter Heaven at various levels, we're talking at the moment about the Foolish Virgins, which are in the outer reaches of the throne room and as he progresses, he will get to talk to the Overcomers who are sitting on thrones for eternity, ruling over cities, ruling over star systems, ruling over planets, and he will talk with some of those people.
I encourage you to sign in next week and just take this story to the next level. It's so powerful folks. It's there for you. Why would you not? Say "Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua, I come to you. I desire to spend eternity in Heaven with you. I believe that you exist. Come and dwell in me. Lead me and guide me, take me by the hand. And help me to qualify to sit on a high throne for eternity." And then drop me an email, I will support you by phone, Zoom, Teams, whatever, email, WhatsApp, help you to grow in your relationship with Father. Go for it. It's the right time.
2024.03.29 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-11
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Body of the Article
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 11
The original article was written in 2003.
Continuing to look at “The Foolish Virgins.”
In 86 (3) Joyner describes noticing enormous numbers of people standing in ranks. He describes them as "dazzling, more regal than anyone I had ever seen. Their countenance was captivating. Never had such peace and confidence graced a human face. Each one was beautiful beyond any Earthly comparison."
Joyner enters into conversation with one of these people who informs him that they are "the great cloud of witnesses" and that they "know all of you, and we see all that you do."
The man he is speaking to goes on to say "the second death is much more terrible than we understood." A sobering warning.
He says further "If I had known on Earth what I know here I would not have lived the way that I did."
So a reminder from last week, we're talking about the foolish virgins, people who wasted their lives in some form of ineffective service of Yah. I want to bring you really to the point of my whole ministry, which is to seek a deep personal relationship with the Creator. If you're doing anything else, you're missing the point. If you're a believer and you're doing some things, and you're going to church or mosque or synagogue or temple or whatever, and doing some good works, but you don't have a relationship with the Creator, if you're not in conversation with Him, not in dialogue with Him, you're missing the point of your existence and the best you can hope for is that you're going to scrape by into the outer reaches of the throne room as a foolish virgin.
In 88 (2) the same man makes the point that there is "a marked difference between honouring one another in love, and worshipping them." He further states that if this was understood on Earth we would treat "others very differently."
In 88 (4) this man advises Joyner that "we are the least of those here."
When Joyner questions this, the man continues in 89 (1) "There is an aristocracy of sorts here. The rewards for our Earthly lives are the eternal positions that we will have forever. This great multitude are those whom Yahooshua called 'Foolish Virgins.'" He goes on to explain that the people in this group knew Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and trusted in the stake of Yahooshua for salvation, "but we did not really live for Him, but for ourselves. We did not keep our vessels filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit. We have eternal life, but we wasted our lives on Earth."
Folks, this is extremely sobering. The thing about worshiping, we don't understand what worship is because we do it all the time inadvertently. Calling the Bible the Word of God is a form of worship. Calling Jesus Yahooshua, God Yah is a form of worship. Esteeming people to the point where you phone over them and submit to them in an unrighteous way is worship. The thing to notice here is that this man says we are the least of those here. They are at the outer reaches of the throne room.
So if you're one of those who goes to church regularly and does your bits and pieces, you might make it there. But that's as far as you're going to go, you got to go further.
In 89 (3) Joyner protests in response that the "Foolish Virgins gnashed their teeth in the outer darkness" and in 89 (4) the man he is speaking to confirms that this was the case. He further states "The grief that we experienced when we understood how we had so wasted our lives was beyond any grief possible on Earth."
The speaker further confirms that Joyner is standing "among the lowest rank in Heaven" and states that "there is no greater folly than to know the great salvation of Yah but to then go on living for yourself. To come here and learn the reality of that is a grief beyond what an Earthly soul can experience."
Folks, as I've just said, you can carry on pottering along going to church doing your thing, but if you're not concretely doing something to add value to the kingdom of Heaven, the best you can hope for is to scrape by into the ranks of the foolish virgins. And we're going to look in a minute at some really shocking information that I hope will give you a really nasty shock actually. You need to be galvanized into action. You need to be galvanized into leading your life differently.
In 89 (5) Joyner questions how this can be since he is experiencing these people as "more glorious and full of more joy and peace" that he imagined possible.
In 89 (6) the other man states that the love of the Almighty is also far greater than is understood on Earth.
In 90 (3) the speaker describes further details of the continuum of "rank" in Heaven -- "The next level of rank here is many times greater than what we have. Each level after is that much greater than the previous one. It is not just that each level has an even more glorious spiritual body, but that each level is closer to the throne from where all the glory comes."
Folks, if you listen to what I'm saying, read The Final Quest. You can buy it from Amazon, various Christian bookshops have it, there is an electronic copy on the website, both with and without commentary. I really encourage you to engage with it. Get a handle on how glorious heaven is. Get a handle on the power and authority that is given to those who successfully serve Yah in this life. We are talking things that are going to impact your life for eternity. This is not trivial. This is not nice to have. This is not incidental. This is the essence of how you live your life from this moment on. And you can either take what I have to say and take it seriously and galvanize yourself into action or you can potter along and be disappointed when you come before the judgment seat.
This is a confirmation of 1 Corinthians 15:37-44:
"37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain:
38 But Yah giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.
39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.
40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:
43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." (KJV, adjusted)
Folks, it's a little bit abstract relative to what we've been looking at a few minutes ago from The Final Quest, but it gives the message. So if you're one of these people who is looking for "biblical basis" then this is the biblical basis that you're looking for. And I think you need to realize, you need to be careful there. The Final Quest, in my opinion, is of comparable veracity to much of the Bible. That's why it's on my website under the ETI Bible Version page.
In 91 (1) the person speaking to Joyner, quoted above, states that he is in Heaven "by grace alone."
Every time I read these above passages, i find myself IMMENSELY challenged in terms of how I am spending my life and I find new energy to pray for my life to make an impact and to be led by the Almighty in everything.
In 91 (6) Joyner describes the grief that he experienced in looking back at his life. It seems to me that this is a challenge that every one of us faces. IF we have eyes to see and ears to hear!
Now, if you research Rick Joyner a bit, you will find that he published probably about 8 or 10 books before The Final Quest. So here you have a man who has published pretty widely around the things of the Almighty, looking back on his life and grieving that he achieved so little; that’s sobering. This is a man who has been to Heaven, gone through the judgment process, and looked back on his life and said, "You know what, I've wasted a lot of time."
If you haven't published 8 or 10 books about the matters of Yah and ministered in a church, etc., think about it. If Joyner is going through this process and saying "Well, I'm only just going to make it," what are you going to achieve? It's very, very sobering.
On 92 Joyner meets a man whom he had "esteemed as a great man of God" on Earth, also in the place of the Foolish Virgins, and enters into a discussion. In this discussion various points are raised about discipling people on Earth which are outside the scope of this broadcast.
In 94 (1) this man states "Had I not been so self-centred and concerned with my own reputation, I would be a king here. All that you [Joyner] have and will accomplish would have been in my Heavenly account as well. Instead, much of what I gave my attention to was of very little true eternal significance."
This raises some really challenging points in support of statements made earlier in the broadcast on which this broadcast is based.
We will get to a point where I will tell you who I believe this man is, but I think we need to go a bit further. Here is a man that Joyner esteemed as a great man of Yah, but he says that he was self-centred concerned with his own reputation and only just made it into Heaven in the place of the Foolish Virgins. When you realize who we are talking about, you will be horrified and I hope you will be sobered and challenged to view the rest of your life very, very differently. What I'm sharing with you in these broadcasts about "Where Will You Spend Eternity" is the opportunity to have a really, really high place in Heaven for ever and ever and ever versus the other options.
It also introduces a concept which, while touched on in the traditional writings, was not previously clear to me. It is a concept that occurs in a number of other passages in "The Final Quest." This concept is as follows:
1. All that we do on Earth results in debits and credits in our Heavenly bank account, this is a reasonably well understood principle, although I've to say that I'm not sure that many people really do grasp what we're talking about there.
2. All that OTHERS do in response to our influence on them is ALSO accumulated in our account.
So, if we influence others for good, through our teachings, example, whatever, not only do they obtain credit, we ALSO obtain credit. Thus we can continue to earn credit for centuries or even millennia after we die!
Conversely, if we influence others for evil the same applies.
Thus, there is NOT only an opportunity to accrue credit after our deaths; there is ALSO an opportunity to accrue debits.
So, while we may live a life that is reasonably pleasing to the Father in this life, we can plant seeds that can result in destruction after our deaths which, it seems to me, can eventually cancel out the credits and overwhelm them with debits!
Conversely, we could live a reasonably ordinary life on Earth and plant a few seeds that bear great fruit for later generations.
Folks, this is really important to understand. Everything that you say and do that results in either positive things for the kingdom of Yah or negative things for the kingdom of Yah is going to be written up in a ledger – credits for what you've done right – debits for what you've done wrong. And it balances out in terms of your net contribution to the Kingdom of Yah. If you are not actively seeking to serve Yah and help others to serve Yah, you're not racking up much in the credits side of things, if you're doing things that lead to people doing wrong to the kingdom of Yah. So if you're engaging in business on the Sabbath and leading others who are believers to engage in business on the Sabbath, you are sowing evil, you are notching up debits in your account.
Conversely, if you're encouraging others to keep the Sabbath and making them aware of the Sabbath, you're storing up credit in your account. It's so important to understand this folks. Everything that you do in this life has consequences. This life is a test, a trial, an examination to determine your future in Heaven or not in Heaven, as the case may be.
The accounting system for storing up treasure in Heaven is COMPLEX and the only way we can have any hope of a net positive account balance on the Day of Judgment is to turn totally to the Almighty for mercy, grace and His guidance and judgment in our lives.
Anything else is a form of gambling with one's life for Eternity.
In 94 (2) Joyner states to the man that he is talking to that in his (Joyner's) opinion, what this man, who is amongst the Foolish Virgins, had accomplished during his life was "astounding."
There are prayers on the website or, there is a page The Essence of Prayer. There is a page on Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah. There are ways of cleaning up your life. I encourage you to get onto the website and make a real effort to raise the bar in terms of your relationship with Yah. You want to get to a place where you hear Him clearly. You want to get to a place where He judges you and corrects you when you get into error. You want to get to a place where He leads you into all truth. And that doesn't happen at the click of a switch. It happens over years of committed engagement with teachings about Him, coming to a place of personal relationship where He is guiding you every step of the way. That's what will bring high reward.
In 94 (3) the man replies "What looks good on Earth looks very different here. What will make you a king on Earth will often be a stumbling block to keep you from being a king here. What will make you a king here is lowly and unesteemed on Earth."
This supports the verses quoted earlier in this document. What is important to the Almighty is VERY different to what most of us have believed.
In 94 (5) he goes on to state that because we discern people's problems correctly that is "never reason to reject someone." He refers to Yahooshua's life and death to support this.
In 95 (1) he states that he became like "one of the goats in the parable" because he rejected the Almighty by rejecting those whom the Almighty sent to him.
So here we see a man who has had a profound influence on the Earth and yet he was a stumbling block. He didn't receive people that Yah sent to him. He judged them, he rejected them. If it's the man I believe it is, he also taught some very wrong doctrines. He was anti-Jewish. He promoted monogamy to the point of leading a king into error – difficult stuff.
In 95 (2) Joyner observes that the "whole battle" is for the people and yet people are often regarded as "the least important." I find this a very sobering statement, one that I so easily lose sight of.
“The Famous Reformer” amongst the Foolish Virgins [From The Final Quest]
In 95 (4) another man joins the conversation. Joyner describes this man as one who Joyner had considered as "one of the greatest Christian leaders of all time."
This man goes on to say "Paul (correctly Shaul) the apostle said near the end of his life that he was the least of the saints. Then, just before his death, he even called himself 'the greatest of sinners.' Had he not learned that in his life on Earth, he, too, would have been in jeopardy of becoming one of the least of the saints in Heaven. Because he learned it on Earth he is now one of those closest to Yahooshua and will be one of the highest in rank for all Eternity."
Such a vital lesson!
There are people who have all sorts of negative things to say about Paul/Shaul. They are in error folks. If you're one of those rejects Shaul's teachings, you're likely to find yourself in an ugly situation when you come before the judgment seat.
In 96 (1) Joyner states that "Seeing this man in the company of 'the Foolish Virgins' was the greatest surprise" he had yet had.
This man explains that he became proud and even became "an enemy of the true gospel" although, at the end, he trusted in the stake for his salvation.
In 97 (4) Joyner states that he was "stunned" since "history" had given a very "different picture" of this man.
In 97 (5) the speaker states that the Almighty "does have a different set of history books than those on the Earth." He goes on to say that Joyner does not yet know "how different" these books are. He continues "Earthly histories will pass away, but the books that are kept here will last forever. If you can rejoice in what Heaven is recording about your life, you are blessed indeed. Men see through a glass darkly, so their histories will always be clouded, and sometimes completely wrong."
So you can live a life that you think is serving Yah and come before the judgment seat and find that you missed it. Here we're hearing from a man, greatly esteemed in Christian circles, who is in the place of the foolish virgins, just made it into Heaven, nearly rejected. Are you somebody like that? Are you somebody who thinks you're doing great works for Yah, that you're doing it in your strength and your own lust and your own pride and your own understanding? Or are you somebody who is making a real difference on the Earth?
In 97 (6) Joyner asks why many other leaders "esteemed" this man and the man replies that very few people, including Believers, "have the true gift of discernment." In 98 (1) he explains that this is "why we were warned not to judge before the time."
He goes on to say that there have been "good motives in even the worst of men, and evil motives in even the best of them." He also says that on Earth we "cannot really know what is in the heart of others."
It is really important that we learn not to judge others.
I've just had an experience where I tried to correct somebody on Facebook who was in serious error. They came back and told me I wasn't hearing Yah and that I was in trouble. I have lot of confidence that what I shared with that person was from Yah. That person is heading for the place of the Foolish Virgins at best. It is better just to hear what another has to say or read what another has to say, and if it doesn't gel for you, if it doesn't ring true for you, just pass on, put it to one side. Don't judge them because you might just be mistaken. Yahooshua in the Parable says "Why are you worried about the speak in the eye of your brother when you have a plank in your own eye?" Think about it.
In 98 (3) Joyner is told that he is having the vision because he prayed for the Almighty to judge him "severely," to correct him "ruthlessly," so that he [Joyner] could serve the Almighty more "perfectly."
He also states that "the wise judge themselves" and the "even wiser ask for the judgments of the Almighty, because they realise they cannot even judge themselves well."
In closing 98 (3) Joyner refers to this man as "the famous Reformer." There are not many men to whom this designation could apply and it therefore seems important to prayerfully consider who this might be and what impact the beliefs one may have about him and his work may have on one's life today.
I first read this in about 1998 and I prayed "Father judge me severely, correct me harshly so that I may serve you more perfectly." I prayed it occasionally for the next few years and then subsequently started praying it daily from about 2009/2010 somewhere like that. And today I pray it just about every day. I've been judged in various ways, but I believe it helps me to stay on the straight and narrow.
Regarding the famous performer, who comes to mind for you?
The more we can come to terms with the reality that we do not have the capacity to really understand whether another person is acting in a way that is pleasing to the Almighty or not, the more we may be able to stop judging others and trust the Almighty to lead us.
The wife of the abovementioned man then speaks to Joyner and, in 99 (2) makes the following statement: “You can reform the church without reforming your own soul. You can dictate the course of history, and yet not do the Father's will, or glorify His Son. If you commit yourself to making human history, you may do it, but it is a fleeting accomplishment that will evaporate like a wisp of smoke."
In 99 (3) Joyner questions this statement "But your husband's work, or your work, greatly impacted every generation after him for good. It is hard to imagine how dark the world would have been without Him."
She replies "True. But you can gain the whole world and still lose your own soul. Only if you keep your own soul pure can you impact the world for the truly lasting eternal purposes of Yah."
There is considerably more jarring information about this man and his wife contained in this section of "The Final Quest" that warrants reading.
Who do you think the famous performer is? I believe we're talking here about Martin Luther, the founder of the Protestant Church, Protestant Movement. Greatly esteemed by many Christians and yet here, if I am correct, we find him in the place of the Foolish Virgins, together with his wife, saying that he failed Yah in many, many respects. So folks, what I'm saying to you is it is not just about what you do, it's about why you do it. What are you doing for Father today? Why are you doing what you're doing? Are you planting good seed or evil seed or no seed?
I really hope that I'm getting through to you. This is heavy, heavy stuff. I want you to see that you can qualify for a High Throne in Heaven for eternity and I want you to see that you can just scrape into Heaven or even end up in the Outer Darkness as one who did nothing for Yah after you believed. And you cannot make it into Heaven at all as an unbeliever. We're going to see as we continue with this journey that it is possible to qualify for a high throne and what we're seeing here is it is possible to do apparently great works, and yet not qualify for a high throne.
In 100 (2) Joyner reports that he realised that much of what he was doing he was doing to "promote" himself rather than the Almighty and His Kingdom. He also states that he began to see how much he did to "prove myself to others, especially those who disliked me, who rejected me, or who I felt in competition with in some way." He refers to seeing that much of his life was "built on the facades of a projected image that belied who I really was."
The important point here is not Joyner’s judgment of himself, but to what extent his judgment of himself may be almost universally applicable to men on Earth today!
And we will see shortly that there are a lot more women in Heaven than men and the closer we get to the thrones, the greater the number of women relative to the number of men. So if you're a man and you're listening to me today, you really, really need to soberly consider what you're doing.
Folks, this is heavy stuff. This is about how you are going to spend eternity, which is the subject of this series. Will you spend eternity on a High Throne close to Yahooshua? Or will you just scrape by, may be not even make it?
In 101 (3) the "Famous Reformer" states "Do not try to teach others to do what you, yourself, are not doing. Reformation is not just a doctrine." He goes on to say that "true reformation" only comes from union with the Almighty and from being "yoked" with the anointing of the Spirit of Yah and carrying "the burdens that He gives you."
He goes on to say that "You can only do His work when you are doing it with Him, not just for Him. Only the Spirit can beget that which is Spirit."
The "Famous Reformer" further states that "the things that are done in an effort to make history will at best confine your accomplishments to history, and you will fail to impact Eternity. If you do not live what you preach to others you disqualify yourself from the high calling..."
That’s all for today folks. This will be continued next week. But I leave you to think about this famous reformer. Maybe I'm mistaken as to his identity but I don’t think so. You figure out who else it could be. I really urge you to recognize that you need to get close to Father.
There is an article on the website "Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah," I urge you to read that. I ask you to put it into practice. You need to get filled with the Spirit of Yah. You need to be led by the Spirit of Yah. You need to have a deep intimate relationship with Yah. That is the only way that you will succeed for eternity.
2024.04.05 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 12
Audio on DropBox:
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Body of the Article
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 12
Continuing to look at “The Famous Reformer” amongst the Foolish Virgins.
In 95 (4) another man joins the conversation. Joyner describes this man as one who Joyner had considered as "one of the greatest Christian leaders of all time."
This section continues:
The need to apply what one teaches in one's own life on a daily basis is an ENORMOUS point and an enormous challenge. It is relatively easy to read a text and obtain revelation, or to obtain revelation in prayer - to APPLY it!
In 102 (1) it is stated that "the high calling is not out of reach for anyone that the Almighty has called." It is also stated that love for the Almighty alone and seeking His glory alone is what will keep one "on the path of life."
My understanding is that everybody on earth has a high calling. My understanding is that it is entirely possible for you, not the person behind you, in front of you, left of you, right of you, above you, below you, whatever – you to achieve a position of a high throne for eternity. The rules have changed. The previous dispensations didn't work. This is your opportunity to earn a high throne.
It is further stated in 102 (1) that "Everything you do to exalt yourself will one day bring you the most terrible humiliation." While everything that one does "out of true love" for the Almighty, "to glorify His name, will extend the limits of His eternal kingdom and ultimately result in a much higher place for yourself. Live for what is recorded here. Care nothing for what is recorded on Earth."
In 103 (4), in a conversation with the wife of the “famous reformer” it is stated that "All of the relationships that you have on Earth are continued here, and they are all purified by the judgment, and by the fact that they are now spiritual just as we are now spirit."
This is a really important point. At one level it seems obvious, at another level I wonder how many of us really think about this in our relationships with others.
It's not about exalting yourself. It's about drawing people to Father, to the Almighty, to Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. It's about bringing Him glory. It's about doing things that are pleasing to Him. "Father help me to bring you joy." I pray every night. Do you think about bringing Him joy? Has it crossed your mind that you could bring Him joy? And has it crossed your mind that perhaps you should bring Him joy?
Firstly, what will it be like for a husband and wife if one is on a High Throne and the other is in the outer darkness? Particularly when the dross of this world has been burned off by the judgment and they then discover that they deeply love one another.
This seems really critical in the context of the indication that so few people will currently make it into Heaven if judged today. What will it be like for a husband and wife if one is in Heaven and one is an ancestor spirit on Earth? What about other relationships? What if a man has committed adultery with another man's wife, fallen deeply in love with her and come to repentance while she has continued in her sin? He will still experience his deep love for her even if she is roaming the Earth as a Demon and he is in Heaven? Or vice versa?
The Almighty has indicated to me that this is indeed so.
I'm not sure that you really get this point. Sorry to say that, it's a difficult point to get that it is possible for two people – there is a passage in the New Testament which says that two will be a prayer and one will be taken and one not that two will be in the field one will be taken and one not. It's a state of mind folks. It's an attitude to Yah. It is possible for two people to stand in a worship service and one to be worshiping Yah and another just to be singing a song.
Some time ago I came across a very powerful song "UK Blessing." Father said to me of those singing the song only 20% believed in Him. Shocking stuff!
What about family members and friends we could have interceded for more effectively, witnessed to more constructively?
Consider Luke 16:22-26:
"22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in Hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." (KJV)
That's sobering stuff folks. If you're in relationship with somebody who is a believer, and they are astray, they are sinning, they are going to end up in Hell for a season. Are you going to get to Heaven perhaps and then be confronted with the fact that maybe you didn’t speak loudly enough or intensely enough/
Those in Hell can speak to those in Heaven AND ask for help and those in Heaven can reply but CANNOT help! Notice that both Lazarus and the rich man were Believers.
What is it going to be like to be in the one place and see others one knew, liked, loved in the other place - whichever way round it works out for you?
What do you choose to do about this?
Interesting aside is notice that the rich man still had the idea that Lazarus should serve him, so he still had a way to go before that pride and judgment was burned out of him. I think that if one really deeply grasp what I'm talking about, one would noticeably change the way you deal with those you're in relationship with, those you are in contact with. I find myself as I'm teaching this realizing that I too am not making as much effort as I could to communicate these truths to other people. That's sobering. It's not that easy because there is this thing that you share things and people reject it and they reject you and they mock you, they don't understand you, and it affects your relationship with them, so you don't do it because you're scared it might happen. What I'm getting out of this is it is not the right attitude.
The Pure Truth Spoken in Pure Love
In 104 (3) it is stated that "The pure truth spoken in pure love, will always attract."
It seems to me that this is a very important principle in how one shares these truths with others, particularly when one is concerned that another is in sin and one hopes to bring them to repentance.
It seems to me that pure truth spoken in pure love has an order of magnitude greater probability of being received.
Folks, the one thing that comes to me is that it's easy to say, it's not easy to do. First of all, how do you come to a place where you have pure truth? I suggest that the prayer that I've shared previously "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" is going to help you to come to a place of pure truth, but how do you do that in pure love? How do you do it in love? Do you know what love is? We have spoken previously about 1 Corinthians 13 where it culminates in saying that love never dies, love is enduring, love is eternal, but that is chesed, covenant love. Here we're talking about – what are we talking about? Love? Chesed? Whatever we're talking about, an acquaintance, business associate, somebody we don’t necessarily know very well. How do you speak with pure truth to such a person and do it in pure love? It comes back to the arrows from the mountain that we spoke about a month or two ago, arrows being the words. How do you find the correct words and deliver them in such a way that they have an impact?
How to get there?
How to deal with one's own hurts, pain, drivenness, fear of rejection, memories of past arguments or encounters?
A great challenge but part of the challenge of seeking to be transformed to become like Yahooshua as the pattern, or way or example that we have been given.
In this age, I have found it really important to come to terms with just how far I am from being like Yahooshua and therefore just how difficult that makes it for me to communicate with others in a way they can receive.
At the time of first writing I stated “In recent years I have done much work in dealing with childhood hurts and beliefs, using psychological tools and practices, including those taught by the "More to Life Programme." I have found that the depth of these childhood hurts and beliefs about myself and others have had a massive impact on my ability to communicate effectively with others." See
The key thing to reiterate is to seek to become like Yahooshua. Early on in this journey of mine 31 years ago, Father said to me, "Read the Gospels, the Good News as though you are Yahooshua." That was eye-opening stuff and I recommend to you see yourself performing miracles. See yourself with Yah speaking through you.
I have learned that i have been sending out all sorts of unconscious messages about myself and about others that have seriously detrimented my ability to communicate effectively with them. I have come to understand that these hurts and beliefs in some form or another are present in every human being on Earth today and that they contribute in large measure to the extent to which so many relationships, including marriages, are dysfunctional.
Pain Is Good
Also in 104 (3) it is stated, also by the wife of the reformer, that "Pain is good; it shows you where there is a problem. Do not try to reduce the pain until you find the problem. Yah's truth often brings pain as it highlights a problem that we have, but His truth will always show us the way to freedom, too. When you know this you will even begin to rejoice in your trials, which are all allowed to keep you on the path of life."
So pain is good. As I've shared, I prayed – first I found the prayer in The Final Quest "Judge me severely, correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" or words to that effect and I've prayed it for the first time back in 1998 when I first read the book. Subsequently I prayed it occasionally until around 2010 when I became really aware of its importance and since then I've prayed it most days intermittently admittedly not every day for the last 14 years but currently I pray it every night and I recommend this. Sometimes there is real pain. I split a tooth on one occasion after I had sinned.
Relationships Are For Giving
In 105 (5) the wife of the “famous reformer” states that "As your mind is renewed by the Spirit of Truth, you will not see relationships as an opportunity to get from others, but to give. Giving provides the greatest fulfilment that we can ever know. The most wonderful human relationships are but a fleeting glimpse of the ecstasy that comes when we give ourselves to Yah in pure worship."
She continues "True love never seeks to be first, or to be in control, but rather the place of service. If my husband (she is referring to the great reformer) and I had kept this in our marriage, we would be sitting next to the King now, and this great hall would be filled with many more souls."
Do you give into your relationship or do you look at them as an opportunity to take/to demand/to want? True love never seeks to be first or in control. Is your marriage a bit rocky? Could it be that you're trying to be in control that you're trying to be first? Think about it!
The pages prior to this statement contain some shocking information about how a dysfunctional marriage in the life of someone with a high calling detrimentally impacted the lives of every generation thereafter AND detrimentally impacted their own eternal destiny. Father has confirmed to me that “The Great Reformer” referred to above is Martin Luther!
There are a number of big lessons here for every Believer, not least with regard to marriage.
Learn on Earth
In 106 (6) another person states that everything that Joyner was learning in the vision had been given to him on Earth. I understand this to apply to every one of us. He is told that "Every relationship, every encounter with another person, could teach you what you are learning here if you will keep that cloak of humility on, and learn to always keep your attention fixed on His glory."
The key message from The Final Quest is the power of humility. And as I think I said a week or two ago, it is not easy to be humble. Humility is not something that our society encourages that we even really understand. "Father humble me by your spirit that I may learn to serve you more effectively" would be an useful prayer. I've added to the prayer from Ephesians 6 the full armour of Yah, the mantle of humility. It's so important, I urge you to read The Final Quest and really see how that fits together.
The speaker turns out to be a man who had had "a great ministry." This man reports that he became very proud near the end of his life and started to touch the Almighty's anointed and to do His prophets harm. That he and his followers looked for faults in other ministries and exposed them.
In 108 (2) this man states that he became "the worst thing that a man can become on the Earth – a stumbling block who produced other stumbling blocks. We sowed fear and division throughout the church, all in the name of protecting the truth. In my self-righteousness I was headed for perdition. In His great mercy the Almighty allowed me to be struck by a disease that would bring about a slow and humiliating death. Just before I died I came to my senses and repented."
There is a huge point here folks. If a believer is in right standing with Yah, they will remain strong and vibrant to the moment they are taken. If a believer is in sin and error they may well find themselves sick, feeble, battling – it's judgment. If a believer dies prematurely, it's judgment, they are taken before they cross to perdition. Folks, this is really serious stuff. If you're a believer towards the end of your life and you're sick, you need to get on your knees and find out why and repent and turn it around before you lose everything.
So we see that there is an opportunity to change sides right up to the last minute. If you are near the end of your life and experiencing severe illness, it might be really important to check out what the Almighty may be wanting you to learn before it is too late. If you do NOT you may find yourself rejected and cast out, in which case you will first visit Hell to pay the price of your unconfessed sin as a Believer and will then be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly consumed – the worst of both worlds!
In 109 (3) this man states "And we always comforted ourselves by actually thinking that we were doing Yah a favour when we attacked His own children." He goes on to refer to "the worst judgment of all – the judgment of the stumbling blocks." He also states that those who are doing these things are "doing the work of the Accuser [Satan]."
Few days ago, maybe a week ago, I encountered on this Facebook group that I'm a member of, somebody was really declaring judgment on a certain individual and I quoted two or three verses from the Bible "Judge not, lest thee be judged," "Who are you to judge another man's servant?" and so forth. And the person doing it just kicked back and condemned me and asked me do I know what I was doing, and I pointed out that I was quoting the Bible and he said where is the Bible verses? So they obviously didn’t know the Bible very well. But it's huge, it's commonplace, don’t judge others.
In 108 (6) and 109 (1) it is indicated that simply allowing people to talk about the errors of another congregation, or asking people to pray for a congregation that is considered to be in error and similar actions are all part of the sin of being a stumbling block. I understand this to relate to judging others and then encouraging others to judge them as well by speaking about their perceived or actual sin to others.
The truth is we are not competent to judge and frequently when we do judge we are judging based on our own pride, error, self-righteousness, etc. It is better to notice, move on and pray in one's heart that the will of the Almighty will be done in a particular situation. Don't discuss it and certainly do not tell others about it or issue emails to large numbers of people or publish articles, or get on Facebook, etc., condemning others, no matter how "politely" or "nicely" or "gently" or "lovingly" or whatever one thinks one is doing it.
By all means go to somebody privately and say "John or Jane or whoever, I'm concerned with what you did there, what you said there. Please pray about it. I think you might be in error." By all means, point error out to people, but once they accept or reject, move on. I had a situation in the last couple of weeks where somebody started sending me quite anointed messages on WhatsApp. They are in the name of God and Jesus and the Lord and the Cross and Easter. So I wrote to the woman and said, "You know, you need to correct," and she came back and said "You're judging me," so I just walked away. Plant the seeds, and that’s it.
Still in the place of the Foolish Virgins, Joyner meets a "famous writer" who confesses that, while his writings are widely esteemed in the church, they are "shallow, and filled more with worldly wisdom than divine truth."
This man goes on to state that he had "failed the King of Kings," that he had used his gifts to “draw men more to myself and my wisdom” than to the Almighty, that he "hardly knew" the Holy Spirit, that he did not point men to the Almighty but to himself and "others like" him. He states that his mind was his "idol."
In 113 (3) this same man states that he buried his talents beneath his "own spiritual pride and ambitions."
Folks, this is a criticism that can be levied with respect against the vast majority of people in leadership. It doesn't matter whether you are in Islam in the mosque and Judaism in the synagogue or the shul or in Christianity in the church or the Bible school or whatever. People are relying on the human wisdom and learning human standards and human erroneous interpretation. Yah wants a deep personal relationship with you. He doesn’t want you to have a relationship with the Bible or the Quaran or the Torah or whatever. He wants you to have a relationship with Him.
This man states further that "The more authority you are given, the more potential for both good and evil you will have. Those who will rule with Him for the ages will know responsibility of the most profound kind. No man stands alone, and every human failure, or victory, resonates far beyond our comprehension, even to generations to come."
In 113 (5) this man states "Had I sought Yah instead of knowledge about Him, many thousands who I could have led successfully would have resulted in many more millions being here now." He goes on to say "Never seek influence for yourself, but only seek the Almighty, and be willing to take His yoke. My influence did not feed your heart, but rather your pride in knowledge."
In 113 (3) he concludes by saying "Study to show yourself approved unto Yah, not men."
One man takes a wrong journey, wrong turning, and where he could've made a huge difference, instead leads people into error and deception and pride and keeps people out of Heaven. Each one of us has that opportunity to lead others to Yah, to Yahooshua, to Heaven or lead them to their pride, their carnality, their Bible.
I constantly see this as an enormous challenge, it is so easy to want to be approved by other Human Beings and lose sight of the approval of the Almighty.
This is particularly so as a consequence of the fallen state of the world. That which is esteemed by the Almighty is generally ridiculed or rejected by mankind in this age. It requires real commitment to seek to please the Almighty!
Folks, I come out of a Christian background, although I no longer regard myself as Christian; I see myself as bridging between Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other religions. But from my personal experience of Christianity, as it is practiced in the world today, there is massive deception, massive error, and the vast majority of Christian leaders are leading people away from Yah. And even those that are sort of leading people towards Him, are doing so in great error.
I've spoken at length in the past in previous broadcasts about not worshiping the Bible but worshiping Yah, don’t worship Jesus, worship Yah. I pointed out that Yah says "The Bible is the greatest idol on the Earth today." You've got a choice. Spend an hour reading the Bible as a source of knowledge or read the Bible as an insight of people who served Yah or spend that hour worshiping and drawing close to Yah. The Bible has a place. It's useful information, but it's over 2000 years old and it doesn't deal with the present dispensation.
Summing Up - The Foolish Virgins
In 114 (4) Joyner reports "In this first multitude I saw many other men and women of Yah from both my own time and history. I stopped and talked to many more. I was continually shocked that so many whom I expected to be in the highest positions were in the lowest rank of the kingdom. Many shared the same basic story – they had all fallen to the deadly sin of pride after their great victories, or fallen to jealousy when other men were anointed as much as they were. Others had fallen to lust, discouragement or bitterness near the end of their lives and had to be taken before they crossed the line into perdition. They all gave me the same warning: The higher the spiritual authority that you walk in, the further you can fall if you are without love and humility."
I've read these passages, I don’t know, 20-30 times, may be more. It's sobering stuff folks. Get the book, read it. There is copy on the website with commentary up to Part 2 of Chapter 5. I've corrected Jesus and God and the Lord to the correct terminology so that it's maybe not an accurate reflection of what Joyner wrote, although that’s still there. But it's highlighting the extent to which we need to correct.
Towards the Judgment Seat and Throne
Joyner reports in 114 (5) and 115 (1) "As I continued toward the judgment seat I began to pass those who were of higher rank in the kingdom. After many more veils had been stripped away from me by meetings with those who had stumbled over the same problems that I had, I began to meet some who had Overcome. I met couples who had served Yah and each other faithfully to the end. Their glory was unspeakable, and their victory encouraged me that it was possible to stay on the path of life, and to serve Him in faithfulness. Those who stumbled, stumbled in many different ways. Those who prevailed all did it the same way – they did not deviate from their devotion to the first and greatest commandment – loving the Almighty. By this their service was done unto Him, not to men, not even for spiritual men."
So it's a continuation of the point that I've been making – don't worship men or women. Don't worship institutions. Don't worship books. Worship Yah. If you are in a place where you think somebody who does something to your book be it the Quran, be it the Bible, be it the Torah is committing some grievous sin, you're mistaken. If somebody is speaking ill of Father, that is grievous sin. And I ask you to make that distinction – books are just books, men and women are just men and women. They are not there to be worshiped and if you worship them, if you kill another person because they did something to your book or said something about your book, you're in deep trouble.
115 (2) "When I was still not even halfway to the throne, what had been the indescribable glory of the first rank now seemed to be the outer darkness in comparison to the glory of those I was now passing. The greatest beauty on Earth would not qualify to be found anywhere in Heaven. And I was told that this room was just the threshold of realms indescribable!"
Truly this is a treasure that is worth seeking to obtain. A treasure that warrants a sacrifice of obedience and love in this life.
So ponder this. He says the beauty is indescribable. He said that the beauty that he described earlier as being dramatic of those who are in the foolish virgins now appeared to be so dull because he was getting closer to the throne. Heaven truly is a magnificent place. Why would you want to spend eternity on Earth as a demon or in the outer darkness? Why would you even want to spend eternity as a foolish virgin when you could become an overcomer, impact the world, and sit on a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity? I know what I'm going for and I urge you to do the same.
This is the end of this section. We will carry on with this next week. I've got a few things I want to share with you before I sign off.
2024.04.12 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 13
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2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 13
The book was originally written in 2003 and it's been refreshed twice.
We're continuing to look at “Towards the Judgment Seat and Throne” and we're basing these comments on the book The Final Quest by Rick Joyner where he reports a series of visions where he was taken into Heaven. I believe that this book and these visions are amongst the most important items that we have accessible to believers in this age. So I'm quoting verbatim from that book and commenting on that. This is referencing the version of the book that I read and marked up and that’s available as a scanned set of images on my website, if you go to the ETI Bible version webpage and under that you will find The Final Quest and under that you will find a scanned copy of the book.
Joyner reports in 114 (5) and 115 (1) "As I continued toward the judgment seat I began to pass those who were of higher rank in the kingdom. Their glory was unspeakable, and their victory encouraged me that it was possible to stay on the path of life, and to serve Him in faithfulness. Those who stumbled, stumbled in many different ways. Those who prevailed all did it the same way – they did not deviate from their devotion to the first and greatest commandment – loving the Almighty. By this their service was done unto Him, not to men, not even for spiritual men."
We pick up where we left off after saying Truly this is a treasure that is worth seeking to obtain. A treasure that warrants a sacrifice of obedience and love in this life.
The following passage from The Final Quest indicates that there are even various levels of throne. 116 (1) "As I approached the Judgment Seat of the anointing of Yah {Christ}, those in the highest ranks were also sitting on thrones that were all a part of His throne. Even the least of these thrones was more glorious than any Earthly throne many times over. Some of these were rulers over cities on Earth who would soon take their places. Others were rulers over the affairs of Heaven, and others over the affairs of the physical creation, such as star systems and galaxies. However, it was apparent that those who were given authority over cities were esteemed above those who had even been given authority over galaxies. The value of a single child surpassed that of a galaxy of stars, because the Holy Spirit dwelt in men, and Yah the Eternally Self-Existing had chosen men as His eternal dwelling place. In the presence of His glory the whole Earth seemed as insignificant as a speck of dust; and yet it was so infinitely esteemed that the attention of the whole creation was upon it."
So Joyner calls that the judgment seat of Christ. The correct translation of the word Christ is the anointing of the Spirit of Yah. So that's the Spirit of Yah in you as a believer that will judge you at the end of your life. The passage that I've just read indicates that the majority of people who have so far qualified to sit on high thrones for eternity do not conform to human perspectives of who would qualify.
In 117 (2) it is stated that it was both "awesome" and "relieving" to stand before the Judgment Seat and that in the vision Joyner had "passed the point where I was concerned if the judgment was going to be good or bad; I just knew it would be right, and that I could trust my Judge."
This speaks to us in this life as well – are we willing to trust the Almighty to judge us in this life?
You have a choice. You can not ask Him, which is what just about everybody does. Or you can ask Him by praying the prayer that I've shared previously – "Judge me severely, correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly."
One of the biggest things that I get out of The Final Quest is this piece that those who were esteemed on Earth frequently only just scraped by into the lower ranks in Heaven and the people that are in the high ranks in Heaven were hardly known on Earth. It's sobering.
If you're running around doing church stuff or mosque stuff or synagogue stuff or whatever, just check it out. You may not be doing Yah will.
117 (3) "At one point Yahooshua looked toward the galleries of thrones around Him. Many were occupied, but many were empty. He then said, 'These thrones are for the Overcomers who have served Me faithfully in every generation. My Father and I prepared them before the foundation of the world. Are you worthy to sit on one of these?'"
Joyner reports in 117 (4) that "I looked at the thrones. I looked at those who were now seated. I could recognize some of the great heroes of the faith, but most of those seated I knew had not even been well known on Earth. Many I knew had been missionaries who had expended their lives in obscurity. They had never cared to be remembered on Earth, but wanted only to be remembered by Him. I was a bit surprised to see some who had been wealthy, or rulers who had been faithful with what they had been given. However, it seemed that faithful, praying women and mothers occupied more thrones than any other single group."
It's really important and this just elaborates the point that I made a minute ago. Human earthly standards are no reliable indicator of who's going to be where in Heaven. So if you're in the habit of judging people and saying this one's right and this one is wrong and this one a good servant and that one is a bad servant, I really encourage you to cut it down and stop it. It's not serving you and it's potentially going to come back and bite you badly.
Again, we see a high proportion of women. Specifically on thrones.
This is an important revelation. There is a widely held belief that the doctrine of women submitting to their husbands in some way makes them second rate citizens or is oppressive. And, there have certainly been many men who have applied these doctrines oppressively and unjustly. However, this does not alter the basis on which a woman will be judged – did she submit to her husband in everything?
This vision of many women on thrones clearly nullifies beliefs that women are second rate citizens.
Taken together with Isaiah 4:1, cited previously, this can also be taken as an indication that the Almighty intends for there to be more women on thrones even after the final judgment.
I wrote that as a say in 2003, not totally sure that that last sentence is accurate – I think it's the way it's turned out that for whatever reason, women are more faithful than men in serving Yah because we see in the people on the mountain back in the early sections of The Final Quest, more women. We saw on the lower levels of the mountain more women. We see here on the thrones more women. I've said it before and it bears repeating – if you are a man who looks down on women or treats women badly, I strongly, strongly, strongly suggest that you cut it out and turn over a new leaf and stop your nonsense because it's going to get you into big trouble the day you stand before the judgment seat.
It seems important that women understand this and that they do not sacrifice an opportunity to sit on a throne or enter Heaven by getting into "women’s liberation," rebellion and other prevalent modern sin or by covenanting {marrying} with a man who is NOT as close to Father as they are or, worse still, is an Unbeliever.
This and other passages also suggests to me that a man needs the support of one or more wives who will underpin him and support him spiritually, particularly through intercession, and assist him to serve the Almighty faithfully.
There is much that is not understood about these concepts in the present age and much that is taught and practiced that is in opposition to them.
I grew up in a family where my mother and my sisters were treated with utmost respect. My father was certainly not a chauvinist and I didn’t. I grew up not as a chauvinist, as somebody who respected women, regarded women as equals and didn't seek to dominate or suppress or whatever, and I've never understood how man can treat a woman who is a beautiful creation badly and I really my whole being screams when I read of some of the things that are happening in some of the parts of the world in terms of denying women education, forcing them into oppressive clothing, treating them badly, applying double standards to them. And it's being done by people who in many cases claim to be believers and they are seriously deceived.
So if you belong to one of these groups that looks down on women, for goodness sake, get out of it, wake up – you could be in deep trouble when you die.
In response to Yahooshua's question to Joyner in 117 (3) as to whether he (Joyner) was worthy to sit on a throne, Joyner acknowledges in 118 (1) that "There was no way that I could answer 'yes' to Yahooshua's {the Lord's} question."
This is surely the only answer that any human being can give.
In 118 (2) Yahooshua asks Joyner "But do you want this seat?"
Do YOU Want to Sit on a Throne with Yahooshua for Eternity?
This is the essential question of this whole document – do YOU want to sit on a throne with Yahooshua for Eternity?
This is a question worth pondering.
If you've never understood that there is a hierarchy in Heaven, there are ranks in Heaven, there are levels of esteem in Heaven, ranging from the Outer Darkness, the trash heap of Heaven, if you never had a relationship with Father to a high-high throne next to Yahooshua if you're a friend of Yah and anywhere in between. And it's entirely up to you where on that continuum you align. If you're an unbeliever, you're not even going to make it into Heaven, you just going to die and you're going to be shown Heaven and told that you've been lied to and you're going to go back to your corpse. You're going to end up in the grave or you're going to end up in crematorium oven or you might be uplifted and used to haunt people. You've got a huge spectrum of choices my friend and maybe this is the first time anyone's ever told you that.
By now, you have some idea of what the price is to sit on such a throne, some idea of the sacrifices, the adjustments, the probability of pain and loss in this life, the probability of a major adjustment in your life.
Do YOU want such a seat?
There is no obligation to say "yes."
And i suggest that it is NOT prudent to say "yes" UNLESS you have REALLY thought this through and prayed about it.
It's easy to get excited with what I've just shared about this magnificent supernatural bodies of massive authority, massive supernatural powers, people who have seen Yahooshua, the resurrected Yahooshua, end up worshiping him because he is so powerful, they think he must be Yah. No! He is so powerful because he lived a life without sin in obedience to Yah and as the reward he was given this fantastic supernatural body and these fantastic supernatural powers so that he can hear what's going on in multiple places in the world simultaneously, so he can be in multiple locations simultaneously, so that he can perform miracles. You can be like that if you want to. Have you ever thought about it?
You could live your life like Yahooshua did, free of sin, and serving Yah faithfully and you could die and you can become a friend of Yah, it takes some work, but it's possible. And you could sit on a high throne with massive spender and massive authority for all your life for all eternity that makes whatever you think you're going to achieve in this life pale into insignificance.
If you are NOT REALLY willing to pay the price, rather don't say "yes" and rather be silent and let this moment pass – it will be better to do that than to say "yes" now and then find that you are not willing to see it through. In such a case the judgment will be harsher in the end.
Rather wait a while and make a QUALITY decision, a decision that you will not compromise on later.
Get in touch with what you REALLY want in life – nice cars, nice house, approval of your family and peers, etc. OR "well done thou good and faithful servant, come up higher" on the Day of Judgment.
I am convinced that if anyone REALLY grasps the magnitude of what is being offered, they will say "YES" I desire such a throne.
What about you?
To me it's no contest. It's taken me many years. I first read The Final Quest in 1998. It had taken me many years to get to a place where I really, really think that I've got it. I got it way back then, that’s why I read the book, I don’t know, 10-20 times. That's why I'm currently rendering it and correcting key errors and commenting on it. That’s why I incorporated it into this article way back in 2003.
The following extract from "The Final Quest" gives some indication of what the Almighty might say to you IF you say "yes."
In 118 (3) Joyner replies "I do with all of my heart."
In 118 (4) Joyner reports "Yahooshua then looked at the galleries and said, 'Those empty seats could have been filled in any generation. I gave the invitation to sit here to everyone who has called upon my name. They are still available. Now the last battle has come, and many who are last shall be first. These seats will be filled before the battle is over: Those who will sit here will be known by two things: they will wear the mantle of humility, and they will have my likeness. You now have the mantle. If you can keep it and do not lose it in the battle, when you return you will also have my likeness. Then you will be worthy to sit with these, because I will have made you worthy. All authority and power has been given to me, and I alone can wield it. You will prevail, and you will be trusted with my authority only when you have come to fully abide in me. Now turn and look at my household.'"
This was originally given to Joyner in 1993, published I think in 1994, so 30 years ago. Since then in 2003 Satan was sent to the pit for 1000 years. The dispensation changed. We now live in a situation where the number of people serving Yah is rapidly reducing and the big question is will there be anybody left at the end of the millennium to call for Yahooshua to return, which requires that they are free of sin and in right standing with Yah.
118 (5) "I turned and looked back in the direction I had come from. From before His throne I could see the entire room. The spectacle was beyond any comparison in its glory; millions filled the ranks. Each individual in the lowest rank was more 119 (1) awesome than an army, and had more power. It was far beyond my capacity to absorb such a panorama of glory. Even so, I could see that only a very small portion of the great room was occupied."
It's my understanding that this is still the case today and it's my understanding that unless something radically changes, it will be the case at the end of the age. What has to change? A large number of people need to stop sinning, stop using the false names, stop worshiping Yahooshua, stop worshiping the Bible and serve Yah alone. Love Yah with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your strength. And if a significant number of people do that on Earth in this age, things will change. That's my goal. I ask you to enrol with me to help me. You don't have to tell me you're doing it – just start praying along the lines of what I've set out on the website.
The Cup – Ninety Nine out of a Hundred are Lost – Will YOU Seek to Love and Save the Lost?
119 (2) "I then looked back at Yahooshua and was astonished to see tears in His eyes. He had wiped the tears away from every eye here, except His own. As a tear ran down His cheek he caught it in His hand. He then offered it to me."
119 (3) "'This is My cup. Will you drink it with Me?'"
It seems to me that this is the same question that will be asked of EVERY PERSON who seeks to sit on a throne for Eternity.
Whether you find yourself called to reach millions or whether you're called to reach a small number who will qualify for high thrones and by so doing will acquire the power and authority on Earth to radically change things is partly up to you and is partly up to what Father has planned for you. And that's a function of what you've done up till this moment in time. The question you need to ask yourself is am I prepared to make a difference? Am I prepared to do whatever Yah asks me to do no matter how much of a challenge it is. It's not easy. But the reward is huge and that makes it worthwhile.
119 (4) "There was no way that I could refuse Him. As Yahooshua continued to look at Me I began to feel His great love. Even as foul as I was He still loved me. As undeserving as I was He wanted me to be close to Him. Then He said:"
119 (5) "'I love all of these with a love that you cannot now understand. I also love all who are supposed to be here but did not come. I have left the ninety-nine to go after the one who was lost. My shepherds would not leave the one to go after the ninety-nine who are still lost. I came to save the lost. Will you share My heart to go to save the lost? Will you help to fill this room? Will you help to fill these thrones, and every other seat in this hall? Will you take up this quest to bring joy to Heaven, to Me and to My Father? This judgment is for My own household, and My own house is not full. The last battle will not be over until My house is full. Only then will it be time for us to redeem the Earth, and remove the evil from My creation. If you drink My cup you will love the lost the way that I love them.'"
If you're not doing something to lead people to relationship with Yah, being as I'm doing encouraging people to seek to become friends and overcomers or be it just to get people to believe at any basic level – understanding that just going out and having a so-called crusade and having an article and having tens or hundreds or thousands of people play some simple prayer of salvation and then going away and leaving them to figure it out for themselves is just populating the outer darkness. Yah is tired of that. He doesn’t want it anymore.
Ninety nine percent of all those who should have been in Heaven at that time were NOT!
That is a TERRIBLE statistic.
As mentioned above, in the current age the situation for the current generation is worse.
On 17 January 2002, the writer was told by the Almighty that IF the world was to be judged at that moment, only thirty million (30,000,000) people of the entire world population on Earth at that moment would qualify to enter Heaven.
On Passover 2004 (6 April), the writer was told that this number had reduced to three million (3,000,000).
There was a massive falling away around the turn of the millennium and into the first few years of the new calendar millennium where the actual millennium started in about May 2003 and it's just been plummeting. Very few young people are coming to belief and the old people are dying off just by natural attrition. The question is what are you going to do? Maybe you think it's too ambitious to go after the 99% that are lost. What are you going to do about going for 1% of those who are lost? And maybe if you can get the 1%, the 1% will get the 2%, and the 2% will get the 4%, the 4% will get the 8%, and so on. Think about it.
Demographics of the Kingdom – 25th December 2015:
I was given the following demographics of the Earth’s population on this date: Friends 1;
Overcomers 20;
Good and Faithful Servants ~5,000;
Wise Stewards ~200,000;
Adulterous Wives ~500,000;
Foolish Virgins ~2 million;
Outer Darkness – Unbelieving Believers ~20 million (don’t count)
These are the numbers who would qualify for those ranks if Yahooshua were to return on that date.
Since then large numbers have died and few have joined – the current statistic is MUCH lower.
Yah has also said to me that unless there is a major turning around in the next few years, within a hundred years there will be no significant believers left on Earth – maybe a few ragtag people who sort of believe. And He said that in 200 years, if that happens, the Earth will descend into the most vile and horrible evil. It is up to the people of this generation, people like you who are listening to me to turn that around. I urge you to do so. Commit yourself "Father in the name of Yahooshua, I want to help you turn the situation around. Help me to know what to do."
Right now, can YOU say with total conviction, based on a deep personal relationship with the Almighty that you have done enough in your life to qualify for a High Throne?
Can you TRULY say that your doctrine is sufficiently accurate that you will not be found a liar and a heretic on the Day of Judgment?
Can you TRULY say that you have held lengthy PERSONAL conversations with the Almighty to a point where you are confident that you know His will in your life? Or that, in some other way, you ARE confident that you ARE on the strait way headed for the narrow gate?
Are you CERTAIN?
Well, I guess about a month ago, two months ago, I met a lady on LinkedIn. She joined my mailing list and I added her to my WhatsApp group or she may have added me to her WhatsApp group, probably more accurately. And she published daily quite an inspiring little article. The problem was that it was in the name of God and the Lord and Jesus and Easter and so forth. And I gently tried to challenge her on that and steer her right. But she was intransigent. One of the things that I said to her, you need to fast so that you can hear Father. She said I don’t need to hear Father, I know I'm on the right track or words to that effect. The arrogance was startling!
Folks, if you think that what I'm saying is relevant, you need to fast and pray and seek to hear Yah clearly. Don’t rely on me; rely on Yah.
Or do you want to take a chance?
Is this a time to re-examine your life and take a LONG HARD LOOK at what you have done in your life to date AND what you think your life currently is set to look like if you continue doing what you are doing?
Please consider this prayerfully and carefully and then listen on!
You could pray right now along the lines of what I said a moment ago – "Father Yah in the name of Yahooshua, I choose to serve you. I desire deeply to sit on a high throne with you for eternity. I ask you to show me what to do, what to read, what to worship, what to say, who to meet, what to read. Help me Father to change to become the person you want me to be. Help me to qualify for that high throne. I desire a high throne. I desire to be your friend. I thank you that you want me to be your friend. I thank you that you will help me to get there. I thank you that you will bring the people you want into my life and take the people you don't want in my life out. I thank you that you will open the doors you want opened in my life and closed the doors you want closed. I desire to be your friend and I commit right now to put in whatever it takes to get to be there."
In 119 (6) and 120 (1) Joyner describes how Yahooshua placed the tear in a plain cup and gave it to him (Joyner) to drink. Joyner describes how he erupted into tears, crying for the lost, and for Yahooshua and the Almighty.
In 120 (2) Joyner describes how he was then filled with the peace of Yah. Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of Yah, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through the anointing which was upon Yahooshua {Christ Jesus}." (KJV, adjusted)
After this Joyner experienced the glory of the Almighty and was filled with the urge to preach, to worship and to breath every breath for the good news of the Kingdom of the Almighty.
I shared an article yesterday in fact, the actual letter that was written by Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judah to the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar concerning Yahooshua. It validates what is written in the Bible. It goes into a bit more detail about the exceptional character and disposition of Yahooshua. The key point is that it clearly evidences that Yahooshua really did exist, and really did what is attributed to him. At the end of reading that article, I erupted in tears, sobs, begging Father to help me to change things. That article is on the website. I encourage you to read it and do whatever you find to do after you've read it.
Important Update April 2024:
In April 2023 I published an article “2023.04.08 The Almighty Creator, Yah, is INDIFFERENT to unbelievers.” See
It is now my understanding that primarily Yah is looking to recruit existing Believers to become Overcomers and Friends and grow in relationship with Him. He has lost interest in evangelism that fills the Outer Darkness.
This must be seen in the context of Satan being sent to the Pit for 1,000 years on 3 May 2003 – see “2010.09.07b - Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003” at
Folks, if you don't understand that Satan is in the pit and his Seven Demonic Masterminds are ruling on Earth, you're at a bit of a disadvantage. I've spoken about this at length before. Check the back issues of the broadcasts. There are several pages on the website that talk about it. The dispensation changed before that point. Yah could no longer extend grace for the false names – Jesus, God, the Lord, etc. If you pray to God and to the Lord and to Jesus now, you got a problem.
This is going to be continued next week and I encourage you to come back. Just hang on, I've got a few things I want to share with you.
2024.04.19 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part 14
Audio on DropBox:
ETI YouTube:
Direct from Website:–Part-14.mp4
Body of the Article
2024.01.03 Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest – Third Edition – Part 14
The Throne of Grace
In 120 (3) of The Final Quest, Joyner, the writer, realises that the Throne of Judgment is ALSO the Throne of Grace and requests grace to serve the Almighty, for grace to finish his course. He asks for grace to love the Almighty the way he is experiencing in the vision so that he can be delivered from delusions and self-centeredness. He asks for salvation from himself and the evil of his own heart. He asks for the love he feels at that moment to flow continually in his heart. He asks for the heart of the Almighty and His love. He asks for the grace of the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit to convict him of his own sin and to testify of the Almighty and of Yahooshua as they really are. For grace to testify of that which is prepared for those who come to the Almighty. For grace to preach the reality of the judgment. For grace to share with those who are called to occupy the empty thrones and to give them words of life to keep them on the path of life. Words that will impart to them the faith to do what they have been called to do.
I would suggest that every person on the planet could usefully make that request. It covers a wide range of topics. And it is presented in the context of deep revelation that Joyner experienced as he came before the judgment seat. I strongly encourage you to get hold of the book and read it. As I said before, it's available on Amazon. It used to be available, I can't say now, but I would think it's still available in Christian bookshops. There is a copy on the website under the ETI Bible version page and you need to read it folks.
In 121 (3) Yahooshua states that we must be constantly conscious of both the kindness and the severity of the Almighty and that we must remember both if we are to stay on the path of life and not fall into deception. Yahooshua indicates that it IS grace to know both of these and that all the experiences that Joyner has been given in the visions is grace directed at this objective.
It therefore seems imperative to consciously seek to know both the chesed {love} and the judgments of the Almighty in our lives, continuously.
Sadly from observation, I'm not sure that very many people know either of those things. There are some people who know the chesed, the love, and they tend to take it to unrealistic extremes. There are not many who know judgments. There are not many who ask for judgment. I've spoken before of the prayer that comes out of The Final Quest "Father judge me severely, correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" and I commend that prayer to you if you're serious about serving the Almighty.
The Last Battle
In 122 (3) it is stated that Yahooshua is now waiting for his enemies to be put under his feet, that is made his footstool. Refer Hebrews 10:12-13 "12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of Yah ; 13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool." (KJV)
It is also stated that the legions of messengers {angels} that have been on standby for this time have been released and that the "hordes of Hell have also been released."
It is stated that what is now unfolding on Earth is "the last battle."
So, in considering what has been presented thus far, it is perhaps useful to consider that the spiritual dispensation in which we now find ourselves is VERY different to that which prevailed until two decades or so ago.
Are YOU willing to accept the challenge?
Important Requirement:
In “2022.11.06 Yahooshua {Jesus} is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool” at, it is stressed that it is you and I, the BELIEVERS who have to make Yahooshua’s enemies his footstool.
Folks, there are references in various writings to enemies and vanquishing enemies and defeating enemies and fighting enemies. It's really important to understand that for the most part, those enemies are not human. Those enemies are spiritual. They are demonic, ancestor spirits, spirits of deceased unbelievers, and they are what is typically called Angelic, Satanic messengers, messengers or angels that followed Satan into rebellion. That is where the battle is fought and the battle is fought with the armour of Yah that is depicted in the book The Final Quest and is referenced in Ephesians Chapter 6. I'm just going to read that out to you or relay that to you in the way that we pray every night. "Father help us to wear your full armour, the belt of truth, the surefooted shoes of the good news of peace, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of emunah or faith with which we quench the fiery darts of the wicked one, the mantle of humility. We thank you that you help us to wield your commandments as a sharp edged sword, dividing between truth and error and tearing down principalities, powers, thrones, and dominions. We thank you that you help us to pray in the spirit at all times without ceasing."
So that's my rendering of that, I've added a bit to it with the mantle of humility and the way I have worded it, but it is fundamentally important and what I ask you to notice is that it is all directed at attitude state of mind and taking action against the Demonic and Satanic realm by speaking truth, by having emunah and so forth. It is not killing other people because you think that they are in error and that you're doing Yah a favour by killing them. It's not achieved by crusades and pogroms and other abominations.
I've increasingly come to understand that Yah is peace loving, He is gentle, He is kind. There is a lot, particularly in the Old Testament of the Bible and in the Quran and so forth about people killing other people. And I increasingly come to the conclusion that that is a manifestation of what people think and believe much more than it is a function of what Yah wants us to belief. I am personally convinced that Yah wants peace on the Earth. He does not want believers killing believers. He does not want believers killing unbelievers and He doesn't want unbelievers killing believers. He actually wants the killing to stop. So please consider that if you're one who is of a vengeful disposition.
The Overcomers
The next section of "The Final Quest" is titled "The Overcomers" and it reports Joyner’s experience in the vision after he leaves the Judgment Seat and meets with some who are sitting on thrones.
On pages 124 and 125 Joyner reports a form of communication in Heaven that transcends words. It is something that in Earthly terms might be called "telepathy" but the way he describes it is much more profound.
In 125 (3) it is suggested that this level of communication was lost after the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:9 "Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because Yah the Eternally Self-Existing did there confound the language of all the Earth: and from thence did Yah the Eternally Self-Existing scatter them abroad upon the face of all the Earth." (KJV, adjusted)
So, one of the things that I get out of The Final Quest is the extreme level of supernatural enablement that is granted to those who make it to Heaven. In particular, those who make it to the front of the throne room, to the higher ranks, the overcomers, the friends. Huge glory. Huge power. Huge supernatural gifts and even the people who are the least in the throne room have substantial supernatural powers and gifts. Don’t you want that? I know that I do.
It is stated that we can only experience such communication when we are freed in the presence of the Almighty.
In 125 (4) Joyner indicates that "when Adam's transgression caused him to hide from the Almighty, it was the beginning of a most terrible distortion of what man was created to be, as well as a severe reduction of his intellectual and spiritual capacities. These could only be restored when we come out of 'hiding,' 126 (1) opening ourselves to the Almighty, and to each other, becoming genuinely transparent. It is as we behold the glory of the Almighty, with an 'unveiled face' that we are changed into His image. The veils are causing our hiding."
The statement about the reduction in the capabilities of mankind that resulted from Adam's transgression is a really important aspect of understanding our current situation.
Many Believers, at some level, seem to believe that the present generation is the most advanced generation technologically and spiritually that has ever walked the Earth. The reality, which is not within the scope of this article, but which is alluded to in the above quote, is that mankind has degenerated MASSIVELY spiritually from the time of Adam. In fact, mankind's recent technological "advances" are only a limited recovery of the technology that was in existence at the time of Noah, as evidenced by the books "Dead Men's Secrets" and "The Killing of Paradise Planet," both by Jonathan Gray, available at
Also available at “2023.04.05 Archaeology Answers – Material by Jonathan Gray” at
See also “2023.04.04 More About The Flood” at
Folks, there is so much wrong thinking about where we are today. Read these two books. There was huge intellect, huge engineering and technical ability at the time of Noah, that’s where the pyramids, etc., of Egypt come from, that's where all the remains of these fantastic cities around the world come from. We're a pale shadow of Adam. Adam was at least 6 m 18 feet tall, massively capable, massive intellect, massive spiritual powers. We don't even begin to comprehend what we've lost. And yet mankind today is so proud of their accomplishments. We think we're the best. We think we're the greatest. We think we're greater than any previous generation. In fact, we are degenerate and far from Yah.
It is only when one can grasp just how far the present generation has fallen from knowledge of the Almighty and knowledge of His ways that one can really begin to see how big a challenge it is today to qualify to enter Heaven AT ALL and particularly to qualify to sit on a throne for Eternity.
In 126 (2) Joyner states "When the Almighty, asked Adam where he was after the transgression, it was His very first question to man [after the fall] and it is the first one that we must answer if we are to be fully restored to Him. Of course, the Almighty knew where Adam was. The question was for Adam's sake. That question was the beginning of the Almighty's quest for man. The story of redemption is the Almighty's pursuit of man, not man's pursuit of the Almighty. When we can fully answer this question, knowing where we are in relation to the Almighty, we will have been fully restored to Him. We can only know the answer when we are in His presence."
Folks, it's sobering stuff. Do you know where you are relative to the Creator? Do you know what your standing with Him is? Do you know what He would say to you if you were to die this instant? What is your expectation for when you come before the judgment seat? And it doesn't matter how young you are, that’s not very far away. If you are well advanced in years, you really need to answer that question.
126 (3) "That was the essence of my [Joyner's] entire judgment seat experience. The Almighty already knew all that there was to know about me. It was all for my sake, so that I would know where I was. It was all to bring me out of hiding, to bring me out of darkness into light."
It is really so important that we recognise that the Almighty DOES know all that there is to know about us. He knows about our secret sins, our desires, our dreams, our lusts, our fears, our whatever. He knows about the painful experiences that have created emotional scars, beliefs, automatic reactions, etc.
When He brings people together in partnership in marriage, in ministry, in business, He knows everything about them. He is NOT surprised by their quirks and their habitual sins.
Just to return to Joyner's there to bring me out of hiding. It's important to understand, here is a man who is a notable prophet/emissary/spokesman/apostle, massive spiritual experience and he concludes after he has been to Heaven that he is in a really dark bad place. So if a man who's had an experience like that, draws that conclusion, what's it going to be like for you and me? It really bears thinking about folks, where are you relative to Yah? Where will you find yourself when you die?
Yet, so frequently, when Believers are convinced the Almighty has brought them together, in marriage, ministry, business, etc., the moment one of them discovers something about the other that they do not approve of or like, they reject them and break the partnership. They lose sight of the fact that the Almighty is NOT surprised.
In 126 (4) Joyner states that the Almighty is seeking to be one with His people, He wants us to see things "in union with Him."
In 127 (1) it is stated that the "darkness in the world was perpetuated by the compulsion to hide that began after the fall. 'Walking in the light' is more than just knowing and obeying certain truths – it is being true and it is being free from the compulsion to hide."
Folks, something that I don't think most people realize, Father Yah went to a huge amount of effort to create this universe, to create this solar system, to create our sun, to create planet Earth, to create the moon and the stars, to create the plants and the animals, and to create us – for one reason and one reason alone – He wanted friends. He wanted people he could talk to, people He could invent things with, people that could enjoy doing things together. Stop and think about it. Are you such a person? With respect, there are very few people like that on the earth today, perhaps no more than a handful. If you're not confident you're one of those people, you're missing the point of your life. And what more, Father is lonely. There are more than 100 billion ancestor spirits/demons on the planet and there is a handful of people who really care about it. What are you going to do about that?
It seems to me that this is a big part of this message.
Are YOU willing to make a decision to really seek the Almighty rather than hiding from Him? Are you willing to accept that He knows EVERYTHING about you and yet He STILL loves you and wants to heal you and draw you close to Him? And He wants to offer you an opportunity to sit with Yahooshua on a throne for Eternity!
It is a WONDERFUL OFFER, if you can accept it!
But, it requires YOUR FREEWILL CHOICE!
In 127 (2) Joyner stresses that part of being free from hiding is that we are also transparent with others.
There is much more in the remaining pages of “The Final Quest.” If this message has made an impact on you, please make every effort to read the remainder of the book and then read the whole book. There is much that is contained therein that is not contained in this message. You can purchase the book on or there is a copy available on my website at the link above, as well as a scanned copy of my personal copy with mark-up and notes available to download.
When I wrote this article, this e-book "Where will you spend eternity?" and published it in April 2004, which is now 20 years ago, I made the following declaration.
Declaration in April 2004 – 20 years ago
I, James Robertson, do hereby declare that I have prayed about this document and its contents. I declare that the Almighty has stated to me that this message is 98% as He would have it.
My understanding has evolved since then. I've learnt a lot. My understanding has matured a lot. But the message is still basically the same. I updated it in 2019. Then I updated it again a few months ago. I made very few changes to it. It's a really important message. I believe that when I wrote it, I was at some level inspired and for that reason, I believe it is valid for me to commend this article to you. It's on the website "Where will you spend eternity?" I will publish in a couple of weeks when I've got the transcripts of all the broadcasts, I will publish a version "Where will you spend eternity – elaborated" which will have everything that I said in these broadcasts. I encourage you to read it and I encourage you to take it seriously.
Closing the Second Edition in 2019
Since writing this book I have walked a long road (further 15 years) and learned many things. In particular I have come to understand that almost everything that I learned through the church is highly corrupt and mistaken.
I have learned that since Satan was sent to the Pit for a thousand years on 3 May 2003, the spiritual dispensation HAS changed dramatically although this is only visible to those who are really observant.
I don’t care whether you're Christian or Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist or whatever. Your particular flavour of religion is highly corrupt and full of error. How do I know this? The Satanic realm rules on Earth and they don't allow things to happen that are not corrupt and in error, barring certain individuals make a huge effort to seek truth.
I have learned that we are NOT taking part in some scripted pantomime, we are engaged in a battle the outcome of which is by NO means certain and, as a consequence, reports of what Father has said that imply a guaranteed outcome are mistaken. In the visions and experiences of Rick Joyner, as with EVERY other prophet/spokesperson of the Almighty through the ages, Father has confided His plans and Goals NOT a pre-recorded script. We are given these experiences that we can MAKE them happen. Just as Daniel set himself to fast and pray for the return of Israel to the land of Israel from Babylon based on the prophesy of Jeremiah.
Therefore, do NOT sit back and think that everything will come right. The “back of the book” does NOT say that “we win,” in fact, Father Yah has clearly stated to me that if The Contest were to end right now He would be very close to losing it and that ALL indications are at present that by 3003 He WILL lose UNLESS there is a dramatic turning around on Earth with people seeking ALL truth, praying the necessary prayers and seeking energetically to live ABOVE SIN, which, of necessity, requires that we get our doctrine right!
There is a huge amount on the website to help you do just that. There are prayers you can pray, there are rituals that you can do to cleanse yourself. There is guidance on drawing close to Father. There is an article Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah behind the homepage and lower down in the menu. I encourage you not to sit back. I encourage you to actively start seeking a deep relationship with Father.
Father has also shared with me that, contrary to general belief about evangelism, saving the lost, etc., His HIGHEST priority is for individuals to seek a DEEP personal relationship with Him and become His friends. To this end I refer you to the two articles “The Creator Desires a Deep Relationship with YOU” and “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” both of which are on the website.
See “2014.11.01a The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU – Elaborated” at
This article (where will YOU Spend Eternity) is also available on my website at:
IF you have been seriously impacted by this series of broadcasts, I strongly encourage you to download these two articles and engage deeply with them. The Seven Components article is the culmination of my journey with Yah over more than 21 years and contains a wealth of valuable guidance that will help you to accelerate your growth in relationship with our Father in Heaven IF you take what is given and apply it conscientiously!
11 Closing the Third Edition in January 2023
I have undertaken a comprehensive review and refresh of this book and particularly corrected some misunderstandings with regard to Hell and the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. I have added a few key points in comment boxes. This remains a particularly important document and I encourage you to read the entire eBook if you have not already done so.
Please consider what is presented in this broadcast series carefully and prayerfully.
If the end were to come today and you were to find yourself before the Judgment Seat – can you say with absolute certainty whether you would find yourself in Heaven or as an ancestor spirit on Earth or utterly rejected?
If you think you would be in Heaven, would you be on a High Throne or in the outer darkness?
Do you care?
Do you WANT to sit on a throne for Eternity?
Please consider prayerfully what YOU truly want and whether you are willing to pay the price in this life in order to store up treasure in the life to come.
And then, make what WILL be the most important decision that you will ever make.
Will you seek a high throne for eternity or at the very least will you seek a significant position in Heaven or even less than that, will you seek to make it into Heaven at all? And if you don't seek to make it into at least the place of the Foolish Virgins, you're wasting your time or are you content to take your chances as an ancestor spirit, a demon, that you might end up in the coffin with your rotting corpse for ever, that you might end up in the remnants of the crematorium oven for ever, that you might be taken captive by a witch or a warlock or a Satanist and put to work haunting other human beings and leading them into sin and error and deception and away from Yah. What do you want? What do you want?
And I want to make it clear to you – it does not matter who you are or where you are right now, Father Yah will meet you where you are, He will take you by the hand and He will lead you to where you decide you want to go if you will be obedient, if you will make the sacrifices that are necessary. It doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor, short or tall, thin or fat, educated or uneducated. It doesn't matter whether you're African or Asian or American or European or Caucasian or Indian or whatever. It doesn't matter if you're Hindu or Jewish or Muslim or Buddhist or Christian or Satanist or Witch or Warlock. It doesn't matter. You were created to be a friend of the Almighty. Forget all this nonsense about chosen people, the people were chosen and that chosen people messed up. It doesn't count anymore. They had their chance. The dispensation has changed. This is no longer about some chosen group of people being Yah's privileged/favoured people and the rest not counting. This is about you as an individual. Not the person on the left or the right of you, behind you, front of you, above you, below you. It's about you. It's about your choice to go wherever you want to go.
You can choose to die and be stuck on your rotting corpse or you can choose to sit on a high throne for eternity with massive supernatural power, with a glorious body, close to the Creator of the Earth, close to Yahooshua – greatly esteemed for ever and ever and ever. What do you want today? To me there is no contest that you might think about all the nice things that you have and that you might have to give some of that up. I've given up a lot. I've damaged relationships. I've suffered loss. I've made numerous mistakes. But I'm still here, I'm still pressing on, seeking that pearl of great price. I encourage you to do the same.
Pray with me "Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua, I know now that you want me to be your friend. I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to get there. I ask you to take me by the hand and lead me to a place of glory. Help me to serve you in this life to earn the reward that you will give me in the life to come. Bring the people you want into my life and take the people you don't want in my life out. Open the doors you want opened in my life and close the doors you want closed. Take me by the hand and help me to become your friend. Amen."
He will meet you wherever you are – don’t hesitate.
That’s the end of "Where will you Spend Eternity?" The end of this series of broadcasts. Next week I plan to start with the letter of Pontius Pilate to Julius Caesar about Yahooshua.
Wrapping Up
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him as your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you're FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
I've talked about this in some length already now and I've given you a prayer that you can pray along with me. The recordings of these broadcasts should be published tomorrow. It's been live streamed to LinkedIn and YouTube. Search for "Where will you spend eternity part 14." It should be up there within the next 2 or 3 hours. It will be on my website by about lunch time Saturday, that’s UK time. It will be emailed to my mailing list about the same time. It will be posted to my contacts on WhatsApp about the same time. It will be on the ETI YouTube channel as well. Let's go back and just ask yourself, what do you want?
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions to
Please email me to join the mailing list at
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, Teams, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when I will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the Millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
I really, really hope to hear from you. You don't have to contact me. You don't have to tell anybody about your decision. This is between you and the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Just dip your toe in. Pray the prayer that I gave you a couple of minutes ago and then do what you find to do, read what you find to read. Go to the website. Just trust Father to lead you. Look at the keyword cloud, there is a webpage near the top of website. Just dip in the keywords. Just run your eye over the website and jump in to whatever articles get your attention. It's there – over 30 years' experience which I believe will help you.
So I'm going to say goodnight to those of you who listen regularly. For those who are listening for the first time or the first few times, please hold on, I've got a few things I like to share with you.
In Closing
Who am I? – James Robertson, I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a retired Military Commander. I now work as a Management Consultant. I have over 31 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
In learning about Father, I've applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
See the Video “Why seek relationship?” for an overview of what I believe.
Please visit my website at
ETI Version of the Bible with correction of key translation errors at
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far are available on a number of podcast websites on the internet. Search on Google for “Relationship with Creator Radio.” Also transcripts on the Transcripts of Broadcast page on the website.
Books with teachings from 1998 until May 2019 are at the “Books for Printing" page.
I publish regular email articles – email me on to be added to the mailing list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you so much. Goodnight!
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 19, April 2024