The section contains a collection of in excess of 600 articles written between 2000 and 2008 during which time I was undergoing a major learning process, accordingly, articles that I believed were accurate at the time they were written I have subsequently come to understand contain errors, sometimes material errors
Generally accuracy improves over the period but estimates of accuracy in some of the document relate to what was POSSIBLE at that time with the knowledge that I had
They REMAIN on the website because Yah says that each person must learn to sift truth from error by turning to Him and it is NOT for me to go back and censor or edit what I wrote in trust and belief at the time. Also He says that there ARE many articles of value in the collection so, if you do NOT find an answer to some question in the main articles section at you may find something here.
I encourage you to search for articles FIRST in the newer collection BEFORE you spend time here.
These articles are listed in publication reference with the oldest listed first:
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Table of Contents of the body of the Website
NEXT SECTION: Articles Published on the End Time Issues List since the Day of Atonement 2009 >>>
04 Published in April (04) 2000
A series of messages regarding the state of the Body of believers - at time of Passover 2000.
1A1.00.04.01 A Vision Concerning Zephaniah 1 and 3 (Tuesday, April 04, 2000 06:37)
1A1.00.04.02 Further to - A Vision Concerning Zephaniah 1 and 3 - A document which assists to place this in context (Thursday, April 06, 2000 21:58) transmitting document "Some Thoughts On 2 Thessalonians 2:7 When "He Who Now Restrains..." "...Is Taken Out Of The Way"
1A1.00.04.03 Is the bride ready for the wedding or is she about to face judgment? (Tuesday, April 18, 2000 06:06)
1A1.00.04.04 Some thoughts on Luke 6:11 - a continuation of thoughts on Luke 4:34 (Wednesday, April 19, 2000 06:26)
1A1.00.04.05 Luke 7:23 blessed is he who does not stumble on account of Yahshua - can we identify the abomination of desolation and are we prepared? (Thursday, April 20, 2000 08:01)
1A1.00.04.06 re the Word Yahweh in previous mails (Thursday, April 20, 2000 15:10)
1A1.00.04.07 URGENT - re Press Reports Regarding High Profile Divorce in the South African Church - A Call to Prayer, Fasting, etc (Monday, April 24, 2000 09:02)
1A1.00.04.07b Some Thoughts on Divorce by Christian Leaders (Saturday 29, 2000)
1A1.00.04.08 Surely the abomination of desolation is come upon the temple of Yahweh? (Tuesday, April 25, 2000 08:12)
1A1.00.04.09 Apologies for any offense caused (Thursday, April 27, 2000 06:37)
1A1.00.04.10 Healing Christian Marriages : Some Thoughts on Divorce by Church Leaders and Divorce in General : How Christian Marriages Can Be Healed (Sunday, April 30, 2000 09:21)
05 Published in May (05) 2000
1A1.00.05.01 A Series of emails exchanged with a person on the list who questioned the basis of the existence of End Time Issue Ministries and the authority of the writer to write in a prophetic and apostolic capacity. This exchange took place in response to the previous message on "Healing Christian Marriages" on May 02 and 03, 2000.
06 Published in June (06) 2000
No messages
07 Published in July (07) 2000
1A1.00.07.01 A Dream And Scriptures Concerning Jerusalem (03 July, 2000)
1A1.00.07.02 A Mayim Urgent Update - The Temple Mount Archaeological Destruction (17 July, 2000)
08 Published in August (08) 2000
1A1.00.08.01 Some Thought Provoking Web Sites (18 August, 2000)
1A1.00.08.02 Spiritual Principles From Watchman Nee (22 August, 2000)
09 Published in September (09) 2000
No messages
10 Published in October (10) 2000
1A1.00.10.01 Developments In Israel: The War of Gog and Magog and The Beginning of Great Tribulation? (03 October, 2000)
1A1.00.10.02 A Gospel Question
1A1.00.10.03 Helping Israel
1A1.00.10.04 Psalm 132 Predicts Yahshua's Birth At Tabernacles
Consolidated volume -- April to October
11 Published in November (11) 2000
1A1.00.11.01 Some Facts On Israel
1A1.00.11.02 A Touching Story - The Blessing of Thorns (16 November, 2000)
1A1.00.11.03 Persecution of Christians
1A1.00.11.04 Judgment and the Church - Tribulation FIRST
1A1.00.11.05 Is Rick Joyner a Prophet? (re Persecution of Christians)
1A1.00.11.06 Wheat and Tares (re Persecuted Christians)
1A1.00.11.07 Extracts From "The Call" - Further Indications of Soon Coming Judgment on the Church and the World (14 November, 2000)
1A1.00.11.08 Facts on Israel - Helpful Information (14 November, 2000)
1A1.00.11.09 Who Sits in Moses Seat? (Part 2 of 2)
1A1.00.11.10 Responding to rebelliousness or treachery on the part of a wife (16 November, 2000)
1A1.00.11.11 Lord Teach Me How To Love (17 November, 2000)
1A1.00.11.12 Thoughts on Moderating Discussion Lists (22 November, 2000)
12 Published in December (12) 2000
1A1.00.12.01 Sergei - How will we respond to persecution? (11 December, 2000)
Consolidated volume -- November and December
01 Published in January (01) 2001
1A1.01.01.01 The Wrath of Yahweh for the Church : Why Judgment is Coming on the Church Today (04 January, 2001)
1A1.01.01.02 Some Scriptures Relating to "The People" (11 January, 2001)
1A1.01.01.03 Islam's End Time Teachings (23 January, 2001)
1A1.01.01.04 ASAP : A More Light Hearted Message
1A1.01.01.05 Thoughts on the Mail regarding "Islam's End Time Teachings" (25 January, 2001)
1A1.01.01.06 Letter in the Night
1A1.01.01.07 Who or What is the Remnant (31 January, 2001)
Consolidated volume -- January 2001
02 Published in February (02) 2001
1A1.01.02.01 Seeking for Yahweh's Truth - The Key to Unity (05 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.02 Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing and Other Biblical Sites Found (08 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.03 New Developments at ETI (08 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.04 Interpreting Bible Prophecy for This Season (09 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.05 Something Must Be Done (09 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.06 An interesting confirmation (09 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.07 What is The Bridge To Bring The Jews To Salvation (12 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.07b Christian Prophetic Network
1A1.01.02.08 Nuclear War Evidence (14 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.08b NASA and the Bible (14 February 2001)
1A1.01.02.09 of Evangelism to Other Denominations and Faiths, of Marriage Across Denominational Boundaries, of Yahweh's Truth and A Better Way (15 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.10 Recognizing Yahweh's Servants (20 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.11 The Wrath of Yahweh for the Church : The Judgement for Adultery Part 1 (22 February, 2001)
1A1.01.02.12 Seek Truth Not Error (24 February, 2001)
Consolidated volume -- February 2001
03 Published in March (03) 2001
1A1.01.03.01 Conversion versus Decision (05 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.02 The Spirit is Moving on the Earth - How do we understand scriptures referring to "Christ"? (05 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.03 The Relationship between Yahweh (The LORD), Yahshua (Jesus) and The Holy Spirit (09 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.04 Love Like Yahshua Loves (10 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.05 Ministry Team Position - End Time Issue Ministries - Deliverance Ministry (11 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.06 The Wages of Sin (11 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.07 Poverty in The Church of Yahshua Messiah (11 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.08 Overcoming to the End (14 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.09 The End Time Calendar As We Currently See It (15 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.10 A Beloved Little Sister (18 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.11 Yahshua (Jesus) Our Messiah Yahweh (The LORD) (18 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.12 Moses or Aaron? Prophet or Mouthpiece? Are We Still Killing the Prophets? (20 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.13 Spirit Led Praise and Worship - El-Muchraka (20 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.14 Coping with the Volume of Mail from ETI (22 March, 2001)
1A1.01.03.15 Deliverance Manual Part 1 (23 March, 2001)
Consolidated volume -- March 2001
Deliverance manual
Poverty in the church
04 Published in April (04) 2001
1A1.01.04.01 Why Easter is Unkosher (02 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.02 Pesach (Passover) Feasting to Freedom (05 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.03 Correction of SPELLING ERROR : Yahshua (18 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.04 Proactive Intercession (18 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.05 "I" (18 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.06 PS About Worship (18 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.07 Message not issued
1A1.01.04.08 Message not issued
1A1.01.04.09 Rubble Declares the Glory of Yahweh (23 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.10 Tongues: From Satan or from Yahweh? (23 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.11 Pokemon: Children Playing With Fire (23 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.12 Demonic Activity Associated With Artefacts and In Dwellings (23 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.13 A Prophetic Move in This Age (23 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.14 Will A Man Rob God In Tithes and Offerings? (27 April, 2001)
1A1.01.04.15 The Financial Stewardship Of Believers (26 April, 2001)
Consolidated volume April 2001
05 Published in May (05) 2001
1A1.01.05.01 A Challenge To Each One Of Us (03 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.02 Living Faith versus Dead Dogma (03 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.03 Some Comments on Document Presentation (09 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.04 Declaration of Jacob's Trouble: A Significant Event (09 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.05 "Christian" Persecution of The Jews (10 May, 2001)
1A1.02.05.06 I Have A Dream - Why We Do Things The Way We Do (11 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.07 Deaf Ministry for YHWH (14 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.08 The Calling of End Time Issue Ministries (17 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.09 True repentance, etc in preparation for Pentecost (19 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.10 Angels And The Ark Of The Covenant (31 May, 2001)
1A1.01.05.11 Shavuot (Pentecost) The Feast of Weeks - Sunday 3 June 2001 (31 May, 2001)
06 Published in June (06) 2001
No messages
07 Published in July (07) 2001
No messages
Consolidated volume -- May to July 2001
08 Published in August (08) 2001
1A1.01.08.01 Message delayed
1A1.01.08.02 Long Term Plan (02 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.03 To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice (03 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.04 Becoming The Bride He Wants (07 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.05 What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You (08 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.06 PUSH (08 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.07 Iniquity = Lawlessness = Torahlessness (14 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.08 The Truth About Torah (15 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.09 Response To Questions Regarding The BibleSex.Com Web Site (15 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.10 The Wrath of Yahweh for The Church Today: The Judgment for Adultery Part 2 (16 August, 2001)
1A1.01.08.11 The Evangelism Iceberg in 2001: Strategic Objectives Of The Kingdom Of Yahweh (21 August, 2001)
Consolidated volume -- August 2001
09 Published in September (09) 2001
1A1.01.09.01 Surprising Discoveries For Your Information (11 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.02 Are You REALLY Saved? (13 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.03 Satan Is Winning The Battle Hands Down : What Are YOU Going To Do About It? (14 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.04 Vital Spiritual Principles Required To Understand What Was NOT Seen In The Attacks On The USA On Tuesday 11 September 2001 (19 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.05 A Message Linking Disasters In Th To US Policy Toward Israel (19 September 2001)e USA
1A1.01.09.06 Satan's Presence At The World Trade Centre - Confirmed in Photographs (20 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.07 Public Stands Against Israel (20 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.08 America --> Afghanistan --> the World - What to Do? (21 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.09 Abortion -- Another Factor in Understanding the Events of 11 September 2001 (23 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.10 Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement - An End to Terrible Days (23 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.11 The Foundations Of The Earth Will Rock And Other Prophetic Messages (23 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.12 Some Good News About The World Trade Centre Disaster - A Miraculous Deliverance! (24 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.13 Spiritual Perspective on Attacks on the USA (published 24 September 2001 but written on Thursday 13 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.14 Critical Strategic Objectives for the USA and the World (26 September 2001)
Consolidated volume -- September 2001
10 Published in October (10) 2001
1A1.01.10.01 The Towers have Fallen and We Missed the Message (by David Wilkerson; 08 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.03 The Grace Which Restrained Satan Has Been Removed (2 Thessalonians 2:7) (12 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.04 Why Was It Necessary For The Grace Restraining Satan To Be Removed? (15 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.05 Lagos, Nigeria - Manger of the Anointing for the Seventh Millennium (15 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.06 What Happens Between Passover 2003 and Tabernacles 2003? (17 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.07 The Spirit is Moving on the Earth: Report on Visit to the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Lagos, Nigeria (18 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.08 What About The Rapture? (18 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.09 Black Beam Over Dome of The Rock At Tabernacles 2001 - A Prophetic Sign (18 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.10 Food for thought (21 October )2001
1A1.01.10.11 A New Age Has Begun: We Are Called To Reign With The Anointing Of The Set Apart Holy Spirit (21 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.12 A Question Regarding A Challenging Principle: Why Are Many of the Marriages In the Genealogy of Yahshua Forbidden And Yet They Are Blessed? (21 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.13 Jesus is Lord (22 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.14 An Important Update: Responding to the Tribulation That is Upon Us (22 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.15 Why America is One Manifestation of Babylon (22 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.16 Various Prophecies On The Church From The Anzac Prophetic List (22 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.17 Anthrax Vision For America (22 October 2001)
1AD.01.10.01 Introducing The End Time Issues Informal List (23 October 2001)
1AD.01.10.02 Why do you say that "the LORD" means "Baal"? (23 October 2001)
1AD.01.10.03 Support for individual human beings (23 October 2001)
1AD.01.10.04 The Muslim "Threat" - a Lie from Satan! (23 October 2001)
1AD.01.10.05 Walking In The Glory (23 October 2001)
1A1.01.10.18 Halloween: 31 October 2001: Satan's Great Day: The Great And Terrible Day Of Yahweh's Wrath (31 October 2001)
Consolidated volume -- October 2001
11 Published in November (11) 2001
1A1.01.11.01 Some Critical Principles Required to Understand the Present Spiritual Situation and to Overcome to the End (04 November 2001)
1AD. 01.11.01 National Day of Reconciliation (25 November 2001)
1AD.01.11.02 The Ten Virgins and the name (25 November 2001)
1A1.01.11.02 Update (29 November 2001)
1A1.01.11.03 Financial Matters (29 November 2001)
1AD.01.11.03 What did Yahshua REALLY do? (29 November 2001)
12 Published in December (12) 2001
1A1.01.12.01 Some Useful Prayers (03 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.01 Hell-Shaking Prayer! (3 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.02 Online Bible Starters Pack (learn more) (20 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.03 On Line Search Over Multiple Bible Versions, etc (23 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.04 On Line Access to Numerous Bible Translations (23 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.05 Full Electronic Bible Resource For Free Download (23 December 2001)
1A1.01.12.02 Prophetic Strategic SWOT Analysis of the Body of Believers (24 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.06 Re: Special Holiday Wishes (25 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.07 e-Sword free Bible study software for Windows (25 December 2001)
1AD.01.12.08 Re: Is the Stand-Up Exodus 12 Pesach Still In Effect? (26 December 2001)
01 Published in January (01) 2002
1A1.02.01.01 Update (9 January 2002)
1A1.02.01.02 Change of Banking Details (9 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.01 Sacred Name of God YHVH YHWH Yahveh Yahweh Yeshuah Yashuah Yehshuah Yahshuah Yahushuah Yahoshua (9 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.02 Sacred Holy Days and New Moons for 2002 (10 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.03 Commentary on Bible Prefaces (10 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.04 A Question of Name (10 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.05 Nazarenes and the Name of Yahweh (10 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.06 Re: I'm concerned about you (10 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.07 The Godhead (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.08 The Names of God (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.09 Gods, God or Judges (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.10 Bible Versions Listed and Compared (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.11 The Name (Yahweh) (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.12 Do We Honor Yahweh by Referring to Him as Our God? (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.13 The Deity of Jesus - Is Jesus Christ God? (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.14 Jesus Christ is the Son of God, not God. He is Our Lord and Savior for All Who Confess Romans 10:9 to 10 - He has risen and will come again (11 January 2002)
1AD.02.02.15 Explanation of Antichrist - Baha'i Faith (13 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.16 Christ in Islam by Deedat (13 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.17 Messiah (13 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.18 Who is Jesus? (13 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.19 The Living Torah (14 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.20 Pseudepigrapha (14 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.21 Islam and The Holy Qur'an (14 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.22 Re: What's your motivation? (14 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.23 REALLY IMPORTANT : Please give me a SIMPLE explanation why this is important - re Yahweh, etc (14 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.24 Oh that I might Know Him! (15 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.25 About ratings and about prophets (15 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.26 Re: REALLY IMPORTANT : Please give me a SIMPLE explanation (18 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.27 Re: More concerns - Muhammed was a Prophet of Yahweh and the Qur'an is Inspired of Yah (18 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.28 Please refrain from judging others (18 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.29 Please Do Not Touch Yahweh's Anointed (18 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.30 Yah versus Yahweh (18 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.31 A Grapevine Grows in Tzfat - A Message of Hope (18 January 2002)
1AD.02.01.32 A Sobering Statistic (18 January 2002)
1A1.02.01.03 Names Omitted From the Informal List (24 January 2002)
1A1.02.01.04 The Name of Yah in Scripture (24 January 2002)
1A1.02.01.05 Evaluation of Disparate Interpretations of Scripture - Critical Principles of Interpretation (28 January 2002)
1A1.02.01.06 The Dayspring: Scriptural Proof a Day Begins In the Morning (29 January 2001)
02 Published in February (02) 2002
No articles published
03 Published in March (03) 2002
1AD.02.03.01 Scriptural New Year Commenced at Sunset Friday 15 March or Sunrise Saturday 16 March (19 March 2002)
1A1.02.03.02 ETI Tent Making - Strategic SnapShot Process (19 March 2002)
1AD.03.03.02 Overview of ETI Projects (28 March 2002)
04 Published in April (04) 2002
1A1.02.04.01 Project Funding Proposal (14 March 2002)
1A1.02.04.02 ETI CD ROM (14 March 2002)
1. All messages published on the ETIM list since inception in early 2000 to date of production of the CD. Includes list of messages.
2. E-Sword electronic Bible, available free off the Internet but recorded on this CD for your convenience. If you make regular use of it you are encouraged to make an offering to the authors.
3. On-Line Bible, electronic Bible available free off the Internet but recorded on this CD for your convenience. If you make regular use of it you are encouraged to make an offering to the authors.
4. ETIM Books, draft books including Draft of "The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Adultery and Divorce", "Poverty in the Church", "Is Polygamy Scriptural", "The Scriptural Responsibility of Believing Men Toward Unmarried Believing Women".
5. Draft Manuals from various sources including "Deliverance", "Circumcision of the Heart", "The Mind and Will".
6. ETIM Strategic Worksheets - Draft Excel Strategic Planning Spreadsheets - including "The Essence of Life", "Covenant Leadership", "Kingdom Concerns", "Strategy for Successful Marriage", "Restoration of the Kingdom".
7. Draft High Level Specification for "Global Peace Information System".
8. Adobe Acrobat Reader download. Available free off the Internet but recorded on this CD for your convenience.
- Spreadsheets with World wide census data from the US Department of the Census worldwide database with some limited analysis, data extracted in mid-2001, spreadsheets are in draft working format "Births by age of mother", "Census last enumeration gender and age", "Countries and continents", "Countries and continents (mid-year statistics)", "Ethnic group and gender", "Language and Gender", "Marital status, age and gender", "Mid year population age and gender", "Religion and Gender".
1AD.02.04.01 Prophecy of Coming Judgment (24 April 2002)
05 Published in May (05) 2002
1AD.02.05.01 BABYLON? Here? Now? (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.02 Voice of God! (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.03 His Consuming Fire (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.04 PLEASE READ - "Give me to drink" (John 4:7) (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.05 The Living Word (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.06 Various prophetic messages (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.07 Midnight cry Sermon (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.08 Make thee sharp knives..... Joshua 5: 1 (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.09 Terrorism in the Land of Yisrael (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.10 The Canary in Europe's Mine (07 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.11 Where are we now? (12 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.12 I Thought Yahshua would send Satan to the Pit? (13 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.13 "My Sheep Hear My Voice..." Do You? (14 May 2002)
1AD.02.05.14 Comments on several emails regarding the thousand years and the Day of Judgement (19 May 2002)
06 Published in June (06) 2002
1AD.02.06.01 Fighting the Battle Today (05 June 2002)
1AD.02.06.02 MAN RAISED FROM DEAD -WITH WARNING (17 June 2002)
1AD.02.06.03 PLANETS ALIGNING - WHAT MEANS THIS? (17 June 2002)
1AD.02.06.04 A DISTURBING VISION (17 June 2002)
07 Published in July (07) 2002
1AD.02.07.01 "...he makes my feet like hinds' feet,..." (Hab. 3:19) (06 July 2002)
1AD.02.07.02 Enlightened Perspective - Enjoy (07 July 2002)
1AD.02.07.03 Marriage Strategy Headlines (25 July 2002)
1AD.02.07.04 Cleansing from hardening of the heart, inner vows, etc (25 July 2002)
1AD.02.07.05 Mind and will - 5 pages on the mind - pages 8 to 12 (26 July 2002)
1AD.02.07.06 Mind and will part 2 - 4 pages on the will - pages 13 to 16 (26 July 2002)
1AD.02.07.07 A useful process for softening hardness of heart (30 July 2002)
08 Published in August (08) 2002
1A1.02.08.01 Tent Making - Please Forward - Strategic Approach to Web Site Design - Doing the RIGHT THINGS ON THE WEB (04 August 2002)
1AD.02.08.01 Restoring the Fallen House of David (08 August 2002)
1AD.02.08.02 51 Out of 52 New Testament Verses Point to TaNaK (Old Testament) (12 August 2002)
1AD.02.08.03 New Covenant - Definition of Term Covenant (13 August 2002)
1AD.02.08.04 Prophecy - The Big Bear & The Little Horn (13 August 2002)
09 Published in September (09) 2002
1AD.02.09.01 The True Meaning Of Hallelu YAH, By Jerry Healan (02 September 2002)
1AD.02.09.02 Thoughts on September 11th (10 September 2002)
1AD.02.09.03 Dates for Tabernacles 2002 (23 September 2002))
10 Published in October (10) 2002
1A1.02.10.01 Tent Making -- Launch of JAR&A Web Site (03 October 2002)
1A1.02.10.02 Day of Atonement is tomorrow (15 October) (14 October 2002 )
1AD.02.10.03 The Semantics of His Name. (1) (14 October 2002)
1AD.02.10.04 The Semantics of His Name. (2) (14 October 2002)
1AD.02.10.05 The Semantics of His Name. (3) (16 October 2002)
11 Published in November (11) 2002
1AD.02.11.01 Shocking Facts - 'Pastors' in Scripture (05 November 2002)
1AD.02.11.02 is it Really God's Army? (05 November 2002)
1AD.02.11.03 God's Treasured Army (05 November 2002)
1AD.02.11.04 Glittering Fog of Deception (12 November 2002)
1AD.02.11.05 Why Pray in Tongues? (12 November 2002)
1AD.02.11.06 "I Just Couldn't Get Into it" (12 November 2002)
1AD.02.11.07 Article on Repentance from Jews & Christians (21 November 2002)
1AD.02.11.08 Affirmation (26 November 2002)
12 Published in December (12) 2002
1AD.02.12.01 Who I am makes a difference (19 December 2002)
1A1.02.12.01 The Name of Yah in Scripture (29 December 2002)
01 Published in January (01) 2003
1AD.03.01.01 The Sky Really Is Falling (01 January 2003)
1A1.03.01.01 Who is Yahshua? (09 January 2003)
1AD.03.01.02 Who is Yahshua Part 2 (10 January 2003)
1AD.03.01.03 "Reformation Not Revival" (13 January 2003 )
1AD.03.01.04 The Cup of "No Compromise" (13 January 2003)
1AD.03.01.05 The Long Wait - Is it About to End? (13 January 2003)
1AD.03.01.06 Amazing 1882 Israel Prophecy... (13 January 2003)
1AD.03.01.07 Question regarding "Amazing 1882 Israel Prophecy..." (14 January 2003)
1A1.03.01.02 2003 The End of an Era -- Need for Earnest Intercession (14 January 2003)
1A1.03.01.03 End of an Era Part 2 -- What is NOT about to happen (14 January 2003)
02 Published in February (02) 2003
1AD.03.02.06 18 February 1993 (06 February 2003)
05 Published in May (05) 2003
1A1.03.05.01 Satan Cast Into the Pit -- Spiritual Warfare -- Next Steps (May 04, 2003)
1AD.03.05.02 A different view of Heaven (06 May 2003)
1AD.03.05.01 Jeremiah's Revelation (25 May 2003)
1AD.03.05.02 Surprising Discoveries by Jonathan Gray (25 May 2003)
07 Published in July (07) 2003
1AD.03.07.01 Pencil Drawings -- These are Beautiful (29 July 2003)
01 Published in January (01) 2004
1AD.04.01.01 About Dinosaurs
1AD.04.01.02 The Passion
1AD.04.01.03 Archaeological Evidence of Creation and Genesis
02 Published in February (02) 2004
1A1.04.02.01 If The Jews Did Not Kill Jesus We Have a Problem
03 Published in March (03) 2004
1A1.04.03.01 Where Will You Spend Eternity?
1A1.04.03.02 Another Book from Jonathan Gray - Surprise Witness
1A1.04.03.03 URGENT request for intercession
05 Published in May (05) 2004
1A1.04.05.01 Free eBook on Discoveries of Ron Wyatt
06 Published in June (06) 2004
1A1.04.06.01 CHOICES
1A1.04.06.02 Suggested Guidelines for Interpretation
1AD 04.06.03 YESHUA
1AD.04.06.04 A Reality Check - Is the "Bible" REALLY the Inerrant Word of the Almighty
1AD.04.06.05 The Hebrew Letter waw
1AD.04.06.06 No Other Name Whereby Men May Be Saved
1AD.06.06.07 The Name above all Names These notes a few years old
1AD.04.06.08 Messiah
07 Published in July (07) 2004
1AD.04.07.01 The 2 SECRETS of REVIVAL - Andrew Strom.
1AD.04.07.02 VISION of the GLORY OF GOD
1AD.04.07.03 Fw: Long, but if sincere this will change your life.
1A1.04.07.04 Seeking to Live Life the Way the Almighty Intends
1AD.04.07.05 Restored Name Bible
1AD.04.07.06 Questions about references to Yahooshua {Jesus}
1AD.04.07.07 Further thoughts on "Revival" is not enough
1AD.04.07.08 To James in the love of Yahooshua
1AD.04.07.09 What Name was written in Luke 1
1AD.04.07.10 The Parable of the Leaven
1AD.04.07.11 Essential Questions for Every Believer
1AD.04.07.12 An Important Analysis of Who Yahooshua Actually Is
1AD.04.07.13 Some Questions About Attitude
1AD.04.07.14 Correction -- The Parable of the Leaven
1AD.04.07.15 What are YOU going to do about it? -- Essential Prayers
1AD.04.07.16 Feedback re -- An Important Analysis of Who Yahooshua Actually Is
1AD.04.07.17 Comment on "Correction -- The Parable of the Leaven"
1AD.04.07.18 HOAX: Appeal for support regarding removal of religious broadcasts in the USA
1AD.04.07.20 Further Feedback re -- An Important Analysis of Who Yahooshua Actually Is
1AD.04.07.21 If Jesus IS God then why ...?
1AD.04.07.22 Some challenging answers to some challenging questions[
1AD.04.07.24 One time I decided to become a belly-dancer.
1AD.04.07.25 Something VERY DIFFERENT
1AD.04.07.26 Many will say to Me in that day
1AD.04.07.27 Response to Comment on : If Jesus IS God then why ...?
1AD.04.07.28 Comment on: One time I decided to become a belly-dancer.
1AD.04.07.29 How shall i inherit eternal life?
1AD.04.07.30 Alternative Opinion -- How shall i inherit eternal life?
1AD.04.07.31 Further Comment in Response to -- How shall i inherit eternal life?
1AD.04.07.33 The Covenant Made Through Yahooshua
1AD.04.07.34 About the Covenant Through Yahooshua
1AD.04.07.35 About Immersion
1AD.04.07.36 More on -- How shall i inherit eternal life?
1AD.04.07.37 Our Savior's Name coded in the word salvation
09 Published in September (09) 2004
1AD.04.09.01 [anzac] RICK JOYNER on the 'APOSTOLIC' Movement
1AD.04.09.02 [anzac REVIVAL!! - Africa, Asia, Latin America...
1A1.04.09.03 The Bible is NOT the Word of Yahooeh
1A1.04.09.04 How Do We Hear The Almighty?
1AD.04.09.05 Comment on the Bible is NOT the Word of the Almighty
1AD.04.09.06 Further Comment on the Bible is NOT the Word of the Almighty
1AD.04.09.06b Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles
1A1.04.09.07 What IS The Word of the Almighty?
1A1.04.09.07 What IS The Word of the Almighty?
1AD.04.09.08 Satan does not play fair
1AD.04.09.08 Satan does not play fair
1AD.04.09.09 About Unclean Meats and Related Issues
1AD.04.09.10 [anzac] UNDOING CHURCH ABUSE - a true story
1AD.04.09.10b Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles
1A1.04.09.11 Essential Principles for Seeking a Valid Sign from the Almighty
1A1.04.09.12 Fresh Fire
10 Published in October (10) 2004
1AD.04.10.01 Comment on "What IS The Word of the Almighty?"
1AD.04.10.02 IF you love Yah keep His Commandments
1AD.04.10.03 Re: Messiah / Christ
1A1.04.10.04 What Is The Covenant (Contract)?
1AD.04.10.05 If you don't know what you don't know you don't know what you don't know
1AD.04.10.06 What IS a "son"?
1AD.04.10.07 What is the "Mark of the Beast"?
1AD.04.10.08 Knowledge of the Covenant of Yahooshua Brings Accountability
1AD.04.10.09 Spiritual Categories of Those Who Dwell On Earth Today
1AD.04.10.10 Clarification Worship versus Partners with Yah
1AD.04.10.11 Repentance
1AD.04.10.12 Some Questions for "me"
1AD.04.10.13 Why Doesn't Yah Tell Me STRAIGHT?!?
11 Published in November (11) 2004
1AD.04.11.01 Who Was / Is Yahooshua?
1AD.04.11.02 Your Heavenly Bank Account
1AD.04.11.03 [Karaite Korner Newsletter #174]: New Book Explores the Ancient Hebrew Version of the New Testament
1AD.04.11.04 Who said he was a prophet in Revelation 22
1AD.04.11.05 This makes you think!
1AD.04.11.05b Letter to the author of - Messiah Conspiracy Vol 1
1AD.04.11.06 Judging
1AD.04.11.07 Love
1AD.04.11.08 The Power of Words
1A1.04.11.09 Angelo - A Hearing Impaired Beggar on a High Throne in Heaven
1AD.04.11.10 Allah in the writings {the bible}
1AD.04.11.11 The False Pen of the Scribe
1AD.04.11.12 Some harsh warnings from the writings
1AD.04.11.13 All truth
1AD.04.11.14 Legalism versus obedience
12 Published in December (12) 2004
1AD.04.12.01 Comment on Allah in the writings {the bible}
1AD.04.12.02 Forgotten Yah's Name for Baal (the LORD)
1AD.04.12.03 The Exiles to Babylon Were Believers
1AD.04.12.04 Comment on Forgotten Yah's Name for Baal (the LORD
1AD.04.12.05 New Stock of Books -- Ark of the Covenant, Dead Men's Secrets, etc
01 Published in January (01) 2005
1AD.05.01.01 Surprise Witness -- What the Flood Was Really Like
1AD.05.01.02 Links to information on books by Jonathan Gray
1AD.05.01.03 Dates of Set Apart Days of the Almighty
1AD.05.01.04 Fw: James, Could you run to escape this?
1AD.05.01.05 The Name of Yah Was Known "in every place"
02 Published in February (02) 2005
1AD.05.02.01 Beautiful one liners
1AD.05.02.02 Fw: James, What a surprise- and giants too
1AD.05.02.02b Fw: To Be "Born Again"
1AD.05.02.03 Clarification To Be "Born Again"
1AD.05.02.04 Is There One Way to Salvation?
1AD.05.02.05 Have You Washed Anyone's Feet Recently?
03 Published in March (03) 2005
1AD.05.03.01 "The WASHTUB VISION" - Hollie Moody.
1AD.05.03.02 Our Father...Thy Name
1AD.05.03.02 Thoughts on Purim
1AD.05.03.03 "I Covenant for You"
1AD.05.03.04 Commentary on Washtub Vision
1AD.05.03.05 Avib Barley Found in Yisrael! Chag Sameach Scriptural Rosh Hashanna
1AD.05.03.05b Pesach / Chag HaMatzoth & The Vernal Equinox
1AD.05.03.06 New Moon of the Aviv Sighted! Rosh Hashannah Sameach! (Happy New Year!)
1AD.05.03.07 Date of Pesach (Passover)
1AD.05.03.08 Achaelogical Evidence of Two Dispersions
1AD.05.03.09 What About Climate Change and Genetic Change
1AD.05.03.11 Pasach For The Perplexed - PART 1
1AD.05.03.12 Day Spring
1AD.05.03.13 Date of Passover
1AD.05.03.14 The Blood of the Lamb - What Does it Spell?
1AD.05.03.15 Remember to Keep The Passover of YHWH
1AD.05.03.16 Counting the Omer & The Wave-Sheaf Offering
1AD.05.03.16 Passover Question
1AD.05.03.18 Fw: Man Made Lights that Never Go Out
04 Published in April (04) 2005
1AD.05.04.01 Extreme New Moons
1AD.05.04.02 The Shema
1AD.05.04.03 6 6 6 A Further Challenge re the name Jesus versus Yahooshua
1AD.05.04.03b [Hebraic-Way] REVELATION 13:18 666 STUDY
1AD.05.04.03c Comment on 1AD.05.03.12 Day Spring from Gerry
1AD.05.04.04 The Entire Feast of Unleavened Bread is NOT a Sabbath
1AD.05.04.05 Only the First and Eighth Days of Tabernacles are Sabbaths
1AD.05.04.06 Feedback on 1AD.05.04.05 Only the First and Eighth Days of Tabernacles are Sabbaths
1AD.05.04.07 Elders, Apostles & Pastors
1AD.05.04.08 What will REALLY matter when you are on your death bed?
1AD.05.04.09 Some thoughts on the Critical Success Factors for life
1AD.05.04.10 Assumptions
1AD.05.04.11 The World After the Flood of Genesis
1AD.05.04.12 Correction -- Web Pages To Obtain The Books Referenced in the Previous Email
05 Published in May (05) 2005
1AD.05.05.01 List of Jonathan Gray eBooks
1AD.05.05.02 More About History and The Almighty
1AD.05.05.03 Self-centredness
1AD.05.05.05 Concern about G-D
06 Published in June (06) 2005
1AD.05.06.01 Use of "The Almighty" instead of "God"
1AD.05.06.02 Love is the Completion of the Law
1AD.05.06.03 Dream About Pure and Corrupt Water (Revelation)
1AD.05.06.04 DNA Evidence of the Almighty Creator
1AD.05.06.05 Brain Transmission Experiment Proves Existence of the Almighty
07 Published in July (07) 2005
1AD.05.07.01 Before they call.......
1AD.05.07.02 Self Control
1AD.05.07.03 A Further Severe Warning
1AD.05.07.04 We see through a glass darkly
1AD.05.07.05 The Language of the Almighty
1AD.05.07.05b OBELISK from gerry
1AD.05.07.06 SABBATH TO SUNDAY from gerry
1AD.05.07.06b Can The Deity Be Anointed?
1AD.05.07.07 Blood is Thicker Than Water -- About Covenants
1AD.05.07.07b The Anointing and Prayer Does NOT Guarantee Infallibility
1AD.05.07.08 WHY aren't we HATED??
1AD.05.07.09 The Middle East -- Special Briefing #8 Part 2
1AD.05.07.10 Definition of Faith
1AD.05.07.11 Are You Building The Right House?
1AD.05.07.12 Worth thinking about
1AD.05.07.13 Divorce and Subsequent Remarriage
1AD.05.07.14 The Almighty is in Everyone so WHY?
08 Published in August (08) 2005
1AD.05.08.01 The Apostle Peter vs. Your Preacher
1AD.05.08.02 Yahshua's "Deity"?
1AD.05.08.03 Yahshua Confirms He is The Shaliach- The Sent One of YHWH
1AD.05.08.04 BEYTH-LECHEM House of Bread
1AD.05.08.05 J Gray books on the Flood of Noah
1AD.05.08.06 Abrahams Descendents as Numerous as the Dust
09 Published in September (09) 2005
1AD.05.09.01 "The APOSTLES were LAYMEN"
1AD.05.09.02 Mystery of Stonehenge solved
1AD.05.09.03 My Son
1AD.05.09.05 Do you receive the manna every day?
1AD.05.09.06 Worship the Father to Bring Him Joy
1AD.05.09.07 True Success --The Clarity with Which You Behold The Almighty, Know His Voice and Love the Brethren
1AD.05.09.08 Seek Him
1AD.05.09.09 How Will YOU Learn?
1AD.05.09.10 See the Almighty in His People
1AD.05.09.11 Colossians 1:16 to 29
1AD.05.09.12 What Happened to the Haftarah About Yahooshua
1AD.05.09.13 True Spirituallity
1AD.05.09.14 The Premature Pre-Tribulation Rapture
1AD.05.09.15 An Alternative View on "The End of the Age"
11 Published in November (11) 2005
1AD.05.11.01 The Genius of the Hebrew Calendar
12 Published in December (12) 2005
1AD.05.12.01 A Sinless Life -- Is It Possible?
1AD.05.12.02 What is Special About the Number
1AD.05.12.03 Restoration Records Newsletter No. 57
1AD.05.12.04 [revival] CHINESE RADICAL LEADERS - Interview
1AD.05.12.05 [revival] Part 2 - CHINESE RADICAL LEADERS
1AD.05.12.06 [revival] INTERESTING VISION - Wolfgang Simpson
01 Published in January (01) 2006
1AD.06.01.01 Who Should Teach Us?
1AD.06.01.02 The Scribes contributed to 2 Thessalonians 2
1AD.06.01.03 Experience of a Clean Heart
1AD.06.01.04 He only is my Rock and my Salvation
1AD.06.01.05 Situation In Malawi
07 Published in July (07) 2006
1AD.06.07.01 Read The Book Without Man's Interpretation
1AD.06.07.02 The HOUR FOR BATTLE
1AD.06.07.03 Our Hearts Are Fertile AND Barren
1AD.06.07.04 Why Do Men Put The Words Of Men Above The Bible?
1AD.06.07.05 A VISION - Applicable?
1AD.06.07.06 Qodesh Publishers - New Books List
1AD.06.07.07 The Three Religious Words Associated With The Greatest Religious Error
09 Published in September (09) 2006
1A1.06.09.01 Sighting of the New Moon and Upcoming Fasts and Feasts
01 Published in January (01) 2007
1AD.07.01.01 Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus [Yahooshua]
1AD.07.01.02 The Orion Foundation
1AD.07.01.04 Lebanon Update
1AD.07.01.05 Revival WHY We NEED A CRASH - Andrew Strom
02 Published in February (02) 2007
1AD.07.02.01 Keep a Perspective -- Relative Size of Planets
04 Published in April (04) 2007
1AD.07.04.01 IS OUR PRONUNCIATION CORRECT from Gerry I have reversed the
06 Published in June (06) 2007
1AD.07.06.01 The Discovery That's Toppling Evolution by Jonathan Gray
09 Published in September (09) 2007
1AD.07.09.02 How do they do it
1AD.07.09.03 The beauty of numbers
10 Published in October (10) 2007
1AD.07.10.01 Creation verus Evolution -- A Robust Analysis of Creation vs Evolution
01 Published in January (01) 2008
1AD.08.01.01 What Is The Essence of Life
08 Published in August (08) 2008
1AD.09.08.01 Things the Almighty Might Ask YOU on THAT Day
09 Published in September (09) 2009
1A1.09.09.01 Immersion for cleansing
1A1_09_09_02 Set Apart Calendar -- {Holy Days}
1A1.09.09.03 Combat in the Heavenly Realm -- MUST READ
1A1.09.09.04/1 911 -- Chilling Information -- Choose this day who you will serve
Companion documents
02_911 Research -- An independent investigation of the 9-11-2001 Attack
03_Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth
04_118 Witnesses_World Trade Center Firefighters Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers
05_Grabbe Direct Evidence for Explosions -- Flying Projectiles and Widespread Impact Damage
06_Explosive Residues Found in World Trade Center Dust
07_Red Hot Spots under the World Trade Center
08_World Trade Center Demolition -- WTC Designed to Survive Impact of Boeing 767
1A1.09.09.04/1b 911 -- About explosions and great heat
1A1.09.09.05 Repent - Judgment is Released on the Earth - the Red and Black Horses - Revelation 6
11 Published in November (11) 2009
1A1.09.11.01 Is "The Word" the second person of a "Trinity" or the consequence of the Commandment of Yah?
12 Published in December (12) 2009
1A1.09.12.01 "Yah" in everyday language -- breaking the third commandment
1A1.09.12.02 How special is Yahooshua -- Really?
1A1.09.12.03 PLEASE READ PRAYERFULLY -- VERY IMPORTANT -- Spiritual consequences of using a "" email address and other services
1A1.09.12.04 The Forces of Darkness Rule on Earth and Yah is Powerless EXCEPT through believers
01 Published in January (01) 2010
1A1.10.01.01 Some Important Truths regarding the matters of the Creator and life in general (16 January 2010)
1A1.10.01.02 The forces of darkness rule on earth and Yah {the LORD} is powerless EXCEPT through believers {with traditional names} (16 January 2010)