Following through on the previous article about the “Implications of Careless Sexual Activity” (, further ramifications have become evident. Specifically that it is NOT easy to cut the one flesh bonds resulting from careless sexual activity and that attempts to do this unrighteously amount to Treachery and will fail. These issues are discussed below.
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NEXT SECTION: Essence of Covenant >>>
- Unrighteous Divorce is “Putting Away” and is Treachery
The first thing to understand is that unrighteous “Divorce” is NOT Divorce, it is “Putting Away” and is violence and forbidden by Yah.What follows is an analysis that I have only come to understand in the last week or so.
Consider Malachi 2:16 “For Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the LORD}, the Mighty One {God} of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith Yah the Eternally Self-Existing of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.” (Derived from the King James Version).
See also Matthew 19:9 “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.” (King James Version).In this context “adultery” also speaks of treachery and covenant breaking and it is apparent that the woman that is put away is NOT free to covenant with another, in other words, that the one-flesh bond has NOT been cut.
So, the bottom line is that a man who puts away his covenant woman for NO reason or for some superficial reason is committing Treachery against her and will be judged accordingly AND that they are still viewed as joined in the Court of Heaven.
In a recent situation that I am aware of, a woman who was deeply in love with, and in strong covenant, with a man was put away on the basis of a momentary disagreement.She suffered massive spiritual and emotional trauma that has had a huge impact on her.So the violence is VERY real.
- Case Study 1 – Clandestine Sex was Treachery
Referring to the article on Careless Sex, the first case study referred to a man who consummated a covenant with a second woman without the knowledge of his first woman and legal wife.What I have just realized is that the covenant with the first woman was a monogamous covenant by verbal agreement and cemented by a Church Wedding which is inherently monogamous.By going behind his legal wife’s back the man concerned committed treachery against her.The second woman, knowing that the man was legally married and inherently in a monogamous covenant ALSO committed treachery against that woman.
Subsequently the married woman breached her covenant with the man and he suffered a massive breakdown.I have just realized that this breach was a JUDGMENT for the treachery of the man with the second woman towards the wife.The man subsequently legally divorced the wife and she returned to the United States.It is unclear whether the divorce was approved in the Court of Heaven but she eventually got into major error and died (was taken) about three years ago finally ending that Covenant and One-Flesh bond.
The resulting divided house and major financial lack was a judgment on the man for his treachery and, accordingly, Father did NOT speak to the man to correct him.
- Case Study 2 – Clandestine Sex was Treachery
In the case of Case Study 2 where the man had an existing covenant, albeit a covenant of sharing, he consummated with the second woman without disclosing to her that he had an existing covenant and one-flesh bond and without disclosing to his first covenant woman that he was planning to do this.The reality is that the consummation took place suddenly and in an unplanned way because of intense attraction between the man and woman.This act of consummation constituted treachery against the first woman AND the second woman.
The ongoing lack of finances and non-disclosure of the sin was judgment against the man and again Father kept silent.
The situation was further complicated by the fact that some years earlier the second woman had taken a vow of Celibacy before Yah.By consummating with the man she broke covenant with Yah, committed treachery against Yah and the resulting financial lack was a judgment on her for her transgression.
- Case Study 2 – Kneejerk “Divorce” was Treachery
Continuing case study 2, when the man realized that the house was divided his kneejerk reaction was to divorce the first woman because he was in a business relationship with the second woman and also deeply in love with her.He had NO legal basis to divorce the first woman but did it nonetheless.His unrighteous treachery caused huge emotional and spiritual damage to the first woman and the “divorce” was NOT granted resulting in the situation discussed in the previous article where the house was divided – again Father did NOT say anything to the man – he knew better.
- Case Study 2 – Further Kneejerk “Divorce” -- MORE Treachery
Because of the above, the man erroneously believed himself to be in covenant ONLY with the second woman.As explained in the previous article this was NOT the case and so the divided house with the man and two women continued and the lack continued.
The man then picked a fight with the second woman because she did not want to enter into a Civil Partnership or Marriage contract, blamed her for dividing the house, and summarily “divorced” her.Coming on top of a situation where they had made love dozens of times and spent over 2,000 days online on Zoom every day for five years such that there was a massive love-bond this caused MASSIVE spiritual and emotional damage to the woman that she may never fully recover from and which has done massive damage to the relationship.The “divorce” was NOT granted in the Court of Heaven and, as mentioned in the previous article, the divided house and the financial lack continued.Father continued to be silent waiting for the man to recognize his error and course correct.
There were further incidents of knee-jerk divorce that were ALSO NOT granted causing FURTHER hurt and harm to both women and bringing judgment on the man.
A few weeks after the above “divorce” with the second woman the man experienced extreme pain in his abdomen for over a week and then a few weeks later extreme pain in his right hip.The condition continues and he believes this is judgment for his sin described above.Added to this, having heard Father Yah clearly for many years it appears that this man is only hearing Yah partially or perhaps NOT at all, certainly NOT in the area of his relationships – he is stumbling around trying to figure out what to do.It is a taxing and distressing situation as he tries to rectify his mistakes and course correct.
- Case Study 2 – Unintended Consequences
The unintended consequence of the above is that the man in case study 2 was one-flesh with both women, they both have intense love for him, he has intense love for them and neither of them want to share.He and the second woman are in deep financial lack and struggling to survive financially.Prior to this he had again tried to cut ties with the first woman and does NOT know what to do to rectify the situation.
Update: The most recent development is that the first woman in case 2 has declared in writing that she will not share and the man has gone formally to the Court of Heaven for Divorce and issued a Certificate of Divorce.He is trusting that this has finalized the situation but still has to deal with the huge hurt and damage that he has caused to the second woman.
- Treacherous Divorce is Massively Destructive
The bottom line is that Treacherous Divorce is MASSIVELY DESTRUCTIVE.
And that, as a Believer, you should ONLY consummate a sexual relationship after detailed discussion of your intentions, ensuring that both parties are in FULL agreement with regard to the terms of the Covenant and the parameters of the relationship and ensuring that if there are more than two people involved that ALL parties are FULLY informed, FULLY consulted and FULLY on-board BEFORE consummation.
Divorce for invalid reasons, divorce in anger and kneejerk reaction will NOT be granted but will do huge emotional and spiritual damage that may never be recovered and should therefore NEVER be attempted.If there is REAL treachery within a relationship then that should be dealt with by a formal written warning to correct the behaviour and get the relationship back on track coupled with sober discussion of the issues and the impacts.At least three written warnings should be given at intervals of at least a few weeks and IF that fails to correct the destructive behaviour then ONLY at that point may one consider going to Father Yah to inquire as to whether He will allow divorce.Even then Father Yah may tell one to sort out the problems and continue with the union.
This is absolutely critical – unrighteous putting away is massively destructive and to be avoided at ALL costs.
I hope that from these two articles you will see that ill-considered, hasty sexual union is TOTALLY out of the question and that one should discuss fully, engage ALL existing partners and ONLY consummate a sexual relationship once one is absolutely certain that ALL parties are entirely in agreement. If you cannot achieve agreement then do NOT consummate.
By extension, summarily putting away a lifetime sexual covenant partner {wife} for NO good reason, and there are only a narrow range of valid reasons, is treachery and causes massive violent spiritual and emotional consequences.
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly with regard to any sin or error in my life or in this message.
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
15 January 2022