This section discusses various considerations with regard to the subject of death with particular emphasis on what measures one can take today in order to prepare for death so that the outcome of one’s life is favourable and positive.
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a. Death Should be Welcome for Believers Without Sin
For the Anointed Believer in Right Standing with Yah Death should have NO fear and be welcomed. It represents and INSTANTANEOUS Translation from Earth to Heaven with a resurrected body and esteem before the Judgment Seat.
b. For Believers with Sin Death Leads to the Torturers First
For the Anointed Believer with sin in their lives death represents an instantaneous translation to Heaven in front of the Judgment Seat from where they will be consigned to Hell and the Torturers to pay the price for their unconfessed sin.
c. Believers without Anointing End Up in a Low Position
For Believers who are NOT Anointed they too will come before the Judgment Seat and consigned to the torturers finally to be assigned a low level position in Heaven.
d. Most Believers Face the Outer Darkness – the Trash Heap
For those who once believed and then did nothing, they have much to fear. Once they have paid the price for their massive unrepented sin they will be consigned to the Outer Darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth .
e. For Illuminated Unbelievers there is Esteem in the Satanic Realm on Death
For the heavily Illuminated Satan Servants, Satanists, Witches, etc death will open the door for significant esteem in the Satanic and Demonic Realm although they will almost certainly be disappointed to discover how many Demons are senior to them.
f. More Junior Satan Servants Face Serfdom and Oppression
For more junior Satan Servants death will open the door to a role of menial serfdom and oppression.
g. “Good” Unbelievers Face a Huge Shock
For the run of the mill “good” Unbeliever, the Vast Majority of the Earth’s Population, they will get a terrible shock when they discover that Yah is real, Heaven is real and they are banished to a lonely existence as “good” Demons with no rights and at best ignored and at worst put to work misleading their descendants and loved ones!
a. Frailty, Illness and Lack
Many times Believers live out the last few years of their lives in frailty, illness, lack and discomfort. They may try not to impose on other family members and friends and their last days are miserable. There is NO reason for a True Believer in Right Standing with Yah to do this.
b. If Free of Sin there is NO Reason to Delay Death
For an Anointed Believer who is free of sin there is NO reason to delay death past the point where they decide they are ready to leave and agree this with Yah. This requires that they complete their work on Earth but they can be vibrant to the very last minute.
c. When Free of Sin the Translation is Instantaneous
For an Anointed True Believer who is free of sin death involves an instantaneous translation from their Earthly body to the Throne Room in Heaven where they go through a process of induction where their lives are reviewed and they receive their reward.
d. Facing Hell Before Heaven
Many Believers fear death because they know at some level that their lives are NOT right and that they will face lengthy punishment in Hell BEFORE they are admitted to Heaven. This is unnecessary, Yahooshua provided a simple mechanism for us to repent of our sin and receive forgiveness -- rehearsing the Covenant with Bread and Wine {Communion} coupled with heartfelt repentance and turning from the sin.
e. Torment and Suffering on Earth in Lieu of Time in Hell
Some believers experience torment and suffering in the last years of their lives because of unconfessed sin that they do NOT acknowledge and deal with. In such cases Yah may, in His Mercy, judge them and punish them in this life so that they do NOT need to go to Hell before entering Heaven provided that they are still required to repent.
f. No Reason to Suffer or Eke Out Last Years
If one understands the above and goes all out to serve Yah and deal with sin and error there is NO reason to suffer or eke out the last few years of ones life. Yah wants us to leave VICTORIOUSLY having conquered sin and error through working closely with Him. Of course, if the person concerned is a lukewarm believer much of the positive side of things listed in this article do NOT apply.
g. This is for Believers ONLY
None of the above applies to unbelievers. They face a totally different outcome when they die and return instantly as Ancestor Spirits (Demons) for an extremely unpleasant experience for the rest of the Millennium (till about 3003) so they have GOOD REASON to fear death.
In looking ahead to the day of your death there are a number of courses of action one of which you have at this moment in time chosen by default. This is directed by whether or not you believe in the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and how much effort you have put in to the course of action that you have adopted up to this point.
The options with regard to where you will end up if you were to die at this instant are as follows (counts as at 25 December 2015):
a. A Throne in Heaven (around 20 people in this generation)
The highest ideal is a Throne in Heaven as an Overcomer or Friend. You will need to be victorious over sin and the Satanic and Demonic Realm and have proved yourself for at least a few years. Significant effort required and NOT something you can choose on your Death Bed. There are many vacancies. Minimum time to qualify about two years.
b. Senior Position in the Satanic and Demonic Realm (also around 20 people)
Senior Position in the Satanic and Demonic Hierarchy. You will need to have been extremely evil for many years, executed many human sacrifices, drunk much human blood and even then you are unlikely to achieve more than a mid-level rank. There is massive competition and the high ranks were taken around 5,000 years ago. You likely do not qualify.
c. The Main Body of True Believers – Still Esteemed (about 205,000)
The main body of True Believers in Heaven, Glorious, Esteemed, Powerful but NOT on a Throne – Wise Stewards and Good and Faithful Servants. You will need to have made a real effort to serve the Almighty in this life. Plenty of Vacancies. Robust repentance and turning around could see you at the outer fringes of the Wise Stewards very quickly – possibly even on your Death Bed. See the prayers that follow.
d. Believers Who Have Seriously Under-Performed (about 2,500,000)
Believers who have seriously under performed – Adulterous Wives and Foolish Virgins. Includes many Church / Mosque / Synagogue / Other Assembly goers. You would NOT want to go here by choice, there is so much more available. In Heaven and still Glorious by Human Standards but not the best. Need a moderate level of service over several years to be fairly high in these ranks– but the prayers below could promote you to entry level Wise Steward instantaneously no matter where you are.
e. General Satan Servant (about 22,500,000)
General Satan Servant – still some modicum of Rank and Authority as a Junior Officebearer. Actively practiced evil at some level of conscious awareness. You will need several years of evil service. No shortcut here.
f. The Outer Darkness in Heaven – Unbelieving Believer (about 20 million)
The Outer Darkness in Heaven – Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth where the majority of those who believed at some point but have subsequently done nothing about it will end up – a pretty horrible place to be but very easy to qualify.
g. Common Ancestor Spirit (over 6.8 billion – the vast majority)
A Common Ancestor Spirit (Demon). One of billions of people who die in unbelief. Includes about 100 million believing unbelievers -- go to Church / Mosque / Synagogue / Other Assembly but never actually deeply believed in the Almighty Creator. A human spirit with NO motive power subject to draconian and harsh rule – angry that you have been lied to and unable to warn your family and friends of their error on pain of the most vile and terrifying torture.
If you choose to believe, RIGHT NOW, you could progress rapidly through the ranks in the Kingdom of Yah and qualify for an elevated position within years. You can qualify for an entry level position as a Wise Steward simply by sincerely repenting and praying the prayers set out below. The website www.End-Time-Issue-Ministries.or has all the information you need.
If you have never believed, even if you go to Church / Mosque / Synagogue / Other Assembly but have NO deep settled conviction of the existence of the Almighty you will end up here:
a.Drowned at Sea
In the extreme case that you are drowned at sea your body will either be stuck to the location where your corpse sank and rotted or be transferred to a Shark or other predator that ate you.Comparable fate if you are killed in a landslide, etc.Anything where your spirit is not readily accessible.
b.Buried with your Corpse
Buried with your Corpse unless you managed to transfer onto a living human before your corpse was buried – but you would not have known you needed to transfer!
c.Stranded in a Furnace
Stranded in a Cremation Furnace unless you managed to transfer onto a living human being before your corpse was burned – but you would not have known you needed to transfer!
d.Transferred to a Family Member or Friend
Transferred onto a Family Member or Mourner by accident but you would not have known that you needed to do that.Forced to lead them into more error and sin.
e.Enlisted into the Demonic Army
Taken into custody by a Satan Servant – Witch, Witchdoctor, Satanist, etc operating as a Nurse, Undertaker, etc.Subject to harsh training and discipline in a military style hierarchy – the Army of Satan.Deployed to lead living human beings into increasing sin and error.
f.A Harsh and Cruel Command Structure
Understand that the Satanic and Demonic Hierarchy are harsh and cruel task masters who will not hesitate to torture you viciously if you attempt to warn those you left behind of their fate and try and turn them around.
g.OR accept the Salvation of the Almighty Creator
OR you could choose to recognize that the Creative Engineering evidence of the existence of the Almighty Creator is all around you (see also the Brochure or Webpage on “Why YOU Should Believe” for more information.Then choose to believe and pray right now “Father Yah, Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, I recognize that I have lived my life in gross error and deception, I ask you now to forgive all my sins and I ask you to come and dwell in me and lead me into a new life of service to you. Please help me to walk faithfully with you for the rest of my life”.Turn to the website for detailed information on serving the Creator.
Inevitably when one spaks of a kind, loving, Almighty Creator, Father the question arises “Then why is this world such a mess and so evil?” The answer is as follows:
a.The Almighty Creator was Lonely
In the beginning the Almighty was lonely and wanted intelligent company.So He set about creating first the Universe, then Solar Systems, then Planets and finally Planet Earth.All of this was designed to accommodate the highly intelligent Human Beings that the Almighty planned to Create.
b.Exploratory, Investigative, aka Evolutionary Process
This took place over millions of years in an exploratory, investigative manner, a process that could be described as “evolution”.Many experiments failed to deliver the required outcome and were discarded, so there are many planets broadly suitable for life created before our Earth for example.
c.Created Messengers {Angels}
During this process the Almighty created “Messengers” {Angels} to assist with the detailed work and to serve the Human Beings that He was planning to Create.
One of the three leading Messengers {Archangels}, Hillel, had a manufacturing defect and developed pride and rebelled.
e.Challenge – “The Contest”
Just as the Almighty was about to discard Hillel and his followers into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, the Second death, to be utterly destroyed, Hillel challenged Him saying that if he were given 7,000 years on Earth with the Human Beings that Yah was about to create not one of these Humans would be in right standing with the Almighty at the end of the 7,000 years, they would all be in submission to Hillel.If this happened Hillel demanded to be allowed to rule on Earth for Eternity.
f.Challenge Accepted – “Rules of Engagement”
To His everlasting regret Yah (The Almighty) accepted the challenge and they agreed to “The Contest” and the “Rules of Engagement”.Satan, the Accuser or Adversary, as he now was, together with the Billions of Messengers under his command were banished to Earth.
g.Satan has been much more successful than expected
Satan has been far more successful than Yah imagined and right now he and his cohorts are winning the battle “hands down” and running the planet – Satan is the god (Mighty One) of this Earth.
You have an opportunity to turn this around by chosing this day to serve the Almighty energetically and faithfully for the rest of your life and for Eternity.See prayers in the subsequent section.
As stated above, the vast majority of “good” Human Beings do NOT believe and therefore will become Ancestor Spirits (Demons). If YOU are such a person, what awaits you?
a.On Death – Shown the Lake of Fire and Brimstone
Immediately you breathe your last breath your spirit will leave your body and you will be taken to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where it will be explained that this will be your fate if Satan loses the Contest. You will suffer torment and terror when you are cast into the Fire so it is best for you for Satan to win the contest.
b.Shown Heaven – told you have believed lies
You will then be taken to Heaven and given a momentary glimpse of the Throne Room. You will be told that you have been lied to and will NEVER enter Heaven and that there is NO repentance available. You will either be very angry or very distressed.
c.Returned to your Body
You will then be returned to your body where you may remain forever unless a Human Satan Servant (Witch, Witchdoctor, etc) in the form of a Nurse, Undertaker, or other person in contact with corpses harvests you.
d.Harvested by a Satan Servant
Assuming you ARE Harvested, which is the lot of the vast majority of unbelievers, you will be mustered into a particular Satanic Principality or Command such as Lust, Lying, etc based on your strongest sins and given specific tasks. It will be explained to you that if you attempt to disclose the truth to a living Human Being you will be subject to the most terrible torture, you will be given an experience of such torture.
e.Deployed onto a Live Human Being to Lead them deeper into Sin and Error
You will then be deployed on a living Human being with instructions to lead them into increasingly gross sin and away from any hope of Salvation. Initially this will mostly be a family member.
f.Poor Performers ignored or harshly punished
If you are demotivated and a poor performer you may be ignored or you may be subject to harsh punishment in order to motivate you to perform your task more effectively.
g.Training Courses for Good Recruits – a Military Structure
If you make an effort you will periodically be sent on training courses, very much like in any large organization, such as an Army. You will, after all, be in an Army of sorts. As you progress (IF you progress – there is a LOT of competition), you will move to more important Human hosts but you will never progress far because there is massive competition, there are Demons who have been Demons for thousands of years who are embedded in the Hierarchy.
If this outcome fills you with horror, please pray as follows “Father Yah, Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, I recognize that I have lived my life in gross error and deception, I recognize that right now I face a terrifying future and I ask you now to forgive all my sins and I ask you to come and dwell in me and lead me into a new life of service to you. Please help me to walk faithfully with you for the rest of my life”. Turn to the website for detailed information on serving the Creator.
If you do not like what you have just read you can change your situation RIGHT NOW. The Almighty is merciful and oft forgiving and WANTS you to succeed and be close to Him and in Right Standing with Him:
a.If you have NEVER believed
If you have never believed pray as follows “Father Yah, Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, I recognize that I have lived my life in gross error and deception, I recognize that right now I face a terrifying future and I ask you now to forgive all my sins. I ask you to come and dwell in me and lead me into a new life of service to you. Please help me to walk faithfully with you for the rest of my life”. There are plenty of vacancies in Heaven at every level!
b.Unbelieving Believer
If you are an Unbelieving Believer one who once believed but has subsequently done nothing and so are destined for the Outer Darkness, then pray “Father Yah, I confess that I once believed but have subsequently done nothing about it. That is sin, I repent and ask you for forgiveness. I commit now to earnestly seek to know you. Please come and dwell in me and help me to serve you in a way that is pleasing to you”.
c.Traditional Assembly Goer -- Not filled with the Spirit of Yah
If you are a traditional Church / Mosque / Synagogue / Other Assembly goer and did not know you should invite Father Yah to fill you with His Spirit, then pray “Father I confess that I have never invited you to dwell in me. I confess that as sin and repent and ask for forgiveness and ask you to come and dwell in me and fill me with your Spirit.”
d.Used wrong names
If you have believed but called the Almighty by the blasphemous name “The LORD” instead of “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” or “God” instead of “The Almighty”, then pray “Father I confess that I have addressed you using Blasphemous Names, I confess this as sin and repent and ask you to forgive me. I ask you to help me lead a life that is pleasing to you.” There is much on the website relating to the wrong names, etc.
e.Worshipped Jesus
If you have worshipped Jesus and made him equal with the Almighty Creator and now recognize that this is sin pray “Father I confess that I have worshipped Jesus and that this is gross sin, I confess this as sin and repent and ask you to forgive me. I ask you to help me lead a life that is pleasing to you.”
f.Aspire to a Significant Rank in Heaven
If you have never realized that there are Ranks In Heaven and now aspire to a Siginficant Rank (Wise Steward or Good and Faithful Servant) then pray “Father I was not aware that it was possible for me to qualify for a significant rank in Heaven. I desire such a rank, please help me to attain such a rank.” Note that you can attain the entry level rank of “Wise Steward”, simply by praying the prayers on this page and then energetically serving Father for the rest of your life. You will have to work more intensively if you desire to reach the upper echelons of this level of rank. This applies even if you die today, even if you are on your death bed when you pray these prayers.
g.Go ALL OUT and aspire to become an Overcomer or Friend
If you desire to go ALL OUT and seek to become an Overcomer or a Friend (the highest possible ranks in Heaven), then pray “Father I was not aware that it was possible for me to qualify for a a really high rank in Heaven. I desire such a rank and desire to become an Overcomer or, if possible, a Friend. Please help me to attain such rank. I now make a deep commitment to seek to qualify for this rank. I choose to lay down my life in service to you for the rest of my days and I ask you to help me.” You will have to do some hard work on a sustained basis to really draw close to Father Yah and serve Him faithfully. If you apply all that you find to do on the website it is possible that you could become a Friend in a minimum time frame of about two years.
Visit the “Seven Components of Drawing Close”, “Where will YOU Spend Eternity” and “Radio – Summing Up the Message” webpages at Website in order to draw close.
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