A few days ago Doug Ferguson sent me one of his articles that referenced his book “Being Jesus”, I immediately requested a copy which I received the next day and read yesterday.
This is a MUST READ IF YOU are serious about serving Father.
The article debunks a whole lot of false Christian teaching and sets out key principles of which the most important is reference to John 14:12 “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.” AMP adjusted
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Can YOU prove that Jesus IS God?
NEXT SECTION: The Covenant of Yahooshua {Jesus} – Forgiveness and Much More >>>
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Article in Audio MP3 format to listen online or download
Fundamentally the thesis is that Yahooshua, when he walked the Earth, was 100% human and it was the Spirit of Yah, in and on Yahooshua, the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah, {incorrectly translated “Christ”}, the performed the miracles and enabled Yah to speak through Yahooshua. It is asserted that John 14:12 clearly indicates that ANY human being who commits their lives to serving Yah AND seeks and obtains an infilling of the Spirit of Yah comparable to that on Yahooshua will do the same and GREATER works than Yahooshua did – including but NOT limited to walking on water, casting out Demons, healing the sick, raising the dead, etcetera.
The challenge for EACH ONE OF US is FIRSTLY to believe that this is possible and THEN to seek to accomplish this in this life, see the article “2021.06.04 The Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah the Eternal Creator” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-becoming-a-friend-of-yah or the recording of last Friday’s Broadcast of the same name that AMPLIFIES this message, see YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE3lfzJIINQ
I encourage you to read this article, pray the prayers and put this into practice in your life immediately.
Usual caveats regarding names, other ministries, etcetera apply. I testify that the message is fundamentally sound and I encourage you to “go for it”.
James Robertson
>>> eBook Begins <<<
Being Jesus
By Doug Ferguson
“Oh I love the Lord,” she said.
She said it in response to a question I had just asked her, and I recognized that response immediately for what it was …a religious spirit. What I’m saying is that it wasn’t “her” answering my question, but a spirit-being (not some aberration of her mind, but an “other-world” entity) was controlling her. Back to a bit more about that particular incident in just a bit.
Admittedly, this is starting off sounding like I’m a “religious whacko,” as “my” publisher, Ryan Bruce, is wont to say about me; not too long ago he was trying to get me to change the title of this book from Being Jesus to what would be more comfortable for him; this because he thinks the title that he wants for this book (i.e., some variation of Moving Beyond Discipleship) is what I really mean …rather than any hint of you and I actually Being Jesus which, as of the most recent recorded phone conversation, just prior to writing this …Ryan contended that he “just doesn’t get it.”
I never know whether Ryan says that kind of thing just to spark a little life into his interviews of me …or if he really means it.
No …that is decidedly not what I mean, although, from certain aspects, “moving beyond discipleship” is fitting, but here is the challenge: YOU have some misconceptions about what I mean by Being Jesus. How can you claim otherwise?
Let’s straighten that out right now. What I mean, all I mean by Being Jesus is you and I being connected to the SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE in the same way as Jesus was connected to Her/Him/It. How can that be possible? Ah hah! …the purpose of this little book and let’s just continue, right now, into chapter one.
“Being Jesus,” …Chapter One
…continued from the introduction:
You see, when Jesus literally said that anyone (you and I) who believe enough will perform the same supernatural-seeming “works” (and even more of them than he performed), he also said that it wasn’t “him” that did them, but rather the “Father” in him (an interpretation of the word in the original language by King James Version -a.k.a. KJV- of the Bible translators, and then carried over in almost all other translations and the traditions that the KJV engendered).
This “Father” (as we will see, a non-gender-specific entity, Who/Which created the universe and everything in it) and who not only performed the miracles, but, according to Jesus, also spoke the words that came out of his (Jesus’) mouth.
That connection is, again, all I am talking about so, yes, that certainly means “going beyond discipleship,” but to the average believer who has a ton of intellectual baggage related to the word “disciple,” as well as to the mere mention of Jesus’ name, Being Jesus is rather startling.
Let’s be clear: I am challenging YOU to open your mind to the fact that this is to what Jesus is calling anyone who is willing to say: “I want to believe enough to BE Jesus.”
If you are willing to begin saying it, that is, declaring that willingness to believe enough, to the universe at large, the transformation of you from a pew-warming spectator observing the biggest deception of all time, to nothing less than a miracle working dynamo – not because “you” will do anything.
No! The transformation is that you will know that you are intimately connected to the same SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE and you wouldn’t dare to take personal credit for doing any of the things HE/IT/SHE living vibrantly in you is doing through you – because it is HER/HIM/SPIRIT doing the “works” and speaking the words …just as this SPIRIT-PARENT did through Jesus.
But wait, this takes an entirely different view of Jesus than the religious world is capable of seeing. Something has to happen that will remove the veil from their eyes.
Just who/what is this Jesus? One of my favorite passages in the Bible describes him to a “t.” Look it up in your favorite Bible Version:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” -Hebrews 13:8-
Wait a minute! That means Jesus is special and if that’s true, how can “I” BE Jesus?
Here’s the deal, my dear brothers and sisters, YOU begin Being Jesus when YOU understand that YOU are the same yesterday, today and forever, because YOU are no longer “you.”
Now then, back to the religious-spirit incident referenced earlier. I’m being nudged to save this for a later chapter …an important chapter that explains my comment above and let’s repeat it: “But wait, this takes an entirely different view of Jesus than the religious world is capable of seeing. Something has to happen that will remove the veil from their eyes” …and my hope is that it will be the beginning of the veil being removed for millions.
Those of you who have been reading “my” stuff for the last several years know that the above referenced “religious-spirit incident” is a repeat. Can’t I bring up some other episode? Yes, I can and many of them! But I gravitate to this one over and over – because it graphically illustrates something that needs to be understood and why …but, again, later.
“Being Jesus,” …Chapter Two
Fact: Jesus was quoted as saying that when a disciple is fully formed he should be exactly like his master. Therefore, “being Jesus” is a legitimate reference to what Jesus required of a disciple. That was then …what about now?
I mean, we do have those who refer to themselves as followers of Jesus and even several denominations which go by the name of “Disciples of Christ” which makes the question apropos for today.
I think that it is fair to say few, if any, would take the term disciple to the extent I have here. I’m going to make an even further stretch. Jesus said that those who believed enough would do even greater things than he did. Which could be construed as being a contradiction to fully formed (a distinction he made) disciples being exactly like him.
Whether you want to take the “exactly like Jesus” or the “greater than” version, both are extremes compared to the common, everyday meaning of the term “follower (or disciple) of Christ.” Of course, that leaves out the argument some make about whether Jesus should even be referred to as “the Christ.”
If we go back to our title, that is, Being Jesus, the question in the immediate foregoing paragraph is moot, or perhaps better stated overwhelmed by this quite different perspective of “being Jesus.”
If we are willing to accept “being Jesus” as a possibility that Jesus not only raised, but somewhat insisted upon, or at least implied that such a notion of equality (or greater) was expected of those who would dare to call themselves disciples, we have some serious examination to entertain as to just how we might go about accomplishing such a thing; again, being Jesus. Not “Christ-like” or “like Jesus,” but actually being Jesus.
In my mind, the answer as to how we go about actually becoming Jesus is neither mere whimsy, nor is it dependent upon some onerous discipline. It’s actually somewhat simple and even magical when we are willing to take his words seriously.
Here’s the thesis the thesis we are presented last time, that is, being Jesus is simple because Jesus said nothing and did nothing. Our (belonging to us as well as Jesus) SPIRIT-PARENT, according to Jesus, performed the miracles and spoke the words he said. How difficult is that?
I didn’t do anything or say anything; Daddy/Mommy/Spirit who lives in me did and said it all. Depending upon individual religious perspective, an additional question might arise which is, whether we have to go to great lengths to get to the point of this SPIRIT-PARENT dwelling in us individually or merely accept the premise as an already done deal?
I say it isn’t either one, but rather the discipline it takes to get there is one of getting our brains to the point of accepting, first, the possibility that either can be true and next getting to the point of believing it is possible and thirdly, believing that the SPIRIT-PARENT lives within and is an integral part of our being.
Remember the condition placed on any of this which Jesus provided was, “nothing will be impossible to any individual who believes enough.” If we cannot put our minds around that premise, none of the rest will be contemplated.
I do want to reiterate something that Ryan Bruce said he was tired of hearing …well, that’s overstating it, what he really said, several times on different podcasts, is that he wished I would come up with a different example.
Here goes, again, simply because I think the lesson to be learned, of how to get to the point of believing anything cannot be learned any easier than getting this fact: History …prior to the year 1954, it was stated by a certain group of experts, that it was impossible for any normal human being to run a mile in under four minutes.
As proof, nobody had ever accomplished this feat. Roger Bannister broke that barrier in 1954 and since then, literally, thousands have done it and furthermore thousands continue to do it each year.
Why? Because they believe NOW that it is possible! In other words, I am postulating that simply by opening our minds to something being possible opens
Being Jesus …Chapter Three
(Moving on from Discipleship to Mastery)
There is no argument that we are being “radical” …from this particular meaning of the word in the number one adjective form choice from one dictionary: Radical –adjective
1. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental: a radical difference.
After several days of non-stop dialogue with a close friend, a Christian college professor, during which he had been urging me to stop continually referencing organized Christianity …except for contrast when the context of an article demanded it. I finally responded, “Okay, what you are telling me is to stop beating on a dead horse.”
We both immediately saw the metaphor (beating on a dead horse) in the light of its possible, perhaps probable, urtext (a German word to which he introduced me, meaning the original work of a writing or a music score; and with which we played around in relationship and in context to the Bible in its original-language form) …dead horses in days gone by were the primary source of glue-making.
Beating on a dead horse, therefore, we both reasoned, must have referred to the fact that when we do so it tends to keep us stuck (glued to) where we are instead of moving on.
So, moving on to radical as being a reference to departing from something viewed as fundamentally true, I feel compelled to not only closely examine it, but to make the contrast.
Being Jesus seems radical only because those of us, who have had our spiritual genesis in the thought that Jesus is special and unique, have missed one of the points he continually made: He came to be an example of what we can be, not an icon of worship.
If we are truly to be followers, that is, disciples – in the fully formed version, we will be exactly like Jesus in one very specific way, which is that our “I” identity that was attached to the names of the body-bags we occupy, by earthly parents, no longer exists.
That identity is dead and buried, if you will, with Jesus and it is no longer “I” who lives, but Christ who lives in me.
Please consider, again, Jesus said it wasn’t “him” who performed miracles, but the SOURCE, the Christ, living in him that performed the miracles and spoke the words, it is the same with us. If we have to talk about “our” ministry, or “our” gifts, we are barking up the wrong tree.
Healing power and Spiritual healing take place when we are free from “our” anything …“I” didn’t do it, HE did it. Get it? I hope so.
Patronizing? If “I” said it, it certainly could be called that, but you see, “I” didn’t say it, HE in me said it.
My beginning for viewing Jesus-the-man as special and unique came from the emphasis on one Bible verse, which I now contend and will explain why -- that it is/was taken out of context. John in his Gospel referred to Jesus as the “only begotten Son of God.”
How clear can you get, right? “Only begotten” …certainly sounded unique to me. From John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son (emphasis mine), that none should perish, but have everlasting life” …the essence of the Gospel as is still preached by many.
Surprise of all surprises to many will be to find out that I believe it is true. Here, however, is where we begin RADICAL. My contention, and I believe it is directly from the SOURCE of everything, is that it is only partly true, not in its urtext, i.e. original meaning, but in the interpretation by and tradition of many.
To take John 3:16 in isolation, that is, without considering the context of what precedes this verse, in Chapter 1 particularly, in my view, creates a vacuum that keeps us from seeing something quite important even to the exposition of a truth that exists in the Jesus-is-special-and-unique posture. This will be what we examine first, so that we can see clearly to move on to the wider examination of how we become what Jesus said we would be and do if we believed enough …the extreme of which is being Jesus; not merely being “like” him.
Here we go: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made.”
These are the words found in a modern English translation which purports to be loyal to both the original language and to the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
Let’s take it at the face value of the loyalty claimed by its publishers. The import of verse two is often missed. Again, “He was in the beginning with God.” “He” making reference to this mysterious “Word;” then “with God” indicating that this “Word” was with God – therefore, in some inexplicable way, different from God.
The immediate foregoing, to me, gives credence to the argument that John is attempting to convey something difficult to understand. First of all the “He” (this mysterious “WORD”) is an identifiable person or perhaps better stated, “personality,” or perhaps even “aspect” of God and then in the third verse of this same chapter 1, John seems to be underlining or emphasizing that this Word, “He” was the part of God who was, again, with God was the creative part of God and “who” (this WORD) did, in fact, create everything.
Here’s the rub for all of us: Whether you believe that Jesus is unique and special or that he is an example that we should be pursuing to become – and it is here at this very point we need to stop. This doesn’t need to be an either or question; we can revere Jesus as being unique and special. BECAUSE HE WAS!
The point of this dissertation is not intended to be a distraction or detraction from the special nature of Jesus’ advent on the scene, but rather as a corrective to a tradition that continues to ignore a significant part of something Jesus had to say about what true believers in him would exhibit.
This, in my mind, means BOTH – to use a couple of quantum mechanics (the modern version of physics primarily focused on sub-atomic particles) words, “complementarity” and “simultaneity” …again, not this or that, but BOTH.
Jesus is/was special and unique. Jesus did call us to be who he was as a man; and Jesus did call us to do even more than what he did as a man. Which compels me to start beating on a dead horse again …no! …my instructions are: Just ask the question:
Do you really think that performing even greater miracles than Jesus performed (that’s what he said people who believed enough would be able to do) equates to standing behind a pulpit spewing out watered-down nonsense? Then why do you sit on a pew listening to it?
I’m simply attempting to bring into the light the fact that not only did the Creator of the universe become the man we refer to as Jesus, which again, most certainly makes the appearance of Jesus on the scene, extremely special …then let’s pay attention to the things he said about our destiny of becoming him.
I feel compelled to implore you to, right now, just go directly to the ONE Jesus said would be sent to guide us into all truth, and ask, what is the truth for me?
One last bit of radical. That “ONE” Jesus said will lead us into all truth is not the Bible, folks, but the SOURCE of everything.
“Death to self,” is a widely bandied about buzz word of many. No matter what discipline we enter, we’re not talking about suicide here.
“Death to self” means a change in identity; being Jesus; no more extolling the virtue of “gifts” and “ministry” …those things bring attention to the old “I” – if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the SOURCE, because I AM. We ARE …moving on from discipleship to mastery – being Jesus.
Being Jesus …Chapter Four
Further into “Mastery”
After introducing Being Jesus as a series on the website I received numerous e-mails all coming from just as numerous perspectives; and all truths (from those perspectives).
I answered each one individually that I could not and would not disagree with what they were saying …I asked Daddy, “What now?” The answer I received was, “no bragging rights.”
Huh? Bragging rights about what? After further inquiry I received total clarity about the essence of this segment of Being Jesus: Again, what I’ve been given to say, and ALL that I mean, by coining the term: It is not us doing anything, the ministry through us is SPIRIT-PARENT (by whatever other title or name) ministry. Taking personal and individual credit for gifts and ministry is pure and plain blasphemy.
Else, why did Jesus make such a point of saying that, if any individual believes enough, nothing shall be impossible to him (?). Why did John report that, Jesus said if any individual believes enough, that individual would do the very same things he did …but don’t forget Jesus said that he didn’t do anything, but our SPIRIT-PARENT in him did everything (?) and not “him” per se’.
Therefore, all ministry and gifts are of and from the same SOURCE.
Thinking I am such a great communicator, I had thought I already made this quite clear in the Being Jesus series on the web. I did, honestly think that, but here is a retort via e-mail worth noting:
“You are forgetting that Jesus also told Phillip, ‘have you been with me so long? You have seen me therefore you have seen the Father.’
“Brad, you are forgetting that Jesus and the Father are the same; and, as you are so fond of saying, I didn’t say that, Jesus said it.”
I’m not going to repeat what I said to this man, because it doesn’t matter. I told him what I was instructed to tell him. What I am instructed to say here is that just because we are being Jesus we can say the very same thing, that is, I didn’t do it, our SPIRIT-PARENT in me did it. If you will get that, you will begin to see our SPIRIT-PARENT’s healing power and spiritual healing flow through YOU, because it is not YOU, get it?
Once you do get it you will realize, the import of Jesus words, “you have seen me, you have seen the Father.”
I am going to share a “sidebar” conversation on the phone with Ryan one day, just prior to him posting #3 in the series …he was troubled that I didn’t go far enough with John 3:16 is basically how he said it. Then he went on to agree with what I felt (but didn’t say) that what he was saying was just so much gobbledygook about Jesus being special or different – he had researched the meaning in the original language of the English word, “begotten.” I finally said, “Why don’t you ask Dad and then call me.”
When he called back several minutes later, it was with an astounding revelation that spoke to both of us.
Which brings me back to, “we have no bragging rights” …Jesus may have had bragging rights, but he didn’t exercise them. I leave it at that.
Next up… Chapter 5 – “Capture the Essence” – which will include one methodology of how you can capture the essence and move out of discipleship into mastery.
Mastery is a blast, but it does require an entirely different perspective, you know, just stepping back and seeing something from a different angle. You’ll need the same help Ryan went for. Instead of arguing, go directly to the SOURCE of all truth and get the truth that is for you NOW.
Being Jesus …Chapter Five
Virgin Birth? Capture the Essence!
I awoke from a dream impressed with the deep meaning I had gleaned from it. At first I kept trying to remember the details so I could write about the dream in story form.
I began struggling to remember some of those elusive parts that occur often in dreams that are so memorable, yet so vague they seem covered by a mixture of fog and smoke combined as haze or smog.
Finally, I asked for help. The words that came swiftly were, “capture the essence.” What do I do then with the details of the dream especially those that are so vivid?
“First, begin living by the essence then write your real story, not about the dream” was what I was given to understand.
I was struck by the words “living by the essence” and thought I was being instructed to walk it out before I attempted to share it. In modern terms, walk the walk instead of talking the talk. Then I was shown that wasn’t a correct understanding; begin was the operative word here.
What was the essence? What am I supposed to “capture?”
What I was shown is that when I see a man (or woman) exhibit qualities of our SPIRIT-PARENT, let the reflection be a demonstration of the SPIRIT-PARENT’s
presence within that person and not the impetus to revere the human being who is manifesting it.
Two individuals came to mind: Mother Theresa and Mohandas* Gandhi …neither of these would I be tempted to revere (worship) as anything other than the “mere” human beings both insisted they were …this because both were quite clear in their demands not to be revered as anything
*As biographical evidence of this truth regarding Gandhi, depicted in his autobiography; and also the epic movie Gandhi and another biography written about him, Gandhi clearly and emphatically made the point that he did not
want to be referred to as “the Mahatma” which so many still use when referring to him, “Mahatma Gandhi.” He said he abhorred the term with regard to him. The word means “Holy” Gandhi resisted any and all such referrals as nonsense. Gandhi’s first name is Mohandas.
Jesus was also quite clear about that, although religious tradition has obscured that fact. When the title of book, Being Jesus, began hitting me over the head, I resisted it only because I knew it would make some folks quite uncomfortable.
Some might argue, and appropriately so, that much of what I write makes people uncomfortable anyway, so why should that give me pause?
So, Daddy …was the dream about the new book, or was it, perhaps, the introduction to it …what’s going on here?
What I was shown is that the essence is in the exercises and where they lead and not to get caught up in the disciplines, but rather in the connection with I AM.
WE MUST SEE THIS! This is the essence that must be captured; no matter how great the manifestation of SPIRIT in a person, I must remember that such is only a reflection and what is to be revered is the SOURCE of that reflection.
Our nearest “natural” satellite, the moon, is a perfect example of what I mean.
The moon shines somewhat brightly at times, but its light is merely a reflection of the light it receives from the closest star to us, the sun.
Okay, what I’m getting from this is that all three references to human beings I made above, that is, Mother Theresa, Mohandas Gandhi and Jesus were made
because they reflected our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE in both word and deed, and it should not and, in fact, does not confer deity to the flesh. Am I really supposed to include Jesus in this mix?
In fact, this is an argument I have been making for years and, therefore, what makes this dream and its essence new and earth shaking for me?
I asked further, am I merely taking my old opinions and plastering white wash on them to make them look new?
While I cannot deny the possibility that my subconscious is playing games here, I do emphatically deny it as my conscious motive.
The need for a sidebar becomes apparent from rereading the foregoing several paragraphs, particularly the references to Jesus absent of any mention of “Christ.”
For many years I have been corrected about my peculiar way of expressing his name –merely Jesus– I have been told that I should either refer to him as Jesus Christ, or Jesus the Christ. Others want me to refer to him with the Hebrew equivalent, Yeshua or some insist upon Yashua. I feel compelled to use neither of these Hebraic equivalents, whether such emphasis on the Hebraic version of the name Jesus is correct doesn’t enter into my decision.
“Christ” is a designation implying deity; the Greek word, from which we get “Christ” in English, basically, means the anointed (by God’s Spirit).
The word Christ (or similar spellings) appears in English and most European languages, owing to the Greek usage of Christós (transcribed in Latin as Christus) in the New Testament as a description for Jesus. Christ has now
become a name, one part of the name "Jesus Christ," but originally it was a title (the Messiah) and not a name --- …the immediate foregoing from Wikipedia on the Internet – the reason I have left it off in the past has to do
with my emphasis that Jesus was a man – all man. This needn’t threaten anyone (granted that it does), as my intention is not to take away from John’s Gospel that specifically states that the One who created the universe
and everything in it, became the man Jesus.
What has been revealed to me (I call it a “revelation” merely because most believers that I had encountered, when I was heavily entrenched in the religious system referred to as Christianity, had never seen with clarity exactly what John is making reference to in the opening three verses of his Gospel).
In my view, the literal meaning of these first three verses needs to be proclaimed and it doesn’t take away from the fact that Jesus was a human being, but, rather, underscores it. Let’s repeat it: The creative SPIRIT part of the multifaceted SOURCE many people refer to as “God” which John referred to in Greek as the “Logos” (in English, “the Word”) which means, literally, the complete expression of, became a human being. Where communication becomes quite difficult is when we attempt to stretch the meaning of the English term “Word” into Logos. The explanations surrounding this English term continue to create all kinds of confusion.
John further stated that, if we receive this as truth, that is, the SPIRIT who created the universe became the man Jesus, that we too, have the right and authority to also be transformed into what Jesus was formed from the get-go
in the womb as, a child of the SOURCE. As the Bill Gaither tune proclaims: “Joint heirs with Jesus.”
Was John full of hot air? Am I? If you make the claim that the Bible is the source of truth for you, I’m saying that this is what this particular part of the Bible, that is, the Gospel of John, is literally saying.
Here it is (yet again) in plain English: The Creative Spirit part of the SOURCE, the entity who started this whole indescribably huge, chaotic, wonderful mass we refer to as the universe, (whether by the “big bang” or via other means
is, in my view, totally unimportant) became the historical figure, a human being, who much of the world refers to as Jesus.
Yes, I do realize I am flying in the face of tradition, that doesn’t make what I’m saying incorrect. In fact, maybe it means that it is time to question the tradition.
How do you get to this consciousness of the SOURCE within? It is quite simple; actually, unless you choose any one of many complicated doctrines …it is a choice. Many of us agree that becoming a “son of God” is a process – a
growing-into that begins in different ways for different people.
Here’s a difficult question: does it really make any difference to the rest of us whether Jesus was born that way? The only reason it is difficult is because of religious tradition. Ask our SPIRIT-PARENT what is truth for you?
While I emphatically state that much of religious tradition, by whatever stripe, is an impediment to the process, because religious exercise is generally acquiescence to a hodge-podge of rules that have nothing to do with the
SOURCE of everything living inside of you and expressing Her/ Him/ Itself through you in creative and restorative power.
Religion is quite often the system by which a person begins to believe that there is something to this life other than what is physically evident. The challenge is that religion is often a huge block to the process of even beginning to believe that sonship is our destiny.
In Chapter 4 I promised to provide one methodology of the how of getting to the point of Being Jesus.
How did Jesus become what he became? Okay, in a recent podcast on the website, spiritualhealingsource.com, we heard Ryan reiterate something not far removed from what many, if not most Christians believe and that, simply
put, is the virgin birth.
What Ryan received when he asked our SPIRITPARENT is that Jesus was “formed” in the womb by our SPIRIT-PARENT.
Quite frankly I’ve never applied any critical thinking to how the Creative Spirit part of the Godhead, literally (here in English characters) Elohiym, the multifaceted “Supreme Being” might have “become a man.”
The “virgin birth” stories were just that to me, that is, stories. I accepted them at face value; knowing Ryan he has put a lot of thought into what he believed UP UNTIL THE MOMENT HE PUT ALL THAT ASIDE AND ASKED.
Perhaps that is why I put so much weight on the answer he received …which was wrapped up in a single word …formed. It simply makes sense, even if it does, to me, basically line up with the generally accepted version Christianity postulates. I felt compelled to say “even if,” only because so little of organized Christianity does make sense when compared with what Jesus is recorded as having said.
For me, I just know from experience that the appearance of Jesus on the scene was quite special and I also know, in that same experience, that we can be who
Jesus was as a man, and do what he did.
So, what is the methodology I promised? Quite simply it is the methodology of Jesus, the prayer discipline that he exercised many times a day. Demanding and commanding that what our SPIRIT-PARENT had already decreed to be done in the unseen realm where He/It/She lives and rules be brought into existence in the physical realm in him.
That’s it, the methodology. Do it! That is, continually demand and command that what our SPIRIT-PARENT has decreed in the spirit realm be accomplished in YOU and keep demanding and commanding that it be done; UNTIL you know it is done and it is guaranteed that you will be Jesus.
Being Jesus is an exciting life, in fact it IS LIFE. Here is what I call a dangerous prayer of beginning. Daddy/Mommy I want you to take over my life completely. I want to want you to be in charge of everything. Because you have promised this to be available to me, I demand that it be brought into existence. I command every obstacle in my mind that keeps me from YOUR perfect will and life in me be brought under YOUR control.
That is the virgin birth for you and just as Jesus came into maturity and the fullness of our SPIRIT-PARENT having full control of him, so it shall be for you.
Because you will no longer be in charge of your life …that such a prayer is scary, we can only say, of course. But the alternative is even scarier …living apart from our SPIRITPARENT.
Go for it, begin now.
Why you Must You Never Forget this One Thing?
(Being Jesus Part VI …YOUR Very Own Virgin Birth)
Act 1 of 2
Drum roll, music …and the answer is: Because this one thing is the key to absolutely everything else.
Think about whatever it is you feel in need of most. Go ahead, make a mental list and then prioritize your list; what are numbers 1, 2 and 3?
This one thing is the key to getting all three and everything else …and I’ll make a bet that this one thing is nowhere on that list! I’m being reminded how important it is to remember, always, that to accomplish anything meaningful to me, while housed in this body bag, I must also remember something else, besides this one thing.
Okay, yeah, one more drum roll, music please!
Now remember this isn’t this one thing, this is besides this one thing. We could remember the famous riddle, “what came first, the chicken or the egg?” Because, actually, it doesn’t matter …the chicken and the egg just are …both one and the same. Arguing about it is like arguing about whether this chaos about us is a result of evolution or creation, via one “big bang,” or otherwise.
If I can take us back to the most recent article and podcast (#68): In that podcast I asked Ryan something that went way over his head …sorry, Mr. Bruce, but that’s just my crude way of saying you were preoccupied with more important matters; I asked him, “did you notice further down in the article my reference to your virgin birth?” …he missed it because, of course, his mind was on weightier matters. What about you, did you miss it?
Again, THIS TIME, PAY ATTENTION, DANGIT, “That is the virgin birth for you and just as Jesus came into maturity and the fullness of our SPIRIT-PARENT having full control of him, so it shall be for you.”
Some of you may remember the story I told about the businessman who confronted me with, “I suppose you are one of those born-again Christians,” followed almost immediately with, in a disgusted-sounding tone: “Every time I’ve been screwed in business, it has been by somebody who refers to himself as a ‘born-again’ Christian!”
As a footnote to that little exchange, that man, Peter, and I later became close friends and business partners.
Why did I go off onto that little bit of memory lane? Because it really is germane …we get so lost in terms (in this instance “born again”) and the different meaning different people place upon them that we fail to communicate.
This is about your opportunity to experience the virgin birth, YOUR virgin birth …which means we have to also repeat the chicken and egg metaphor – it doesn’t matter what you call anything!
I go through all these long-winded diatribes because you are not ready to hear the truth until your mind is prepared to accept it without placing your own unconscious labels.
So, what is the referenced additional thing to this one thing, when I arrogantly don’t think you’re ready for either? The additional thing is a promise that came out of the mouth of Jesus: “Nothing shall be impossible to any individual who believes enough.” That’s literally what he said and here’s a bit more arrogance, AND FEW SO-CALLED “BELIEVERS” BELIEVE IT!
It doesn’t matter because they are intertwined, they are ONE.
Act 2 of 2
“Drowning In Troublesome Truth
We begin by saying something everyone has heard and knows to be true: Thousands of people over three feet tall have drowned in bodies of water which have an average depth of only three inches.
Statistics and averages can help provide significant tracking-help in any number of endeavors including, but not limited to science, business and sports.
Depending upon mathematical equations as ultimate truth, exclusive of other empirical data, can also lead us to a false sense of security and that, sometimes, of dangerous proportions.
We’ve all been exposed to any number of slogans based on truth; the truth gets obscured, however, in any number of life situations when the slogans are misapplied.
Knowledge based on the fact that a tomato is a fruit, doesn’t mean it demonstrates wisdom to put a tomato in a fruit salad.
I’ve proved to my own satisfaction, from experience, that certain promises which issued forth out of the mouth of Jesus are true, absolutely true, but not if they are misapplied.
Let me give you what to me is an excellent example. Millions of people who profess to believe in Jesus as being “the Christ” end their prayers with, “In the name of Jesus, amen” and some of these, if not most, don’t have a belief or even a hope that their praying will provide any meaningful results. Somehow, however, they go through the motions apparently thinking they’ve done the “right” thing.
The behavior is based on Jesus saying, as portrayed in English, “Whatever you ask in my name, will be given to you.”
How, you may ask, is this misapplying what he said? Because, the word “name” in the original language, in this particular instance, means “in the authority and character of” …I was challenged, while sharing with a group of college students, by one of them asking me why they should pay any attention to what I had to say about praying. Specifically she said, “I mean how do you pray any differently than I do?
The question was put to me in such a hostile tone I felt driven to ask silently, with no little desperation, “Yikes how do I respond to that?”
The answer scared me worse than her hostility and that hostility proved to be fierce! I almost said out loud what I was feeling after I got the answer …a sinking “oh no” feeling. I knew I was supposed to say it to her and the rest of the group that totaled around fifty students.
I gulped and said a silent “help” …I knew it would sound arrogant, but I went ahead and practically blurted it out:
“I’ll tell you the difference. When I pray I know that what I pray will come into being. When you pray, you don’t.”
As any reasonable person might expect, this did not reduce her hostility, in fact it inflamed it! About ten minutes later she exploded verbally and then picked up her things and stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door behind her.
What she did was marvelous. The professor later reported to me that she told him she went home and locked herself in her bedroom and got serious with our SPIRIT-PARENT and said, “How come that horrid man (that would be me) gets answers to his prayers and I don’t?”
She was on her knees, she told him, beside her bed pounding on it with her fists for two hours, demanding to know how to pray – until she, all of a sudden realized that she had just been healed of the disease with which she had recently been diagnosed by her family physician and that was going to force her to quit school for at least a semester and maybe longer.
I love to tell that story. Because she learned the most wonderful lesson in the world that any human being can learn and not from me, that is, how to get results by demanding them (exactly how Jesus taught to go about “praying”).
She hadn’t even asked for healing …she was just ticked off at me for upsetting her well-honed, religious doctrine about how to pray and the way she had been “praying” all of her life and spent two hours getting her new training directly from the SOURCE.
This, friends, is being Jesus …go and do likewise! Podcast 71 Your Virgin Birth
Righteousness and Automation
(Being Jesus Part VII)
One of the Jewish prophets recognized as prominent by Christians said, in the commonest form of English, that the religious righteousness exercised by humanity was equivalent to used sanitary napkins smeared with fecal matter and deposited among additional waste piled high in the local dump.
Having had the “privilege” of living, for a time, in a third world country in which towns of any size had such piles near the city centers (for convenience?) where giant and very ugly birds held guard over their primary food supply – I, therefore, have a vivid picture in my mind what the prophet was probably talking about and how it relates to the level of righteousness we humans achieve via living according to religious rules and ritual.
Another Jewish prophet, considered by Christians as not so prominent, Amos, said, “Away with your solemn assemblies, your uplifted hands and hymn singing; forget your sacrifices, alms and fasts; they are all an abomination to me.”
Both prophets presume they are speaking for God …or in the truest sense of “prophecy,” that God is speaking through them.
Along comes Jesus who said, about gaining physical supply including, but not limited to shelter, food and the like that, if our focus is on the realm over which our SPIRIT-PARENT maintains rule and Her/His/Its righteousness, all that stuff deemed “necessary” by us earthlings would come automatically …which seems to be a pretty good deal, does it not?
By now, you’ve most likely read Being Jesus Part VI wherein I write about YOUR virgin birth. I haven’t yet, at the time of this writing, received any e-mail about that particular piece, but I assure you that after it is posted I will get some asking if I came up with that concept primarily for its shock value.
Well, if that was the reason (I assure you that it wasn’t, though I have to admit it shocked me a bit when I first received and began to understand the concept) I am probably outdoing myself by mentioning particular, unmentionable (to some folks), items such as fecal matter and used sanitary napkins or, just perhaps, I am engaging in prophetic utterance. (?)
The availability of virgin birth for anyone who wants to partake in it is, to me, brand new …I doubt that anyone has ever broached the topic in such a manner before, but I’m not sure and I have no intention of researching it to see whether I’m actually breaking new ground.
Now then, back to what Jesus said about our “earthly” needs being met automatically as a result of placing our primary focus on the “kingdom of God.” As soon as I wrote the foregoing, I shuddered to think that anyone might need to be reminded that our religious concepts, by whatever name or title, may have nothing whatsoever to do with the “kingdom of God.”
To illustrate the truth of the foregoing let’s use merely one (of many) applicable Biblical references: “God’s ways are not man’s ways and His thoughts are far above man’s thoughts” …this to point out that religion, an invention or modification thereof by man, can be determined only by man as having any relevance or relationship to the spiritual realm, where “God” (by whatever other title or name) reigns.
Before we return to righteousness (some define this term as “right thinking”) and how to obtain it, let’s drift over to a discussion on “free will.” From my, albeit limited, perspective, we can’t have it both ways. This is directed at those who insist that “God is in control” of everything that happens on this planet; for if that is true, then we may want to examine just what that may mean in the scheme of religious thought as regards having the freedom to choose.
Jesus introduced an interesting formula to achieve what he called righteousness as viewed by God: Acknowledging that I, as an individual, continually and completely miss what “God” (I prefer SOURCE) has intended for us because we just cannot “get it.”
The above referenced formula flies in the face of religious thought, because religion is a means by which mankind attempts to become acceptable to God. In Jesus’ example, given by the story he told of two men going up to the temple to pray, the religious cat reminds God of all the good he does, a review of which is, fasting twice each week giving ten percent of everything he has to the “church,” not committing adultery, not stealing or cheating, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.
Jesus said this guy’s praying achieved nothing, but the other guy achieved righteousness in God’s sight. What was the second guys “prayer?” He beat on his chest and cried out for mercy for being a lousy sinner.
Let’s lay it all out …no matter how good of a person you are (in the sight of man), it doesn’t cut it. We are all murderers, adulterers, thieves – how are we these things? According to Jesus if you’ve looked at another person with merely the thought of sex, you have already committed adultery. I always hasten to add here that heterosexuality is no more righteous than homosexuality, lust is lust!
If you have ever been angry with someone, you have already murdered that person. If you have ever wanted something that belongs to someone else, you have already stolen it. There is no way out, YOU ARE GUILTY!
“Going to confession” or even “confessing your faults to somebody else” has merit in the Biblical sense, “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us and cleanse us of our unrighteous acts.” Ah yes, that fits the above referenced formula.
So, what am I going on about? Stop thinking that anything we do or avoid doing accomplishes righteousness, let’s be really redundant here, particularly and including avoiding acting out some of our crazy thoughts …”there are none righteous, no not one!”
The seeming dichotomy of being Jesus and following his prescription to achieve righteousness, that is, beating on my chest and crying out for mercy, is just that, i.e., a seeming dichotomy and that brought on by the misconception that Jesus was a perfect man, which he never claimed.
He was tempted in all ways as we are, is how one New Testament author put it …and as we have just reminded ourselves, if we’ve been tempted, even if we resist (actually succumbing to the act), we are already guilty of having done it. That’s what Jesus said and what and who he was.
The argument that Jesus never sinned is stated in the Bible is one perception that is easily offset by many more contained in his own statements.
He also continually sought our SPIRIT-PARENT’s desires and purposes, and that is how we enter the realm of being Jesus. That is how we can say God is in control because He is at that point of awareness: “YOUR will be done, not mine.”
This works for Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim and all variations of same or of none… and it is being Jesus.
The perfection that comes in the flesh is far different than man’s view. One startling fact will clear it all up for you: The word in the original language translated as “perfect” means completed by virtue of being connected to the SOURCE.
The promise issued out of the mouth of Jesus is if you chase after this kind of righteousness, again, being connected to the SOURCE, everything else will come to you automatically.
A New way to conduct business, maintain a career and to LIVE, “eternally,” NOW, this moment, that is, being Jesus.
Neither This nor That
(Being Jesus Part VIII)
Both Jesus and Mohammed (I realize that some professed followers of both have preferred spelling that doesn’t match mine) seemed to have something entirely different in mind than either the “Christian Crusades” or the modern-day “Muslim Jihad.”
While a case can be made for both the Crusades and Jihad from a microscopic and myopic view of the “Holy Writ” of each group, both men stood for something entirely different.
Of course, where Islam beats Christianity hands down, is the fact that Muslims can point with pride that it was Muhammad (one of the “preferred” ways to spell it) who penned the Qur’an, whereas Christians only have quotes of Yeshua (ditto on the “preferred” spelling bit) from which to draw their conclusions.
Why bring this up? Only because I woke up with it firmly in my mind this morning and asked Dad, if I was supposed to write about it.
Whether you believe it is, of course, up to you, but Christians and Muslims have the same Dad. Arguably, most adherents on either side of the fence don’t believe that our Dad can guide the other, the extremists get their guidance not merely from what is written, but somebody else’s interpretation of what is written.
Both sides have extremes that prefer splitting hairs over miniscule bits of “scripture” which, according to some more moderate language experts within each camp, are apparently mistranslated as a means to justify their misguided hatred of each other.
Now that that’s out of the way, can we get down to the business at hand; what the hell does that have to do with you?
I’ve had devout Christians try to convince me that Islam is a religion hatched by demons. Oh? Perhaps the same could be said about Christianity, inasmuch that more than a few Christians refuse one staple of Jesus’ intent, er, uh, does the following little tidbit ring any bells:
“It was said of old, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,’ but I say unto you, love your enemies, do only good for those who inflict harm upon you.”
The ignoring of this by many of the conservative bent in Christianity is just one of the myriad reasons I refuse to call myself a Christian and certainly and emphatically correct anyone else who attempts to place that label on me.
I saw a bumper sticker not too long ago that almost caused me to be guilty of reckless driving …I was laughing that hard. “Kill a whale for Jesus sake.” I realize it made no sense at all …well and again, unless we look at the crazy seeming reasons that religious people use to justify their positions.
I get e-mail frequently that suggests I’ve been led astray. Good grief, that’s not hard to admit …and many times over. There, does that help you somewhat? I want to point out that the religious people of both Jesus/Yeshua’s era and Mohammed/Muhammad’s era said the same thing about both Mohammed and Jesus.
Do I put myself in the same class as Jesus and Mohammed – well, to quote something Jesus purportedly said, “A disciple, when fully formed, will be exactly like his teacher.” To the extent that a large contingent of Jesus’ religion of birth said he was led by Satan himself, I guess I qualify …at least in that regard (one “man of the cloth” wrote that I was a servant of Satan not too long ago) Mohammed had the same kinds of challenges from the same source; people of his birth-religion …which, by the way was a form of Judaism practiced by many Arabs of that era. Interesting, what?
Here is why some of you may want to “hear” what I have to say: I decry that I am anything special, meaning I make the same stance Jesus made. Any individual, that’s you, that’s me, will do the very same things he did, including raising people from the dead, healing myriad diseases, giving sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf.
Ryan chided me in a recent podcast for being like those who are already relegated to a residence at a loony bin for saying I was Jesus …it’s worse than that, I say, “I AM,” but just as Jesus said that he didn’t say it, but rather our SPIRIT-PARENT in him spoke the words, it ain’t me saying it folks.
My question to you is, when are you going to start? Being Jesus.
Humility vs. Responsibility; The Great Dichotomy of Being Jesus (Part IX)
As an example of his humility I like to refer to a purported response of Jesus quoted by one of the Gospel authors: “Why call me good? Only God is good.”
The reason I like to quote it is that it sets the stage for anyone who is willing to look at the possibility of something else Jesus said: “Anyone who believes in me will do the very same things you’ve seen me do.” Which, in context, are the seeming “supernatural” stuff such as turning water into wine; walking on water; healing myriad diseases; giving sight to somebody blind (even if they were born that way) and so on.
Set the stage, how? What Jesus also said was that he didn’t perform any of these “miracles,” but rather, the SPIRIT-PARENT in him, did them.
The amazing (to me, at least) thing about that part of the equation of you or I being Jesus is, in that, lies the fact that “we” simply have no business taking any credit for a “miraculous (or any other kind of) ministry.” If we attain such heights of actually being and doing what he said we would be and do (IF we believe enough) the words between the immediately foregoing parens is an accurate translation from the original language.
Let’s underscore it: literally believe enough, and then we will not tout “our” ministry, but rather when ministry happens and somebody says “we” did it, we will quickly and emphatically deny that “we” did anything …the very same SPIRIT-PARENT that did the works Jesus was famous for, did it, not I.
Have we been clear here? No hubris in this question at all. If it is clear it simply means that you are not mired in the fuzzy thoughts held by the religious about Jesus, because from his own mouth HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING.
Okay, that’s the humility part of the dichotomy, now onto the responsibility of being Jesus.
I’m being guided to be succinctly simple. The responsibility is to moment by moment do only what our SPIRIT-PARENT is directing us to do. That’s being Jesus (period).
(Being Jesus Part X)
What now? When considering whether to be Jesus I may I want to also consider something he said as part of the equation:
“This new commandment I give you: Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart and soul and treat your neighbor exactly the way you want to be treated.”
Of course, he leveled the playing field by explaining that the most hated race of people, from the standpoint of your culture, is your neighbor.
Killing them off is not the acceptable way of following the commandment, wouldn’t you say?
I never cease to be amazed by what particular folks among the religious right who claim to follow Jesus say; this one is the standout of all time: “My pastor said that the problem with our country and world at large is that we’ve forgotten the commandment, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
I would say that’s exactly why we are in Afghanistan under all sorts of crazy rationale and in dozens of other countries plying the same reasoning, but in a clandestine manner so that it doesn’t make headlines or waves, because unless you know someone at the CIA you don’t even know we are “invading” those countries as well (just not officially).
Again, Jesus said something far different related to this exact maxim: “It was said of old, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,’ but I say to you, love your enemies, do good things for those who heap abuse on you” and so forth.
In the context of that kind of revolutionary idea, came, “What is the point of calling me ‘Lord’ if you don’t do what I tell you to do” and he went on to graphically illustrate that there is no point whatsoever.
That’s why I feel free to say, “Those who claim to be followers” (and they do this by insisting upon calling themselves “Christians”) of Jesus set standards that have very little to do with Jesus who, after all, is the one they say they are following.
Hey, folks, some of the things he said to do are impossible to do, without a strong commitment to do them. Just one simple “for instance” …if somebody slaps the left side of your face, offer to let them have a go at the right side as well. I admit that if you slap me, my reflexes take over. Granted, after I have knocked you down and then kicked you, I am really sorry that I blew it again. Just one more failure to do something he said to do.
The above is just one reason I have such a respect for Martin Luther King and Mohandas Gandhi …by their commitment to do exactly this, they both had a huge impact that changed America and India respectively and, for that matter the whole world as well.
Let me reiterate something he didn’t say to do, but to which I point all the time. He didn’t say to go to “worship services” and sit and listen to powerless, pointless drivel. He didn’t say to fall down and worship him either; no, he didn’t say that at all. He did tell us to believe enough to be who he was and do what he did and how to get to the point of believing enough …sadly not many seem to want to listen.
Okay, Ryan, how is that for complying with your edict to stop pussyfooting around and write stuff only that is fitting for the “no bull zone” (?) For those of you who are new to this website “Ryan” is Ryan Bruce, the CEO of the publishing company that produces Brad Cullen books and Ryan personally sponsors, all at his own expense, this website
He chides me at times for being less than clear. Am I being clear?
Actually, one of the clearest things I believe I have ever written, if you can
stand just a bit more, about some of the things I’ve said here … go to the menu bar at the top and click on the tab “Brad On” …then scroll down to the unlikely title, “Healing and Being Christ-like” – it is a short read, and I’ve received many favorable comments about how it cleared “bunches of things up for me” is how a guy in Nova Scotia put it recently.
Try it, you may like it. If you don’t, write me with your gripes.
Illusion, Delusion, or “Reality?” …but from a “different” perspective
(Being Jesus Part XI)
Hopefully, since you’re still here, you’re being directed to keep reading; if not, this will most likely be a waste of your time.
To me, one of the more appropriate and exciting comparisons can be found in the Bible. It was made by a young man fresh out of the Jewish “School of Prophets.” The story has been and is a huge directional signpost for my life.
Elisha, who “attached himself” to the famous Jewish Prophet Elijah and appointed himself to be older man’s valet, gofer, “aide de camp,” etc, whose presence at times annoyed the great man.
Elisha followed Elijah everywhere. Elijah would say the equivalent of the modern day, “Get lost, kid, I’m busy. I’ve got people to see and places to go.”
Elisha’s response continued steadfastly. “No way, as the Lord lives, and your soul lives, I’m not leaving your side.”
So Elijah began taking a different tack. In a gentler tone he said:
“Look, kid, the Lord is sending me to Bethel. You stick around here and when I get back, we’ll get together.”
“No way,” Elisha persisted, “as the Lord lives and as your soul lives, I’m staying by your side,” and off they would go together.
Finally, one day, Elijah declared that he’d had enough. “Look, kid, just what is it you want?”
“I want twice as much of the same Spirit that is in you!”
“Whoa, kid, you’ve asked for a very hard thing. But I’ll tell you what. If you see me when the Lord takes me up, then you’ll get what you ask. If you don’t see me go, you won’t.”
There are two reasons I say Elisha’s comparison of himself to Elijah are both exciting and appropriate. First, Elisha saw that there was no way he could pull off the special miracles Elijah was doing …not in his own power, no siree. So he paid close attention to everything about the great man.
When Elijah finally asked the question, Elisha was ready: “I want double the Spirit in you!”
Elijah gave him the conditions. Elisha met them and a quite amazing fact that you can prove for yourself by reading about the careers of both men, in the latter part of First Kings and the early part of Second Kings.
After Elisha witnessed Elijah being taken up in a whirlwind and Elisha received the great prophet’s mantle. Elisha performed twice as many miracles as the record attributed to Elijah. Count them, it’s rather amazing.
The second reason that the comparison is apt and even more exciting is that it can apply to us. We have ample historical record beyond even the accounts the writers of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) reported that, indeed, Jesus performed many miracles. This brings us to the point I have made previously which seems to irritate some folks:
No matter what your own religious perspective about who/what Jesus was/is and what he did (or still does), that is, Hindus generally think of Jesus as a Great Teacher- Guru-Ascended Master; Muslims, a Great Prophet, and Christians, the Son of God. Some people form a view that corresponds to all the variations of the foregoing – listen up:
A comparison between you or me and Jesus, unless we’re a bit crazy, brings us quickly to the place, “I can’t do what he said I would do unless I have even more of the same Spirit that was in him as a man.”
Oops! “Houston, we have a problem” (a huge problem, loaded with religious dogma and tradition), remember I said to hold onto your hostility for a later chapter. We have arrived!
Note: all the foregoing and what follows I extrapolated (and edited) from my book The Unrecognized You, Discovered (sub-title: What Now?) available FREE by going to the menu bar at the top and clicking on the tab “Books” and then scrolling down and clicking on the link just below the simulated cover. See why I chose to make this slightly abbreviated copy in the note at the end of this article.
To some, making any comparison of ourselves with Jesus is blasphemy, outright, and then comes righteous indignation.
But wait, comparison to Jesus is exactly what he called for …and why the narrative about Elisha/Elijah is so exciting to me is that Elisha wound up performing twice as many recorded miracles as Elijah, as we recall.
What can we do with the same dynamic concerning ourselves as related to what Jesus did? Jesus said, remember, ANYONE …that’s you, that’s me, who believes enough will BE and DO what he was and did – not only that, but more than he did. Jesus said that and I am merely quoting. Put down those stones!
So, my friends, to whom/what are you going to pay attention – religious dogma or the words of Jesus himself?
“Since you know it is going to turn people off, why do you write such things?” a question I’ve heard many times. Now, you can call me a rebel or a reactionary, but I will throw the ball back to you …a rebel against whom?
Answer: A rebel against those who cloak themselves in robes of religious leadership. Christian religious leadership, those who not only ignore what the one, whom they insist is “The Christ” said, but teach the opposite of what he said.
Reactionary against the system that is the great rebellion and which fosters those whom, in disobedience to the command of Jesus, NOT to do so, not only allow themselves to be called, but insist that others call them by titles Jesus said not to use.
Still reading, but find yourself cringing at the audacity of comparison of anyone with Jesus as the “Only begotten Son of God,” here’s a direct quote from the revered Book:
“As many as receive (the SPIRIT in)* Jesus, to them are given the right (accurately translated as “power and authority”) to become sons of God, born not of flesh and blood or the will of man, BUT OF GOD!”
In other words, folks, as I am so fond of saying, the thought didn’t originate with me, I’m merely quoting …and as the Bill Gaither Trio song goes, “Joint Heirs with Jesus!”
Is this the truth? ASK the SOURCE!
* NOTE: In context, this is exactly what the passage is saying. That is, anyone who receives the truth that the “Word of God,” the “Creative Spirit,” became the man called Jesus, has also received the authority and the right to become a son of God. That there is an obvious difference between the “Only Begotten Son” and one of the many “sons” seems to be self evident and needn’t have a bunch of discussion, but that’s only because of our religious conditioning. BUT, that we’d ignore our promised sonship in favor of religious pew trapping, spectator nonsense? PULEEEEEZE!
What now? Let’s continue dealing with the, “How dare you?!!” issue, that is, the comparison with Jesus issue. If you haven’t jumped ship by now, and you are still reading this, you are almost ready to hear about ULTIMATE FAITH, but not quite.
Bondage to a religious system which includes antipathy toward the comparison, that is, a strong aversion to it (and which I readily confess I had for many years) is extremely difficult to get free from). How I got free, yes, escaped from the love/hate relationship with Christianity was a long struggle. Long, only because I kept resisting what I was being so clearly told and shown, that is, to come out of “her” (Christianity), and that Christianity is what Jesus referred to as the “Whore of Babylon.”
Now get this: The reason it was such a struggle for me was because I still wanted the approval of men and women (who were still stuck in the mire of the system) more than I wanted to obey the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF who was telling me to get out of it!
It is still a temptation, occasionally, but I understand it clearly …and I understand clearly how to overcome it. How? By staying in continual touch with the Commander-in-Chief. How?
…By continually asking, “What now?” …and exposing myself to my unconsciously, but very real and finally “realized” perceived dangers of being rejected by all those whom I love, including those who insist upon referring to themselves as Christians, Muslims, Hindus or whatever and of whatever stripe and banner.
The Commander-in-Chief has instructed me to love them all …especially those who hate me. Not just a difficult task, an impossible one.
if I insist upon thinking my identity is this body-bag I occupy …but I don’t insist upon that at all. Just like Elisha, I know I can do nothing in the strength of the body I occupy, so it isn’t impossible at all.
Hear this: It is no longer “I” – it is Christ. Trust me, that is not Christianity. I am decidedly not a Christian, but neither am I a Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Adventist, Muslim nor any other religious label or banner concocted in the mind of man, any man or woman (no matter how great). Nor am I attempting to get you, or anyone else to fall in line behind my particular brand of nonconformity.
I AM, after all, a conformist to the individual call upon my life; to the ONE who calls, which only I can hear. My desire is only that you hear your own call …even if it seems diametrically opposed to mine.
Chaotic! Yes, but far less than the wars and arguments between the religious. You see, I know one thing and only one thing about your call. Your call will include that you love me as your brother even though your call is different in every other respect.
Note: The reason for this excerpt from The Unrecognized You, Discovered What Now is that in just the last three days I have received five separate e-mails from literally all around the world extolling the changes and healing attributed to reading the book – one from a man in South Africa claiming that his wife and he had read it three times since late last year – and that it brings new revelation each reading. So decided to read it again, sure enough… “I” couldn’t have written it …such insights!
(Being Jesus Part XII)
“What’s that to you? You just come and follow me.” –Jesus-
We finished part 8 with a challenging question: “When are you going to start?” …referring to Being Jesus – part 8 was a comparison, of sorts, between Jesus and Mohammed.
That was four chapters ago, why am I bringing it up now, on the morning of August 9th 2011? Because Ryan just posted part 8 sometime last night and I was a bit amused with his selection of illustrations and the e-mail it precipitated.
Where do you start Being Jesus? How do you start Being Jesus? These are the e-mail questions bombarding me.
Frankly, I was not intending to write anything this morning, but the term “reconciliation” came rushing into my mind and here we are …after asking Dad, “what now?”
As to the two predominant questions, again, where do you start Being Jesus? How do you start Being Jesus? The only rightful answer is to ask our SPIRIT-PARENT …Who will provide you with …Superior Knowledge –
…to continue reading go to the menu bar at the top and click on the tab “Brad On” then scroll down and click on: Superior Knowledge
Is it Blasphemy…or Simple Truth?
(Being Jesus Part XIII)
The answer to the title question depends upon whether we are willing to embrace something Jesus said, or prefer to hang onto religious tradition in spite of what Jesus said …or is yet another perspective possible?
I’m about to share what came to me yesterday morning while walking and praying rather intensely about something which may or may not be related. The words that issued forth from my mouth aloud were startling to say the least.
“Before there ever was a Jesus Christ, I AM.”
I have shared several times something that was given to me while walking and praying on Shugar Beach near my home, at the time, in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii about fifteen years ago that, likewise, startled me. It also has had a significant impact on my life and of others who also began saying it several times daily.
“I am in and of the will of God; Your presence and power are upon me; I want and have nothing else and no other thought or feeling shall have a permanent place in me. I AM”
You see, the foregoing only raises the specter (I just now felt nudged to look up the meaning of “specter” –a ghost– interesting, what?) of a possibility of being blasphemous and, at the time I received it, I was certainly concerned about that aspect.
Unless and until we pay attention closely to what Jesus said about what anyone could become and the things he or she will do in a newly acquired identity when they believe enough – we will listen amiss to the cries from the religious of “sacrilege” and “blasphemy.”
It is clear in the original language that Jesus said we would not only do the very same things he did, but we would actually metamorphosize into being who he was. I will provide chapter and verse for everyone seriously interested in being transformed into being Jesus, in the sense of being joint heirs with him, as “manifest sons of God.”
Caveat: You have to be willing to give up certain core beliefs (or at least be willing to look at them from a different perspective) in order for the metamorphosis to take place. These core beliefs, however, were programmed into us by religious teachers and are a shadow of the reality of who we are to become – so we needn’t be overly concerned.
Check it out directly with our SPIRIT-PARENT to see if this isn’t so.
I’m being led to write a brand new book and here is an excerpt from it that came to me while writing in the fourth chapter the other day:
What’s Next?
What prompted me to begin this little journey (writing yet another book) was to check in with Dad about an article Ryan Bruce had asked me to write. Since I didn’t have a clue as to where to start, I began telling our SPIRIT-PARENT, whom I refer to as, “Dad,” that I wanted to sense “His” presence and I started “knocking,” tap, tap, tap, tap with my open hand on my desk, declaring that the brain of this body bag I occupy was subject to our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE.
…and, since I was feeling something was missing, I started going through my little ritual of literally and figuratively beating on my chest and admitting that I was missing Him.
I heard the word “focus” and immediately asked, “Focus on what …the topic about which Ryan asked me to write?”
“No, focus on I AM.”
To which my response was to knock and demand more of His presence.
“Do you want to get beyond where you are?”
Startled, I stammered, “Yes, of course!”
“You are approaching I AM as being separate from you. You must begin focusing on your unity, your oneness with Me.”
“Remember that Jesus said ‘I and the Father are one, you have seen me, and therefore, you have seen the Father.’ You are still caught up in looking at your relationship with Me as a son in the physical, separate sense. You must get beyond this so that you can effectively communicate to others how they too will get beyond. Because this is who you are, that is, one with I AM …will you see this?”
“Focus,” remember, is the key word here. I am only to share this with those who have the ears to hear it. I had to stop at this thought and ask, again, how do I make that judgment? What I “heard” gave me some rather deep understanding:
“You needn’t concern yourself with that, by focusing on oneness with I AM, you immediately put yourself out of the range that those who don’t have ears to hear can even tune in.”
This is not implying that if it doesn’t fit with what you are being given to say by our SPIRIT-PARENT that either of us is “wrong.”
I do feel compelled, however, to exhort those of you whom are currently sharing a focus on “sonship” with Dad and being part of the “bride of Christ” may want to check in with Him to see if either or both of those terms need not be thought of in a separate sense, but rather as merely singular perspectives of the whole of oneness with I AM.
As I hinted at the beginning of this little treatise, it may well be only a matter of perspective. I admit to tenaciously holding onto any number of things which I know to be true in one sense, but draw me into defensiveness and reacting to those who cannot understand from whence I cometh …instead of listening (and thereby growing from) what they have to say which is not separate from what I am saying, nor separate from I AM. We are ONE.
Before there was a man called Jesus (or, if you prefer, Yeshua) I AM …now I see it, can you?
The Hidden Agenda…and much confusion
(Being Jesus Part XIV)
In the novel, Leapfrog, I lifted a scene from the Bible about two prophets, one well known; the other not as widely recognized …Elijah the former and Elisha the latter.
Elisha had attached himself to the great prophet in annoying fashion, to the point that Elijah kept trying to get rid of him. Elisha just could/would not let himself be extricated from the great man’s presence. Then one day, Elijah couldn’t take any more: “Look kid, just what is it that you want?”
“I want twice the amount of the same spirit in you,” was his response. It is obvious from the narrative that Elisha knew that he didn’t have it in him, naturally, to be what Elijah was or wield the fantastic miracles that he spoke into existence. He recognized that Elijah was special and that he (Elisha) needed to have two times the amount of SPIRIT that Elijah possessed in order to be able to do what he did.
The point I was making is this: Elijah gave him the simple formula by which Elisha could receive what he was asking, even though he told him, “You’ve asked for a hard thing” – he went on, “nevertheless, IF you” …and so on.
The distinction I was making with the comparison is this: Jesus said that each of us, individually, could be and do what he was and did IF we believe enough. He even explained how to get more of God’s own Spirit for the task.
There’s the rub, most people who call themselves “believers” simply don’t believe enough to even begin to make the comparison.
To me, the reasons for the shortfall are obvious and include, but are not limited to something also possessed by Elisha – a deep desire to be like Elijah and do what he did.
Most Christians have bought into the religious posture of calling Jesus the “only perfect man” and the (to me) preposterous notion that Jesus was all God and all man and thus beyond compare …which flies in the face of what he said.
First of all, let’s clear up why I call this a “preposterous notion.” Because it defies what Jesus said was one of his reasons for showing up on the scene – that is, to be an example of how to overcome the limitations that men have loaded themselves up with the fecal matter of bulls that many religious teachers expound and, indeed, have become deeply held traditions of Christianity – again, defying and contradicting what Jesus calls anyone who has the desire to be and do.
You see, I’m not telling you to be Jesus, I am merely reiterating what he said to be and do. Being Jesus is the result of following a divine command. Why would people argue for their limitation is far more mysterious to me than the mystery of how to become, yes, and BE Jesus.
Just as Elijah provided a simple instruction to Elisha as to how he could get a “double portion” and thus take the prophet’s mantle, when he departed in a whirlwind, so did Jesus. Of course, something Jesus said really stands out at this point against all those who would use religious excuses why it is wrong, even blasphemous, to compare oneself to Jesus let alone take his mantle as did Elisha take that of Elijah:
You, who say you believe in Jesus, listen up: “What is the point of calling me, ‘Lord,’ if you don’t do what I tell you to do?” In the same breath Jesus provided a graphic illustration of total destruction, for those who heard his words and ignored them.
Get off your pew to be and do!
What Jesus said to be and do is totally foreign to what the religion called Christianity propounds. As believers we need a double dose of reality – and here it is: Beat on your chest and cry out for mercy for being and doing nothing he said to be and do.
That’s the key to the righteousness of God which Jesus provided; a totally upside-down view than the righteousness religious teachers urge.
Now then, will you begin to take what he says seriously? The path to Being Jesus begins with receiving God’s righteousness the rest is simple …certainly not easy, but then what of importance is?
Something to Remember
(Being Jesus Part XV)
Just so you know, I actually wanted the title of this article to be, “Something to Remember about Being Jesus” and here is what I believe will be valuable for all of us to keep in mind:
The great majority of the religious, who were around during the brief stay of the historical Jesus being here, physically, on this planet, were not favorably disposed toward him. In fact, we must not forget that it was this same “religious right” of his day that not only wanted him killed, but were, from one perspective, ultimately responsible for his death.
All of our warm fuzzy feelings about Jesus and his choice to die for us, not withstanding; those of us who take on the mantle of being Jesus, need to have a simple understanding: We will not be popular with the religious of whatever variety (“conservative” or “liberal”).
Some of that unpopularity will translate into hatred.
In the book, “The Unrecognized You, Discovered …What Now?” the draft of which I finished some eight months ago and, at which time Ryan Bruce posted it on the website, which can still be downloaded free (but is just now being prepared for the printed/bound version – and I am going through the questionable “joy” of doing the final proof for its being available through Amazon’s “Creative Space” distribution division), I made a rather, to me, startling comparison:
Some of the things Jesus said he hated and which are the exact things Christianity-at-large practices, I likened to Einstein’s formula E= mc2 in quasi-English: That is, Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared, the formula which opened the door to the atomic bomb that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What I basically said was that a rudimentary understanding of what that formula means does not translate into making anyone, so understanding, a nuclear physicist anymore than a rudimentary understanding of the meaning someone else places on who and what Jesus is or was translates into the resident power that makes for being Jesus.
Follow me here for a moment. I admitted to having read a book about physics four times through and remaining clueless – to the point I realized that I lacked even the knowledge of what the heck the definition of “mass” was in the formula.
…and here it is: “…Mass – in physics, the quantity of matter that a star, planet or other large body contains, not dependent on gravity and, therefore, different from, but proportional to its weight.” As I said in the book, that clears it up completely, right?
Now that I’ve read the definition again, I still remain clueless as to what it means in any practical terms. How about you?
Back, again, to the resident power which does translate into being Jesus and I realize this is redundancy to the max. The thing to also remember is that what came out of the mouth of Jesus was, “It is not I that speaks these words and it is not I that performs the miracles …the SPIRIT-PARENT in me does the works.”
The resident power within you can neither be taught nor learned, but must be acquired and if you are talking about “your” ministry …then you have not yet acquired “it” because it isn’t an “it,” but rather our SPIRIT-PARENT at work in and through you performing HER/HIS/ITS ministry.
…and which Jesus provides ample instruction for receiving ever more of in HER/HIS/ITS presence and power.
Reckless Faith and its Cousin Stupidity
(Being Jesus Part XVI)
Surely you’ve heard the story told by Luke, the writer of the third and fifth books in the New Testament, Luke and Acts respectively, about the seven sons of the Jewish High Priest Sceva who learned the hard way not to mess with that about which they knew nothing.
Like no few Christians who use the name Jesus in vain, these seven brothers were the epitome. Think about it: These seven went around casting out evil spirits by using the name of Jesus. It really worked great until they came up against the real thing in just one guy, mind you, who ripped off their clothes and beat them bloody …all seven!
Using the name of Jesus, where you don’t have the authority to do so, ain’t the smartest thing in the world to do and it is still happening today. It’s called Christianity.
Okay, so wait a minute, rather than just giving up, isn’t there something we can do to have the authority of Jesus? The resounding answer is yes! Absolutely! Being Jesus is it. Jesus is the template …wanting only the will of God (His desires and purposes) unto the point of death! That is the meaning, the real meaning of “In Jesus’ name” …the character and authority of Jesus. Wanting only to please our SPIRIT-PARENT and operating in the presence and power of the SOURCE of everything.
Saying, “in the name of Jesus” means nothing without these two ingredients. First we have to know what the “will” of our SPIRIT-PARENT is and then we have to carry it out in that presence and power …nothing else will do and, in fact, is the folly of Christianity.
“Curse The Good Looking Tree!”
…But Which Bears No Fruit
(Being Jesus Part XVII)
My, oh my, sometimes I cannot believe how slow I can be. For well over twenty years I have been sharing a principle I stumbled onto while researching a story Jesus told in the original language …but that I’ve never before seen the application I’m about to share …until just moments ago.
This morning I began asking for clarity for something I’ve been demanding to take place. Nothing apparent has happened so far. All sorts of reasons have come to mind and I’ve been assured that results are on the way.
Again, just moments ago, as I continued demanding clarity, I also asked if I needed to do anything else.
“Curse the tree that isn’t bearing any fruit!”
Curse what tree? I asked.
The response was almost immediate: “Curse the tree that looks good, but isn’t bearing any fruit.”
What tree would that be …then I saw it and asked if I should write about it since I haven’t walked it out as yet. Okay, I have a green light, so away we go.
First, let’s go over the story, and then we’ll look at the application I’ve just been given (and should have been seeing all these years).
I’ve been hearing different variations of the story for over fifty years; ever since I first began to avow that I was a Christian (which I no longer do – in fact, I say emphatically, now, that I am no longer a Christian. I declare this to whoever is interested simply because Christianity, in all its multitudinous forms, practices many of the very things Jesus clearly said NOT to do).
Without all the interesting background and various interpretations put on the story by many different Bible teachers, here are the nuts and bolts.
Jesus was walking along a road after he and his selected twelve had slept outside all night. He was hungry and saw a fig tree off in the distance. From the narrative it seems apparent to me that he had to go a fair distance over rocks and through bramble to reach it, only to find out that it didn’t have any figs.
He said something that the twelve took to be a curse; evidenced by the fact that the next day, walking at the same point along the road, they saw the same tree …now completely withered.
It was at this point in the narrative that Jesus responded to their excited exclamations, “Look, the tree you cursed yesterday is dead,” by telling them they needn’t be amazed and could actually do the very same thing. Anybody can, he told them and then introduced the term “God-faith” or “faith of God” and which he told them to acquire so that they could do it.
It is this “God-faith” I have been sharing for over twenty years and how Jesus said to go about getting it, with which we can kill trees no less, but I had failed to see the application which our SPIRIT-PARENT has gently let me know I should have gotten all along.
Along this road of walking out this tree-killing faith, it is very easy to be distracted by trees adorned with all kinds of good looking “spiritual” leaves, but that produce no fruit whatsoever.
It is really simple: When distracted from the individual purpose our SPIRIT-PARENT has given each of us, by a non-producing tree …a tree, mind you, that looks good, but contributes nothing to the purpose for which you or I are empowered – kill it! “Nobody shall ever eat from you again!”
That’s it, plain and simple. Being Jesus is not being perfect; remember that he said only One is perfect, THE SOURCE. Being Jesus means, on occasion, being distracted just as he was and dealing with it, by “God-faith.”
Tapping Into The SOURCE
(Being Jesus Part XVIII)
There are always, at the very least, several other ways to accomplish anything …unless the “God” we have manufactured declares it impossible or “wrong” to even consider doing it another way.
Now (that that’s settled) all we have to consider is that another way might even be a “better” way …at least from somebody else’s perspective.
There are five things with which this kind of thinking will help us. One is solving problems. Two is realizing that there wasn’t a problem in the first place. Three is to help us find a “God” that loves us both when we disagree over minutia. Four is discovering whether something is really important (or just more minutia). Five is to realize that if I stay within these artificial (and arbitrary) five “rules” I have greatly limited my potential.
Just remember: The SOURCE (that which has neither been concocted nor understood by a human brain) knows all kinds of possibilities we haven’t even begun to consider. The only question I need ask is how I best can tap into the SOURCE to find the better path for me to follow (for me).
For this question to get results it is best to bypass all expert opinion and go directly to the SOURCE.
Why stop short? There are marvelous solutions for every conceivable problem when I know Whom to ask and how to ask in a way that will get me the best possible answer for me for this moment (which probably won’t be the best possible answer tomorrow).
(Being Jesus Part XIX)
What we ultimately have to face is that there is truth …and then there is truth. Which truth would you prefer to discuss?
A perfect example is this out of an e-mail I just now opened from a woman in Kentucky:
“I have been somewhat confused by truth and your book has helped to make it more confusing. Actually it clarifies the fact that my truth may not be another person’s truth.”
You see, the truth I have been sent to help people see is the truth modified by the perspective with which they recognize it when they face it.
Let’s get to a bottom line quickly. There’s truth and then there is the “moment of truth” and it is apropos for this very moment, because we are in the middle of a series that is rather violently stirring a pot for some folks …Being Jesus.
In the Bible you will find two seemingly disparate statements that issued forth out of the mouth of Jesus. “I am the way the truth and the life, no man can approach the Father except by me.” Now that, many Christians will exclaim, is the immutable truth. Is it now?
The other statement might give some of us pause; a moment of painful truth for Jesus: “Father, why have you forsaken me,” that, according to one particular writer, who also quoted the former statement, issued forth just an instant prior to Jesus’ death.
Talk about truth modified by perspective! That particular quote evokes so many different doctrines about Jesus that are enough to bury any attempt to find another kind of truth …objective truth. It all depends upon your particular, or perhaps better stated, peculiar, brand of Christianity.
Here is where I get under everybody’s skin, ready or not – your view, whatever it may be, is just plain irrelevant – in fact, laughable. I hear the tortured cry, “how can you say something so terrible?” Uh (or perhaps, duh) …because it is the truth?
Sacrilege? Blasphemy? How can it be anything else? …since I am stepping on everyone’s idea of what religiously constitutes the truth.
You will notice, I hope, that I do not put my peculiar understanding on the apparent disparity between these two statements this, particular Gospel writer felt obliged to report. Why not? …you may be thinking …and my simple answer is because my view is just as irrelevant to ultimate truth as anyone else’s view (period).
A discussion I would love to have with anyone is why I am not threatened by the seeming disparity …my claim, you see, is I AM given to write this and I AM also given to tell you that what I AM writing, here and now, in no way affects the truth as seen by the ultimate Judge of all truth.
Don’t you just love this truth, now really? Or is it irrelevant? I don’t happen to think so, but that is hardly relevant to what you think.
Preparation – Getting Ready
(Being Jesus Part XX)
What now? I just asked “…get ready for the ending.” With no little apprehension about what might be coming, especially what with all the natural disasters and threats of more to come and preachers on every corner of the Internet and TV saying “get ready.” Flood kit, earthquake kit, hurricane kit, tornado kit etc., etc., global warming, and terrorist alerts …surely I am being prepared to enter this fray.
Nope, the ending I’m being prepared for is to this series. This is part twenty and to be it, the series Being Jesus is coming to a close. The preparation I’m to declare is not a rehash of the ten virgins getting their lamps ready; NO! I am to proclaim the one thing that stands in the way of anyone being Jesus and how to get beyond it …NOW!
I’m also being nudged to say this is in no way meant to ridicule those who are yelling about the impending falling of the sky …that’s just not what I’m supposed to be crying out in the wilderness of all this “shhhstuff” about.
I just got into a little discussion with Daddy because what I was anticipating I was going to have dumped on me I thought was lame and said so …only because I’m looking for a grand finale here and this ain’t that.
My argument was that I’ve said it before; over and over …I’m to say it all over again with this as a preamble: Jesus said the last days would be rife with all sorts of “natural” disasters coupled with wars and rumors of impending wars.
But the end won’t be yet.
In March of this year we certainly began to have several startling wakeup calls about just how tenuous our existence is – beginning with the 9.0 earthquake/tsunami in Japan garnering a confirmed death toll of well over 15,000 and who knows what lingering death-producing tolls from the nuclear and other contamination of food and water there …to me, what is even more amazing is that almost daily we have reports of some new disaster, or impending threat thereof, right here in the “good old U.S. of A., that we don’t hardly remember the scenes of horror in Japan; we have daily images that this is the deadliest tornado season on record, historic flooding etc., etc.
Not to demean, that is, take away from whatever meaning anyone places on the tragedy-drama of this year, I’m supposed to write about preconceptions and how they interfere with the destiny we’ve been promised. Huh? See why I told Dad it seemed lame?
I mean, who am I to point a finger at all those religious whackos predicting the end of the age …good grief, will we wake up and realize that the end of the age comes about daily for somebody who gets run over by a logging truck? Or has succumbed to cancer or, or, or, or …that’s it …poof – it is all over for that person, “the end of the age.”
I’ve been telling people for weeks that they can be Jesus. Just how whacko is that? “Religious Whacko” is the label my close friend and publisher Ryan Bruce has pasted on me. From any number of perspectives the label is warranted. I mean, c’mon, a whole series on Being Jesus?!!?
Does anyone care? Most people simply write it off as a ridiculous notion. Now then, what about you?
That it’s ridiculous is just one of many preconceptions that stand in the way of you moving into a destiny that awaits all who will open their minds to it. What does it mean to “be Jesus” anyway?
Here’s the preparation, the only thing that will open the floodgates of promise for your life becoming extraordinary, ASK: Daddy, should I take this seriously? Is this for me?
The Brad Cullen method for getting the answer is to knock and keep knocking until you have clarity for you. Everyone I know who has done it has had a breakthrough into a whole new dimension of life empowered by the SOURCE of everything. Again, preconceptions are in your way …forget what you think I mean (trust me, number one, you don’t have a clue and besides, it doesn’t matter one whit what I mean or I believe). This is about you hooking up directly with the SOURCE and getting past your reactions to me and how I put things.
What gets me past all those voices telling me I’m nuts, is Jesus’ words, “What’s that to you, you come and follow me.” What’s that mean? He said to knock and demand until you have clarity for you. The operative word is UNTIL …don’t stop until you know the answer for you (period, the end).
Opinion and Explanation:
(Being Jesus Part XXI)
I could say this is the ending (of the series, “Being Jesus”) but rather it is the beginning and the timing is exactly right, because in the original language, what has been mistranslated as “eternal life” refers to that parallel existence that is ongoing right NOW, this moment and, in which there is NO TIME!
Here’s my opinion based on a personal revelation that I cannot “be” Jesus unless and until I practice what I know to practice that I learned from the following words spoken by SPIRIT through the mouth of Jesus.
My explanation of why I am writing this “final” part (21) in the series right now, is that I have been troubled by a number of conflicts in the last several days which were finally resolved, when our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE, provided me with the answer I was demanding – to get clarity on two fronts:
One, a project that began to flow out of a vision I’d been given about distributing three of my books, and how I’d been instructed to pray for the necessary ingredients to make the project “work.”
Two, a project that publisher Ryan Bruce and I are working on together that is not part of the Spiritual Healing Source website or Brad Cullen books.
There was something “wrong” with my praying and involvement in both. There was interference that was causing conflict and delays that weren’t making sense to me. Finally, just yesterday, I began to realize that I had begun to be “unplugged” from the SOURCE on both fronts and began practicing what I so often preach:
I asked our SPIRIT-PARENT what now …and got plugged back in – it has taken several hours to get a complete (for now) answer which has come directly from the SOURCE and confirmed from various places through people from Texas, Maryland and the Philippines.
This morning I awakened with a compulsion to get my copy of Unlocking Your Treasure Chest off my bookshelf. What now, I asked and was turning pages and the following practically jumped off the pages: I heard: “This is the agenda for which you are chosen and all else flows from this.”
“What??!” I exclaimed, and then I saw and remembered:
Will we see this? Religion’s emphasis is education to get us to see the things that are revealed by eating fruit from the same tree that the serpent in the garden got Adam and Eve to eat. This is what separated them. This is what separates us today. We need to be repaired with our one and only perfect Dad.
What we haven’t looked at yet …is that this passage, Luke 11: 5-13, the point of our discussion, is a continuation of what Jesus was teaching his disciples that tradition which has been brought to us as, “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Until we begin to understand the insidious distortion of The Lord’s Prayer caused by religious tradition we will not have our minds renewed in the manner it was intended. We will not become what God wants us to become. Are we ready to make the leap?
Luke 11: 5-13 even in its truest form cannot be taken in a vacuum. Jesus sets the stage for this amazing truth about how to have God’s own Holy Spirit.
What caused Jesus to teach the “Lord’s Prayer?” How has its meaning been so distorted and diluted …robbed of its power?
First things first: Jesus’ practice was to go off by himself every morning to pray. After his usual “prayer” session one morning, his disciples demanded, “How come you don’t teach us to pray like you pray? After all, John (a second cousin of Jesus), taught his followers to pray.” So Jesus told them the following …in American English.
The problem, if we remember, “Throw your mother from the train a kiss,” gets even worse through repeating what is a meaningless passel of words over and over and even making a song out of it. A song that is sung or chanted in sonorous tones in solemn assemblies that make us feel like we are accomplishing something – when such practices accomplish NOTHING, but the perpetuation of a dead, religious practice!
Let’s take it the way we’ve learned it (from the New King James Version) “Our Father in heaven. Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Without getting into the cumbersome act of dissecting each word… here is a very accurate translation of both spirit and letter …remember this is Jesus trying to get his followers’ minds renewed so that they could pray the way he prayed apparently several times daily.
Literally, “Our one and only perfect Daddy…” what follows is demanding emphatically like stomping one’s foot down or using one’s fist to emphasize the desire that this be done and demanding that it be!
“The place from which You alone rule is firmly established in me now; this is so that I will speak into existence on this physical plane what You have already decreed in the spirit realm are Your own desires and purposes.
“I want Your own perfect food …the bread of life, Your own Holy Spirit so that I can speak your desires and purposes into being now. I release and send away all judgment and criticisms of those I perceive rightly or wrongly to have abused me.
“Lead me away from the temptation to judge anyone else. Deliver me from all the works of the evil one to get me to focus on the wrongs of others.”
I can tell you from personal experience …understanding verses 5 – 13 and then employing verses 2 – 4 as just stated above, on a continual basis, is a mind re-newer and changer.
What’s more, it is the will of God. God wants us to be filled with His own Spirit. Everything in our “nature” rebels against this and religion reinforces the rebellion in the name of “good.” Thank you, Daddy, for revealing this to me.
Thank You that I am in and of Your will by doing this.
“Thank you that Your own presence and power are upon me and that I want and have nothing else and no other thought or feeling shall have a place in me. I AM!”
Okay, Daddy, what now?
Whether the foregoing is for you is for you to find out directly from the SOURCE. I know that I’m supposed to share it with those who have the ears to hear; not to bring condemnation because there is none. I can only further share that I would not have been in such a swirl of attacks of chaos and confusion had I remembered that the foregoing is my agenda and anointing and everything else flows out of it.
I needed the reminder. Thank YOU Daddy!
The Curse of Language
(Being Jesus …Postlude/Afterword)
“Being Jesus” is a guarantee of being misunderstood by many, if not most, people – who simply do not have the “ears to hear” stuff that is directly from SPIRIT.
During a recent phone conversation, publisher, Ryan Bruce, coined the following: “Language isn’t a gift to humanity it is a curse.”
He was making reference back to the “Tower of Babel story in the 11th chapter of Genesis – Genesis 11 New King James Version (NKJV)
The Tower of Babel
1 Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. 3 Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. 4 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”
5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
Ryan went on to say, “The reason some people don’t get what you say is they don’t have the spiritual foundation you reveal in Leapfrog.”
I don’t know if that is true, but it seems true, simply on the basis that so many people do come into hearing directly from our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE as a result of reading that novel. It is available to download FREE – just go to the menu bar at the top and click on the tab “Books” then scroll down to Leapfrog and click on the link LEAPFROG just beneath and to the right of the picture of the cover.
Neither Ryan nor Brad make any guarantee that reading anything provides the basis for hearing SPIRIT directly and we both emphatically say that includes the Bible (more “curse of language,” one bit of evidence of which is why myriad Christian denominations that insist “their” particular sect bases its spirituality on the Bible while also apparently feeling the need to differentiate its Bible-based tenets from all others).
If you haven’t yet read Leapfrog, that you do so. NOW!
After all, being misunderstood is part of the curse.
THE END (finally).
Conclusion – James Robertson
It is my hope that you have been challenged and excited by this eBook.
I was shown in 1993 that I should read the Gospels as though I WAS Yahooshua, in early January 1994 I received a powerful anointing and later that year I had the experience of walking in comparable anointing to Yahooshua.
I have TOTAL CERTAINTY that his is available to YOU IF you will ask for it and seek it!
Please feel free to email me (James) by replying to this email if you have questions or comments.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
19 March 2023
End Time Issue Ministry End Notes
We are entirely self-funded, please see the donations link at the end of this email if you believe our message is important and you are willing to contribute to getting our message out there.
The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU
If you die as an Unbeliever your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon -- the Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?”
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) – the trash heap of Heaven – Father has said concerning such Believers “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?”
In stark contrast -- IF you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty the rewards in the Life to Come are HUGE – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority and a permanent close relationship with the Creator AND with Yahooshua {who you may mistakenly know as Jesus}
To put this all in context the Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together, my greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!“
See www.ETI-Ministries.org for more information
There is much more information on the above and diverse other topics on the website www.ETI-Ministries.org
To be added to the second mailing list which posts links to my broadcasts, links to YouTube Videos I recommended and other general information please reply to this email with “Add to BCC list” in the subject line.
* Words in curly brackets {xxx} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like “God”, “the LORD”, “Jesus” are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-names
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www.W4CY.com – click on button top right to watch on TV
Also https://talk4media.com/
Broadcast -- The Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah the Eternal Creator
In this broadcast I set out practical steps towards becoming a Friend of the Creator.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/theessenceofbecomingafriendofya7041045653468192768/comments/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE3lfzJIINQ
Audio on DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0s9fgjwt4zdxk0/2023_03_17_The_Essence_of_becoming_a_Friend_of_Yah.mp3?dl=0
Back issues of broadcasts at:
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/relationship-with-creator/id1447290561
Audible https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Relationship-with-Creator-Podcast/B08JK2WLHN
Podchaser https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/relationship-with-creator-772533
See also:
The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
We are entirely self-funded and have big ambitions including translating the core of the website into at least five other languages, broadcasting weekly in those same languages, renting millions of email addresses, sending out millions of emails monthly in those same languages, etcetera.
See the article “2023.03.02 About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/about-tithes-and-offerings-and-end-time-issue-ministries for our ambition and the biblical basis of tithes and offerings. If you make a donation you are free to nominate the project that you would prefer your donation to be applied to.
If you are able to make a donation please go to
Thank you so much
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.