01 Most Important Articles
This section contains what I consider to be the five most important documents I have ever written in my journey of building my relationship with our Father in Heaven. I understand Him to say that He regards them as the five most important documents on the planet today from His point of view.
Our Father in Heaven, Yah the eternally self-existing, created mankind to be His Friends and to do things with Him and learn with Him. Today virtually no-one on Earth knows this and a minute number of people are actually seeking to come to the point where they hear Father Yah tell them that they are His Friend. In fact, it is my understanding that, at the time of writing, 22 September 2018, there are only TWO people on Earth who Yah has actively named as being His Friends.
This document is intended to make YOU aware that Father Yah wants YOU to be His Friend AND to explain to you how to achieve this position in YOUR relationship with Him. IF you succeed in becoming His Friend and remain His Friend throughout your life you WILL qualify for a very high throne and a position of great esteem and responsibility for eternity. It is entirely up to YOU and within YOUR grasp to achieve this position.
Download_Most Important Articles
The five documents in this set are:
- The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!
This document sets the scene and explains the context and the call to become Yah’s Friend.Read this first to set the scene.
- Seven Steps to Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
This document sets out in great detail most of the measures I have taken, the fasts I have been on, many of the prayers I have prayed and most of the worship songs I have sung hundreds of times in order to progress to the point where Father has called me “Friend”.These same measures have enabled me to retain this position since 2001 to time of writing in July 2017 and, I believe, IF I diligently apply them for the rest of my life, will enable me to leave this life and graduate to a position of high esteem and authority in Heaven on a High Throne.I pray that YOU will aspire to achieve this same status and to climb the mountain of Yah HIGHER than I have climbed.
There are many other prayers I have prayed and much conversation I have had with Father but this document sets out what I currently understand to be the essential measures.I know one person who, having put many of these measures into practice, was in 2017, to my great joy, pronounced by Father Yah to be His Friend.I commend this document to you for your EARNEST attention!
- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
This document, recently revised, was written many years ago as the best expression of how I understand things to be.In particular it provides a detailed analysis of what it takes to qualify for a High Throne and comments on life style adjustments that will be necessary in order to qualify for a High Throne.Read this once you have deeply immersed yourself in the first two books.
- The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible
This eBook undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the Names of the Almighty in the Bible and, in the process reveals how important it is to know that the True Name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.It is not possible to be a true Friend if you do not know the true name of the one one desires to call Friend!
- Recommended Worship Songs Corrected Words
This text is also contained in the Seven Steps document and provides corrected words for the songs that are on the CD at the back of this book.
The first two documents were written around the Day of Atonement in 2014 at a time when I was operating under a very intense anointing and was the closest to Father that I have ever been and was hearing Him the clearest I have ever heard Him. I commend them to you as inspired and anointed works.
These articles are also contained in Volume 1 of the Book Set.
If you are REALLY serious about serving the Almighty I strongly recommend that you study these documents in detail and repeatedly and put what you learn into practice.
02 Very Important Articles
A number of articles that rank second only to those above in their importance and also highly recommended. Some of these are contained in this volume and some in Volume 2.
Download_Very Important Articles
03a_ETI Book Set -- Creator Desires a DEEP Relationship
The suite of books that this Memory Card is distributed with on “The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU” are included in pdf form suitable for printing and also for reading on-line as A4 eBooks.
They are also included in Word format. The print format is available in both A5 and A4 versions with the cover documents also included so that you can reprint the books and have them Perfect Bound for your library.
This set of books contains virtually everything I have written on the Matters of the Almighty.
There are twelve Volumes in the Book Set, fifteen physical books. If you are wanting to really draw close to the Almighty there is a huge amount of learning contained in these books which run to over 7,000 pages on a huge diversity of subjects. Much of this material was written or recorded under a material anointing and with a material level of leading by the Spirit of Yah and I therefore commend this Book Set to you as a resource that can help you draw closer to the Almighty.
Download_ETI Book Set -- Creator Desires a DEEP Relationship -- All Publications
03b Other Books
Various eBooks written at different times. All of these are on the website and on this Memory Card and in Volume 5 of the Book Set.
Download_Other Books
04 Radio Recordings and Transcripts
Transcripts of all programs broadcast on W4CY Radio from 2018 onwards. These broadcasts are a self-contained summary of what I consider to be the most important elements of the message that the Almighty Creator Desires Friends.
The audio recordings from which the above transcripts were prepared are also contained in this folder.
Download_Radio Recordings and Transcripts
07a Recommended Worship Songs
A collection of 20 Worship Songs that I consider to have the most appropriate words to be used in worshipping the Almighty. I listen to almost nothing else apart from these songs and listen to them on my mobile phone when working and in my car when driving and at every possible opportunity. I sing them in the Spirit and never get tired of them because the words are SO important.
There are words that are used that are technically inaccurate and the pdf document “00_Recommended-Worship-Songs” contains a discussion of these inaccuracies together with the corrected words that I apply when singing these songs. Some of the original songs contain doctrinally inaccurate concepts and these elements have been deleted so that the songs are, as far as possible, doctrinally sound. ALL should be sung ONLY to the Almighty Creator and NOT to Jesus or Yahooshua or Messiah, or …
In considering this list it is vital to be aware that the vast majority of other songs are doctrinally corrupt no matter whether you are coming from the Christian, Jewish or Muslim traditions. Be very careful what you sing because IF you sing songs that are doctrinally corrupt you will imprint those wrong thoughts in your spirit and they will draw you into error and away from the Almighty.
Download_Recommended Worship Songs
07b Recommended Worship Songs – Corrected Words
The lyrics for the above Worship Songs with doctrinally incorrect words substituted by words I consider to be more accurate.
Download_Recommended Worship Songs -- Corrected Words
08 Music CD
The above set of songs will NOT all fit on a standard Music CD so this folder contains the subset that I consider most appropriate.
Download_Music CD -- above worship songs selected to fit on an Audio CD
09 Global Flood
The Flood Video suite comprising the PowerPoint slides and the audio recordings, some of the Videos are available here but the rest are only available on YouTube or on the Flood DVD set which is distributed with the Book Set -- these were recorded in early 2010 and are a very important resource in terms of understanding the world we live in today. These are on the website in the "Flood" section although the Slideshare and YouTube components are NOT available on the off-line website above.
The videos are available on YouTube at: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood as well as on the Flood pages on the Website.
The presentations are also available at: https://www.slideshare.net/End_Time_Issue_Ministries
Download_Global Flood PowerPoint
10a Marriage Teaching Transcripts
Transcripts of the Marriage Audio Teaching set -- these were recorded during a program of fasting in the second half of 2000 and contain some very important information about how Father intended Marriage to be and how to achieve that in our lives today. These are all on the website. In some respects these teachings are outdated relative to my current understanding but Father has stressed that there is a lot of value in them in the context of living the Anointed Life and with regard to the practice of marriages.
Download_Marriage Teaching Transcripts -- Towards Heaven on Earth
10b Marriage Teaching
The Marriage Audio Teaching set.
Download_Audio -- ETI_Marriage Teachings -- Towards Heaven on Earth
11 Word Perfect Link
Most of the older articles in the 2000 to 2009 folder were written using Word Perfect. They have all been converted to Microsoft Word but should you want to read the original Word Perfect document this is a link to the Corel Word Perfect website where you can purchase a copy of Word Perfect.
Download_Word Perfect Link -- to Purchase Word Perfect if required to access articles between 2000 and 2009 if problems with the converted MS Word versions
2000 to 2009
Most of the articles written from 2000 to 2009 in individual folders. A significant number of articles were lost many years ago in copying documents from one computer to another. All the remaining articles are also contained in Volumes 6 to 9 of the Book Set. These articles are currently NOT in the Article Database.
Download_Articles Published between 2000 to 2009 -- note that these are also included in the ETI Book Set
2010 to 2019
All articles written from 2009 to present (date of publication of this Memory Card), the articles from 2009 to 2019 are all on the website in the Articles Database at https://www.eti-ministries.org/articles so these are a backup.
These folders also contain the regular postings of mostly short articles off the ministry mailing list in late up to the date that this Memory Card was published. This is a useful collection of mature and consolidated thinking on a diversity of topics. This set has a long list of articles yet to be written.
W the www.eti-ministries.org Website on the Memory Card
The current ETI website at http://www.ETI-Ministries.org downloaded to run remotely without an Internet connection. Run this website by clicking on "Launch ETI Website.bat" -- if you read the entire website starting with the Home page you will have a very comprehensive view of what Father has been saying to me from 2009 up to early 2015. The menu options at the bottom of the Website Menu provide access to all the more recent information. The articles will give you the rest of the picture. Apart from the articles prior to 2009 where there are variable levels of anointing and variable levels of error, the website is largely written under a reasonably strong anointing and a reasonably high level of inspiration so is a useful resource.
The Webpage Header articles are contained in Volume 3 of this book set.
Launch ETI Website.bat
Click on this file to load the Website on your local computer. You do NOT require an Internet connection to do this so this allows you to browse the website at your leisure off-line. The search functions and the sliders do not work when you are offline – you will have to go to the live www.ETI-Ministries.org website for that functionality.
Download_Articles Published between 2010 to 2019 -- note that these are also included in the ETI Book Set
I hope that you will find this material of value and will distribute it as widely as possible. You are free to copy and use as you see fit giving thought only to how you will be judged with regard to how you have used it, whether positively or negatively.
Please feel free to email me on CD_and_Memory_Stick@ETI-Ministries.org should you require further information or have queries. There IS a huge amount of material on this Memory Card so the answers to many, perhaps most, questions can be found here.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,

James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
26 April 2019
Download selected content that is contained on the ETI Memory Card with Volume 1 of the Book Set
This material is also available on the Website on individual pages
Download_Most Important Articles
Download_Very Important Articles
Download_ETI Book Set -- Creator Desires a DEEP Relationship -- All Publications
Download_Other Books
Download_Radio Recordings and Transcripts
Download_Recommended Worship Songs
Download_Recommended Worship Songs -- Corrected Words
Download_Music CD -- above worship songs selected to fit on an Audio CD
Download_Global Flood PowerPoint
Download_Marriage Teaching Transcripts -- Towards Heaven on Earth
Download_Audio -- ETI_Marriage Teachings -- Towards Heaven on Earth
Download_Word Perfect Link -- to Purchase Word Perfect if required to access articles between 2000 and 2009 if problems with the converted MS Word versions
Download_Articles Published between 2000 to 2009 -- note that these are also included in the ETI Book Set
Download_Articles Published between 2010 to 2019 -- note that these are also included in the ETI Book Set
Download_All documents off USB Card EXCL Website 10 GB -- Download off Website
Download_All documents off USB Card EXCL Website 10 GB -- Download from DropBox
Download_Full Website to run locally NO Internet connection -- Download off Website 5 GB
Download_Full Website to run locally -- Download off DropBox 5 GB