- Initial Very Important Articles
A few selected articles from the entire collection of over 1,000 articles that is available on the website www.ETI-Ministries.org and also www.End-Time-IssueMinistries.org
The following articles are included:
- The Almighty Desires Friends
Brief discussion of the Reality that the Almighty Created us to be His Friends.
- Daddy Yah is Lonely – Please Talk to Him and Use His True Name
The Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, created us to be His friends, almost no-one today qualifies for a position that he hoped would be occupied by millions of people by this time.
- Seeking Truth
About the importance of seeking truth – the Almighty is ALL truth, Satan is ALL lies.
- Some Critical Questions for Believers at This Time
A list of questions that all believers should ask themselves in order to establish where they are in their relationship with Yah.
- Seek Truth NOT Error
An important principle, the world is full of error, do not talk about it, do not focus on it, focus instead on seeking truth and that will draw you closer to Father Yah.
- The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing
Like all people, Father is particular about His name and it brings great joy to Him when someone uses His True Name.
- The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth Today
The REAL picture with regard to believers, unbelievers and Satan servants on Earth today.The harsh reality that there are only around 22.7 million believers of all denominations and groups as well as about 100 million believing unbelievers.There are very FEW people really close to Father.This is an extremely sobering assessment of the state of the world today.
- Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah Elaboration
Further information on the Demographics.
- Why Keep Yah’s High Sabbaths
Why it is important to keep Yah’s High Sabbaths IF you truly are seeking to draw close to Him.
- Sexual Reproduction Proves Creation
A robust analysis of why the existence of sexual reproduction in all major plant, animal, bird and fish species proves that there HAS to be a Creator.
- Yah Intends Sexual Lovemaking to be a High Point of Being Human
Counters wrong thinking amongst many believers of diverse groupings relative to human sexuality and summarizes diverse facts relating to the relationship between man and woman.
- The Virgins Covenant
The true consequences of sexual intercourse with a Virgin, why Virginity is important and related issues.
- Separation of a Man and a Woman – Divorce
Discussion of the acceptable basis for divorce and how to go about it in the Spirit Realm including what is necessary to give effect to the divorce.
- Judgment in THIS life
Very few people understand that judgment takes place in this life, particularly of believers, and that there are measures that can be taken to avoid judgment.This article explains Judgement in This Life in some detail.
- How did Yahooshua {Jesus} accomplish what he did?
There is great confusion about who Yahooshua is and about what he accomplished and how he accomplished it. This article explains in simple terms what he accomplished and how he accomplished it.
- What is wrong with – The Bible says it so I believe it?
There is great confusion about the Bible and its role in the life of believers, this article addresses one facet of the subject, there is much more on the website.
- The Eternity Series
A series of articles that discuss various aspects of what happens at the end of our lives and where we go. This is sobering material for every person to read as well as from the perspective of understanding what the long-term options are relating to our life on Earth.
- The Contest Between Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and Satan
Critical understanding regarding what is REALLY happening on Earth and why the World is such a messed-up place.
- What IF Satan WINS the Contest?
Notwithstanding common misapprehensions, it IS possible for Satan to win and to Rule on Earth for Eternity!
- Where are YOU Going at the End of Your Life?
Crucial reading for every person, whether you believe or do not believe.
- What Should YOU do?
Recommendations with regard to measures you can take to start actively influencing where you will end up after you die.
What you should be aiming for in this life.
The greatest sin of all is NOT believing that the Almighty Creator exists.
- The TRAP to Prevent You Achieving the Goal of Deep Personal Relationship with the Creator
People and things that will get in the way of you achieving a deep personal relationship with Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
- The REAL Conspiracy – Satan’s Plan for Victory
There are lots of Conspiracy theories but there is one overarching conspiracy that IS real and IS having massive impact.
- The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!
The focus of this volume, this is what YOU were created for!
- How will YOU know He exists?
A discussion of some pointers to the existence of the Almighty Creator.
- What is in it for YOU?
Some reasons WHY YOU should believe and seek a deep relationship with the Almighty.
- But this religion stuff is irrational and illogical, frankly its nonsense!
Confirmation that much of what all religions teach is NOT logical – religion is designed to draw us AWAY from the Almighty.
- So, IF He is so powerful why is there SO much wrong in the world?
Short answers to a critical question, the contest.
- BUT – He demands too much, I cannot comply!
A common objection.
- Some other things you should know
Reference to the website www.ETI-Ministries.org and www.End-Time-IssueMinistries.org
- What do YOU need to do IF you accept this message?
Some measures you can take and prayers you can pray.
- Seven Steps to Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
How to get close to the Almighty – the prayers to pray, the processes to follow – a seventy page discussion summarizing the key lessons that I have learned in order to give you the best opportunity to draw close to the Almighty.
- Decision
The first step is to take a quality decision.
- Prayer
Prayer is a vital aspect of drawing close to Father.Discussion of some prayers you can pray, etc.
- Fasting
The importance of fasting and a recommended approach to fasting.
- Cleansing
How to clean yourself spiritually to remove the contamination of the World System and the Satanic and Demonic Realm.
- Worship
Discussion of the importance of worship as making love to Father and some recommended songs.I hope to make these available in a separate volume in due course.Please email me at Volume_1@ETI-Ministries.org.
- Research
It is vital for YOU to conduct your OWN research into the matters of the Almighty as they apply to you and in the context of YOUR life and YOUR calling.
- Action
True believe will be accompanied by action, a discussion of steps you can take to act on what you are learning.
- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
The most important question for you to answer BEFORE you die so that you are NOT surprised when you die!
- A Critical Question
Poses the question “where will YOU spend eternity?”
- An Important Caveat
This writing is geared to belief in the Almighty irrespective of religious bias.
- Where Will You Spend Eternity?
The subject of the book discussed.
- A Vital Question: Do We Know What Sin Is? - What Is the Essence of the Judgment?
Vital to understanding the focus of this book.
- Cause for Concern - Nearly All of Mankind is Breaking Most of the Commandments
A sober assessment of the real state of the Earth today.
- Is There an Alternative? - Can One Aspire to a High Throne?
Postulating an alternative outcome to life on Earth.
- It is Not Just Heaven Or the Lake of Fire, There is a Continuum
There are different options available.
- It is Possible to Overcome
There IS a high road option.
- How Do We Overcome? What is the Price?
The cost of achieving the high road outcome.
- Some Challenging Passages from The Final Quest
The book, “The Final Quest” reports some challenging information from a series of visions.
- Joyner’s Experience of The Judgment
The experience of the writer of The Final Quest of the Judgment in his visions.
My declaration regarding my understanding of the accuracy of the contents of the “Where will YOU Spend Eternity” book.
Closing the Second Edition
Notes following updating the document to reflect new understanding.
- The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible
A lot of the confusion regarding the Almighty stems from the wrong names that are applied to Him. This article discusses in-depth the true names and their occurrence in the Bible as an authoritative reference work.
- Some Words Used to Describe Yah
Introductory discussion of key words used to describe the Almighty Creator.
- Technical Caveat
Notes re my approach to translating.
- Words Translated “God”
A list of words that are translated as “God” but which should be translated differently.
- Names Including Yah
A list of words which, when correctly translated, contain “Yah” the Name of the Almighty.
- Further Words Which Refer to Yah
A list of additional words that contain references to Yah.
- Names Including Yah
Further names including Yah.
- Additional Words Which Relate to Yah
Further words that relate to Yah.
- Appendix A: Instances of Jehovah and Jah = Yah in the Hebrew Lexicon of the Online Bible
A further list of words containing Yah.
- Our World Today – History – the REAL Facts
There is massive misunderstanding, particularly amongst believers, of the REAL facts regarding the history of the world we live in today, this document sets out the headlines of what REALLY matters.
- The need for an accurate summation of the world today
Introduction, why this document is necessary.
- The beginning – Father was lonely
The fundamental reason we exist is that Father Yah was lonely and He created us to be His Friends and Companions.
- Satan – an experiment gone horribly wrong – the Contest
The progressive creative process went horribly wrong when Satan developed pride, rebelled and successfully challenged Yah to a Contest.
- Adam as Ruler – rebellion and falling away
Adam was Yah’s ruler on earth but he followed Satan’s deception, rebelled against Yah and fell away leading to the mess the world is in today.
- The Flood – why it happened and how it happened
After about 1,500 years the world was so demonically controlled that Noah asked Yah to destroy it which He did by directing an Ice Comet to strike the Earth.
- Human spirits – ancestor spirits and the demonic Masterminds
When unbelieving humans die their spirits remain on Earth and they rule the spirit realm.
- The recovery of Earth and ongoing degeneration of mankind
As the Earth recovered after the Flood mankind again degenerated.
- How the madness of Bible worship has corrupted understanding
Yah fought to keep the Bible as a reliable History Book, Satan has succeeded in getting believers to worship the Book and use it for purposes that it was never intended to serve.
- Where we are today – the choices we each face
The options facing each one of us.
- Conclusion -- Yah’s call to YOU today
What is Yah REALLY saying to YOU today?
- The Global Flood that Changed the World
How the Geology and Topography of our Planet were formed.
Proof of a massive hydraulic and tectonic event that totally destroyed the surface of the Earth and all that lived on it. Supported by numerous photographs and supporting documentation.
- Introduction
- Context
Discussion of a wide range of concepts, principles and facts that support the reasoning contained in the sections that follow.
- South African Gold Mines Prove a Massive Hydraulic and Tectonic Event
The South African Gold Fields expose metamorphosed sedimentary (that is water-laid) rocks to depths of upwards of 5 kilometres below the surface of the Earth such that they can only result from a Global Flood event.
- Layered Sedimentary Rock Covers MOST of the Planet and Proves a Global Flood
The presence of Sedimentary rocks covering about 90% of the surface of the Earth clearly evidences that at some stage the surface of the entire planet has to have been covered with water.
- The Halfway House Granite Dome Proves a Massive Tectonic Event
Granite Domes and other massive intrusions of Igneous Rocks evidence massive disruption of the surface of the Earth that is consistent with a massive tectonic and flood event.
- The African Erosion Surface -- The Planar Surface that Proves a Global Flood
A horizontal erosion surface over thousands of kilometres evidences that there has to have been uniform water action over huge areas of the planet on a consistent and uniform basis.
- Incised Valley’s Prove High Speed Water Drainage Consistent with a Global Flood and Continental Separation
Incised Valley’s all over the planet are consistent with high speed drainage of water off the continents consistent with rapid continent separation and expansion of the diameter of the Earth.
- Where did the Water come from and where did it Go?
A detailed discussion of logical explanations with regard to where the water came from and where it went to.
- What is the Age of All this? REALLY?
Discussion of the real age of the present surface of the Earth and why about 4,500 years is entirely plausible.
- Signs of Judgment -- The REAL Miracle – a man and his family SURVIVED!
A discussion of various verifiable historical events associated with judgment by the Almighty as a warning of further judgment to come if we are not careful.
- Implications of the Global Flood -- What important lessons can we learn?
Discussion of important lessons that flow from realization that there REALLY was a Global Flood.
- Some Spiritual and Religious Considerations
Some supporting spiritual and religious information that is important to understanding the world we live in.
- Table of Contents of the Memory Card in the Front Cover of this Book
The Memory Card in the front of this volume contains all the material that I have produced together with a copy of the website. Please use this as a resource for copies of all the volumes of this book and all other materials.
- Table of Contents of the End Time Issues Website
In the period 2013-14 we undertook a huge amount of work on the www.ETI-Ministries.org website to collate and present the huge volume of material that I had published by email in the years leading up to that period and during that period.
The Table of Contents is a useful reference in terms of seeing the diversity of topics that are addressed on the site. You should find material of relevance to just about every aspect of life on this planet and life in the service of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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