In order to understand the world we live in and to understand much of what is presented on the website it is critical to understand that we WERE created with huge intelligence and great physical stature 6,000 plus years ago and have been degenerating ever since.
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Ten Changes Made to the Bible
NEXT SECTION: Archaeology Answers – Material by Jonathan Gray >>>
In addition it is vital to understand that there really was a global hydraulic and tectonic event {Flood} about 4,500 years ago which totally destroyed the surface of the Earth AND all but Noah and his immediate family.
Detailed video about the Flood -- proof of the Flood, how it happened, etcetera:
Direct from ETI Website: Proof of Global Flood Complete Video v 1 34
ETI YouTube:
Original YouTube:
If one believes that the world we live in today was formed over millions or billions of years and that the "archaeological record" goes back this length of time one will make fundamental mistakes in interpretation of history and world events.
This article provides links to a video that evidences in detail how the surface of the Earth as we know it today could ONLY have been formed by a massive global hydraulic and tectonic event that totally destroyed the surface of the Earth and created a new geography, topography and geology through the entire surface of the Earth being hydraulically and tectonically reshaped in a massive and intense manner.
Once you have followed the information contained in this video you will realize that the global sedimentary deposits reaching depths of up to 10 km can ONLY have been formed by a Flood that covered the Earth.
You will understand that associated with this event there were massive tectonic events, upwelling of granite domes, flows of lava and an estimated 20,000 volcanoes erupting together.
Once you realize that the heat of the Earth's core results from a nuclear fusion reaction you will then understand that these tectonic events brought radioactive material to the surface of the Earth in massive quantities such that any assumption of steady state radioactivity on Earth, as is central to all radioactive dating techniques, is entirely false, we live in a world in which the levels of radioactivity are decaying exponentially and consequently all readings that postulate millions or billions of years of linear decay are false.
You will also realise that the human beings, animals and plants that survived the Flood were subject to intense nuclear radiation such that massive degenerative "evolutionary" changes took place in ALL life forms, including humans such that those of us who are alive today are a fraction of what existed before the Flood in terms of intellect and physical appearance.
Once you recognize this it will become apparent that the great diversity of human forms on Earth today are simply the combined consequence of varied mutation in response to nuclear radiation coupled with degenerative demonic impacts.
If you are willing to confront the reality that the form of the Earth's surface cannot possibly have come about gradually over millions or billions of years but HAS to have come about through a very intense and therefore very short duration event you will start to question all you have been taught and seek answers to the question "how could such a massive hydraulic and tectonic event, as required to form the present surface of the Earth come about".
Once you suspend your disbelief and seek genuine answers it will become apparent to you that something happened that is massively more substantial than you have previously considered possible.
That something was a direct hit by an ice comet that hit the Earth more or less head on.
As it entered the atmosphere it fragmented and partially melted resulting in a massive outpouring of water in the form of rain.
The remainder of the comet hit the Earth with a massive impact that was hidden from those who survived in the ship constructed by Noah because they were already locked away in the ship -- the comet disintegrated and melted on impact thereby totally covering the Earth with kilometers depth of water.
The impact of the comet also knocked the Earth off its axis and out of its precise circular orbit of the Sun thereby introducing massive disruptive forces into the Earth.
But, you ask "what happened to all the water?"
Again, once one accepts that there has to have been this massive volume of water in depths of kilometers to form the huge depths of sedimentary rock one is then in a position to ask where it went to.
The answer is simple:
At the time the Earth was formed the nuclear reaction in the core was just commencing.
As the core heated up it should have expanded but it did NOT because the crust was intact and very strong so, instead, pressure built up in the core.
After the comet impact cracks formed in the crust.
These took time to propagate but some time (probably months) after the impact and resulting Flood, the crust split open along a series of crack lines that suddenly reached rupture point and ripped round the planet very dramatically -- the cracks were enhanced by the forces resulting from the tilting of the Earth's axis and the resulting wobble together with the fluctuating gravitational forces from the changed orbit around the Sun.
These cracks allowed the pressure in the core to separate the continents in a series of increments each of which was associated with an extremely rapid drainage of water off the continents cutting massive erosion channels such as the Grand Canyon as well as Flood plains and terraces as each incremental expansion caused another dramatic drainage event.
As the continents moved plates collided and the still soft sedimentary formations were forced up into mountains such as the Alps, Himalaya's, Andes and Rocky Mountains.
The Earth was left as a muddy mess with massive rain cloud cover coupled to volcanic clouds and in this muddy waterlogged environment the ship of Noah came to rest and Noah and those on the ship started a new life.
All were exposed to radioactivity and other influences with the resulting diversification of plant and animal forms -- all humans are descended from the 8 who survived on the ship of Noah, all cats are descended from one pair of cats, all dogs from one pair of dogs, etcetera.
The three son's of Noah had different levels of relationship with Yah the eternally self-existing, the Creator.
Shem had a deep personal relationship, comparable to that of his father, Noah, and became the father of the families of the Earth that remained closest to Yah, of these the most notable families are the family of Yisrael from which the Yisraelites or, in modern terms the Jews and the Europeans descended, the Arabs or Ishmaelites, those descended from Abraham through Ishmael also come from this line and so we see that almost all the people on Earth who truly still at some significant level acknowledge the existence of a Creator are descended from Shem.
Japheth had a mid-level relationship and from him the Asians descended -- with a mid-level relationship with Yah that has become clouded.
Ham, the youngest son, hardly believed before the Flood, and, hardly believed after the Flood, he carried with him in the ship the ancestor spirits or demons of Baal, Molech, Malak, Ashteroth and others who went on to become the demonic gods of the fallen descendants of Ham after the Flood.
Of these three, Yah has said that it was His will ONLY to save Noah, Shem and their wives and that it was His will for Japheth and Ham to perish in the Flood but Noah begged for them to be saved -- Yah says that He has paid a great price for granting Noah's request and is therefore today very reluctant to grant requests of believers with regard to the future of their unbelieving or rebellious children.
Returning to planet Earth, the Earth has been gradually drying out since the Flood, the Sahara desert was originally an inland sea which dried out, the Amazon was an inland sea as well, so-called "global warming" is simply a manifestation of the ongoing drying out of the continents which has led to a progressive raising of sea levels ever since the Flood.
Note that it is probable that dinosaurs travelled with Noah as young animals. Dinosaurs were hunted to extinction relatively recently.
Once one has a fix on the above information you will find that your worldview changes dramatically.
The World Before the Flood
The Earth before the Flood can be inferred from archaeological information contained in the book "Dead Men's Secrets" by Jonathan Gray which is available on Amazon at It is also available from me in pdf format, email me for a copy or go to
This book presents one thousand pieces of archaeological information that evidence that the people on the Earth before the Flood had a civilization and technology far more advanced than anything we have on Earth today.
The book also ties this in to key information post the Flood.
The book "The Killing of Paradise Planet" also by Jonathan Gray presents a reasonably accurate inference of what the Earth was like before the Flood, also available from Amazon, see also at also directly from myself and
Broadly, before the Flood there was a highly advanced civilization with technology more advanced than anything we have today.
The Earth was populated by humans, animals and plants of great stature compared to what we know today, Noah was approximately 6 m (18 feet) tall and all other humans, plants and animals were scaled proportionately.
The Earth had a uniform circular orbit around the Sun and was vertical on its axis so that the Earth had an extremely consistent and benight climate.
It is postulated that there was a vapour canopy that resulted in a "hot house effect" such that the climate was always warm and pleasant
All this was totally destroyed by the ice comet impact that Flooded the Earth.
The humans before the Flood had almost all forsaken the Almighty and, for that reason, He brought the comet impact and resulting Flood to destroy them – this was done at Noah’s request to prevent the total falling away of human beings from relationship with the Creator.
The Flood Itself
The Flood was the consequence of the impact of an ice comet that partially melted on penetrating the atmosphere of the Earth and which then struck the Earth and disintegrated, melting into water that Flooded the Earth to considerable depth
Once the Flood waters had submerged the surface of the Earth massive rip tides circulated the Earth in tandem with the orbit of the moon, these rip tides scoured up Earth and rock and redeposited it in layers thousands of meters deep which eventually formed the rock from which our landforms today originated.
Because of the great depths that were deposited the lower levels of deposit were converted to rock by pressure.
Other deposits were metamorphosed by the heat of intrusions of material from the core of the Earth producing metamorphic rocks.
During this period there was constant rain and continuous volcanic eruption coupled to the tides ripping around the Earth.
So life in the survival vessel or ship of Noah was probably NOT pleasant. All animals and people on the ship were strapped down and the Creator then put them into suspended animation. This was necessary for them to survive the massive forces on the ship.
Read "Surprise Witness" by Jonathan Gray for more information, available from Amazon at also available from myself or
The World After the Flood
After the Flood the waters withdrew as a consequence of sudden expansion of the Earth resulting from the thermal pressure resulting from the progressive heating of the core from the time the Earth was created.
This resulted in the continents separating and water draining off the continents in massive rushes creating dramatic erosion forms all over the Earth.
When Noah and his family finally were able to exit the survival vessel they found a world totally unlike that which existed before the event.
Mud everywhere, clouds formed from evaporated moisture coupled with volcanic emissions -- inhospitable and barren.
In this they had to start a new lif.e
The book , "The Corpse Came Back" by Jonathan Gray examines life on Earth in the first few centuries after the Flood, see, also available at or from me or from
Understanding the Impact of the Flood
Once one understands that the Flood really did TOTALLY destroy all life on Earth one is then in a position to think radically differently about the forms of human beings that exist on Earth today and, in fact about ALL life forms.
The humans survived as eight people, four men and four women on a survival ship, this family comprised the man Noah or "Nuh" and his three son's Shem, Japheth and Ham and their wives.
The land animals survived on the ship in pairs except for certain domestic animals which survived in greater numbers.
The sea animals survived in the seas through the Flood.
Plants survived as seeds and plant fragments in the water that germinated or rooted after the waters withdrew.
All of these were subject to nuclear radiation as a consequence of volcanoes, lava flows and other upwelling from the core of the Earth and therefore all have to a greater or lesser degree mutated since the Flood.
This mutation was compounded by the radioactive emissions that resulted from a nuclear war that took place between the time of Noah and the time of Abraham.
Humans developed as three major streams, descended from the three son's of Noah.
The children of Shem, Yisrael (Jews and Europeans) and Ishmaelites (Arabs, Islam), remained relatively close to the Almighty.
The children of Japheth, the Asian people, quickly sank into a mixture of belief in Yah and emperor worship.
The children of Ham (primarily Africans), an unbeliever during and after the Flood and carrying powerful demons, degenerated rapidly into full blown demon (ancestor) worship.
Within each of these groups there were some who were closer to Yah and to the extent that they stayed close to Yah and His wisdom they prospered while those who served Satan through demon worship progressively degenerated.
A series of powerful civilizations came into existence immediately after the Flood (Egypt, etcetera), these were mostly destroyed in a global nuclear war sometime between the time of Noah and Abraham.
The mutant remnants of this war are the source of the so-called "missing link" specimens of "Australopithecus" and other "cave men" -- simply the children of human beings irradiated in the nuclear war who gave birth to mutant and deformed offspring.
It is also vital to understand that the Earth has been drying out since the Flood and, as a consequence, heating up -- thus "global warming" is real BUT the explanations generally advanced are false AND there is nothing that can be done to prevent it.
All of this must be seen in the context of the contest between Yah and Satan.
We have progressively fallen further and further from Yah, the challenge for this generation is to seek truth and draw closer to Yah.
Why Millions of Years is Invalid
Once one understands that the Flood really DID happen AND that it happened about 4,500 years ago one can then confront the reality that the available evidence clearly CANNOT support timings of millions or billions of years, certainly NOT as far as human beings are concerned.
Yes, the Universe was assembled progressively and this took considerable time.
Yes, the life forms on Earth were created progressively as Yah experimented with more and more complex creatures and this clearly took time.
Thus most of the theory of Evolution, IS in fact valid.
But the fossil record on Earth today cannot substantiate millions or billions of years because all aging methods are at some level dependent on a uniform and linear radioactive decay over millions or billions of years whereas the Flood with 20,000 volcanoes, lava flows, granite dome upwellings, etcetera was constantly bringing material from the radioactive core of the Earth to the surface.
This radioactive material DID result in all sorts of mutant changes which have the appearance of evolution, albeit that we are actually talking of "devolution", decay rather than enhancement but these things happened very quickly NOT over millions or billions of years.
The nuclear war that took place sometime between Noah and Abraham ALSO caused significant changes in levels of radioactivity and mutation.
Thus any ageing ON planet Earth that goes much beyond 4,500 years is false, see also
Turning history on its head -- Proof of a Global Flood
In the article "Noah is father to ALL men living" I mentioned the series of videos proving there has been a Global Flood which I have created.
Following is an overview of the suite of videos.
These are all available on YouTube at
The summing up, which is a useful summary is also available as a separate video at:
Direct from ETI Website: Proof of a Global Flood Summing Up
ETI YouTube:
There are also some important spiritual principles set out at the end of the video and also as a separate video at:
Direct from ETI Website: Proof of a Global Flood Important Spiritual Principles
ETI YouTube:
The individual videos are also available in roughly fifteen minute segments at
in the right hand side bar you will see a selection of all the Videos available on my YouTube site which have titles starting with a number indicating the sequence in the series, click on the "see all" link under the thumbnails to see the whole list.
If you are short of time you might like to start with the Summary at section 10, see link above.
Overview of the programme
Most people pooh pooh the idea of a global Flood
everywhere you go on Earth the evidence is STARING YOU IN THE FACE!
This video, "Turning history on its head -- Proof of a Global Flood" presents a comprehensive analysis of the huge diversity of evidence around the world that shouts of the occurrence of a global Flood.
evidences that this took place not so long ago
and asks the question
"was this a judgment by the Creator?"
if so
is there another judgment to come?
Where will YOU spend eternity?
Join us for what I truly believe you will find to be a challenging and exciting ride!
I undertook this project in 2011 to create a video evidencing the reality of a recent global Flood based as far as possible on information that you can verify by inspection of geology and topography not far from where you live and based on your observations of the world you live in.
Interestingly we were busy with the final editing of these videos when the Earthquake and Tsunami’s hit Japan providing reinforcing images of the massive capacity of water to reshape things.
In this programme I have set out to avoid the use of emotive language and "the bible is the word of God and it says there was a Flood so you better believe it" language.
As an engineer and scientist, an intellectual and, at some level, an academic I have set out to prove there has been a Flood based on entirely systematic, rational argument.
I use standard engineering principles like "proof by contradiction", "extrapolation is to be avoided", "engineers design bridges NOT to fall down" and others to develop my argument.
This is supported by evidence that most physical attributes in the real world exhibit exponential characteristics and that linear extrapolation is invalid and unreliable.
This is supported by images from NASA which evidence large quantities of water in the form of ice comets and other objects that could easily impact the Earth, melt and Flood the planet, massive instability in the Universe around us, runaway stars traveling at a speed that would take them from the Earth to the moon in an hour, and other evidence to prove that millions or billions of years of steady state conditions is entirely unlikely.
We go down a Gold mine to find evidence of massive water deposited sediments over two kilometres thick that have been up-thrust by at least seven kilometres and then baked, as in a furnace, to produce glassy quartzite rock. We ask how this could happen and conclude that only a massive hydraulic and tectonic event (Flood) could explain this. Dramatic change happens rapidly, NOT slowly.
We travel the world to look at massive sedimentary deposits of water laid material turned to rock, the Grand Canyon, Fish River Canyon, Table Mountain, Uluru (Ayres Rock), all over the world massive depths of water laid material compressed and converted to rock. The only possible explanation is a massive worldwide Flood resulting in massive Tsunami’s ripping around the planet.
From there we have a look at the Halfway House Granite dome and other granite dome's around the world, massive intrusions that speak to massive disruption of the Earth's surface and sudden and rapid breaking through of the Earth's crust by molten magma that solidified almost instantly on contact with cold water and cold mud and slush.
From here we take a look at the African Erosion Surface, a massive level plain about 1,700 meters above sea level and parallel with the sea surface which extends over much of Africa. We examine the mechanics of constructing and forming plain and level surfaces and conclude that a massive uniform cutting action is the only possible explanation for this land form. The only possible mechanism is, once again, water! Massive Tsunami’s ripping around the planet scything off material uniformly.
But, we see a further problem, all over the world we are confronted with massively incised valleys, cliffs and other land forms which speak of huge volumes of rock and Earth dramatically ripped away and deposited hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away. The forces required to do this are huge and, again, can only be explained by massive water action. This in turn speaks to a massive disruption of the stability of the Earth leading to rapid separation of the continents and drainage of water.
Where to next?
Well, traditional theories suggest that this all took place gradually millions or billions of years ago, but there is a further problem, the rocks in many places show sharp clean fracture corners and the rock is clean. The rounding and moss and lichen growth you would expect to form over millions of years is absent.
We then look at some challenging realities, historical documents that are generally accepted to be at least 2,500 years old that assert that there was a global Flood about 4,500 years ago. Timelines and records from various cultures that corroborate this. We find, in a passage of writing commonly referred to as "Genesis" and contained in the book commonly called "the Bible" such historical accounts and also an account that says that a man called Noah or Nuh survived a Flood in a wooden vessel, commonly referred to as an Ark.
Then, we discover that the remains of a wooden ship of the same dimensions has been found in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey, just where the historical account says they will be found.
So, what do we believe?
"Scientific" theories that defy basic engineering principles to "prove" by dubious extrapolation that these events happened millions or billions of years ago, or mutually corroborating ancient writings which indicate that it happened about 4,500 years ago?
And so,
To the next stage …
HOW did this happen?
We look at large chunks of ice orbiting just outside our Solar System and postulate that one of these could easily be deflected, strike the Earth's atmosphere, melt and Flood the Earth. We look at Ice Comets only 160 times the distance of the Earth to the moon away and draw similar conclusions.
We look at a massive crater on Mars which has characteristics that one would realistically expect from impact by an ice object and see that such a crater stretches from Cape Town to Lusaka at the Southern tip of Africa, a distance of over 2,000 kilometres.
We also postulate that a near miss by a larger object made partly or entirely of ice could provide sufficient water to Flood the Earth AND cause the orbit of the Earth to shift from circular to elliptical AND cause the Earth to tilt on its axis in the process giving rise to massive instability and disruption of the surface of the Earth. All entirely consistent with the facts presented so far.
Thus the mechanism for all the geological and topographic formations presented in the video are entirely explainable at a level of reliability that satisfies my need for engineering "explainability".
We face a further challenge
The writings labelled "Genesis" claim that this event was triggered by the being who it also claims created the heavens and the Earth, one who is customarily referred to as God, the LORD, Allah, the Almighty, one whose existence many dispute.
We go on to explore this thesis by examining further evidence of the reliability of the accounts contained in the writings referred to as Genesis and Exodus. We look at the remains of cities turned to ash in line with what is reported in Genesis as another judgement. We find the remains of chariots, human and horse skeletons on the floor of the Red Sea where Exodus says they will be found, corroborating another alleged judgment. We find a fire blackened mountain in line with Exodus where it is alleged that this Almighty Creator dictated "Ten Commandments", ten laws, as the basis of judgment of mankind for all time and wrote them on stone.
We consider these commandments and discover that they were placed in a receptacle referred to as "The Ark of the Covenant" and note that this has also been found, together with the tablets of stone, under an execution site which correlates with other historical accounts relating to the execution of a man by the name of Yahooshua, the anointed of Yah (Yah being the true name of the Creator and Yahooshua the anointed of Yah being the correct name of one commonly known as Jesus Christ).
And so,
We raise the question
Could there be one more judgment?
A judgment which will commit those who fail the test to be utterly destroyed in a moment of torment and terror in eternal fire but qualify those who succeed and overcome to live in a place of great beauty for eternity with great power and authority. We ask you to consider your options and your opinions.
Did the Flood "just happen" or was it the consequence of a judgment by the Creator and, if it was a judgment, is there another judgment to come by fire in which we will all participate?
Finally we wrap up with some interesting but little known religious facts.
Once you become sensitized to the evidence you will find that no matter where you go in the world you WILL find evidence of a global Flood and this will strengthen your belief in the Creator.
Father, I ask that as readers study this material you will blow away by your Spirit all that is NOT according to your will and your ways, please blow away all lies and deception and leave only that which is from you, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
The video again at
Please feel free to email me (James) by replying to this email if you have questions or comments.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
8 April 2023