For many years I have been aware of significant translation compromises and errors in virtually all Bible versions.
The ETI Version is my best effort to provide a version that corrects these errors.
In particular, the true Name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" -- His essential Name is "Yah" and this name cannot be abbreviated, translated or otherwise tampered with -- this is the name we are told NOT to take in vain.
Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is rendered "Yahweh" by some or more correctly "Yahooeh" and is incorrectly translated as "The LORD" in just about all English translations as well as translations in other languages derived from the English -- this incorrect translation occurs 6,399 times in the Books from Genesis to Malachi and is also incorrectly translated "God" 314 times and "LORD's" 111 times -- most of these errors have been correct in the current version with Yah now revealed around 11,171 times, including about 300 footnotes which amplify the Name of Yah in the names of people.
The true Name Yah occurs ONCE in the King James Version at Psalm 68:4 and even there it is incorrectly translated as "Jah" in the remaining 46 instances Yah is hidden as "The LORD" -- this is corrected..
This huge error is an insult to Yah and grossly distorts the focus of the Bible -- the ETI Version rectify this error from Bereshith to Revelation..
Looking at the current work, the so-called "New Testament" the true Name, Yah, does NOT occur at all in the Greek from MatthihYahoo to Revelation -- it is masked by "the Lord", "God" and "Christ".
The ETI Version corrects this and at time of writing Yah occurs 4,759 times -- this will change slightly as I edit the remaining books, I have currently completed from MattihYahoo to Colossians inclusive. This correction radically changes the emphasis of these books and brings the focus back to Yah, where it belongs.
This is a work in progress and may take several years to complete.
This section covers the books from MattihYahoo {Matthew} to Revelation
Please see the Introduction to the books from MattihYahoo to Revelation for more details
Click here for the rendering of MattihYahoo
pdf and docx version available for download here -- the foofnotes are more readable in these versions:
Introduction to the books from MattihYahoo to Revelation
Download_Introduction pdf
Download_Introduction docx
Books completed so far MattihYahoo to Phillippians fully rendered and the rest of the collection partially rendered
Download_MattihYahoo to Revelation in Progress pdf
Download_MattihYahoo to Revelation in Progress docx
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