- Death Should be Welcome for Believers Without Sin
For the Anointed Believer in Right Standing with Yah Death should have NO fear and be welcomed.It represents and INSTANTANEOUS Translation from Earth to Heaven with a resurrected body and esteem before the Judgment Seat.
- For Believers with Sin Death Leads to the Torturers First
For the Anointed Believer with sin in their lives death represents an instantaneous translation to Heaven in front of the Judgment Seat from where they will be consigned to Hell and the Torturers to pay the price for their unconfessed sin.
- Believers without Anointing End Up in a Low Position
For Believers who are NOT Anointed they too will come before the Judgment Seat and consigned to the torturers finally to be assigned a low level position in Heaven.
- Most Believers Face the Outer Darkness – the Trash Heap
For those who once believed and then did nothing, they have much to fear.Once they have paid the price for their massive unrepented sin they will be consigned to the Outer Darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth .
- For Illuminated Unbelievers there is Esteem in the Satanic Realm on Death
For the heavily Illuminated Satan Servants, Satanists, Witches, etc death will open the door for significant esteem in the Satanic and Demonic Realm although they will almost certainly be disappointed to discover how many Demons are senior to them.
- More Junior Satan Servants Face Serfdom and Oppression
For more junior Satan Servants death will open the door to a role of menial serfdom and oppression.
- “Good” Unbelievers Face a Huge Shock
For the run of the mill “good” Unbeliever, the Vast Majority of the Earth’s Population, they will get a terrible shock when they discover that Yah is real, Heaven is real and they are banished to a lonely existence as “good” Demons with no rights and at best ignored and at worst put to work misleading their descendants and loved ones!
<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION: Section 7: Preparing for Death
NEXT SUB SUB-SECTION: 7.2. Critical Considerations with Regard to Believers Resisting Death >>>