On Friday 12th March 1993, backslidden, in adultery and planning suicide in a locked hotel room, the Almighty Creator spoke to me audibly and said “Phone Iain Peters, he has something you need.”
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I phoned Iain, he invited me round to dinner and shared with me his living relationship with the Creator. He took me to his Church and I commenced a journey that I have now been on for nearly 28 years. I climbed into this new relationship spending hours daily praying, reading the Bible, reading anointed books, listening to teaching tapes and singing along with worship tapes, going to church twice on Sundays, etc. Periodically Father would use me to minister to people and I became more confident little by little.
Just over 9 months later, at about 3 am on the 2nd of January 1994, having read the book “Good Morning Holy Spirit” by Benny Hinn and being deeply impacted, I lay on my stomach praying “Father I desire to know you the way Benny Hinn does” – after praying this for some time my bedroom was filled with the mighty rushing wind of Pentecost and Father laid His hand upon me pressing me into the bed. I awoke the next morning with a powerful anointing under which I ministered until mid-1996 when I lost it in a bitter and acrimonious divorce battle. Sadly, Father has said that any Anointing can only be given once so I will NEVER again minister in that level of power but I desire it for YOU!
However, that experience teaches me that it is possible for YOU to seek a Power Anointing and Power Ministry comparable to the examples I shared a few days ago.
You can purchase “Good Morning Holy Spirit” on Amazon or download it as a free pdf at https://www.pdfdrive.com/good-morning-holy-spirit-d18727955.html
This book is NOT essential, you can watch the video’s I linked to a few days ago and be impressed by the Anointing on ANY or ALL of those people – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch When you watch those videos on YouTube OTHER Videos on OTHER Power Servants will be offered, watch as many as you like taking account of the caveats in the article referred to above, the KEY objective is for YOU to get to a point where with DEEP CONVICTION you pray something along the lines of “Father I desire to know you the way … (name or names) knew you, I desire to move in comparable power, I ask you to guide me down a journey that will bring me to that point”.
Then do what you find to do, the rest of this article will give you some suggestions as to how you get there.
In advocating this I want to stress:
- I got there after nine months of intense seeking.
- I was new to this.
- I received very little help from my church.
- I got there with using God, the LORD, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, etc.
- I got there while running my business FULL time.
- I got there WITHOUT doing half the things I advocate below – what I advocate here is the MAXIMUM to ensure that you succeed in your quest.
So YOU can get there too armed with the knowledge you have gained from me and my website and whatever of my articles you have read.
I want to stress that what follows is my suggestion of what I believe, based on experience WILL get you there in one to two years MAXIMUM, possibly shorter, depending on how much time and effort you put into your relationship with Father.
I suggest the following as a rough indication based on what I did before 2 January 1994, your journey will be UNIQUE as Father leads you and based on where you are today. Do ALL the following concurrently and starting as quickly as you choose:
- Decision
Take a strong conscious decision and pray the prayer above.Keep praying this at intervals till it is FULLY answered.
- Disciplined Daily Regime
Embark on a regime of getting up early, say 5 am and praying on your knees or flat on your face on the floor for an hour EVERY day.Read anointed writings – my books and other anointed booksalso the Bible (no more than three times) for an hour.
Repeat before you go to bed – at least two hours.
Note that as soon as the anointing builds you will have the energy and vitality to operate with less sleep and that will make the above possible.
Read the Bible from the perspective of seeing what other highly anointed one’s accomplished and looking for patterns and role models – ask Father to guide you.Yahooshua is the ultimate role model – read about him believing you can do what he did.I suggest that you first read the King James Version cover to cover, then read the Amplified Bible and then in due course The Scriptures from the Institute of Scripture Research – be aware of the errors in these translations and correct as you read.All available on Amazon and there may be free downloads on the Internet if you search on Google.
My books (over 9,000 pages) are available in pdf format to download at https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writingsAll my articles on the Website are catalogued at https://www.eti-ministries.org/articles/article-list also use the “Article Search” in the Right Hand Sidebar.Also use the Keyword Cloud https://www.eti-ministries.org/article-keyword-cloud The Google Search in the Right Hand Sidebar will also help you to find material of interest in your journey.In reading my books I suggest you read Volume 1, then Volume 0, then 2, 3, 4, 5 in order, then 10 and thereafter the balance as you are led.Articles written since May 2019 are only on the Website and are NOT in the pdf books.Some of these are highly recommended – the key articles are near the top of the menu on the website.
- Worship
Worship for at least an hour every day.Listen to worship songs as much of the day as possible, with ear buds or headphones on your mobile phone if necessary.See https://www.eti-ministries.org/recommended-worship-songs Listen on public transport, in your car, in the office, wherever you possibly can without disrupting other people and causing strife.
It is important NOT to sing out wrong words or sing them in your heart, substitute as per the article above.
- Learning
Learn about the matters of Yah.If you have access to Anointed audio teaching you can listen to this while travelling but be cautious about listening to teaching that is strongly Bible / Jesus / etc focused.In addition read anointed teaching at every opportunity, constantly ask questions of Father and watch out for answers and grow in your knowledge of Yah and His ways.See suggestions for reading in the Section 2 above.
- Clean up your Doctrine
Clean up your doctrine – cease using The LORD, God, Jesus, Christ, Cross, Sunday Sabbath, etc and use “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, Yahooeh and Yahweh, The Almighty, Mighty One, Yahooshua, Anointing with the Spirit of Yah, Stake, Saturday Sabbath, etc – see the website for guidance on all of these matters
- Seven Components of Drawing Close
Download the article Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah at https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close and put it ALL into practice.In particular take notice of:
- Spiritual Audit
- Shaving to remove spiritual defilement
- Full body anointing with the blood of the Covenant
- Full body anointing with the oil of the Spirit
- Triple Immersion.
- Deliverance from Demons and cutting off Curses.
- Etc
- Observe the Sabbath
Observe the Sabbath strictly, worship for AT LEAST two hours.If you know someone on the same journey fellowship with them, even if done remotely.Spend several hours reading anointed writings and start writing and teaching as you are led.
- Fasting
Immediately embark on a seven day Water Only fast seeking cleansing and Anointing.Two months later undertake 7 x 3 day water only fasts seeking revelation and correction of error.Thereafter fast again as led.As a minimum in the first year you should undertake at least one more 3x7 or 7 day water only fast.
At the end of a year IF you REALLY desire a powerful Anointing AND your health and Anointing allows embark on a 40 day water only fast and be prepared to be quite weak.That said, if you have done ALL the above rigorously for a year your level of Anointing should be such that you will handle the 40 days without difficulty – the Anointing will strengthen you as it did Yahooshua in the wilderness.
- Keep knocking until the door is FULLY opened
Keep praying prayers like that above and other prayers and asking Father to fill you and use you.Note that the indications are that with a number of powerful servants they did MUCH less than I have set out here so it IS possible your prayers will be answered sooner than I have indicated.
- Minister
Whenever an opportunity presents itself to minister and as Father leads, start to minister, start to teach, witness to people, do WHATEVER you find to do to share what you have.The more you share the stronger the Anointing will become.
Note that I did NOT do allthe above and not at the same level of detail, much of what is listed above was unknown to me, I also ran my business full time, went into partnership with two other men,hired office premises, etc so it is quite possible for YOU to come to a position of great anointing and greatpower while continuing in full time employment.
I would, however, suggest that if you are taking this really seriously you will come to a place where you will start ministering full time.THAT is the ULTIMATE PRIZE.
I hope that this gives you a good idea of what it will take to reach a position of strong anointing.
I must stress that, as far as I know this is the MAXIMUM, depending on your life to this pointyou MAY reach a Power Anointing in much LESS time and with much LESS effort.
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
24 January 2021