In 1996 Rick Joyner published the book “The Final Quest” which records a series of visions of a rugged mountain at the peak of which is intense worship and relationship with the Creator. I first read this in 1998 and have read it repeatedly since then. I have referenced the Mountain repeatedly, most significantly on the cover of my book set "The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" See below.
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend
NEXT SECTION: Different Views of the Mountain of Relationship with Yah >>>
I have also referenced the Mountain of Yah in many other articles and communications with people by email, Zoom, etc. In response to these further articles and inquiries I have come to understanding more about the Mountain and this article seeks to consolidate this revelation.
In considering what follows it is important to understand that the Mountain is a metaphor to help us understand the matters of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” it is NOT a real Mountain.
- Representation of the Mountain
The image below is a representation of the Mountain of Yah, it is steep, jagged, difficult to climb and easy to fall off but the reward at the top, a high throne for Eternity, is WORTH IT.The ranks alongside the Mountain represent the population of the Earth on 25 December 2015, the number of those on the Mountain has declined since then.

- The Mountain Represents Relationship with Yah
Fundamentally the Mountain is about drawing close to Father Yah and developing a DEEP Personal relationship with Him such that at the peak of the Mountain one reaches a place of deep intimacy with Him.The steep, rugged, difficult to climb Mountain represents that it is difficult to get really close to Father and to remain in that relationship.The throne represents the reward for achieving the highest ranks on the Mountain.
- Getting free of Sin and Error
Inherent in climbing the Mountain is to get free of sin and error.Sin and error will ALWAYS separate us from Father so we must get free of both in order to climb the Mountain to the Peak.
- Grace
In earlier generations there was considerable Grace [Chen] for use of the wrong names (The LORD, God, Jesus, Christ, Hashem, G_d, etc) and for worship of Jesus, worship of the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, etc.This grace started to be withdrawn on 1 January 2001 and was completely withdrawn on 2 May 2003 in preparation for Satan to be sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit on 3 May 2003.Most of the people currently on the Mountain got there by Grace prior to 3 May 2003 and are holding on because they have consolidated their current positions and are not taking risks and not trying to climb higher.
- Those on the Mountain are ageing rapidly
Most of the people on the Mountain are over 50 years of age and most are in the their 60’s and older.They got there before Grace was withdrawn and have held on only by dint of relationship with Father despite their sin and error.There are very few members of younger generations on the Mountain such that by the end of 2100 there will be very few people on the Mountain unless something changes dramatically.
- Different Views of the Mountain
It is so that the mountain looks very different if you approach it as a Jew, a Muslim, a Christian, a Hindu, a Yogi, etc.The image below suggests how a Christian and a Muslim might each have a lot of truth but see the Mountain and their relationship with the Creator very differently.

The radial plots indicate different important doctrines and error with regard to those doctrines on a scale of 0 to 100% with zero truth, that is 100% error at the perimeter.So, converging on truth as one climbs towards the small peak of the Mountain.
This is important because we should be seeking the truths that other groups have that we lack and NOT championing our own beliefs and potential errors.See the article “Seek Truth NOT Error” at
- It IS Possible to Fall Off the Mountain at any time
It is vital to understand that it is possible to fall off the Mountain at ANY time and you can slide from being close to the top to right to the bottom if one suddenly embracers falsehoods and breaks one or more of the Ten Commandments,I have seen this once with a man who, having accepted that Yahooshua was NOT Yah, and climbing steadily and getting closer to Father suddenly did an about turn and returned to worshipping Jesus and the Bible.He fell from the Mountain within a very short period of time and then, because he attempted to persuade others on the Mountain that they were in error he was rejected by Father completely and lost all hope of salvation.
- Father can do NOTHING on Earth without those on the Mountain
The answer to standing firm on the Mountain is to anchor yourself on the Ten Commandments and any direct revelation that you have been given.Total focus on your relationship with Father, telling others about Him and helping Him with His work on Earth is paramount.He can do NOTHING on Earth without the people on the Mountain.
- The Correlation between Position on the Mountain and Rank in Heaven in the life to come
It is important to understand the correlation between position up the Mountain in this life and Rank in the Court of Heaven when you die.The higher one climbs up the Mountain, i.e. the closer one gets to Yah, the greater the Rankyou will have in Heaven when you die.See for a discussion of these ranks.
I hope that this article challenges you to climb the Mountain and seek a DEEP Personal Relationship with Father Yah.I am here to help, please feel free to email me.
James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman
End Time Issue Ministries
03 January 2021