It is possible for YOU to seek a Power Anointing and Power Ministry.
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Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
My name is James Robertson.
I am a researcher, publisher and teacher regarding the matters and truths of the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” – I have been actively serving Him since 1993 – over 31 years.
If you are NOT actively serving Yah then by default you are serving Satan – my objective is to show you how you can make a big difference on Earth and qualify for a position of high esteem in Heaven for Eternity.
It is important to understand that as a Believer just being good is NOT the point, it is Relationship with Yah that counts. Without this you will be in a very unpleasant place in Heaven with no way out – my aim is to show you how to get close to Him.
If you are a good person without a clear relationship with Yah, then you are in a spiritual no-mans-land and will NOT enter Heaven when you die. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
Yah is calling EVERYBODY on the planet to be involved and serve Him and help Him to have victory over Satan; my goal is to show YOU how to do this.
Fundamentally we each need to learn to see things on Earth from YAH’s perspective and my aim is to teach you how.
Please visit my website at or email me on
Today we're going to talk about "A challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry."
A challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry—Overview
At about 3 am on the 2nd of January 1994, having read the book “Good Morning Holy Spirit” by Benny Hinn and being deeply impacted, I lay on my stomach praying “Father I desire to know you the way Benny Hinn does” – after praying this for some time my bedroom was filled with the mighty rushing wind of Pentecost and Father laid His hand upon me pressing me into the bed. I awoke the next morning with a powerful anointing under which I ministered until mid-1996 when I lost it in a bitter and acrimonious divorce battle. I desire such an Anointing for YOU!
I will walk you through a number of elements of preparation to receive a power anointing starting with Decision followed by adopting a disciplined daily regime.
I will talk about Worship and Learning and advise you to clean up your doctrine.
I will reference the article Seven Components of Drawing Close and counsel you to observe the true Sabbaths.
I will stress the importance of fasting and advise you to keep knocking.
I will encourage you to Minister.
Finally we will look at the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Body of the Article
2021.01.10 A challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry
On Friday 12th March 1993, backslidden, in adultery and planning suicide in a locked hotel room, the Almighty Creator spoke to me audibly and said “Phone Iain Peters, he has something you need.”
I phoned Iain, he invited me round to dinner and shared with me his living relationship with the Creator. He took me to his Church and I commenced a journey that I have now been on for over 31 years. I climbed into this new relationship spending hours daily praying, reading the Bible, reading anointed books, listening to teaching tapes and singing along with worship tapes, going to church twice on Sundays, etc. Periodically Father would use me to minister to people and I became more confident little by little.
I'm giving you some background because I want to put what I'm going to share with you today in that context. I came to this with very little understanding of what was possible for me. I was going to a church, which was very strongly charismatic. There was a lot happening, there were a lot of anointed people, there were a lot of anointed preachers, and I just went with the flow. Father spoke to me in a way that really got me to pay attention.
Just over 9 months later, at about 3 am on the 2nd of January 1994, having read the book “Good Morning Holy Spirit” by Benny Hinn and being deeply impacted, I lay on my stomach praying “Father I desire to know you the way Benny Hinn does” – after praying this for some time my bedroom was filled with the mighty rushing wind of Pentecost and Father laid His hand upon me pressing me into the bed. I awoke the next morning with a powerful anointing under which I ministered until mid-1996 when I lost it in a bitter and acrimonious divorce battle. Sadly, Father has said that any Anointing can only be given once so I will NEVER again minister in that level of power but I desire it for YOU!
However, that experience teaches me that it is possible for YOU to seek a Power Anointing and Power Ministry comparable to the examples I have shared in previous broadcasts.
In my case, it was Benny Hinn and Good Morning Holy Spirit and what you happened to believe about that person today in terms of where his journey has been in the past 30 years, that's between you and the Creator, I'm not getting involved in that. My key point here is that I had a benchmark and a hunger. You could just as well pray "Father, I want to know you the way Yahooshua knew you." You could pick any strongly anointed individual and start saying Father, I want to know you the way that person does. You could take me as an example if you wanted to. And you will get a different anointing depending on who you pick and you don't have to pick anyone, you can just say "Father, fill me with your spirit."
You can purchase “Good Morning Holy Spirit” on Amazon or download it as a free PDF online.
This book is NOT essential, you can watch the videos I linked to a while back. See and you can be impressed by the anointing on any or all of those videos. When you watch those videos on YouTube OTHER Videos on OTHER Power Servants will be offered, watch as many as you like taking account of the caveats that I offer with regard to names, etc. The KEY objective is for YOU to get to a point where with DEEP CONVICTION you pray something along the lines of “Father I desire to know you the way … (name or names) knew you, I desire to move in comparable power, I ask you to guide me down a journey that will bring me to that point.”
Then do what you find to do, the rest of this article will give you some suggestions as to how you get there.
Folks, in all that I teach, I'm focusing on how do you get to the top of the mountain, what it's like to get to the top of the mountain. How do you really reach out to Yah, the Creator, and have a deep relationship with Him and make a real difference. I'm very definitely sharing a message that may not appeal to a lot of people, but I don't think that the majority of people know this is possible. The key part of my message is that what I'm sharing with you is available to you, it doesn't matter where you are today in your relationship with the Creator. If you have a hunger, if you're listening to my broadcasts, saying, you know, I really want to get to know the Creator better, just go for it. He wants you to be His friend.
In advocating this I want to stress:
1. I got there after nine months of intense seeking.
2. I was new to this. I didn’t really know what was going to happen when I prayed what I prayed.
3. I received very little help from my church albeit that there WAS a strong Anointing operating in that ministry and there were regular visiting preachers operating under a strong Anointing, so I repeatedly had hands laid on me and was prayed for by highly anointed individuals.
4. I got there with using God, the LORD, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, etc., BEFORE grace ran out on these names in 2003.
5. I got there while running my business FULL time.
6. I got there WITHOUT doing half the things I advocate below – what I advocate here is the MAXIMUM to ensure that you succeed in your quest.
So YOU can get there too armed with the knowledge you have gained from me and my website and whatever of my articles you have read.
What I would point out which I didn't really get until relatively recently is while the church I was going to didn't recognize my anointing because I hadn’t been to their Bible college, etc., etc., and I was too new to all of this, so I walked away from them a year or so later. They did lay hands on me, so I had been building anointing during those nine months not that I was particularly conscious of it and then when I prayed the prayer that I've just shared with you, a power anointing came on me. And what this message is about is to say that you too can have a power anointing. What do I mean by power anointing? Heal the sick, deliver people from demons. If you really go the whole distance, you can potentially get to a place where you're doing the sort of things that Yahooshua was doing, walk on water, raise the dead, and so forth. I had the privilege back in 2010 while meeting a lady who was extremely strongly anointed. She had a team of intercessors around the world who were backing her up and she had, on one occasion, translated. She left home late for a meeting with a two-hour drive ahead of her and a few minutes later she arrived to her destination having just translated quite some distance. She raised 19 people from the dead. The thing that I want to say to you is that if you desire that it's completely available to you.
I want to stress that what follows is my suggestion of what I believe, based on experience WILL get you to that level of anointing in one to two years MAXIMUM, possibly shorter, depending on how much time and effort you put into your relationship with Father.
I suggest the following as a rough indication based on what I did before 2 January 1994, your journey will be UNIQUE as Father leads you and based on where you are today. Do ALL the following concurrently and starting as quickly as you choose:
I need to caveat that. At the time that I wrote that, that was really what I believed, but as I've just said, what I underestimated I believe was that I had people with a powerful anointing lay hands on me some number of times during that time period of nine months. So if you can get somebody who is anointed to pray for you that will certainly help. How do you get there?
1. Decision
Take a strong conscious decision and pray whichever prayer you think is appropriate. Keep praying this at intervals till it is FULLY answered.
If you've just started believing or you've just started to set out on a journey to become close to Yah, you're not going to get a power anointing in day 1. It takes time. The anointing is the Set-Apart Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Yah poured out on you in substantial measure. When you first believe, you get a betrothal portion of the Spirit of Yah. When you receive the baptism or the immersion of the Set-Apart Spirit, you get a marriage portion of the Spirit of Yah. As you grow closer to Yah, as you worship, etc., that impartation of His spirit grows stronger. A lot of what I'm going to share with you in the next few minutes is about how do you get that impartation of His spirit to grow stronger.
If you are doing it on your own and you don't have anointed people to pray for you, as I've just indicated, it's potentially going to be more challenging than if you have somebody who is strongly anointed. And regrettably I'm not that person. As I've said, in '96 I lost the power anointing that I had. I've had various other anointings through that. I've come down a journey with a lot of mistakes and a lot of wrong turnings which have taught me a lot, but it means that I can't lay my hands on you and impart an intense anointing to you and it's great sadness for me on that.
2. Disciplined Daily Regime
Embark on a regime of getting up early, say 5 am and praying on your knees or flat on your face on the floor for an hour EVERY day. Read anointed writings – my books and other anointed books also the entire Bible (no more than three times) for at least an hour. Don’t get stuck on the Bible; read it may be three times over a year or two looking at the learnings you can get from anointed people there.
Repeat the same before you go to bed – at least two hours.
Note that as soon as the anointing builds you will have the energy and vitality to operate with less sleep and that will make the above possible.
There are multiple dynamics that play here. As you get closer to Father, as you get more of His spirit in you, He will invigorate you and strengthen you and vitalize you so that you need less sleep, you have more energy, more concentration. It's a progressive process. The stages that you follow are not necessarily the stages that I followed. We each walk our own journey as I stressed in my last broadcast.
Read the Bible from the perspective of seeing what other highly anointed one’s accomplished and looking for patterns and role models – ask Father to guide you. Yahooshua is the ultimate role model – read about him believing you can do what he did. I suggest that you first read the King James Version cover to cover, then read the Amplified Bible and then in due course The Scriptures from the Institute of Scripture Research – be aware of the errors in these translations and correct as you read. All available on Amazon and there may be free downloads on the Internet if you search on Google.
My rendering of the entire Bible, based on the King James Version in draft form, is available on the website under the ETI-Bible-Version page.
I've replaced, I've Father's correct name in more than 10,000 places in the Old Testament, several thousand places in the New Testament. One of the things that I did soon after I came back to serving Father was He said to me, "Read the Gospels, the books of Good News, about Yahooshua as though you are Yahooshua." In those days I only knew Jesus. So read it. When he turns the water into wine, imagine you turning the water into wine. When he raises Lazarus from the dead, imagine that you're doing that. When he walks on water, imagine that you're doing that. See what it's like to heal the sick, open blind eyes, open deaf ears. Don’t read it as here is this man on a pedestal. Read it as this is available to me if I choose to seek it. You can do the same with Daniel, you can do the same with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. You can do it with David, you can do it with Solomon, just pick a role model. As I said earlier, you can just say "Father, I desire to know you the way Daniel knew you. I want extreme wisdom and self-discipline." Or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I want to be able to stand up for you in adverse circumstances – whatever gets your attention. You're totally entitled to say "Father, I desire to know you the way Yahooshua knew you."
My articles (around 1,250 webpages and 2,500 articles) are available on the website. All my articles on the Website are catalogued on the Articles page, the Keyword Cloud, the Table of Contents and the Google Search. These will help you to find material of interest in your journey. The key articles are near the top of the menu on the website.
You don't have to go with my website. I testify that there is a fair level of inspiration and a fair level of anointing on most of the material on the website. There is a lot of information there that you won't find anywhere else. A lot of what's there is information that I have obtained by direct revelation. So it's a good place to look. There are lots of other books around, all sorts of people have written, books of different levels anointing. Ask Father to show you what's relevant to you. Rick Joyner has written a number of books with various levels of anointing and inspiration. The Final Quest is really important. The Call, really important. All anointed books. Just learn about Father. Visualize yourself doing these things.
3. Worship
Worship for at least an hour every day. Listen to worship songs as much of the day as possible, with ear buds or headphones on your mobile phone if necessary. See There are a couple of more webpages with songs I recently uploaded, just over 50 individual songs which are there that you can listen to off the website one at a time or download one at a time or there is a zip file with all 50 songs. They are all songs that I've corrected, doctrinal error, etc., for the most part. Listen on public transport, in your car, in the office, wherever you possibly can without disrupting other people and causing strife.
It is important NOT to sing out wrong words or sing them in your heart, substitute as per the article above.
Worship is making love to Father. It's growing close to Him. As you worship, you receive an impartation of His spirit. "Father, I thank you that you fill me with your spirit." If you do that day in and day out, the anointing on you will grow. I stress that this is available to any human being. We were created to be Friends of the Almighty. We were created to be deeply filled with His spirit. We were created to do acts of anointing on His behalf. It's available to you if you seek it.
4. Learning
Learn about the matters of Yah. If you have access to Anointed audio teaching you can listen to this while travelling but be cautious about listening to teaching that is strongly Bible/Jesus/etc. focused. In addition read anointed teaching at every opportunity, constantly ask questions of Father and watch out for answers and grow in your knowledge of Yah and His ways. See suggestions for reading that I've just mentioned.
There is a software called Speechelo on the Internet that you can buy that you can use to convert any text on a computer into audio. You can download it, save it on your computer. If there is a book that you want to review, you can listen to it, you can use something like Speechelo; there are a number of different products on the Internet, to convert it to audio and then you can listen to it. I'm about to start a program to use Speechelo to convert or to do text to voice conversion on the more important articles on the website so that it will be available in audio. They are also offering a translate function, so in time I may subscribe to that and look at translating some of the more important articles into other languages.
So there are things that you can do to immerse yourself in learning about the matters of Yah. There is a lot of rubbish out there, don’t get me wrong, but ask Father to show you, ask Him to help you. You are welcome to drop me an email and I'll guide you as well.
5. Clean up your Doctrine
Clean up your doctrine – cease using The LORD, God, Jesus, Christ, Cross, Sunday as Sabbath, etc., and use “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” not the Lord. Use Yahooeh and Yahweh, The Almighty, Mighty One, instead of God. Use Yahooshua instead of Jesus. Anointing with the Spirit of Yah instead of Christ. Stake instead of Cross. The true Sabbath is Saturday not Sunday. Observe the six set-apart days, the six high Sabbaths, Passover, Pentecost, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, First and Great Days. There is guidance on the website on all of these matters.
Remember also Jesus is NOT God and the Bible is NOT the Word of God!
There is detailed analysis on the website as to why that is all mistaken. There is a webpage "Can you Prove that Jesus is God" and there is another webpage "Can you prove that the Bible is the Word of God?" And it rebuts all the regular arguments. There is a huge amount of incorrect teaching in the Christian church and from the little I know there's a lot of incorrect teaching in every religion. It's just the way it is. The Satanic and Demonic realm are hell bent literally on messing up anybody who believes in Him. You got to use discernment, you got to ask Father to help you. Again, drop me an email and I'll be happy to guide you and pray with you and point out the things. I've got a mailing list, email me to be added to the mailing list, get a weekly article in specific progression.
6. Seven Components of Drawing Close
Download the article off the website, Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah at and put it ALL into practice. In particular take notice of:
a. Spiritual Audit. Go through your entire life, pull out all the sins that you can think of, repent, confess, repent, take bread and wine communion, move on.
b. Shaving to remove spiritual defilement. Remember that a woman should not shave her head. Don’t shave your eyebrows, but you can shave everything else. If you're a man you can shave your head as well. Cutting off the ties with the world, cutting off the ties with the past.
c. Full body anointing with the blood of the Covenant. Red grape juice or red wine prayed over to represent the blood of the covenant, the blood of Yahooshua. Scrubbing yourself effectively and moving defilement from the worldly situation.
d. Full body anointing with the oil of the Spirit. Likewise olive oil representing the oil of the spirit. Scrub yourself with that, praying to be filled with the spirit.
e. Triple Immersion. Once for cleansing your sin, once for immersion into the spirit, and once for immersion into the kingdom. In a swimming pool you can do it, in a bathroom if you don’t have access to anything else.
f. Deliverance from Demons and cutting off Curses. There is a whole protocol about how you do that and there is guidance on other things including worship, prayer, etc. There is a lot in that article, it's about 70 pages. Get the article, put it into practise. It's going to take time, it's an iterative process. All of this is an iterative process. It's not just nice simple straight line. You're living in a world that’s contaminated. You're coming from a position of being contaminated and I'm not being insulting or anything, it's just the way it is. You live in this world, you get contaminated by the world unless you do the things that I'm talking about. You can say, "That’s too radical for me. You're crazy James. Why do you do these things, that doesn’t make any sense." I'm just telling you because that’s what I've done and it works. You don’t have to do it, but just check it out. If you're really serious, I suggest you do all these things.
7. Observe the true Sabbaths
Observe the Saturday Sabbath strictly, worship for AT LEAST two hours. If you know someone on the same journey fellowship with them, even if done remotely on Zoom or whatever. Spend several hours on the Sabbath reading anointed writings and start writing and teaching as you are led.
Remember, if you cannot be bothered to strictly observe the true Sabbaths, WHY should Yah pay much attention to your prayers?
Sabbath observance is about giving back to Father. I do a lot of my ministry on the Sabbath. I'm by bloodline is Levite, so I'm a temple servant and so I write articles, I publish these broadcasts, I publish mostly on Saturday, sometimes another day. But dedicate the Sabbath to serving Yah and to worshiping and to drawing close to Him. It's giving back to Him. And if you don't get that, if you insist on doing worldly things and going to the bank, don’t be surprised. If you take Him lightly, why should He not take you lightly? If you want Him to be serious about you, you need to be serious about Him.
8. Fasting
I would suggest that if you're impacted by what I'm sharing with you today, if you're impacted by previous messages, immediately embark on a 7-day Water Only fast seeking cleansing and Anointing and truth. Two months later undertake 7 x 3 day water only fasts at weekly intervals. So every week you fast for 3 days, eat for 4 days, seeking revelation and correction of error. Thereafter fast again as led. If you're really going for it, as a minimum in the first year I would suggest you should undertake at least one more 7 x 3 day or 1 x 7 day water only fasts.
It's extreme. You don’t have to do it. But if you really, really want to progress with Father, you got to fast. It's just that simple. If you really want to get up the mountain, you need to fast.
At the end of a year IF you REALLY desire a powerful Anointing AND your health and Anointing allows, you could then embark on a 40-day water only fast and be prepared to be quite weak, you need to check this out from a health point of view. That said, if you have done ALL the above rigorously for a year your level of Anointing should be such that you will handle the 40 days without difficulty – the Anointing will strengthen you as it did Yahooshua in the wilderness.
Folks again, you can say that’s extreme, but there is a body of opinion which says that if you want to move in the power gifts, you need to do a 40-day water-only fast. The woman I mentioned earlier done two 40-day fasts and then she raised 19 people from the dead at the time that I knew her.
9. Keep knocking until the door is FULLY opened
Keep praying prayers like the one I shared at the beginning "I want to know you like..." In other prayers ask Father "Fill me with your spirit." Just keep saying "Father fill me with your spirit, fill me with your spirit. I want to know you the way (whoever) knows you. I want to know you the way Yahooshua knows you. I want to know you the way James knows you. I want to know you the way Daniel knew you. I want to know you the way David knew you" or whoever got your attention when you heard about them. Or just "I want to be filled with your spirit. Just pour out your spirit on me please Father." Keep praying that, keep doing that. Keep praying prayers like that and ask Father to fill you and use you.
Note that the indications are that with a number of powerful servants they did MUCH less than I have set out here so it IS possible your prayers will be answered sooner than I have indicated.
And maybe it will take longer. There is no simple recipe here, folks. We're coming as I said just now from a place of extreme defilement, demons and all the other crud that just permeates the entire planet. There is a mindset shift that has to take place, an attitude shift, and it takes time. But if you really sincerely want to get close to Father, it really is worth it. I say that after 31 years.
10. Minister
Whenever an opportunity presents itself to minister and as Father leads, start to minister, start to teach, witness to people, do WHATEVER you find to do to share what you have. The more you share the stronger the Anointing will become.
I found as I started to grow in the anointing, I would be driving along and in South Africa, you could stop on the motorway, you didn’t have all the barriers that you have in the UK for example, and He would say, "Stop and give that hitchhiker a lift." And I would say "No, I don’t like picking up hitchhikers" and drive past, and He would just keep saying to me "James, go and pick up that hitchhiker," and I would come off with the next off-ramp, cycle back, pick the guy up, find that it was a believer who had been praying for another believer to help him. So I got encouraged by these little acts of obedience where I got feedback which evidence that I was hearing Him clearly.
It doesn’t have to be picking up hitchhikers, it can be giving a little bit of money to a beggar, it can be hearing Father say something to you and force somebody else and going to that person and saying "I believe that the Almighty is saying to me such and such and such." I've had situations people would say "Oh thank goodness. That’s what we have asking Father about." As you grow, as you attune yourself, as you start hearing Him more, He will start using you more. And the more He uses you, the more you give up, the more you will get in.
Note that I did NOT do all the above at the time that I had that experience back in 1994. I've done pretty much everything that I've spoken about now subsequently. Much of what is listed was unknown to me in 1994. I also ran my business full time, I went into partnership with two other men in that year as well. I hired office premises, so it is quite possible for YOU to come to a position of great anointing and great power while continuing in full time employment. I've stayed in full-time employment throughout the 31 years. There had been a few years where I have focused almost entirely on ministry, but most of the time I've been in business and afterhours. One of the things I've been very disciplined about is listening to worship songs in car and singing along with them, headphones or earbuds on the bus and in the office.
I would, however, suggest that if you are taking this really seriously you will come to a place where you will start ministering full time. THAT is the ULTIMATE PRIZE. The lady I spoke about, she had a full-time ministry. She had followers all over the world and they would tithe in to her ministry such that she was completely self-sufficient and she ministered full-time 24 x 7 x 365. She was literally at a point where if she went to a clothing store and she saw an item of clothing that she wanted. She said "Father I would like that," and within a minute or two, there was an alert on her phone to say that somebody had just paid that amount into her bank account. That’s the level that you can get to.
You can minister full time. You may live moderately frugally, you're not going to have a lavish lifestyle, but I don’t think that’s the most important thing.
I hope that this gives you a good idea of what it will take to reach a position of strong anointing.
I must stress that, as far as I know this is the MAXIMUM, depending on your life to this point you MAY reach a Power Anointing in much LESS time and with much LESS effort.
But I can't give you a cast-iron guarantee. It's between you and Father. It's a function of all the stuff that's happened in your life up to this moment in time. It's a function of how strongly you commit, how much time you spend in prayer and study and worship and doing things for Father. Just go with the flow and just go for it, because it's really worth it. When you do that, you are climbing the mountain, you are getting close to Father, you're qualifying for a high throne, it's all interlinked. I've spoken a lot about qualifying for a high throne and just mentioned the anointing and today I've really zoomed in on the anointing and what's required to get the anointing. I'm just trying to balance that picture.
So I really encourage you to go for it and as I say, it doesn't matter what your background is, Father will meet you where you are and He will help you to get there.
Wrapping Up
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him as your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you're FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, how educated or uneducated you are, how tall or short, thin or fat. It doesn't matter whether you're African, Asian, American, European, Caucasian, Indian, whatever. It doesn't matter if you're an outright Satanist. It doesn't matter if you're the most advanced Satanist on the planet. Father wants you to become His friend. It's that simple. That's what we were created for is to be His friend. Don’t put all sorts of mental obstacles in the way, "Well, I don’t go to church, don’t do this, I don’t do that, I have done all these terrible things, I've killed somebody, whatever." Just go to Him today and say "Father Yah, James Robertson says I can become your friend, I want to become your friend, please take me by the hand and lead me. Bring the people you want into my life, take the people you don't want in my life out. Open the doors you want opened in my life, close the doors you want closed in my life. Show me what to read. Show me who to talk to. Show me what to pray. Show me how to worship. Help me Father."
Email me and I will guide you, I will answer your questions, I will pray with you, I will counsel you. You can get on WhatsApp, I'm here for you, that’s what I live for.
Thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions to
Please email me to join the mailing list at
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and I can connect with you by Skype, Zoom, Teams, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when I will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the Millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
If you email me to put you on the mailing list, I will put you on an automation, which will send you an article every week on a weekly basis. At the moment there is about 50 articles in that. It will take you through a very specific journey of getting into more and more detail, deeper things, really worth getting on to that mailing list. As I say, email me. Say "James, heard your broadcast, really want to know more about this, I want to put this into practice, please, can you help me?"
We can get on Zoom, we can get on the phone, we can get on WhatsApp. I will counsel you, I will give you some pointers, I share the articles that I think are most relevant to you. Father will help me to help you when I know what you're going through, I'm here for you. This is what I live for is to help people to become close to Father, help you to get a power anointing, help you to make a difference in the world. I want to turn the world around and I need your help to do that. I'm encouraging you,
Folks, if you had been with me for a while, you probably going to drop off now. If this is the first time or one of the first few times you've been here, there is some other information I would like to share with you. So for those of you who have been here for a while, thank you so much, have a good evening, and I will see you again next week.
In Closing
Who am I? – James Robertson, I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am a retired Military Commander. I now work as a Management Consultant and Project Manager. I have over 31 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
In learning about Father, I've applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
See the Video “Why seek relationship?” on the website for an overview of what I believe.
Please visit my website at
ETI Version of the Bible with correction of key translation errors at
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings broadcast so far are available on the internet. Search on Google for “Relationship with Creator Radio.” Also go to the Transcripts of Broadcast page on the website and from there you will find links to transcripts of all the broadcasts plus links to listen to them as well. There is also a broadcast page where the videos of the last year or so are available to view.
Books with teachings from 1998 until May 2019 are at the Books for Printing page. They are formatted A4 and A5 with covers and everything for printing.
I publish regular email articles – email me on to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 31, May 2024