2021.11.02 The Essence of my Message regarding SexSexual love making results in massively powerful spiritual forces which are little understood and therefore largely ignored by all sides of the spectrum of Believers and Unbelievers. Sexual love-making was very carefully and thoughtfully crafted by the Almighty Creator, whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and should therefore be treated with respect as a very precious gift.
Fundamentally, what follows is addressed to Believers although most of the principles apply equally to unbelievers.
2021.01.01 The Mountain of Relationship with YahIn 1996 Rick Joyner published the book “The Final Quest” which records a series of visions of a rugged mountain at the peak of which is intense worship and relationship with the Creator. I first read this in 1998 and have read it repeatedly since then. I have referenced the Mountain repeatedly, most significantly on the cover of my book set “The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU! See below.
2022.12.01 I am a Believer, why do things keep going wrong in my life?A notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
In this context refer John 10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” Amplified Bible Yahooshua {Jesus} speaking.
2011.08.10 Harmony versus division and hindrance in a house {marriage}One of the biggest challenges facing true believers is division in their spiritual house leading to financial lack
2023.03.02 About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue MinistriesA few days ago I was contacted by someone who asked me to comment on Genesis 14:18 to 20:
“18 Melchizedek king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of Yah {God} Most High. 19 And Melchizedek blessed Abram and said,
““Blessed (joyful, favored) be Abram by Yah {God} Most High,
“Creator and Possessor of heaven and earth;
“20 And blessed, praised, and glorified be Yah {God} Most High,
“Who has given your enemies into your hand.”
“And Abram gave him a tenth (tithe) of all [the treasure he had taken in battle].” Amplified Bible amended.
2023.11.04 ETI Bible Version – The Letter of Shaul to the EphesiansThere are serious fundamental translation errors in the majority of English Bibles and those derived from the English. The ETI Bible Version seeks to correct the most critical of these as well as providing commentary on what I have learned in my journey with Yah over more than thirty years.
This article continues with the ETI Bible Version -- I have now rendered all of Ephesians.