2021.06.04 The Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah the Eternal CreatorThe article “The Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend of the Almighty Creator” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend discusses some principles relating to becoming a Friend of the Creator which is the greatest rank available to any Believer on Earth and in Heaven at any time. It is a rank that is available to YOU IF you choose to seek it. To see this in its proper context see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom In fact as one comes to understand these things it becomes apparent that the ONLY reason that human beings exist IS to become Friends of the Creator.
In this article I will endeavour to set out practical steps towards becoming a Friend of the Creator.
The Essence of becoming a Friend is as follows
2023.08.01 Recent Developments and a New focusThere have been a number of developments in recent weeks that have given me a new focus which I want to share with you so you can keep me in your prayers and assist in any way you can
2024.08.05 Remember Upcoming High Sabbaths for 2024 – Please DiarizeWe are rapidly approaching the time of year in which there are four High Sabbaths at weekly intervals – the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) and the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
I encourage you to take these Sabbaths seriously and observe them strictly IF your relationship with Father means anything to you. These are ALL HIGH SABBATHS, i.e. you observe them as you would the Saturday Sabbath but more strictly and with more discipline regarding worship, etcetera – see “2022.03.01 The Essence of my Message Regarding Sabbath Observance”