2020.12.09 Good is insufficient – relationship with the Creator is what countsAbout five years ago I had dinner with a Professor who had had a profound impact on my professional career. The conversation turned to the mutual friend who had introduced us and who also led me back to Father. The Professor, who I deeply esteem, made the comment that as far as he was concerned religion was of no consequence what mattered was “being good”. I instantly knew he was mistaken but did not know how to answer him.
2024.02.06 Yah’s Calendar for 2024 – Please DiarizeEvery year I publish Yah’s Calendar, the dates of this year that are important to the Creator so that you can observe the Special Sabbaths that He has ordained for us. Father’s calendar is based on the lunar cycles and therefore does NOT correlate directly with the world’s calendar.
I encourage you to take these Sabbaths seriously and observe them strictly IF your relationship with Father means anything to you. These are ALL HIGH SABBATHS, i.e. you observe them as you would the Saturday Sabbath but more strictly and with more discipline regarding worship, etcetera – see “2022.03.01 The Essence of my Message Regarding Sabbath Observance” at https://www.etimin.org/essence-of-message-re-sabbath-observance
2023.07.01 Choosing to die at the end of your lifeI have just been exposed to a situation with a man aged 80 who has been stricken with runaway cancer and is faced with the prospect of heavy Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment. I was asked to pray for him.
In such a case there are two options:
2024.07.26 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part-3The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 3. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.