Father says that in 100 years from now if current trends continue there will close to zero true believers left. Within 200 years the reign of the Satanic and Demonic on Earth will have reached fever pitch and the degradation that is currently becoming more and more pronounced will be going full steam ahead to totally block any possibility of Yahooshua returning.
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Essence of my Message regarding End of Age
NEXT SECTION: Revival Revisited >>>
In fact, as we stand today, there are only a few people who could, today, with minor housekeeping, call for Yahooshua to return with any prospect of success.
So, my question to YOU today is “What will YOU do about it?”
The brutal truth is that the ONLY thing that can prevent the above scenario playing out is a powerful and dramatic REVIVAL, initially in ONE location with ONE person but then spreading around the Earth and enduring for the remainder of the Millennium so that Yahooshua can return in victory with his enemies as his footstool.
A MASSIVE GLOBAL REVIVAL will transform society on Earth today and reverse the currently accelerating degradation.
My suggestion for your consideration is “IF you are aware of the degradation AND you are concerned about it then consider the possibility that Father Yah wants YOU to DO something about it.”
HOW would you go about doing this?
- Make a quality decision that YOU are going to seek to initiate a major revival.
- Watch the videos on Revival at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch and identify one or more powerful ministers who inspire you, you could look at the Bible with the same objective.
- Once you have identified one or more highly Anointed servants that inspire you pray “Father, I desire to initiate a major revival, I am inspired by the example of … I desire to know you as they knew you and go beyond this, help me to pray what I need to pray and do what I need to do to become a powerful Anointed servant.”
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/-critical-actions-on-first-belief- put anything here that you have not yet done into practice.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close put as much of this into practice as practical.
- Spend time daily worshipping -- at least an hour a day out loud or as much time as you can manage. Listen to worship songs, see the collection of recommended songs at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close, play them in your house constantly, listen to them with ear-buds on your phone when travelling or at work or anywhere else where it is necessary to be discreet. Worship constantly.
- Spend time on your knees speaking to Father Yah, at least an hour a day or as much time as you can manage. Talk to Him constantly throughout the day.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/yah-7-000-times-in-the-bible-why-not-used and get a solid fix on the reality of Father’s Name.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/yah-did-not-cease-speaking-2-000-years-ago and get a solid fix on the reality that Father Yah desires to speak to YOU and that you CAN hear Him, start seeking to hear Him.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/satan-to-pit-2003 and get a solid fix that Yahooshua is NOT going to return till the end of the current millennium, at approximately May 3003, that is roughly 982 years from now AND he will ONLY return IF WE have made his enemies his footstool and preached the truth to ALL the World! That is NOT Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam or any other manmade religion, it is DEEP personal relationship with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/important-facts and adopt these core truths.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/why-are-we-here and take this on board.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/how-to-become-an-anointed-one -- this is VITALLY IMPORTANT, YOU NEED THIS IN ORDER TO INITIATE A REVIVAL!
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/challenge-for-you-to-seek-a-power-anointing and put this into practice.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom and get a fix of the opportunities available to you – decide to seek to AT LEAST become an Overcomer and preferably a Friend of the Creator AND to help many others to become Friends.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/mountain-of-relationship and take account of this in your conduct.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/different-views-of-the-mountain and get a fix on the reality that different faiths ALL have a place in Heaven for those who truly have a DEEP personal relationship with Father Yah.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/why-revivals-die-out and resolve NOT to make those mistakes.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/what-is-required-to-live-above-sin and put this into practice. This is absolutely vital. It is also a core element of your message.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/confident-of-destination-when-die -- this is also a core element of your message.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death and get a fix on the authority of Yahooshua and how you can walk in it.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-rules-of-engagement-contest and adjust your conduct accordingly.
- Read whichever of the “Essence of my Message to Christians / Jews / Muslims/ Other Religions / Do NOT Believe” applies to you and take these teachings on board – see the top of the main menu at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/our-world-today-history and adjust your understanding accordingly.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essential-inhibitors-of-belief and put these errors behind you.
- Read and apply https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-essence-of-coming-to-belief
- Read and take note of https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/critical-questions-for-belief
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/creator-desires-friends and resolve to become a Friend.
- Read https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/good-insufficient-relationship-is-what-counts and apply this.
- Watch the videos on the child pages of https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/proof-of-global-flood and realize that the present planet topography has been massively scrambled.
- Read also https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/evolutionary-creation-is-reality to understand how to answer people who argue for evolution without Yah.
- Spend at least an hour a day, or as much time as you can manage, reading anointed writings starting with those listed above. There is much more on the website https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/ also see other books, etcetera listed at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/important-information -- there are thousands of books and videos inspired at different levels, ask Father to lead you to what He wants YOU to read, view and listen to.
Do whatever else you find to do. Note that you CAN do this while holding down a full time job until such time as you are able to go full time into ministry.
It is VITAL to understand that Yah will chart a UNIQUE course for you! Do NOT attempt to emulate any other man or woman, by all means be inspired by another at the start of your journey and in what you pray initially but then turn to Father Yah to help you craft your unique style and journey!
Note that if you go ALL OUT on ALL the above you will progress rapidly. If you do the above with less commitment and energy it will take longer and, if you really cut corners, you may never get there.
I am here to help you, I have been down this road but as a consequence of various mistakes and attacks I have lost the Anointing that would enable me to take the lead with this, once an Anointing has been lost it can never be restored so I must be content to write and encourage YOU to go all out to serve Father. I CAN counsel you, coach and mentor, you, guide you – just call on me.
If you decide to go for it to initiate a Global Revival please email me and I will help you on your journey, it would be a GREAT Blessing to hear from you 😊
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
Saturday 17th April 2021