Caution re Transcripts
The transcripts are nearly complete in draft but must still be proofread. Given that they run to over 1,100 pages it will take time for me to do this. There may therefore be minor typographic errors and errors where the transcriber misheard what I said or did not understand it. Regrettably I have used up all available Annual Leave producing this Book Set so it is likely to be a year or longer before I have time to proofread the entire set. However, Father has stated to me that He has been waiting a long time (19 years) for me to make these documents available and that He would rather I publish them now in their present form than wait for a further indeterminate period for me to proofread and publish.
This set provides a comprehensive analysis of the current spiritual dispensation and also why marriage in this age is such a mess and HOW to fix it. I therefore encourage you to read these texts allowing for the possibly of minor mis-transcription to a limited degree.
These recordings were made in 2000 at a time when I was receiving considerable revelation on diverse topics with the result that my doctrine changed substantially during and after the recording of these teachings, nevertheless the fundamental message of these teachings is sound and very important and inspired at a significant level.
Accordingly I must advise caution in reading these texts – there ARE MANY important truths but they are intermingled with significant error relating to the Name of the Almighty, the Name of Yahooshua {Jesus}, the Person of Yahooshua, the Bible and related topics that mostly do NOT impact the overall marriage teaching.
This is introduction to volume three of the marriage series, as part of the total suite of teachings entitled, God's plan for healing marriage in the 7th millennium. Volume 3, the marriage teachings relates to practical application of the marriage teachings. This set of tapes, 12 tapes in all, contains a diversity of teachings on the practical aspects of the teachings in the previous volumes of marriage types, determining who you really married to, recovering from divorce and adultery, sanctifying your marriage, building the one flesh bond, in terms of practical guidance, in terms of our what God has shown me He intended sexual marriage to be, and the diversity of other issues. Each type deals with very specific points. The tapes do interrelate to a point and all of them cross reference in tapes, volumes 1 and 2 in this series. Again, as with the previous volumes, I must stress, God has built up this picture in a very precise and very specific sequence. It's an iterative process building higher and higher on the foundations of each tape. To go in randomly, just to listen to it, is a sure-fire recipe for offense, stumbling and sinning against God.
Please do not allow yourself to get tricked by Satan, into trying to take short of this teaching, it is an extremely complex and challenging subject. The stakes are very high, the beauty and the magnitude of the awesome vision of what God intended marriage to be is of such greatness, that Satan is hellbent on preventing this from coming to pass. We've gone through continuous attacks over the last few years, as good God has been revealing this to us. We've suffered great personal loss, we find ourselves with witches covenants praying against us, cursing us, and all sorts of other indications of serious attacks by the enemy. Therefore, please, I appeal to you, it's taken me something over six years to come to a point where I've assembled all truths that God has given me into this format. And it was only literally, as I was giving these teachings, that many of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fell together in the way that I have. So please, do not cut corners. Work through this series, systematically. I know with absolute certainty, that if it is a firm resolve to get your marriage healed, God will heal it. We've seen miracles in our own lives, just in the time that we've been preparing these teachings and I have no doubt that we will need to listen to these teachings repeatedly to come to the place regard where God wants us to be. In Jesus’ name, amen.
05_01 Foundation for a Miracle – Fundamentals of the Faith
This is the first teaching in volume 3 of the series, 'Understanding God's way in Marriage'. Volume 3 deals with the practical application of the teachings on marriage. Volume 1 is a foundation of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. The praise and worship, which preceded this teaching, follows immediately, and the teaching starts off at about 30 minutes, in other words, about two thirds of the way through the first side of the tape. The 9th of December, the year 2000, this is the first tape in the third volume of the series of understanding God's way in marriage, and the series is entitled, 'The Practical Application of Teachings on Marriage'. Tape number 1, which is this teaching today, is the foundations for a miracle, basic Doctrines of the faith. The series of teaching in volume 3, builds on the scriptural understanding of marriage that was presented in volume 1, and it builds on the Scripture and spiritual principles that were taught in volume 2, with the picture and the vision that the Lord gave us of knowledge being hidden on Earth. In this 3rd volume, God-willing we will deal with a variety of issues in terms of what is the reality of divorce, and how does it actually come into existence, and what needs to be done spiritually and practically, determining whether one is in fact truly married to the person that one is living with, as husband and wife, and how to respond to the findings of that.
And then building a marriage, which is truly Heaven on earth, and various other aspects of which implicit in the teachings thus far, or so how to deal with the consequences of divorce, consequences of adultery and various other aspects which flow from the previous teachings. Each of those types will tie together the teachings thus far, in order to assist people in particular situations. Many of the principles that have been taught throughout the series, will apply, whether one believes in the Lord Jesus Christ or not. Aspects of submission, aspects of husbands laying down their lives for their wives, their one flesh bond, all of those things, are absolutely fundamental principles which are ingrained in the very fabric of mankind, as were created by Almighty God. Any person who takes the elements of these teachings and puts them into practice in their lives, will see their marriages improve. I have to say that I'm sincerely persuaded, that one will only truly experience Heaven on Earth if you walk and put into practice that which we talk about in the series, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Marriage – Heaven on Earth
As one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and as the Spirit of Jesus comes to dwell, as one receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in one, God provides us with spiritual power and the anointing, to bring about change in our lives, which is with all intents and purposes impossible if one has not undergone those basic steps in serving God and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ on Earth. Needless to say, in terms of applying these teachings, it does not matter how bad your marriage is, unless one partner has lost their salvation and is headed for Hell with no possibility of redemption, these teachings will work, if they're applied diligently and carefully. Let me just to remind you that Hebrews 6, 1 to 8 states very clearly, in verse 6, "If I fall away, to renew them again to repentance since they crucify, again for themselves the son of God put into an open shame.” And that verse of Scripture together with many others, shows very clearly that it is possible for a man and woman to lose their salvation in a way that they cannot again be redeemed. And increasingly, I see more and more clearly, that that is perhaps the only real basis on which the Lord Jesus Christ will truly permit a man to divorce his wife, or a woman to leave her husband.
Perhaps, a point in some respective marriages which are currently hell on Earth, may in actual fact be more readily healed than one where both partners are complacent, comfortable and do not see the need for change. And I just make that comment that, to seek a marriage which is Heaven on Earth is a personal choice, it's not something you are obliged to do. It is something that God wants to do in your life. But if you don't make a quality decision to go the way with God to do what you need to do, to deal with the things you need to deal with, some of which you may have seen if you've listened to the proceeding tapes, is going to be challenging, you cannot expect a miracle. God requires us to lay down our lives and to put Him first, to listen to Him and to give effect to what He tells us to do. He'll encourage you, by all means. Listen to the tapes that are proceeded. I would encourage you, after listening to this tape, to go back to wherever you may have left off, or go back to the beginning, if you haven't listened to the other tapes, and listen to those tapes first.
The Lord has taken us on a journey which has taken me several months of recording since middle of September, the year 2000. He's been opening my eyes and giving me daily revelations and blessing us in our marriage. I'm convinced that the route map that is contained in the 43 tapes that precede this teaching, is vital to come into a place of truly understanding what God has for us in marriage, why it is so important and what needs to be dealt with in order to get there. I stress, this set of tapes is not a quick fix and it's the culmination of a progressive development of understanding which is necessary for marriage to be Heaven on Earth, according to the Word of God. In this teaching, I'm going to address, essentially, headlines of the Christian faith. I would encourage you to follow in your Bible and read the full reference. I'm going to go through a very substantial number of Scriptures today, but I'm not going to read all of them in full. Time doesn't permit, but I would encourage you to read each passage of Scripture in full as we go through the tape.
In doing so, I must stress that the ordinances of God are there to help us, not to put a burden on us. Satan will almost certainly come to you as you go through the series, and as you go through this teaching and suggest to you that these are burdensome and onerous. They are not. They are things that God has given us to live victoriously in this life. And if we do them, and if we put them into practice in our lives, by faith, we will see the fruits of that. If we allow the devil to persuade us, that his way is better than God's, we will remain in bondage. The thought that comes to me is a fundamental principle of all that's contained in these teachings, is to see striving and to know that God is in control, and to let him work through these Scriptures, work through these teachings to bring about the change in your heart and your marriage that is necessary. I've also mentioned that if you’re one part of a marriage, and your spouse is not in the least bit interested in healing or saving the marriage, I'm profoundly convinced that if you will take everything in these teachings, which applies to your side of the marriage, your marriage can still be healed with the caveat, as I've said before.
Jesus is the Son of God
If the other party has announced their salvation and is irrevocably on their way to hell, then it is God's will that you come out of that marriage. So, I'm going to go through a number of headlines and side Scriptures without an enormous amount of discussion. I would ask you to meditate on these and understand that all of these create the foundation which enables you to be in a place to receive the miracle of healing of your marriage, and for that matter, any other miracle. To start with, the fundamental point is to accept that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that He came to Earth as a man, was crucified, died, and was buried. He then rose again on the 3rd day, and today He sits at the right hand of the Father.
John 1 verses 14 to 17, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. John bore witness of Him and cried out saying, this was He of whom I said, He who comes after to me, is preferred before me, for He was before me. And of His fullness, we have all received and grace for grace, for the Lord was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." Acts 2, 32 to 33, "This Jesus, God has raised up of which we are all witnesses, therefore, being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the Father, the promise of the Holy Spirit. He poured out this, which you now see in here." Luke 24, 46 and 47, "Then He said to them, thus that is written and thus it is necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the 3rd day, and that repentance and the remission of sins should be preached to His name, to all the nations beginning at Jerusalem.”
It’s also important to understand that God had said that He will never leave us nor forsake us., Hebrews 13 and 5. Having accepted that Jesus Christ is Lord, the next important and vital step is to be born again, to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, that Jesus Christ is the Lord. John 3, 3, "Jesus answered and said, you most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." There are other Scriptures which speak of the same thing. Water baptism, Mark 16, 16 says, "He who believes and is baptized, will be saved, but he, who does not believe, will be condemned." We therefore see that water baptism is a fundamental element of the early steps of becoming a believer. If you're listening to these tapes and you do not have a personal saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, if you're not sure if you're born again, there is, at the end of many of the types in the series, a short set of steps with regards to salvation and a prayer for salvation, which I would encourage you to pray.
If you are on your own, if you're able to get in touch with the congregation or a Church, I would encourage you to go there and for them council you and disciple you. If you're in a really difficult situation and unable to get to a formal Church, I would suggest that you pray and ask the Lord to send somebody across your path who can help you. But remember that Jesus is everywhere, and the Father is everywhere. If you pray, sincerely in your heart, wherever you are right now, for Him to come into your heart, He will come into your heart. We're not dependent on men. Men are the agents that God uses to help us, but Jesus will save you if you are in the most remote part of the world and are unable to talk to a single person who has a personal knowledge of Him.
Water baptism
Matthew 28, 18 to 20, "And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, all authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things that I've commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen." Mark 1, 4, "John came, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins." That's important to understand that water baptism is a symbolic washing away of the sins of your past and a symbolic cleansing, it’s an act… prayed and to be cleansed from that which has held you in the past. Acts 2, 41 to 42, "then those who gladly received his word, were baptized. In that day, about 30,000 souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly, and the apostles Doctrine and fellowship and the breaking of bread and in pairs." Acts 10, 46 to 48, "For they heard them speak with tongues and magnified God. Then Peter answered, can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized, who has received the Holy Spirit just as we have? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to stay a few days."
So, you see, that water baptism is a fundamental part of coming to salvation. We also see that there is no prerequisite that you go through some lengthy process of teaching before you can be water baptized. You may be water baptized the moment you have prayed the prayer of salvation. The sacrament of the Covenant or communion breaking of bread. Matthew 26, 26 to 28, "And those that were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to the disciples and said, take, eat, this is My body. Then He took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying, drink from it, all of you, this is My blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for many through remission of sins."
1 Corinthians 11, 23 to 32, we read Paul saying, "For I receive from the Lord that which is also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the same night in which He was betrayed, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you, do this in remembrance of Me. And in the same manner, He also took the cup after supper saying, this cup is the new Covenant in My blood, do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me. For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. Therefore, whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drinketh of the cup, for he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner, eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this reason, many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep, for if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.”
So, we see that we are commanded to regularly partake of the bread and wine and commemoration of Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross. We also see that we are commanded to examine ourselves and to deal with sin in our lives, and to judge ourselves before taking the sacraments. And we see that that is a reasonable why many are weak and sick. And so, it’s important that we take communion regularly, but in doing so, recognizing that we are celebrating and remembering the Covenant cut on Jesus' flesh. And in the same way, we should recognize that every time a husband and wife make love and join sexually with the associated flow of blood to the sexual organs, the marriage Covenant is celebrated and remembered. That should be treated accordingly, as a sacred and a holy act. The fact that it has become so perverted with lust and carnality in the world today, does not alter the fact that the act of sexual love making between husband and wife is the most deeply spiritual act that they can perform outside of their communion with Jesus.
Faith. Hebrews 11, 6, "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Galatians 5, 6, "For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision or uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love." Hebrews 11, 1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is an absolutely fundamental component of the Christian walk. We have to believe that Jesus is who He says He is. We have to accept that by faith because we cannot see Him with our natural eyes. And we have to walk by faith. Seeing through a glass darkly and dimly what the Father is showing us, in order that we may be judged worthy at the end to sit home, rule and reign with Jesus on thrones for Eternity, or at the very least to dwell in Heaven for Eternity. Faith is absolutely fundamental to every aspect of what we're talking about here. Your marriage will not be healed if you do not have faith for your marriage to be healed, if you do not read the Scriptures, do not listen to the teachings and see clearly the picture of your marriage healed by faith. The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Washing of feet
Washing of feet, John 13, 1 to 17, and I'll just read selected verses. “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come, that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own, who were in the world, He loved them to the end. And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot’s son to betray him, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he'd come from God and was going to God, raised from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. Then He came to Simon and Peter, and Peter said, Lord, are you washing my feet, Jesus answered and said to him, what I'm doing, you do not understand now, but you will know after this. Peter said to them, you shall never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, if I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.
Simon and Peter said to Him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus said to them, he who's bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean, and you are clean, but not all of you, for He knew who would betray Him, therefore, He said, you are not all clean. So, when He had washed their feet, taken off his garments and sat down again, he said to them, do you know what I've done to you? You call me teacher and Lord, and you say, well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet, for I have given you an example that you should do as I've done you. Most assuredly, I say to you, the servant is not greater than his master, nor is he who has sinned greater than he, who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you, if you do them.”
And washing of feet is something that is not frequently done in the body of Christ today, but clearly, we are told in this passage of Scripture that this is something that Jesus requires us to do. One might argue that because we don't have dirt roads and don’t walk around in sandals, it's not unnecessary to wash one another's feet. I'm not sure that the Lord sees it that way. 1 Timothy 5, 9 and 10, "Do not let a widow under 60 years old be taken into the number unless she has been the wife of one man, well reported for good works, if she has brought up children, if she has loved strangers, if she's washed the saints feet, if she should lead the afflicted, if she had diligently followed every good word."
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
The baptism of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 3, 11 to 13, "I, indeed baptize you unto repentance," And this is John the Baptist speaking. "But He who's coming after me, is mightier than I, whose sandals I'm not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing shovel is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His flesh and floor, and gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Then Jesus came from Galilee to John of the Jordan, to be baptized by him." Luke 11, 13, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him." John Seven 7, 38 and 39, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water, but this he spoke concerning the Spirit for those believing in Him would receive, for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified." Acts 1, 7 to 9, "And He said to them, it is not for you to know the times of seasons, it’s the Father was has put in His own authority, but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sumeria and to the end of the Earth. Now, when he had spoken these things while they watched, He was taken up and a cloud received Him out of their sight."
Acts 2, 4, "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 19, 1 to 6, "And it happened while Apollos was in Corinth that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus and finding some disciples, he said to them, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? And so, they said to him, we've not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit. And he said to them, into what then were you baptized? So, they said, into John's baptism. Then Paul said, John indeed baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on him, who would come after him”, that is on Jesus Christ. “When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied."
And so, we see this very clearly, God's intention that the Holy Spirit should be given to every believer, and that it is a specific impartation of the spirit and it is given by the laying on of hands, other than in exceptional circumstances as we saw in Acts 2. This is something for every believer, it’s not a selective gift and it is a very important gift that we should all seek again, to encourage you if you've not received that gift, to seek it. The tape on the anointing, in volume 2 contains some guidance with regards to receiving the Holy Spirit, but you do need to make contact with somebody who can lay hands on you and pray for you. Again, if you're an exceptional situation, if you're locked away somewhere and you cannot get to a believer who can impart the Holy Spirit to you, I have no doubt, that if you ask in faith without doubting, the Father will hear your prayer and that drives you with the Holy Spirit singularly.
Praise and worship
Praise and worship. Psalm 100, verses 3 to 5, "Know that the Lord, He is God. It is He who has made us and not we, ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name, for the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations." Hebrews 13, 15 and 16, "Wherefore by Him, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices, God is well pleased."
Jeremiah 33, 11, "The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who will say, praise the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for His mercy endures forever. And of those who will bring the sacrifice to praise into the house of the Lord for I will cause the captors who land to return [inaudible 00:58:44.05], says the Lord." Praise and worship is a fundamental part of serving God. It's what opens the doors for us to go into His courts, and praise with thanksgiving. And it's absolutely vital that we do not ignore the need for praise and worship, that we come into praise and worship with absolute inhibition. And we saw in one of the previous teachings, that everything that has breath must praise the Lord. Praise should be completely abandoned and uninhibited not in a carnal way and pay no attention to what people think of us. We should be focused purely on magnifying God and showing our love to Him and just giving our all to Him in whatever gestures and movements that the Holy Spirit leads us to.
The name of Jesus
Philippians 2, 5 to 11, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the Cross. Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name, which is above every name, but at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of those in Heaven and those on Earth and those under the earth. And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father." Ephesians 5, 20 and 21, "Giving thanks, always for all the things to God the father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God." 1 Corinthians 5, 4, "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you gather together, along with my Spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Again, important to understand that the name of Jesus is part of the Covenant. And if you listen to the tape on [inaudible 01:00:42.08] tape number 14 in volume 2, you will gain a better understanding of why the name of Jesus is so powerful. When Jesus cut Covenant with us, and when we accepted that Covenant when we were born again, we were given the prerogative to use the name of Jesus with authority. We come in His name, we no longer come in our own name. And that name is the name of all names, as we've just read, and in terms of that, you have authority over the devil and his cohorts. Relevant to understand, just as the word Yahweh is the correct name of God the Father, Yahooshua is a more accurate rendition of the word that we know, translated Jesus, which is a Greek word. It seems that Jesus walked the earth with the name either, Yahooshua or Yashoo. There seemed to be still discussion as to what the correct spelling and pronunciation would have been, but it's important that we understand these factors.
We've spoken about love, repeatedly throughout the series. Just a few key verses. 1 John, 3, 23 and 24, “and this is His Commandment that we should believe on the name of His son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as He gave us Commandment. Now, he who keeps His Commandments abides in Him, and by this, we know that He abides in us, and by the Spirit to whom He has given us." So, we are commanded to love one another. Leviticus 19,18, "You shall not take vengeance, nor bare any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord." Matthew 22, 36 to 40, "Teacher, what is the great Commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind." This is the first and great Commandment, and the second is like it. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these 2 Commandments, hang all the law on the prophets." Romans 13, 9 and 10, "For the Commandments, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not bare false witness, you shall not covet. And if there's any other Commandment, all are summed up in the same, namely, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.” And we have taught at length from 1 Corinthians 13 and a number of teachers in the series, so I won’t address that here, but again, I refer you to the teaching on agape has said, the love of God on tape 14 of volume 2 of this series.
The blood of Jesus
Ephesians 2, 13 to 22, "But now in Christ Jesus, you who were once far off, have been brought near by the blood of Christ, for He, Himself is our peace who is made both one and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in his flesh, the enmity that is the law of Commandments, contained in ordinances, so as to create on himself one new man from the two, thus making peace." Verse 22, "In him, you also are being brought together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit." So, we see that the blood of the Covenant has purchased our salvation. It’s brought us the gentiles into the Kingdom of God. Hebrews 12, 22 to 24, "But you've come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of Angels, to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn, who are registered in Heaven, to God the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus, the mediator of the new Covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things than that of Abel."
Hebrews 13, 20 and 21, "Now may the God of peace, who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting Covenant, make you complete in every good work, to do His will, working in what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever, amen." Revelation 1, 5 and 6, " And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the Earth, to Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him, be glory and dominion forever and ever, amen." And so, we see the blood is an absolutely fundamental part of the Covenant. The blood that was shed at Calvary bought our salvation, it bought our healing, it bought our right to become children of God, it bought everything that is significant in the Christian walk. And therefore, the blood is extremely powerful. We may pray and ask the Father to cover us with the blood of Jesus, from the top of our heads, to the soles of our feet to protect us from demonic attacks. We can plead the blood over any situation when the devil is attacking us. And we should be aware of the power of the blood and we should not treat blood likely.
Matthew 18, 20, "Jesus said, where two or three gather together in My name, I am in the midst of them." Hebrews 10, 24, 27 says, "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as it is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much the more, as you see the day approaching, for if we sin willfully after we've received the knowledge of the truth, there is no longer the sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.” It's important to be in fellowship and it's important to try and walk the Christian walk on your own. God can speak to you through others, whether that’s through face to face contacts, through books, through tapes, whatever. We should fellowship as He leads, wherever He needs, whenever He needs.
1 Corinthians 7, 5, "Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again so that Satan does not tempt because of your lack of self-control.” This is relating specifically to a husband and wife, refraining from sexual conduct for a period as part of fasting. Acts 14, 23, "So, when they had appointed elders in every Church and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, in whom they had believed.” Acts 13 2 and 3, "As they the ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, now separate for me Barnabas and Saul the work to which I have called them. Then having fasted and prayed and laid hands on them, they sent them away."
Fasting is again, one of the ordinances of Scripture which we tend to overlook in this modern age. Fasting is the means whereby we may afflict the flesh and bring our appetites into submission. If you’re fasting at the lead of the Holy Spirit, you'll find you will not experience significant hunger, your body may react the first couple of times that you fast, but a pattern of regular fasting will bring about a situation in which your flesh is less able to interfere with your spiritual walk. At the end of the day, we are all spirits, living in bodies, and most of us are controlled by our spirits, by the lust of our flesh, whether it’s our appetites which demand food at regular and irregular times and interfere with our prayer and service to God, whether it’s our sexual lusts, whether it’s any other aspect of carnal life that causes us to be less diligent in serving God. Regular fasting will make a great difference. And I've shared during this series of teachings that as of the date of this message, since September, we're now in December, I've been on 6, 3 days fast intervals of approximately 10 days with the break after the forth fast. And in each of those, I've seen increasing revelation, increasing healing in our marriage and growing closer to God, and I feel profoundly at this stage that anybody who's listening to this tape, and particularly anybody who has serious issues to deal with in the marital situation, whether its seeking to have their marriage healed, whether it's potentially going into a divorce situation, whatever it might be, I would encourage you to start fasting at least one day a week, perhaps on the Sabbath on Saturday. Then over a period of some weeks to come to a place where you're on a 3 day fast on a fairly regular basis, seeking God's guidance to help you.
James 1 verse 27, "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” Psalm 68, 5 “and our Father of the fatherless a defender of widows is God and his holy habitation.” Matthew 25, 31 to 46, which speaks of the separation of the sheep and the goats and the key criteria is given to us in verse 34 onwards. “Then the king,” that's Jesus, “will say to those on his right hand, come, you're blessed with my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared you from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink. When did we see you as a stranger and take you in or naked and clothed you, or when did we see you sick or in prison and come to you? And the king will answer and say to them, assuredly, I say to you, and as much as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me.” And so, we see that it's absolutely vital that we minister to anybody that the Lord brings across our path, no matter how down and out and how distasteful we may feel their appearance is.
Scripture is the final authority. 2 Timothy 3 verses 16 to 17, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. John 6, 63, "It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing, the words that I speak to you are Spirit and they are life." John 1, 14, "And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth." Psalm 119, 105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and the light to my path." And in fact, all of Psalm 119 speaks of the importance of the Word of God.
It's important that we understand that the Word of God is spirit and life. We're not just reading a dead book, we're reading a book which is in fact Jesus personified in a way that is available to us. As we read the Word of God, we are hearing from Jesus and we are feeding our spirits. Even the passages in Scripture, which seem tedious and irrelevant, such as the genealogy in Genesis and Matthew, and so forth, we need to understand. God put them there for a purpose. There's nourishment for our souls and our spirits, which we don’t understanding, in the same way that if you need a piece of meat, you don't understand how that piece of meat nourishes your body. If you're in a wilderness situation and you're forced to eat something, which is really unpalatable, you still don't understand how it's nourishing your body, and it's therefore vital to read the Word of God daily, a discipline which certainly is advocated by many. I believe a valid discipline is to read Genesis to Malachi at least once a year, Matthew to Revelations 4 times a year, read a Proverb every day and read through the whole of Psalms every month or so. Once you've done that, then attend to supplementary reading books, tapes, videos, etcetera.
Remember that the work of man is just there in order to assist you and guide you. It is not the substitute for the Word of God. There is generally some level in everything that is spoken by men. None of us are perfect, only Jesus is perfect. And therefore, whatever man teaches, will contain elements which are not according to the Word of God. The Scriptures were given originally in Hebrew or Aramaic, the Greek is the translation. There were also different manuscripts, particularly the New Testament, and the variation between some of these manuscripts. Also be aware that the English is a translation. There are many different translations of the Word of God available. The amplified Bible provides some very useful insight. The Living Torah, which is a Jewish translation of the Old Testament, is a very anointed translation. The King James version is considered by many to be more accurate than the others, but it contains its own errors. So, it's advisable not to read the same translation the whole time, to read different translations every time you read the Bible.
Be aware, that if you have a Bible with an integrated commentary, it's very easy to allow your mind to become confused and read the words in the commentary as being part of the Bible. I'm inclined to suggest that it's preferable to read a Bible and a separate commentary, and to keep clear that the Scriptures themselves are the Word of God or mans' best presentation translation in English of the Word of God, whereas anything else is likely to be more fallible. In that regard, we are commanded in Scripture, that we should regard no man as our teacher. Matthew 23, 8 to 10 says, "But you do not be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on Earth your father, for one is your father, He who is in Heaven. And do not be called teachers, for one is your teacher the Christ, and Christ is the anointing, the Holy Spirit." John 14, 26, "But the hype of the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." We should certainly look to other men on this earth for teachings that will help us and guide us, but we are responsible for before God, for discerning any error there may be in their teachings and finding the truth.
Tithes. Hebrews 7, 4 to 11, "Now consider how great this man was, to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave [inaudible 01:16:18.12]." And we see in that passage that there is a lengthy teaching on the ties that Abraham gave to Narchizidik, and we see the tithes are still part of the New Testament, despite what some would have us believe. Malachi 3, 8 to 12, "Will a man rob God, yet you've robbed me, but you say, in what way have we robbed you in tithes and offerings? You're cursed with a curse, for you have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house and try me now, in this says the Lord of hosts. If I will not open for you, the windows of Heaven, and pour out for you such a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the fields, says the Lord of hosts. And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land, says the Lord of hosts."
I really believe that it is vital that if you are seeking God to do a major work in your life, that if you are not currently tithing, you should be tithing. It is an ordinance, it is a Commandment of God, it is giving a tenth to God of that which He has given to you. And Malachi, the passage that we've just read is very clear on God's view on people who don't tithe and the effect that it has. Again, I stress, this is not something that's onerous or unpleasant that's God's trying to do to us, it is a requirement that opens a door for God to bless us and to rebuke the devil in our lives. If we don’t tithe, we cannot expect the devil to be driven out of our lives. There are various extended teachings on tithing and there are various principles regarding tithing. The question you may have to ask yourself if you have your own business, is whether you should be tithing 10% off the top of your income into the business and then a further 10% off your drawings out of the business. This is what we've been led to do, and I know of other instances where God has very clearly shown people that the business should tithe and then the individual should tithe as well.
Pray daily. James 5, 16, "Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." 1 John5, 16, "If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin, which does not lead to death, he will ask and he will give him life, for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death, and I do not say that he should pray about that.” 1 Peter 4, 7 to 9, "But the end of all things is at hand, therefore, be serious and watchful in your prayers. And above all things, have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling." It’s vital that we pray daily, that we seek the face of God, that we seek to share his voice. There's no substitute to receiving direct guidance from God, and in the series that have been taught so far, there have been various prayers that have been shared, for example Father, bring the people that you want into my life, and take the people that you don’t want out. Father, open doors in my life that no man may close and close doors in my life that no man may open. Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I might serve you more perfectly. All prayed in Jesus’ name. And many other praise and discussions that can take place between us and God.
Tongues. Acts 2, 4, "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them actions." Acts 10, 46, "For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God, then Peter answered." 1 Corinthians 14, 5, "I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied, for he who prophesizes is greater than he who speaks in tongues, unless indeed, he interprets it the Church may receive verification." 1 Corinthians 14, 39, "Therefore, brethren desire endlessly to prophesy and do not forbid to speak with tongues." 1 Corinthians 14, 2, "For he, who speaks in a tongue, does not speak to men, but to God, for no one understands him. However, in the Spirit, he speaks mysteries." And we see there again, the gift of tongues through the baptism of the Holy Spirit is available to everybody. This seems to be distinct from the gift of tongues in the area of prophecy. And the teaching on …, which is included in volume 2 of the series, deals at length with the factors that, if we pray in tongues, we speak mysteries and hidden secrets to God, we exercise our most holy faith. The Holy Spirit, who dwells within us, is able to pray through men on Earth, the perfect will of God in our own lives and in the Earth. Its therefore vital that we pray in tongues on a regular basis.
Sabbath and Holy days
Sabbath and Holy days, we are told throughout Scripture to observe the Sabbath. It's true that in the New Testament, Paul does indicate a relaxation in terms of honoring days. But again, if we seek to love God and to honor his Commandments, we should honor the Sabbath, and Saturday is the true Sabbath, Sunday is a day that was brought in about 300 AD by the Gentile Church, seeking to distance itself from the Jewish roots of Christianity. Increasingly, we are encountering people that God is speaking to, and who are observing the true Sabbath, which is Saturday from six o'clock or sunset on Friday evening to the sunset on Saturday evening. It's also important to understand that the Holy Days, the festivals, the tabernacles, Passover, etc. are not abolished, and if we love God, we will observe his Holy Days.
Daily self-examination and repentance
Daily self-examination and repentance. Matthew 3, 8 "Therefore, bear fruit worthy of repentance." Mark 1, 15, saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel." Revelation 2, 5, "Remember therefore, from where you have fallen, repent and do the first works, or else, they will come too quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place, unless you repent." 1 John 1, 8 to 10, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we're making a lie and His Word is not in us." It's absolutely vital that we develop a personal discipline of examining ourselves in the Word of God daily, that the moment we see that we're in an error or deception or have done wrong in any area, that we go immediately to the son of Christ, that we confess our sins, repent of our sins, we make a quality decision to turn away from that sin, we ask for forgiveness, we receive the forgiveness and we walk in that repentance and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us to walk up that new direction.
If there are demons behind the behavior, you may need deliverance. There are 2 tapes in volume 2, which deal with the aspects of deliverance and cleansing the temple of the Holy Spirit. From that, one may go into a full series on deliverance. Keep in mind, that the word of God is likened to a mirror. James 1, 23 and 24, "For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he's like a man observing his natural face in a mirror, for he observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.” In other words, we should read the Word of God, we should see what the Word of God says about our situation and we should put it into practice.
Holiness and sanctification
Holiness and sanctification, 1 Peter 1, 16, "Because it was written, be holy, for I am holy." Joshua 3, 5, "And Joshua said to the people, sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow, the Lord will do wonders among you." Leviticus 20 verse 18, "For man lies with a woman during her sickness and uncovers her nakedness, he has exposed her flow, she has uncovered the flow of her blood. Both of them should be cut off from their people." The specific example of where we should sanctify ourselves under specific Scripture injunctions for conduct, which is sinful. Acts 21, 25, "But concerning the Gentiles who believe we have written and decided that they should observe no such thing except that they should keep themselves from things offered to idols from blood, from things strangled and from sexual immorality.” This does not indicate that the other ordinances are not important to God. These are the minimum requirements for new believers coming out of a highly pagan environment. As one grows closer to God, as one seeks to honor His Commandments, our own experiences are that we will become increasingly convicted of the Holy Spirit to observe the other ordinances of Scripture.
1 John 5, 3 to 4, "For this is the love of God, that we keep His Commandments, and His Commandments are not burdensome. For whatever is born of God, overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith.” So, if we love God, we will seek to honor all His Commandments, and in doing so, we will sanctify ourselves and set ourselves apart from the world. We will seek to deal with those aspects of our life that are not pleasing to God, we will reduce the amount of time we spend in the things of the world, listening to the news, watching television, watching secular programs and devote more and more time to the Word of God.
Death to self
Death to self. Galatians 2, 20, "I've been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” We have to come to a revelation of the Cross, we have to come to a revelation where our bodies are in the natural sense of corrupt. Ephesians 4, 22 and 23, "What you put off concerning your former conduct, the old man which goes corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind." Romans 6, 6, "Knowing this that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we could no longer be slaves of sin." The whole process of circumcision, of death to self is a prolonged process that takes the entire life here on Earth, if we are diligent and if we desire it with our hearts. It's not something we can do in our own strength, it's a work of the Spirit, but it's a work of faith. In other words, we must exercise our faith and ask to be crucified with Christ, ask for our flesh and our carnal nature to be put to death.
The coming judgement
The coming judgement. Hebrews 6, 1 to 2, "Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principals of Christ, let us go onto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith toward God. Of the Doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment." Hebrews 9, 27 and 28, "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this, the judgment.” So, Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many to those who eagerly wait for him. He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. James 3, 1, "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." 1 John 4, 17, "Love has been perfected among us in this, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as He is, so we in this world." And 14, 10 to 13, "But why do you judge your brother, or why do share content for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, as I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me and every tongue shall confess to God. So, then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block to cause a fall in our brother's way.”
And we see that judgment is an elementary principal. We face judgment at the end of this life, and we're judged in this life. Many Christians don't recognize that. It is an important element of seeking God. We do not have the prerogative to hold on to our false doctrines and false teachings. And if we do, we cannot expect miracles in our lives, we cannot expect our marriages to be healed if we willfully refuse to accept the things that the Word of God says concerning marriage, and equally, if we willfully continue to believe things which we know are contrary to the Word of God.
Greater works
Luke 24, 49, "Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you, but tell the city of Jerusalem until you are endured with power from on high." John 14, 12 to 15, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he, who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also, and greater works in these, he will do because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. If you love Me, keep My Commandments." 1 Peter 2, 24, "who Himself, bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness by His stripes, we were healed. And My God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
And so, we see that Jesus expressly told us in John 14, that we would do greater works than Him, not just the apostles that followed immediately, but all believers. And therefore, we're able to come boldly to the throne of grace and to expect miracles. Healing is available to everybody who believes in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, you can be healed from whatever infirmity you have, you may be delivered from whatever demons are oppressing you. Your needs will be supplied according to His riches and glory. You can live in divine health and divine prosperity if you will do what the Scriptures require you to do, to come into the place where you can receive that. Mark 16, verse 15 to 20, and he said to them, "Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He, who believes and is baptized, will be saved, but he, who does not believe, will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe. In My name, they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover." So, then after the Lord had spoken to them, he was received up into Heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God, and they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the Word through the accompanying signs, amen.
Those are the basic foundational aspects of the Christian faith. All of them, you may well be familiar with and be exercising in your own life. If you are not, I would encourage you to attend to any aspect that you are not applying in your life. If there are elements, such as the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the speaking in tongues that you've not yet received, I would encourage you to seek that. Earnestly we are told to seek the best gifts. If you do not have experience with personal prophecy, I would suggest that you ask God to send prophets across your path to give you the direction and correction where that may necessary. If you've not experienced divine healing, I would encourage you to seek that. The more you seek to understand the fullness of God and His blessings, and at the same time, seek to become holy and sanctified, the more you will be in a position to see a miracle in your marriage, to see your marriage truly become Heaven on Earth, to truly become a prophetic sign to the world of what God intended marriage to be.
And as we walk in that level of unity, for people to begin to see that Jesus Christ really did walk the Earth, because He said, when we come into unity, then people will know that Jesus is who He claimed to be. The tapes that follow this deal with the practical application of these teachings in a variety of areas. I would encourage you to select the ones that apply to your situation.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that anything that I've spoken that is not according to Your Word or Your will, would be blown away and find no root in the hearers, but that which of is of You, Father, I ask that it will implanted and then grafted in the hearts of those who share this message, that it will take root and that it will bear abundant fruit to your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.
05_02 Healing Marriage -Who Are You Really Married to?
This is tape number 2 in volume 3 of the series, Understanding God's way in marriage. And this volume 3 deals with healing of marriage, the practical application of the teachings thus far. And the title of this teaching is - Who are you really married to? This is an extremely difficult and challenging teaching, which builds on everything. It has been taught so far in the series, and I would strongly urge anybody who has come to this tape without going through the preceding 44 or so tapes, to actually turn back to the place that you deviated from that journey and resume the journey. I need to stress that as onerous as it may seem, to work through all of the tapes preceding, the level of the extent to which the teachings of the Church today deviate from Scripture, is in such a magnitude, that if you've not walked the full journey with us, the probability of you being at the least unclear as to why much of what is said in this teaching here, and at worst, holy offended, because you did not understand the full context and the beauty of what is actually revealed when we've dealt with some of the immensely challenging issues that are the subject to this teaching.
So, I would really urge you, if you haven't listened to the previous tapes, please go back. I would suggest to you that it won't take you long to listen to all the tapes in this series. If you make a point of listening to the tapes whenever you're in your car, or if you travel by bus or by train, that you get a Walkman or something, and listen to the tapes. Even if you set aside an hour and a half every day to listen to one tape, whether it's in your quiet time, whether it's while you're preparing doing household chores or whatever the case may be. If you're serious about getting your marriage healed, I would really urge you to take the full journey through this teaching. Please record as we get into the subject of this message, the teaching or judgment, the reality that if you're living in adultery, you will be judged in this life and the last to come. The reality that Scripture says adulterers will not inherit the Kingdom of God and will have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death. Remember the teachings of the love of God, is that we keep His Commandments. And therefore, as we deal with the immensely challenging aspects which constitute the body of this teaching, please understand, what is said here is not said lightly. It is said after very careful consideration and prayer to ensure that what is said is best able to communicate it accurately according to the Word of God and the will of God in this world.
God wants to set us free. He does not want us judged of adultery on the Day of judgment, and possibly condemned to Eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone or at the very least a significant sentence in that area. He wants us to walk in victory in this life, and He wants us to sit on thrones and rule and reign with Jesus for Eternity. But we can only come to that place if our lives are holy and sanctified, and if there were problems in our marriage and particularly the spiritual issues, which are the core of this teaching, that’s not going to be the case. So, please pray about it, listen carefully, pray some more, contact me for clarification if that's necessary, but please take this teaching to heart. If you find yourself in one of the categories where the issues raised in this teaching potentially apply, please do not ignore it. It has to be confronted. Before I go further, I would ask you to pray with me, that we may just take authority over anything, which will inhibit you from receiving the truths that are in this message that may apply in your situation.
Father, we come to Yin the name of Jesus. We ask You for wisdom and understanding in the matter of this teaching. I pray for every person who shares this teaching, that You open the ears of their understanding, ears of their heart, to hear clearly that which is from You to them at this time. Father, I ask that You close the ears to any other voice that would speak to them. I speak to any demon or fallen angel within hearing of this message, and then in the name of Jesus, I bind you, I command you to go down and be silent, and not to interfere with the reception of this message in any way. In Jesus’ name, and I ask you Father, in the name of Jesus, to send your mighty warring Angels to encamp around everybody listening to this message, to protect them and to silence any demon that could interfere with their receiving this message. In Jesus' name, we thank You for that.
A couple of key Scriptures, which are pivotal to the subject of this teaching, but before I go into those, the key question, which is the subject of this teaching, is that before we can ask God to heal our marriage, we need to be clear who we are actually married to. I remind you particularly of the teachings around the fact that sexual intercourse with a virgin woman by a man, constitutes the act of marriage in the sight of God, and that a man who's taken a woman's virginity, is married to her. A number of Scriptures that have been cited and support this, Deuteronomy 22 verses 28 and 29, "If a man finds a young woman who's a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they find out, then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman's father 50 shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her. He shall not be permitted to divorce her or put it away all his days.”
So, we see the act of taking a woman's virginity, constitutes the act of marriage, and there are many of the Scriptures that deal with it. So, we have the potential tragic reality, that a man who has lived for many years with a woman who's regarded as his wife, but who is not a virgin on the night that they consummated their marriage, may discover that in fact, in the sight of God, they've been living in adultery for all of that time, and that she is in fact, the wife of another man. I cited the example of an instance where we ministered prophetically to a woman in her late 40's, in the ministry, and we were not expecting anything of this nature. She was in the process of undergoing a civil divorce from a man that she'd been married to for many years, and to him, she had understood herself to have had two children. And during eight hours of prophetic ministry, during which we were given words of knowledge and she was given numerous versions by the Holy Spirit, a story unfolded, which was completely unknown to her. That was, that as the age of about 16, she had been hypnotized. While under hypnosis, she'd been taken through a full marriage ceremony, including vows and a marriage that had been consummated in which her virginity was taken. The man in question had subsequently, not under hypnosis, asked her to marry him, and her father had forbidden it and she'd subsequently married another man.
Years later, she came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and eventually, the man she was married to, did not come to salvation and eventually they got divorced at the leading of the Holy Spirit. We were ministering to her after the decision to divorce him had taken place. During that ministry, the Lord showed her for the first time, since it had happened, approximately 30 years earlier, she had been hypnotized and that she had gone through this wedding ceremony. He also showed her that the man who did this to her, was a man who had popped up repeatedly through her life and who is now a very good friend and they were talking of marriage. The Lord also showed her that during her legal marriage to the man who was her husband in the sight of the world, the man who had hypnotized her, had encountered her at her hotel, hypnotized her, had sex with her, and that in fact, one of the children was fathered by him and not as she had understood, by the man she was married to. So, 30 years after the event, after something like 25 or 28 years of marriage, she discovered that for all those years, in the sight of God, she'd been living in adultery. God and His mercy now had ended that marriage, and by grace, had brought this other man, who was also born again, back into her life, the man who was in fact, in the sight of God, her true husband and the father of one of the children. When she eventually plucked up the courage to confront him, he confessed and even had photographs to confirm what the Holy Spirit had shown her in visions.
I mentioned this in some detail because it just demonstrates so critically the essence of this message - who are you really married to? She had lived for close to 30 years, believing that she was married to a particular man, only to discover, when the marriage came to an end, and it was not a good marriage. He used and abused her, which is almost inevitable when spiritually, they're living in adultery. But she discovered after nearly 30 years, that she was married to another man, and the only way that she could go forward in any form of matrimony, was to be married to that man or to be restored or returned to that man. It is a really stunning revelation, and we were amazed at what the Lord showed us on that particular occasion, because we were not expecting anything like it, but it showed us in a very dramatic fashion, how the Lord sees things very differently to the way we do.
In stark contrast to that and another session of ministry was with another individual, a woman in her mid-20's who had been sexually molested and had intercourse at the age of about 14 with her uncle. Subsequently, she ran away from home, and went through a series of fairly long-term sexual relationships, including one man with whom she lived with for 5 years, who eventually, one day she came home from work and found her belongings on the pavement with bye, leave or thank you. He just unceremoniously kicked her out. A woman who was really broken in many respects who desperately wanted to be married but was just being used by one unbelieving man after another. As we prayed for her, she had a vision in which she saw her hymen regrow and her virginity restored, and the Lord very clearly showed her that she was now a virgin of Israel.
So, a stark contrast between the 2 cases, which according to our natural understanding, makes no sense at all. But if you understand that it is against the Torah, against the Scriptures regarding marriage for an uncle to marry his niece. And we understand why, in the second case, the father released the girl and restored her virginity because it was taken by man acting contrary to Scripture and abusing the relationship that he had. In the first instance, just taken fraudulently under hypnosis, but the man and the women were eligible in the sight of God to marry. I pray that if you were in the unfortunate position of being a woman, who is not a virgin on her wedding night, or a man who's married to such a woman or has lived as being married to such a woman for many years, that you will understand just how awesome and, if you like, terrible the subject of this teaching is, but I have to say to you, however you may feel threatened right now, by the subject to this teaching, I would encourage you to listen through to the end and then to act on the prayers that it proposed. There is hope, but we must act according to Scripture and according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It does no good to become offended, and some people have become, as I've shared these truths with them. And then find that on the Day of judgment, you're judged as an adulterer or an adulteress.
Brothers and sisters, it doesn't matter how much we have to go through in this life, what the price is that we have to pay in this life, as much as that price may seem too terrible to contemplate right now, if it’s going to make the difference between spending Eternity in Heaven with Jesus, or apart or permanent tenancy in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, we have to establish the truth and you have to establish the truth in your particular situation. So, before the relationship that you have known to be marriage, can be healed, we must understand whether in fact you are married, or whether you are living in adultery. I'll ask you please, to bear with me, and to listen to this teaching through to its end.
Let's pertain some Scripture reference to some of the things I've already said. Please turn to 1 Samuel chapter 25 verse 44. It says that, “Saul had given Michal, his daughter, David's wife, to Palti son of Laish, who was from Gallim." What we see is that after David fled from Saul, and Saul tried to kill David because God said that he was taking the kingdom from Saul and would give it to David. Saul, as part of his vindictiveness towards David, took David's wife, Michal, who was Saul's daughter, and gave her to Palti. We see that at the time that Israel accepts David as king, in 2 Samuel 3 verses 12 to 16, "Then Abner sent messengers on his behalf to David saying, whose is the land, saying also, make your Covenant with me, and indeed my hand shall be with you to bring all Israel to you. And David said, good, I will make a Covenant with you, but one thing I require of you, you shall not see my face unless you first bring Michal, Saul's daughter, when you come to see my face. So, David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul's son, give me my wife, Michal whom I betroth to myself for 100 foreskins for the Philistines. And Ishibashi sent and took her from her husband, from Paltiel, the son of Laish. Then her husband went along with her to Bahurim, weeping behind her. So, Abner said to him, go, return. And he returned.”
So, we see here that a situation in which Saul contributed to the word of Scripture, took his daughter, Michal, who was married to David, gave her to another man and told that man, take her and have her as his wife. But at the end of the day, David was entitled, according to Scripture, to take that woman back as his wife. Nobody resisted him. And we read elsewhere in Scripture as we've heard before, that David did right in the sight of the Lord in everything, except the matter of Uriah, the Hittite. And therefore, we must conclude that David's action was scriptural in this situation. And there we have a scriptural precedent, in terms of which a man who'd lived with a woman for some years, I haven't researched it, but I think it's probably at least 7 years, was forced to release that women back to her original husband. So, the essential points of this teaching - Who are you really married to, is seeking to address the issues that the man who takes the virginity of a woman, is married to her in the sight of God.
One Flesh Bond
I need to stress, that's a non-negotiable fact. There's only one basis for that not to apply, and that is in the case of the seduction, where in Exodus, we read that, if on the day he fist hears of it, a father absolutely denies his daughter to the man who seduced her, that woman is married to him. All other instances of a man taking a woman's virginity, indicate that she's married to him for life. No matter whether it's by rape, seduction, with or without her consent, by deception, or even as you've seen in the one example that I shared with you, under hypnosis, without her consent or knowledge at all. The act of taking her virginity as we've heard in a previous teaching, is the very active cutting Covenant. The terms of that Covenant are laid down in Scripture. And it's a binding Covenant in the Court of Heaven.
However, we have seen that there are instances where God will permit a divorce for that woman, and this teaching will seek to identify those points. Just a few headlines, as far as I can determine it, where the man concerned is prohibited from marrying in terms of the provisions in Leviticus 18 and 20, for example, a father having intercourse with his daughter, a brother with his sister, and so forth. Then that sexual relationship, that One Flesh Bond, that marriage is illegal in the sight of the God, and there is a strong scriptural basis for that women to ask for that One Flesh Bond and that Covenant to be broken. My understanding in my experience is that will always be granted. However, in cases where the woman was a virgin and she's consented to her virginity being taken, it becomes very much more problematic. For a man who took her virginity, if they were both believers at the time that it had happened, my current understanding is that it is only the extreme circumstances, and only after rigorous biblical scriptural process has being followed, as will be outlined later in this teaching, as such a woman would be free to marry another man. And if she has married another man, then they're living in adultery and they may be paying a serious price in this life, and potentially, in the life to come.
Another Scripture, which is vital in this context, Malachi 2, 16, "For Yahweh, the God of Israel, saith that He hateth putting away for one covereth violence with his garments, says the Lord of hosts. Therefore, take heed to your spirit, that you deal not treacherously.” And we've seen again in the previous teaching on divorce, that most of what the world calls divorce in these days is in fact, putting away - sending a woman away without cause. And God says He hates it. It's spiritual violence, it's treachery. The reality is that a man, who has sex with a woman, disregards her, and fails to provide her with a covering for life. He's betraying her, dealing treacherously with her, dealing spiritually violently with her, and God, the Father says He hates that conduct. So, to the men that are listening to this teaching, I have to say to you, you need to get a revelation of God's view of you and your life. If you have taken the virginity of any woman, who's not currently living under your covering as your wife, if you're a born again believer, and you fear God and you fear the judgment, and you know that you've taken the virginity of any woman who's not the woman who lives with you today as your wife, you need to understand that in the sight of God, you are almost certainly married to each and every one of those women. You are most certainly required by God to take an action, to provide a covering to those woman. It doesn't matter if they've remarried, it doesn't matter whether they're happily or unhappily married, it doesn't matter how many children they've had.
We see in the example of David, Michal and Palti, that the man who took her virginity is responsible for her. I'll ask you please, to pray about that. I ask you please to give very serious thought to what I've just said. By the same token, as an extension of that, I have to reiterate, no matter what your view has been on the teachings in the series with regards to Scripture permitting a man to have more than one wife, you need to understand that if you've taken the rigidity of six women, you were married to six women. Ipso factor. You may not like it, you may not want to believe it, but in the sight of God, that's the case.
As I was preparing for this teaching, I came across a tragic example. A young pastor in the Church had some problems with self-control, no doubt demons have lusted on other things. Young women in the Church came to him for counselling, because they were having difficulty refusing their boyfriends sexual advances and demands for sex. And to the knowledge of the young girl who reported this, she was made pregnant, two other girls were made pregnant, and at least three other girls lost their virginity. This young man was kicked out of the Church, and the six women were left to fend for themselves and got told it was their own fault. Now, you understand from the teaching thus far, that any spiritually sensitive young woman, who is a subject to seduction by man sitting in the role of pastor, is almost inevitably going to yield because the heart, at the age of 15, 16, 17 is crying out to be married. Her body is crying out to be married. She understands that she has to submit, she's been created to submit, and when he abuses his position of authority, she has very little option, but to say, yes. If she does not say yes, she hardens her heart, and that will detrimentally affect her relationship with God.
This is something that Satan has used to enormously good effect, to absolutely tear apart and destroy the lives of millions, if not, billions of young men and women. The reality is that a young man is married to at least six women in the sight of God. He's responsible for them. He's committing adultery by putting them away, and if he doesn't deal with it in this life, he potentially faces the most terrible judgment in the life to come. We'll talk further, about the implications of these things as we go on.
Woman’s point of view
From a woman's point of view, whoever took your virginity, may well be the man that you are married to in the sight of God, even if you only slept with him once, even if it was 20 or 30 years ago. At the same time, I need to draw the distinction that any sexual relationship between the occasion in which a woman lost her virginity and what she may currently regard as marriage, is adultery in the sight of God. It doesn't matter whether a woman lost her virginity to one man and has lived with another as husband and wife for the last 30 years, or whether she gave her virginity to one man, and has lived in adultery on the side for the last 30 years by living in a marriage relationship or eventually ending up the marriage relationship. None of the intermediate relationships carry any weight with God as a marriage. The only question that needs to be resolved and which God-willing this teaching will provide you with a spiritual and scriptural basis to resolve it, is, is that woman married to the man who took her virginity? If your answer to that is no, for some of the reasons which we will discuss, then it is reasonable to conclude that if she has been living as the wife of a man other that the man that took her virginity for a significant period of time, and they've been married in Church and taking vows, in the sight of God, she will then be regarded as married to him once she repented of her adultery and she has cut off all the previous One Flesh Bonds and has rededicated and re-consummated her marriage.
It’s highly unlikely that she would find herself regarded by God as being married to any of the men in the intervening period, no matter how long she lived with them, no matter how close the relationship is. I can’t say that is an absolute categoric statement, but it does seem to me that that is likely to be the case and virtually, all cases. But I must stress at this point, that in many of these issues, there is no scriptural basis to resolve the finer points. The level of fornication and adultery in the world today is probably unequalled. At any time, in the history of mankind, just the basic statistic of 60% to 70% of all Christian marriages ending in divorce, 60% + of women saying that they have had intercourse with at least one other man at the time of their marriage, and not being virgins on their wedding night, leads us to understand that the level of spiritual carnage is absolutely terrible.
Past sexual relationships
Coming back for a moment to all these sexual relationships between the taking of virginity and the currently prevailing relationship. All of those relationships are illegal in the sight of God, they're adultery. The party concerned must go before the Throne of God, they must confess the sin of adultery, they must repent to the sin of adultery, they must ask for forgiveness and receive forgiveness. They must pray the prayer, which is presented later in the teaching, and has been presented previously with regards to cutting off the One Flesh Bond, the soul ties, familiar spirits, renouncing vows and doing whatever other spiritual housekeeping is necessary to completely sever the tie with each and every one of the sexual partners, where it was not a case of taking of virginity or whether they've not been living together legally in the sight of men, with a marriage contract with vows for some time, in order to resolve these issues in any particular individual's life.
I'm going to talk for a few minutes now, primarily from the perspective of a man who realizes that there are women whose virginity he’s taken, who are not living with him today as his wives. We need to understand these things cannot be resolved by leaning to our own understanding. They cannot be resolved by looking to the things that are unseen. We actually are powerless to resolve them in our own strength. Now, this is a classic example of where the Scripture, it’s not by might, it’s not by power, it's by my spirit, says the Lord, must be regarded as being of cardinal importance. I would recommend that any man listening to these teachings, who realizes that he has either taken, or may have taken the virginity of any woman who's not currently living with him as his wife, to commit it to the Father in the name of the Son, and to pray as follows.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before You and I acknowledge that I’ve taken their virginity, and you might want to list the names of the girls if you can remember them, or if there are too many, I know that there are men who so-called, trophy hunt. Father, I just ask You, in the name of Jesus, to guide me. I pray that every women that You regard me as being married to in Your sight, and for whom You do not consider there to be a basis of divorce, that is acceptable in Your sight. Father, I ask You, that I may receive them back as my wives, that You will return them and restore them to me from wherever they are. I pray that You will reveal to them that they are living in adultery. I ask You Father, that You will supernaturally intervene to end their marriages, if they're in a state of what they consider to be marriage, in a way that means minimum hurt to all parties, and then at the right time, You will bring them back to, and that you were prepare my heart, the heart of my existing wife, to receive it. I thank You for that. In Jesus' name.
I understand that may take months, it may even take years before those women are restored to you. Understand also that the Lord may, in His mercy, decide that He's not going to break up the civil marriage, because of the level of love and so forth, but in many respects His hands are tied. If you took her virginity and there’s no structural basis for him to release her from her marriage to you, he's word requires him to respond to your prayer, provided it’s sincerely, and that you intend to act on it, and he knows your heart better than you do. Provided you prayed it sincerely, he will take the necessary measures, and it may take, as I say, some years for him to gently unwind and terminate a marriage that may have been going for years, he may permit it to run to a course where the children are at a certain age that they will be vulnerable and understanding in these matters. It seems to me that the Father frequently puts the interests of the children ahead of the interests of the adults. In other words, He may permit that woman to continue in adultery for some years, if the children would be devastated by a sudden divorce. And He may permit you and her to carry the burden of that adultery until the time is right for it to be resolved. He may extend grace to you for a season if you asked for it. All you can do, is pray and walk in faith.
I would ask you to continue praying. Pray blessings over those women to extend your covering over them, particularly where there are women that you have lost contact with. If you're still in contact with any of those women, if you know where they are, understand that if they are living in widowhood and have never had another man, that it is 100% certain, that in the sight of God, you're married to that woman. She understands somehow in her spirit that she is not free to marry, and that God has preserved her from adultery. Please understand God expects you to act and to act quickly, to confess your sin to her for putting her away, to repent, and to extend your coverage to her. If she then refuses to receive it, then the time may come when He will release you to divorce her. But in order to get to that place, you may need to go through a period and process of serious testing and sanctification before He will consider doing that. If you handle a situation in a carnal, selfish and in an aggressive fashion, and you do not present yourself as being reformed from your treasury of putting her away, she's unlikely to accept you as her husband. The onus is then on you to come to a place where you can love the way Jesus loves, and lay down your life for her in prayer, until she comes to a place where the Lord has done work in her heart to accept your offer of covering.
That could take you 2, 3, 4, 5 years, maybe even longer, to put into practice everything that has been taught to this teaching, to a point where that woman can see Jesus in you and see you as a man who is able to provide her with a covering contrary to the behavior in the past where you took her virginity and threw her away. If the woman is married in the sight of the world, is living with a man and has been living with him for many years, as I said, it does seem to me, that under certain specific circumstances, the Father might, and I stress, might, but I have no personal experience of any instance like this, but the Father might commit divorce from you for the sake of her husband, or the man who calls him her husband and her children. And I would see that happening as being most likely if she and the man she calls her husband are both believers, they've been living a Godly life and serving God together ever since they've been together. I would see it as being least likely if she is in a Godly marriage to a man who is serving Satan, with serious commitment, who's beating her and treating her very badly, and where she is only remaining with him because she believes she's married to him according to the teachings of the Church today, and she has a deep revelation that God hates divorce.
Putting away
In a case like that, the Lord may well terminate her marriage, even after 25 years, as an example that I referred to previously. Understand also, that if the man and woman are living in adultery, they may not know it, intellectually in their heads, but his spirit, that man will know there is something wrong. And that may cause him to treat that woman very roughly, very harshly and sometimes even brutally. And you need to understand, that for as long as she stays in that situation, and you are the cause of that adultery because of your callous putting away, that sin towards her, will be as I understand it, charged to your account. And in that case, you need to start interceding for that woman. You need to start extending your covering to her, and you need to start praying for the Lord to bring her out of the place where she is, but please whatever you do, to not pray carnal [inaudible 00:41:11.08] prayers according to understanding. Pray constantly for the Father to bring the people that He wants into that woman's life and take the people that He does not want in her life, out. In Jesus' name, pray that His will is done in the situation, and thank Him that He will resolve the matter.
In certain instances, the Holy Spirit may direct you to contact such a woman, whether she's single, whether she's living in a marital state, whether she's living in fornication, communicate to her clearly and concisely the fact that you now understand Scripture to indicate that because you took her virginity, you and are married to her, you have always been married to her, and you now repent of your sin of putting her away and you accept your responsibility towards her, and you indicate a willingness to provide a covering to her, should she be willing or desirous of accepting it. All of these things be led by the Holy Spirit.
If, when you listen to this, you did not really understand what I'm talking about, I would ask you please to go back in the teaching tapes so far, listen particularly to the teaching on the anointing, and the teaching of getting answers through prayer, tongues and mysteries. Seek to come to a place where you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit through the evidence of speaking in tongues, and that you have some experience of being led by the Spirit of God before you take any action towards this woman. This is not the time for amateurish attempts. It’s time for patient endurance, seeking the will of God and seeking the guidance of His Spirit, because He's able to turn your situation around in such a way that there is minimum hurt and minimum damage to all concerned, and that every heart in every relationship can be resolved and dealt with in a way that is pleasing to Him and results in the minimum long term emotional and spiritual damage. As you pray, ask your Father also to show you cases where He will release you. And I've said before, in cases where, for example, you've had intercourse on a casual basis with a woman, who was not a virgin and you are not currently living as a civil wife, then understand that the Lord will almost certainly release you from that.
If amongst the women, you've had intercourse with your daughter or a niece, or any of the other categories of person that is prohibited in the list in Leviticus 18 and 20, and understand as well, that God will forgive you the sin of incest if you repent and turn around, and when He has forgiven you, He will release you from that marriage bond. It's an ungodly marriage, and He will allow you to break that off. But in the bulk of cases, only God can show you in which cases He will release you and which classes He will require you to honor the Covenant of this cutting of flesh when you took her virginity.
A few other instances, if the woman concerned was born-again and had back slid into a place where she has irrevocably lost her salvation, it terms of Hebrews 6 and 10, where she has crucified again the Lord of glory, then that seems almost certain, that the Father will release you from your obligation towards her and will permit a divorce. If she was never a believer and she's gone outright Satanism and witchcraft and has actively sold her soul to Satan and has announced all possibilities of salvation, then again, it's my understanding that the Father will release you from that marriage. We're dealing with extreme events, we're dealing with situations which don't apply to the vast majority of women who find themselves tragically in this situation. I'd like to take you briefly through Leviticus 18 verses 4 to 30, because it provides a very critical basis to understand what I'm talking about here. "You should observe My judgments and keep our ordinances to walk in them. I am the Lord, Yahweh, your God. You shall, therefore, keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them. I am Yahweh. None of you shall approach anyone who's near of [inaudible 00:46:15.01] to uncover his nakedness, I am Yahweh."
Understand, that the word nakedness, refers not only to exposure of the genitals or the ??? it also relates to sexual intercourse with them. "The nakedness of your father or the nakedness of your mother, you shall not uncover, she is your mother, you shall not uncover her nakedness. The nakedness of your father's wife, you shall not uncover, it's your father nakedness. The nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother, whether born at home or elsewhere, their nakedness, you shall not your own nakedness. The nakedness of your father's wife's daughter begotten by your father, she is your sister, you shall not uncover her nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's sister, she is near of kin to your Father. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother's sister, for she is near of kin to your mother. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's brother, you shall not approach his wife, she is your aunt. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law, she's your son's wife, you shall not uncover her nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother's wife, it's your brother's nakedness."
And that's relevant to note that the example of Judah and Tamar, Tamar was the widow of Judah's son, and so, in terms of 15, Judas was prohibited from marrying her, but even so, having had intercourse with her, the Word of God says that Judah never knew her again, but he still kept her as his wife and assumed responsibility for her wellbeing and for her children for the rest of her life. So, we find, that even in a case like that, there is not an absolute definitive rule of Scripture which says that a man who has taken a woman in one of these categories, may put her away. We do see, from the case of Judah and Tamar, that if he has committed that sin, he's not to repeat the sin by having intercourse with her, but they must also understand, that she may not have intercourse, and therefore not marry any other man. It does seem to me, based on some of our ministry experience, that in this generation of giving the magnitude of the adultery and fornication in the world today where, in many respects, a man would be hard pressed to find a woman over the age of about 16 or 17 who's a virgin, and that there are an enormous number of women in the body of Christ who are not virgins, who have lost all contact with a men who took their virginity, who have been used and abused by many men, and who desperately need a Godly husband to protect them, that God is extending considerable grace in the area of the aspect of Scripture.
But I say again, only the Holy Spirit can guide you and direct you in that area. Verse 16, "You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother's wife, it is your brother's nakedness, you shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, nor shall ye take her sons daughter or her daughter's daughter to uncover her nakedness, they are near of kin her, it is wickedness. Nor shall ye take a woman as a rival to her sister, to uncover her nakedness while the other is alive." Other translations say that you shall not take a woman to vex her sister. That is a Scripture in this list which seems to have a particular condition attached to it and it seems to suggest that it's possible for man to marry two women who are sisters. Provided the first wife or the sister who was very first, is in complete agreement with it, and that the two of them get on well, and that the motive for taking the other is not to vex or to use her as a rival, but of genuine love for both of them.
We do have the instance in Genesis of Jacob marrying Rachel and Lee, and we do have the instance in Ezekiel, of God the Father saying that he's married to two sisters representing Israel and Sumeria. Also, you shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is in her customary impurity. And from that one may conclude, that if a man takes the virginity of a woman during her menstrual flow, and the Covenant blood is mixed with dead and dirty blood, that the Covenant may be defiled and there may be some basis for the ending of that marriage. Again, I don’t believe that you can build any solid non-negotiable doctrine around any of these points. There is no Scripture which explicitly says anything other than if a man has intercourse with a woman who is not a virgin, and where the man took her virginity is still alive, its adultery, unless in very specific cases of divorce, and in terms of system provisions in Exodus 21, 10 and 11, which I'll get to shortly.
Please understand, I'm not giving you, in this particular teaching, a categoric Carte Balance assurance, I'm giving you my understanding of the Word of God and the application of the Word of God, but I'm saying to you please, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, do not act that peer guidance from the Holy Spirit of God. If you do, you may be committing further sin, you may be going in a direction which is taking you into a deeper sin than you're in at the moment. Take it slowly, prayerfully and carefully. In Jesus name. Verse 20, “Moreover you shall not lay carnally with your neighbor’s wife, to defile yourself with her. You shall not let any of you your descendants pass through the fire to [inaudible 00:52:52.19] nor shall you profane the name of your God, I am Yahweh. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any animal to defile yourself with it, nor shall any woman's stand before an animal to mate with it. It is a perversion."
I think you can reasonably say to assume, that a woman whose virginity was taken by an animal, particularly, if that happened before coming to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ can confess the sin of bestiality, deal with a whole slew of demons associated with it, and the Lord will set her free and release her from that. Verse 24, "Do not defile yourselves with any of these things, for by all the youth of nations are defiled, which I’m casting out before you, but the land is defiled. Therefore, I visit the punishment of its inequity upon it and the land vomit out its inhabitants. You shall, therefore, keep My statutes and My judgments and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you. For all these abominations, the men of the land are done who were before you, and that the land is defiled, lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you, for whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them, shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore, you shall keep My ordinance, so that you do not commit any of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you do not defile yourselves by them. I am Yahweh, your God."
Losing virginity
Now, you may listen to that list and think it's highly unlikely that most of those situations would have a bearing, but the indications are, one statistic that I seem to recall hearing, is that something in excess of 20% of all women who lose their virginity before marriage, lose that virginity to a person who's near of kin - an uncle, brother, father, cousin. And we see that all of those relations are forbidden from having intercourse. So, to summarize, the following are forbidden, either in terms of seeing their nakedness or in terms of having intercourse, your father, your mother, your father's wife, your sister, whether she's the daughter of your father, or the daughter of your mother. Your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter, in other words, your granddaughter. Your father's wife's daughter, begotten by your father, your sister, but that would then be begotten by your father of another wife, rather than the mother that bore you. Your father's sister, your mothers sister, your father's brother, your father's brother's wife, in other words, your aunt. Your daughter-in-law, your brother's wife, a woman and her daughter, a woman and her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter, in other words, her granddaughters. A woman, as long as she's in her customary in purity, you shall not like carnally with your neighbor’s wife, that’s straight forward adultery. A male as with a woman, male with any animal, a woman before an animal to mate with it. All of those are absolute prohibitions, and then as you said, the woman and her sister seemingly as qualified on the basis that if both women are in complete agreement in harmony, there's nothing to prohibit it, but if there's any degree of competition or any attempt on the part of the husband to cause division or dispute, it is prohibited.
So, we are left with a little bit of grace and clarity which says in the present day, it does seem, that a woman who lost her virginity to any of those relations that are outlined, would have a fairly strong basis to hope that the Lord would release her. Again, a defining factor here may be the basis in which it happens. If she was seduced or raped or otherwise molested at the age of 10 or 12 by an uncle or a father or whatever, it was almost certain, in my mind, that the Lord would release her. But at the same time, at the age of 15 or 16, she actively and willfully solicited sex from that man, then in the sight of God, despite the fact that it's an ungodly relation, He may regard her as married, she may be prohibited from having intercourse with that man again, because every time she does, she will be sinning further, but she may also be prohibited from ever divorcing him or being divorced by him. In other words, she will have to live the rest of the life as a widow - a woman without a husband. The best she can hope for, is that that man will accept his responsibility to care for her without ever again, having sexual intercourse with her, as in the case of Judah and Tamar.
So, in a case like that, if, as a man, you’re married to a woman who actively gave her virginity to a near relative, you may still find that you are living in adultery and you may find that there is no basis for release. If we move back into the area of more general relationships, there are numerous imponderables. The simplistic answer is to say she's married to whoever took her of virginity. My experience in ministry is that there is no categoric basis for that. Sometimes the Lord will say that, that is the case, and sometimes, that will be the cases when we least expect it. And at other times, the Lord will release her. If you're unsure, you need to ask the Lord for confirmation repeatedly. Understand, and I raise these points not because I'm trying to offend people, but because we need to be realistic about it. There are places in the world where child prostitution is prevalent and where great prices and great sums of money are paid for the opportunity to deflower a virgin. Now, the indications are, that many times there's surgical reconstruction or other devices used to allow the same woman to mechanically lose her virginity repeatedly, in order for the pimps to make money out of her, but there are also instances, and particularly in the Far East, where young girls are recruited for western businessman to have the opportunity to take their virginity for large sums of money.
Now, in the event, that any man listening to this teaching, has at some point taken the virginity of a woman even though she was a child prostitute, even though it was in a far-off country, you need to understand in the sight of God, you are almost certainly married to her. She's living in adultery and you're living in adultery because you put her away, and you will have to give account for that on the Day of judgment. And repentance in that case may not be sufficient. God may require you to move Heaven and Earth to go and find your wife and restore her to you. In other the circumstances, He may release. I cannot give you a cast iron guarantee one way or another, you're going to have to pray, you're going to have to fast, you're going to have to seek God, you're going to have to cry out in repentance, but don’t dictate to Him. Be willing to lay down your life for your wife, wherever she may be, whatever predicament she may be in. If he tells you to go to Thailand, and seek out your wife, then you must go, but go in the spirit, go led by the Spirit and do what He shows you to do.
Until you find her, He may extend grace to you, but I think that that will only happen if you truly and sincerely repent and actively seek to do what is right. You cannot simply pray the sort of prayer that I prayed earlier on, and then sit back and wait for these women to come knocking at your door. You may find that He sends you traveling overseas, he may send you back to your [inaudible 01:01:50.09] business, but He may actually require you to actively sit down, save up the money and buy the air ticket, and go to that location and look for her, advertise for her, do whatever you need to do. And I'm not just talking about virgin child prostitutes, I'm talking about women from your childhood, the woman who was your next-door neighbor, who's now moved to Australia, or you've moved to Australia.
In the interim, once you have a revelation, once you've repented and confessed your sins and received forgiveness, then while you are seeking to make restitution and to make right, you may certainly pray to the Father, to extend grace to you and to cover that sin and the consequences of that sin, but understand if you become less than diligent about making restitution, about seeking that women, the grace is likely to be withdrawn. So, understand that once you’ve started praying for the Lord to either restore the woman to you or to release you, it may be years, even as long as 5 or 10 years, before you will know for sure, whether you've been released. Coming to the counterpoint of that, if you're living with a woman who you regard as your wife, you have a civil marriage contract and she was not a virgin on the night that you first had her, whether you had her before or after civil Church marriage, Ecclesiastical marriage ceremony, if you were not the man who took her virginity, you need to understand, there's a strong possibility you're living in adultery.
A number of specifics. If, from the time that you married her and you first consummated the relationship, you've been suffering from illness, weakness, or you've been suffering serious financial loss and this started about the time that you consummated the marriage, it may have happened some months later, it may not have been distinctly identifiable with the date of marriage, but you now, in reflection realize that it started to happen shortly after your so-called marriage, then you need to understand you're almost certainly in adultery. And as we heard in the tape on judgment in volume 2, there is judgement in this life, and the more you are seeking to serve God, the more harsh that judgment will be in this life. Just to cite 2 examples. I recently heard the report of a man who was apparently the right man of God in a leadership position in a Church, let a young woman, who was without a husband, as he understood it, they fell in love and they were married. Within 6 months, he was dead, and it was prophetically identified that that that was because he was living in adultery. The woman was not free to marry, he moved into adultery, and in 6 months, the devil killed him.
Understand also, these things, the penalties we pay, as was outlined in the tape on judgment, the penalties we pay are not God being cruel or hard or unpleasant to us, they are simple, legal technicalities in the spirit realm, that if you commit a certain sin, Satan has certain rights and responsibilities to discipline you, and he will do it. And the more avowedly and the more energetically you seek to serve God, the more harshly and the more viciously Satan is going to seek opportunity to judge you or to have you judged and to execute the most onerous ends that he can manage to get out of the courts in Heaven.
Another example, I ministered some years ago to a man. He had married. He had been unmarried most of his life. In reality, it was the man who actually hypnotized this woman that I shared with you. And seemingly, he didn't tell me this, but as I pieced the jigsaw puzzle together with various ministry sessions, he'd presumably been hoping for this woman to come to him. Eventually he lost hope. He met a woman who he fell in love with at Church. She was divorced. He consulted the pastor, the pastor told him that he was free to marry her. They had a Church wedding with the blessing of the Church. He was quite a wealthy man at the time of the marriage. Within weeks, his finances started going down the drain. And after 6 months, when they ended the marriage, he was virtually bankrupt. He ended the marriage because he realized there was something spiritually wrong, he wasn't clear what it was. When I met him, which was a year or 2 later, he was still on the very brink of bankruptcy, eeking out an existence. And it was only when I'd ministered to him in this area that he realized that he'd got into adultery with that woman, and we were able to cut it off. We didn't get to the bottom of it because he lied to me. The Lord showed me that there was another One Flesh Bond. He denied it, and it has turned out ultimately to be the One Flesh Bond with this woman whom he had hypnotized, and he didn't have the courage at that stage to confess to me that he'd taken a woman's virginity under hypnosis.
But the reality was that the devil knew, and because he was energetically seeking to preach the Gospel, the devil was using that to attack him and to destroy him financially. We're not talking about things which are discretionary, we're talking about things which are, by most people's standards, unbelievably hard and harsh. If you're living in adultery today, and you're seeking to be a man or woman of God, please understand, the devil hates you. The devil wants to destroy you, and as long as he can stand on a legal declaration of your adultery, he will use it day in and day out to kill, steal and destroy in your life. He will steal from you financially and keep you destitute and will ultimately find the basis to attack your health and your strength. He's not satisfied with you having a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and not inheriting the Kingdom of God in the life to come. He wants to make your life hell on Earth. He wants you to repent and turn away from serving God. And as long as you continue in that adultery, he will continue to get judgment against you.
And now that you've listened to these tapes, please understand that that judgment is going to be harsher than anything that you can possibly imagine. We’re judged in part, according to the knowledge that's available to me. Understand also, that if you are in an ecclesiastical civil marriage situation with a woman who was not a virgin when you married her, and who was not free to marry you, and you're living in adultery, then the relationship is likely to be plagued with difficulties. If it is plagued with difficulties, if you're really battling, and yet, you've been indoctrinated by the Church to believe that a civil or ecclesiastical marriage ceremony is the act of marriage, and that you are therefore accountable for that woman, and you may not divorce her, you need to understand that you may never have been married in the sight of God and you may of necessity, need to end that marriage.
So, if you've been listening to these tapes with the expectation of healing your marriage and one or other of these scenarios applies in your case, then I have to tell you with great sadness that you may find yourself with no other option but to obtain a civil divorce and for her to seek the man to whom she is truly married, Again, please don't hear me say that this applies in every case. Only God knows.
Civil marriage
If we consider the situation of a woman who's lost her virginity in a rape situation or in prostitution, who subsequently came to salvation and repented, and ceased all further promiscuous behavior, then in her spiritually technical sense, she may have regained her virginity and salvation. If you were living with her as a civil husband and wife at the time, it is possible that you may in fact regard her as your wife. But again, this is not certain, and I would go back to give the woman who lost her virginity under hypnosis as a classic case study of an example where God restored her to the original man. As I mentioned previously, it does seem possible that a woman who has been promiscuous, but who has a very strong One Flesh Bond with one of the men, through a lengthy relationship, might be released from all others, in order to marry that particular man, particularly if there is strong love. I have no scriptural basis to say that, simply an observation that if she's living in adultery right now and she's had numerous relationships, it is possible that one of those relationships may have a special spiritual status, but I certainly am not prepared to go before the throne of judgment on that basis. I would have to wait and see in any case, any specific instance, what the Spirit of God had to say.
I stress that in dealing with these things, I would strongly recommend that you rely firstly, on hearing the Word of God yourself. Secondly, on obtaining very clear signs, putting out pieces, if you like. Things where there is supernatural intervention. And thirdly, seeking guidance through Prophets of God. On this last point, I must stress to you, do not go find an acknowledged prophet, and tell him your story and ask for a Word from God. Ask God to send you to a prophet. Don’t tell him a single thing about you. If you must, just tell him that you're seeking a word from God. God will give a clear and explicit word, if he knows nothing about you. Prophets are humans, particularly in the area of marriage. Once they know a little bit about it, they are very likely to allow their understanding and their potentially faulty doctrine to interfere. If you cry out to God for guidance and you ask him to send prophets across your path, and you're open and obedient, he will send prophets across your path. A very difficult time of our lives, my wife and I cried out to God one morning and asked Him to send prophets across our path. In approximately six minutes, following that prayer, He sent something of the order of eleven prophets to cross our paths.
On one occasion, we went down to the Natal midlands on holiday for a long weekend. We walked into a Church just as the meeting was closing. They had two visiting prophets. The prophet summoned me out of the group of people and prophesied over us and answered a whole series of questions that we'd asked the Lord a few days earlier. He didn’t know us, he didn't know we'd ask God for a word, we walked into the Church, and within about ten minutes, we were receiving prophesy. We had a number of other instances like that where people who knew absolutely nothing about us, who prophesied over us with great precision and great accuracy and let us know exactly what God was doing and the direction we were going. In contrast, one of the prophets that the Lord sent us to, we made the mistake of telling him a little bit about our situation. We were living in the eyes of the world, what the world calls living together. We were married in the sight of God. God had brought us together and that we were regarded by the world…I was regarded as not being divorced, even though I had issued my ex-wife for the certificate of divorce in terms of Deuteronomy 24, 1, I hadn't yet obtained civil divorce. And this Prophet started to tell us, that we were sinning and that we needed to back off on our relationship. And in mid-sentence, God rebuked him and told him that Ingrid was my wife. And he had to repent before us there and then and completely painful, he had to say, the Lord says she's your wife.
Seeking guidance
And that's one of the things that the Lord has permitted us, to give us assurance of some of the things that have been taught here. My point is that if you are genuinely seeking the Lord's guidance and you have come to a revelation of your total inability to resolve these things in your own understanding and your own strengths, and you are willing to walk wherever He sends you, He will send prophets across your path. But please understand, that if you expect God to send somebody to knock at your door and tell you the answer, it's probably not going to happen. By the same token, if you've got to put our pieces, put up pieces in faith, believing that God is able to show you the truth. Again, before Ingrid and I were married, I prayed and asked God for a wife and a mother for my children. There'd been a string of occurrences which brought her to work for me, supernaturally. I was almost certain that this woman was the answer to my prayer. I hadn't told her anything about it. I was going to a Church meetings in a large auditorium, which seated about five and a half thousand people, and typically, there would have been about 3000 people in the evening meeting. I knew she was going there for the first or second time in her life. I knew that for the four and a half years that I’d fellowshipped to the Church, she didn't know that I fellowshipped at that Church at one stage, or that I was going to be there.
It was possible to go to every meeting for a year, and not once see somebody else who went to every meeting for a year, because of the size of the auditorium. And I said, Father, if it's Your will for me to marry Ingrid, please cause us to meet at the meeting tonight in a way that we will both know it was You. And basically, what happened, I arrived there, I sat in my car, I felt very foolish. I was late for the meeting. Eventually I walked in, I felt led to go through a door that I didn't normally go through and I nearly didn’t do it, but because I'd prayed that prayer I had, I turned and I went through that door that I didn't normally go through, and I nearly didn’t do it. As I walked through the auditorium, it was packed with people. I had my eye on some seats near the front, which is where I preferred to sit. And I completely forgot about the prayer. I entered into the praise and worship, and I started walking around the main aisle, halfway back, a semi-circular isle, and as I did so, a large man, I think it might well have been an angel, walked straight towards me in such a way that I was forced, at the last minute, to step aside, to get out of his way. As I did so, a voice in my ear said, James. I turned around and Ingrid was right there. I looked down and I was about an inch from standing on her toes. And subsequently, I discovered that she'd only been in that seat for one minute.
Now, it would take many attempts of choreography and training by a group of actors, to enact in a scene where two men walking fast, converge on each other at a point and in a manner, which forces one to step aside and nearly stand on the toes of a woman who has only been in that seat. We obtained further confirmation, but a week later we were married in the sight of God. And I stress that. That is the sort of supernatural event that gives one the assurance that God is moving in the situation. But that sort of thing should not be talked about to anybody beforehand. It should not be prayed out loud. Only God knows our thoughts, but Satan has the air infested with these demons. In stark contrast to that, a few weeks later, in a situation where I was hoping for custody of my children and the Lord had intervened, and I had an undertaking for custody, I foolishly told an unbeliever in an unsanctified atmosphere, that I was going to get custody. And I subsequently discovered that within a few minutes of that foolish statement, the party who has no business being involved in the situation, phoned my ex-wife and persuaded her not to give me custody. I lost custody of my children on the basis of my foolish words about what God was doing in my life.
Please be aware that if you go around talking about the impacts of what I'm telling you in this teaching to people who have no business knowing, you're setting yourself up for the devil to come and set you up for a terrible fall. Some aspects of what I've shared with you here, you may well be advised at this stage, not even to discuss with your wife or with your husband. Pray, ask God to show you, ask him to give you clear guidance. These are matters of eternal import. You cannot afford to make a mistake. Remember in this, that God looks on the heart and knows all things, so His verdict will not necessarily and frequently will not be our own. It also seems to me, regarding this situation, based on what I've observed in the ministry so far, is that in many cases, the Father will extend mercy and grace in ways we don’t really understand. He understands the fine points of the Torah, he understands the fine spiritual principles. He loves His children. He doesn't want us to get hurt. If you've been living with somebody that you deeply love in a godly relationship for many years, and you now realize, you may be living in adultery, I really believe the Father does not want that marriage to come to an end, and He will do all that He can within the restrictions of the laws that He has laid down, to change things.
Understand also, that if the party who took the woman's virginity, is an unbeliever, particularly, if they've turned their backs on God, if they've had ample opportunity to come to salvation, the Father is at liberty to move in those situations in ways that we have no business even asking for, or thinking of, but He is free to act, He knows their heart, He knows your heart, He knows the whole situation. Not dealing with this particular aspect but dealing with another aspect we have observed in two instances, situations where children, in this case, were being seriously decremented by people who were mature adults, who have had plenty of opportunities to receive the Gospel. In one case, there was witchcraft being practiced. In another case, it was the backslidden, alcoholic father of some children where God had permitted the wife to divorce because the husband showed no signs of repentance. He had been born again many years earlier, and where the level of demonic transfer and bloodline interference in the lives of one of his children was at such a magnitude that it was likely to destroy that child, we prayed and cried out for that child, and asked the Father to intervene in some fashion it would set that child free. And in a months’ time, that man was dead. He suffered a heart attack, and they were unable to heal him in hospital.
So, if there is serious unrighteous conduct on one side, it is possible that God can bring a situation to an end in the manner such as that. We should not dare to hope for something like that. We should pray for our enemies, we should pray for those who despitefully use us, but we should also ask the Lord for mercy and grace. And where there really is a situation like that, to cry out to Him, for some way out. He will be able to find a way out. His word says, that He's able to make you stand, and His word says that He will not allow you to be tested beyond what you can endure, but you have to walk in faith. You must pray on a regular basis, Father take the people that You don’t want in my life, out of my life and bring the people that You do what in my life. If you’re a man, if there have been past women, ask for those women whom you are responsible for to be brought back, and if your present wife is possibly not, then ask for the Lord to end the marriage, if that is His will. Do not try and do things according to your own understanding and in your own strength.
If you've listened to this tape, don’t go storming to your spouse and say, I've just realized we're in adultery, and we must end the marriage. Ask God to show you how to deal with it. Perhaps it may be that God will move in a way that is what you don’t expect, but which is your heart's desire. There are so many dynamics in this situation, spiritually, it is impossible for me to give you all the answers. Understand, that if a woman from the past, does come across your path, proceed cautiously. Satan may also try to trick you. When you ask for signs, pray in your heart silently, don’t talk to anybody. Put out fleeces, ask the Lord for tests, as I said earlier. If you are praying for the Lord to show you clearly, that if the marriage that you're currently in, is of Him, don’t go trying to end the marriage. Do what you can to make the marriage better. If your spouse suddenly starts behaving in all sorts of strange ways, and you perceive that the marriage is coming to an end, then let it go, but pray constantly for the Lord's will to be done, but don’t try and make it work in your own strength. God knows, we don't.
Women, I would urge you to accept that it's fairly probable that the man who took your virginity is your husband in the sight of God, except potentially in a very specific case as mentioned above. Recognize that in many cases this man may be undesirable as a husband and unwilling to accept responsibility. In that case, Exodus 21, 10 and 11 may apply. Those verses read, “if a man takes another wife, he shall not diminish her,” that's the first wife, “her food, her clothing and her marriage rights. If he does not do these 3 for her, then she shall go out free, without paying money.” There is no way out, but I would submit to you, that this is not an axiomatic from the passage because it deals primarily with bond servants, slaves. So, again, you need to ask the Lord for guidance. Again, in a similar fashion to the husband, if you're unsure, ask the Father to intervene. Ask Him about a situation where you know that you’re in adultery and that there is no hope of repentance. I would suggest that you confess your adultery with the man you currently known as your husband. Repent, ask the Lord for grace, ask Him to show you exactly what's going on, and ask for Him to intervene in some way that you will know.
Again, don’t necessarily discuss this with your husband at this stage, ask the Lord to show you clearly, ask the Lord to end the marriage, if that's His will. We think of the case where the woman was hypnotized. The Lord moved sovereignly to end her adulterous marriage, even though she truly believed with all her heart, that she was married to the man. She didn’t believe in divorce, she didn't want to divorce, but the Lord moved in such a way that she got the divorce. Please don't start passing your own judgments and praying soulless prayers.
I will go in more detail in the next tape, into some other issues regarding this, and particularly dealing with the most difficult situations where the man who took a woman's virginity is a believer and there is no scriptural basis for divorce and equally in cases where the man has callously taken virginity and just discarded the woman, and she has no hope of marrying another man, as far as she can discern in Scripture. There are ways of dealing with it. There are powerful spiritual techniques which can bring about the desired outcome. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that everything that has been uttered on this type that is of You and will be implanted in the hearts of the hearers that will be watered by Your Spirit, and that it will grow and produce abundant fruit. I ask likewise, Father, in the name of Jesus, that anything that may have been uttered that it is not according to Your perfect will and according to Your Word, will find no root in the heart of the hearers and will be blown away. In Jesus' name. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of kings and Lord of Lords, amen.
05_03 Resolving One Flesh Bonds
This is the 3rd teaching in the 3rd volume of this series, Understanding God's way in Marriage. Volume 3 - dealing with the practical application of the marriage teachings, and teaching number 3 in volume 3 entitled, 'Resolving One Flesh Bonds. This teaching is a continuation of what was dealt with in tape number 2 of this series. It builds on the entire series thus far. It's particularly important, that before listening to this tape, that you have listened to tapes number 1.1, 1.1, 1.3, 1.7 and 1.10 in the whole series. Having said that, I must stress the Lord has taken us on a complex and a wonderful journey in order to get to this place. It's a journey which has involved addressing an enormous amount of Scripture and an enormous amount of error, and if you've got to this particular tape without listening to the entire series, you are seriously at risk of either not understanding the scriptural basis of this teaching or equally not understanding the spiritual tools and the sources that are available to you, and the change processes that are available to you in order to give effect to what is provided in this teaching.
So, I would really encourage you, if you have just dived in to the series with this tape or just jumped through a few tapes to get here, you are at risk of misunderstanding or misapplying the teachings in this tape. I would urge you to go back to wherever you left off in this series and carry it through. I understand that 45 tapes are a large number of tapes to listen to, but the teachings in the series will profoundly affect the way you conduct the rest of your life, and particularly the teaching in this tape deals with an immensely problematic issue in the body of Christ right now. It affects something of the order of 60 to 70% of all believers. It is something that is wreaking absolute spiritual havoc in the world right now, and it is vital that you are well equipped and well prepared to deal with something which has massive implications for Eternity. I would encourage you again, to go back, if you haven't listened to the other series.
In particular, with regards to what's contained in this, I need to again draw your attention to Ezekiel 33, 1 to 9 and 3, 16 to 19, I read from Ezekiel 3 verse 16, "It came to pass at the end of 7 days that the Word of Yahweh came to me saying, son of man, I've made you a watchman for the house of Israel, therefore, hear the word from My mouth and give them warning from Me. When I say to the wicked, you shall surely die and you give them no warning, they'll speak to warn the wicked for his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood, I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but you have to live it yourself."
I must stress to you, as you listen to this tape, it contains much which requires action on the part of many. All I can do is present the Word of God to you. It is up to you, whether you take it and apply it or whether you disregard it. It's also up to you, whether you spread this word to others who may be in need, and it's important to understand how you will be viewed in the sight of God, in terms of how you respond to the truths in these teachings. In order to assist with that, I just wanted to pray briefly over this teaching.
Father, we come to You in the name of Yahooshua, and I bind every spirit that would seek to hinder or obstruct the truths that are contained in this teaching. In the name of Jesus, I speak to every demon that can hear me speak right now, and I bind you and I commend you to be silent and go down until the completion of this teaching, in Jesus' name. And I thank You, Father, that You send your mighty warring Angels to bind, silence and deafen any spirit on any person listening to this tape, that will hinder them from hearing the truth, in Jesus' time. And I thank You, that You opened their ears of their spirit to hear everything that You would have them hear and close the ears to that which You would not have them hear. I thank You, that You open their eyes of the understanding to receive all that You would have them receive and close the eyes of their understanding that see and receive what You don't want them to see. I thank You that everything in this teaching that is of You will find deep root in their hearts and will produce abundant fruit, and that anything that is not of You, in whatever I may utter, will be blown away and find no root in their hearts, in Jesus' name.
In introducing this teaching, I just draw you to Luke chapter 9 verse 56, "For the son of man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them from the penalty of eternal death." And that really a profoundly important Scripture in the context of his teaching. Jesus came to give us life. He came to save us from death. John 10, 9 to 11 says, Jesus speaking, "I am the door, if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come to steal, to kill and to destroy. I have come, that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd gives His life for the sheep." Accordingly, in presenting what is contained in these teachings, which is immensely challenging to anybody to whom the context of unresolved One Flesh Bonds applies, it has enormous implications which can give rise in certain instances to massive disruption of families and lifestyles. At the same time, it is critical that we don’t interpret these Scriptures and teachings in a legalistic pharisaic fashion. The only final arbiter on these matters, is the Spirit of God. He knows all things, He knows our hearts, and He knows our thoughts. Only He can determine what is best for us.
Believers and unbelievers - marriage
So, I would urge you, as you listen to this, you will have many opportunities to question many opportunities for the devil to suggest to you that this is absolutely unacceptable. Please listen through it, work through it, pray about it, ask the Lord for confirmation and ask Him for guidance. There is a way out no matter how complex your situation may appear to be. I would ask you to recognize that in the present age and given the epidemic of divorce, which is actually as we've heard, putting away and adultery, with 60% and 70% of the body of Christ, divorced and remarried. We have to seek the guidance of God. But recognize also that the absence of explicit Scripture or Torah, dealing with the subject with a position of Ahab in the Genealogy of Jesus natural father, Joseph. And I just read you briefly, Matthew 1, 5, "Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, and then Jesse was the father of David.” And again, we have to understand that Rahab is described in Scriptures as a harlot. So, we see that it is possible for a woman, with many One Flesh Bonds to be accepted into marriage as a believer and in fact, to be esteemed of God, sufficient to be in the natural blood line or the natural genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ's natural father. And also, of David, for that matter.
So, we have a precedent which says that it is possible for a believing man to marry a woman who is not a virgin, who's come out of our harlotry, but we don't have any Scripture which reveals to us the basis of that. So, it seems to me, very clear that Yahweh has left himself, with a basis to require us to come to the throne of grace for a verdict in many situations, with a faith filled hope that we will receive mercy and grace, with regards to our particular situation. I must stress that I'm profoundly convinced that the Lord has left open this area of Scripture. How to deal and how to determine whether a woman, who's not a virgin, is free to marry or not. In order that in these days, knowing what was to come, we could place reliance on grace rather than on Torah, on law and legalism, because if we take a literal, legalistic approach to addressing the gap in Scripture around this issue of marriage to a woman who's not a virgin, we end up with something which makes marriage, in this age, almost untenable for something like 60% of all believers. It means that something like 60% of all believers today are living in adultery with no hope of coming out of adultery, except to live as celibate, and I really do not believe that is the will of God.
So, we need to understand the challenge that we face here. We must also recognize in going through this teaching, which we'll deal with at some length with spiritual processes and procedures for going to the throne of grace for a judgment or a verdict in a particular situation, in order to resolve things. It will deal, in some measure, with being led by the Spirit of God. And it's important to understand that where judgment is received from God, which It’s adverse to our fleshly desires, it is either because there is sin in our lives that has opened the door for Satan to intervene, or it is because there are facts known to the Court of Heaven, of which we are ignorant, and therefore, we must understand that God will never give a verdict that is unjust. He is uncompromisingly righteous, and He is absolutely just. God is absolutely fair and good, He will never give a judgment which is contrary to His Word, which is an unrighteous or an unjust judgment. It may feel that way, and He might ask you to do something which your flesh really doesn't want to do, but it will be what is best for you for Eternity. There's no point in believing that because God tells you to end a relationship, or to a resume a relationship, that He is doing something that is wrong for you. He's doing what’s right for you, you may just not understand the whole picture.
I would urge you to keep in mind that Yahweh, the Father, Yahooshua, the son, places particular emphasis on what is best for his children. In some cases, it seems to me that this can affect the judgement. I don't have any serious scriptural basis for this, but it has been my own impression in certain instances. God will take a woman out of a marriage to an ungodly man, in some instances, I believe, for the sake of the children. He will take her in to another marriage, again, for the sake of the children. He will not break His word, but He was seeking every place where grace may be extended for the sake of His children. He doesn't want any of those little ones to perish. He doesn't want any adults to perish, but He does not want the little ones to perish as a consequence of the adults' sin. So, in a situation where a man is really brutally abusing his children, or subjecting them to heavy demonic or psychological abuse, it is a little bit uncertain as to if the Lord would actually permit that marriage to come to an end. It seems to me that He will lead to greater grace in that situation, but I cannot give you Scripture to support that. I would ask you not to build a doctrine or make a decision based on that. It is sometimes important, as we wrestle with some of the things God tells us to do, which are often beyond our understanding at the time that He tells us to do it. You have as much information at your disposal to be able to understand, and perhaps to have faith and hope, but please do not place strong reliance on that point.
Men and women living together
The bottom line is my impression that where a man and women have lived together in civil or ecclesiastical matrimony, versus scriptural marriage for many years that have children, that are in adultery in the sight of God, He may, and I stress may under certain circumstances grant divorce relative to the previous scriptural marriages. In other words, the virginity situations where virginity was taken. My own experience, and the case of Palti, Michal and David in 2 Samuel 13, 12 to 16 shows that this will not always be the case. I read that passage again. It was read in the previous teaching. The context here, is that when David was in favour with King Saul, Saul gave Michal, his daughter as wife with a bride price of a hundred Philistine foreskins. Subsequently, when Saul was trying to kill David, and David fled, Saul gave Michal to Palti, the son, Laish, as his wife. Many years later, I haven't researched it all that thoroughly, but it was at least about 10 years later, David insisted on having his wife back.
So, I'll just read firstly, 1 Samuel 25 verse 44, "But Saul had given Michal his daughter, David's wife, to Palti, the son of Laish who was from Gallim." 2 Samuel 3, 12 to 16, "Abner sent messengers on his behalf to David saying, whose is the land, saying also, make your Covenant with me, and indeed, my hand shall be with you to bring all of Israel to you. And David said, I will make a Covenant with you, but one thing I require of you, you shall not see my face unless you first bring Michal, Saul's daughter when you come to see my face. So, David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul's son saying, give me my wife, Michal, and my betrothed to myself for 100 foreskins of the Philistines, and Ishbosheth sent and took her from her husband, from Palti, the son of Laish. Her husband then went along with her to Bahurim, weeping behind her. So, Abner said to him, go, return. And he returned.”
Now this takes place at the time that Israel accepts David as king. David had been reigning in Hebron for some time. Before that, we read in 2 Samuel 2, 11, and the time that David was king in Hebron, over the house of Judah, was 7 years and 6 months. In other words, David had been king in Hebron for 7 years and 6 months. He had been on the run from Saul for some years, I'm not sure whether it's 3 or 4, it might be a few years longer than that. So, Michal had conservatively been away from David for at least 10 years and possibly as many as 15 years, at the time that this happened. Now, we've seen before in previous teaching, the Word of God says that David did right in the sight of God, in all things, accepting the matter of Uriah the Hittite. We've also seen that the Word of God says that David was a man after God's heart, and we've also seen that the Word of God says repeatedly that David did right in the sight of God, unlike any man who came after him. And so, we must conclude that it was scriptural and right for David to send and demand his wife, Michal back, who had been stolen from him by Saul's treasury. She had not voluntarily gone into adultery, she had gone into adultery in submission to her father, the King of Israel at that time.
So, we see a man who has lived with a woman as his wife for over 10 years, required by the Word of God, to return that woman to her original husband. A tragic picture, but it reflects the justice of God, which requires that that woman who became One Flesh with David, is returned to her husband, the man who took her virginity, the man who cut Covenant with her in her own flesh. It's not a light matter, and it's important in considering this teaching, that we understand that this is not a light matter. And it was both, for Palti and Michal, notwithstanding the fact that it was so painful for the flesh, it was just, it was right, because otherwise they would have remained in adultery and they would have faced the judgment as adulterer and adulteress, they would have had their part in the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone, they would have not inherited the Kingdom of God. So, it was just for that relationship that was adulterous to be ended and it was mercy and grace to both, Michal, and to Palti.
The same applies today. If God shows you that you are legally, in the sight of man or ecclesiastically in the sight of the Church, or both, married to a woman who is truly the wife of another man, or you are married to a man, and you are truly the wife of another man, it is mercy and grace for God to require you to end that relationship, which is not marriage, no matter what the pieces of paper say, it's adultery and fornication and an abomination in the sight of God. It is just and merciful that you should end it, that you should repent of your adultery, that the woman should return to her true husband, and that you should not have a part in the lake of Fire and Brimstone. You should then have an opportunity to inherit the kingdom of God. However, we have seen in these teachings that there were other instances where God has released a woman to marry another man. And these things are immensely challenging. We don't know the full story of the harlot Rahab, but we do know that she was a harlot, and therefore, by implication, somebody took her virginity while she was in Jericho, while she was an unbeliever. When she came to believe in Yahweh, God, and came out through her act of mercy towards the spies, that she came out of that. She was taken into the body of Israel, which is a shadow in the type of the body of Christ, and she was married to a man who was esteemed enough of God, to form part of the genealogy of David and Yahooshua.
So, we don't have a clear-cut basis for these things. When it becomes a woman who loses her virginity, when a believer, it becomes a lot more challenging, but I will deal with that, God-willing, in more detail as this teaching continues. So, coming back to the earlier point, I truly believe that the weight of prophetic experience that I have, indicates that there is basis for men and women who've lived together many years, legally, ecclesiastically, as so-called man and wife, but in adultery, possibly who've had children, for them, who are both believers, to have a hope that they can come before the court of Heaven, before the throne of grace and humbly petition for grace and mercy, for them to remain together and for the woman not to have to return to the man who took her virginity.
Abraham and Isaac
I need to stress to you, that in coming to the throne of grace in the hope of such a judgment, you must do so in humility. You must do so in obedience, in the knowledge that you may not obtain the judgment you hope for, and that in the process, He may require that you place the marriage on the altar, which is a term used frequently by Christians, which you may not be familiar with, which derives from various sources, but particularly, the case of Abraham, offering his son, Isaac, on altar. And I read for you just a few verses that relate to that. Genesis 22, 1 to 18, "Now it came to pass after these things, that God tested Abraham and said to him, Abraham, and he said, here I am. And He said, take now your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you. So, Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac, his son. He split the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. Then on the third day, Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place far-off and Abraham said to his young men, stay here with the donkey, the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you." So, in many teachings about this, we see Abraham's faith, that God would do a miracle. And elsewhere in Scripture, Jesus says, "Abraham rejoiced, to see my day." And so, the understanding is that Abraham knew Yahweh, God was able to raise Isaac up from the dead, even if he did slay him, and put him on the altar and sacrifice him. So, Abraham went forward with faith, prepared to sacrifice his son.
Verse 6, "So, Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac, his son, and he took the fire in his hand and the knife, and the two of them went together. But Isaac spoke to Abraham, his father and said, my father, and he said, here I am, my son. Then he said, look, the fire and the wood, but where's the land for burnt offering? And Abraham said, my son, God will provide for himself the land for a burnt offering. So, the two of them went together. Then we see the shadow and the type of Jesus, and we see Abraham's faith. Then they came to the place to which God had told them and Abraham built an altar there and placed the wood in order, and he put Isaac, his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.” It's important to understand, I haven't researched the Scriptures right now, but I'm under the impression that that Isaac of that stage, was something of the order of 18 years old, his father was something like 115, 118 years old. So, it’s probable that Isaac was at least as strong as his father, if not, a good deal stronger, yet he submitted to his father's will. He permitted himself to be bound and to be placed in a situation where he could be killed. So, we see enormous faith, both on part of Abraham and of Isaac.
“And Abraham stretched out his hand, took the knife to slay his son, but the Angel of Yahweh, which most people understand to be Jesus, called to him from Heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham and he said, here I am, and he said, do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him. For now, I know that you fear God since you have not withheld your only son, your only son from Me. Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So, Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son.” And so, we go into verse 17, "blessing and I will bless you, and in multiplying, I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the Heaven and as of the sand which is on the sea shore. And your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies, in your seed, all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice.”
Testing your faith
And I cannot stress enough, I'm profoundly convinced, that in many instances where this teaching is applicable, God is likely to call you to put the marriage or the relationship on the altar. In other words, He is going to call you to be willing to put that marriage to death. He's going to call you to be willing to get a civil divorce, and for the woman to return to the man who took her virginity. And for both parties to do the necessary for that to happen, in other words, to contact the man who took her virginity, to inform him of the scriptural position and to seek to do what is right in the sight of God. By way of example, I once had a situation that I've mentioned before in some of the previous teachings, that I was in adultery with my secretary for 2 years. As a consequence of the matter being exposed, it was necessary for her to stop working for me. She had great difficulty finding another job because it was not possible for her to give a satisfactory reason for leaving her previous employment. As a consequence of that, she was unemployed for something like 9 months. So, not only did her husband have to experience the absolute grief and heartbreak of her adultery and my treachery, he also had to deal with financial consequences, where they were seriously financially prejudiced as a consequence of my sin. And ultimately, having received wrong counsel at the time and told that I was not hearing God, God convicted me of my sin and told me to start making a repayment, which was a substantial sum of money on a monthly basis. I made the first payment by faith, because I had no financial means to continue to make that payment on a monthly basis. And I was prepared to. I was trusting God that somehow, He would make a way for me to honour what He told me to do. It was a bank deposit, but they reversed the deposit, and they contacted me, and they refused to accept the money. And so, I was released from that obligation, but if I had not obeyed God, and tried to make that payment or made that payment, and had them reject the payment, I would have been guilty in the court of Heaven, right through to the day of Judgment. But because I was prepared by faith, to do what God told me to do, and they rejected my approach, I was released.
So, it is possible in certain instances, that you may find yourself required to approach the man who took your virginity, or even to approach the man who took your wife’s virginity and inform them of the truth and inform them of the woman's willingness to return to him as wife, to accept his covering, to ask for his covering. But if it's the Lord's will, He may prevent that from happening. He may cause that man to turn. And that will depend, as well, on the individual person concerned, depending on his standing in the court of Heaven. If he is a righteous man, then God may well require him to receive his wife back, but if he is an adulterer, a fornicator and an abuser, then God may well harden his heart and cause him to reject that overture. So, it's vital to understand, we must do these things by faith, and we must do them scripturally. So, every sincere effort must be made to restore the woman to her original husband, as the Lord leads, but it may result in an outcome which permits her to remain with her civil law husband, and therefore to consummate her holy marriage. The balance of this teaching seeks to provide some basis for discerning God's will in this matter and outlines some Spirit led prayers and some procedures that can be applied to discern His will.
As I lead into that, I would just like to share with you a number of key Scriptures. We've already seen the instance of David and Michal, where after something like 10 to 15 years, Michal was required to return to her husband, married by blood Covenant through the taking of her virginity. Another example, which provides a different perspective, 2 Samuel 20 verse 3, the context here, is that Absalom [inaudible 00:31:39.14] the throne from his father, and on the advice of one of his counsellors and in response to the prophecy of Nathan over David, that a man would sleep with his wives in the light of the sun. Absalom basically takes David's 10 concubines, pitches a tent on the roof of David's house, and goes into each one of them. And when David came back as king, we read in 2 Samuel 20 verse 3, "Now David came to his house in Jerusalem, and the king took the 10 women, his concubines, whom he had left to keep the house, and to put them in seclusion and supported them, but did not go into them. So, they were shut out to the day of their death, living in widowhood.” Here we see, on the one hand, David receiving his wife back after 15 years of adultery. On the other case, we see a situation, Absalom is dead, the adulteress One Flesh one has been broken and yet David keeps those women in seclusion, he does not go into them again. I cannot explain to you with certainty, the reason for the different approaches, but I have no doubt that David was acting justly, in the sight of God when he did that, because we have the Word of God, which says that David did right in the sight of God in all matters except in the matter of Uriah, the Hittite.
Another instance, Genesis 38, 24 to 26, and the context of this is Judah and his 3 sons. The first two sons sinned before God and they were slayed by God because they were evil and the woman who was the wife of the first son, was given to the second son. God also slew the second son, and Judah tells her to remain in her father's house until his third son is old enough to marry her. And he fails to send for her to marry his son when he's old enough, and eventually, Tamar, the daughter in-law, hears that Judah is going up to where his sheep are being shorn, she dresses herself as a harlot and she succeeds in soliciting Judah to have intercourse with her. She takes his staff and his ring as a guarantee of his payment, then she disappears. She becomes pregnant 3 months later. Judah finds out about it. We need to understand that through our Scripture, we read that a barren woman - its God that opens a woman's womb for pregnancy. We must conclude the pregnancy, seemingly all pregnancy only comes to pass at God's decision. And so, she is now found to be pregnant, and in Genesis 38 verses 24 to 26, we read as follows, "and it came to pass about three months after that Judah was told, saying Tamar, your daughter in-law has played the harlot, furthermore, she is with child by Harlotry. So, Judah said, bring her out and let her be burned." And that was scriptural.
"When she was brought out, she sent to her father in-law saying, by the man to whom these belong, I am with child. And she said, please determine who’s these are, the signet, the cord, and the staff. So, Judah acknowledged them and said, she has been more righteous than I, because I did not give her to Shelah, my son, and he never knew her again." Now here, we have an instance, it is not scriptural for a man to have intercourse with his daughter in-law. So, they both sinned. She sinned by playing harlot, but at the end of the day, Judah acknowledges that he broke his vow, that he was structurally obliged to give his son Shelah, or take Tamar as a wife to his son, Shelah. He failed to do it, he broke his word, he broke his vow, and was therefore guiltier because Tamar was entitled to be married, to have a covering, and Judah had failed in his responsibility towards her. So, having accepted that, Judah accepts his responsibility for Tamar.
Again, we find Tamar is one of the few women mentioned in the bloodline of Joseph, the natural father, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the bloodline of King David, and therefore, we must conclude that Tamar is viewed by God as having been righteous in order that that bloodline may have traversed through that woman. And so, here we see a situation, Judah had intercourse with his daughter, she conceived twins, and Judah took her and treated her in his house, as a wife, but he never had intercourse with her again, because it was illegal as contrary to Scripture and contrary to Torah, to do so. So, again, we are placed with another dilemma. Here's a situation ungodly, One Flesh Bond is formed between a man and his daughter in-law, but she's not put away and she's not permitted to marry another man, so she lives in widowhood.
As a further perspective, we encounter Exodus 21 verses 10 and 11, speaking of a bondmaid, "If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage.” That speaks of the first wife, who's a servant, a bondwoman. "And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free without paying money." Now, that expressly relates to a woman who's purchased as a slave, as a servant, as a bondwoman, who's not free. We infer from the verses before, that in Exodus 21, that it was scriptural and common place for a man to have intercourse with his female servants, and for them to become his concubines as bond women. So, there was an obligation in that sense as he had purchased her as a slave to provide her food, her clothing etcetera, and therefore, there was a breach of contract involved in that situation. We can argue that that applies also to a free woman in marriage.
The inference seems to be that it may well be that we do not have Scripture that explicitly states, that that applies in the case of a free woman. So, you cannot construct a doctrine which says categorically, that if a man diminishes her food, clothing and marriage rights or any one of those of a wife by taking another wife, that the first wife is entitled to divorce him. It's very attractive and seductive, if you like, to draw that conclusions because it basically means that any man that takes a woman virginity, and then fails to provide for her, is axiomatically free of his obligation, and that woman is axiomatically free to marry again, but we say that, that doesn't apply in the case of Michal and David and Palti. We don’t have a rigorous scriptural basis. So, we have to go before the throne of grace and we need to seek the guidance of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in order to arrive at a conclusion.
Another verse or passage, which gives us another perspective, Exodus 22 verses 16 to 17, "For man entices a virgin who has not betrothed and lies with her, he shall surely pay her the bride price for her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money according to the bride price of virgins." Now there is a further passage of Scripture, which deals with her father releasing his daughter from vows. The passage of Scripture is Numbers 30 verses 3 to 16, "Where if a woman vows a vow to Yahweh and binds herself by some agreement while in her father's house, in her youth, and her father hears her vow, and the agreement by which she has bound herself and her father holds his peace, then all her vows shall stand, and every agreement with which she has bound herself, shall stand. But if her father overrules her on the day that hears, then none of her vows nor her agreements by which she has bound herself shall stand, and Yahweh will release her because her father overruled her, but if indeed, she takes her husband while bound by her vows or by rash utterance from her lips, by which she bound herself, and her husband hears it and makes no response to her on the day that he hears, then her vows shall stand, and her agreements, by which she bound herself, shall stand. If her husband overrules her on the day that he hears it, he shall make void her vow, which she vowed and what she uttered with her lips by which she bound herself and Yahweh will release her. Also, any vow of a widow or a divorced woman by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her.
If she vowed in her husband's house or bound herself by an agreement with an oath, and her husband heard it and made no response to her, and did not overrule her, then all her vows shall stand, and every agreement by which she bound herself, shall stand. But if her husband truly made them void on the day, he heard them, then whatever proceeded from her lips, concerning her vows or concerning the agreement binding her, it shall not stand, her husband has made them void and Yahweh will forgive her. Every vow and every binding oath to afflict her soul, her husband may confirm it, or her husband may make void. Now, if her husband makes no response, whatever to her from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or all the agreements that bind her. He confirms them because he made no response to her on the day that she heard them. But if he does make them void after he has heard them, then her shall bear her guilt. These are the statutes which Yahweh commanded Moses between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, in the youth, in a father's house."
It's important that we recognize that if the husband releases the wife from her vow, the husband will bear her guilt. This is now the principal of covering. The woman is regarded as being less spiritually accountable, and the husband is finally accountable for her. But he must accept the sin. By implication, it would seem that a father who refuses to let his daughter marry a man who took her virginity, is clearly at liberty to do that, but in so doing, the father must bear the guilt because he did not take the necessary precautions to prevent her losing her virginity. It would seem that the father can then, having taken the guilt, go before the throne of Christ and confess his sin. What we find though, is we still do not have a basis to say that that young woman may marry another man.
So, we have a situation in which the father can decide that the match is truly unsuitable and prevent marriage, but in terms of Deuteronomy 22, we've seen repeatedly that a woman must be a virgin or a widow on her marriage night. Therefore, we have a dilemma in the sense that this woman is technically, according to Deuteronomy 22, unable to marry while the man who took her virginity, was alive, but we have the instance of Rahab, the harlot, who was clearly not a virgin at the time that she was married. From this we infer again, that there is this gap in Scripture, as I've indicated previously. It does seem to me that this is a deliberate and intentional gap that the Lord has left in Scripture, knowing full well what the end of the age would bring, in order that we do have a basis to go before the throne of Christ.
And so, Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus. We do not know whether this original marriage, in terms of the taking of this woman's virginity, is valid and of standing in her house or in the court of God, whether in fact, it can be annulled and set aside, whether she can be divorced, and if it can be set aside, whether she is free to remarry or not, recognizing the terrible eternal consequences of failing to deal with this appropriately. There are many other aspects around this, and we'll address these now, hopefully somewhat systematically. Also understand that Proverbs 17, 6 says, "Children's children are the crown of old men and the glory of children is their father." Through our Scripture, we see that the children are the inheritance and the bloodline of a father, and therefore there appears to be some basis for, in a case like this, for the children to remain with the father. They are his inheritance, but at the same time, we have the instance of Hagar and Ishmael being sent into the wilderness with the son going with the mother. So, we don’t have a rigorous scriptural basis for custody, in terms of the mother or the father retaining custody.
And again, that must be guided by God. Clearly, if the father has gone into apostasy, lost his salvation and is headed for Hell, is demonized or serving Satan, it is desirable for those children, and it will almost certainly be the will of God for them to be in the custody of the mother. The converse applies if the mother has lost her salvation and is going to hell and is serving Satan. It is certainly the will of God that those children should be with the father. However, we have instances there as well, where God will say that He will be a Father to the children and that He will look after them. That happened in my personal situation. The level of the activity and the manipulation that comes from the unsaved or the spouse that has lost their salvation, is in such magnitude that the person who is serving God, will not be able to resist it. They're not spiritually mature enough or strong enough, or the children would be so brutally cut up and damaged by the battles that will take place, that it is in the best interest of the children for them to actually remain with the offending spouse, and for God to be a Father or a mother to them, to care and protect them. With the spouse, if there's an in right standing with God, pray protection over them on a regular basis, in Jesus' name.
Loss of virginity
I want to go through a series of categories of situations, in terms of the loss of virginity, and my impressions of the standing of how each of those categories have a bearing in terms of your response to them. In all cases I'm dealing with a situation, where either a woman has lost her virginity to a man and is no longer living with that man, she's either living alone or she is living with another man as... (sound cut off) he took and is living with another woman. In the case of the women, as we heard in the previous teaching, the issue is, should she return to the man who took her virginity, as her true husband or is there some basis for her to remain with the man who's her civil, ecclesiastical husband. And in the case of a man, is it required that he goes to the woman whose virginity he took and take her into his home as an additional wife to whatever wives or wife he may have. If you take of the virginity of 10 or 20 women, he may have a rather startling accountability before God, and the question that arises, is there some basis on which he can be released from his accountability towards that woman or women.
So, I will give you basically what I believe I have from the Lord. I have to stress; the issue here is of such import and such eternal significance that it can only be resolved finally between you and Spirit of God by praying the appropriate prayers. You dare not and I dare not have you take a decision based on this teaching without consulting the Spirit of God. If you do not have a close personal knowledge of the Spirit of God and you're not accustomed to being led by His Spirit, I would urge you now to start seeking that as a vital necessity. I will give you some prayers which will have effect, I believe in the situation of any true believer, who exercises their faith to God for a righteous judgment. I believe that through that, it is possible for anybody who listens to this tape, to reach a resolution of all One Flesh Bonds that they may have, and to resolve whatever accountabilities there may be, receive forgiveness through repentance, turning around where that is possible. Seek guidance on which relationships must be restored and where a relationship has to be restored and obtain guidance in terms of how they go about that.
The first category I want to talk about is the virginity which is given and received willingly. It seems to me that in most cases, there is close to 100% probability that that man and woman are married. The only caveat to that would be where the woman gave her virginity without the knowledge of her father, and that her father has never heard about it. There is the apparent latitude in Scripture based on the passage in Exodus, which would permit the woman to go to her father, tell him that she had sex with this man, and ask him if he would release her. However, she must understand that in so doing, she is asking her father to assume responsibility for her sin, and that is not a matter to be undertaken lightly. The father must also be aware that he will shoulder the responsibility for her sin on the Day of Judgment. It’s not therefore something that just should be used as a quick way of getting out of a deliberate and wilful sexual intercourse, contrary to the permission of the parents. It seems to me that both were believers at the time that it happened and it’s probably close to 100% the probability that God will regard them as being married. Again, with the caveat that I just mentioned, and again, the fact remains that we don't have a basis for that woman to remarry, except by grace. And accordingly, if they were both believers at the time, but just in their father's opinion not suited to one another, and as we've seen God created marriage to work, it is questionable as to whether God would permit remarriage, but it does seem to me that it’s possible. Again, the point here is that because of the total chaos in which the world finds itself today, and all the false doctrines and false teachings, it does appear to me that the Lord will extend grace and will make use of information that was not necessarily readily available to us in terms of words that were spoken, thoughts that were thought, actions that took place before, during and after the consummation.
If a woman has lost her virginity to a man and she's never had another man, I would suggest to you that it is almost 100% certain that she's regarded by God as being married, unless the man is completely unsuitable. But if they're both believers, you're faced with an enormous challenge. If the man took her virginity and the relationship continued for months or years, well then, they lived together, even if they didn’t live technically, under the same roof, but they lived in the marital state. Again, it seems to me that it's almost certain that they're married in the sight of God and that there's no basis for divorce. By the same token, if they didn't live together, but there were multiple instances of intercourse, it seems to me almost 100% certain, I f a man took a woman's virginity in a so-called one night, and she's now in a long-term sexual relationship, possibly a civil ecclesiastical marriage, it is possible that the provision of Exodus 22, 16 and 17 might cover it and Yahweh might release her. I would like to believe that a woman who is in a long-term marital relationship, and it’s the only long term marital relationship she's ever had, is likely to find that relationship confirmed and sanctified, even though it has been an ungodly adulterous relationship up till now, but I have no basis to say to you that God will grant you that petition. I believe by faith that He will, under certain circumstance, but only He can determine the answer.
It does, in the light of some counselling that I did yesterday with regards to a young woman of 18, who just lost her virginity, it does seem, based on the questions that I asked her and the statements that I made to her while, I believe, operating under the Spirit, that there are instances where the man and the woman are completely inappropriate to one another and that the Lord might release her. I think here, particularly of a woman with a very strong personality and a man with a weak personality where submission will be extremely challenging. I think also of a woman who's a very immature believer, marrying a man who's an immature believer or possibly not truly saved, where the woman has major demonic and other problems which could very quickly lead her down the wrong path, where she may need a much stronger, much more mature husband to bring her back onto the straight and narrow. An extremely complex variety of issues.
The next major category, the virginity taken by relations forbidden by Leviticus 18 and 20. Now, we went through that in the previous teaching, but to recap, father or mother, wife, father's wife, your sister, the daughter of your father or the daughter of your mother, whether born at home or elsewhere. Your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter, in other words, your granddaughter. Your father's wife's daughter begotten by your father, she's your sister. Your father's sister, your mother's sister, your father's brother, your father's brother's wife, your aunt, your daughter in-law, your brother's wife, a woman and her daughter, a woman and her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, her granddaughters, in other words.
We then saw a number of other categories, you shall not lie with your neighbour’s wife. Clearly, that's adultery, we know that. It goes without saying, another male as with a woman, that's homosexuality. Again, there is no question in both of those cases, it's an abomination. It must be cut off. A male with any animal or woman before an animal to mate with it, both of those are absolute abominations in the sight of God. The man and the animal, or a woman and the animal are both supposedly to be put to death. And a woman or man who's done that, will have severe repentance to go through to come to salvation, and if they've done it after salvation, they're well on their way to major sin. But it is not sin that is not covered by repentance. Then we saw the last factor, nor shall he take a woman as a rival to her sister while the other is alive. The other translations say to vex, where it appears that if both sisters are quite happy with each other, they get on well, and the first sister consents, there is no problem with them getting married, we have the example of Rachel and Lee, we have the example of the two sisters that God says He’s married to Israel and Samaria in Ezekiel. As an indication and marriage to sisters under certain circumstances, is permissible.
But if we take the others, a woman cannot be married to the animal, a man cannot be married to an animal or to another man. So, where those sexual relationships took place, that's out of the question. If a woman lost her virginity to the animal, I believe she's got an enormous amount to work through, that she's certainly not then married to that animal, and I don’t think that technically speaking, she would be married to the man who first had intercourse with her in a strictly spiritual, scriptural sense. So, she would be at liberty that point, to deal with all the adultery and fornication that had proceeded at that point in time in which she becomes aware of this teaching. And if she was in a long-term relationship, it would seem to me that the probability is that the Lord would sanctify that relationship.
With regards to the others, father’s sister, mother's sister, father's mother etcetera, and it's sad to say, that the level of this type of sexual activity is prevalent and indications are that something like 20% of girls lose their virginity to a close male or relative, either their father, their stepfather, their uncle, brother or step-brother. It seems that in general, the Lord will permit those relationships and those One Flesh Bonds to be cut off, but again, we have the example of Judah and Tamar, his daughter-in-law, where she remained in his house and he never knew her again. So, the relationship may be cut off, but its certain instances that man may be required to provide a covering to that woman for the rest of her life. I think that's particularly the case if a man is an adult and girl was young, fathers having sex with the daughters in their early teens and uncles, and so forth. But again, the world is in such a mess, and this is so prevalent that if we were to take a rigorous legalistic view of this, virtually no people today would be able to stay near their present legal and ecclesiastical marriages, and they wouldn't be able to go back to where they came from if 20% of women lost their virginity to a close relation, forbidden by Leviticus 18. That means 20% of women cannot ever have sexual relations again.
It seems to me that is not what God wants in this age. We Isaiah 4,1 as a frame of reference. We have Paul's comments about widows, which indicated that widows under 60 should marry again because women who are not married, have a strong tendency to be led astray by Satan. And therefore, we must conclude that it is God's will for that woman to remarry, wherever it’s possible, to find a scriptural basis in the court of Heaven, for grace to be extended. And so, I would encourage you not to lose heart, but also to be very pragmatic spiritually about this. It may also be influenced by the manner in which it was taken, if it was forcibly and through emotional blackmail of an early age, up to about 12 and a half, which is the age of spiritual accountability. It seems to me, it's almost 100% certain that the girl will be released. If it was forcible and the girl was a bit older, it's still seems likely that she will be released. But if she actively, unknowingly, as in Tamar's case, initiated the intercourse or seduced the man, then it seems to me that she will not be free to marry another man, nor will she be free to have intercourse again with that man. She must live with him as a widow and he must extend is covering over her. Again, not an absolute, that's a broad principle that we can draw from in the case of Judah and Tamar. It depends, I think, on the state of mind, the state of heart, stuff that happened before and after, and levels of demonic activity in the bloodline.
Bloodline curses
What we need to understand also, is that it’s said in the teaching on demonization of believers, the level of demonization of human beings and particularly believers today, is probably more severe and more far reaching than it has been in any other generation. So, virtually every human being on this planet finds themselves at the date of the birth already under an enormous burden of bloodline curses and demons passed down the bloodline as a consequence of blood oaths, freemasonry oaths, witchcraft, and all sorts of things, practiced in the proceeding 10 generations, and these things do carry down for 10 generations. So, a child is frequently born, marked for homosexuality, mocked for fornication, and with almost no hope, given that the level of ignorance in the body of Christ today. So, it is only if you've listened to the series, if you become aware of deliverance and if you've cut off all of those things, then you can hope to break those curses, you can hope to break the force of fornication and other demonic things which force you to, and take control of you in certain circumstances. And the Lord knows that, and if you are diligent in seeking to sanctify yourself and deal with these legacies as sin, because all demonic oppression is a legacy of sin, He will set you free and He will give you another chance. Understand that in any respect, where virginity was taken by relation forbidden by Leviticus 18 and 20, that party must confess their sin and repeat of their sin, and as I said, Yahweh may release if it is true repentance, but only he can decide.
Ungodly taking of virginity
I’d now like to consider the case of virginity taken in an ungodly situation. Some women lose their virginity when that is offered up in satanic or witchcraft rights, other women are raped or gang raped ,or raped violently against their will, where they resist it physically or mentally. It does seem that in cases like that, the Lord will extend grace, particularly if it happened before coming to salvation. On the other hand, if a woman dressed and behaved provocatively, it may not be regarded as rape in the court of Heaven. And woman, as we've seen, should initiate sex with her husband, and therefore a woman who dressed provocatively, may be received by a man who is initiating sex and he may think she's consenting. A woman who flirts and carries on with a man, and then, when he's aroused and fails to restrain herself, is not being raped, she is receiving the necessary consequence of her actions and may well be regarded in the court of Heaven as married to him. So again, this term 'rape' is used very loosely today from the most appalling violence through to a spectrum of seduction etcetera, which is not rape at all. It’s just used as an excuse to justify ungodly behaviour. Again, there's no Scripture to indicate she will be released, but there are cases like website reports a case history of a woman who'd been in Satanism, had multiple sexual partners, came to salvation, and God released her to marry. So again, we have the transition point between pre and post salvation as a fairly clear break where it seems that, in many instances, if it happened pre-salvation, the Lord will extend grace. But again, we have the instance of the woman who was hypnotized, where neither of them were born again believers at the time that it happened, and yet, the Lord returned her.
Also realize, that in some cases, after rape etcetera, she may be released to live as a widow in her father's house, but not permitted to remarry. There are also instances where the status of one of the people in the marriage has changed, and I can cite both my own and my wife's experience there. In cases where both parties are believers, and we've talked about this briefly, but just to recap, such as practicing Satanists or witches and the virginity was given and received willingly in a right, and one of them comes to salvation, it is possible that Yahweh might release the party that comes to salvation at the time of salvation, but it is also possible that he would require that person to use the One Flesh Bond as a lifeline to be used through prayer and intersession, and in time, witnessing to pull the other out of the fire. In such a case, Yahweh could require that person to lay down their life in prayer, fasting, growing in the Word etcetera for many years before releasing them, and may only release them when the other party is beyond redemption.
God is more concerned about saving souls than He is about our comfort, our sexual satisfaction and our marital satisfaction in this life. It’s an extremely complex situation, and not one that is amenable to resolution intellectually. All I can do, and stress in this teaching is to give you the different facets as I see them. In less extreme cases, the same principals may apply, but again, there is no scriptural basis. So, in all cases, assume you are married in the sight of God, to any woman whose virginity you've taken, if you're a man with a man who took your virginity, if you're a woman and conduct yourself accordingly after listening to this teaching, until God shows you clearly, to the contrary. I’m not saying, listen to this tape and storm out and tell your wife that she must go back to the man who took her virginity, or that you're going to storm out and go back to the man who took your virginity, but I am saying, walk carefully, recognize that you may be walking in adultery, recognize you will be judged more severely if you are in adultery after you've listened to this tape, and if necessary, abstain from sexual intercourse, and repent of your adultery while you're seeking God's guidance.
There may also be post event factors, in other words, after the woman gave her virginity, if she gave it many years ago, and subsequently came to salvation and has been living for many years in a legal, civil or ecclesiastical marriage, and has borne children, it seems to me, that if she and the man as she regards as her husband, go humbly before the throne of grace, with broken and contrite hearts and confess their adultery, repent and receive forgiveness, and humbly petition for the original marriage to be annulled, as an act of grace, that the Father might grant this. In such a case, they should fast sex until He clearly shows them that He has granted their petition. And that seems to me that in such cases, a 40-day sexual fast, together with fasting with all pleasant foods, and all pleasant sexual activities and devoting every available moment to the Word of God to prayer and so forth, might well be called for. Again, I can give you no guarantee. You're not bribing God to let you stay with the man or woman that you currently with by going on a fast. You're bringing yourself in a place where your flesh is being brought into subjection, where you have humbled yourself before God, where you've examined your heart, where you've confessed and repented of all the sin that He shows you, where you've grown closer to God and you’re better able to discern his will, and in the process, He may then better able to extend grace to you than at the beginning of the 40 day, when you have a whole load of sin in your life that you haven't dealt with.
And to that end, I would encourage you to get hold of the full 10 tape series of judgment in this life, which is available from this ministry, and to get hold of the full series of tapes of Carol Author, and to go with somebody who can really minister to you. If you've never ministered deliverance before, you should not be taking Carol's tapes and just starting to minister on your own. Those tapes you can also obtain from us, by the way. If the woman has never had another man, she is almost certainly married. If the man is serving Satan with no possibility of redemption, it is possible the Father will release her. If there's still a possibility that he may yet come to salvation, it seems likely that she will be required to lay down her life in prayer and fasting, to bring him to salvation. If it is years later, and she has come to salvation, and she has lived as a widow, Yahweh might release her again, but again, it seems to me that she should go on a 40 fast.
Again, I refer you to the extract from Sergei in the teaching in the first series on, “Do you love like Jesus loved”, and I would encourage you to realize that God expects you to take up your Cross and follow, not lean to your own understanding, not look to the things that I've seen, not to look for your own pleasure and comfort, but to look to please Him and do what is right, no matter what it costs you. So, a woman in that situation, might go on a 40 day fast, where she's not living with a man of sexual fast as axiomatic, but fasting all pleasant foods, fasting all entertainment, television, newspapers etcetera, and devoting herself as far as she possibly can outside her work activities, to seeking God and maybe even taking a week’s leave in order to get closer to God, to know where she stands, and to seek grace if grace is available for her to be set free from that man. And again, as I've said, we’ve ministered to people that we've seen God's extend such grace. If she's in a relationship with another man, and they're contemplating marriage, he should fast with her. In such cases, permission to marry another will be an active grace by the father in response to humble and contract petition with a pure heart, that where a man who took her virginity, is also born again and still known to her, it is unlikely that the petition will be granted.
So, you may be in the world's terms, deeply in love with each other, intent on getting married, but if the woman you’re planning to marry is not free to marry you, you marry her at your peril. I refer you again to the example of the man who died 6 months after marrying a divorced woman into adultery. I refer you again to the example of the man who was virtually bankrupt 6 months after marrying a woman who was supposedly divorced, of being in adultery. As seen, this is an enormously complex and multifaceted subject. There is no easy answer. In most cases, there's no man who can give you the answer, nor should you ask a human being for a ruling. If they make a mistake, you will still pay the penalty for your sin, but your blood will also be on their hand. It's not right to expect any other human being to accept that responsibility. You should fast and pray, seek Yahweh's guidance until you have complete clarity. Assume you are married to the woman whose virginity you took or to the man that took her virginity, until Yahweh shows you otherwise. Do all that you find to do, to seek reconciliation. If the other party’s location is known to you, after prayer and fasting and as the Lord leads, you should give them the appropriate handout tape which follows this tape, tape 4 for men and tape 5 for women, which sets out the broad scriptural principles. And once they've listened, you should brace the subject, that as you understand Scripture, you are married. If you're a man, indicate your willingness to do what is right in the sight of God, and understand that as she is living with a man as his wife, he could be highly aggressive towards you. So, the matter must be dealt with, sensitively, but it must be dealt with.
Again, I refer you to the example of the restitution that I had to pay. It was not well received, but it had to happen. You don’t necessarily have to approach them face to face, you could approach them telephonically, you could approach them by mail, but in that case, you should send a registered mail. You need to have complete certainty that the devil did not intercept it and that they have actively rejected what you've said. As in such case, you should make all necessary spiritual preparation in terms of fasting and prayer, and then approach Yahweh, first of all for guidance, and then approach the husband on the basis that this is a revelation of Scripture you’ve received, that you now realize that you've inadvertently put the husband in a position of adultery that could send him to hell for Eternity, and you would like to have discussions with him, to resolve the matter. If the marriage is a mess because of the spiritual consequences of adultery, he may release her, particularly if this is Yahweh's will. You need to understand that woman is at least nominally under the man’s covering. It is the man who's being prejudiced, primarily as a result of your sin and your failure to look after your wife. You have a responsibility to not now compound the issue by going and speaking to his wife behind his back, unless God clearly tells you to speak to her and not to speak to him.
If a man categorically refuses his wife or 'you' and you've gone to him humbly, peaceably and penitently, confessing your sin and out of sincere concern for his spiritual welfare after the necessary spiritual preparation, it seems likely that Yahweh will then release you, because of her wilful adultery. Note that she must also be informed. She has a right to know she's in adultery, otherwise she could find herself before the throne of judgment one day, and you would be guilty of not having informed her, if you told the man that she calls her husband and you didn't tell her. Again, you need to be led by the spirit. You have no scriptural absolutes in dealing with this situation. In a case where a man took a woman's virginity, and she wilfully and deliberately broke the relationship and went with another man, it is more likely that Yahweh will grant divorce to that man who took her virginity on the basis of her adultery. If he didn't want the relationship to end, and she walked out on him, then she was committing adultery, but again she didn’t necessarily, given the errors in the teachings of the Church today, she didn't necessarily understand the full import of blood Covenant. She didn't understand the fact that she was, in fact married when she had sex. She thought she had premarital sex, and this was something that could just be wiped away.
There is likely to be a responsibility to inform even a woman in such a situation. Where the man breaks a relationship and she resisted, it is less likely that a divorce will be granted to the man. If the woman is not in a formal marital relationship, it's highly probable that Yahweh will require the man to take her back unless she's serving Saran with no hope of redemption. If she refuses to come back, then it seems to me that the man may have to lay down his life in prayer, in fasting and intersession etcetera, for some years, while making periodic approaches until he knows with certainty, that Yahweh will permit divorce. Understand, that if you sinned against her, or she sinned against you and the relationship was a mess, and neither of you were serving God, and you both had personality or demonic manifestations and behaviour, which made you highly unattractive and that your conduct, subsequently was highly unattractive, it may very well be very difficult at first approach, for reconciliation to take place. That doesn't mean that just because your initial approach may be badly handled, it doesn't mean just because you handled it badly or because there are bad memories in the lack of forgiveness, that you can now walk away from your responsibility.
You may well need to spend years praying and interceding before God will finally releases you. I shared that I spent four years trying to heal my marriage and laying down my life before the Lord finally released me in my situation. When a man is quite certain that Yahweh has released him to divorce, he should firstly pray out loud, preferably with someone in agreement, declaring that he divorces. And if she is contactable, he should send her a simple note, stating that while it has been revealed to him by taking her virginity, he was married to her in the sight of God, but since he has made every effort to advise her of this and afford her the opportunity to make right toward him, and yet she has consistently refused him, he now issues her with a certificate of divorce, in terms of Deuteronomy 24, and declares, before Yahweh, that he no longer accepts any responsibility for her. If the man does not know where to locate the woman, he should ask the Father to show him how to contact her. He may need to make enquiries of old contacts and adverts in foreign newspapers, and possibly even travel to the location, city and country, where he last knew her. In this, he must be led by the Spirit, pray and fast before taking action, and ask Yahweh to guide him. It may be years before Yahweh advises him that he has done all that Yahweh requires of him and releases him.
Please understand, it may be many years since the devil got you into this mess. It may take some years with the best will in the world, the most hard-hearted commitment, to get out of it. There are all sorts of spiritual things that have been put in motion, words that have been spoken, that you're going to have to work through. You may need to listen to many of the tapes in volume 2 of the series, repeatedly, get the rest of the teachings around those subjects from their respective ministries or from this ministry. You may need to go for counselling, you may need to go for prophetic ministry, you may need to get further teachings on the subject, until you come to a place where you are actually in a spiritually fit state, for that marriage to be restored. If you’ve been running away from God for 10 or 15 years, and into drugs, and stealing and what have you, and the woman who's virginity you took at the age of 14, has been living an upright life, is a believer and is married to a wealthy man who loves her and looks after her, and it turns out, that actual fact, notwithstanding that total dichotomy, God sees you as married to her. You have to understand, that you must clean up your life in a serious fashion first, before you can reasonably approach her without causing her to stumble.
Responsibility of existing wives
The next subject I'd like to address, is the responsibility of existing wife or wives. If a man has an existing wife in a monogamist civil marriage, all this is going to seriously challenge her. She's required to submit to him, and she must give him 100% support in this. Fast and pray with him, and where it is appropriate, assist him in his contact with the other woman. In some instances, actually making the initial contact and broaching the subject, in other cases, being present at the meeting. You are his help meet and you must be in this with him. You must love your husband, you must submit to him and you should be desperately concerned for his eternal welfare when you have a revelation of what's contained in these tapes. She must clearly understand that until the matter is resolved, her husband and his house, including herself, are sinning by having put away a wife and that she has a duty towards her husband to do everything possible, to help him to fulfil his marital obligations towards the other woman or women. She must cooperate with her husband, listen to the full series of teachings repeatedly, if necessary, until she comes to a place of peace before God, where she can approach the other woman or interact with the other woman, if her husband makes the approach, with complete peace and complete certainty that this is Yahweh's will and plan, and that it is good and beautiful and it is Yahweh's best, and that she is willing to do everything necessary to make it work.
There is an extremely prevalent and appallingly selfish attitude among most white Agno Saxon Protestant Christian woman, and in fact, in other groups as well, but it's particularly prevalent to those that have come out from the Church of Rome and out of the United Kingdom and related areas, where women are not prepared to share their husbands. They regard their husbands as [inaudible 01:21:24.17] trophies and their own and they’re not prepared to share them. And I have to say to you, if you are a woman who finds it offensive, to consider sharing your husband, then you should be on your guard against what the devil is doing in your life. It is God's law that a man accepts responsibility for every woman whose virginity he has taken. If you set yourself up against God's law, you potentially set yourself up for Eternity in hell. I cite the case of my own first wife. I cite the case of the man that I ministered to a few weeks ago, who was shown in a vision by the Lord Jesus, a rotting corpse in his bed who was so rotten, so spiritually dead, that he could not recognize his first wife, because of her refusal to put the Word of God first in her life and submit to her husband.
Understand, that if you strive with and oppose your husband in this matter, you're potentially setting yourself up for Eternity in hell. So, understand that if you strive and fight with your husband and oppose him, you're tearing down your husband's house, and by that, you are sinning grievously, and in a manner, which if you persist will bring your husband to a place where he's entitled to divorce you. The husband must love his first wife as Jesus loved as in the previous tapes and especially in tapes, 1.4, 1.9 and 1.16, and he should do everything he can to facilitate change as per tapes, 1.19, 2.4 and 1.17, and applying all the principles that are contained particularly in volume 2 in this series of teachings. Men who are in the situation must be resolute before God, to do what is right in the sight of Yahweh, towards both his present wife and the woman or women he has wronged. In the case of a woman who gave her virginity to a man, and has now been living with another man as husband and wife, and who now realizes that she's in adultery, she should raise the subject with the man she calls her husband and they should follow the course of prayer and fasting, as indicated previously to ask for grace, to annul the original marriage or guidance. If grace is not granted, then she and the man whom she calls her husband, will have to end the relationship or at least remain in celibacy, while she goes through the process of seeking the covering of a man who took her virginity. Recognizes that in some and possibly many cases, Yahweh will test her obedience, and that of a man that she calls her husband, to put the marriage on the altar and do what is right in the sight of God, that she may obtain release by the refusal of the man who is spiritually her husband, to accept his responsibility. I refer you to an earlier part of this teaching, with regard to Abraham and Isaac and the altar. But in some cases, as with Michal, Palti and David in 2 Samuel 3, 12 to 16, she may have to return to her real husband. And if this happens, and they act in reverent fear of the judgement of God, I have no doubt that God will move more dramatically in all their lives, to bring about healing and restoration and make good, what Satan has stolen from them, through all the deception.
Transition process
During the transition process, it is possible that Yahweh might bring a wife to the man who is about to lose the woman he calls his wife and loves, and she should do everything to facilitate this process. In such as case, the woman should accept the children are their father's inheritance, and that she may need to leave the children with their natural father. A terribly hurtful adrenergic aspect. But you have to understand that if you’ve sinned and you’ve been living in adultery and you bore children in fornication of adultery, that your children that you believed were legitimate are illegitimate even though they may be legitimate in the sight of man, and there is a terrible price to be paid and that you need to act in the best interest of the children as led by Father God.
Understand that this is going to sound unbelievably hard to many, but Yahweh is calling his Church to holiness as we've heard throughout the series of tapes, but especially on tapes 1.1, 2.3, and 2.6. Single women, an example that came to my attention recently, a young woman whose virginity was taken by the youth pastor who fathered a child, did the same to two other girls, and took the virginity of three other girls. She has no other man to look after her. She was chucked out by the Church. She's fending for herself, and this applies particularly, that she realizes, and that man must realize his responsibility in the Church where he was employed. He must realise his responsibility. So, any woman who realizes that in the sight of Yahweh, she's married to a man, she must return to him. She's entitled to his covering and he has an obligation to provide that covering. In all cases, the objective must be reconciliation with your husband or wife or wives, and that the man extends his covering and takes a woman as his wife. If he absolutely refuses, then she may have a basis for Yahweh to grant her a divorce.
I'm dealing here specifically with a case where a woman who has only had sex with one man. That man took her virginity. They were both believers and there’s absolutely no scriptural basis for that man to put away his wife. He's sinning against her and she understands now that she's married to him and if he does not extend his covering, she may well not be able to marry another man, unless God releases her. In order to come to that place, she must do everything that she finds to do in order to obtain that release or to obtain her husband back. So, understand that there is no scriptural basis for a woman to divorce her husband. So, she must go to her heavenly Father and petition Him to grant her a divorce.
I would suggest the following procedure. I've just noted again, a passage in Exodus, which permits a natural father to forbid marriage in a case where he first hears of it. I would suggest in the case of the young woman who has been put away by believing that he took her virginity. First of all, she should fast and pray and ask God to prepare the young man's heart to open the doors that God wants opened in his life and close the doors that God wants closed in his life, that no man may open the doors that are closed, or close the doors that are opened, to bring the people that God wants into his life, in, and to take the people that God doesn't want in his life, out, so that man can be prepared to accept his responsibility. She should continue on a regular basis, fasting and praying until Yahweh shows her that the time is right to approach him.
She should then approach him privately as she feels led, and if inappropriate, give him a copy of the next tape, which outlines the Scriptures and his responsibility. You could post it to him. You could speak to him telephonically if he is not in the same town. If you've lost contact with him again, you need to ask the Lord to show you how to make contact. You might need to be quite proactive in seeking to make contact. As you're led by the Lord, if the man does not respond, or rejects what you've said, you need...well first of all, if he does not give you a response, you need to go to him privately and ask him for a response. If he accepts responsibility, I would suggest you give him a set of this complete set of tapes and go through the process of preparing for marriage and sanctifying the marriage and cutting a holy Covenant, which is set out in the subsequent tapes. That's the preferred outcome, that he accepts his responsibility.
If the man refuses to accept a woman and his responsibility, she should fast and pray further, and obtain the support of one or two men of God, preferably Apostolic men. I would be willing to help where I could. As Yahweh leads, who will go with you preferably physically, else by phone, mail or email to speak to him and in the process, ask the Father to show him the level of his present deception, and to judge him severely and correct him harshly that he may serve Yahweh more perfectly or come to salvation as appropriate. This must be prayed with love, and time allowed for these prayers to take effect in his life, which could take months, possibly even years in some cases, rather than days. You would have to be led by the Spirit and keep praying and interceding for the man that is scripturally your husband, as the Lord leads. The people who are standing by you would obviously intercede for you. And ideally you would have a group of people interceding for the restoration of the marriage and for God's will to be done. If you've gone with one or two others, understand that we are applying the procedures set out in Matthew Chapter 18, which was referred to previously, "go first privately, then go with one or two others and then take it to the Church.”
If the man still refuses, then they must take the matter to the Church, an appropriate body of believers who understand these principles and apply them with you. And again, you can contact this ministry if you need help in that area. There are a number of groups that fellowship internationally over the Internet by email who are particularly involved in this sort of matter. That group of people should then hand the flesh of this man over to Satan, that he may be taught not to put away his wife and to accept responsibility for his wife. There should be constant intercession offered particularly by the woman concerned that Yahweh's will is done in the matter. In other words, if Yahweh considers the man unsuitable, that he will harden the man’s heart, but should he still refuse and if it is Yahweh's will that he will soften his heart and cause him to accept responsibility. This could take months and possibly years. The woman concerned must lay down her life in prayer and fasting for her husband until Yahweh clearly releases her.
It seems to me that in certain cases where she was particularly seriously culpable in losing her virginity, in other words, where she flagrantly seduced him against his will, he may never accept her as his wife, and Yahweh may not release her to remarry. That may require for her to intercede for him, to bring him to salvation, even if that takes 30, 40, 50, or 60 years. The bottom line - there is no easy answer. Be aware that where a woman comes out of a situation where Yahweh does divorce her from the man who took her virginity, and/or subsequent man, and uses a man to minister to her through this process and she is not living in a form marriage with any other man, and has never had a long term relationship with a believer, then it is quite possible that the man who brings her through this process, will be required by God to extend his covering to her.
This is an extremely challenging teaching, and I pray that you will listen to it and meditate on it and seek God on it. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that all that has been uttered in this teaching, which is according to Your will and Your Word will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers and that anything that may be uttered that is not according to Your will and Your Word that it would be blown away and not find root in the name of Jesus. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.
05-04 What Scripture Really Says About Marriage – for Men
This message is entitled what Scripture really says about marriage for men. It is tape number 4 in volume number three of the 3 volume set, Dealing with God's way in Marriage. Volume 3 deals with the practical applications of the teachings in volumes 1 and 2 of the series. The total series is approximately 45 tapes, but this tape has been produced as a stand-alone tape to deal with the specific issue of opening communication with a particular man in regard to a specific historical legacy situation. So, this tape has been prepared specifically, to be given to men by people who have a revelation of certain things and are concerned that the possibility may exist that these teachings may have a really serious impact on a person to whom the message is given. So, therefore I encourage you, if you've been given this tape, to listen to it carefully. It contains information of enormous eternal spiritual significance to you in that case, and once you've listened to it, you can then either go back to the person who gave you the tape, or you can contact this ministry with the details at the end, refer the information and for the entire set of teachings, which will give you the full context to this teaching. The overall context of this tape, and in fact, of the whole series, is immensely challenging and it will bring you into a place of confrontation with many things that you believed about marriage, that you've believed about the Word of God, and which may have an enormous impact on your personal life.
So, if you would permit me, I would like to pray with you before I can carry on with this teaching. Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, and I ask that you open the ears and the hearts of every person who hears this teaching, to receive everything that is in it, that is of You. And I come against every spirit that would seek to hinder the receiving of the truths in this teaching and I bind you now and I command you to be silent, in Jesus’ name, for the duration of this teaching. Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus, to send Your mighty, roaring angels to encamp around those listening to this tape, to protect them and silence any demon that would seek to interfere with the receiving of the truth in this tape. In Jesus’ name. Thank You Father, that You opened the hearts of the hearers, that all the truths contained in this tape will find root in their hearts and grow forth and produce abundant fruit, and that anything that I may utter, which is not of You, will be blown away by Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name. I need to give you some context to this whole message.
Sinners and adulterers
I want to start the book of Revelation, chapter 21 verse 8, "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexual morals, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have the part in the Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death." Sexually immoral involves any person who commits adultery or fornication, and we will define that more clearly in the moments ahead. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God.” So, we see certainly, that anybody who's seen by God as an adulterer, will not inherit the Kingdom of God and we see certainly from Revelation 21, 8, in fact, they will have a part in the Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone.
We then read in Matthew 19, 9, Jesus speaking, "And I say unto you, whoever shall put away his wife," many translations read there, divorce his wife, "except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery, and who so marryeth her, which is put away, doeth commit adultery." The word translated 'fornication' there in the King James version, is often translated 'adultery or sexual immorality' in other translations. The Greek word for it is Pornea, and Pornea refers to spiritual or sexual fornication or adultery. We see that anybody who puts away his wife for any reason other than Pornea or fornication, commits adultery, and whoever marries her, commits adultery. So, based on that, we see that any man who marries a woman who's been put away, is committing adultery, and that woman is committing adultery. The implication of that is that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God and they will have a part in the Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death.
Clearly, it is very important to understand what God's precise definition of marriage is, and what God's precise definition of adultery is, and how we determine what our particular state is, relative to somebody. The point being, that if one has committed adultery unknowingly, because of ignorance, one would preferably want to find that out in this life, so there is time to repent and deal with the sin, rather than wait until the day of Judgment when you'll be tossed into the Lake, which burns with Fire and Brimstone. Malachi 2,16, in the King James version, we read, "For the Lord, the God of Israel saith that hateth putting away," most translation read divorce, "for one covereth violence with his garments, saith the Lord of hosts. Therefore, take heed to your spirit, that he deal not treacherously." Putting away is separating from a woman without just cause. It's the same as Matthew 19, 9, "A man may divorce his wife if she commits fornication, Pornea. He may not divorce her for other grounds."
Definition of marriage
Let’s answer the definition of marriage and let’s answer the question - How does Scripture define the marriage Covenant? In order to lay the foundation for this, let's first determine the Scripture definition of the marriage Covenant. Let's look at virginity first, and what is marriage. In order to define marriage, let us see what the Bible says.
Deuteronomy 22, 13 to 21 states, "If any man takes a wife and goes into her and detests her and charges her with shameful conduct and brings a bad name on her and says, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found that she was not a virgin, then the father and mother of the young woman shall take and bring out the evidence of the young woman's virginity to the elders of the city at the gate. And the young woman's father shall say to the elders, I gave my daughter to this man as his wife, and he detests her. Now he has discharged her with shameful conduct saying, I found your daughter was not a virgin. And yet, these are the evidences of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. Then the elders of that city shall take that man and punish him, and they shall fine him 100 Shekels of silver and give them to the father of the young woman because he has brought a bad name on a virgin of Israel, and she shall be his wife. He cannot divorce her all his days. But if it's true and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death with stones, because she's done a disgraceful thing in Israel, to play the Harlot in her father's house, so you shall put away the evil from among you."
James' translation of the above, specifically Deuteronomy 22, 14 says, "And given occasion of speech against her, charging her with adultery and bring an evil name upon her and say, I took this woman, and when I lay with her, I found her not a virgin." The translation clearly equates the lack of virginity with evidence of adultery. Deuteronomy 22, 14, in the New International version states, "[inaudible 00:08:44.22] gives her a bad name saying, I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity.” This translation will clearly indicate that the man approached the young woman to consummate the marriage, but presumably on inspection, found her not to be a virgin.
Deuteronomy 22, 19, in the King James version states, "And they shall immerse him in 100 Shekels of silver and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel, and she shall be his wife. He may not put her away all his days." We see the word 'put away' in other words, unjustly separating. If we look at Deuteronomy chapter 22 verses 28 and 29 in the King James, we also find, “if a man finds a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lays hold on her and lie with her and they be found, then the men that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father 50 shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife. Because he has humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." This relates to a man who actually takes the virginity of a woman by force and sees that he is married.
We see it from the earlier passage in Deuteronomy 22, that if you were to send her away, if they were not found out, she could still not marry because she would be found to not be a virgin on her wedding night, and therefore, would be a harlot worthy of death. The only exception to this is a widow. If we read through in detail the Scriptures pertaining to widows, we understand that essentially it was necessary for a man to be absolutely certain that a woman was a widow before he married her. In this series of teachings, of which this is one, there is also an explanation to the effect, that if a woman lies to a man and tells him that she's a virgin, and has never had sex with a man, but that somehow her hymen has got damaged, that man is still an adulterer in the sight of God, even though he believed a lie.
The further Scripture - Exodus 22 verses 16 and 17 states, "If a man entices a virgin, who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall surely pay the bride price for her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money according to the bride price of virgins.” And later on, we'll see in more detail, based on the passage in Deuteronomy 22, the indications are if the father does forbid the young girl to marry the man, she has to live in widowhood for the rest of their life. Having said that, tape 3 in the series that proceeds this, goes in length into the issues around about God extending grace and mercy to permit a man or woman to marry another person in the event, and having lost virginity under certain circumstances. It's quite possible, that if you've received this tape as a stand-alone given to you by somebody, they're in the process of dealing with their own conscience and their own anxiety concerning a possible serious sin against God. In that tape, the basis for resolving these issues is provided.
So again, I would encourage you, if you've been given this tape by a woman that you had intercourse with, or if you're the father of a young woman who had intercourse with a man and lost her virginity in a less than ideal situation, it's important that you understand that there are courses of action which are available to you and to her in the situation. It is vital that we apply scriptural principles, because I have no doubt none of us want to find ourselves a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. I want to go on and establish that from this, virginity is a prerequisite for godly marriage.
Virginity and Marriage
From the Scriptures, we get the following: The evidence of the woman's virginity is without doubt, a cloth that is used to collect the bloodshed from the young woman's hymen when she was penetrated in sexual intercourse the first time. I do not believe that there's any disagreement that the word 'virgin' in the context of a woman, refers to a woman who has never had sexual intercourse and in scriptural terms, whose hymen is intact. It is equally clear that the man who accuses his bride of not being a virgin after he goes into her or approaches her, is married to her, and this marriage cannot be dissolved if he's brought a false accusation. But, if his accusations are correct, then the young women is defined by the Word of God as a harlot and sentenced to die immediately. We also see that if a man takes the virgin forcibly, he's responsible for her for life. He may never put her away or divorce her. If a man entices a virgin and lies with her, her father may refuse to permit her to marry the man when the father first hears about it. If a father does not refuse to permit her to marry, then they're considered to be married.
I refer you to Judges chapter 21 verses 20 to 23, where wives are taken for Benjamin in terms of this principle. "If a father does not permit her to marry, it does appear that Deuteronomy 22 verses 13 to 21 prohibits her from ever remarrying another man. What we’re saying in this passage and in this teaching, is that sexual intercourse with a virgin equals to the act of marriage. In other words, wherever you read the word 'marry' in the Bible, you could substitute sexual intercourse with a virgin or widow. This is contrary to what we're taught in the world today, but that's not what the Word of God says, and that is that form of marriage, which forms the basis of determining whether a woman or man is committing adultery. In other words, if a woman has sex with a man and loses her virginity, she may never have sex with another man without being classed as an adulteress or a harlot, unless the first man is deceased, or unless God permits her to divorce, which only happens, in my experience, under very limited circumstances.
The vast majority of people who were divorced in the sight of the world today, are in fact not divorced in the sight of God, and many of them may be in adultery. By way of a couple of examples, I know of an instance not long ago, where a God-fearing man married a young woman, who was supposedly divorced. Within 6 months, he was dead, and it was attributed to the fact that he was committing adultery. Another instance where I've personally ministered to a man in his 50's, who had married a woman with the consent of the Church, also divorced, and within 6 months, he was bankrupt. And again, it was revealed prophetically, that this was because he was living in adultery. Adultery is not a thing to play games with. It may have serious consequences in the present life. It certainly, as we've seen, has very serious consequences in the life to come. So, we see that virginity is sacred and holy. It's not negotiable in the sight of God. A woman who's not a virgin is only eligible to marry if she's a widow or divorced on scriptural acceptable grounds.
I refer you here to Matthew chapter 5 verses 31 and 32, Matthew chapter 19 verses 3 to 10, Mark chapter 10 verses 2 to 12, where Jesus makes it quite clear, that there are certain very specific conditions under which sexual union with the scripturally divorced women is not adultery, and I've touched on that. That is Pornea. That's not the primary purpose of this particular tape. My objective with this tape is to sensitize you to the fact that based on the fact that you've been given the tape, somebody may be concerned that you may be sitting with a situation where in the sight of God, you are married to a woman who's not today, living with you as a wife or alternatively, if you're a father, that you may have a daughter in that situation. The objective is not to bring you into condemnation, it's to make you aware of the sin, which in some instances, may simply be repented of and dealt with. In other instances, it may require much more drastic action, but that is not the subject of this tape. My objective today is to make you aware that you may have certain scriptural responsibilities that you were not aware of, that you may be living in serious sin in the sight of God, and that that may have serious eternal consequences if it is not resolved. Therefore, to provide you with the information that is necessary for you to make a quality decision, to engage in conversation with the person who gave you this tape, and to do whatever else is necessary to resolve the situation in terms of the teachings that are provided, and in terms of the leading and the guiding of the Holy Spirit.
From all of this, we become aware of the fact that since God has created a woman to lose her virginity only once, therefore, she was only intended to marry once, and therefore, to only marry one man. By the same token, since it is technically, perfectly possible for a man to take the virginity of more than one woman, only once he's taken her virginity, he's married to her in the sight of God. We have to conclude, that from the beginning of creation, God created man and women in such a fashion that a man was able to have more than one wife, and that it is scripturally permissible. I will come back to that a little bit later, but if you don't understand that principle, it's possible that you will discount this teaching, but it is vital to understand it.
Most people talk of marriage as being a Covenant, but generally speaking, as you'll see in a moment, the manner in which the term is used is very loose and it's not an accurate reflection of the way God intended Covenant to be. By way of making that point, the first thing to notice is that Covenant requires the shedding of blood. Hebrews 9 verses 18 to 20 states, "Therefore, not even the first Covenant was dedicated without blood, for when Moses had spoken, every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of claves and goats with water, scarlet, wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people saying, this is the blood of the Covenant which God has commanded you." So, we see, that a Covenant cannot be dedicated without blood.
Secondly, the Covenant requires the cleaving, splitting or cutting of some living creature. We refer to Genesis chapter 15 verses 4 to 21. We read, concerning Abraham, "And behold the Word of the Lord came to him saying, this one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body, shall be your heir. Then He brought him outside and said, look now, toward Heaven, count the stars if you're able to number them. And He said to him, so shall your descendants be. And he," that's Abraham, "believed in the Lord and he accounted to Him for righteousness. And He said, I am the Lord who brought you out of the Chaldeans to give you this land and to inherit it. And he said, Lord God, how shall I know that I will inherit it? So, He,” that's God, “said to him, bring me a 3-year-old heifer, a 3-year-old female goat, a 3-year-old ram, a turtle dove, and a young pigeon. Then he brought all these to him and cut them in two down the middle, and placed each piece opposite the other, but he did not cut the birds in two. And when the vultures came down on the carcasses, Abraham drove them away.
When the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abraham, and behold, horror and great darkness fell upon him. Then God said to Abraham, know certainly the true descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs and will serve them, and they will afflict them 400 years. Also, the nation whom they serve, I will judge. Afterward, they shall come out with great possessions. As for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace, you shall be buried at a good old age, but in the 4th generation, they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites, who is not yet complete. And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, but behold, it appeared a smoking fire pot and a burning torch, that passed between those pieces. On the same day, the Lord made a Covenant with Abraham,” and it continues.
There is a critical principle contained here, specifically in verse 10. "Then he brought all these to God and cut them in 2 down the middle and placed each piece opposite the other." And then in verse 17, we read, "A smoking oven and a burning torch passed between those pieces." This smoking oven and the burning torch are widely regarded as being manifestation of the presence of God since verse 18 states, "On the same day, the Lord made a Covenant with Abraham." So, it appears that God passed between the halves of the animals in making the Covenant, but can we confirm that in Scripture. Jeremiah 34, verse 18 states, "And I will give the men, who have transgressed by Covenant, who have not performed the words of the Covenant, which they made before me when they cut the calf in two and passed between the parts of it."
In this case, the Covenant made with God by the Princes of Judah and the others referred to in the subsequent verses, involved cutting a calf in two and passing between the parts of it. Essentially, the same actions that we've just seen in Genesis 15, 10 to 18, but there's more to it. The Living Torah, a modern Jewish translation by Arabi Ariah Capelin, published by most known Publishing Corporation of New York and Jerusalem, translates Genesis 15, 10 as follows, "Abraham brought all of these for him, he split them in half, and placed one half opposite the other." The word translated, 'cut' in the new King James Version is translated 'split' in this translation. And in a footnote to this verse, the living Torah states, split them, this is the way of making a Covenant. Indeed, the words - birth, Covenant, and [inaudible 00:22:52.19]split, appear to be closely related. It symbolized that just as the two halves of the animal were really one, so were the two people making the Covenant. Moreover, just as one side cannot live without the other, so the two cannot live without each other.
It was also seen as a malediction. Anyone violating the oath, would be torn asunder, like the animals. In this one note, we begin to see the deeper meaning embodied in Deuteronomy 22, 13 to 30, dealing with virginity. The Covenant is made by splitting or cutting some living thing and shedding blood. The people who make a blood Covenant become one and cannot live without one another. A person who breaks Covenant is to put people to death. This is confirmed by a variety of independent sources who have studied the blood Covenant in Scripture and also in Pagan Practice. I refer you particularly to teachings by Kenneth Copeland, entitled 'Covenant Made by Blood [inaudible 00:23:48.26]. ISPN: 088 114 7907 and published by Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Taking it further, the Oxford English dictionary defines 'split' - break forcibly, be broken into parts, especially longitude, or with a grain or plain of cleavage. Consider also the physical reality of a meat cleaver, something that cleaves or cuts into the meat.
The conclusion we reached, is that the marriage Covenant is cut when a man cleaves into his virgin wife. If we tie that back to Genesis 2, 21 to 25 in the King James Translation, we read, "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept. He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead, thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her unto the man, and Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
Thus, we see the man cleaving or splitting his wife, forcibly breaking apart her hymen on the plane of cleavage, shedding blood. He then proceeds to walk or pass between the two halves, completing the Covenant act. The imagery is vivid and powerful, if we put aside our prudery for a moment and wonder of the physical appearance of the external female sexual organs, we should be even further amazed at the imagery which our God is encapsulated in what superficially is an organ, who's structure and design makes no earthly sense. It's not intended to. It faithfully recreates the two halves of the Covenant animal, even to the hair covering the animal. Surely, we must conclude that God knew the end from the beginning, and designed woman to be symbolic of his Covenant with man. So again, we see the Covenant is made by splitting or cutting some living thing and shedding blood between man and women, that's the hymen of the woman. The people who make a blood Covenant, become one and cannot live without one another. That's the One Flesh Bond, which is a powerful spiritual bond which literally unites and ties them together until death do us part, yet the marriage is property consummated, but that is the subject of another teaching.
But please understand, that if you've had intense and passionate lovemaking with a woman, your spirit is intimately bound to hers, and that will bring judgment on you in this life. It will bring all sorts of spiritual and emotional misery. Thirdly, a person who breaks Covenant is to be put to death. And as we've seen in in Deuteronomy 22, that has a physical manifestation in the Old Testament, and we've seen in Revelation 21, 8 and in 1 Corinthians 6, 9 and 10, that it prevents a person from entering or inheriting the Kingdom of God, and it also can result in having a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
So, that remains in force. The thing being that the New Testament, the new Covenant is a spiritual Covenant, so spiritual death follows, but we don’t necessarily see it in this life. So, I sincerely hope that by now you will have begun to realize just how deep and how serious the subject of this tape is. Millions, if not billions of souls are in hell, and many others are on their way, as a consequence of man heresies in this area.
Sexual immorality
I will refer you also to 1 Corinthians 6 chapter 18, which says, “flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality, sins against his own body.” And we've seen again, that in 1 Corinthians 6, 9 and 10, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither fornicators nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor coveters, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God." We mentioned briefly, that Exodus 22, 16 and 17 states, "if a man entices a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall surely pay the bride price for her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money according to the bride price of virgins."
So, there is an apparent way out in Scripture which says that if a man takes a woman's virginity and subsequently her father prohibits her from marrying, it seems to provide a way out of dealing with situations of this nature. This is dealt with in considerable detail in the tape 3 of the third volume of the series, should that be something that you think might apply in your case. It's important to understand, in such a situation, particularly if you're a father, if you forbid your daughter to marry the man who took her virginity, there is no scriptural basis for her to marry another man. It would appear that she must remain a widow in her father's house for the rest of her life, and furthermore, should she commit adultery, should she be seen in the Court of Heaven as having committed adultery, that sin will be placed on her father's account for the day of Judgment.
So, fathers, before you exercise your prerogative to forbid your daughter to marry a man who's taken her virginity, you must give prayerful and serious consideration and must be absolutely certain that this man is unsuitable to be your daughter's husband. At the same time, it's important to understand that technically from Scripture, she is not permitted to remarry. However, and this point is addressed in great detail in the proceeding tape which is very relevant once you've listened to this tape, if you have listened to the whole series. In that event, there are seemingly some indications in Scripture of some ways of responding to this, which could potentially in this age, permit a woman to remarry, provided the Spirit of God shows clearly that that is acceptable in the sight of God. I mentioned briefly a moment ago, that clearly the act of sexual intercourse with a virgin is the act of marriage. A man is capable of marrying more than one wife, but a woman is not capable of marrying more than one man without committing adultery.
Exodus 21, 10 and 11 referring to a bond servant or slave says, “if he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her”, that the first wife's, “food, clothing and her marriage rights. And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free without paying money.” Now this relates to a bondservant, a servant, a slave, or a woman who has been purchased as a worker in the home of a man. That doesn't refer to a free woman, and there's uncertainty as to how Scripture applies in the case of a free woman, which again, is dealt with in the previous tape. Deuteronomy 21, 15 to 17, "If a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved, and they've borne him children, both the loved and unloved, and if the firstborn son is of her who is unloved,” and the Scripture continues. Clearly, there are provisions in Scripture for a man to have more than one wife.
In 1 Chronicles 14, verse 3, we read that David took more wives in Jerusalem, and David begot more sons and daughters. In 2 Samuel chapter 12 verses 7 and 8, when the Lord sends Nathan, the Prophet to David to rebuke him for his adultery with Bathsheba, we read, "Then Nathan said to David, you are the man, thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, I anointed you king over Israel and delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave you a Master's house and your master's wives into your keeping. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah, and if that had been too little, I also would have given you much more." The significant part of that passage is the statement, “I gave you your master's house and your master's wives.” So, we see that after Saul's death, God gave to David all the women who had been married to Saul. And we must therefore conclude that God does not have a problem with man having more than one wife. I need to make a point, at this stage, if you've grown up in a monogamist community and a monogamous society, a society which believes that a man may only have one wife, that is your prerogative. Nobody's saying that you shouldn't believe that, but you need to understand that if you've had sex with more than one woman, you are making a farce of the Doctrine of monogamy.
A man who has sex with more than one woman is the definition of polygamous or an adulterer. He either has many wives or he is fornicating and having sex with women who are other men's wives. I have to put that blunt to you because it has eternal consequences that you need to be aware of. Returning to David for the moment, there is a tendency amongst Christians to suggest that somehow there was something wrong with David because he had more than one wife. I would ask you to seriously reconsider that if you've ever believed that. I read to you Acts 13 chapter 22, written something like 1000 years after David lived. Therefore, clearly indicating that records written at that time, must carry weight. “And when he had removed him,” this is Saul, “he rose up for them,” that's Israel, “David is a king to whom also he gave testimony and said, I found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will do all my will.” 1 Kings 15 chapter 15 verses 4 and 5 says, "Nevertheless for David sake, the Lord his God, gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by setting up his son after him and by establishing Jerusalem, because David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and had not turned aside from anything that he commanded him all the days of his life except in the matter of Uriah, the Hittite.”
So, we see that despite the fact that David had something in the order of 11 wives and 10 concubines, and that God gave him some of those wives, God was very pleased with David. David did right in the sight of God in everything, except his adultery with Uriah's wife, and the murder of Uriah. So, we dare not suggest that God does not approve of a man having more than one wife. In fact, if you consider that God calls David a man after his own heart, and repeatedly says in Scripture that David did right in the sight of God, we have to conclude that it is God's own heart for a man to have more than one wife. I'm not presenting this to persuade you that you should have more than one wife, but I am doing it in order that there is a very clear understanding, that should you have taken the virginity of more than one woman, you were married in the sight of God to both of them. The Doctrine of Monogamy does not provide you with a way out when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ. If you do not want to have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, if you do not want to find that you will not inherit the Kingdom of God, if you do not want to find that you are guilty on the day of judgment, you have to resolve whatever you may have, in terms of One Flesh Bonds resulting from sexual intercourse with any woman, and specifically in the context of this particular message, One Flesh Bonds resulting from sexual intercourse with a virgin, who you are no longer living with as your wife. It doesn't matter if you legally divorced her, it doesn't matter if she left you, it doesn't matter if it was a one-night stand, if you took her virginity you are married to her in the sight of God, unless God permits you to divorce her on very specific grounds.
I refer you also to Matthew chapter 23 verses 1 to 13, "Then the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom." Now five of them were wise and five were foolish, and we know the story - some didn't have enough oil. Verse 6, "And at midnight, a cry was heard, behold, the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil." And 10, "While they went to buy, the bridegroom came and those who were ready, went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut. Afterwards, the other virgins came also saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He answered and said, assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you, watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of man is coming."
So, we see from the last verse, that Jesus was referring here specifically to His coming again to marry the bride of Christ. And therefore, since we understand now, that virgins attend a wedding in order to get married, we must conclude that the ten virgins are ten women intending to marry the same man on the same night. And since our Lord Jesus saw fit to use their parable, we must conclude that it was acceptable in His sight and in the sight of God for a man to marry ten women, even if he married those ten women the same night. So, I would ask you to accept that the teachings that you may have heard about monogamy do not release any man from his spiritual obligation in the sight of God to any woman who's virginity he has taken, unless he has a very clear and very personal assurance and revelation from God, that he is permitted to divorce that woman for pornea or for some other basis where God may extend mercy and grace. Because they were working in ignorance, that man must accept until he knows otherwise, that he has a responsibility and an accountability before God, for that woman.
The implications are that if you are married in the sight of God to every woman who's virginity you took, you are responsible for her for life, unless God releases. As I've mentioned, there are other teachings in the series which deals with that and specifically, the previous tape - tape 3 addresses questions or prayers that we prayed and a process of asking for signs. But I must say to you, that my understanding of the Word of God is very clear. If you've taken a woman's virginity and particularly, if you're a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is a strong possibility that God is going to require you to take her under your wing, under your covering and take her back as your wife. He's not in the business of condoning adultery and fornication, but He will potentially, depending on the circumstances around the situation, extend grace and release you according to my understanding, but this is by no means certain, and I would encourage you, until you have prayed it through and worked it through with the spirit of God and gotten very certain and very clear signs to assume that there's a strong probability that God holds you accountable for that woman, that He regards you as married to that woman, and that you will burn in Lake the Fire and Brimstone if you do not do what God requires you to do, relative to that woman.
As I've mentioned, the implications are covered in detail in other tapes in the series, and they're available from this ministry or probably the person who gave you this tape. I would encourage you to get in touch with the person who gave you this tape, and to sit down and discuss with them the implications, pray about it, ask God for his guidance, and listen to the entire series of teaching tapes, to gain an understanding of what the real issues are in the sight of God. If you're the father of the girl who has lost her virginity without your knowledge, while she was living at home, you may be able to release her in terms of the passage in Exodus, which was cited previously. But I must state to you that you need to pray about it as well and make sure that that is the Lord's will. At the same time, you are required by Scripture to release her at the time that it happens, you can’t release her days or weeks later. If you are silent the first time you hear about it, you will be condoning her marriage in the sight of God and there will be no going back. If you've been given this tape by a woman, then she probably believes that you took her virginity, and either desires you to accept responsibility for that, and extend your covering and marry her legally and contractually in the sight of man, or she may have been married for many years in the sight of the world, in a civil or ecclesiastical marriage, and she may desire to be released from that marriage in order to continue her life with the man that she has called husband for all these years.
You may not axiomatically release her, and she may not axiomatically be released. Only God can release her. It's my understanding that God will extend grace in many classes and that He may well release you and release her, but I'm aware of instances, I know one in particular, where we ministered prophetically for something like 8 hours to a woman who had been seduced under hypnosis and put through a marriage ceremony by a man 30 years earlier. Her father had subsequently prohibited her from marrying that man. She'd married another man in Church and they'd lived together nearly 25 years or thereabouts as man and wife. This other man had come back, seduced her under hypnosis while she was married, she'd borne a child by him not knowing it, and at the time we started ministering to her, she knew nothing of this other man. It was only during 8 hours of prophetic ministry, that she received visions, revelations and words of knowledge in which God showed her what had happened, that for the first time in 30 years, she knew how she lost her virginity.
In the meantime, God had brought this other man back into her life, had taken her out of her legal contractual marriage, and showed her that in His sight, she had been living in adultery for her entire civil, ecclesiastical marriage, and that her husband was now being restored to her. It's alarming and frightening stuff if you have any fear of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, if you have any desire to spend Eternity in Heaven and not in Hell, you cannot afford to duck these issues. So, the woman who gave you this tape or the man who may have given you this tape on behalf of a woman, is sending you a very important message, one which you ignore at your peril. The Word of God clearly says that once that person has given you this message, their blood is on your hand. If they're not giving you the message, the blood would be on their hands.
I refer you to Ezekiel chapter 3 and Ezekiel chapter 33, which make it very clear that once we have a word of knowledge or a word of relation for somebody, we must give it to those people, otherwise their blood will be on our hands. And for that reason, I've produced this series of tapes. So, if you find yourself in that situation, please accept that you have a responsibility to go before God, you have a responsibility to deal with these issues, in Jesus' name. If you're not sure how to go on with this, I would encourage you to get hold of this full set of tapes, those that are available from our ministry in End Time Issues Ministry in South Africa. We have certain distributors that are around the world. My email address is: You're welcome to email me and I will put you in touch with somebody who send you the full set of teachings, either on audio cassette or CD, or we will send them to you ourselves. There is no charge for those tapes. If we have to export them, a considerable cost, we would ask you if you can afford it to bear the vat charges or the shipping charges, and courier charges, email, whatever, to get the material to you, but if you are in a financially straightened circumstances, we will provide those materials to you at no charge, finances and funds permitting.
One Flesh Bond
I would stress to you that it's important to understand that if you have an unresolved One Flesh Bond with a woman and you are a Christian believer, the profitability is at the time you received this tape, you are in serious financial difficulty, you may have been to the brink of bankruptcy on more than one occasion, you may be failing to make any progress in your Christian walk. That is the magnitude of the spiritual power that happens when a man is joined to a woman who is not living with him. Satan will use that to take any man apart in a spiritual sense and a financial sense, if that man is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. The bottom line to that is, that that man, when he joins himself to that woman, becomes One Flesh, and she becomes part of his house. The Word of God is quite clear, a house divided against itself cannot stand.
1 Peter 3, 7 shows us clearly, that if a man and woman are not in agreement, their prayers will be hindered, and their finances will be hindered. So, if when you listen to this, you were in financial difficulties, please understand that the probability is that those financial difficulties result from the sexual situation, which has resulted in this tape possibly being given to you. If you're not in financial difficulties, ask yourself the question, whether you are making a real effort to serve God, and also examine what else may be going on in your life. But particularly, in the last couple of years, since 1996, '97 the situation has been getting more and more acute, we're moving into the period of the final judgment, final tribulation of the Church, with every indication that the end of the age and the casting of Satan into The Pit for 1000 years, is close at hand. Therefore, the judgment on the lives of men and women who have unresolved One Flesh Bonds, is going to become more and more acute as the days go on. Therefore, I would urge you, in the name of Jesus, to deal with whatever matters may be unresolved in your life around this issue, right now, in Jesus’ name.
Contact details and other information concerning this ministry follow immediately after the benediction. I would urge you, if you've come by this tape and you've been convicted that there is a possibility that there are issues in your life that you need to deal with, that you contact us as a matter of urgency or else, obtain further information from the people who gave you this tape.
Father in the name of Jesus, I bring this teaching before you, and I ask anything that I've uttered that is not according to Your Word or according to Your will, will be blown away and find no root in the hearts of the hearers. But I ask You Father also, in Jesus' name, that everything that has been uttered that is according to Your will and according to Your Word, will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers and will bring deep conviction and bring them to a place where they can do what is right in pleasing in Your sight, no matter what the cost, in Jesus’ name. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world, amen.
This message has been recorded by a Church Without Walls, a ministry of End Time Issue Ministries. PO Box: 898 Rand Park Ridge Randburg 2156 Republic of South Africa. We can be contacted by email: Our phone numbers, International Dialing Code, normally 0027, but this may vary from country to country, the 27 as standard. Our landline: 0027 11 791 2327 or in South Africa: 011 791 2327. My mobile number: 0027 83 251 6644 and in South Africa: 083 251 6644. Our Fax number internationally: 0027 11 791 5004. And locally: 011 791 5004. All Materials produced by this ministry are available with no cost to those who require them of irrespective of financial means.
At the same time, donations and offering are surely welcome to support the Word. Please feel free to copy any of our materials in part or in full as the Lord leads you, understanding that the manner in which you utilize those materials and the manner in which you cite them and quote them, is for your account on the Day of Judgment. So, we would ask you to use the materials wisely, but feel free to copy them however you see fit and to share these truths with anybody as the Lord leads. I would urge those of you who received copies of these tapes with no charge, but once you've listened to them, that you consider passing them on and blessing others with them. Our heart's desire is that they should not become artifacts sitting on a shelf and gathering dust, but that the Word of God contained in these teachings, should be spread as far and as widely as possible.
Should you be led by the Lord to sow into this Ministry, our bank account is End Time Issues Issue Ministries. The account number: 042 752 7805. The branch is the Standard Bank of South Africa, Randburg branch, and the branch code is: 018005. If you're listening to these messages, you've realized that you do not have a personal saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and that if you were to die right now, you would not spend Eternity in Heaven with Him, I would urge you to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to pray the prayer of salvation.
Steps to salvation
These steps to salvation are as follows. Firstly, admit and recognize that you are a sinner. Romans 3 verse 23 says, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Secondly, accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came to earth as a man, that He was crucified and died on the cross, that on the third day, He rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. And that by His death and resurrection, He took your sins for Eternity. Romans 5, 8 says, "That God demonstrates His own love toward us, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Thirdly, confess your sins, repent of your sins, and turn around. Repentance means turning around. It means to cease to do what you now realize is wrong. 1 John 1, 9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Four, confess your faith, that Jesus Christ is Lord, that you believe this and receive His salvation and invite Him to dwell in your heart." Romans 10, 9 and 10 says, "If you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation." Give thanks to God for your salvation, pray and cry out to God and give thanks to Him for saving you. Six, work out your salvation by the Spirit of God. Philippians 2, 12 says, “therefore my beloved, as you've always obeyed, not as in My presence only, but now much more in My absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
Salvation is a process. You are saved the moment you pray the sinner's prayer, the prayer of salvation and invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and be Lord of your life. Salvation is also a process whereby your mind is renewed, and you come to have a personal and deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is your choice how far you go in that relationship. He desires a wonderful, a deep and an intimate relationship with you, but it is your choice whether you will do what is necessary to come to that place through reading your Bible, praying, seeking counsel, seeking guidance. You should be water baptized at the first possible opportunity. Matthew 3, 6 says, "And we were baptized by him in Jordan, confessing their sins." I encourage you to ask the Lord to lead you to somebody who has some knowledge of the basic ordinance of water baptism, who can water baptize you or to lead you to a Church where they can water baptize you. There's no reason why you cannot be water baptized today as a symbolic cleansing and washing of your sins. In fact, the minute you’ve prayed the sinners prayer, it would be preferable for you to be water baptized.
Choose to be obedient to the Word of God, accept the Bible in its original Hebrew as given by the Spirit of God, and choose to live your life according to that. 1 John 5, 3 says, "This is the love of God, that we keep His Commandments, and His Commandments are not burdensome." I encourage you to read the Word of God daily, and to put into practice everything that you encounter, as a principle which I believe will bear fruit in your life. I would encourage you to make an effort right now, after you've prayed this prayer, start reading your Bible from the book of John through to the book of Revelation, and then make a discipline of reading the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation at least two, three, four times a year. Read the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi at least once a year. And I would encourage you to do that using different translations. Ask God to lead you to the Church where He wants you to be at this time, where they will teach you, they will guide you and they will pray for you, and they will help you to walk in the fullness of what God has called you to be. Be aware that God may move you from Church to church over time, to teach you things, and you should not be reluctant to do this. The service of God is a personal choice, it's a wonderful choice, and if you will step up by faith today and pray the sinner's prayer and follow Him, you will reap a rich harvest, if that is your desire to be found faithful on the day of judgment. Should you have listened to this and have decided that you're ready to make Jesus Christ, the Lord of your life, I would ask you to pray this prayer with me, in Jesus' name.
Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I confess that I'm a sinner. I confess that I don't have personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I recognize that without Jesus, if I were to die right now, I will spend Eternity in hell, and not with You. I confess that I have sinned, and I repent of those sins and I turn around. I choose to turn my back on sin and to serve God. I confess that Jesus Christ came to Earth as a man, that He was crucified, that He died and was buried, and that He was resurrected on the third day and that He sits on the right hand of the Father. I confess by faith, that He died to take all of my sins, and I thank You Jesus for taking my sin and I give You my sin right now, in Jesus' name. I confess by faith that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I choose now, Lord Jesus, to make You the Lord of my life, I invite You to come and dwell in my heart, I invite You to take charge of my life, I invite You to start leading, guiding me and directing me, and I give You my life and everything that I have, and I commit myself to serving You now, Lord Jesus. I thank You that You have heard me, and I thank You that You have now come to live in me, and I thank You for saving me. Thank You that I'm a child of the most high God. I thank You that I'm a servant of the most high God, and that You will lead me and guide me into the paths that You want me to walk. I ask You Lord to lead me to the Church where You want me to be. I ask You in the name of Jesus, to bring the people that You want in my life, into my life by Your Spirit and to remove the people that You don't want in my life, by Your Spirit, in Jesus' name.

05_05 What Scripture Really Says About Marriage – for Women
This message is entitled, 'What Scripture says about Marriage for Women.' It is teaching number 5 in the third volume of the series, ‘Understanding God's way in Marriage’, volume 3, dealing with the practical application of the teachings in volumes 1 and 2. Volume 1 dealing, primarily with the scriptural basis of what the Bible really says regarding marriage. Volume 2 dealing with many Scriptures and Spiritual principles, in terms of coming to a place of experiencing Heaven on Earth in marriage. And Volume 3 dealing with the practical applications of the teachings. This particular tape has been prepared specifically to be given to women who have not heard the rest of the series, and specifically, as a basis for discussion in situations where the truths of the Word of God that are contained in the full series, may have a particular impact on an individual who has not had the opportunity to listen to the entire set. Accordingly, if you've been given this by somebody, I would ask you to consider it very seriously and to pray about it. It contains a number of truths, which may have a very serious impact on your life, potentially for Eternity if they aren't handled correctly. And I would suggest to you that if you receive this tape from somebody, the probability is that they have given it to you because they have a reason to believe that some of what is contained in it, is particularly pertinent in your life. I must stress that once you've listened to this teaching, if you recognize that it potentially does have a bearing on your life, it's highly desirable that you should obtain the full set of tapes from the person who gave you this tape, or else, from our ministry - End Time Issues Ministries. We can be contacted by email at Other contact details are pending at the end of this tape.
I'll ask you to pray with me in preparation for this teaching. Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus, and I ask that You will open the eyes of the understanding of everybody who listens to this teaching. I pray that You open their eyes to see what You would have them see and close their eyes that they do not see anything You would not have them see. Open their ears to hear what You would have them hear and close their ears that they do not hear anything that You do not want them to hear. I speak to any demon or fallen angel that is in hearing of this teaching, and in the name of Jesus, I bind you and command you to go down and be silent for the duration of this teaching, in Jesus' name. Father, I thank You that You send Your mighty warring angels to encamp around every listener, to bind, silence and deafen, to close the ears of any demon or fallen angel that might be within hearing distance of this teaching, in Jesus' name. I thank You Father, that all that has been spoken in this tape, that is according to Your Word and according to Your will, will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers, that it will be nourished and watered by Your Spirit and it will produce abundant fruit, in Jesus' name. I ask that anything uttered on this tape that is not according to Your Word or according to Your will, will be blown away by Your Spirit and find no root in the hearts of the hearers, in Jesus’ name.
Lake of Fire and Brimstone
I need to place this teaching in context, and in order to do that, I refer you to a number of Scriptures. Firstly, Revelations 21 verse 8 "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable murderers, sexual immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death." We see there that all that is sexually immoral - other translations say adulterers, other translations say fornicators - but the sexually immoral will have a part in the Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death. 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9 and 10, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Do not be deceived, neither fornicators nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God." We see clearly there that adulterers and fornicators will not inherit the Kingdom of God. So, it becomes apparent that it's important for us to understand what adultery and fornication are, in order that we should not find that we have inadvertently placed ourselves in that category by actions which we perhaps thought were acceptable in the sight of God.
Putting away
Matthew chapter 19 verse 9, "And I said unto you, whoever shall put away his wife," - other translations say, ‘divorces his wife’, "except it be for fornication," the Greek word there is pornea, "and shall marry another, committeth adultery. And he that marryeth her, which is put away, doeth commit adultery." So, we see that if a man puts away his wife for any reason except for fornication, which is pornea, he’s committing adultery. Putting away is effectively what we know as divorced today but putting away is divorcing a woman for no reason. The only reason that Scripture permits in Deuteronomy 24 and in Matthew 19, 9, and elsewhere, is for fornication. Fornication, the word pornea, refers to sexual immorality, adultery, a woman having sex with a man who is not her husband, or a man having sex with a woman who is not his wife and who's married to another man. Spiritual fornication, which is broadly speaking extreme unfaithfulness, treachery, losing salvation, turning to Satan worship after having the worship of God. Divorce, in the scriptural sense, is only permitted in extreme cases, most of what takes place in the body of Christ in the world today is not divorce, it is putting away, and those people who are put away, or put away their wives are committing adultery in terms of what Jesus says in Matthew 19, 9.
So, it’s really important that we understand what constitutes marriage in order that we may establish whether we are committing adultery. Malachi 2, 16 says, "For the Lord, the God of Israel saith that He hateth putting away." Other translations again lead divorce, "for one covereth violence with his garments, saith the Lord of Hosts. Therefore, take heed to your Spirit, that you deal not treacherously." So, we see that putting away as distinct from divorce in an extreme situation, is dealing treacherously. It's violence and God hates it, yet it is prevalent in the world today. Let's see what Scripture says in terms of defining the marriage Covenant, and let’s start by considering what marriage actually is in scriptural terms.
Turn with me to Deuteronomy 22 verses 13 to 21, "If any man takes a wife and goes into her and detests and charges her with shameful conduct and brings a bad name and says, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found she was not a virgin, then the father and mother of the young woman shall take and bring out the evidence of the woman's virginity to the elders of the city at the gate, and the young woman's father shall say to the elders, I gave my daughter to this man as wife, and he detests her. Now, he has charged her with shameful conduct saying, I find your daughter was not a virgin, and yet these are the evidences of my daughter's virginity. And they will spread the cloth before the elders of the city. Then the elders of that city shall take that men and punish him, and they shall fine him 100 shekels of silver and give it to the father of the woman, because he has brought a bad name on a virgin of Israel, and she shall be his wife. He cannot divorce her all his days. But if the thing is true and evidences of the virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has done a disgraceful thing in Israel, to play the harlot in her father's house. So, you shall put away the evil from among you.”
Verse 14 in Lambs translation states, "And given occasion of speech against her, charging her with adultery and bring an evil name upon her and say, I took this woman, and when I lay with her, I found her not a virgin." This translation clearly equates the lack of virginity with evidence of adultery. Deuteronomy 21, 14 and the new international version states, "And slanders her and gives her a bad name saying, I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity." This translation more clearly indicates that the man approached the young woman to consummate the marriage, but presumably on inspection, found her not to be a virgin. Verse 19 in the King James states, "And they shall immerse him in 100 shekels of silver and give them unto the father of the Damsel, because he had brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel, and she shall be his wife. He may not put her away all his days.”
So again, the concept of putting away rather than divorce, it's important to know the distinction. Divorce is something that is permitted in extreme circumstances. Putting away is what constitutes most of divorce today, and there's a teaching tape on the whole subject of divorce in the series. If you require further information, which demonstrates very convincingly that basically the only basis for divorce, scriptural divorce is if the one spouse has renounced their salvation or has lost their salvation and is headed to hell. There may be certain instances where divorce is permitted. It does appear that in situations where virginity has been lost foolishly without knowledge, the Lord may extend grace. If a man and woman gave themselves in marriage, a woman gave her virginity to the man, and they've lived together for some years as man and wife for some months, the probability of committing them to divorce is very slight indeed. So, we see, that a woman or a man who puts away his wife, commits adultery. We see that the act of marriage is sexual intercourse with a virgin, and so we begin to see that the picture is not the way that we've understood it.
Consider another passage of Scripture also in Deuteronomy 22 verses 28 and 29, again in the King James version, "If a man finds a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her and lie with her and they be found, then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father 50 shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he hath humbled her. He may not put her away all his days.” There's an inference that if they're not found out, he doesn't have to take her as his wife, but the reality is that the passage that we just read in Deuteronomy 22 makes it quite clear that if she's not a virgin, she cannot marry. She will be found to be an adulteress, so she would need to stay in her father’s house unmarried. And we see the example in the case of David's daughter or David’s son, who rapes his sister, Tamar, David's daughter, and then sends her away. That is seen as very wrong in the sight of God and that she then lives in widowhood subsequently. Another Scripture, Exodus 22, 16 and 17 states, "If a man entices a virgin who's not betrothed and lies with her, he should pay the bride price for her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money according to the bride price of virgins."
Godly marriages
So, there is a basis in which a father could release his daughter, but there are some issues there. So, from the above Scriptures, we see the following. Firstly, virginity is a prerequisite for a godly marriage. The evidence of a woman's virginity is without doubt a cloth used to collect the bloodshed from the young woman's hymen when she was penetrated in sexual intercourse the first time. I do not believe there's any disagreement that the word 'virgin' in the context of a woman refers to a woman who has never had sexual intercourse, and in scriptural terms, whose hymen is intact. It is equally clear that the man who accuses his bride of not being a virgin after he goes into her or approaches her, he's married to her and this marriage cannot be dissolved if he has brought a false accusation. But equally, if his accusation is correct, then the young woman is defined by the Word of God as a harlot and is sentenced to die immediately. We've seen from Revelation 21, 8 that while she may not die immediately under the new Covenant, she will have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, nonetheless. We also see that if a man takes a virgin forcibly, he's responsible for her for life. He may never put her away or divorce her. And we see that if a man entices or seduces a virgin and lies with her, her father may refuse to permit her to marry the man when the father first hears about it, but if the father does not refuse to permit her to marry, they're considered to be married.
See Judges chapter 21 verses 20 to 23, to see an example where wives were taken for Benjamin in terms of this scriptural principle. If the father does not permit the young girl to marry, it would appear that Deuteronomy 22, 13 to 21, prohibits her from ever remarrying. There are some further Scriptures which suggests that if a father does intervene to prevent his daughter from marrying, he will carry the burden of her sin. It does seem that he could go before the throne of grace for that, but we have no Scripture for that, so that is the case that would have to be undertaken on a case by case basis. It also appears that given that statistics indicate that 60% of women today have had at least two men that God is extending grace to many women and allowing them to marry when they've lost their virginity. We've certainly ministered prophetically in a number of instances where he has restored virginity and permitted a woman to remarry, but we've also ministered in one specific case where a woman who had been seduced and lost her virginity under hypnosis, had absolutely no recollection of the event. She lived in adultery, she thought she was in an ecclesiastical civil marriage for something like 25 years and bore two children. Eventually, God took her out of the marriage, and as we were ministering to her as a series of visions by the Holy Spirit and by various prophetic words, it became apparent that this woman had in fact been seduced under hypnosis, gone through a marriage ceremony, and was in fact married in the sight of God to this man 30 years later, who lived in adultery for most of the life unwillingly. From this, you will see that we are dealing with an extremely challenging subject.
Just return to the subject of virginity. We see that virginity is sacred. It's holy, it's not negotiable in the sight of God. A woman who is not a virgin is only eligible scripturally to marry if she's a widow or divorced on scripturally acceptable grounds. Refer to Matthew 5, 31 and 32, Mathew 19, 3 to 10, and Mark 10, 3 to 12 where Jesus makes it quite clear that there are certain specific conditions under which sexual union with this scripturally divorced woman is not adultery. We see that a woman who is a harlot or adulteress, is only eligible to marry if she's come to salvation, or she's come true repentance of her sin and deliverance therefrom. She must be divorced in the sight of God from the man who took her virginity and any man to whom she may have been technically legally married in the sight of the world. Such a woman should marry by a man who's absolutely certain that God has released her for remarriage. It's an extremely challenging subject. We see that the critical confusion thus far, is that sexual intercourse with a virgin is marriage and that from that, we can deduce that woman was created from the beginning to have only one husband.
And we conclude that since God created woman to lose her virginity only once, she was only intended to marry once and therefore, to only marry one man. In other words, Biblical marriage is sexual intercourse with a virgin and therefore, wherever the word 'marry' or 'marriage' occurs in the Bible, we could just as well substitute sexual intercourse with a virgin, or a more appropriate structuring of the phase as the context requires. But there is no distinction between giving one's virginity to a man, and getting married in the sight of God. It is one and the same act. So, it's quite true that once a man has penetrated the virgin and taken her virginity, he's married to her. Therefore, we have to conclude that God permits a man to marry more than one wife, since it is perfectly possible for man to take the virginity of more than one woman. And we have to conclude that this was God's intention at the time of creation before the fall of Adam and Eve.
Marriage Covenant
The next question that needs to be addressed is - what exactly is the marriage Covenant? It's generally accepted within the Church that marriage is regarded as a Covenant relationship. However, there are diverse explanations of the nature and form of this Covenant and how it comes into existence. So, I will now seek to help listeners understand the true scriptural marriage Covenant. The first thing to recognize is that Covenant requires the shedding of blood. Hebrews 9, 18 and 20 states, "Therefore not even the first Covenant was dedicated without blood, for when Moses had spoken every precept or people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats with water, scarlet, wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book itself, and all the people saying, this is the blood of the Covenant which God has commanded you." So, clearly, a Covenant cannot be dedicated without blood. Furthermore, Covenant requires the cleaving, splitting or cutting of some living creature.
Genesis 15, verses 4 to 21 reports concerning Abraham, "And behold, the Word of the Lord came to him saying, this one shall not be your heir, the one who will come from your own body, shall be your heir. Then He brought him outside and said, look now toward Heaven, and count the stars if you're able to number them. And He said to him, so shall your descendants be. And he believed in the Lord, and he had accounted it to Him for righteousness. Then He said to him, I am the Lord, who brought you out of the Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit it. And he,” that's Abraham, said, “Lord God, how shall I know that I will inherit it? So, he,” that's God, “said to him, bring Me a 3-year-old heifer, a 3-year-old goat, a 3-year-old ram, a turtle dove and a young pigeon. Then he,” that’s Abraham, “brought all these to Him and cut them into down the middle, and placed each piece opposite the other, but he did not cut the birds in two. When the vultures came down on the carcasses, Abraham drove them away. Now, when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abraham and behold, horror and great darkness fell upon him. Then God said to Abraham, know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs and will serve them and they will afflict them 400 years.
And also, the nation whom they serve, I will judge. Afterward, they shall come out with great possessions. Now, as for you, you shall go to your father’s in peace. You shall be buried at a good old age. But in the fourth generation, they will return here for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete. And it came to pass when the sun went down and it was dark but behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between these pieces. On the same day, the Lord made a Covenant with Abraham."
So, we see, there’s a critical principle in Genesis, and particularly Genesis 15 verse 10, "Then he,” that’s Abraham, “brought all these to Him,” that's God, “and cut them in two down the middle and placed each piece opposite the other." And then in verse 17, we read, “a smoking oven and a burning torch passed between those pieces.” This smoking oven and the burning torch are widely regarded as being manifestations of the presence of God, since verse 18 states that on the same day, the Lord made a Covenant with Abraham. So, the indication is that God passed between the halves of the animals in making the Covenant. Jeremiah 34, verse 18 confirms this. It reads as follows, "And I will give the men who have transgressed my Covenant, who have not performed the words of the Covenant which they made before Me when they cut the calf in two and passed between the parts of it." In this case, the Covenant made with God by the princes of Judah and others referred to in the subsequent verses involve cutting a calf in two and passing between the parts of it. Essentially, the same actions we seen in Genesis 15, 10 to 18, but there's more to it. The Living Torah, the modern Jewish translation by Rabbi Aryeh Caplan, published by Publishing Corporation, New York and Jerusalem translates Genesis 15, 10 as follows.
“Abraham brought all of these for him. He split them in half and placed one half opposite the other.” Here we see the word translated cut in the new King James Version, translated split in the Living Torah. The footnote to Genesis 15, 10 in the Living Torah states, split them. This was the way of making a Covenant. Indeed, the words [inaudible 00:24:48.27] Covenant and [inaudible 00:24:50.09] appear to be closely related. It symbolized that just as the two halves of the animal were really one, so were the two people making the covenant. Moreover, just as one side cannot live without the other, so the two cannot live without each other. It was also seen as a malediction. Anyone violating the oath would be torn asunder like the animals. In this one note, we begin to see the deeper meaning embodied in Deuteronomy 22, 13 to 30.
The Covenant is made by splitting or cutting some living thing and shedding blood. People who make a blood Covenant become one and cannot live without one another. A person who breaks Covenant is to be put to death. This is confirmed by a variety of independent sources who studied the blood Covenant inscription or same Pagan Practice. I refer you to teachings by Kenneth Copeland on Covenant made by Blood, [inaudible 00:25:42.27] Isbn 0881147907, published by Kenneth Copeland ministries. The Oxford English dictionary defined split, break forcibly be broken into parts, especially longitudinally or with the grain or plain of cleavage. Consider also the physical reality of a meat cleaver as something that cleaves or cuts into the meat. So, we see that the marriage Covenant is cut when a man cleaves or cuts into his virgin wife. If we bring this together with Genesis 2, 21 to 25 in the King James, we read, "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept, he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. They were both naked, the man and his wife and were not ashamed."
Thus, we see the man cleaving or splitting his wife, forcibly breaking apart her hymen on the plane of cleavage, shedding blood. He then proceeds to walk or pass between the two halves completing the Covenant act. The imagery is vivid and powerful, if we put aside our prudery for a moment and wonder at the physical appearance of the external female sexual organ, we should be even further amazed at the imagery which our God has encapsulated in what superficially is an organ whose structure and design makes no earthly sense. It is not intended to. It faithfully recreates the two halves of the Covenant animal, even to the hair covering the animal. Surely, we must conclude that God knew the end from the beginning and designed woman to be symbolic of this Covenant with man.
One Flesh Bonds
Returning to the three points made earlier, the Covenant is made by splitting or cutting some living thing and shedding blood, the hymen of the woman. People who make a blood Covenant, become one and cannot live without one another. This is the One Flesh Bond, the powerful Spiritual bond which literally unites and ties them together until death do us part. And there's a lengthy teaching on this in the marriage series. It's not appropriate to go into great deal of detail in this teaching, but suffice it to say, that when a man and woman unite in sexual intercourse, not only is there a physical ejaculate, there is a Spiritual ejaculate, which adheres to the heart to the woman at the first intercourse. And the man and woman are then bound together and with every subsequent intercourse, this bond gets stronger and stronger. If they are then separated, it causes enormous spiritual trauma and tension, which is literally heartbreaking. The third point, a person who breaks Covenant, is to be put to death. As we've noted, men and women are no longer put to death for adultery in this age, but Revelation 21, 8 makes it clear that they will have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
So, from an eternal perspective, nothing has changed. Yet, today, adultery hardly seems to be regarded as serious sin in the Church. Many preach that it's easily repent of. In reality, the Covenant bond can only be broken by the death of one spouse unless God, in His mercy and in response to humble petition in the name of Jesus, cuts the tie, but He will only do this as a consequence of persistent treasury on the part of one spouse, or in the event of a situation in which the Lord in His mercy, extends grace to those individuals for reasons which will not necessarily always be apparent to us. This third tape in volume 3 of the series deals with the resolution of One Flesh Bonds and provides some basis for understanding how it seems that the Lord will respond to some of these issues, and it includes prayers and other measures that can be taken to seek the guidance of God to see that whether He will or will not release a woman from the marriage to the man who took her virginity.
And as I've indicated previously, our experience in ministry is in instances where we thought it was quite clear cut, we've discovered that the woman was still married in the sight of God and in other instances, the Lord has released a woman from situations and restored her virginity spiritually. So, I sincerely hope that by now, you would have begun to realize just how deep and how serious the subject of this teaching is. Millions, if not billions of souls are in hell, and many others are on their way to a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, as a consequence of man heresies in this area.
It’s important to note that in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 18, the Word of God says, "Flee sexual immorality, every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body." And that verse is in the context of sex with a harlot. Again, to recap, 1 Corinthians 6, 9 and 10, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor coveters, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God." We have to understand that a man who has sexual intercourse with a woman who is not a virgin is committing adultery, unless she's a widow or unless God has released her to remarry under very specific circumstances, and that has been confirmed by the Spirit of God. We need to understand that a woman who gives herself to a man knowing that she's already given herself to a previous men, is committing adultery in the same circumstances.
And this particular teaching is directed specifically at women. It’s important that you understand, you have a very serious responsibility, if you've lost your virginity, to communicate that to any other man, and to understand that if you have sex with him, both you and he are headed for a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, unless you come to repentance, and repentance means you stop doing it. You cannot repent of adultery, and then go and have sex with that man again or any other man, you are then crucifying Jesus Christ again, and then eventually you will come to a place where there is no further repentance possible. It's been noted previously that the fact that a man can take the virginity of more than one woman clearly indicates that God created man to have more than one wife, if one lives in a monogamous society and chooses to practice monogamy, you are at liberty to live in a situation in which a man only has sex with one woman, but it's important to understand that if he has sex with a second woman and takes her virginity as well, he's married to her in the sight of God, there's no turning back. If you're a woman married to such a man, you have to be aware that that's the reality, and all you can do is to work with him to work into a situation of dealing with that.
Understand also, that if you knowingly had sex with a man knowing that he had previously slept with another woman, you have ipso facto placed yourself in a polygynous situation where that man has more than one wife, and it's up to you to deal with the consequences of that. I'm not saying it will be easy, I'm not saying it will necessarily be pleasant, the teachings of which this is part will help you to deal with that, should you find yourself in that situation. Exodus 21, 10 and 11 provides another perspective, dealing with bond servants or bond maids, women who are not free women. "If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her," that's the first wife's food, "her clothing and her marriage rights. If he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free without paying money.” Now that appears to provide a let out in situations where a woman gave her virginity to man who is no longer living with him, however, it applies specifically to slaves. There's no comparable verse pertaining to free women and given the level of ignorance in the Church today, one cannot liberally assume that this provides an out for any woman who chooses to cohabitate or marry or whatever a man other than the man who took her virginity.
More than one wife
Tape 3 in this series goes into great deal of detail about that, but ultimately, the only arbiter on this can be the Spirit of God and therefore, it is necessary to pray the appropriate prayers. This was clear from this Scripture that it permits and provides for a man to have more than one wife. If we read Deuteronomy 21, 15 to 17, "If a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved and they have borne children, both the loved and the unloved, and if the first-born son is of her who is loved, goes on to of her who is unloved." It goes on to deal with inheritance issues. 1 Chronicles 14 verse 3, "Then David took more wives in Jerusalem and David begot more sons and daughters." So, we see that David had several wives at the time of his adultery with Bathsheba. 2 Samuel 12 verses 7 and 8, "Then Nathan said to David, you are the man, thus says the Lord, God of Israel, anointed you king over Israel and delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your keeping, and gave you the house of Israel and Judah, and if that had been too little, I would also have given you much more." We clearly see there that notwithstanding the fact that David had a number of wives, God gave him Saul's wives as well.
So, we have to conclude that God did not have a problem with David having more than one wife, and it's important to understand that in terms of current Church teaching. Acts chapter 13 verse 22 says, "And when he had removed him," that's Saul, "God raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will." So, we see that not only did God give David multiple wives, He considered David to be a man after His own heart. In 1 Kings chapter 15, 4 and 5 we read, "Nevertheless for David sake, the Lord his God, gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by setting up his son after him and by establishing Jerusalem. Because David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and had not turned aside from anything that God commanded him all the days of his life except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite."
So, we see David, a man after God's own heart, who did right in the sight of God in everything, except in his adultery with Uriah's wife and subsequent murder of Uriah. In other words, he did right by taking those additional wives and it was pleasing to God, and God even says, he's a man after His own heart. We have to conclude that God views a man having more than one wife as being perfectly acceptable. I'm not raising this to potentially to suggest to you, that this may be something you want to go into, that's a separate discussion. The reality is, if you joined yourself to a man as a virgin, and he joined himself to another woman, also a virgin, ipso facto, according to Scripture, he has more than one wife. There's no way around that unless the Lord in His mercy releases him from one or more of those marriages. So, monogamy is not an excuse for adultery. It's not acceptable. Consider Matthew 25 verses 1 to 13, "Then the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took the lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom."
And you know the story that five of them were foolish, they took no oil. When the bridegroom came, they didn't have oil, they went to buy oil, and by the time they came back, we read in verse 10, "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready, went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut. Afterwards, the other virgins came also saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you, watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of man is coming." So, we see that Jesus himself used this parable to speak of the day that He will return to marry His bride, the Church, when He will marry many people, and in this case, the metaphor He uses is a man who He has trusted to marry ten virgins, five of whom were not ready when the bridegroom came.
And therefore, we have to conclude that in Jesus' Day, it was perfectly acceptable to suggest that a man could marry ten women on one occasion, that plural marriage was acceptable in the sight of God. Again, the point of all of this, God has not changed the Word of God, the Word of God is quite clear. It permits a man to have more than one wife and consequently, if you are married to man through the loss of your virginity, he may well have more than one wife. If you were subsequently married in terms of civil law, another man, you are faced with some serious challenges. And it is possible that you've received this tape in the context of this challenge. The primary implications of this teaching are as follows. Any woman who's not a virgin, is married in the sight of God to the man who took her virginity, and he is responsible for her for life, unless God releases her to marry another man. Reality is that many women have had more than one man, and many of those women are living in civil marriage with a man who's not the man who took their virginity.
Inheriting the Kingdom of God
I would like to believe that God will permit many of those marriages to continue and resolve things, but I have to say to you that my experience thus far is, that in certain instances, at least he may require that woman to return to her original husband, and that is quite scriptural on the basis of the case of David, Michal and Palti, where after somewhere between 10 and 15 years, Palti was required to return his wife, David's wife, Michal to David, having lived with her as husband and wife for 10 or 15 years. So, if you were given this tape by a man who took your virginity, and you're now living in a civil or ecclesiastical marriage with another man, it is quite likely that that man has approached you because he feels convicted that in terms of the Word of God, he's married to you, in terms of the Word of God, you are living in adultery and your civil law husband is living in adultery, and it may either be the desire of that man to see that he steps into the position of assuming his responsibility for you or the things may happen, which will release him from that obligation where God may in His mercy choose to see fit to allow you to remain with a man that you currently known as your husband and see that you've been released so that you do not face judgment, do not face a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, and are able to have the opportunity to inherit the Kingdom of God.
The 3rd tape in volume 3 of this series goes into this in a lot more detail and is available from, quite possibly the person who gave you the single tape or from this ministry, and as I say, the details are at the end. And in those tapes, particular tapes 3.2 and 3.3, we go into some depth in terms of the type of prayers that should be prayed in order to get absolute guidance in resolving these issues. If you lost your virginity without your father's knowledge, while living at home, you may be able to get to release from your One Flesh Bond in terms of the passage in Exodus that we've referred to a number of times, that's Exodus 22 verses 16 and 17, but the implications of that are firstly that it can only happen when your father first hears about it. If the sexual relationship continued for some time after you lost your virginity, and particularly, if your father had some idea what was happening, that would disqualify that. And furthermore, your father would carry and shoulder the sin of your adultery, which would seem to indicate that he could bear a part of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, although he might be able to repent of it and deal with it.
So, the bottom line is, you need to get to a place where you know God's will and you need to be joined to the man who is the man that God has appointed for you to be joined to according to whatever dalliances you may have had in your youth, and you may have to bite the bullet on that point. At the very least, you will have to explore this very carefully in prayer, asking the Lord to show you very clearly what the situation is. As I've said, if you've been given this tape by a man who took her virginity or at the very least, believes he took your virginity, then he either desires to have you return to him, and for him to accept responsibility for you and extend his covering to you, or he desires that you and the man you know as your husband, should accept the situation and be in agreement with you that he should be released of his obligation to you. In other words, he should be permitted to divorce you in the court of Heaven.
Marriage on the altar
As I've said again, and tape 3.3 in this series goes into some detail about placing a marriage on the altar, if you're in that situation of trusting God, either to restore the marriage, or to end it in a peaceful and an acceptable fashion as possible, depending on what the court of Heaven may find. I appreciate that if you've never considered these harsh realities of Scripture in the past, this teaching may have come as an enormous shock to you. I have to say to you, that that may be so, but the reality is, it is nowhere near as the severe shock you will have if on the Day of Judgment, you are casted into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, either permanently or that you have a part in it as a consequence of continuing to live in adultery. I have an obligation before God to bring this information to your attention, and the person who gave you this tape, has a similar obligation before God, to bring it to your attention. You have an obligation to yourself and the man you're married to at the moment, to establish categorically and without ambiguity, whether it is God's will for you to return to your true husband and terminate the civil contract, which has no validity in Heaven, or whether God will extend grace to you to sever and terminate the One Flesh Bond in the scriptural marriage, based on criteria which may not necessarily be immediately known to you.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I bring all that has been uttered before You now, and I ask You to blow away anything that is not according to Your Word and according to Your will. I pray that everything that has been uttered that is according to Your Word and according to Your will, will find deep root in the hearts of the hearer, and that You will nourish and water it by Your Spirit and it will grow forth and produce abundant fruit. Father, I thank You that You will extend mercy and grace to those who listen to this tape and help them to gain a revelation of what Your will is, concerning this matter and to confront very traumatic and very difficult realities that may face them as a consequence of legacy conduct, where they knew no better. But I thank You Father, that You are merciful and for Your grace and that You are uncompromisingly righteous, You are omniscient and You know all things, You know the hearts of men, You know what’s best for Your people. I thank You for that, in Jesus' name. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the King of kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world, amen.
This message has been recorded by a Church without Walls, a ministry of End Time Ministries, PO Box 898, Randpark Ridge, Randburg, 2156, Republic of South Africa. We can be contacted by email at Our phone numbers international dialing code, normally 0027, but this vary from country to country, the 27 is standard. Our landline, 0027 117912327 or in South Africa, 011 791 2327. My mobile number 0027 83 2516644, and in South Africa, 083 251 6644. Our fax number internationally, 0027 117915004 and locally 011 791 5004. All materials produced by this ministry are available at no cost to those who require them, irrespective of financial means. At the same time, donations and offerings are clearly welcome to support the Word. Please feel free to copy any of our materials in part or in full, as the Lord leads you, understanding that the manner in which you utilize those materials and the manner in which you cite them and quote them is for your account on the Day of Judgment. So, we would ask you to use the materials wisely, but please feel free to copy them however you see fit, and to share these truths with anybody as the Lord leads. I would urge those of you who received copies of these tapes of charge, that once you've listened to them, that you consider passing them on and blessing others with them
Our heart's desire is that they should not become artifacts sitting on a bookshelf gathering dust, but that the Word of God contained in these teachings should be spread as far and as widely as possible. Should you be led by the Lord to sow into this ministry, our bank account is End Time Issue Ministries, the account number is 042 752 7805, the branch is the Standard Bank of South Africa, Randpark branch, and the branch code is 018005. If in listening to these messages, you've realized that you do not have a personal saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and that if you were to die right now, you would not spend Eternity in Heaven with Him. I would urge you to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and to pray the prayer of salvation.
Steps to salvation
The steps to salvation are as follows, firstly, admit and recognize that you are a sinner. Romans 3 verse 23 says, "for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Secondly, accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came to earth as a Man, that He was crucified and died on the cross, that on the third day, He rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. And that by His death and resurrection, He took your sins for Eternity.” Romans 5, 8 says, "but God demonstrates His own love toward us, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Thirdly, confess your sins, repent of your sins and turn around. Repentance means turning around, ceasing to do what you now realize is wrong. 1 John 1, 9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Four, confess your faith that Jesus Christ is Lord, that you believe this and receive His salvation and invite Him to dwell in your heart. Romans 10, 9 and 10 says, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart, that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart, one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation."
Give thanks to God for your salvation, pray and cry out to God and give thanks to Him for saving you. Six, work out your salvation by the Spirit of God. Philippians 2, 12 says, "Therefore My beloved, as you have always obeyed not as in My presence only, but now much more in My absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Salvation is a process. You are saved the moment you pray the sinner's prayer, the prayer of salvation and invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and be Lord of your life. But salvation is also a process, whereby your mind is renewed, and you come to have a personal and deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is your choice how far you go in that relationship. He desires a wonderful and a deep and intimate relationship with you, but it is your choice whether you will do what is necessary to come to that place, through reading your Bible, praying, seeking counsel, seeking guidance.
You should be water baptized at the first possible opportunity. Matthew 3, 6 says, "And were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins." I encourage you to ask the Lord to lead you to somebody who has some knowledge of the basic ordinance of water baptism, who can water baptize you, or to lead you to a Church where they can water baptizing you. There's no reason why you cannot be water baptized today as a symbolic cleansing and washing of your sins, in fact, the minute you prayed the sinner's prayer, it would be preferable for you to be water baptized. Choose to be obedient to the Word of God. Accept the Bible in its original Hebrew, as given by the Spirit of God and choose to live your life according to that. 1 John 5, 3 says, "For this is the love of God, that we keep His Commandments, and His Commandments are not burdensome."
I encourage you to read the Word of God daily and to put into practice everything that you encounter as a principle which I believe will bear fruit in your life. I would encourage you to make an effort right now, after you've prayed this prayer, start reading your Bible from the book of John through to the book of Revelation, and then make a discipline of reading the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation at least two, three, four times a year, and read the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi at least once a year. And I would encourage you to do that using different translations. Ask God to lead you to the Church where He wants you to be at this time, where they will teach you, they will guide you, they will pray for you and they will help you to walk in the fullness of what God has called you to be. Be aware that God may move you from Church to Church overtime, to teach you new things, and you should not be reluctant to do this. The service of God is a personal choice, it's a wonderful choice and if you will step out by faith today and pray the sinner's prayer and follow Him, you will reap a rich harvest, if that is your desire to be found faithful on the Day of Judgment. Should you have listened to this and have decided that you are now ready to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, I would ask you to pray the following prayer with me in Jesus' name.
Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I confess that I'm a sinner, I confess that I don't have a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I recognize that without Jesus, if I were to die right now, I would spend Eternity in hell, and not with You. I confess that I have sinned, and I repent of those sins and I turn around and I choose to turn my back on sin and to serve God. I confess that Jesus Christ came to Earth as a man, that He was crucified, that He died and was buried, and that He was resurrected on the third day, and that He sits on the right hand of the Father. I confess, by faith, that He died to take all of my sins, and I thank You Jesus for taking my sin and I give You my sin right now, in Jesus' name. I confess by faith, that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of Lords, and I choose now, Lord Jesus, to make You the Lord of my life. I invite You to come and dwell in my heart, I invite You to take charge of my life, I invite You to start leading and guiding me and directing me, and I give You my life and everything that I have, and I commit myself to serving You now, Lord Jesus. I thank You that You've heard me, and I thank You that You have now come to live in me, and I thank You for saving me. I thank You that I'm a child of the most high God. I thank You that I'm now a servant of the most high God, and that You will lead me and guide me into the paths that You want me to walk. I ask You Lord, to lead me to the Church where You want me to be.
I ask You in the name of Jesus, to bring the people that you want in my life, into my life by Your Spirit, and to remove the people that You don't want in my life, by Your Spirit, in Jesus' name. I ask You to close all doors in my life that You do not want open, that no man may open them, and I ask You to open every door in my life that You want opened, that no man may close it, in Jesus' name. Father, I ask You to teach me to be led by Your Spirit, I ask You to open my eyes, to have a revelation of the Word of God, and I ask You to give me a hunger for the Word of God and for Your Spirit, and I ask You to teach me to pray, in Jesus' name. I thank You Father and I thank You Jesus, for saving me, and I declare that I'm a child of God and I praise You and I worship You and I glorify Your holy name, and I thank You for changing me and saving me and delivering mem in Jesus' name, amen.
Now, that you've prayed that prayer and you're born again into the body of Christ, realize that the Christian walk is a journey, likens it to a marathon race. You need guidance, you need the assistance. If you have no one to help you, pray and ask the Holy Spirit of God to come into your life and to help you. If you need to contact somebody, contacted any of the major ministries. If you're not sure who to contact, contact this ministry through the address and telephone and email details that were supplied earlier. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.
05_06 Divorce – First Seek Healing
This is tape number 6 entitled 'Divorce - First Seek Healing' in the series, understanding God's way in marriage, volume 3 being a practical application of marriage teachings. The previous tapes in volume 3 have dealt with a number of aspects of determining whether you are in fact married to the person that you currently have regarded as legally being your spouse. We've identified a variety of situations which could lead to you finding that you're living in adultery. We've discussed at some length, a number of processes in terms of by way of prayer and seeking the guidance of Father God and the Holy Spirit. He will bring you to a place of understanding, whether in fact your present spouse is in fact, your spouse.
And we've dealt with some other issues surrounding that. In this tape, we will discuss the subject of divorce. From the perspective of assuming that you have established that you are currently married in the sight of God. If you're not married in the sight of God to a particular individual, then that is not divorce in the sight of God, it is simply a termination of an adulterous relationship, so if you have determined that you are currently in an adulterous relationship in the sight of God, and I mean, just not on a legalistic basis, but by prayer, by fasting, by applying the principles in the previous tapes.
This particular tape contains some information in terms of recovering from divorce, which is relevant also to the topic of ending an adulterous relationship, but primarily, this tape assumes that you've prayed, you've established that you are married in the sight of God, and that God has not indicated that there's a straightforward basis for ending the relationship. This is not to say that you may not be in a marriage which currently is hell on Earth. It may quite possibly be a marriage where you are seriously considering divorce and had been considering divorce for many years. And therefore, in a case like that, this teaching is for you. This teaching is for anybody who has established that they are clearly married in the sight of God, but believes that their marriage has no hope, and therefore, are seeking to end it. Now, the title of this tape says 'Divorce - First Seek Healing', and it's important that you understand a fundamental principal with regards to divorce in the sight of God. God's form of divorce is a very drastic step, as we've seen previously in the teachings so far.
I refer particularly to tape 10 in the first volume and also tapes 1, 2 and 3 in the first volume. Basically, the indications are that the only basis for divorce is if the other spouse has lost their salvation and is going to hell or has never come to salvation but has committed sins which are committing them to hell with no possibility of redemption. So, there's a relatively small proportion of people who can in fact, get divorced, and they must understand that divorce is a very final and very spiritually terminal act. The marriage has effectively been murdered, spiritually before God will permit divorce. We're not dealing here now with subjects of resolving ungodly One Flesh Bonds, we're not dealing with a situation where you've discovered you’re one flesh with somebody who in a situation where virginity was taken, and where you're no longer living together, and where you didn't live together on any serious basis and therefore, in the sight of God, He may be willing to extend grace to you to marry someone else. This is dealing with a situation where you've lived together as man and wife, you are man and wife in the sight of God and in the marriage is in your opinion, terminally broken.
I must urge you, if you have not listened to all the tapes in this series, please, God has taken us on a wonderful journey over the last few months as I've prepared these teachings. He's shown very clearly that there are innumerable errors in the teachings of the Church today, all of which are contributing to the level of divorce, unless you are fully conversant with and aware of what the Scriptures truly say about your situation, truly say about how God intended marriage to be, you could well end up taking a decision to do what the world calls divorce, but ending up in a situation where a man puts the woman away in the sight of God, in which case, you will both be adulterers in the sight of God. I cannot stress this enough. Matthew 19 clearly shows that if a man puts away his wife for any reason other than pornea, which is fully fledged adultery, fornication or spiritual treachery, then they're committing adultery, and any man who marries that woman, will be committing adultery, and the man, by putting her away is committing adultery.
Malachi 2, 16 says that it is acting treacherously. There is great judgment in store for any man who puts away his wife except for divorce, which is truly according to the word of God. There is great judgment in store for any woman who leaves her husband, except where God has permitted divorce on the basis of pornea. Any woman who just walks out is committing high treason against her husband and against God, no matter what her motives, unless God has permitted it. So, it is absolutely vital that if you are seriously considering divorce today, that you're listen first to this entire set of teachings, you pray about it and you take what's in this teaching and you put it into practice, until you have absolute certainty that the Lord God Almighty, Father God, Yahweh is admitting you to get divorced. Please, do not go ahead with a civil divorce action until you're sure that it is God's will for your life. To get there, you need to put into practice everything in this teaching and through that, everything in this entire teaching. I ask you to pray with me now.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I bring everybody who listens to this teacher, before You. I bind any demon that is within hearing distance of this teaching, I bind and command you to go down, and I block your ears, in Jesus' name. I thank You Father, that You sent your mighty, warring angels to bind, silence and deafen every demon within hearing distance. I speak to any demon within the confines of the room or vehicle or wherever this tape is being listened, and in the name of Jesus, I bind you now and in the name of Jesus, I command every demon and fallen angel in hearing distance, to leave, in Jesus' name. Father, I thank You that You've put a hedge of fire around the people listening to this tape, in Jesus' name. I ask You to cover them and I ask You to cover myself and my family, with the blood of Jesus from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. I thank You that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. I thank You that Your angels encamp around us to protect us, in Jesus' name. I thank You that You open the ears of the hearers, to hear Your truth, that You open their eyes to see, and that You open their hearts to receive. I thank You that all of that is in this teaching, that is according to Your will and according to Your Word, will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers, in Jesus' name.
Basis for divorce
I've said a moment ago, Matthew 19, very clearly spells out that the only basis for divorce in the sight of God, is pornea, and pornea is the act of sexual fornication, adultery on the part of the woman or spiritual treachery, spiritual adultery on the part of the woman. There is no Scripture which deals with a woman divorcing her husband, but there is modern experiential precedent, which indicates that in some instances, God does permit a woman to obtain a divorce from her husband. So, in this case, I'm talking about divorce on either side. A man has the prerogative to exercise the initiative and divorce his wife without requiring any third-party involvement, other than the consent of God. If he does it without the consent of God, he's sinning. A woman must, according to my understanding in Scripture, obtain her husband's signature on some document of divorce before she will be truly divorced, unless she's in a situation where she's been abandoned by that man, and God releases her from that marriage without a document from Him.
But again, she would need to go through the process of praying, asking God to bring that man across her path and asking for a clear sign that she was released to remarry, if she was thinking about marrying, and any man thinking of marrying her, would need to obtain absolutely clear guidance from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, that he was free to marry her, [inaudible 00:10:58.18] which she will be committing adultery, and I've pointed out in previous tapes instances of people where I've ministered a man who married a woman who the Church said was divorced, within 6 months, he was bankrupt. Another man who was reportedly a really gentle man of God, and within 6 months of marrying a divorced woman, was dead. The Word of God being he'd being living in adultery. Other instances, my own example, which is addressed in detail in some of the other tapes, where after 25 years of marriage in the sight of God, 18 years in the sight of man, God told me to divorce after my wife had a vision in which the Lord Jesus appeared to her, told her to do something he'd been telling her to do for years after she'd repented and confessed that she'd be doing certain things, and He turned away and walked away from her after she refused. And shortly after that, he permitted me to divorce.
My own present wife divorced after 14 years, and when her husband had come home blind drunk three weeks after marriage and was drunk on a regular basis, was expending most of his income on drinking, was not supporting his children, but eventually reached the stage of demonic attack when his wife and children slept behind locked doors for the last three months of the marriage before God took her out of the marriage. God will take a woman out of a marriage, but on His terms, when there is no possibility of redemption or perhaps, when the conduct is so destructive that the children are being destroyed. He will then potentially allow that woman to remarry as much to provide her with a covering as to provide the children with a father. There are no Scriptures which give us hard and fast rules here, I've said before, I believe this is grace from God in that it gives Him latitude to deal with many cases on the merits, but it is not something to be dealt with lightly, it's not something to be dealt with presumptuously.
It can only be resolved by the leading of the Spirit. I've said before in principle, if a man is joined to a woman as a virgin, if they've lived together as man and wife, or if they've had a civil or ecclesiastical marriage contract, if they've had children, then the only basis for divorce is likely to be that one spouse loses their salvation, or reaches a point where salvation is no longer open to them. In other words, they commit the unpardonable sin, they blaspheme the Holy Spirit, or they willfully sin repeatedly, once they're aware that they are sinning. Something which causes Hebrews 6 or Hebrews 10, or other verses of Scripture to apply, and they have no hope of salvation. This does not mean that they've necessarily become terrible and evil, it just means that they've committed sin, which takes them to hell. And we tend to think that only the most wicked and evil people will be consigned to hell with no possibility of redemption.
The reality is, the vast majority of all the people who have ever lived on this Earth today, including in all likelihood, the majority of people that you have known in your life and who have died, are in hell not in Heaven, there is much prophetic evidence to support this. The number of people in Heaven is a very small percentage of all who have lived. And this has been discussed at length in previous tapes. I refer you particularly to the introductory tape to volume 1, and the tape in the second volume - tape number 3, The Kingdom Context, Call the end of the Age, which clearly spell out indications are that as little as 1 in 99 of the people who should be in Heaven are actually in Heaven. So please, just understand that divorce is a terrible thing. It’s not something to be taken lightly.
A few other considerations before I dive into the body of this teaching. If a woman was not a virgin or a widow, then they've probably been living in adultery, so they may not be in marriage in terms of the current relationship. I refer you to tapes 3.2 and 3.3 of this series, and from this, it is an apparent that a large proportion of what the world knows as divorces are actually the ending of adulterer's relationships, in which case, you must apply the principles in tape 3.2 and 3.3. And as Yahweh indicates, you will probably then have to end that relationship if God has shown you clearly that you're in adultery. And those tapes deal with it, this tape is not dealing with that subject.
This tape is dealing with a situation where is it has been clearly shown you by God, that you are married. I've shared with you my own experience and I have to stress to you that before that happened, I laid down my life in prayer and supplication in fasting, in going for counseling, in numerable things and making an enormous spiritual and physical effort to save my marriage before God permitted me to end that marriage. When He did permit me to end it, He ended it in an unconventional way, He ended it very rapidly and I subsequently discovered the magnitude of the spiritual and emotional damage that had been done to me through my wife’s treachery, and it took of the order of four years before I was healed to a point where I was reasonably intact again, spiritually. And I have to stress to you, that is the time in which God will permit a divorce, when the guilty spouse has brought the other spouse to a point of complete brokenness. It's not something you do just because you woke up one morning and decided you didn't like the face of the person in bed with you.
So, you must lay down your life for your spouse until God says, there is no hope. Having said that, the fundamental aspect of approaching divorce, according to Scripture, according to my understanding of what God has been showing me in the last five or six years since I started crying out to Him about the divorce, is that the first step towards divorce is that you do everything possible to heal your marriage. If you've not done everything that God requires you to do to heal that marriage, whether you are the husband or whether you are the wife, it is almost unthinkable that God will release you from that marriage. You must fast and pray regularly.
Steps for divorce if necessary
And I will outline now what I believe are the steps that God has given me. I'm not giving this to you as a concrete set of rigorous procedures, but they are what I believe God has given me, as He has taking me through these teachings, I believe they are scripturally sound and spiritually sound principles, which if you apply them, will either lead to your marriage being miraculously healed or will bring you to a place where God will finally say, you have done all that you can and I will not release you. Fundamentally, I urge you to listen to this full set of tapes repeatedly, if necessary, and put the principles, particularly those in volume 2, into practice. I am absolutely certain that if husband and wife come into full agreement and put all their hearts into seeking to have the marriage healed and apply all that is in this full series of ultimately, I understand to be currently about 55 tapes, your marriage will be healed. Even if one of you is not committed to healing of the marriage, if the one who's truly committed to serving God, puts their heart into healing the marriage by faith, even if the other is ambivalent, I really believe that over a number years, the marriage will be healed. It's only if one spouse is actively and deliberately sabotaging the marriage, that this approach is unlikely to work, and even then, I believe it is the will of the Father, that you put this approach into action on the basis that if that partner has not completely lost their salvation, it is possible for God to turn the marriage around, in Jesus' name.
So, the following are the steps as I have them for healing your marriage. Firstly, make a quality decision that it is not the will of God for you to get divorced, it is the will of God for your marriage to be healed, and that He will only release you to divorce once you have done everything that is possible to get that marriage healed. Secondly, put in place a vision of your marriage being Heaven on Earth, take a quality decision to seek that vision no matter what comes against you, claim it by faith, and say, Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare that You have created marriage to work, You've created this marriage to work, You've created my husband and myself, or my wife and myself to experience Heaven on Earth in our marriage, and I declare by faith, that I receive that in my marriage now, in the name of Jesus. I refer you to the tape on faith, which is tape 16 in volume 2 'Face an Implementing Change' in terms of claiming the healing of your marriage. And then thirdly, listen to all the tapes in this series, starting in volume 1, going through volume 2 and volume 3 systematically and in sequence.
It is possible that different people will have different priorities in healing their marriages, I'm sure of that, but at the same time, the way the series of teachings unfolded to me, which was completely by the leading of the Spirit of God, I have great conviction that the process that God has set out, if you start this tape 1 in the series and work through to the end, and then go back and follow it up, and where there are particular tapes which have major relevance in your life, you should listen to them again and again and put them into practice, your marriage will be healed. I would encourage you not to jump all over the place. God has built a wonderful picture through these teachings, and a very practical mechanism for getting your marriage healed. Please make use of it. So, what I'm saying to you is, listen to each tape in sequence, take note of the things that apply in your life, where you are shown sin, which will be in many of the tapes, immediately confess your sin, recognize it is sin, repent of it, turn around, go before the Throne of Grace, ask for and receive your forgiveness, confess your forgiveness, forgive yourself, forgive those you need to forgive, make restitution where necessary and get on and go to the next step. Whether its spiritual disciplines that are required in terms of disciplining your tongue, disciplining your flesh, tearing down vain imaginations, dealing with physical manifestations of the demonic, study those aspects.
You may have visit them again over years before your flesh is fully under control, fully dealt with. Where you identify aspects where you require deliverance, which you will almost certainly do, please contact us or somebody else that the Lord may send to you who's knowledgeable in the area of deliverance. We can supply the full set of Carol Orther’s tapes on 'Deliverance' and her manual to you. We can potentially put you in touch with people who can minister to you. And again, it may take you two, three, four, five years or longer before you are completely free of all the demonic forces which are currently oppressing your flesh. Speaking for myself, it is now something like six years since God started to teach me about deliverance. About two years ago, I was delivered something like 500 demons, and I was, by most people's standards a fairly ordinary, moderately, well-adjusted human being. And even today, I'm conscious of the fact that there are still some things which manifest from time to time that I don't think I've got to the bottom of. I'm not like Jesus Christ on Earth, and I'm still subject to the manipulation and control of certain spirits, and I'm also acutely aware of the fact that it is very easy if one backslides and ceases to walk in the fullness of the anointing to pick up more demons, and some of these things come back seven-fold.
So, you need to walk through that. You need to walk in greater and greater revelation. It's a process. It's not an instantaneous thing. It took you however many years it is that your old today, to get into the mess your marriage is in that you think it necessary to listen to a tape on divorce. It's going to take you a few years for God to heal and deliver you and get you there, provided you do the work that is necessary. If you lack some of the spiritual gifts, if you've never been water baptized by immersion in water, if you've never come to salvation, if you've never received the gift of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands with the evidence of speaking in tongues, you need to ask the Lord to bring you to people who can help you. You need to listen to the relevant tapes where appropriate, you need to contact this ministry if necessary, but you need to get those fundamentals of the faith in place. If you don't have a revelation of fasting, of prayer, of holy communion and so on and so forth, you need to have a revelation of those fundamental doctrines of the faith, and you need to put them into practice. If you are battling to discipline your flesh, if you don't have a real revelation of the terribleness of the judgment, if you don't have a revelation of how terrible the Lake of Fire and Brimstone is, and how terrible the abyss and hell is, then you need to pray and ask God to give you that revelation.
You need to come to a place where you have a reverent fear of God, which is sufficiently strong to provide the mechanics in the spiritual realm, to help you to discipline your flesh and keep yourself from doing those things which you know you should not do. I'm now going to take you through the headlines of each of the tapes in the series, and I'm going to suggest to you a few things that you should particularly look out for, from a point of view of healing your marriage, and in that process, one of the key things I'm going to look to do, is to eliminate the invalid grounds for divorce. I refer you particularly, if you haven't listened to the whole series, you need to listen to tape 110 after this. It debunks most of the reasons that the world and the Church give for divorce. And you'll see very clearly after you've listened to that tape, that the grounds for divorce in the sight of God are very limited. I have to stress, God created marriage to work between any man and any woman. Any man who joins himself sexually to any woman, who is a virgin, that union is intended to work. There's no such thing in the vocabulary of God or the Word of God, about the perfect life partner or anything else. Any man who is a believer, can marry any woman who's a believer, and God created that man and that woman, that they may experience Heaven on Earth in marriage. Your marriage can be healed if you're both believers, if one of you is not a believer, the other one can be brought to salvation, if you put these principles into practice. But you need to understand after Jesus' death, Satan systematically deluded and broke down the Church and brought them into massive deception.
The Church is slowly coming out of that darkness and that deception, but it is still in far more darkness and deception than most people realize. And I refer you for example, to tape 20 in volume 2, which sets this out in some detail, presents some archeological and scriptural evidence to help you to understand that. Before you go into the detail of revisiting each of the tapes in the series, once you've listened to the full set, I suggest you specifically checkout tapes 3.2 and 3.3, and make absolutely sure that you are married in the sight of God to the person that you regard as husband and wife, and then once you've finished all this, you listen to tape 3.7 on sanctifying your marriage and coming to a Holy marriage Covenant. I'm now going to take you through, just on a headline basis, the elements of each of the tapes as it applies to the question of healing your marriage.
Volume 1 - Tape 1
Tape 1 in volume 1 deals with foundation concepts for scriptural definition in marriage, divorce and adultery. It sets out in some details and aspects of the judgment and what faces people who are living in adultery, and some modern prophetic words which indicate the impact that this is having. You need to understand, that committing adultery is a heinous offense in the court of Heaven, and it will give rise to a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. You need to understand that if you're in adultery with a man or a woman, confessing and repenting of that sin and then going and having sexual intercourse with them again is willful sin, and it will ultimately result in you losing your salvation on a basis where there is no further repentance.
Tape 2
Tape number 2 in volume 1 is entitled 'How Scripture Defines the Marriage Covenant'. It takes you through a number of Scriptures in Deuteronomy 22, which clearly show that the act of sexual intercourse with a virgin with the shedding of blood, is the cutting of the marriage Covenant. It shows very clearly, that once the Covenant has been cut, the two people become one in the sight of God, and it very clearly shows that the only basis for the ending of that Covenant is the death of one party, and if one party willfully breaks the Covenant, then the judgment for that, is death. So again, we see the only basis for divorce, according to Scripture, is the spiritual death resulting in Old Testament times, or the physical death of the spouse in New Testament times. This isn't adultery resulting still in no part of the Kingdom of Heaven, and a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
Tape 3
Tape 3 deals with One Flesh Bonds and submission, and it explains that one flesh is not a technical legal term, it is a spiritual state, that every time a man and woman make love to one another and give themselves wholeheartedly to one another, the One Flesh Bond becomes stronger and stronger. It shows very clearly that sexual intercourse is the absolute heart of marriage, that it is a sublimely Holy and spiritual act and not a physical act at all. It ties it into why submission is necessary, that there cannot be to two heads to one body. A marriage in which both the man and the woman are seeking to take the lead and dominate produces a two headed monster, which must of necessity, be unstable and fall.
Tape 4
Tape 4 deals with the subject of love and goes through many Scriptures which demonstrate that love provides an absolutely fundamental thread in Scripture for walking in the ways of God, and in seeing healing in marriage. Love is an extremely powerful force, and it's fundamental to marriage and that is not something that is a precocious. It's not something that comes and goes, it is a choice, it's not a feeling. True love produces a feeling, but the absence of the feeling is not evidence of a lack of love.
Tape 5
Tape 5 deals with the husband as the covering, but the wife builds the house and it shows very clearly, as God the Father is the head of Jesus, Jesus is the head of the husband, the husband is the head of the wife. That hierarchy is absolutely critical, that the wife is the underpinning of the husband, if she does not submit to her husband and support him fully in a spiritual and emotional sense, she will pull his house down, she will undermine him. And conversely, if the husband takes his eyes off Jesus and puts his eyes on his wife, then the whole situation becomes unstable. Also indicated as a result of revelation from the Lord, that if there are problems in the relationship between husband and wife, there are likely to be indications of similar problems between the husband Jesus.
Tape 6
Tape 6 takes us further and demonstrates that from our relationship with our spouses, we can go in an insight into our relationship with Jesus.
Tape 7
Tape 7, the scriptural definition of adultery shows clearly that adultery is sexual intercourse with a woman who is not a virgin, where the man who took that woman's virginity is still alive. There is no other definition for adultery and there is no corresponding thing which says that if a man has sex with more than one woman, he's an adulterer, if he has sex with more than one virgin, he is married to multiple women, if he has sex with a woman who is not a virgin, he's committing adultery, whether that is the first woman he's had sex with or the 100th.
Tape 8
Tape 8 entitled 'Tying Up Some Loose Ends' some controversial points goes further into some of these subjects. It deals some aspects of sexual conduct between men and women, which are sources of uncertainty in many people's lives, and establishes very clearly, that the Word of God does permit a man to have more than one wife. And in fact, shows that this is God's heart in the world today, that there are far more women than men in the Body of Christ and God intended them all to have husbands.
Tape 9
Teaching number 9 'Do You Love Like Jesus Loves' goes into some Scriptures and some examples of the lives of people who have lived on this Earth in the last few decades to demonstrate the true Christ-like love involves laying down one's life, loving even when one is physically abused, praying for one's enemies, even if they are about to beat you to death, and challenges us to come to the place where unbelievers can see Christ in us, until an unbeliever can look at us and truly say, I can see Jesus Christ in you, we have no right to call ourselves Christians. Until unbelievers come to us and say, I see something in you that I lack, and I desire it, please will you tell me what it is? We have no right to call ourselves Christians. Christian is not a title, it is a description of a spiritual state.
Tape 10
Tape 10, 'Scriptural Divorce verses Putting Away', lays the foundation on which this teaching is built, and it clearly demonstrates that divorce is an extreme event in the Kingdom of God, and only as a consequence of people who turn and go to hell.
Tape 11
11, marriage summing up ties together, all of those teachings which provide a basic scriptural framework for the balance of the series.
Tape 12
Tape 12 deals with the scriptural response to the sexuality of teenage girls. It responds to the statistics which indicate that something like 60% of women lose their virginity by the age of 16, as many as 20% of women losing their virginity to their father, step-father, brother, uncle or similar close relative, all of which are forbidden by Scripture. Many girls are battling to deal with their sexuality, many getting into promiscuity at the age of 14 to 16. And this clearly indicates that God created women to marry and be sexually active at the age of 14.
Tape 13
Teaching number 13 'The Scriptural Relevance of Betrothal', clearly shows that while betrothal has a scriptural place, it does introduce a particular contract. It is not a necessary prerequisite for marriage. A man who have sex with a virgin is married to her, the absence of any betrothal contract or any engagement does not make the marriage null and void. There is a particular sin associated with a man having sex with a woman who is betrothed to another man, and that is akin to adultery, but it doesn't work the other way around. If you have sex of the virgin, if a man has sex with a virgin, the two are married and that's it. Deuteronomy 22 provides for the man or the man and the woman who have sex outside of the betrothal, to be put to death. That's unlucky to happen today, but they need to understand their spiritual state and deal with it.
Tape 14
Chapter 14, 'The Price of Righteousness', lessons from Judges 19 to 21, rape vows, oaths, etcetera, demonstrates from the situation in Judges 19 to 21, where 40 000 men of Israel gave up their lives to bring judgment on the people of Benjamin for one gang rape, and where 26 000 men of Benjamin together with their wives, their children, their livestock and everything, were utterly destroyed for condoning and not judging the men responsible for that gang rape. Also, clearly demonstrating that vows are not things that can be simply revoked or turned around, and that it is scriptural for men to take women as wives without any prior arrangements and find themselves married to them.
Tape 15
Tape 15 'Marriage Matters for Men', examines the fact that God actually intended men to marry at about the age of 20. He did not intend them to be financially independent, He intended them to grow up and to be groomed for the father's business. He intended them still to be living in a room attached to their father's house, to bring their brides there, that the father would mentor and coach the son as he grew into his father's business, as he grew into his marriage, that the mother of the bridegroom would mentor, supervise and guide the young bride as she grew into her marriage, that there was a systematic progression in terms of which the custodianship of the family assets and business passed to the son at the age of 30, at which staged the father in his 50's or 60's would become an elder in the gate, but would still provide wisdom and guidance to the son in the conduct of family matters. Likewise, the mother and the grandmother. So, we saw a multigenerational, stable family unit in which elderly people were not discarded and which young newly married people were not required to be financially independent and make all sorts of mistakes and build careers independent of the families.
Tape 16
Tape 16 'Learning How to Love', I went into some detail into the teachings from the book 'Lord, Teach Me How to Love by Dr. Creflo Dollar, which is a powerful examination of the Scriptures. We saw that’s God's love and agape love, that man and wife are intended to have, is unconditional, it's not weak and fluffy, it's not borne out of lust, it is something that is built, it's a conscious decision to love, it's an irrevocable Covenant decision to love, but we also saw in various teachings that the act of making love, the act of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman builds love as a matter of course. And that that love is unbreakable and cannot be cut off. We just provided a further indication of just how terrible sexual fornication is.
Tape 17
The 17th teaching, 'The Scriptural Response to a Rebellious or Treacherous wife', clearly demonstrated that love and obedience cannot be demanded, commanded, obtained by bribery, coercion, pleading or anything else. There is no Scripture which provides for a man to discipline his wife. At the same time, she's required to submit to him, consequently, we see that there has to be another solution, and this teaching showed very clearly from Scripture and by revelation from the Spirit of God, that if a wife was persistently rebellious, persistently refused to submit to her husband, the husband had recourse through prayer to hand her flesh over to Satan in terms of 1 Corinthians, that she might be disciplined and taught to submit, and that that was in fact an act of mercy and grace, that was far more gentle and far more correct to trust God to supervise and control Satan, by allowing the man to restore his covering over his wife, for a season, for her to bear the brunt of her own sin. If that is not done, the husband bears the brunt of the wife's sin, because she's under his covering. And I've seen, since giving that teaching, not just in the context of marriage, but in the context of believers generally, that it is far more merciful to hand the believer over to Satan for disciplining with the supervision of the Father, than it is to try and sort them out in carnal worldly ways which involve force and abuse.
Tape 18
Tape 18 addresses the question - is polygamy scriptural based on television program, on the subject of polygamy, and it demonstrates very convincingly and very solidly from Scripture, that the Word of God permits a man to have more than one wife. It always has, and that the arguments in favor of enforced monogamy as a doctrine, have absolutely no substance in Scripture. They are in fact, heresies of the worst kind, and they are keeping millions, if not billions of people out of the Kingdom of God.
Tape 19
Tape 19, 'Facilitating Change in Marriage', starts to lay a foundation for the balance of the series and lays a foundation on which this particular teaching is also built. It makes the point that to learn physical skills such as touch typing, horse riding, driving a car takes time, it takes instruction, it takes repetitive learning of simple skills, building on those skills until a full level of competence is arrived at and makes the point to bring about change in marriage, to come to a place where you were marriage is all that God intended it to be. It requires knowledge and information which is contained in these tapes. It requires repetition. It requires active intent on putting these teachings into practice and putting the teachings into practice. Learning to experience marriage on earth is not something that just happens at the click of a finger. It is something that takes time.
Tape 20
Tape number 20 closes the first series and provides an overview and summing up of the entire series. Volume 2, is entitled, 'Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage", and it is the crux of putting into practice the principles of Scripture that are taught in the first set of tapes and it is the crux of how, as you go forward, listening to the series of types from today, listening to this teaching on divorce, that God is able to heal your marriage provided there is resolve on the part of one partner to see the marriage healed, and unless the other partner is totally committed to Satan or is totally committed to destroying the marriage. And if that partner has not lost their salvation or if they're unsaved, if they've not made a vow to Satan of such a magnitude that prevents them coming to salvation, if they've not blasphemed the Holy Spirit and so forth, which is likely to be a very small number of Satanists.
I've read the testimony of a man who, within the fourth or fifth degree of illumination towards becoming an Illuminati who is a high order free mason, he was a practicing white witch very involved in wicker and therefore a very knowledgeable servant of Satan, who still came to salvation. Jesus came to die that all might be saved and if your spouse is serving Satan in a big way, Jesus still died for their salvation and you are not to abandon them to the hand of Satan until God tells you that there is no more hope. Even if you have to live in this terrible marriage for the rest of your life and lay down your life daily in prayer and fasting, and show the love of God towards that spouse, God May reward you by bringing them to salvation, at the very last minute on their death bed and you will be judged and the blood of their eternal damnation will be on your head and on your hands, if you do not lie down your life for your spouse. You must have known at least something about that men or women before you joined yourself to them and God holds you accountable for that knowledge. Even if you did it in ignorance, God will require you to do all you can to see them saved, unless He decides that there is nothing more you can do, or that you cannot continue without being destroyed yourself, or your children being destroyed. He will decide when it's enough. You cannot decide. You have to work on the basis that God hates divorce, that He doesn't want...until He shows you very, very solidly indeed that He will permit you to divorce.
In my case, I had to have a vision in which I saw a particular book in a particular location, in a particular Christian bookshop. I went there and I found the book in that location. It was a book on divorce and the Christian faith. I prayed about it for about 10 minutes before I bought the book. When I read the book, I realized that God was showing me a basis for divorce, which I hadn't realized existed before, in a case of a spouse that is completely hell bent on destroying the other spouse. Somebody who's a psychopath, or similar, and has no intention of repenting, even then, the Lord subsequently gave my wife another chance, another six months before He finally took me out, and that was only after the Lord Jesus appeared to her in a vision, and she refused to obey Him after she had, in Church, confessed her sin of refusing to do what He told her to do, and attacking me when He told me what she should do. Only then, after she'd lost her salvation, with no further hope of redemption, did God tell me to get out of the marriage. Please understand. This is not something to be done lightly. If you do it lightly, you are sinning, and you will store up wrath for yourself on the Day of Judgment. Even if you've walked out and divorced your spouse on unscriptural grounds, God may require you to return to that spouse even years later, and that is addressed in detail in the tapes 3.2 and 3.3 in this series.
Volume 2
Continuing with volume 2 of the set 'Bringing Joy to Jesus', demonstrates that Jesus rejoiced at the opportunity, to lay down his life for our salvation. Jesus didn't go around partying, Jesus had joy at the thought of dying on the Cross that we might be saved. Please understand that. You cannot just summarily get out of marriage because you're not enjoying yourself. You may enjoy yourself in this life, but you will face a very harsh judgment in the life to come. Kingdom Context, The Call, The End of the Age examines some end time Scriptures and prophetic indications that we are now in the period of time, referred to in Scripture, as the great tribulation, it's currently at the time of producing this tape, as still a primarily spiritual tribulation. But even as I'm recording this tape in the last few days, we've become aware of increasing numbers of armed assaults on Christian families, and the prophetic Word has indicated that murder and other violent crime will increase and there are indications that within the next couple of years, we may see Christians cast into prison for their faith, put into concentration camps if they do not renounce their faith and so forth. And the series of judgment tapes available from this ministry, address that in considerable detail.
Most of the tapes in volume 2 are single tapes which relate back to full sets of tapes from various ministries, which provide a lot more insight into dealing with these things. The aspect of coming to a marriage, which is Heaven on Earth, is essentially directly comparable to the path which is required to come to full holiness and sanctification in the Christian walk. If you come to the place where God intended you to be, your marriage will be Heaven on Earth. Marriage is a type and shadow of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is shown repeatedly throughout the whole series, concentrating on Ephesians chapter 5, verses 29 to 31, which show that the relationship between a man and his woman is directly comparable to the relationship between Christ and the Church.
Tape 4
Tape 4 in volume 2 'Preparing for Change in Marriage' goes through some general principles of preparing for change, and it's vital that you work systematically to those and recognize the things that need to be done.
Tape 5
Chapter 5 deals with faithfulness, a fundamental attribute of marriage from a series of tapes by Creflo Dollar, and one of the points that comes out of that is when we come before the judgment seat of Christ, why we did things. Why we sinned. Why we didn't do what God told us to do will be irrelevant? We will be judged on what we did that was according to the Word of God and what we did that we didn't, that was not according to the Word of God and what we didn't do, that was according to the Word of God. And we will pay the price then according to what Scripture provides. We will have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone if that is necessary for us to be saved. Others will be cast into The Pit with no redemption.
Tape 6
Chapter 6 'Before the Judgment Seat of Christ in This Life' is the first of a series of 12 tapes from this ministry, which goes into great length as to how we come before the Throne of God today in judgment, where Satan seeks to accuse us, where Satan roams the Earth like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, where we see the passage in Job which shows very clearly how things operate in the Throne room of God. We see Jesus Christ as the advocate, pleading on our behalf for clemency or for mercy, we see Satan as the accuser of the brethren before the judgment seat of God, day and night, and we see that where there is sin in our lives, which we are capable and knowledgeable of to deal with, God will not extend grace and mercy to us indefinitely. Where we're a new believer and we're sinning in an area we don't know about Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross will stand in the gap for us and we will be granted grace, but if we are sinning in areas which we know about, there is no excuse and we will pay the price in terms of financial loss, loss of health or whatever.
Tape 7
Chapter 7, 'The Realm of Exceedingly Abundantly Hidden Answers by the Holy Spirit' also one tape out of a set of 6 by Creflo Dollar, showing that as we pray in the Holy Spirit in tongues, we pray mysteries, and this is a vital part of praying through the problems in your marriage.
Tape 8
Chapter 8 'How to Discipline Your Flesh' tape by Kenneth Copeland, outlining basic disciplines and skills that are necessary to bring your flesh into subjection.
Tape 9
Chapter 9, 'Renewing Your Mind' also by Kenneth Copeland deals with tearing down brain imaginations, renewing your mind with the Word of God. It's vital that you come to a place where you renew your mind with the Word of God according to these teachings and come to a revelation that God intended your marriage to work, and God's intention is to heal your marriage and your marriage can be healed.
Tape 10
Chapter 10 'The Power of the Tongue' also by Kenneth Copeland, showing the power of words. If you speak death over your marriage, if you say this marriage is never going to work, if you say, I hate my husband or I hate my wife, you are actively murdering and destroying your marriage by your words. You'll will be held accountable for that on the Day of Judgment. If you declare that you love your wife, even when she's been absolutely impossible or insufferable, if you declare that you love your husband, if you declare God has intended this marriage to work, you are speaking life over your marriage.
Tape 11
Tape 11 'The Anointing and the Four Offices of Jesus' Deity' by Benny Hinn provides a profound revelation of the power of the Holy Spirit and the anointing, and what the significance of the anointing is, the four offices of Jesus Deity, which will also correspond to roles that the husband should play in the marriage.
Tape 12
In chapter 12, 'Demonic Oppression of the Flesh and Deliverance' by Carol Orther is the first tape in an 8-part series of about 15 tapes by Carol Orther, going in depth into the subject of how Christians can be demonized and how to deal with it. That series of tapes is available from this ministry.
Tape 13
Chapter 13, 'Cleansing the Temple of the Holy Spirit and Jezebel', showing that demonic oppression is contamination of the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is our bodies, and a detailed teaching about the Jezebel spirit, which is the principality behind the divorce, behind feminism, behind the breakdown of marriage. It’s an extremely vicious spirit if you're not familiar with it, well a vicious spirit even if you're well familiar with it, and one that you may come into regular contact with as you seek to heal your marriage.
Tape 14
Chapter 14, 'Covenant Made by Blood Agape' by Kenneth Copeland, one of the 4 tapes series by Kenneth Copeland, which gives a dramatic revelation of what the blood Covenant really is, which once you've listened to, you will have no doubt that a marriage, cutting the flesh of a virgin bride is something that is extremely holy and not to be treated lightly.
Tape 15
Chapter 15 'Cutting the Marriage Covenant', goes into some of the basic principles of sexual love making within marriage, which will assist a man and a woman to reach the level of One Flesh Bond which will produce a house which is strong, a marriage which is robust and sustainable. Without intimate, passionate and lovemaking with no withholding, it is not possible to build a One Flesh Bond between man and wife which will make the marriage unattainable to Satan. Satan has spread all sorts of lies about marriage and about sexual intercourse, which result in the One Flesh Bonds in most marriages being very weak and therefore, the marriage is very vulnerable. If you put these teachings into practice and if you deal with the things which is standing between proper development of a One Flesh Bond, you will come to a place where husband and wife are able to communicate in a spirit to spirit, across great distances, in a way which is akin to what the world calls telepathy. You will know what he's thinking, he will know what she's thinking. They will be able to communicate, they will pray in perfect unity and in perfect harmony. And at that point, they will become a formidable spiritual entity, something which Satan is truly very afraid of.
Tape 16
Chapter 16, 'Faith and Implementing Change', includes a teaching by Kenneth Hogan Junior on courting those things that are not as though they were. And this is vitally important in terms of healing your marriage. You need to come to a place where your faith confession is a positive, active confession that your marriage is healed.
Tape 17
Chapter 17, 'The Power of Negativity Preventing Change', includes a teaching by Brian Houston in terms of which he shows that negativity is an enormously destructive forces. If there is negativism in your marriage, if one of you is negative, your marriage is in great trouble. The person who is negative needs to understand they will be judged accordingly, and if they depart from that negativity, if they actively resist it, if they get free of whatever demons may be behind it, and they start making positive declarations over that marriage, the marriage can be healed.
Tape 18
18, 'Building the House', the One Flesh Bond, goes in more detail into some of the issues round about developing the One Flesh Bond and specifically, by that, I'm referring to coming to a place where sexual love making within marriage, is something that is enjoyed, something that is wonderful, something that builds up the marriage and builds up the marital house.
Tape 19
Chapter 19, 'Building the House', continued as a continuation of the previous teaching on the second tape.
Tape 20
Chapter 20, 'The World, The Church and Marriage from 4000 BC to 2000 AD', starts from the basic precepts that the Word of God says that God created man in His likeness and in His image, that archeological evidence convincingly shows us and other evidence, when man was first created, he was of much greater stature than he is today, he was much healthier, he was much stronger, he had a vastly superior intellect to what we have today, he had great knowledge of science and technology, that the men of Adam's day had very advanced technology, they had a very complete knowledge of the things of God, but as mankind deteriorated, they got smaller, they got weaker, they lived for less time, until eventually it was necessary for God to send Moses to put the basic principles of Torah, the Word of God, in writing because mankind was at risk of completely losing sight of what they had previously known by the Spirit.
By the time that Jesus came, it was necessary for God to go even further, because man had deteriorated to such an extent that it was necessary for God to send Jesus because man could not even manage the animal sacrifices. Every man needed the Holy Spirit because there was nobody to guide them. And we saw that even after that, the next 1500 years, the Church just generated into total apostasy, and it's only the last 500 years since Luther Calvin [inaudible 01:01:29.23] and so forth, that the Church had been restored to some measure of truth, and the world has started to restore to some level of technological sophistication, but in the process, society has reached a point of absolute spiritual depravity. There's no generation on the Earth that has been more spiritually depraved than the current generation, and even those who are mature spiritual Christians are woefully ignorant to the things of God. We lack the knowledge that Noah had, that Adam had, that Moses had. We are a pale shadow of what the Church is called to be. And this is a very sobering message which shows us just how far mankind has fallen, and why we should not be proud, why we should realize that there's an enormous amount that we don't know.
Tape 21
Tape 21, 'The Responsibility of Married Christian Women Towards Single Christian Woman', addresses in detail the implications of Isaiah 4,1, the reality that there are seven times as many women who are true believers, or there will be in the next few years, as men in the body of Christ, that God intended every one of those women to have a believing husband. And therefore, it is necessary that women who are already married, recognize their responsibility before God to invite other women to partake of their husbands covering. They will be judged very harshly if they insist on the monogamous Jezebel approach of treating their husband as a trophy, and not extending an invitation to other women who need a husband to come under that covering. This tape also address some of the implications from a sexual marital point of view, of there being more than one wife in a marriage situation.
Tape 22
Chapter 22, 'Living in Excellence, reaching for the Heights of Marriage', includes a teaching by Casey Treat on living in excellence, and very clearly establishes a basis in terms of which God has called us to live in excellence in marriage. He has called and created marriage to be Heaven on Earth and that we should strenuously, not in physical striving, but by faith, seek to come into the place where we experience Heaven on Earth in marriage.
Tape 23
The last tape in volume 2, 23 'Spreading the Good News, the Theology of Nobody's', by David Wong includes a tape by David Wong of the subject that together with the tape by Casey Treat, Brian Houston, Kenneth Hogan and one or two others, will include purely at the leading of the Spirit of God, literally as the messages were being recorded, and through that, the Father by the Spirit, painted for me and for listeners a much richer tapestry of what his vision was. It demonstrated very convincingly that people with no significant knowledge of the Word of God, just by faith, with the Spirit of God, could have an enormous impact. The implication being there, that if you've listened to these tapes, God is calling you to spread this truth to everybody that you come across to see that their marriages are healed.
Volume 3 – Tape 1
Volume 3 in the series provides a series of teachings. Volume 1 deals with the subject of the fundamental basic principles of the Christian faith. It deals with the fundamental tenants of the faith - water baptism, being born again, and all the other ordinances which are necessary, which if you have not received full instruction, is absolutely vital that you understand the basic tenants of the faith.
Tape 2
Tape number 2 in this series, 'Healing Marriage, Who Are You Really Married to' addresses the question that once you realize that marriage is sexual intercourse with a virgin, you may well discover that you've been living in adultery for decades. And this addresses some very challenging subjects and issues, in terms of determining what your status is before God, and the fundamental point of departure there is, even if you've been living in civil and ecclesiastical marriage with a contract and children for 20 or 30 years, if you're in adultery and you die today, you could well end up finding that you do not inherit the Kingdom of God and that you have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death instead. This establishes that it's absolutely vital to find out your status. It makes a point, and if you are in that situation where you've been living in a civil marriage for 20, 30 years, have children whatever, God may intervene in some way to release you to stay in that marriage, not necessarily so.
Tape 3
This goes further into tape 3, 'Resolving One Flesh Bonds', and this goes into prayers that can be prayed, processes that can be followed to determine whether in fact, God will release you from a marriage, which was associated with loss of virginity or whether He will require you to depart from what you've known to be a marriage but which is in fact, adultery. An absolutely critical teaching for any woman who lost her virginity to a man who's other than the man she is now living with, as his wife, and even if she has had sex with more than one man, she needs to listen to this and resolve it. Likewise, a man who's taken the virginity of a woman, who's no longer living with him as his wife, needs to listen to it. Immensely challenging, but absolutely vital. While you have adultery in your life, God cannot work miracles. You will be financially destroyed, your health will be destroyed over time, particularly in this current season of Judgement.
Tape 4
Tape 4 in this series, 'What Scripture Really Says About Marriage for Men', is designed as a single tape to be handed to a man by any person who's concerned that he may have unresolved One Flesh Bonds in his life. In other words, a woman who's had her virginity taken by that man and is no longer living with him as his wife, might want to give that tape to him.
Tape 5
Tape 5, 'What Scripture Really Says About Marriage for Women', is essentially the same tape with the message redirected for women, intended for a man who has come to revelation of these truths, to give to a woman who's virginity he took, and whom he now accepts he may be responsible for in the sight of God. Tape 3, just to digress, goes into the principle of putting things on the alar with the case of Abraham and Isaac, and makes the point that in some circumstances, God may restore your present marital relationship, but only after you have gone through the actions He requires of you to seek to be restored to the person with whom you had a virginal sex, but if they decline, if they refuse, God could release you from that. It's vital that you understand God requires us to walk by faith, not by sight and to do what's right in His sight, even if it's not particularly what we want. This tape then deals with the subject of divorce and through the tapes in the series, which follow I currently understand it, will address the subject of sanctifying the marriage and cutting a Holy Covenant which is the following tape, which deals with cleaning up the whole spiritual situation.
The vast majority of marriages, even where man and woman are living together, and the woman gave her virginity to that man, are not holy because of the manner in which sexual intercourse first took place. It may have been hurried, it may have been in the back seat of a car after a seduction, not willingly given by both parties, it was not formally prepared for, there was not an awareness of the holiness and the sacredness of the act. Any number of things. It may have taken place during menstruation resulting in a marriage Covenant, which is sullied and not holy. And this tape addresses it at length, how to rectify that and resolve it.
Tape 8
Tape number 8, 'Preparing for Marriage.' We'll go through the things that people, who are not yet married are about to get married, should deal with before marriage. And as I currently understand it, the remaining tapes in the series will address the subject of receiving Heaven on Earth in your marriage, forging the One Flesh Bond and any further considerations as the Lord leads, in order to wrap this up, to provide you God-willing, with a comprehensive set of instructions in terms of healing your marriage, coming to a place where you are holy and sanctified, and in right standing before God, and where you may hope to be a part of the bride, which is spotless and without blemish, rather than being found to be a goat or tears, or a foolish virgin on the Day of Judgment and not fit to be married to the Lord Jesus Christ as the bride of Christ.
Final thoughts
So, that's the complete series, and I'd just like to then take this a bit further into some specific aspects of what you should do, having listened to this full set of tapes. First of all, I must stress again, we're dealing with an absolutely awesome complex subject, and a subject where Satan has been amazingly effective in confusing and deceiving the Church, the world, the body of Christ, to a point where almost nothing that has taught you about marriage today, has any basis in Scripture. It has the odd elements of truth, but they're so corrupted that it is absolutely no wonder that the vast majority of marriages fail. And even those people who have managed to stay together with their first partner for life are very seldom, experiencing anything that approximates Heaven on Earth in marriage.
So, first of all, I would encourage you, please listen to the full set of tapes, including the full set of volume 3, and particularly go back to tape 3.2 and 3.3 and get absolutely clear, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, who you're married to. Get guidance as to whether the Lord will allow you to be released from some situations and come to a place where you are absolutely certain that you have a marriage to heal and that that marriage is with the person you think it is. If you're living in adultery, there's absolutely no point in trying to put these teachings into practice in your life. You will just be compounding the sin. If you're living in adultery, you need to find out if God will release you from the person that He considers you to be married to, and that's the subject of tape 3. If He doesn't release you, you need to terminate your "current marriage" and return to the spouse that He considers you to be married to. Once you've established that you are truly married in His sight, to your present partner, I would then encourage you as the next step, to apply what's in teaching in tape 3.7 'Sanctifying Your Marriage', sanctify your marriage and seek a Holy Covenant with the co-operation of your spouse, if at all possible.
If your spouse is totally uncommitted to the marriage and is not prepared not to do anything to help you, you may need to do what you can on your own and the seek to come to a fully, holy Covenant over time. But until you've established that you have a marriage to save and you have done those basics, there's very little point in going into a lot of the other things. That's not to say that a lot of the principles which are just fundamental to growing in Christ, should in any way be discarded or left on the back burner, you need to deal with your own Christian walk as a matter of urgency with the coming judgment. But please make sure that you are in fact, considering divorce and not just ending an adulterous relationship. If you are currently living in adultery, the world may call it divorce in the sight of God. It is just doing what's right in His sight and ending an adulterous relationship. To reiterate, if both parties willingly and with the whole heart, commit to follow the path that's set out in the series of teaching, including a full study of the other teachings that are referenced, for example, the teachings on judgment etcetera, and an application of that in your lives and disciplining your flesh, moving to place of quick repentance, renewing your mind, disciplining your tongues, seeking holiness and sanctification, building the One Flesh Bond, progressive deliverance, I truly believe with all my heart, that within 2 to 5 years, you should have a really solid marriage, and within 5 to 10 years, you will be experiencing Heaven on Earth in your marriage.
I think in some cases, it can happen a lot quicker. I don't think that it will take much longer than those periods if both spouses are committed. But based on what I've been through over the last 7 years, it's taken me a long time learning these principles. I have no doubt it will be a lot quicker for you, but nonetheless, things like deliverance, you're typically looking at anything from 2 or 3, to 5 or 10 years, depending on the amount of diligence that you've applied, depending on the amount of baggage that there is before you can truly hope to be fully sanctified. Apart from anything else, deliverance is a process. You can’t cast out too many demons at one stage. You will not be spiritually strong enough to resist them when they've returned, and the Word of God says that they will return bringing seven others to help them. So, you have to take it a step at a time.
If one partner does all they can, I still believe with all my heart, that the marriage will be healed, unless the other partner is willfully destroying the marriage, for example, if they're a psychopath, an unrehabilitatable drug addict, an alcoholic or a Satanist, but even there, the love of God can save them eventually. And I reiterate what I've said on several occasions .Even if it takes 60 years for your spouse to come to salvation on their death bed, it will be worth it, and you will be rewarded in Heaven. To walk out on your spouse before they've either come to salvation and your marriage has been healed, or when you are facing a situation where if you'd hung in there, they could have been saved, will open you up to great judgment on the Day of Judgment. If both spouses are born-again, and the one does not reform and eventually loses their salvation, it seems that this will provide the basis for eventual divorce. And in essence, my current understanding is that there are very little other reasons why God would permit a divorce.
Please understand, Yahweh Himself, by His Spirit, will probably tell you when to divorce, and that will happen probably when you've done all that you can, you're at breaking point and you cannot continue and you're spiritually and emotionally so debilitated, that you cannot go further. The Word of God clearly shows clearly, that He will not allow you to be tested beyond that which you can endure. I refer to 1 Corinthians, chapter 10, verses 11 to 13, "Now all these things happen to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition on whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore, let him who thinks he stands, take heed, lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. But with the temptation, will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." So, He won't allow you to be tested beyond what you can endure. It may feel like you're breaking, but if you come to true breaking point, God knows your heart, He knows how far you can go, and if necessary, He will take you out. He might take you out for a season to allow you to be healed and keep you interceding for your spouse, even though you're no longer living with them before He will permit you to divorce.
I would suggest, in any event, and you should be doing this whether you're trying to heal a marriage or not, that you should pray regularly to the Father in the name of Jesus, that He take any person that He does not want in your life, out, in Jesus' name, that He brings every people that He does want, into your life, that He prevents people from coming into your life who He doesn't want there, that He opens doors in your life, that no man may close, and close the doors in your life that no man may open. If you pray that sincerely by faith in Jesus name, should He want to end your marriage at some point, that gives Him the basis on which He can act.
The Lord ended my marriage, I believe, on the basis of those prayers. I've been praying for about a year, Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to bring the people you want, into my life and to take the people that You don’t want, out and keep them out, in Jesus' name. And as I've shared previously, in that first year after I prayed that, He took one of my business partners out, He took a number of my staff out, and then He took my wife out. I didn’t pray it with the intention of ending my marriage. I was doing all I needed to do, to heal the marriage, and then one day, He simply moved supernaturally, and shortly after that the marriage was ended. Please don't pray carnal soul filled prayers and try and tell God what to do, let Him have His will. He knows what's best for you. In the trials, rejoice.
In James, chapter 1, verses 2 to 15, "My brethren counted all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts, is like a wave in the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways. Let the lonely brother have glory in his exaltation, but the rich in his emulation because as a flower of the field, he will pass away. For no sooner, has the sun risen with the burning heat than it withers the grass, its flower falls and it's beautiful appearance perishes. So, the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits. Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him. Let no one say when he is tempted, I'm tempted by God, for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself, tempt anyone, but each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desire and enticed, than when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death." So, do not be tempted to end your marriage for carnal and ungodly reasons.
Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say rejoice." You must rejoice, that God has seen fit to allow you to be refined in this process. If your marriage is not where you would like it to be, it's given you that you may be refined, that you might overcome to the end, that you may receive a crown of life. And if you run away from that, you will bring judgment upon yourself. You must walk in love. At all times, ask Yahweh for confirmation and ask Him to take charge. In cases where divorce is the action, God will make a way. In many cases, the other spouse may well initiate divorce or walk out on you or otherwise, provide a basis for the marriage to be ended without you taking the initiative, particularly if you're a woman. Constantly seek His guidance. In some extreme cases, He might even permit the other spouse to die, if that is the only way that you can be released, and if you really have done everything and if there is a just cause in the court of Heaven. If they're in serious unrepented sin, headed to hell, irreversibly holding you in bondage in a way that is unacceptable in the sight of God. Once you're certain that Yahweh wants you to divorce then there are a few steps to follow. What I'm going to say now applies, and I'm going to speak in the context of men, many of what I say applies to women, and then I'll wrap up with what applies to women.
Firstly, pray about the direction and ask for direction. If you're a man and the house is in your wife's name, you may have to move out. Establish whether you should seek custody. In most countries is very difficult for the man to get custody of his children, even if his wife is showing serious, psychopathic and other antisocial tendencies. You need a miracle in most countries to get custody of your children and it may be better to let them go with her because she may seek to destroy you through them and in the process destroy them. Considered Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar. Abraham let Ishmael go with Hagar, so as much as your heart will break, if your children have to go and you're the father, you may need to let them go with your wife or ex-wife, and also what to do about assets.
If you've been living in adulterous situations, you may find that God tells you just to release the assets totally. Once you've done this, inform your wife of your decision. Have a clear idea of where you're going and issue her with a certificate of divorce, in terms of Deuteronomy 24, 1. At that point, you must separate. If you're the husband, and the house is in her name, you might need to move out. Otherwise you need to instruct her to move out, but that may be difficult if she refuses, or you may have to allow time for her to move out and assist her. You can't just chuck her out on the street. You have to act with the love of God, even if she is an unrepentant sinner and going to hell. You can then commence civil divorce proceedings and you'll need to take legal advice on that, and I would suggest that you don't strive, that you'd done make unreasonable demands. Let it go. Don't fight for things that you can't receive. Let the peace of God guide you and just give more than you're asked to give. If the other party is completely unreasonable, you will have to ask the Lord to intervene. As soon as you've moved out, or she's moved out, cut off the One Flesh Bond.
You need somebody to pray with you in agreement and we deal with that in the next tape. Cut off the soul ties, renounce the vows, cast out familiar spirits, cut off curses, and so forth, and these are dealt with in a lot more detail in tape 7, 'Sanctifying the Marriage Covenant'. While this is not specifically the subject of this particular tape, it bears repeating. Understand, if you've been living with a woman for many years as your civil wife, you've been making love, and you now realize you're in adultery, and God tells you to get out, in other words, you need to get a civil divorce and return this woman to her true husband, you have made love, there is no basis for love to end, you will have great difficulty. You will have great pain. It has to be done. All you can do is pray for her, pray for her husband, pray for her marriage. If you're divorcing a woman because she has lost her salvation, it's a terrible thing to see one you've loved, go to hell, but by that stage love will probably be dead.
Attacks and guidance
The only basis for divorce is if love has been murdered by the treachery of the other party. Be aware then that Satan will use her to attack you. It may not be obvious to those around you that she has lost her salvation, so there's no point in telling a whole lot of people about it. She may continue to go to Church, but Satan will use her to get to you in all sorts of ways, she will use the children to get to you if she has custody, or if you have custody and you need to understand these things. You need to understand that, you need to cut ties with her as thoroughly as possible. You may need to limit yourself to communication through lawyers in certain instances to prevent the children getting further hurt. You may have to back off any influence on the children's lives and just trust God and pray protection over them, pray that the Father will be a father to your children and just let them go, as Abraham let Hagar go into the wilderness with Ishmael. A very, very difficult subject, and one which has to be handled on a case by case basis, by the leading of the Holy Spirit. But if your ex-wife is in a position for you still to have a normal relationship with her, there's something wrong. You probably were not in a position where God actually permitted you to get divorced. Just looking at the woman's perspective of this.
You do need God's guidance. If you realized you're in adultery, then follow the procedure in tape 3. Give tape 4 to the man you call your husband, discuss the situation, fast and pray and ask God to do what is necessary, either to end your present marriage or to release you from the marriage which you truly have. But you may have to tell the man that you've been calling your husband for the last few years that you want to civil divorce and that you're leaving him. It could be very unpleasant. You may have to walk out leaving most of your possessions behind you, and you may need to concede custody of your children, but you cannot afford to remain to be an adulteress on the day of Judgment. You need to pray and ask the Father to cut off One Flesh Bonds, soul ties, renounced vows, cut off demons, et Cetera, as disgusting in tape 7 on sanctifying your marriage. You need to write to the man that you're leaving, confirming that you're leaving him because you've realized that in the sight of God you've been living in adultery, confess to sin, repent, ask Him to forgive you, and ask for a civil divorce.
Recognize that since in the sight of God you were never married to this man, you do not have to wait for a civil divorce before you return to your true husband. You're at liberty to resume conjugal relations and live together with your husband as Yahweh leads. Apply the procedures to sanctify the marriage and to cut a Holy Covenant, but again, understand if you walk out and move in with another men who happens to be your husband in the sight of God, it's going to be highly controversial and it might bring about all sorts of reactions from the world, which Satan thoroughly joy bringing into your life, but at the same time, once you've realized that you truly married, the sooner you get under the covering of your true husband and start building a Holy marriage the better. If the man that you've called your husband, your civil husband who is in fact not your husband, who's been your adulterous partner, he may violently oppose your action, you need to walk in the love of God.
Remember that love requires you to end the sin. Remember also you sinned the moment you left the man who took her virginity and entertained the possibility of marrying another man. Recognize that since the man you've been living with is not your husband, you're not required to submit to him. You must submit to the man God has shown you as your husband. That can be extremely difficult and extremely challenging. If the man you've known as husband was your husband in the sight of God, in other words, he took your virginity, but he's now reached a point where God, not you, has rejected him for being your husband, which probably means that if he was born-again, he has lost his salvation, then you must apply essentially the same process that asked God to guide you and to end the marriage for you. Don't act in your own strength. Draw close to God and let Him lead you. You need at least a letter stating that he's divorcing you, and if he just gets up and leaves, if you do not have a certificate of divorce, you must be diligent in seeking God's guidance before you marry again. Ask for God to open and close doors, to guide you, in line with tape 3, in what's been mentioned earlier in this teaching. Again, I have to stress, divorce is an extreme outcome of marriage, only in certain, very specific instances generally associated with the eternal damnation of the one party.
There may be other instances where God will permit divorce, in the case of a man and woman who've been truly married in His sight. I don't have any personal experience of an instance of that nature. I won't say categorically that it can't happen, but it does seem to me prophetically that it can't happen. Please, before you get divorced, do all that is set out in this series of tapes. Listen to these types repeatedly. Pray, ask God to guide you. Do not get divorced unless God clearly, unambiguously in a fashion that leaves you with no room to question, tells you to get divorced.
Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that all that has been uttered that is according to Your will and according to Your Word will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers, that it will be nourished and watered by Your Spirit and that it will grow and produce abundant fruit, to the glory of Your Kingdom, in Jesus' name. I ask You too Father, in the name of Jesus, that anything that has been uttered that is not according to Your will or according to Your Word will be blown away and will find their roots in the hearts of the hearers in Jesus' name. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world. Amen.
05_07 Sanctifying Your Marriage and Cutting a Holy Covenant
This is message number 7, Sanctifying your Marriage and cutting a Holy Covenant, in the series, 'Understanding God's Way in Marriage', volume 3, practical application of marriage teachings. This teaching is primarily directed at men and women who are already in a marital situation, who have been through the procedures in the preceding tapes and have established beyond doubt that in the sight of God, they are indeed man and wife. It will also apply in cases where a man who put away his wife for unjust reasons of, and God has regarding to reinstate her. The teaching is a composite of what the Lord shown me, I believe, after much prayer and after another 3-day fast. I must stress, these are suggestive procedures, suggestive processes, suggestive prayers, they're not rigorous legal pronouncements and you should feel free to adjust them as you feel led by the spirit. I would strongly recommend that you use this tape as a point of departure for putting together a procedure and a process that works for your particular situation.
The same basic procedure would apply in the case of a man consummating marriage for the first time with a woman who is not a virgin. In other words, a woman who had sex before or had perhaps lost her evidence of virginity - the hymen, because she is now of a more mature age and the hymen has perhaps got damaged in sport or something. There would be some material differences to this procedure in the case of marriage to a virgin, and those are touched on at the end. My expectation in sharing these types, is that in the first instance, the vast majority of people who will listen to these tapes, will be men and woman in a situation where the woman has already lost her virginity. Generally, there will be a sexual relationship between the man and the woman, and they will be seeking to come to a holy and sanctified marriage from a situation which, based on the current state of the world and the Church today, is likely to be less than the way God would like it to be, less in a way you'd want it to be, in the light to these teachings. In some respects, I would suggest that this may be the most important tape in the whole series. It creates the fundamental spiritual foundation on which a marriage is based.
It seems to me almost, that as I prepared to give this teaching, that everything leads up to the culmination of this teaching and the few tapes that I understand at this moment to be a subsequent to this in the culmination of the series, are, if you like, tying up the loose ends and taking this foundation and building on it. Situations which come to mind in terms of which I believe this teaching would apply, would be a woman who is not a virgin at the time of the civil or ecclesiastical wedding, but where Yahweh, God, has released her to marry the man she's been living with as wife. Secondly, the woman who has committed adultery while in a God-blessed marriage. Thirdly, a woman who has been restored to her husband in the sight of God. In other words, to the man who took her virginity after having been put away or separated from him and having subsequently had other men. The same basic principles would apply to a woman who has joined herself to animals, or a man who has himself to animals.
There are some more heavy demonic things that would be associated with that, and there would be a specific need for you to work through a strong deliverance around that. I would suggest that if this tape is being listened to by a couple who are planning to join themselves together for the first time, and one of them has had bestial experiences, that they should make quite sure that those spirits etcetera, have been cut off before they consummate marriage. But again, that's a matter for the Holy Spirit to direct you in some cases. He may require you to do that, particularly in the case of a woman, to bring her under a godly covering, that she may be set free. In the case of men who've had homosexual relations, the same sanctification is required. And again, there are strong curses associated with male/male sexual intercourse. I would encourage you to deal thoroughly with the issues there before consummating a new marriage.
Clearly, if you've already have had intercourse, you should go ahead and cleanse the marriage in any event. But again, you will see later on in this teaching, there is a point at which I suggest to you that you might want to wait until you've undergone at least the basics of a deliverance process. In the case of a woman who's been sexually intimate with other women, there may also be soul ties, and it seems to me, and I say this, and I believe by the Spirit of God, I have no Scripture to back it up, but it is possible for women who are intentionally sexually intimate with one another, particularly reaching a simultaneously climax, it seems to me that it is possible for some form of One Flesh Bond to come into existence, given that my understanding is that when a woman reaches sexual orgasm, there is some form of not only orgasmic secretion of fluid, but some form of spiritual secretion as well, which then reaches up to the spirit of the person with whom intercourse is taking place.
So, in all those cases, sanctification would be required certainly a woman who has joined herself to other woman outside of the marriage. It was applied to a woman who's been put away by her husband, and not had sex with another man, but has now been taken back, as we've seen in Malachi 2:16, God says that putting away a woman for no cause, is an act of treachery. So, there's spiritual wounds and curses to come about in such a case and these need to be dealt. They also apply to a man who was previously joined to other woman from him. Yahweh has now released him, and to a man, since his marriage, has joined himself to other women from whom Yahweh has now released him. In other words that he has committed adultery. I'm not talking here about a man who's taken the virginity of several women and is therefore married in the sight of God to those women. That's a separate subject and it will be touched on in the last tape in the series.
A man and a woman where the taking of virginity was hurried, or where it was under protest, for example, the woman was not in fully agreement, where it was sordid and for example, it took place during menstruation, in order to avoid pregnancy. In other words, there was dead blood present at the cutting of the Covenant, which is an abomination. Any other situation where the couple were not in full agreement, where there was not full giving and receiving on both sides and where the marriage is not fully consummated before orgasmic release on the part of both parties. All of these things are inhibitors to the formation for a strong and pure One Flesh Bond and for a strong foundation for your marriage. So, if any of those apply, you should be seriously considering going through a process similar to what is outlined in this teaching to sanctify your marriage and to cut a holy Covenant.
It will also apply in the case of a man and a woman, who, after the taking of virginity that did not immediately live together in a proper marriage setting, in other words, lived together as husband and wife, not saying necessarily that they have any ecclesiastical or civil ceremony, but a situation in which there was giving and receiving of love, sexual love making on a regular basis, companionship and growing together, as opposed to a one off sexual experience, followed by erratic and perhaps quite often hurried sexual experiences as tends to happen in many cases where a teenage boy and girl are sexually intimate. They're told that they are too young to marry, and remain in a so-called courtship relationship, sometimes for years after the consummation of the marriage. It could also apply to a man and woman who, after marriage were oppressed by lust, frigidity or other ungodly behavior, and therefore the marriage has never been fully cemented.
Young women
It's important to realize that an enormous percentage of women find themselves, because of the fact that they were required to repress their sexuality well into life, far beyond the age of 12 and a half, 13, 14 when God intended them to marry, their hearts have become hardened and they've had a number of unpleasant courtship experiences, where they got emotionally attached to a boy or a man. They felt that the thing, in worldly terms was going too far sexually, that they were too young to marry, broke it off in the process, damaging the vulnerable part of their hearts that God intended them to give only once in marriage, resulting in a situation where even if a woman was a virgin at the time of marriage, she's frigid. She's got so accustomed to suppressing her sexuality that she's unable to give herself fully to her husband and the result is that lovemaking is strained, and they never experience the fullness of sexual release, they seldom if ever experience simultaneous orgasmic climaxes.
Unresolved desires
The same can apply to a man who has been forced to contain his sexuality for years after he reached a point where he was ready to consummate the marriage who resorted to unresolved desire or who was forced into unresolved desire in dating experiences with women, where after a fair degree of arousal was reached. They were forced to cut it off because they were not married, who may have resorted to or become oppressed by lust, as a consequence who may have resorted to masturbation, who may have resorted to pornography, fantasy and all sorts of things in order to relieve his unsatisfied sexual needs, resulting in a situation that when he does into marriage, he finds himself fantasizing about other women, lusting after other women, needing masturbation, pornography, et Cetera, to bring him to full release and not able to be satisfied just with the woman that he has in his life.
This produces a corresponding shock, a counter impact in the wife, and again can result in a situation where lovemaking is hurried, is unfulfilling and becomes a mechanical cardinal act of releasing lustful passions, particularly in the part of the man and the woman feeling more and more used and abused. The effect being again, the marriage is sullied, unholy and a strong One Flesh Bond is never attained. Equally, most of what's contained here will apply to most first-time marriages, whether the woman is a virgin or not. If she's not a virgin that has been set free and this is going to be the first act of intercourse, virtually everything in this teaching applies. If a girl is in her teens, a virgin, has been relatively chaste and pure, has dressed modestly, has not had a series of dating and courtship experiences with other men, falling in and out of love, some of what's contained here is possibly not going to be relevant, but even if she's gone to the age of 18 or 20, it's quite possible that many of these things will be starting to apply.
As I've indicated previously, it's my expectation that in the early stages after the release of these tapes a vast majority of people who would want to listen to them, will be in the previous categories. Therefore, if you are listening to these tapes with a view to consummating marriage with a pure virgin, I would just encourage you to listen to the whole teaching and then to extract that which applies to you, which in any event, as I said previously, is the procedure that I would recommend in every case. I would however recommend that generally speaking, you pray all the prayers and go through all the steps that are set out in this type unless you have a very clear leading from the Spirit of God that certain steps are irrelevant or not applicable.
As I mentioned previously throughout these teachings, we've had the experience of ministering to a women who was seduced under hypnosis, married in the sight of God for over 30 years before it was revealed to her by the Holy Spirit in eight hours of prophetic counselling. So, we never know for sure what may have happened in our lives, either under some form of a demonic influence such as hypnosis. Perhaps where somebody had too much alcohol, a drink has been spiked or whatever, and therefore, unless one has complete release from the Holy Spirit, it's prudent to go through the entire process. In the previous tapes we've gone through a lot which will enable you to identify sin in your life's and towards one another, sin against your own bodies and so forth. The second series of these tapes contain the introduction to Carol Orther's series on deliverance. We can supply that full set of tapes, and God-willing a set of those teachings will be available. I hope to have this whole series on cd in the near future. And I hope to be able to include Carol's teachings in that as well. I really encourage you to go through that and if possible, to get hold of the manual from us or from one of the ministries that represent us around the world in order that you can work through that and see the magnitude of things that may well be sin in your lives that you didn't realize.
Sanctifying the Temple of Holy Spirit
With that, I refer you again to the comments on the teaching on Sanctifying the Temple of the Holy Spirit, cleansing out your house as well from demon attracting objects, idols and so forth, pagan symbols. Sins that need to be dealt with at this time include adultery and fornication. It's also a sin to have consummated the marriage during menstrual flow or subsequently to have had intercourse during menstrual flow. It's a sin for either party not to have given themselves fully or to have been violent in sexual love making, or to be frigid or to fantasize about others, or to use pornography to stimulate yourself. This applies even if your partner has been frigid. It's important that we understand, and I refer you to the teaching on faithfulness in the second volume of the series, as I said very powerful in that teaching when we come before the throne of God, why we sinned is irrelevant. So, if a husband has been using pornography and self-stimulation to release sexual tension because his wife is frigid, he must realize that he's been sinning by lusting after other women who, by virtue of the fact that there are unlikely to be virgins in pornography, or other men's wives in a strictly scriptural technical sense, and therefore he's been committing adultery with them in his mind. He's been holding himself back from his wife. He has been sinning, he needs to repent of that.
But at the same time, if the wife has been frigid and has not been initiating lovemaking, who has not been filled with desire for her husband, has not been a seeking to make love and make herself available for lovemaking, then she must realize that she has sinned against her husband and she must also repent. So, both parties in many instances will find that there is a counter-balancing sin that needs to be dealt with. Things like incest, or either party has had sex with a member of the opposite sex, or the same sex for that matter, sex with near relatives in terms of the previous teachings out of Leviticus 18 or 20, bestiality, all of these sins need to be confessed. I would encourage you to deal particularly with all sexual sin at this time before going much further. This may take some time. It may take days, weeks or months of prayer and listening to Carol Orther's tapes or getting hold of Carol's Orther's manuals or getting hold of books by Derek Prince, or some of the other deliverance ministers that were mentioned in the teaching on deliverance.
You must confess all your sins against one another and your sins to one another, and to God. There should be no secrets between husband and wife. And that's important that in dealing with the sins that have caused your marriage to be defiled that husband and wife should together go before God, confess their sins and repent. If they sinned against one another, they should confess their sins to one another and repent to one another. Ask for forgiveness, grant forgiveness, receive forgiveness from God. In going through the process that follows, I would encourage you to pray and cover yourselves with the blood of Jesus, from the top of your heads to the soles of your feet, cover any children, any near family members with the blood of Jesus from the top of the heads to the soles of their feet. Ask the Father to cover the premises where you are, the walls, the floors, the ceilings, the roofs, the doors, the window, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels with the blood of Jesus. Take authority over any demons or fallen angels that may be in the room where you are or any room in the house by praying in the following fashion. Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus and we take the authority over any demon or fallen angel that may be in this room, and in the name of Jesus, I speak to any demon, or fallen angel in this room.
I bind you now, and in the name of Jesus, I command you to leave this room and go to The Pit for a thousand years in Jesus' name. Father, I ask that you send to your mighty warring angels to bind any demon or fallen angel that has been in this room and to cast it into The Pit for a thousand. So, I thank you Father for setting us free. In Jesus' name. Pray along those lines as appropriate. If you've never anointed your house with oil, now might be a good time to do so. We regularly take a can of olive oil, we lay hands in it and we ask the Father to give the oil, the symbolism of Jesus' blood and we go around the house systematically anointing the doorposts and the lintels, the posts of the window frames and the lintel, the frame of the track doors, and the outside gates, working from the inner part of the house outwards symbolically chasing any demons or angels that are on the property from room to room until they leave the property. And just praying as we go as I've just prayed, asking Father to sanctify each room of the house.
Clearly if you’ve got books of demonic or satanic nature, books of witchcraft, books of idolatry, Pagan religions, et Cetera, you have no legal basis to cast the demons associated with that out of your house. Pornography, the same thing. You need to repent of the sin of having that in your possession, even though you were ignorant, and you need to destroy it by burning or crushing books etc., and artifacts should not simply be thrown in the rubbish where other people could pick them up and be affected by the demons that attach themselves. It's similar to throwing a piece of rotten meat into a rubbish bin and then a piece of rotten meat being picked up and eaten by somebody else and contracting the diseases associated with it. You must destroy with fire those artifacts. Sometimes you may need to put petrol or a flammable liquid onto them and you may even need to use a blow torch. I ministered in one instance where a man had been given a fire screen with a gargoyle on it and in the five years since he'd had it, he backslidden to such a degree that he found himself in jail for assaulting his own brother, in a desperate condition and I had to tell him to take the fire screen to the engineering works where they could use an oxy acetylene burner to completely destroy that in order to break its hold over her.
We prayed, we applied the blood, but that thing had to be completely destroyed because of its symbolism. So, you need to clean out the physical property as well as the spiritual property. The processes that I'm going through here will also apply after divorce, including release from the marriage which was never fully concentrated and again, you need to deal with the sins associated with that marriage and cut that off. At this point, I would recommend that you pray and humbly petition the Father to cut off the One Flesh Bonds, including women with other women, men with other men, and thank Him by faith. As I said in previous teachings someone must pray in agreement with you, but essentially the prayer is as follows. Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I declare that I have a One Flesh Bond with...and give the name of the person...I declare that that is an ungodly One Flesh Bond, which is not according to Your Word, or if it was a marriage that you've been released from, you would say, Father, I thank You that You've released me from that One Flesh Bond, and Father I recognize that there's nothing in Your Word which tells me that I may sever that One Flesh Bond, in fact Your Word says, that which God has put together, let no man put asunder. And therefore, I come to You Father in the name of Jesus and I humbly petition You to sever the One Flesh Bond with...and again the name.
You need to pray that prayer with regards to each person that you have a One Flesh Bond with. Ideally you should pray the same prayer for each person. If there's a long list, then just ask the Father for grace and just read the entire list out to Him. It's important in my understanding that you explicitly name each person. If you do not recall their names, and all you recall is for example, the blonde girl in Los Angeles in 1985, well then just say, Father I ask You to cut off the One Flesh Bond with the blonde girl, in Los Angeles in 1985, but seek to identify every incident if you have been significantly promiscuous and just cannot remember every incident and every person. Then when you've dealt with all those people that you can remember by name, all those people that you can remember by specific instances and say Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to cut off every other One Flesh Bond associated with every other instance that I cannot now remember in the name of Jesus, and just ask for mercy and grace, and my experiences is that the Father will almost always extend it.
You may find in some instances that over time, He will bring by His Spirit further names and further incidents to your remembrance in which case, just briefly get together with your wife or your husband and pray that prayer for that specific instance. Once you've prayed for the severing of all the One Flesh Bonds that come to your attention at this moment, then pray to receive healing of the wounds to your spirit. Praying as follows. Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I thank You that Jesus died at the Cross for my healing and deliverance. I thank You by Jesus' stripes I am healed, and Father I ask You now in the name of Jesus, to heal the wounds in my spirit caused by the severance of these One Flesh Bonds in Jesus' name. I thank You that You poured out the oil of Your Spirit and that You healed my spirit from all these wounds, close up and seal the scars on my side and on the side of the other parties in Jesus' name.
Typically, when I'm ministering personally to individuals, I would pray that prayer over them, relying on my faith and my authority in my anointing to minister in that area. There's absolutely no reason why any person who is a believer, who has revelation of the power of the name of Jesus, the authority of the believer should not pray that. If you're feeling a bit shaky, if you're a bit uncertain, I would encourage you however ask God to show you a mature believer who would be willing to pray that with you. It's not necessarily a requirement that you should disclose the names of the people that you have fallen into sin with, in the presence of a third party. I do believe it is important between husband and wife, but if you need to involve a more mature believer to pray with you, pray privately, or pray in your heart the names of the individuals. And then when you've finished, let the more mature believer pray with you for healing. Once you've done that, renounce all ungodly soul ties, recognizing that you can have soul ties with people you've not had intercourse with.
Early days of love
If you've gone the way of most people in the world today, you've had girlfriends, you've gone to parties or boyfriends have gone to parties, you started kissing and embracing, you got close, you may have told them you love them. You may have got through the early stages of sexual intimacy and arousal, and then the relationship may have been cut off. There may well be soul ties and you should cut off all soul ties with all the people that you've had intercourse with, irrespective of male or female, and also all people that you may have had any degree of affection and intimacy for, where that affection and intimacy is misplaced in your current marital set up. So, men in the case of women who are now married to other men, and women in the case of other men. Pray and ask the Father to show you all vows and promises that are ungodly, that you need to deal with. We've seen in previous teachings on the price of righteousness and the power of words that vows and promises that you made have got eternal import. The reality is that you may well have made vows and promises to different people that are contradictory, a woman may have promised to marry more than one man, being engaged to several men, declared her undying love to several men.
A man may have declared his undying love to women that he's not married to, promised to marry them and so forth. Other more trivial vows as well. Every vow that you have made and have not honored, needs either to be honored, or you need to be released from it, or you need to ask the Father to release you or to extend grace until you can be released. So, you need to ask the Father to show you clearly. Where possible, my experience is that the Father will require you to contact the other party and ask them to release you. I've shared with you some of the facts regarding my adulterous relationship. And in that situation, both myself and the woman concerned had repeatedly promised that if one of us got divorced the other would get divorced and marry. And obviously that was an ungodly promise, but at the end, the Lord required me to actually contact her and ask her to release me from that and other promises and vows that I'd made to her.
The benefit of that is that it lets the other party know clearly that the release is mutual. It may clear the air, but again as the Spirit leads, sometimes it may just open old wounds and provoke stuff which is not appropriate in which case the Father may simply lead to say, Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare that power was ungodly, and I ask You to release me from it. If you unable to contact the other party, then ask the Father to release you or to extend grace. If you find that He hasn't released you, you may have to expend some energy to contact that person. This subject relates also to engagement and marriage vows that have been made in any adulterous union. In other words, where a man and woman joined themselves together with the loss of virginity, and subsequently the woman went on and married in civil ecclesiastical marriage another man.
Only God can show you which vows to renounce, which require release and what to do with it. In some instances, you may need to ask the Father to guide you, to locate the people that you want, that you need release from, and you need to ask Him for guidance in what to say and for favor, when you do manage to make contact with them. In some cases, you may need to do this face to face, but generally my experience is that He will probably permit you to do it telephonically, or in writing, provided you take reasonable precautions using, for example, registered mail to ensure that it does get there. You should ask for grace until it can be done, but then you must do it diligently. Do not abuse grace, by asking for grace and then neglecting it and forgetting about it. You're asking for a harsher judgment. You should cut of all curses that have been spoken against you by any party that you'd been joined to, any other party. And the prayer there is quite simple.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me by... name the person, or once you've dealt ones that you believed have definitely cursed you, you can say, Father in the name of Jesus, I ask You to cut off further curses, and then you can just finally confirm it by saying, in the name of Jesus, I cut off all curses that have been spoken against me. If there are Satanists or witches praying against you, you can, in certain specific instances, but I would stress, you should not do this unless you clearly feel led by the Spirit of God to do so. So, father in the name of Jesus I ask You to return all curses that have been spoken over us by Satanists, witches, warlocks or any other agent of Satan a thousand-fold that they may learn not to touch the Lord's anointed and that they may come to salvation.
We've prayed that on occasion and in two instances, people who have been cursing us on a regular basis way have passed away within a relatively short space of time. I'm not suggesting that that's your objective. I'm just simply saying that sometimes God does answer those prayers in a powerful way, which is really when a curse has turned a thousand-fold, if the curse is particularly virulent, it does have the potential impact of destroying the party sending it to us, but that is judgment that was due that person. They did not die, except with the consent of the father. You should also pray and ask the Father to, by His Spirit to remove your name from any satanic register where it appears. Many organizations which serve Satan have registers, witches covens, certain other organizations have registers of names perhaps with blood line names going back generations from your own, which they periodically pray an overall curse and I have been led on a number of occasions prophetically to pray and say, Father in the name of Jesus I ask You to remove this person's name from all registers in which it appears, in the possession of the agents of Satan, the cohorts of Satan. I ask you to obliterate it with the blood of Jesus, to erase it and to close up the lines on the page so that there's no evidence of the existence of that name, in Jesus' name. You should pray, bind and cast out all familiar spirits and other demons specifically associated with adulterous and other relationships, but in the first instance, dealing only with those which specifically gain legal right to attach themselves to you, to the relationship. I'm talking here about relationships where you were led by the Spirit of God to terminate it because you were living in adultery.
Other adulterous and fornication relationships, incest, etc., any ungodly sexual union brings with it a transfer of demonic spirits which enables Satan to hold you in bondage and control you. We recently ministered in a situation where we were slacker than we should have been in terms of cutting off the One Flesh Bonds etc., the party concerned was reluctant and eventually we realized that he was joined to a witch, and we never did get to minister to him in the area and he ran away before we could set him free. And that's my impression by the Spirit of God that if we cut off the One Flesh Bonds and cut off the familiar spirits, which would have no longer had a hold over that man, but as I say, I'm dealing here specifically with those associated with sexual sin which are directly contrary to your marriage, which God has now shown you that He intends to bless.
Steps for spiritual healing
I now want to go on and talk about some steps which are directed at competing the spiritual healing of both men and women prior to the cutting of the holy Covenant. This is part of the sanctification process, and this is just what I feel impressed to suggest that people should follow. Once you've dealt with the sin that I've identified so far, you have in a significant measure, sanctified yourselves and sanctified your marriage. There is still significant work to be done, as you'll see what follows on this tape, but you have removed, spiritually many of the impediments to your marriage working. At this point, I would suggest that you should be water baptized again. I would encourage you to realize that from Leviticus and Numbers, it's apparent, Deuteronomy Exodus, it's apparent that God did not just appoint baptism by immersion in water as a one-off ordinance. It was an ordinance of cleansing of any sin or any uncleanness.
I'm sure you've realized by now that the things that you've been dealing with have brought great spiritual uncleanness into your lives and into your marriage and therefore a baptism or a cleansing by immersion in in water at this time is appropriate. And I would encourage you, the two of you can, or if there's more wives involved, can all go and sanctify yourself simply by immersion in water. If you have access to a swimming pool or a lake or a river, you can immerse yourself together. If you only have a bath or something like that, you'll have to immerse yourselves one at a time, but you should all be together and pray, recognizing Matthew 3, 1, "John said, I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance." And water baptism by immersion is a sign of repentance, and so you should go under and before you pray, say Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I ask You to cleanse me. I come in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, wash me with the water and wash me of all my sin, in Jesus' name. Just go under the water and come up by faith, believing that you're cleansed of that sin. Once you've done that and you've confessed your sins, I really encourage you to take the Lord's supper or Holy Communion, the bread and the wine, particularly meditating on the revelation that Jesus Christ is the bread of life, He is the Word of God. The bread is symbolic of the body of Christ.
So, as you partake of the bread, you partake symbolically of the body of Christ. You partakes of the Word of God. You partake symbolically of the bread of life. And thank Him for dying on the Cross for you to set you free. When you take the blood, recognize that the blood is the blood of the Covenant, that it was shed by Jesus, as a free gift to you. You should have listened to the tape on agape has said the blood Covenant in volume two of the series and have a revelation of what the blood shed by Jesus bought for you in the Covenant. And I'll come back to that in a moment. As you do that, pray and ask the Father to heal all spiritual wounds that are left after the ministry, wounds that have been left to your soul as a result of soul ties, the consequence of vows, etc. You've undergone a symbolic cleansing, as you've gone under water. You are now partaking of the bread and the wine, symbolic of the body and blood of Jesus Christ who shed His blood for you and for many for forgiveness of sins. And it's part of the cleansing process. And then claim the promises of the Covenant, the new Covenant, cutting the blood of Jesus Christ. Ask him to pour out the fire of His Spirit.
Matthew 3, 11 continues. "He who's coming after Me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." So, the Holy Spirit can be poured out on you by the Father as fire to burn up the chaff and the dross and to refine you, to sanctify you and make you holy and a vessel for honor. Ask Him to ignite your love for Him and to make His Word come alive and give Him thanks for that. Ask Him to pour out the oil of His Spirit, the oil of joy for mourning. Isaiah 61, 3, "to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of Yahweh, that He might be glorified." And that's speaking prophetically of Jesus. Claim their promise. Thank Him for pouring out His Spirit on you to heal you, to make you whole and give Him thanks for that. Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit, that rivers of living water will flow from your belly. John 7,38 says, this is Jesus speaking. "He who believes in me as the Scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit, that rivers of living water will flow from your belly and thank Him for that in Jesus name. Thank him that that joy of the Lord is your strength and that it will become real to you. Nehemiah, chapter 8, verse 10, says, "Is holy to our Lord, do not sorrow for the joy of Yahweh is your strength and seek to experience the reality of God's joy in your life." Thank Him that the love of God is shed abroad in your heart and that that becomes real to you. Romans 5, 5 says, "Now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." And again, give Him thanks for the love of God shed abroad in your heart. Thank Him that He teaches you to walk in love, thank Him that you have the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2, 16, "For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him, that we have the mind of Christ." Ask Him to enable you to experience the mind of Christ for supernatural wisdom and understanding in everything that you do. Thank Him that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
Isaiah 54, 17, "no weapon formed against you shall prosper and know every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn" and claim those two promises. Psalm 34, 7, "The angel of the Lord, the angel of Yahweh encamps all around, those who fear Him and delivers them." Thank Him for that, thank Him for His protection. Declare that you're created in the likeness and the image of God. Genesis 1 26, "Then God said, let us make man in our image according to our likeness." And if you've ever had a poor self-image, now is the time to repent of that and to get a revelation that you were created in the likeness and the image of God, no matter what the devil has done to you, He will restore you to the position by faith, if you will let Him. Recognize that the Word of God says in Psalm 139, 14 "that you are fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm, 139, 14, "I will praise You for I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you." Philippians 4, 13. "My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4, 19. "He's able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all you can ask or imagine", Ephesians 3,20, and that is according to the power of the anointing, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit that works in us. Hebrews 13, 5, "For He Himself has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Claim that promise because in a number of places in Scripture and claim any other Covenant promise that you are aware of, asking for healing for each of you and for your marriage in the name of Jesus, and thank Him.......prayers with you in detail because I believe that each person should pray as led by the Spirit.
Ask Him to fill you and to anoint you, to be the husband and the wife that He's called you to be, to anoint your marriage, to anoint your ministry, to anoint your children, to anoint your work by faith and thank Him for anointing you and for the wisdom and understanding in every area. Claim it especially for your marriage, claim it especially if you have the wisdom and the understanding and the anointing to be the husband, He's called you to be, or the wife He's called you to be. Put on the whole armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6, the belt or girdle of truth, the shoes of the Gospel of peace, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and that He teaches you by His Spirit, to pray at all times without ceasing in the Spirit as he leads you. And all of these things are promises that you should claim on a regular basis, not because you have to keep reminding them, but that you need to keep feeding your Spirit with the revelation of what God has given you through the Covenant.
Give Him thanks that you have the right to use the name of Jesus, which is the name above all names. Give Him thanks that He has said that He will trample on serpents and scorpions and that if you drink anything deadly, it will by no means harm you. Give Him thanks that by Jesus stripes you were healed and that you are healed. Give Him thanks that He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus and that He will take you out of debt. Gives thanks for His manifold blessings, all the gifts of the Covenant and for the healing of your marriage. As you take that communion, give Him thanks and declare that that blood which symbolizes the blood of Jesus shed at Calvary entitles you, not based on your own righteousness, but on the righteousness of Jesus Christ. The Word of God says that our own righteousness are as filthy rags. So, we come before the throne of grace not trusting in our own righteousness, but in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. And that is all part of the Covenant promises, of the Covenant that we have with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Cut off coverings
Once you've done all that, I would encourage you also to cut off all coverings on the women from previous relationship, she should renounce them. She is not entitled to those coverings, and I have discovered that if those coverings are not renounced a woman finds that she has divided loyalties and the man should renounce all coverings that he's given to women in ungodly situations. At this point, I would suggest to you that if you haven't obtained the tapes by Carol Orther, if there are readily available to you or another set of deliverance tapes or if you've got access to a minister in the areas of deliverance, that you should take a bit of time and work through those and deal with some of those things. It's not prerequisites to go onto the next step of sanctifying the marriage, but it might be something that would help you later. I particularly would encourage you if one of you or both of you are battling with things like spirits of lust, spirits of whoredom, harlotry, perversion, things of that nature, lying spirits which have a direct impact on your sexual and marital relationship, which could possibly hinder the consummation of your marriage. I'm not for a moment suggesting that you should delay for months going through the full process of sanctifying the marriage that follows. But I'll leave that to you to establish in prayer, what you should do.
Going onto final sanctification of the marriage, you might consider releasing one another from any aspects of civil vows or ecclesiastical vows that you have made previously which are contrary to Scripture. So, for example, for a man to swear that he forsakes all others is unscriptural. God may require that man to extend his covering to further woman given the spiritual state of the world today as we've talked in previous teachings, and it's ungodly and sinful, for a man to vow not to extend his covering to other women who need it. It's ungodly and sinful for a woman to require a man to observe such a vow, both of you will be called to the day of judgment. The blood of a number of women who may end up with a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone or maybe even losing their salvation could be on your hands, if you fail to do what God's called you to do in that area.
You might, as the Spirit leads, release one another from rings, especially the man. I've touched on this previously, the so-called wedding ring is a pagan symbol. It's a symbol of bondage and slavery. It has no scriptural significance, and I have encountered instances where particularly the woman gets into bondage regarding her husband wearing a ring, and if he forgets to put it on one morning, it causes all sorts of turmoil. That is an indication that ring has been an idol in her life. She should repent of that sine, she should release her husband from the obligation of wearing a ring, and if necessary, the ring must be destroyed. It's important to understand that there is no requirement in the Word of God for any outward symbol of marriage. It's not a requirement for a woman to wear a wedding ring, or an engagement ring, they're pretty trinkets, it's a nice gift to receive if you have them. If they haven't developed a strong idolatrous context in your life, that's fine. Carry on wearing them, but if you judge your relationship by whether your husband or your wife has a ring on it, any moment in time, then you are out of the will of God and you sinning, and you should seriously consider dealing with or getting rid of those rings. I've gone through at some length the need for you to deal all sins, and I would encourage you when you do that, to look one another in the eye.
Washing feet
If you've never washed one another’s feet, like Jesus did at the last supper when he washed the disciples feet, He did command us to wash one another's feet. And I really encourage you at this time, having taken communion, having claimed the promises of the Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ to wash one another's feet, and as you do so, say Father, we wash one another's feet in recognition of the fact that Jesus the night that He was betrayed, washed His disciples feet and commanded them to do likewise. Father, we ask You to give us the hearts of servants to serve one another, not to Lord it over one another. As I've said at this time and I suggested before you take communion that you should immerse yourselves by full immersion for cleansing. And as you do so, claiming in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit that your marriage is cleansed of the past, and that you commit to proceed as though you were starting afresh. Declare that you've forgiven one another, and that God has forgiven you, that all sin and all past wrongs in the marriage are covered by the blood of Jesus, that you and your marriage is washed white as snow by the blood of Jesus.
Isaiah 1, verse 18, " though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool if you're willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be divided by the sword, for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken." So, you may claim that your son is taken away and you’re washed white as snow, but you may only claim that if you're willing and obedient and you do what God has called you to do. You can declare that your sin is taken as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103 verse 12, says, "as far as the east is from the west so far has, He removed our transgressions from us." Give Him thanks for cleansing you, give Him thanks for giving you a fresh start, give Him thanks for healing your marriage, give Him thanks that He is going to take you to a place where your marriage is Heaven on Earth, and I refer you to the teaching by Kenneth Hagen on preparing for change and implementing change in the second volume of tapes, calling things that are not as though they were.
You are now at a place where I believe you are in a position to consummate and cut a holy marriage Covenant as opposed to the Covenant that has existed previously, which as indicated earlier in this tape is probably sullied and unclean and defiled in the sight of God because of ignorance, because of the way Satan has influenced your life. I want to outline to you some steps which I would suggest that you follow. Again, I'm going to stress to you that I do not claim that this is a laid down procedure given by the Spirit of god. It is certainly not laid down in Scripture, but it is a process that after the process of fasting, praying, preparation, thinking and reading the word that I've been going through over the years as I've sought to understand what is necessary to heal marriage, I believe that this process is of God and that it is worthy of being followed, but again, you may amend and adjust it as you can, as you see fit, as you feel led by the Spirit. Before you re-consummate the marriage, I would strongly suggest that you fast sex for three days. A three day fast is a biblical fast. I don’t' think there's a need to fast longer.
If you feel strongly led by the Spirit you might fast sex for 30 days. Most adult men and women would have some difficulty with that, but it's as the Spirit leads. I'm would encourage you, if you can arrange it, at the very least to not sleep in the same bed. Preferably do not sleep in the same room. Preferably do not see one another naked and if possible, do not see one another at all. Stay at separate locations. The reason for that is not some religious right, it is simply that by being away from each other and having absolutely no contact with each other for three days, your desire and your expectancy when you do get together will be heightened, and your objective in being separated from one another is not to go out and party and what have you. It is to spend time examining your hearts before God.
It is to spend time seeking to draw closer to God and particularly on the part of the wife, to spend time desiring her husband. It's really important. I cannot stress this enough for the women who may listen to this tape. You are commanded that your desire shall be for your husband. You should have an expectant desire, looking forward to consummating or re-consummating your marriage with your husband. You should be looking forward to making love to him. You should be preparing yourself emotionally and in every other way to be as open and available to him as possible, to exercise initiative in the making of love, not to put up any barriers, to give yourself to him totally without reserve. And your desire should be that you should be highly aroused by the time that he walks into the room to meet you to consummate the marriage. So consequently, I would encourage you for those three days not to be rushing around, making last minute arrangements or whatever.
And I would encourage you to recognize that there is absolutely no basis for you to have any sort of party or celebration. I would say to you that would be counterproductive. Once the whole process has been gone through if you want to have a party with a few friends, that's fine, but you should certainly not be rushing around and making arrangements. If you can send the children out to family or friends for a few days beforehand and after the consummation it would be really good if you could get away to a quiet place, a hotel, or a cottage or somewhere out in the country. Do what is practical within your circumstances, but I would encourage you, if you're sincere about experiencing Heaven on Earth in your marriage, go the extra mile, make a real effort to get away together for a week, to separate yourselves and sanctify yourselves for three days beforehand, to fast and pray to get to a place where when you re-consummate your marriage, when you cut your new marriage Covenant, it is something of note, it is something that is holy and truly is sanctified.
Listen to the tapes on preparing for marriage, probably tape 8 or 9 in the series. I'm not sure at this stage, it look as though this tape will run to two tapes. Listen to the various tapes on the One Flesh Bond volume 2 and volume 3 and understand that there are no constraints on lovemaking between a husband and wife, the marriage bed is undefiled. Understand the woman's responsibility to be prepared for, and initiate sexual lovemaking, the husband's responsibility to lead and guide while the wife submits and follows but is responsive and creative. Understand that modesty in chastity as referred to in the prayers that follow, relates to the woman's conduct in public, not her conduct in the presence of her husband. She's required to conduct herself chastely and modestly in public, but she is required to submit to and to have a strong desire for her husband and by implication to have no inhibitions in making love to her husband in private. I cannot stress enough in preparing for this, that it is the wife's responsibility to desire her husband.
If the husband is fasting and praying and seeking to become more like Jesus and have his flesh crucified, he's going to be less able to achieve any level of arousal unless his wife shows a desire for him and administers to him. From personal experience I can tell you that as a man lays down his life and crucifies his flesh, he finds it more and more difficult to become sexually aroused unless his wife desires him and administers to him. His responsibility is to be focused on Jesus, to minister to Jesus inn praise and worship. In order for him to become aroused, if his wife is passive and not making any effort to arouse him sexually, he will find himself almost obliged to resort to fantasy, and so forth which is completely against the will of God and is completely counterproductive. He cannot sanctify a holy Covenant with a woman who does not actively and passionately seek to make love to him.
I say to people listening to this tape, wives if you are not prepared to shed all your inhibitions, repent of your sin of frigidity, and go out of your way to expressively, expansively and passionately make love to your husband, any planning to go away for a week together, is going to be an absolute farce if you're not prepared to put away your prejudices, your religious hang-ups and make love without any hang-ups, with no holds barred, in terms of what is taught in the later tape in the series. You will still not have a strong One Flesh Bond and you will not have the marriage that God intended you to be and you may end up with a lot of bitterness and resentment if a husband has gone out of his way to put aside lust, to put aside pornography and to focus himself entirely on you, and you then respond by being completely passive and behaving like a prude, and don't give yourself to him in an uninhibited fashion and put all sorts of unscriptural, ungodly and artificial boundaries between the two of you.
Please, if you're not sure about what I've just said, listen to the rest of the tapes in the series, pray about it, work on it, seek deliverance, but don't go to all the trouble of arranging to be apart for three days and then being together alone somewhere for seven days, if you're not prepared to give yourselves 100 percent to one another. A similar comment applies to the husband. Husband if you haven't dealt with your addiction to pornography and lust, if you haven't been delivered of those spirits, if you don't have a revelation of that sin, then you haven't got rid of it, I would encourage you, do so, before you go and dedicate up to 10 days, which I would suggest is the ideal to consecrate your marriage, to cut a holy Covenant and to build a strong foundation to your house.
In the few days of the sexual fast, I don't suggest that you should go on a food fast, but I would suggest that you go on diet which is intended to ensure that you're both relaxed and full of vigor and vitality on the day that you consecrate and re-consummate the marriage. Preferably, you should plan on consummating the marriage between mid-morning to early afternoon and to spending the rest of the day, making love and building the foundation of the marriage. The tape of preparing for marriage and the tape on building the One Flesh Bond, go into more detail here. You should both make a particular effort to anticipate and look forward to the consummation of the marriage. But I stress again, the wife has the greatest capacity to influence positively or negativity and it's especially important to listen to tape 3.11 on forging the One Flesh Bond, 2.15, 2.18 and 2.19, One Flesh Bond as this is the time that you will seek to remove the weaknesses from the foundation of the marriage. I'm not saying that if you don't get it right this time, your marriage will always be shaky. What I am saying to you is if you do get it right this time, and you have a really powerful intimate experience in building the marriage Covenant, particularly if you're able to fast for three days, and then go away together and spend seven days just making love from morning to night, you will come home with a massively strong spiritual foundation to your marriage, which to all intents and purposes will be an unbreakable, unshakable, and will ensure that you will be able to go forward together.
Women and modesty
I stress again, modesty relates to a way a woman displays her body of public, not the way she displays her body in front of her husband in private. It's a spiritual matter, again, like all the other things that we've talked about. And now I want to go specifically into the procedure that I would suggest you fellow at the time that you get together to cut a new and a holy Covenant. Again, I stress, this is based on my own experience, based on what the Lord has been showing me, I believe is a solid and a robust approach to adopt. I would suggest that the wife should go to the room first, that she should, bathe, that she should wash off all deodorants, perfumes and other artificial sense, etc. God created our bodies to have a perfume of their own.
A woman particularly has a delightful perfume when she is aroused, if she is fully aroused and she does not need artificial aromas, they mask her natural odor, which will be highly arousing to her husband. It's important to understand that when a woman is highly aroused in the presence of her man, her man will be detected it spiritually, he will detect it through the scent that she gives off. He will detect it by the look in her eyes. He will detect it by her body movements. He will detect it by the tone of voice. He will detect it by the way she touches him, and that is immensely stimulating. He will become highly aroused and he will be able to make love to her in a way she may never have experienced, if she's never given herself to her man in that way before. At most, she might use light lipstick and eye makeup, if that is something that she believes will stimulate her husband, but she should not use all sorts of perfumes and things.
God created us without needing all sorts of ancillary cosmetic stuff. I would encourage her to dress in a light silky flowing dress or a skirt and blouse preferably. I would encourage her not to wear any underwear after she's bathed, and it should be clothing which is easily removed and she should be expected to be waiting for her husband at the appointed hour when he arrives and just ready and open to receive him. She should be thinking about that. She should be thinking about the consummation of the marriage. They should both be thinking, and they should make a strenuous effort to put aside the cares of the world, the cares of family, friends of finances, and to think only about the act of sexual lovemaking, how much their desire each other, how much they love each other in order that the love making may be really significant. I'm going to give you the wording of prayers as I believe they might be prayed again, so just for indication.
Bread and wine
Having thought about it, it's easier for me in this instance to give you a prayer as it seems to me, rather than trying to tell you what you should pray. So, I'm giving you an example in order to make that example flow more readily, I'm going to just use their names, John for the man and Jane for the woman. They have no significance and I declare that before God. So just listen to it and when you pray these prayers, simply substitute your own names for that. When the husband arrives, they might embrace a caress briefly, but before they go into lovemaking, I would encourage you to come before the father in the name of Jesus and to partake of the Lord's supper with the husband ministry. So, take the bread and the wine and I'm just going to give you a prayer which I think you could usefully prayer in that situation. Father, we come before You now in the name of Jesus, to consecrate and sanctify our marriage and to cut a holy Covenant in Your presence. We partake of the bread and wine in remembrance of our Covenant with You through the Lord Jesus Christ's blood, which is the pattern for the holy Covenant of marriage and as we do so, we thank you that you prepare our hearts to cut the holy Covenant. The husbands should then take the bread, break it and give part to the wife and then pray.
Father, we thank you for Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross and we take this bread as a symbol of Jesus' body given for us at Calvary. We thank you that we are One Flesh and one body, or if you have not ever had sex between the two of you before, you might pray, we thank You that once we have consummated this marriage, we will become One Flesh. Then you can continue to pray that Jane, in other words, the wife's name, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and I vow that I will never to anything to harm or hurt her, that I nourish, carefully protect and cherish her, as Christ does the Church in Jesus' name. And he might then eat the bread. The wife will then pray, Father I declare, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I declare that - depending on whether you already had sex before, or whether this will be your first time - I declare that as we consummate this union, or I declare that I am bone of John - in other words the husband's name - of John's bone and flesh of John's flesh and I vow that I will never to anything to harm or hurt him.
Then she should eat the bread. They should then take the cup and I would encourage you to use either red grape juice or some people might prefer to use red wine. It should ideally be red, to be symbolic of the blood. Again, the husband ministering, and you will see as I go through this that you should minister four portions of wine at four points during the ceremony. So, you should have a fairly large cup or maybe even four smaller cups, which you consecrate at the same time. And the husband would then minister, and the husband would say, Father we come to you in the name of Jesus. We thank you for Jesus' blood shed on the Cross at Calvary. We thank You that at the time, the night that He was betrayed, Jesus took the cup and said, "drink ye all of this, this is My blood of the new Covenant shed for you and for many, for forgiveness of sins." And He said, "do this often, you shall drink it in remembrance of Me."
Father, we call to remembrance Jesus sacrifice on the Cross, we thank You that in terms of this blood Covenant, this blood shed for us, we have a Covenant with the Almighty God, and you might recite the promises of the Covenant that I gave you earlier. Then he would administer the cup to his wife, or wife to be and take and drink or portion of the wine himself. And then continue. We take this cup as a symbol of Jesus blood and a symbol of the blood of our new marriage Covenant. We thank You that the blood of Jesus sanctifies our union and that the wine is symbolic of the blood of Janes virginity. You would only pray that last bit if Jane is not a virgin and you do not expect blood to be shed in the cutting of the Covenant. Father in the name of Jesus, I, John declare that I will never leave Jane or forsake her.
I declare that I will love Jane as Christ loves the Church with love as specified in 1 Corinthians 13, I declare that that love suffers long and is kind, that, "love does not envy. It does not parade itself, it is not puffed up, it does not behave rudely. It does not seek its own. It is not provoked. It takes for evil. It does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in truth. It bears all things, believes all things, it hopes all things, it endures all things. Love never fails, and love will never pass away."
And Father, I thank You that You grant us by Your Spirit, the love that is of God, the agape love of God in my heart towards Jane and in her heart towards me in Jesus' name. I declare that I will lay down my life to serve and protect Jane as Christ does the Church. I will live considerately with Jane, with an intelligent consideration of the marriage relation, honoring Jane as physically the weaker, but realizing that we are joint heirs of the grace of life, God's unmerited favor. I declare that I will lead and rule my house as lord justly and in accordance with Scripture, as Christ leads his Church as a servant and not as a despite.
I declare that I will be the priest of the house and intercede for my wife, children and house before the throne of grace, daily in terms of Hebrews 4, 16. I declare that I will bring sacrifices of praise, worship, tides and offerings to the altar of Yahweh on behalf of my family in a proper and reverent manner. I declare that I extend my covering to Jane and I accept responsibility for her spiritual and physical protection. I declare in the name of Jesus that I accept accountability for her conduct, and I accept that I will be judged and corrected for her sin unless she acts in rebellion. I declare that I indemnify her before the judgment seat of Christ for all sin that she commits in my direction, save that which she knows is sin and does not request release from before submitting.
I declare that I will be the prophet of the house and I undertake to spend at least an hour day in the Word of God and in the presence of God ministering to Him and seeking Your guidance for my family, whether you make it an hour, half an hour or two hours, is at your discretion, but I would encourage you to make it at least an hour. Father I declare that I will constantly seek to put You and Yahooshua first in my life and to love with all my heart, all my soul, my mind, and all my strength, and that in so doing, I will draw my wife and family closer to you. I declare that at all times I will see to grow in the manifest presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit and to treasure and protect that anointing by resisting all attacks of the enemy, Satan, his demons and his angels, on myself, my wife, my family, and all my house in Jesus' name.
I grant Jane my surname and therewith, my authority, to represent me, and to act on my behalf on all matters save that she is responsible for ensuring that she knows my will in every matter. I declare that this Covenant is binding on me as long as we both live and I declare that I will never put jane away, nor shall I ever reduce her personal food and clothing rights, unilaterally and without consent, and then only if our financial circumstances necessitate such a reduction. I declare in the name of Jesus that I will never reduce her marital rights. I declare this marriage to be bound by the Word of God, including by Scriptures which we may not currently have a revelation of in Jesus name. And particularly I acknowledge that the Word of God provides for every believing woman to have the covering of godly man, and I declare that I accept my responsibility before God to extend my coverage as the Spirit of God may so require. I vow and declare all this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I ask you Father, that I ever be guilty of transgressing the terms of this vow, you judge me severely and correct me harshly, that I may serve You more perfectly in Jesus' name. And Father in the name of Jesus, I declare this curse over myself, the curse of the Covenant, should I ever break this Covenant.
If I ever break Covenant with Almighty God, in terms of Hebrews 6, verses 4 to 8, which states, "for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the Heavenly gift and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit and have tasted the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves, the Son of God and put Him into an open shame, for the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, this is blessing from God, but if it bears thorns and briars, it is rejected and near to being cursed, his end is to be burned."
Or in terms of Hebrews 10, 26 to 41 which states, "if we willfully sin when we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice of sin, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses, how much worse punishment do suppose will he be thought worthy, who has trampled the son of God under foot, by the blood of the Covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing and insulted the Spirit of grace, for we know him who said, vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord, and again, the Lord will judge His people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Matthew 12 verses 31 and 32 which says, "therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven man. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age, or the age to come." I declare before the Mighty God that if I am ever guilty of any of these sins which are worthy of death, and if I ever reach a place where I have irrevocably broken my Covenant with Almighty God, I hereby vow and declare that Jane is released from every vow and every obligation, in terms of our marriage Covenant and that she is released and is free to marry another man who is not destined for Hell in Jesus' name. It's important that you recognize that there must be a curse to a Covenant.
There must be a basis for release from Covenant on breach and it's important to understand that the release of a wife from marriage is based on her husband's treachery towards God as there's basically no scriptural basis for him to commit treachery towards her directly, but if he fails to serve God, if he turns away from serving God such that he drags his house down, she is entitled to be released because he's then dragging her down with him. He is placing her, instead of a godly covering, an ungodly covering. That is the only basis that I've clearly identified in terms of which God would allow a woman to be divorced from a man. The wife should then take the cup and when the husband has prayed that, he should then drink of the cup, the Covenant. The wife should then take the cup and then pray as follows. I take this cup as a symbol of Jesus' blood and of the blood of our new marriage Covenant.
I declare that I will desire John at all times and accept the responsibility for preparing myself and initiating love. I declare that I will submit to John in everything. I declare that I will never strive, argue or raise my voice against John. I declare that if I believe that John is sinning or asking me to sin, I will gently, and with a quiet spirit ask him to reconsider and silently petition You Father for guidance, but if he insists on continuing, I will submit, knowing that he is my covering and that the blood will be on his hands on the day of judgment in Jesus' name. Father, at all times, I declare a vow that I will seek to build John's house, to be a pillar in his house, and to underpin and build him up, that as I do so, I will build myself up. I declare that I will respect and reverence, notice, regard and honor John. I will prefer, venerate, esteem and in the human sense, adore him. I vow that I will defer to him, praise him, deeply love and enjoy, and admire him exceedingly, and regard and treat him as my lord, in terms of Ephesians 5, 33 in the Amplified Bible, and 1 Peter 3, verse 2 in the Amplified Bible.
I declare that I understand the love of God, as set out in 1 Corinthians 13, to require that "love suffers long, that love is kind, it does not envy, it does not parade itself, it is not puffed up, it does not behave rudely, it does not seek its own, it is not provoked, it thinks no evil, it does not rejoice in inequity, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails and love never dies." And I declare my intention to seek with all my heart, to walk in that type of love towards John and towards you, Father. In Jesus' name. I commit myself to seeing myself as secondary and dependent to John and to seeing him as my lord. I vow and declare that I will conduct myself modestly and seek to be pure and chaste in all things that I will seek not only the external adorning of the body for the pleasure of my husband, but also the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with incorruptible and unfailing charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which is not anxious or wrought up, but is very precious in the sight of God. And thus, beautify myself in Your sight Father, and in the sight of my husband, in terms of 1 Peter, chapter 3, verses 3 and 4.
Vows and prayers
I vow that I will let nothing terrify me, nor will I give way to hysterical fears, nor let anxieties unnerve me, in terms of 1 Peter, 3, 6. I declare and vow that I will do all I can to live in agreement, unity and perfect harmony with John, body, mind, heart and soul, that we may speak with one voice, whether we're together or apart. I vow that I will never flirt with another man, dress to attract the attention of another man, expose myself sexually to another man, or in any other way conduct myself in a manner which exposes me to lust, or lusting, in Jesus' name. I declare that I accept that should I ever rebel or act treacherously towards John, 1 Corinthians 5 verse 5, provides the scriptural basis for my correction by handing my flesh over to Satan for disciplining and I declare that I accept that under such circumstances, John is free to withdraw his covering and may bear the full brunt of judgement and Satan's attacks, resulting from my willful sin, in Jesus' name.
I vow and declare all this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Father that should I ever be guilty of transgressing the terms of this vow, that You will judge me severely and correct me harshly, that I may serve you more perfectly in Jesus' name. I further declare to the curse of the Covenant over my life. I declare that if I ever break Covenant with John, by having sexual intercourse with another man or by deliberately exposing my most holy part to another man in a sexually provocative manner or in any other manner, except in all chastity to a medical practitioner to the extent necessary for medical examination or treatment, or should I persistently and willfully betray my husband, I accept that he is scripturally entitled to divorce me. In terms of Matthew 19, 9 and Deuteronomy 24, 1, and I further declare that if I ever break Covenant with Almighty God in terms of Hebrews 6, verses 4 to 8, Hebrews 10, 26 to 31, and Matthew 12 verses 31 and 32, or any other verse of Scripture, in terms of which I'm guilty of a sin which is worthy of death or of which there is no repentance, which leads to me irrevocably breaking my Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ. My husband may then consider himself lawfully divorced from me, on that day, from that day onwards, in Jesus' name.
It's really important that you understand that the basis of divorce is treachery. It's really important that you understand that you are committing yourselves to something which is irrevocable in the sight of God unless one of you have sinned so dreadfully that you are destined to hell with no opportunity for salvation and repentance. You must understand that you're in this for life. You have no option to turn back once you have performed this ceremony that is set out in this tape. [inaudible 01:30:59.05] of the wine. They should then rise and commence preparation for lovemaking, and I refer you to tape 11 on forging the One Flesh Bond. There should be a time of gentle caressing to full arousal and it should take, I suggest at least half an hour. When both are naked and fully aroused and ready for consummation, let the wife lie on her back with a clean linin cloth to collect the symbolic blood of the Covenant under her pubic area.
Pray together with her husband leading. Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus, and we take this cup which symbolizes the blood of our new sanctified and holy marriage Covenant and we sprinkle it on the altar of Covenant as an act of consecration and dedication of our marriage. The husband should then pour a sufficient, another quarter of the red wine of his wife's most holy organ that a portion runs onto the linen cloth, and he should then immediately penetrate her and consummate the new marriage Covenant, while the symbolic blood is present. He should proceed to make love to his wife as though she was a virgin until he climaxes and the Holy and sanctified One Flesh Bond is established. When he has climaxed and whilst they are joined together, they should pray.
Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ and we thank you that our marriage is now consecrated with a new and holy Covenant in Your sight, in the sight of the Lord Jesus Christ and the sight of the Holy Spirit, the angels of Heaven and the great cloud of witnesses in Heaven will declare that we are now truly husband and wife in the way that you intended and that nothing will put us asunder, in Jesus' name, we commit our lives to serving you and to serving one another and seeking to bring Heaven to Earth in our marriage, that through our marriage the world may see true unity and know that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God in accordance with John 17, verse 23.
We thank You that You will judge us severely and harshly if we ever depart from this Covenant, we ask this in Jesus' name. They should then drink the remainder of the cup and the husband should mop the remaining wine and fluids from the wife's most holy organ and place them on one side as a commemoration of the Covenant. Spend the rest of the day in a relaxed fashion, focusing all your attention on one another, and make love as many times as possible. Go through the procedures that are set out in the tape that follows on preparing for marriage and in the tape that deals with building a One Flesh Bond. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of kings and Lord of lords. Father, I ask that if there is anything that has been spoken on this tape that is not according to Your will, that You will blow it away by Your Spirit and it will find no root, in Jesus' name.
05_08 Deciding to Marry, Preparing for Marriage and Starting Marriage
The series is understanding God's way in marriage volume three, entitled practical application and marriage teachings. The subject of this tape, as I stated a moment ago, is deciding to marry, preparing for marriage and starting marriage. While on the surface, these may appear to be three rather unrelated topics, they are in fact, as you will see, very closely interrelated. The process of deciding to marry, preparing for marriage and starting marriage is in fact, a very concise flow if one looks at it from a scriptural perspective.
This is particularly apparent in the story of Isaac and Rebecca in Genesis 24, where Eliezer, the Servant of Abraham is lead by the Spirit of God to Abrahams home town to find Rebecca. In the evening, he discloses his mission and shows that God has led them there in order to find Rebecca as the wife of Isaac, the next morning after consultation they depart, Eliezer having never met Laban's family and there having been no material communication that we are told of between the time that Abraham leaves Haran and the time that Eliezer returns seeking a bride for Isaac. So within 24 hours, a servant arrives by the leading of the Holy Spirit, selects a wife by the leading of God. And the next day she gets on a camel and rides off on a journey of some hundreds of kilometers to meet her bridegroom, Isaac whom she's never seen, never heard anything of prior to the day before leaving her home and we read in Genesis 24 that when she arrives she dismounts from her camel and the word of God says that Isaac takes into his mother's tent and takes her as his wife.
The implication being that literally she gets off the camel and she meets with Isaac and the marriage is consummated almost immediately. I'm not suggesting that she simply got off the camel and they consummated the marriage, but there's nothing in Scripture to indicate that there was any period of waiting. So we see there a clear example in Scripture of the leading of the Holy Spirit leading to marriage consummated in a very short period of time. Our own experience was similar, we met as a series of divine interventions, Ingrid came to work for me as an employee after I had prayed and asked God for a wife. At the time, neither of us knew anything about God's intention. She was in fact hired by my partner and secretary without me even meeting her. After three weeks, God gave us a dramatic sign, which I've mentioned in one of the previous tapes in terms of which He clearly showed us that he had appointed for her as my wife. On the following Thursday He told us to get married on that Sunday. The marriage was consummated. So in other words, we met for the first time and four weeks later we were married, four weeks after meeting for the first time and a week after God showing us that it was His will for us to marry and that was all by the leading of the Spirit of God with supernatural confirmation.
At the time that the marriage was consummated with the anointing and the power of God calling upon us before we consummated the marriage. So the subject of deciding to marry, preparing for marriage and starting to marry, starting marriage in a case like that is by the leading of the Spirit of God, a smooth progression, which could happen over a very short space of time. It can happen over a longer period of time. That is a matter of how God may lead. In terms of the question of deciding to marry, I must stress that if you are listening to this tape and you are considering marriage, may already know somebody or you may be thinking of asking God to bring somebody into your life. I would encourage you before you take those steps any further that you listen to the full series of these teachings.
I understand it's perhaps a bit of a challenge, but in my own experience, most people spend at least an hour and a half to two hours traveling on a daily basis, either in their cars or train or whatever, and if you discipline yourself to listen to these tapes, even in a Walkman if you travel by bus or by train or other public transport or walk to or play it in your car if you travel by car, you will find that in a relatively short space of time you will get through all of these teachings. You may not listen in depth to every word that's spoken, but you will get the just of the message and you can go back and revisit it and I would encourage you to do that. It might take you a month to two months to get through all the tapes but at the end of that you will have a much deeper grounding in what the word of God truly says about marriage and you'll be much better informed as to how you should go about selecting a marriage partner. I cannot stress enough however the most suitable way of selecting a marriage partner is by praying the appropriate prayers and then awaiting Gods answer by bringing the right person at the right time.
Deciding to Marry
In considering the decision to marry there are a few Scriptures which are paramount. Firstly, 1 Corinthians 7, 8 and 9 states "But I say to the unmarried and to the widows it is good for them if they remain even as I am, but if they cannot exercise self control let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." This is Paul speaking. (Inaudible (00:06:58)) and certain other passages that when he advises people to remain unmarried if they can, it may be more his opinion than what the Spirit of God is saying. I've increasingly come to understand that there are a very small proportion of all people who are in fact called by God to be celibate. God created sexual love making as a profoundly important part of our humanity and he seemingly only calls a very small percentage of people to walk in celibacy for particular reasons in serving Him. Important to recognize that this passage says "For it is better to marry than to burn with passion". In other words, if a man and an unmarried woman, a virgin or a woman who's been a widow or has been released by God to remarry are attracted to one another and are burning with passion, call them here that they should marry and as we've seen previously marriage is simply the act of having sexual intercourse and making a commitment to one another for life.
So any person who is having difficulty handling their sexual drive, this passage makes it quite clear that God did not intend you to battle with your sexuality and celibacy, he intended you to marry. And there's no indication of age limits, etc, there, we've discussed in a previous tape or several previous tapes that it's clear that God created woman to marry at the age of somewhere between 12 and a half on a scripturally, technically correct basis through to about age 14, which corresponds with the age at which a significant proportion of all young girls have lost their virginity and really the answer there is that God didn't intend them to remain unmarried beyond the age of 12 and a half, 13, let along 14. If they are burning with passion they should marry, not indulge in so called premarital sex, which is in fact marriage immediately followed by putting away.
Second passage of relevance, 1 Timothy 5, 9 - 14 "Do not let a widow under 60 years old be taken into the number and not unless she's been the wife of one man. We will report it for good works if she's brought up children, if she's lodged strangers, if she's washed the saints feet, (inaudible (00:09:39)), if she's diligently followed every good work. But refuse the younger widows for when they have began to grow wanton against Christ they desire to marry having condemnation because they have cast off their first (unclear (00:09:52)) and besides, they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house and not only idle, but also gossips and busybodies saying things which they would not therefore I desire that the younger widows marry, bare children, manage the house given the opportunity to the adversary to speak reproachfully". It's quite clear from that passage that generally speaking, a woman under the age of 60 years old should be married. There is no constraints imposed there and therefore the clear instruction of Scripture which is borne out by the Scripture is that God intended all women to have a husband and that there should be no constraint on them having a husband.
The third verse of relevancy, 1 Corinthians 7, 39 "A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives. But if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes only in the Lord”. The indication there very clearly, a woman who is unmarried is free to seek the covering of any man she chooses provided he is a born again believer and is willing to extend that covering to her. And as we saw in the tape and the responsibility of married Christian woman towards unmarried Christian woman in volume 2, it is quite clear that scripturally, any single Christian woman is entitled to approach any Christian man for a covering and he has very little basis to refuse her and if he's absolutely certain that the Spirit of God is saying that that is contrary to the will of God which might apply if that woman is in fact not a true believer and is in fact a plant sent by Satan. The same time, there's absolutely no basis in which an existing wife can seek to prevent her husband extending his covering to a woman who needs a covering. The critical requirement is that they must marry within the faith. The basic implication of those three passages of Scripture is that every woman is entitled to a Christian husband and there is no reason for there to be any delay, completely contrary to what is being taught in the Church today.
So in terms of deciding to marry, if you're burning with passion, if you're a woman under the age of 60, basically you have a scriptural basis to decide to marry and you have in the teaching on referred to previously a scriptural basis. If you are such a woman to approach any born again man whom you believe that the Lord is showing you would be a suitable spouse and ask him for his covering. And he has very little basis to refuse you. That is not a license for reckless behavior on the part of anybody, but it is a scriptural requirement for mature, responsible action on the part of all believers to ensure that women are not vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy as set out in the passage of 1 Timothy 5, 9 to 14 and other passages in Scripture which have been referred to in previous teachings.
The Start of Married Life
So the first component of this teaching addresses some basic principles and basic guidance as to how you would go about deciding to marry and deciding who you would marry.
As mentioned in the teaching marriage matters for men. Men are scripturally ready for marriage at about the age of 20 but some men in Scripture only married at the age of about 20, sorry at about the age of about 40 whereas others might marry as young as 16-18. If (inaudible (00:13:45)) and certainly some young men by the age of 16 or 18 are battling with their sexuality and have a need to be in a Godly marriage. Generally it seems, my impression certainly is that the Lord is indicating that a man should ideally be at least seven years older than his wife unless it's been clearly shown otherwise by the Spirit of God. Certainly we know of Godly marriages where husband and wife are the same age but there are strong reasons why an older man and a younger woman will have an easier time of marriage when it comes to things such as submission. It's much easier for women to submit to a man whose maturity older and more mature and experienced and wiser than she is than to submit to a man who's the same age or younger than her and perhaps more immature.
In general principle, it is preferable that a young married couple should live with the parents of the husband, certainly if they're under the age of thirty. Again, contrary to modern conventional thinking, potentially very difficult to implement in practice, but something to be taken into account. There is no scriptural basis for a father to kick his son out of the house and leave him to fend for himself while starting married life and starting to build a career for himself, there's every scriptural reason to infer that the son should take over the family business and that the family unit should develop as an integrated, multigenerational whole. That may not be practical in your case but be aware if it isn't, it's going to introduce additional stressors and strains. If you're listening to this and you're a parent, consider carefully what you can do to accommodate your offspring, whether it be your son or your daughter to walk in this form of guidance and provision. Above all, in deciding to marry, pray for guidance, remember that God created marriage to work, in other words, any woman in the faith who's committed to Yahweh and Asherah marrying any man in the faith committed to Yahweh and Asherah that marriage should work, but nonetheless seek his guidance by his Spirit. Don't just go out and marry somebody on the basis of your lust and the basis of your understanding.
Multiple Wives
Recognize that the so called perfect life partner, which is taught in the Church and taught in the world is an absolute myth, it is a fairytale where fairy is spelt f a e r y and is just another word for demon. There is no such thing as a perfect life partner as somebody that you go seeking and seeking for. If the wife has weaknesses in areas where you need strengths, Yahweh has provided for more than one wife and Isaiah 4:1 indicates that it is probable and God's plan in this age that a man will have more than one wife in many, many circumstances.
The reality there is that if a woman is without a covering she's very vulnerable and a man who is not having all the complementary skills both in business and ministry and in housekeeping and home making available from one woman is also very vulnerable. A table standing on one leg is not very stable that's why we generally use tables with four legs and it's important to understand that. The wife is the pillar, the under pinning of the house. And if there's only one house, she comes under enormous pressure and the marriage is potentially very unstable. Recognize in all of this in considering marriage partners, particularly if you're a man, the issue is not your needs, it is your responsibility to provide a covering to Yahweh's daughters, I cannot stress that enough.
We are so obsessed in this age with self and what we want and our needs and our lusts that we completely lose sight of responsibilities, we hear morning, noon and night about women's rights and this rights and that rights. We seldom, if ever, hear about people's responsibilities and accountabilities. Satan has successfully perverted our view of marriage as being some lustful fulfillment, it's not. It's about a man and a woman recognizing their own weaknesses, recognizing that they need somebody else to make them complete and whole, to help them to cope with life, to help them to do what God has called them to do and that they have the responsibility to make themselves available to the people who need them. And I urge you seriously to take your eyes off yourself and off your own needs and start looking for the needs of others that God shows you that he's created you to fulfill in marriage.
The Woman’s Perspective
Considering the woman's perspective I've mentioned previously, girls from the age of about 12 and a half are scripturally ready and practically in this age by about 14 many are battling to keep their virginity, battling with their sexuality, getting into repressed sexuality and a substantial number have lost their virginity. We have ministered to a number of women anything up to in their 50's, whose lives got messed up when they lost their virginity at the age of about 14. I know of one instance of a woman who was gang raped at the age of 14 and was in sexual bondage for much of her life. We've ministered to another who was forcibly taken sexually by an uncle, we have ministered to another woman who was raped by her father at 15 and subsequently went into child prostitution. It is a tragedy and it is iniquitous that young girls are forced to battle with sexuality that they cannot handle because they're not permitted to marry. I must stress that you should avoid clandestine relationships if you are going to join yourself to a man and I'm speaking now at the moment to women, do so openly with the knowledge your parents, ask Yahweh for guidance in all things, discuss your intention with your parents, explain to them that you are battling, draw their attention to the relevant Scriptures. The various tapes, but particularly I think its tape number 5, which addresses the basic issues of marriage and explains that the marriage Covenant is sex with a virgin is absolutely paramount.
Ask God to guide you, ask Him to make a way for you if you're battling with your sexuality, if you're burning with passion. If you live in a country where the legal age for sexual intercourse is 16 or so which applies in quite a few countries, the age varies from country to country, ask God in prayer for the anointing to hold out till the legal age. But if you can't cope recognize the fact that there is a practical reality that the world in general turns a blind eye to men who take the virginity of 14 year old girls, they persecute those men if they accept responsibility for such girls and marry them, it is gross hypocrisy, it is a reality.
If you need to marry before the legal age then recognize that you can't marry in a legal contractual sense, you can marry in the sight of God, which is not marriage in this side of the world, it is simply sexual intercourse with an underage girl, recognize that you are taking serious risks but you are better to deal with your sexuality in that way provided you can find a man who's willing to be responsible for you than you are to actually lose your virginity to a man who's not going to be around in a few months or a few years time and then spend the rest of your life as an adulterous. It doesn't matter how hard you're battling to contain your sexuality now, if you lose your virginity foolishly now with the knowledge that you have from listening to these tapes and then subsequently are unable to join yourself to that man in marriage on a permanent basis, you're going to find yourself battling to control your sexuality in order to avoid going into adultery for the rest of your life.
Please understand that grace is being rolled back at the moment, judgment is being poured out in the earth and things that your parents or grandparents may have got away with in terms of sexual practice are rapidly becoming unacceptable in the present age. In a spiritual sense, judgment is being poured out. If you do not want to suffer greatly in the tribulation that is at hand, do not get yourself into a situation of adultery or into a situation of casual sex leading to you being put away in the sight of God and abandoned. I cannot stress enough, keep asking Yahweh for guidance, pray, pray, pray, follow his leading.
As far as the older girls are concerned, in other words, those above the age of about 16 to 18, but are still living at home, ask Yahweh for guidance, ask your parents opinion, ask Him to bring in the right man at the right time to make the way and to open the way for you to be fulfilled as a woman without repressing your sexuality and burning with passion and battling and falling into sin. Those women who have left home and are living as single women, who are adults in their late teens or 20s or older, ask Yahweh for guidance and again, ask him to back away. With the revelations out of this teaching, you'll see that you have no reason to be without a husband barring the false teachings of the Church in the world today but if you are devout, if you put Yahweh first in your life, if you pray and intercede and sanctify yourself I truly believe that in time He will put you in touch with a man who has sufficient fear of God in him to do what's right in the sight of God.
Marrying the Right Person
Please remember, and I am talking now to men and to women, any person that you join yourself to in marriage sexually, which is the same as joining your (inaudible (00:24:51)) sexually, must be in the faith, not just because they've told you they're in the faith because God has shown you in the faith. Just because somebody goes to Church every Sunday, just because they're the member of a nominal member of a denominational grouping does not mean they are a true believer. If they're not truly born again and if they do not have a true revelation by the Spirit of God that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. If they are not truly committed to bowing their knee in the tribulation that is at hand and is coming, they will not endure to the end in all probability and you will find yourself in a very difficult position.
Only join yourself to somebody that God has clearly shown you is the person that he intends for you. You may be unhappy in a celibate unmarried state but I assure you you will be even more unhappy if you join yourself to the wrong person. Generally as I've said before, recognize that the man should be 5 to 10 years older than the woman unless the Lord clearly shows otherwise. The man should generally be more mature in the faith, he should have similar or greater intellectual, academic and other ability, similar socio, social and socioeconomic background. It doesn't help to marry somebody with a very different background unless again, God leads you to do that. There are no absolutes in discussing this subject, recognize that God is at liberty, He knows what's right to you. He may give you a spouse who comes from a very different background, but recognize if He does, you are still bound by the requirements of Scripture.
The wife must submit as the Church is required to submit to Jesus in everything, the husband must love the Church, sorry, love his wife as Jesus loves the Church unconditionally. He must lay down his life. So you need to understand if you going to do these things, you must marry the right person. It is (inaudible (00:26:57)) impossible to do it with somebody who's not a truly born again, truly committed to serving God. Make sure that the man is not violent or given to psychopathy or misogyny or sexual violence. There were many such men around and they can be quite charming until you get them in the bedroom and realize it in the side of God once married you're married for life unless by an act of divine grace He releases you and understand again, having listened to these tapes, you're accountable before God and you will receive much less grace than you would have done previously but realize that grace is being rolled back anyway and it is grace that has permitted you to come to a place of listening to this tape. Again, it reinforces the point, you dare not marry somebody unless God has clearly unambiguously shown you it is His will.
Recognize that marriage is an exchange of weaknesses, look for a partner who compliments you their strengths to your weaknesses. Don't look for somebody who is a carbon copy of you, look for a mirror image. Somebody who's strong where you are weak, that's absolutely vital, it's a fundamental principle of Covenants, it's a basis of how Jesus and God work with us. If you're both strong in the same areas and weak in the same areas, there will be constant conflict and at the same time you will be vulnerable. I would suggest that you pray as follows. Firstly, ask Yahweh to bring the man of his choice into your life and to keep the men he does not consider suitable for meeting you and ask him to remove those that he considers unsuitable if there's any possibility that there could be some romantic involvement or retraction. Ask Him to open the doors that He wants opened in your life and so that no man can close them and to close the doors that he wants closed in your life, no man can open them.
Asking God for Confirmation
When you think that God has brought the person that he has appointed as your spouse into your life, ask repeatedly for signs. Do not be shy about asking God to give you confirmation. God will accept if you come to Him humbly and confess the fact that you lack the wisdom and the understanding and the ability to discern the hearts of men, to know whether a man or woman is truly brought by Him or whether has been sent by Satan as a trap. Recognize that 2 Corinthians 4: 18 says "While we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen." So the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal. In other words, you cannot judge a person on the basis of what you can see, they may be attractive, they may be sexy, they may be beautiful, they may be stunningly good looking, but that does not reflect their heart, their heart may be contorted with evil and wickedness. And you may end up marrying a beautiful woman or a handsome man and find that you've married into Satanism or witchcraft or just straight abuse. You have to be led by the Spirit of God.
Realize that only Yahweh, Yahushua and the Holy Spirit know who is suitable for you and that no human being is capable of seeking out a suitable marriage partner on their own. Ingrid and I can both tell you that from bitter experience and we know numerous other people who've married, wrongly married out of the faith, married people who are nominally born again and fallen away and have had literally hell on the earth for decades, it is not worth it. Listen to tape number 7 on sanctifying your marriage and cutting a holy Covenant and make sure that you are willing and ready to make and honor those vows, understand that the vows that are set out there are based on Scripture, they're vows which are inherent in the act of sexual intercourse with a virgin. You don't have to speak those vows out, those are the criteria against which God will measure your marriage and which God will measure any petition for divorce.
Physical Intimacy
Do not get physically involved with a member of the other sex before you are married. Don't even go as far as holding hands, hugging and kissing and more intense physical contact or bring your Spirit into intimacy with the other persons spirit and start building soul ties which disturb your spirit and cause you spiritual trauma that will adversely affect you for the rest of your life if you break off that relationship or the relationship becomes distorted. Those steps are steps and actions which God intended to take place between a husband and his wife for building intimacy, for building the One Flesh Bond, for building sexual arousal. The minute you start unwisely handing those out to other people you diminish your capability of forming a strong One Flesh Bond with the person that ultimately becomes your husband and wife. It's vital that you refrain, if you're getting to a place where you can't refrain realize you're getting to a place that you're burning with passion and refer to 1 Corinthians 7 verse 9 "it is better to marry than to burn with passion." It doesn't matter if you're 14 or 40, if you are in that situation recognize you need to marry, ask God for guidance, if the person that you're involved with is a believer and you have been praying for him to keep the wrong people out and bring the right people in, there is a reasonable prospect that the person that you are now deeply attracted to could be the person that God has brought in as your spouse, in which case get clarity on it and then move forward.
Recognize by the same token that resisting the inclination of physical contact will harden your heart and weaken your marriage. When you do marry whether it is this person or another, Yahweh did not intend us to find marriage partners by experimentation, He created marriage to work between any believing man and any believing unmarried woman but we should not be foolish in selecting partners and moving around in so called courtship and dating and experimental relationships does nothing except diminish our capacity to form a strong marital relationship in due course. We should conserve all of that passion, all of that emotion for the person that we have been appointed to marry by God and if we cannot contain it we misbelieve by faith that the word of God makes it clear that we're entitled to a spouse at that point in time. Unless we're heavily demonically oppressed, in which case we may need deliverance but you need to be set free from the demonic lie which says that if you're 18 years old and can't contain your sexuality there's something wrong with you. That is a life in the pit of hell, God created you to get married and if you're a woman and you're 18 years old, it's a miracle that you've kept your virginity till that age. If you're a man and you're 18 years old it's reasonable for you to be thinking of marriage and therefore it's reasonable for you to be thinking of sex but do not dissipate it in the ways of the world, ask God to bring the right partner to you.
Trust Yahweh to lead you by his Spirit and do not have a lengthy period of courtship. I refer you again to Isaac and Rebecca in Genesis 24 "led by the Holy Spirit they had almost no time at all." I refer you again to my own experience, four weeks from first meeting, one week from significant confirmation that God had brought us together to be man and wife. If God's brought you together and you're the right people and you're over the legal age of consent and contracting, etc there is absolutely nothing in terms of scriptural restraint to prevent you consummating that marriage as soon as God shows you. Recognize what it is scriptural for woman who needs a covering to approach the man she believes suitable to provide a covering. I refer you to tape 221 that such a man has very little scriptural basis to refuse her if she is truly a believer provided that in terms of Isaiah 41 she undertakes to make a financial contribution to the family finances which covers her living costs in terms of food and clothing.
One man, Seven Women
Recognize that Isaiah 41 which states to remind you and in that day seven woman shall take hold of one man saying we will eat our own food and wear our own apparel, only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach. This speaks clearly of seven women asking one man to marry them. And as I've mentioned previously, a simple examination of Church attendance pretty much anywhere in the world that I know of will indicate that there are far more women than men in the body of Christ today, demonstrating that Isaiah 41 is in the process of being fulfilled before our very own eyes. Recognize that this verse clearly indicates that in this age and the age which is close at hand, that there will be seven times as many women as men in the body of Christ and that Yahweh may well lead a woman who's crying out for a husband to a man who already has a wife and that man will be held accountable for what happens to that woman for the rest of her life if he refuses to extend his covering. And you should be aware that an existing wife who tries to prevent her husband accepting responsibility for a second wife may attract harsh judgment in this life.
I shared in a previous tape an instance of a man who contacted me recently who had had a vision in which he saw his wife as a rotting and lifeless corpse lying in the marital bed in a vision shown to him by the Lord Jesus indicating that because of her opposition to these truths and her blasphemy and her rebellion and her stating that he was listening to the devil when in fact he was hearing from the Holy Spirit, which constitutes blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, a sin of which there is no repentance. She’d lost her salvation and was consigned to hell and was spiritually completely dead to a point where the Lord saw fit to show this man that he was living with a spiritually rotting corpse. It's startling, startling stuff.
I cannot stress enough. We are now living in the midst of an age of great tribulation and great judgment. If you have not realized that, I would urge you now to open your eyes in the Spirit and see what is going on. There is no time to continue playing games with God and playing games with Satan. You need to come down on one side of the fence or the other and you need to sanctify yourself, make yourself Holy and commit yourselves to all the truth in the word of God, not just those that may appeal to itching ears.
Preparing for Marriage
I'd like now to address the subject of preparing for marriage. And I've touched on some aspects of this in a number of previous tapes, particularly tape 3.7 which dealt with sanctifying marriage and cutting a Holy Covenant and dealt with many prayers and spiritual actions, which are necessary, particularly in the case of a marriage which was consummated in a less than Holy fashion but also much of that is relevant to a marriage to be consummated in a Holy fashion where the spiritual house cleaning and preparation to the extent that it is necessary, should still take place and the vows and everything else. And the basic process of sanctification and consecration and cutting of Covenant remains similar with the main distinction. But if you're a virgin or you're marrying a virgin the process of anointing the woman's most Holy organ with the wine of the cup of the communion meal is no longer necessary provided there is a flow of blood from her hymen when her virginity is taken and that is taken up on cloth symbolically fulfilling the requirement of Deuteronomy 22. There's no need to make use of the communion elements in that aspect of that ceremony.
Again, I stress the vows on that tape are not a necessary prerequisite for marriage. They are just simply a verbal statement of what Scripture says the responsibilities are of man and woman and I should note perhaps that that tape does not make explicit reference to the role of the woman as being a Proverbs 31 wife but that is not material to the basis of the Covenant or the curse of the Covenant. So recognize that while it's nice to go through that process, it is not a scriptural necessity.
If you choose to prepare for marriage by going down a formal route, you can have a betrothal ceremony of some form, with some form of betroth or contract, the Ketubah of Jewish tradition. There is no scriptural guidance on this and I've never felt led by Yahweh to investigate this. I don't think it serves any useful purpose in this age, its only relevance might be in betrothing a girl of 12 to 14 years old and that would produce serious legal problems in most countries. Marriage even in the sight of God should not be concluded at this age unless you are absolutely certain that it is Yahweh's will for the girl concerned and you are fully prepared for it, including being fully prepared for potentially serious persecution.
If both are in their twenties or older, once they're quite certain that Yahweh has appointed the marriage, they should seek his guidance with regard to timing but there's unlikely to be any basis for significant delay. I would recommend that you work through the full tape series to understand the full implications of the marriage, work through all the preparation with the respect to sanctifying your marriage and cutting a Holy Covenant in so far as to apply.
Sexual Intercourse makes Marriage
And then in the case of a new marriage, just get married. That may not be conformed to your idea of a fairytale wedding and I will address that in a minute. Understand that to all intents and purposes, everything, and I do mean everything, you have been told about "courtship", "engagement", "wedding" and "marriage" in western Anglo Saxon derived cultures whether Protestant or Catholic has no significant scriptural basis whatsoever and therefore does not have to form part of your preparation for marriage. Almost the entire right of what is taught regarding engagement betroth, engagement marriage, weddings, etc in the Western world today and in so far as to infiltrated other parts of the world as well is pagan right which has absolutely no scriptural basis and leads to a marriage which is fundamentally flawed because of the things that have been done. Throwing confetti over a married couple, when confetti has a demonic spiritual significance, doesn't do them any good. Putting a ring on a man's finger, when it's a symbol of bondage, doesn't do the marriage any good. And so it goes, at best these things are harmless, at worst they are potentially seriously spiritually damaging and should be avoided. Many Christians have an attitude today that if the Bible doesn't expressly prohibit it, there's no reason why I can't do it. That may be the case, but understand that if by doing it you give the devil an open door to attack you, it's not a very wise thing to do.
The absolutely key issues with regard to preparing for marriages. One, marriage is sexual intercourse with a virgin before God. It requires no process, no witnesses, no contract, no vows, nothing, just sexual intercourse between a man and a virgin woman or a man and a widow or a woman who has been released by God to remarry. All the other things, and I stress this again in tape number 7, 3.7, are nice to have in terms of establishing a strong spiritual foundation. If you do those things, those prayers and those spiritual actions of sanctification will get your marriage off on a sounder foundation, but they are not prerequisites for marriage. Don't get confused, the vows and everything else are not what makes marriage, sexual intercourse is what makes marriage.
If the girl is a virgin or definitely released by Yahweh to remarry and the two of you are certain Yahweh has brought you together, there is nothing in Scripture that prevents you from consummating that marriage right now as you listen to that tape. I don't advise it, there are highly desirable preparatory steps which I strongly recommend but they're not a scriptural necessity to ensure a strong marriage. You can consummate that marriage right now if you truly believe it's God's will and there's no Scripture which will condemn you as long as the woman is free to marry.
Secondly, God's intention is for the woman to take her husband surname and this is problematic in many countries without a civil marriage. In fact, it is probably the only reason why as a born again believer if you truly understand the implications of all these teachings, you would even consider a civil marriage. This was basically the primary reason why we underwent a civil marriage, that and for the sake of family members who did not have the revelation we had. It may be possible for women to change her surname by (inaudible (00:46:17)) or similar but this will not give her the same legal standing as a civil or ecclesiastical marriage certificate and she might also experience some legal difficulty in using the term Mrs. In practice this is probably a relatively minor issue if the wife is prepared to live on the basis of unmarried in the sight of God but we're living together in the sight of men, the state in which we lived for 14 months. The majority of issues are in fact motive, they're not real. As I say, we lived that way in the sight of God for 14 months with no major problems, barring some persecution from people who didn't understand what God was doing in our lives, some inconvenience resulting from having different surnames. When people asked me what our status was I simply said we're married in the sight of God but living together in the sight of the world.
We eventually had a civil marriage for the sake of the surname and peace of mind of the parents and a few other personal reasons which looking back potentially didn't have an enormous impact on our lives. And in fact by having a civil marriage we probably opened ourselves up to a variety of spiritual things which might not have been there otherwise. From a legal point of view, we got ourselves yoked together in a way that exposed my wife more directly financially and in other ways to my own situation, made her more vulnerable to attack by the enemy and apart from that, I really don't think that we accomplished very much.
So I would say to you that a civil marriage is probably not nearly as important as we've been accustomed to thinking of it as being and one could quite comfortably in the (inaudible (00:48:29)) live together, refer to yourselves as husband and wife in the sight of God, living together, cohabiters, whatever you want to call it, might seek some sort of customary marriage. Most countries today seem to be recognizing more and more what they call common law marriages. In other words, just a straightforward cohabitation. You might well find that that's an option and you might find that some form of (inaudible (00:49:04)) action just to change the wife’s surname and private vows, etc would meet your needs quite adequately. And would be totally acceptable in the sight of God.
Civil or Ecclesiastical Marriage
I must remind you that there is no scriptural basis for any form of civil or ecclesiastical marriage contract. Ecclesiastical marriage only came into existence about 500 years ago. The idea of a pastor standing up as a pagan priest and pronouncing a man and wife before God is a relatively modern heresy. Until about 500 years ago, everybody understood that a man married a woman by having sex with a virgin or a widow and that was the end of the story.
This lie about premarital sex is a twentieth century invention and if you don't have a serious need to honor the traditions of the elders and the traditions of men at the expense of the word of God, then I would suggest to you that a civil or ecclesiastical marriage is by no means a prerequisite. And in fact, I would go so far as to suggest to you that you might want to avoid it. As I've mentioned before, rings are a sign of bondage that may be given if desired. It's more acceptable for a man to give a woman a ring, symbolically it's not wise for a woman to give a man a ring, it signifies his (inaudible (00:50:31)) more subservience to her, it is a Jezebelic emblem effectively.
In our own lives, we experienced major attack after our civil marriage. When I started wearing a ring, after living together in the sight of man, married in the sight of God for 14 months with very few problems, suddenly when we had the civil ceremony and I started wearing a right there were all sorts of things that went wrong, all sorts of attacks and after nine months I renounced the ring and stopped wearing it but it took several years for some of those things to work, spiritual impacts to work out of our lives.
So I would encourage any man who's a Christian, is a believer, who's planning on getting married in this day, don't be persuaded to wear a wedding ring, there is no scriptural basis for it, it is a pagan symbol and that symbolism opens you up potentially to demonic attack. Understand that if you are a born again Christian believer, you have no business having bachelor parties, kitchen teas or anything like that. They have no place in a godly Christian marriage. The majority of them involve words and actions which at best are futile and idle and at worst put curses over your life and over your marriage before the marriage has even been consummated, you should avoid those things at all costs. If you want to have a quiet celebration with your friends a few days before the wedding by all means do so.
And I would also strongly recommend to you that there are three days, at least, before the consummation of the marriage you should take quietly, you should rest, and you should build up your energy so that you're fresh and full of vitality to consummate the marriage. Having drunken parties the night before a wedding is the height of satanic foolishness. Traditional white weddings have absolutely no scriptural significance; they're so full of pagan rights including the white dress, confetti, etc that they're probably best to avoid it. I don't like to think what the demonic implications are of sprinkling confetti as a pagan fertility symbol over a bridal couple may be at the very best they idle and the worst they may attract curses and demonic infestation. I would encourage you to avoid them but again, it's your choice.
A wedding feast is sculptural as a party to celebrate the marriage but increasingly seems to me that this should happen in this age after consummation. It is scriptural as in the case of Genesis 29, in the case of Jacob and Leah and Rachel, we read in Genesis from 21 to 28, "then Jacob said to Laban give me my wife, for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in unto her. Laban gathered together all the men of the place and made a feast. Now it take to pass in the evening that he took Leah, his daughter and brought her to Jacob and he went into her and Laban gave his maid, Zilpah to his daughter Leah as a maid. So it came to pass in the morning that behold it was Leah and he said to Laban "What is this you've done to me, was it not for Rachel that I served you, why then have you deceived me?" And that being said, it must not be done so in our country to give the younger before the first born, fulfill her week and we will give you this one also for the service which you will serve with me, still another seven years. Then Jacob did so and fulfilled her week.” So he gave him his daughter Rachel as wife also. We see there firstly that a feast was held, we see that the consummation took place in the evening after the feast and we see that the bride and groom spent seven days together.
So there is a scriptural basis to say the feast should take place before the consummation but bear in mind that there are some indications that sometimes in history consummation took place in front of the wedding guests. That obviously didn't happen in that passage of Scripture but again, there is no particular reason to have a big party before consummation and then have consummation late at night when both parties are tired.
I increasingly see that the act of consummation is the act of marriage, it is the holy and sacred act, it is the most important part of the marriage and it should be given the most profitable and most beneficial part of the day. In other words, it should take place from the morning to midafternoon when bride and groom are at the most vigorous and most alert and strongest and if you want to have a party after that have a party at four o'clock in the evening. I would strongly recommend that route for anybody considering getting married at this stage.
In other words, to outline what I think would be a useful approach to consummating a marriage in this age. The bride and groom, if they're insistent on having some form of civil ceremony in order to get a certificate, a piece of paper, they might meet fairly early in the morning for a simple ceremony, maybe just a simple registrars wedding, spend the day consummating the marriage and then emerge in the late afternoon or early evening to celebrate with the guests and have a party then. I would make the point that in South Africa customary marriages are constitutionally valid forms of marriages as an alternative to civil marriage. And that permits plural marriages and visits by Isaiah for one risk, currently civil marriage in South Africa supports only monogamous marriage, which results in a legal non-conformity but is yet to be tested in court.
Again, the law, as I understand it, provides for so-called common law marriages, it provides various rights for a woman who cohabits with a man and therefore the rights of a woman in a so-called common law cohabitation situation, which is perfectly acceptable in the sight of God provided both understand that it's not this sort of throw away thing that the world considers it to be. There is absolutely no need from that point of view for a civil ceremony and a legal marriage. The principle and probably the only relevant reason for a delay between the decision that it is Yahweh's will to marry and the cutting of the Covenant is simply to make the necessary spiritual, emotional and educational preparations for the marriage. Spiritual preparation is set out in quite some detail, particularly in tape 7 of volume 3, this is assuming you've gone through the previous tapes and sorted out that you're not married to anybody else, that you're free to marry and so on and so forth. Not everything if you are, if we're dealing with a situation where neither husband nor wife to be have had sex, the wife is a virgin, the man has not had sex with another woman, the spiritual preparations are relatively straightforward and there are certain elements of what's on tape 3:7, which are not necessary for you to apply, but use your discretion.All the vows, etc are strongly recommended.
Spiritual Preparation
In terms of emotional and educational preparation, I would strongly recommend that you study all of these tapes and the other reference series that are referred to, particularly the series on deliverance, possibly also the series on judgment, the series on faithfulness and so forth, deal with all the relevant issues, particularly in terms of bloodline, curses, freemasonry curses, idols and other things in the house. There's an enormous amount of spiritual housekeeping, which is one off stuff that can be dealt with and should, as far as possible, be dealt with before you consummate the marriage so that the cabinet that has gutters is Holy, is realistically achievable in a moderately short space of time.
Again, I stress it depends on how God leads you, if you listen to this tape and you realize right now that God has been saying to you for weeks that you should consummate your marriage and you've been holding off because of Pagan tradition, there is absolutely no reason why you can't consummate that marriage right now. On the other hand, if you've waited for some time and you don't have a clear leading from God, but it is yet time to consummate the marriage, I would encourage you to take another couple of months and do the necessary spiritual preparation, but only do what God shows you to do, it's not for me to dictate to you. You should as part of the preparation, I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with what Scripture really says about marriage and ensure that you're absolutely certain that it is Yahweh's will, that you understand that once you've consummated that marriage, after the first act of sexual intercourse, there is no going back. It's for life unless one of you guys go to hell, you must understand the scriptural terms and conditions including submission, covering and so forth. These are set out in tape 3.7 in the form of vows and whether you actually take those vows explicitly or not, if you simply claim marriage in the sight of Yahweh, those are the scriptural terms and conditions that apply.
You don't have to recite them out the way that it is set out in tape 3.7, they're implicit. The reason they're set out in tape 3.7 is to ensure that both parties are aware of them before consummation of the marriage. And I would encourage you to study those and examine your heart and ask yourself whether you are willing to obey those terms and conditions, particularly things like submission, headship, etc. Women, you need to ask yourself, are you willing to submit to this man in everything the way Jesus submitted to the scribes and the pharoses and the high priests and the Romans when they crucified Him? Are you prepared to do whatever he tells you to do? Are you confident that this is a man of God who is not going to set you up into prostitution, into abuse or other ungodly actions a few weeks after you marry? Are you confident that he is not going to come back home blind drunk three weeks after you marry him and be blind drunk until he goes to hell? Are you sure that you are marrying a man of God and that God is telling you to marry him? By the same token, husband, are you sure? Or man, are you sure that this woman you planning to marry has been brought to you by God and not by the devil? Are you show you're not falling into the trap that I fell into as a prophet in training where Satan sent a woman across my path in a way that I truly believed was of God and derailed my ministry for 25 years. Are you sure that she is not a Jezebal that has been sent in to destroy your ministry? Make sure before you join yourself to her, because once you've joined yourself to her you're going to experience hell on Earth if she's the wrong woman.
Women in particular, you must also ask yourself, are you prepared to give yourself totally and passionately to this man in sexual lovemaking. Are you prepared to desire him at all times as Scripture commands you? Are you prepared to submit to his leadership and be prepared for and initiate lovemaking on a regular basis to help build the spiritual house? Are you prepared to be a Proverbs 31 wife, a wife who exercises initiative? Who's a powerful force for good in her husband’s life? If you have problems with some or all of these points that are points in 3.7 or any of the other tapes you need Yahweh to do a major work in your life before you can reasonably expect to have a fulfilling and rewarding marriage in which you reach your full potential. I am not necessarily saying you should not get married before you've dealt with those things; clearly that's a lifework in all of our cases. But don't go into it if you're not willing to do that work, it is not reasonable of any man or any woman to expect a member of the other sex to join themselves to them in the act of sexual intercourse, which is the act of marriage before God if they're not prepared to make a wholehearted commitment. And that is why the vows on tape 3.7 are so important, if a person you're planning to marry (inaudible (01:03:36)) and making any of those prayers or taking any of those vows, you need to examine carefully whether it is God's will for you to marry them.
If they start wanting to take out particular terms and conditions of those vows, for example, submissions, for example, the husband accepting responsibility before the throne of judgment for his wife's sins and so on and so forth. Once they start wanting to pick and choose what parts of the word of God they are willing to subscribe to you need to ask yourself whether that's a person you need to be joined to. If you are that desperate that you are going to join to anybody, well then just join to them knowing that you're desperate and that you're taking a gamble. But pray, pray, pray, ask God to cut it off, close it down, take away if it's not his perfect will for your life. Part of the preparation for the actual start of your marriage, study all the tapes on building the One Flesh Bond, tape 1.3, 2.15, 2.18, 2.19 and 3.11 with particular emphasis on 3.11, seeking to come to a place where you sufficiently knowledgeable and prepared in the area of sexual lovemaking to be able to effectively consummate and build a marriage. Tape 3.11 deals specifically with more of the more intimate practical aspects of sexual love making in marriage on the basis that the majority of Christians that I've encountered are willfully ignorant of the skills and mechanics and art of love making in any and all of its forms.
Recognizing the fact that Esther had prepared for 12 months before she went into King Ahasuerus and they can be little doubt that in that process she was given in depth instruction in the art of sexual love making because it's recorded that she teased him greatly and that essentially the basis in which she became queened was that she pleased him in all things which included surely sexual lovemaking. We see that the period of betrothal for a (inaudible (01:05:46)) virgin was six months and we must conclude that that included intense instruction by the mother of the bride to the bride in the art of sexual lovemaking and similar instruction to the husband by his father. So it is absolutely vital that perhaps the single reason why you should delay the consummation of your marriage, if you do not have a clear understanding of sexual love making, if you are not fully prepared to give yourselves fully and you do not understand the basic areas of sensitivity and the basic skills involved in lovemaking, you are not going to have a very fulfilling sexual experience when you consummate the marriage. Sexual lovemaking is an art. It's a skill like anything else. You need to have the knowledge before you can put it into practice and you need to gain experience before it really works in your life.
But also place particular emphasis on tape 1.16 learning how to love, advise you to get hold of the book Lord, teach me how to love by Creflo Dollar from the Ministry of that name, the contact details are on that particular tape on love and learning about God's form of love. The 1 Corinthians 13 form of love is a vital prerequisite for marriage. Again, rather work through some of that stuff before you get married. I would go so far as to suggest that if you've reached a decision to get married today, why not commit both of yourselves to a period of 40 days before you consecrate the marriage, a period of 40 days with three day fasts every 10 days. In other words, in every ten days you fast for three days, you eat normally for seven days, you fast and pray for three days and both of you fast on the same period of three days, fast together, seek the Lord together. You don't have to be religious about the period of 10 days, it just happens to work very well for me recently but you could do it on a basis where you fast over alternate weekends.
I don't think it would be advisable to fast every weekend for four weeks. But again, see how the Lord leads you. Fasting is an excellent way of growing close to God and if the two of you were to spend alternate weekends for, let's say, two or three months on three day fasts starting from six o'clock on Thursday evening to six o'clock on Sunday evening breaking the fast on Sunday evening and spending the weekend seeking the Lord, fasting and praying, praising and worshiping, dealing with whatever deliverance necessary, dealing with whatever forgiveness and repentance is necessary, restitution, what have you, and seeking God to cleanse your hearts and prepare you. I have no doubt that you would come to the day of consecration and consummation of your marriage in a much stronger spiritual state than you are today with a much higher prospect of a far better marriage, a far better foundation to your marriage than you would have otherwise.
Starting Marriage
I now want to talk in some detail regarding starting your marriage. I have suggested elsewhere that you might go on a partial food fast and other spiritual preparation prior to your marriage and I've also suggested elsewhere that if you've been in sexual conduct and you rededicating your marriage, that you should consider three days of separation before consummation. And I would suggest to you if you are getting married for the first time and you've never had sex before, still separate from one another, have no contact whether face to face or telephonically for the three days before your marriage. Make it a sexual fast, rest, eat correctly, meals which are going to build you up and do what's necessary to be full of vitality on the day you consummate your marriage. See the day that you consummate your marriage as being one of the most important days in your life, don't rush around with work and other activities flat out to the night before your marriage day and end up utterly exhausted and unable to consummate the marriage in a meaningful fashion. As I've said earlier, I would suggest that if you want some form of civil ceremony, do it in the morning, set aside the bulk of the day for consummation starting say mid morning through to mid afternoon.
I would suggest to you, you should spend at least five to eight hours alone together cutting the Covenant as described in tape 3.7, making love in a relaxed and a leisurely fashion as discussed in more detail in tape 3.11. Your objective should be that by the end of that period you've experienced a number of orgasmic climaxes, you have caressed and got to know each other intimately in a significant fashion and that you are already moving into a situation where your spirits are welded together in the One Flesh Bond. I then refer you, I read earlier from Genesis 29, a period of seven days from the start of the marriage celebration, we see that again in Judges 14:10 in the context of Samson and the woman in the village of Timnah, I would recommend that you spend a further six days giving you a total of seven days for the starting of your marriage alone together, making love and building the One Flesh Bond.
I must stress, this is not a holiday where you go to some out of the way place or a sightseeing trip and you do a whole lot of recreation, it's about spending seven quality days alone together in the bedroom, making love regularly throughout the day for the full seven days. Getting to know one another, sharing intimately, caressing, stroking, touching, cuddling, sleeping, bathing, playing lovers games. It's about becoming lovers, friends and husband and wife before Yahweh in a Holy and a joyous celebration of manhood and womanhood. Don't set yourselves up for seven days at some fancy resort where you feel obliged to partake of every recreation that's going on and you fall into bed at 11 o'clock at night, absolutely exhausted, and paw each other for 10 minutes before falling asleep to get up and rush off on some excursion or boat trip or something at seven o'clock the next morning, that is not what is talked about in genesis 29 and judges 14. We're talking about husband and wife alone together, naked, making love for seven days. That is a true consummation of marriage, that is building a solid foundation for your marriage and it is building a solid spiritual One Flesh Bond, bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, at a level which will make your marriage unshakable from the very start.
If you think that this is farfetched or in some way, being vulgar please remember that sexual intercourse is the only act that Scripture expressly forbids a man and woman outside of marriage. The act of marriage is sexual love making and the marital house is primarily one which is built on a One Flesh Bond. A strong One Flesh Bond make husband and wife indivisibly one with transcontinental real time spirit to spirit communication, which enables them to act in perfect harmony whether in the same room or separated by thousands of miles or jailed in separate towns under harsh oppression. It ensures that their prayers are powerful, incisive, and effective and that together as one United and harmonious unit, their faith can move mountains and do greater works than Jesus did. I'm not sure that there is a single marriage like that on this earth today but that is the marriage that God has shown me is possible. That is the marriage that God has shown me, that he wants for everybody who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that form of marriage is available to you today if you will set aside all prejudices, all preconceived concepts and commit yourselves wholeheartedly to putting God first in your life, to dealing with all the issues that arise out of the study of these tapes, to putting aside all your prejudices with regard to sexual love making, seeing it as the most vital and important component of your marital existence and doing all that is necessary to build the One Flesh Bond of that magnitude.
I'm not saying it's going to be easy, I'm saying it's going to be a challenge, it's going to take time, it's going to take commitment, it's going to take faith, it's going to involve stumbling and picking yourselves up but if you truly, sincerely with all your heart are planning to get married today and you desire God's best in your life, it is available to you if you will do what we're talking about in this series. We speaking of a spiritual entity of awesome splendor and majesty and beauty, which will restore Gods reign on earth and take dominion as Yahweh intended, an entity in which man and woman are completely fulfill and realize their full potential. I urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to seriously consider what has just been said and seek God for a revelation of this truth. In the first year of marriage, it's scriptural for a man to stay at home. Deuteronomy 24:5 says "when a man has taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war or be charged with any business, he shall be free at home one year and bring happiness to his wife, whom he has taken.”
One Flesh Bond
I would suggest that you petition Yahweh to arrange matters that the husband is able to spend time with his wife in this way. Our current society cannot comprehend of a man being free at home one year to bring happiness to the wife that he has taken. We hear that he is not to go out to war or be charged with any business. The implication is the man is living at home with his father, his father views his marriage, his sons marriage as the most important thing that will happen in that young man's life and therefore he provides the support, the resources and everything that is necessary for that man to live with his wife rent free, debt free without obligation, without labor for an entire year to bring happiness, joy to his wife, surely including by making love on a regular basis without inhibition. That may not be practical in your situation. There are probably not many parents today who would be in a financial or logistical position to do that.
If you're a parent, you should set yourself an objective in the sight of God to make that possible for your children but even if it cannot be fully realized ask God to make a way for it to be as achievable as possible, do everything you can to release the young couple from as many time consuming obligations as possible. And again, I stress this is about building the One Flesh Bond. It's about becoming spirit to spirit. It's about becoming one in a dynamic and a powerful way. And it comes about through the welding together of the spirit that takes place through fulfilling sexual intercourse, in which both parties hold back in nothing. Understand that the wife puts up barriers to prevent her husband’s spirit attaching itself in a strong way to her, if she puts up walls a One Flesh Bond will be formed, but it will be very weak. He will be unfulfilled; he will ejaculate rapidly with no fulfillment. You will lead to frustration. You will lead to masturbation, you will lead to pornography, you will lead to all sorts of problems. If you open your heart to your husband, he will be fulfilled. You will drain him spiritually, emotionally, sexually, in every sense and he will come back to you and come back to you and as he does, you would walk stronger and stronger and as you open yourself up to him and give yourself to him and as you climax with him, your spirit will envelop his spirit and vice a versa to a point where you are just completely flowing together, welded together in the spirit, completely indivisible and seen in the spirit world as being one entity.
I stress again, ideally in the case of a first marriage, you should live together with the husband's family at least for the first few years and be relieved with as much after hours responsibility other than basic daily work as possible. If possible, the husband and wife should work together, if they're diligent in making love, giving themselves totally to one another, at the end of that year, their marriage will be unsinkable and they will be starting to experience Heaven on earth in marriage. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you could truly do that, if you consummate your marriage on the basis of 40 days of intermittent fasting and prayer, 4 three day fasts in a period of 40 days leading up to the day of consummation, starting the consummation roundabout 10 o'clock in the morning through to about four o'clock in the afternoon, followed by wedding feast that goes on until not too late in the evening, followed by a further six days spent totally locked away in each other's company in a comfortable room with all necessities, not even leaving for meals if necessary or maybe just going down to the swimming pool or wherever for light creation but spending seven days loving, caressing, stroking, gaining an understanding of each other intimately, returning home to a room in his father's house with very little demand on his time where you can spend an enormous amount of time getting to know each other and building a One Flesh Bond. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind at the end of that year, what you will have is the most formidable spiritual entity available to mankind and certainly far, far stronger than virtually anybody on this earth has.
If anybody has One Flesh Bonds of that magnitude, it's the Satanists and the witches and the Warlocks because they understand the basic spiritual principle even though they do it in the wrong spirit and they do it in many cases in fear but nonetheless, if the woman gives herself totally to the man, submits to him totally, that One Flesh Bond will be developed, I speak again from my own experience.
They're fundamental and powerful principles and I urge you to take note of them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father, I ask that anything that I've uttered on this tape that is not according to Your word and Your will, that You will blow it away by Your Spirit and it will find no root in our hearts of the hearers. But I thank You Father that everything that has been uttered that is according to Your word and according to Your will, will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers, that it will be grafted into their hearts, that You will water and nourish it by Your Spirit, that it will grow and produce abundant fruit to Your glory in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world. Amen.
Final Message
This message has been recorded by a Church without walls and ministry of end time issue ministries, Po Box 898, Randpark Ridge, Randburg, 2156, Republic of South Africa. We can be contacted by email at Our phone numbers international dialing code, normally 0027 but this may vary from country to country, the 27 is standard. Our landline 0027 11 791 2327 or in South Africa 011 791 2327. My number 0027 83 251 6644 and in South Africa 083 251 6644. Our fax number internationally 0027 11 791 5004 and locally 011 791 5004. All materials produced by this ministry are available at no cost to those who require them, irrespective of financial means. At the same time, donations and offerings are clearly welcome to support the word.
Please feel free to copy any of our materials in part or in full as the Lord leads you. Understanding that the manner in which you utilize this materials and the manner in which you cite them and quote them is for your account on the Day of Judgment. So we would ask you to use the materials widely, but please feel free to copy them however you see fit and to share these truths with anybody as the Lord leads. I would urge those of you who received copies of these tapes at no charge that once you've listened to them that you consider passing them on and blessing others with them. Our heart's desire is that they should not become a artifact sitting on a bookshelf and gathering dust but that the word of God contained in these teachings should be spread as far and as widely as possible. Should you be lead by the Lord to sow into this Ministry, our bank account is end time issue ministries, the account number is 042 752 7805, the branch is the Standard Bank of South Africa, Randburg branch and the branch code is 018 005.
You've been listening to these messages, you've realized that you do not have a personal saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and that if you were to die right now, you would not spend Eternity in Heaven with him. I would urge you to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to pray the prayer of salvation. The steps to salvation are as follows. Firstly admit and recognize that you are a sinner. Romans 3 verse 23 says "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Secondly, accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that he came to Earth as a man, that he was crucified and died on the cross, that on the third day, he rose again and is now seated at the right hand of the Father and that by his death and resurrection he took your sons for Eternity. Romans 5:8 says, "but God demonstrates his own love towards us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Thirdly, confess your sins, repent of your sins and turn around. Repentance means turning around, it means ceasing to do what you now realize is wrong. 1 John 19 says, "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness for confess your faith that Jesus Christ is Lord, that you believe this and receive his salvation and invite him to dwell in your heart." Romans 10: 9 and 10 says, "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Give thanks to God for your salvation, pray and cry out to God and give thanks to him for saving you. Work out your salvation by the Spirit of God." Philippians 2:12 says, "therefore, my beloved, as you've always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
Salvation is a process. You are saved the moment you pray the sinner's prayer, the prayer of salvation and invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and be Lord of your life. But Salvation is also a process whereby your mind is renewed and you come to have a personal and deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is your choice how far you go in that relationship. He desires a wonderful and a deep and intimate relationship with you, but it is your choice whether you will do what is necessary to come to that place through reading your Bible, praying, seeking counsel, seeking guidance. You should be water baptized at the first possible opportunity. Matthew 3:6 says "And were baptized by him in the Jordan confessing their sins." Encourage you to ask the Lord to lead you to somebody who has some knowledge of the basic ordinance of water baptism who can water baptize you, which leads you to a Church where they can water baptize you.
There's no reason why you cannot be water baptized today as a symbolic cleansing and washing of your sins. In fact, the minute you have prayed the sinners prayer it would be preferable for you to be water baptized. Choose to be obedient to the word of God, accept the Bible in its original Hebrew as given by the Spirit of God and choose to live your life according to that. 1John 5:3 says "For this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not burdensome." I encourage you to read the word of God daily and to put into practice everything that you encounter. As a principle which I believe will bear fruit in your life, I would encourage you to make an effort right now, after you've prayed this prayer, start reading your Bible from the book of John through to the book of Revelation.
And then make a discipline of reading the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation at least two, three, four times a year. And read the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi at least once a year. And I would encourage you to do that using different translations. Ask God to lead you to the Church where he wants you to be at this time where they will teach you, they will guide you, they will pray for you and they will help you to walk in the fullness of what God has called you to be. Be aware that God may move you from Church to Church over time to teach you new things. And you should not be reluctant to do this. The service of God is a personal choice. It's a wonderful choice. And if you will step out by faith today and pray the sinner's prayer and follow Him, you will reap a rich harvest if that is your desire to be found faithful on the day of judgment. Should you have listened to this and have decided that you and I are ready to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, I would ask you to pray the following prayer with me in Jesus' name.
Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I confess that I'm a sinner. I confess that I don't have a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and I recognize that without Jesus, if I were to die right now, I would spend Eternity in hell and not with You. I confess that I've sinned and I repented those sins and I turned around. I choose to turn my back on sin and to serve God. I confess that Jesus Christ came to Earth as a man, that he was crucified, that he died and was buried and that he was resurrected on the third day and that he sits on the right hand of the father. I confess by faith that he died to take all of my sins and I thank You Jesus for taking my sin and I give You my sin right now in Jesus' name.
I confess by faith that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I choose now Lord Jesus to make You the Lord of my life. I invite You to come and dwell in my heart. I invite You to take charge of my life. I invite You to start leading and guiding me and directing me and I give You my life and everything that I have and I commit myself to serving You now. Lord Jesus, I thank You that You've heard me and I thank You that You have now come to live in me and I thank You for saving me. I thank You that I'm now a child of the most high God. I thank You that I'm now a servant of the most high God and that You will lead me and guide me into the paths that You want me to walk, I ask You Lord to lead me to the Church where You want me to be.
I ask You in the name of Jesus to bring the people that You want in my life, into my life by Your Spirit, and to remove the people that You don't want in my life by Your Spirit, in Jesus name. I ask You to close all doors in my life that You do not want to open, that no man may open them and I ask You to open every door in my life that You want opened, that no man may close it in Jesus' name. Father, I ask You to teach me to be led by Your Spirit. I ask You to open my eyes, to have a revelation of the word of God. I ask You to give me a hunger for the word of God.
05_09 Recovering from Adultery, Divorce, Putting Away, Rape, Violence, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Bestiality, Satanism, etc
This is teaching number nine in volume three of the series understanding Gods way in marriage, volume 3, dealing with the practical application of the marriage teachings. This teaching is entitled recovering from adultery, divorce, putting away, rape, physical violence, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, Satanism, etc. It's perhaps relevant to note that during the course of preparing this message I've been coming under quite a lot of demonic attack and in fact become aware of the fact that there has been demonic attack taking place for several days which has been leading to tiredness, slurring of words and seemingly from time to time, mixing of words. I apologize for that, I hadn't recognized it as being quite as bad as it was and I had to deal with some issues this morning before the Lord, in terms of things that were undone. So I apologize if the tapes are less clear than they might have been but it's important to understand and recognize that when one is dealing in an area like this where there is a degree of pioneering with truth Satan will endeavor to constantly interfere and attack with demonic spirits, attacking ones flesh, etc and regrettably, of course, none of us are sanctified fully, none of us are without sin and Satan will use those footholds to attack us in one way or another.
As mentioned before this teaching is related to recovering from adultery, divorce, putting away, rape, physical violence, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, Satanism and so forth. All of these involve some form of spiritual violence, some have eternal impact for the person involved if they are not repented of. Many bring curses and demonic oppression with them or result from demonic activity or require some form of healing, spiritual cleansing, repentance. Consider particularly 1 Corinthians 6, 9 and 10, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God, do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals or sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists will inherit the Kingdom of God." Revelation 21:8 "That the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death." And more or less all of the items identified for this teaching have an impact in terms of those Scriptures, in terms of not inheriting the Kingdom of God. And consequently, they're associated with severe curses and demonic involvement.
Tape 3.7 on sanctifying marriage, deals with the broad principles and prayers applicable for overall sanctification and the teachings by Carol Orfa introduced in tape 2.12, for which the full set of tapes are available from this ministry, deals in depth with the demonic aspect. These are therefore not dealt with specifically in this series. The ministry of deliverance is in itself a specialized ministry which should preferably be ministered by experienced prophets of God, although all believers have the authority to cast out demons and administer healing. This tape seeks only to highlight the main issues as I see them in responding to a person who has been party to or the victim of any of the above experiences.
The focus is primarily on cataloguing necessary steps for healing and recovery based on my own experience and what I believe the Spirit of God to be saying in the context of these teachings. While we have some experience in ministering to others, some of these situations and personal experience with adultery and divorce, we have no ministry experience in the areas of rape, lesbianism, physical violence, homosexuality and bestiality and therefore can only offer broad principles, which are not intended to be exhaustive or authoritative but only to indicate that the actions likely to be required for healing.
At the same time, it must be stressed that since the primary focus of this teaching is on building solid Godly marriages and overcoming the consequences of the most wide spread forms of spiritual violence being adultery, putting away and treachery leading to true divorce rather than healing of the victims of the crass perversions of lesbianism, which we define as women living in a pseudo marital state which includes sexual intimacy but aggressively excludes a man and involves a woman actively taking a male surrogate role, rape, physical violence including masochism and sadism, homosexuality and bestiality and various sexual rights within Satanism, witchcraft, etc. All of these require specialist ministry for the healing of the resulting spiritual wounds and demonic infestations which is out the scope of this series. In these cases I will confine myself to the steps necessary to come to a solid Godly heterosexual marriage within the parameters of this teaching.
I must stress, for those of you who have been involved in any of these perversions, that's not the gift and calling of this particular ministry, we regrettably have not much to offer you there, we can put you in touch with Carol Orfa and would suggest that you contact Carol or contact Bob Larson or Derek Prince ministries or one of the other ministries which specialize in that. Or contact some ministries like Steve Button, Bornfree, in the United States his website is and he can be contacted at if you require counseling in that area or to be put in touch with somebody who can help you.
Basic Disciplines
Our focus in this ministry is with particular emphasis on the general issues of healing marriage, with particular emphasis coming out of adultery, divorce, putting away and the related issues. In broad terms virtually all the categories that have been listed require the identification of sin, repentance, forgiveness, restitution where appropriate, cutting of One Flesh Bonds where appropriate, ministry by the Holy Spirit for healing is spiritual, emotional and physical wounds. In most cases, deliverance will be required and a full process of administration of the basic principles and ordinances of the faith set out in the first tape in volume three should be followed together with serious commitment to Bible study, renewing of the mind, establishing the relevant truths of Scripture, etc. All of this will be required.
And it's important if you've come out of this sort of stuff and you're not maturing in the Christian walk, that you become aware of the basic disciplines that are required which have been touched on elsewhere but again, they're not the fundamental basis of this teaching. Any Christian should be spending at least an hour to two hours a day reading the Bible, the word of God and prayer, talking and communicating with God, you should be listening to Christian teachings whenever you have the opportunity, you should be avoiding secular television and newspaper as far as possible and secular entertainment, etc, which distracts you from serving God the way He called you to. He's able to provide all the knowledge that you need without turning to the world. And I refer you also to teachings in the series on judgment which go further into this particular topic.
Adultery by the Wife
I am going to deal with these various aspects one subject at a time starting with adultery by a wife which as we've seen is something which is of very serious proportions. If you take into account the issues of putting away versus divorce and the number of women who've been put away and remarried but if we consider it more specifically in the context of adultery within marriage that's the focus of this immediate discussion. A woman who commits adultery must recognize that it is an act of extreme spiritual treachery against her husband and it is an abomination in the sight of God. Proverbs 6 verse 32 says "Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding, he who does so destroys his own soul." Any woman who commits adultery must understand the scripture clearly appoints the death penalty.
Leviticus 20:10 says "The man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, he who commits adultery with his neighbors wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." And even if she's not put to death she will not inherit the Kingdom of God and will have a pardon the lake of fire and brimstone if she does not repent. I refer you again to 1Corinthians 6:9 and 10, paraphrasing "Do you not know that adulterers will not inherit the Kingdom of God". Revelation 21:8 "The sexually immoral shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death." On the other hand, John Chapter 8 verses 3 to 11 "A woman caught in adultery wherein Jesus says "Has no one accused you, condemned you" and she said "No one Lord" and Jesus said to her "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more."" It indicates that Jesus did introduce greater Grace in this area and provides a basis for Grace for any adulteress wife which you must understand that Jesus confirmed in Matthew 19:9 that a husband is entitled to divorce his wife for adultery, it is an act of mercy for her husband not to divorce an adulterous wife. Matthew 19:19 says that "Whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication (inaudible (00:12:00)) committed adultery and whoso married her which is put away doth commit adultery." (Inaudible (00:12:09)) elicit sexual intercourse, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals, etc. Sexual intercourse with close relatives - Leviticus 18. Sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman - Mark 10, 11 and 12. Metaphorically, the worship of idols used of the defilement of irondolatry as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols.
So we see that there are grounds for divorce but as we've repeatedly seen in previous teachings, they are extreme. At the same time, before a husband whose been betrayed by an adulterous wife decides to reinstate her, there are a number of factors to be taken into account. In particular, the duration and intensity of the adultery is a major factor to consider. This is of importance in terms of the strength of the love that is being made, all other factors are secondary. It is important to note that provided there is deep and sincere repentance and a total commitment to turning around then all other aspects can be dealt with relatively quickly. Specifically, firstly confess the sin before God and her husband and repent with a broken spirit and a contrite heart. If there is not deep and sincere repentance then there is no point in prolonging the relationship, the husband should divorce his wife forth worth.
Secondly, subject to true repentance, pray an agreement and humbly petition the Father in Jesus name to sever the One Flesh Bond and cut off the soul ties as per tape 3.7 and other tapes. Minister spiritual healing by the Holy Spirit, renounce and when necessary seek release from ungodly vows and promises, bind and cast out familiar spirits and other spirits transferred through the sexual relationship. The husband may also need deliverance from spirits transferred to him. Thirdly, the wife should go for deliverance counseling to identify the demonic routes, curses, spirits, etc that caused her to commit adultery and get delivered from them. Fourthly, if there is an illegitimate child the husband must consider whether he is prepared to father another man’s child and should seek the guidance of Yahweh as to Yahweh’s will. Be aware that unless there is a legal adoption of the child it will be almost certainly impossible to sever the bloodline and therefore all demons transferred down the bloodline or bloodline curses and other manifestations from the natural father will remain in force. It will not be possible to break them and set the child free. If the child is growing up in a believing family and the natural father is an unbeliever and/or highly demonized, when the child reaches the age of spiritual maturity, about 12 and a half serious demonic manifestation may be experienced and the mother and stepfather will be powerless to stop it other than through humble petition to the father to intervene.
We have experience of an instance where six weeks after such desperate petition the natural father in a true divorce situation had a heart attack and died. Seemingly, as a direct result of the prayer. It's foolish and presumptuous to presume that this outcome will apply in all cases so taking account of this, one should not be surprised if Yahweh advises you to return an illegitimate child to its natural father. This action may be kinder to the child than it may first appear as it is less likely to receive the same level of attention from Satan and provided it is regularly covered in prayer by its mother it may have a better prospect of coming to salvation once the child has grown and has left home. The same principles apply in a divorce situation, we have seen that in a number of instances, God may in fact tell a believing spouse who is divorcing an unbelieving spouse or a spouse who is going to hell having lost their salvation, to leave the children with that spouse simply because if the believing spouse has custody the other divorced party will use the children in an extremely damaging and manipulative way and Satan will do all that he can to destroy those children. But all of these are incidental to the point that I am seeking to make right now, the point is that all of the above can be relatively, practically and easily dealt with, not withstanding some of the pain and emotional issues that may be associated with it.
My key point relates to the subject of love made. It has been pointed out in several teachings based on my personal experience that when man and woman have a long term relationship or in the context of this particular teaching, an adulterous relationship with frequent passionate and intense sexual intercourse, frequently culminating in simultaneous orgasm and where they treat one another with a mutual respect and (inaudible (00:17:44)) love specified in 1Corinthians13:4-8 that, in other words, love which suffers long, is kind, does not envy, does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in inequity, rejoices in the truth, bares all things, believes all things, hopes all things and enjoys all things, that love never fails, 1Corinthians13:8 states where the woman is also constantly submitted to and esteemed a man happens particularly when adultery occurs in an employment situation. They will truly have been making love, given that it's unlikely there would have been the same level of sexual intensity and respect in the marriage before the adultery occurred, as if there had been adultery would have been virtually impossible. It must be accepted that the woman concerned is given a significant portion of her heart and her love which was intended to be given to her husband to another man and since 1Corinthians13:8 tells us that love never fails, how it never dies and since this is Yahweh’s (inaudible (00:18:58)) He said love, it cannot be recovered, raised or destroyed.
There is a major issue for the husband of such a woman who is seeking to return to him to consider before he finally decides to restore her as his wife. He may certainly forgive her and release her but this is a question about what is prudent in terms of reinstating her in marriage. I stress in this particular area that I speak from a bitter personal experience, I've shared details with a testimony in a number of the previous tapes but it bears repeating it at this stage, that having had such an adulterous relationship with another man’s wife for two years, having come back to the Lord, having been dramatically set free of many things, have gone for major deliverance counseling in many areas, I still find myself nearly eight years later tormented with a portion of my heart which is allocated to this person who I have no business having any desire for, any love for or any thoughts towards except those that one would pray for in general for other members of the body of Christ. It is an enormous source of torment and turmoil, the Lord has shown me very clearly that I have no basis to be released from it, it is something that was intended to be good, there is no basis for petition for it to be severed as (inaudible (00:20:34)) from the One Flesh Bond which Father, in His mercy, will release one from. This is something that's a consequence of sin and foolishness which is with one for life, it will only pass away when the body passes away and then even in Eternity the love that we have from this life will remain with us.
I cannot stress this strongly enough, you need to pray very seriously in a situation like that and the woman herself needs to examine her heart. It is grossly unjust for a man who has been subject to the spiritual violence of his wife committing adultery and then the absolute turmoil of discovering that adultery, the absolute sense of betrayal to find himself by some sense of misplaced obligation, spending the rest of his life living with a woman who cannot help herself from thinking of the man that she had as a lover for those years, it would be just of that woman towards her husband to actually accept her responsibility to leave him and to live out her life in widowhood unless the Lord were ever to release her to remarry. But frankly, I have to say to you that for her to marry any man except the man with whom she had that adulterous affair, would be unjust. By the same token, there appears to be some principle that it would be unjust for her to be restored to the man with whom she had that relationship because then they would be reaping a benefit with God’s blessing from their adultery.
However, it does appear to me that in the same way that we've seen in the teachings on the resolution of One Flesh Bonds, that the Father does extend Grace and then so far as there is no explicit Scripture which would forbid a woman in this situation being taken in as a wife by the man for whom she has such love, it does appear that it is possible that under certain circumstances the Father would extend Grace to that woman and that man to be reunited but I would expect that to be only after they have laid down their lives to do everything to deal with the consequences of their sin and have come to true repentance and it would be an act of Grace on the part of the Father to restore such a woman to the man with whom she has built such love.
Coming back to the instance of the husband faced with a wife who has been in adultery for many years with the depth of love and passion for her lover that we've talked about, I must stress there is a strong probability that such a marriage will never achieve its full potential as the woman is unlikely to be able to keep herself from thinking of her lover and the devil will constantly use that as an opening to torment her and probably to torment her husband so do not restore such a woman as your wife unless you are absolutely sure it is the will of God and if you are such a woman you should accept the consequences of your foolishness and of your sin and I would encourage you to recognize that it would be a just act for you to release your husband and to allow him to divorce you. So I stress again, in such a situation the husband must be very, very certain that it is Yahweh’s will that he reinstate his wife, he would be well advised to shun all sexual intercourse with that woman until a decision is made by the Spirit of God and then to act speedily to divorce her if Yahweh so permits. The woman in her turn should act responsibly for her treachery and peacefully accept the consequences of her sin if she has truly repented and expect a minimum divorce settlement since the word of God clearly mandates death penalty and she has been spared which is an act of mercy. This does not preclude her husband from being generous as an act of mercy toward her, recognizing that there must have been significant sin in his life for Satan to take his wife in adultery like that. If the adultery was not as long term and/or not as intense as I've just referred to it is more practical to build a solid marriage and obtain full healing provided there is true repentance and a solid realization that there were flaws in the marriage to start with.
The process outlines in tape 3.7 will deal with this. This would particularly apply at the other extreme of the spectrum with a one off casual sexual encounter possibly with an old boyfriend that she has never been sexually intimate with. Or some other situation which the devil just comes in like a flood and overpowers her. Obviously, the longer the relationship the more difficult it becomes but again, unless the relationship was intense and long term, the level of love is unlikely to be that strong and healing is therefore possible. It is a matter of relative strength of love. If there is enormously strong love for another man the husband starts with a very serious disadvantage in terms of building a marriage. If there is a little bit of love for other men which is almost endemic in the world today, I believe it's truly possible for the husband and wife, with sincerity and commitment, to build a One Flesh Bond and to build a house which will be absolutely rock solid in the Lord.
Adultery by the Husband
The next subject I want to deal with is adultery by the husband and it's vital to understand that adultery is first and foremost the sin against Yahweh. I read from Psalm 51 verses 1-4 which is written by David after his adultery with Bathsheba and he says there "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to your loving kindness, according to the multitude of your tenderness, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge." It is vital to understand that within the first instance, adultery, certainly on the part of a man against another man’s wife, is first and foremost a sin against God.
Secondly, it gives occasion to the enemies of Yahweh God to blaspheme and I read to you the account in 2 Samuel 12 verses 7-15 where the prophet comes to David and speaks correction. "Then Nathan said to David, "You are the man! This is Yahweh, God of Israel, I anointed you king over Israel and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave you your masters house and your masters wives into your keeping and gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if that had been too little I would also have given you much more. Why have you despised the Commandment of Yahweh to do evil in his sight. You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, you have taken his wife to be your wife and have killed him with a sword of the people of Ammon. Now, therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you despised me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife. This says Yahweh "Behold, I will raise up adversity against you from your own house and I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of the sun. For you did it secretly but I will do this thing before Israel, before the sun. So David said to Nathan "I have sinned against Yahweh" and Nathan said to David "Yahweh also has put away your sin, you shall not die. However, because by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of Yahweh to blaspheme the child also who is born to you shall surely die." Then Nathan departed to his house and Yahweh struck the child that Uriah's wife borne to David and it became ill."
We see that even with repentance, heartfelt repentance, and forgiveness of sin, there is still serious consequences for adultery. We see there the death of the child, we see the curse of the sword on David’s house which is traced all the way through the books of Kings and Chronicles. So understand that a man who has committed adultery with another man’s wife has executed an absolutely grievous sin. And note particularly, verse 14, given great occasion to the enemies of Yahweh to blaspheme. SO we need to understand that sin in the form of adultery, a man having intercourse with another man’s wife, is a great sin in the sight of God.
Thirdly, it is sin against the husband of the woman. I refer to Numbers 5 verses 12-14, "Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, if any man’s wife go aside and commit a trespass against him and a man lie with her carnally and it be hid from the eyes of her husband and be kept close and she be defiled and there be no witness against her and neither she be taken with the manner and the spirit of jealousy come upon him and he be jealous of his wife and she be defiled or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him and he be jealous of his wife and she be not defiled." It is from the King James version, it goes on to set out a whole process under the old Covenant for the disclosure of a woman’s adultery with a curse that comes upon her barrenness and other things. But we see clearly that it is her sin against the husband. Proverbs 6 verses 32-35 "Whoever commits adultery with a woman who lacks understanding, he who does so destroys his own soul. Wounds and dishonor he will get and his reproach will not be wiped away, for jealousy is a husbands fury therefore he will not spare in the day a vengeance, he will accept no recompense nor will he be appeased though you give many gifts." And it is notable in this age that if one looks at what is published in the secular world, in so called men’s magazines, even in woman’s romantic stories, etc, the men as a whole may express some outrage at their wives adultery but thereafter seem to accept it.
Promiscuous sex, in which men are even reported to encourage their wives to have sex with other men, is widespread, particularly in publications coming out of the United States of America and is an absolute abomination in the sight of God but it is a measure of the extent to which men’s hearts have been hardened to the truths of the word of God. But the important point here is that sin is firstly against God and then the husband of the woman, the only sin against the wife of the man who commits adultery with another man’s wife relates to whatever deception, if lying, etc, was involved. There is no such sin in Scripture as a man cheating on his wife, although this is widely reported and widely used as a basis for divorce, this is a Jezelbelic heresy. By the same token, all parties must realize that a man who has had sexual intercourse with a virgin who is not betrothed has married her, he has not committed adultery, this is another widespread heresy in this age. In this case, he must forthwith bring unto his covering and his existing wife must love her neighbor as herself and do everything to welcome this woman into the family home, even if it happened in less than ideal circumstances.
There is absolutely no Scriptural basis for that man to put that woman away and there is absolutely no Scriptural basis for his first wife to insist on putting that woman away. I have to stress to you, and I speak now in the authority as an apostle of God, that a wife who seeks to prevent her husband from taking as wife a woman whose virginity he has taken will bring great wrath on herself, she will be judged severely, she is opposing the very heart and will of God in the matter, it doesn't matter how the virginity was taken, that girl is married and by putting her away she is being subject to the most grievous treachery and being exposed to adultery for the rest of her life and the man is being exposed to becoming an adulterer as well and therefore any woman who is in submission to her husband, who loves her husband, must accept his prerogative to bring that woman into the house.
I've shared previous, in a previous tape, on more than one occasion, the instance of a man in that situation. His wife repeatedly opposed him until one day he had a vision in which the Lord showed him a rotting corpse lying in his marital bed and he realized that his wife had lost her salvation as a consequence of her actions. It was no longer deemed in the sight of God to be fit to be his wife, it's tragic. I lost my first wife in similar circumstances, she set up a woman for an extra marital affair knowing that she had has intercourse with every man she had ever worked for. She triggered a series of events, I was foolish enough to succumb and ultimately when I came back to the Lord and my wife came to salvation and she started seeking in the word of God to justify her anger towards me and towards this other woman, God clearly showed her that, in fact, she had no basis to be angry towards me, that in fact, the fact that I had taken another woman was not sin against her per say and that she had sinned by deliberately bringing this woman to work for me. And ultimately, as a consequence of that, God spoke to her for something like three years, telling her to go and repent to this woman, repent to this woman’s husband, repent to me. She refused, for something like two years the Lord spoke to me, He did not disclose the sin but He simply told me that my wife had to make right with this woman and with her husband and eventually after something like three, three and a half years, she confessed her sin, repented her sin of disobedience and repented but the next day, when the Lord Jesus appeared to her in a vision she still refused to go and repent, confess to the other woman, make right with her husband, confess that it was a deliberate act on my wife’s part and by implication, make restitution since the woman was entitled to her job back if she'd so choose. I don't believe that Yahweh would have required that to happen or that it would've happened in practice but it was a case of putting it on the altar.
As a consequence of that, my first wife lost her salvation. A woman who I had loved for 25 years, who'd been betraying me in many areas without my knowledge and betrayed me in perhaps the most cold blooded treachery of all in that situation, lost her salvation and saw Jesus Christ turn in a vision and walk away and His back and shortly after that He told me to get out of the marriage. I cannot stress enough, if your husband has ever taken the virginity of another woman, he's married to her and you have an obligation before God to see that that woman is instated as his second wife. If there are several women, you have the same obligation, you dare not and must not oppose that and if you're such a man, it doesn't matter how much your wife opposes you, God will not consider that as an argument, God judged Adam, He said because you have listened to the voice of your wife and you will be judged accordingly. God sentenced and condemned Adam for his sin for listening to his wife. Listening to your wife is no excuse for disobeying the word of God.
So we see that in the case of true adultery, the man must first and foremost, repent before God. Secondly to the husband of the woman. He must do so recognizing that Scripture ordains the death penalty for his sin and that the husband is Scripturally entitled to great anger as we've seen in Proverbs 6 a moment ago. He must realized that for a man to discover that his wife has betrayed him in this way it is perhaps the most terrible experience a man can have and he should confess his sin, repent and not in any way attempt to justify himself or physically defend himself. In worldly terms, he should take it on the chin. Yahweh may require the guilty man to make financial and other restitution to the wronged husband, you must be led by the Spirit of God in all that you do. Notwithstanding any of the above, the marriage of the man who committed adultery with another man’s wife has been defiled and the procedure set out in tape 3.7 should be followed to sanctify the marriage.
Divorce by the husband, this has been covered in detail in tape 3.6 and also in tape 1.10. A husband may only divorce his wife for treachery, spiritual treachery or adultery. He should only do it at Yahweh’s leading, it should only come about at a point where love has literally been murdered by the repeated treachery of the wife. He should then issue a certificate in terms of Deuteronomy 24:1 and immediately separate from her and institute civil divorce proceedings if they had a civil marriage or ecclesiastical marriage. As mentioned in the previous teaching, it may be wise to concede custody to the wife even though she is in the wrong because once she has lost her salvation Satan is free to use her in whatever way he wants to to seek to attack and destroy the husband, particularly if the husband is a strong believer and in such circumstances Satan will manipulate the children and utterly destroy them as a means of getting to the husband. If he concedes custody and has minimum contact with them, but intercedes for them on a regular basis, they have a reasonable prospect with God standing in the gap as the children’s Father and watching over them and protecting them, they have a reasonable prospect of growing up more or less normally and either retaining their salvation or coming to their salvation once they are out from under their mothers covering.
Divorce initiated by the wife, there is no indication in Scripture that a believing woman may institute divorce proceedings against her husband. This is not to say that Yahweh will not lead a believing woman who is in right standing with Him to divorce her husband but you need to understand the implications. Again, I refer you to tape 3.6 and 1.10. She can only do it at Yahweh’s leading and she should seek Yahweh’s guidance in favor to bring about the divorce through the husband. In my own experience, certainly in my present wife’s case and in other instances I've heard of, where God truly has appointed for a marriage to end where the woman is the party that is serving God and the man has fallen away or has lost his salvation or has reached a point where salvation is no longer a possibility, Yahweh has intervened, caused the man to become angry and disinterested in the woman and to put her away and divorce her or has led to a situation where when the woman has discussed the subject of divorce the husband has agreed to the divorce and gone along with the divorce with no significant opposition.
You should seek to obtain a letter from your husband to the effect that Yahweh is permitting...sorry, don't mention God in situations like that, you're essentially dealing with a reprobate unbeliever otherwise you shouldn't be getting divorced, if he still has any hope of coming to salvation you're required to lay down your life no matter how much you have to suffer in terms of 1 Peter 2, 1 Peter 3, to seek to bring your husband to salvation. Yahweh will only release you from that marriage if there is no further hope for that man. In such cases you should seek to obtain a letter which simply says that he agrees to divorce you and you should then institute divorce proceedings. Do not become materialistic and carnal and seek to draw as much in the way of assets out of the marriage as you can, you should seek to be set free from the marriage as quickly as possible, as long as you do not have a civil divorce contract and you are still financially striving with him, you're yoked to him and the devil has all sorts of ways of attacking you.
The same applies to a man divorcing his wife, do not get embroiled in a contest for assets, take whatever God allows you to take out of the marriage without striving, if you walk out with the clothes on your back so be it, don't prolong the divorce to try and get a half share in the house or to get custody of the children or whatever the case may be. Ask Yahweh for guidance and favor and take whatever he gives you and get out of that marriage. Flee from the fire, particularly in the judgment age that is now at hand. God will make good whatever your loss is if you walk by faith, if you insist on striving you will get desperately hurt and injured by the devil while you seek to keep your assets which are Gods assets in any event.
Putting Away
Putting away and I must stress that putting away is the instance that actually led me more directly than anything else to the point where I've produced a set of teachings. Back in, I think it was 1995, my secretary went on maternity leave, I hired a temporary lady to stand in. In fact, we needed an additional secretary so I hired somebody to stand in for my personal assistant with a view to becoming a permanent staff member. This woman had been divorced in the sight of man but had simply been put away, her husband had taken a new and younger wife and left her with two young children, he was still providing for her but she was terribly bitter, angry, hurt. A young woman in her mid twenties, she didn't understand what was going on and she was absolutely desperate. We were not coping because obviously she was temporary staff and she was hired at short notice. We hired two further women, who are also Christians, through an employment service through one of the major ministries in our area. The one came in, she had been abandoned by her husband who was living in Botswana with another woman, leaving her with a teenage boy and a teenage girl, desperately angry, bitter, resentful and the other had been divorced by her husband leaving her with a teenage boy.
All three of these women were so desperately hurt and so desperately angry that they were actually very hard to actually utilize in any sort of productive capacity. I ministered to them, I prayed for them, after a couple of weeks two of them had a stand up row, I called them in, I really disciplined them strongly, I explained to them that in a corporate environment we could not tolerate that sort of behavior. They gave me an undertaking that they would stop but before the end of the day they had layed into each other verbally again, the one phoned me that night and said she was not coming back to work and the other one, by virtue of the fact that she had broken her commitment to me earlier the same day, I felt myself with no alternative but to dismiss. The other one was so wrapped up in her hurt, etc, that a week or so later I was forced to terminate her employment as well, we were a small company and we could not afford to carry the burden of these women’s hurt and anger any longer.
But I have to say to you, it was an absolutely desperate situation to see the absolute turmoil and absolute terrible way in which these women’s lives were being absolutely destroyed and I refer you to Malachi 2 verses 13-16 and this is the second thing you do, you cover the alter so he does not regard the offering anymore nor receive it with goodwill from your hands. If you say for what reason because Yahweh has been witness between you and the wife of your youth with whom you have dealt treacherously yet she is your companion and your wife by Covenant. But did he not make them one having a revenant of the spirit and why one, he seeks Godly offspring therefore take heed to your spirit, let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth for Yahweh, God of Israel says that He hates putting away for it covers ones garment with violence, says Yahweh of hosts, therefore take heed to your spirit that you do not deal treacherously.
So we see that putting away is an act of spiritual violence, it's treacherous and we see that it is this spiritual act, that it does enormous spiritual hurt. If you're dealing with a situation where a woman has been put away, the first thing is to recognize that she is not free to marry another man except by the Grace of God. The man who put her away is obliged in the sight of God, if he is to avoid a serious and harsh judgment on the day of judgment, he is obliged to take that woman back under his covering. It doesn't matter whether he put her away at the age of 14, when he as a 14 year old took her virginity, whether it's something that he took at a much later age. The woman that is married to him must understand his Scriptural obligation and she should do everything to do what is right in the sight of God. I have dealt with aspects of this in the tape on resolving One Flesh Bonds and I would urge you to listen to that tape and gain an understanding. If you're a man and you realize that you've put a woman away and you don't know how to contact her, you should fast and pray to seek Gods hand in reconciliation or release as in the previous tapes. If you're a woman who's been put away you should do the same. If you're a man who's married to a woman who was put away, you also need to go before God. Adultery is a heinous crime in the court of Heaven, it carries the judgment of eternal damnation unless it's fully dealt with and fully repented of and you cannot continue to have sexual intercourse with a woman who's not your wife without getting into willful sin. Only if Yahweh in His mercy releases that woman to remarry may she remarry and in that case he may release the man who's responsible. I have to say to you, only God can tell you whether you are free to marry that woman or to remain married to that woman and vice versa.
Again, I stress, recognize Scripture permits a man to have multiple wives so the fact that a man already has a wife does not prevent him from fulfilling his obligation towards the woman that he's put away. If you're battling with that ask Yahweh to change your heart, to accept the truth of His word. I refer you particularly to tapes 1.2, 1.8, 1.18, 1.21 and 3.10. You should also recognize that in the case of a woman who has been put away, that there may almost certainly have been problems on her side for her husband to discard her. She should examine her heart in terms of the word of God and all the teachings in this series, if you were in error in any area you need to repent, request forgiveness and seek reconciliation and reinstatement. And I need to make the point, that the fact that you have a civil divorce certificate to support an act of putting away does not carry any weight in the sight of God according to my revelation and my understanding. You are still married in the sight of God. Malachi 2:16 is quite explicit. At the same time, if you have been put away recognize that there may have been fairly serious sin in your life for Satan to rob you so terribly. Listen to the full judgment series of tapes, examine your heart and deal with whatever sin the Spirit of God may show you, repent, seek reconciliation and reinstatement recognizing you have very little basis for remarriage.
Understand also that if you have a strong anointing or had a strong anointing Satan will use sin very effectively to take you apart. If you were put away while you were not born again, a similar thing applies. I am not trying to make specific judgments, I am just telling you that my experience as a believer is that wherever the devil has been killing, stealing and destroying in my life and I've gone before the throne of God and said why and as an engineer I tend to always say why, I've always been shown that there was sin in my life. In the case of a husband whose put away recognize that you have committed a very serious sin in the sight of Yahweh, repent, turn around and seek reconciliation and reinstatement of your wife or wives even if this results in you having multiple wives in the sight of Yahweh. I refer you to tape 3.10 with regards to dealing with the implications of Isaiah 4:1 which says that "In that day speaking of this age, seven women shall take hold of one man and say "We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach." The choice you face is to accommodate the ways of the world and be severely judged as an adulterer in the world to come or honor the word of Yahweh and reinstate your wife and face whatever persecution the world may bring but be found righteous on the Day of Judgment on that issue. And lest there be any misunderstanding I make that statement to you as an apostle of God, as a judge in the Church called by God in that capacity.
Please understand if you've put away a woman it is a major, major crime in the sight of God. It is one of the most brutal and most treacherous and most vicious spiritual act known to man. God will judge you harshly if you have put away a woman and you've listened to this tape and you do not do what you know to do. I tell you that in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Father, I ask that any man who listens to this tape, who is guilty of putting away a woman, will be convicted of his sin right here and now, that he will come to a place of a broken spirit and a contrite heart and that he will cry out to you for guidance that you may either restore his wife or release him from this act of desperate treachery, in Jesus name.
Rape is the next subject that I want to cover. The form of rape that we experience today, rape at gunpoint, brutal, physical, violence associated with sexual intercourse is not really catered for in Scripture as far as I've been able to determine. It's an act of demonically inspired physical, emotional and spiritual violence. It's important to note that if the woman is a virgin and she's technically married in terms of Deuteronomy 22 verses 28 and 29 that this is clearly not desirable in virtually all cases. By extension of Exodus 22:16 this suggests that the father could forbid when he first hears of the rape but in any event, except that there is no Scriptural basis for remarriage. Again I make the point in the tape on resolution of One Flesh Bonds, it is likely that the father will extend Grace and release the woman from that ungodly marriage and from the One Flesh Bond and release her to remarry but you have no Scriptural basis to draw that conclusion. Only Yahweh can show you by His Spirit and if He has not shown you by your spirit you have intercourse with such a woman at your peril.
If the woman was not a virgin then recognize that Scripture mandates the death penalty for the man and that the relevant aspects of the comments pertaining to adultery and the relevant teachings in tape 3.2, 3.3 and 3.7 should be applied in such an instance. If the woman is raped when she is in a marriage situation and she was raped by another man, those things would apply. There will be significant ministry required for physical, emotional and spiritual healing but that's outside the scope of this particular set of teachings. Deliverance will be required to identify the curses, demons, spiritual marks, etc which opened the door to rape and to remove them. Generally speaking, a woman is not going to be raped unless there is some spiritual mark on her or some curse passed through the bloodline which opens her to rape or else there will be significant sin. There must be careful examination in terms of the teachings on judgment in this life, which will be required to identify the basis whereby Satan gained the right to perpetrate such a vile deed and if there are sins these will have to be dealt with.
I refer you to the previous teachings that Yahweh created man to be aroused by the display of his wife’s body provocatively displayed within the marital setting and by extension recognize that a woman who displays her body provocatively may attract that from a man who's oppressed by the appropriate demons and this sin must be repented of. In other words, a woman who walks around with short skirt and skimpy tops and so forth in public is exposing herself to a situation where a man who is oppressed by demons of rape or demons of sexual sin and lust and violence can be brought to a place where those demons take control of his conscience and overpower any resolve to contain his lust and as such, a woman will be, in part, responsible in the court of Heaven for her own immodest and unchaste dress and conduct. If that woman is in her turn oppressed by spirits of lust, which is probable in the sense that she probably wouldn't be walking around dressed that way otherwise then those demons will talk to the demons on the man and seek to bring about a situation of rape or adultery. But again, understand that not one sparrow falls without the fathers will and therefore that rape cannot have taken place unless a judgment was obtained in the court of Heaven and therefore there must have been a significant legal basis for that to happen. Realize that where Satan is particularly aggressive towards a man and woman and maybe an indication that Satan is aware of the calling and the anointing that that person has or has had at some stage and that he is seeking to sideline them but at the same time realize that if you're in bed with the world and you are hardly making a difference, Satan is likely to leave you alone. So just because you're not getting attacked seriously by the Devil it doesn't mean necessarily that you're without sin.
If the woman was married at the time of the rape her husband must examine himself critically before God to determine how either his wife got out from under his covering or the sin that permitted her to be raped while she was under his covering. Understand that in the first instance, in a married woman, and I am talking here about a woman who is in a Holy Covenant relationship with her husband, their sin should manifest firstly and foremostly as an attack against the husband. So for the woman to get raped means that she either fully stepped out of her husband’s covering through rebellion or continued lustful conduct or alternatively that the magnitude of the sin in the husbands house was such that Satan was able to touch the man’s wife. I refer you again to the reference to Job and Job's wife where even though Satan gained legal right to totally destroy all that Job owned and to heavily affect Job's body, Job's wife was not touched. So for a man’s wife to be raped, you must understand that there is really, really serious sin in that family, certainly if she's a believer and he's a believer. Realize also that rape can bring all sorts of demonic infestation associated which can bring about hatred of men and all sorts of other things which must be cast out. So there is a need for a major process of sanctification of any woman who has been raped, either whether she was raped within marriage or she was raped prior to the marriage.
If we look at violence, generally physical violence towards women, whether it's sexual or not, it should be treated in a large measure the same way as rape, recognizing that Scripture provides penalties for injuring people. Exodus 21 verses 18-36 sets out a variety of penalties for injury. The principle of an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth has a just measure of justice is provided for there, Jesus did seemingly change that in terms of mercy and Grace but we should understand that in terms of brute physical violence, while someone might be forgiven, there is a need for their flesh to be disciplined in order that they may not commit that same sin again and it's an act of mercy to discipline an offender so that they don't repeat the act. So whatever is Scriptural is called for but again, in the world in which we live today, that may be unlikely to happen. We see, certainly in South Africa, the continuing conflict between the PAGAD activists, Muslim activists seeking to apply Scriptural principles of discipline and judgment with regard to rape and murder and violence and theft. I'm constantly coming into conflict with the laws of the land which are soft on this type of thing.
Sadism which is sexual acts which involve sexual stimulation of a person by inflicting pain on others and masochism which is sexual stimulation by receiving physical pain are both particular perversions. All such situations need prophetic ministry and deliverance to identify and eliminate all spiritual marks, cursors, bloodline issues, demons, etc which made the violence possible. This must be associated with repentance renewing the mind with the word of God, Holy Spirit ministry for healing, etc. If that violence has taken place in marriage, in addition to true repentance, cleansing and sanctification as per tape 3.7 will be required but I need to say to you that if we're talking here about a situation where the husband and wife have been participating in mutual sexual violence with whips and bondages, etc it is a perversion in the sight of God, you need to repent if you were into that before you came to salvation, recognize it for what it is, it is a brutal Satanic perversion, you need to repent of it and you need to deal with it at its very core. I would encourage you also to listen to the judgment tapes, particularly in a case where a person has been subject to some form of physical violence in order to again, identify sins that may have made that possible and to deal with them at the source.
This involves a man lying with a man as a woman. I refer you to Leviticus 18 verse 22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination." Leviticus 20 verse 13 "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination." 1 Corinthians 6, 9 and 10 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God, do not be deceived, neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God." So understand that homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God, it is one of the reasons why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Do not be under any illusion. I refer you also to Genesis 19 verses 5-8 which refers to the angels that went into Sodom to take Lot out and Lot invites the angels into his house and the men of Sodom gather at the door and we read as follows "They called to Lot and said to him "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally." So Lot went out to them through the doorway, shut the door behind him and said "Please my brethren, do not do so wickedly, see now I have two daughters who have not known a man, please let me bring them up to you and you may do to them as you wish. Only do nothing to these men since this is the reason they've come under the shadow of my roof."" So we see a significant responsibility of Lot who's regarded elsewhere in Scripture as righteous to protect the men who'd come under his roof and that seemingly homosexuality is such an abomination and perversion in the sight of God that Lot would rather have sacrificed his two virgin daughters than to have had his male guests homosexually raped.
We see in Judges 19 verses 22-24 a similar thing, this is the story of the Levite who is travelling and he goes to a city in Benjamin for the night and he's invited by an Ephramite to spend the night with him and we read from verse 22 as they were enjoying themselves. "Suddenly certain men of the city, perverted men surrounded the house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man saying "Bring out the man who came to your house so we may know him carnally." But the man, the master of the house, went out to them and said to them "No my brethren, I beg you, do not act so wickedly. Seeing this man has come into my house, do not commit this outrage. Look, there is my virgin daughter and the man’s concubine, let me bring them out now, humble them and do with them as you please but to this man do not do such a vile thing." In that instance, the man’s concubine was eventually given out to the men, they gang raped her for the entire night, she died the next morning and we read in the tape on the price of righteousness how 40 thousand men of Israel and 26 thousand men of Benjamin and all the women and children and animals were killed as a consequence of this one gang rape. Recognize also that the situation with Lot, that the final wrath of the judgment on Sodom may have been made full by that final act of intent to commit homosexual rape. We also read in Romans 1: 27 likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another. Men with men, committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves a penalty of their error which was due.
So we see considerable Scripture condemning homosexuality, stating that it's a perversion and we see from that that death is the judgment for that in this life which is no longer applied but certainly in the life to come unless it's repented of. Accept that if there has been homosexuality in this age, it may well be associated with bloodline, demonic stuff or newly acquired demonic infestation. If there has been homosexuality in previous generations, that curse will pass down the bloodline. A man whose father or grandfather or even further back down the generations, on either side, mother or the fathers was a male homosexual, will almost certainly be marked with a spiritual mark and at some time of his life will find himself severely tormented by homosexual lust and very easily dragged into it. You need to get to the root of this sin, repent, deal with all demonic presence curses, bloodline curses and so forth. If a man has had a homosexual account particularly after marrying, he needs to repent to his wife. It is a vile act of the spiritual adultery because it brings his spirit and unites it to that of another man and they need to sanctify their marriage as in tape 3.7. If a man is a homosexual and he marries a woman, the same process applies. In cases where homosexual men do enter into heterosexual marriages there is frequently a lot of psychological and emotional and spiritual abuse which takes place.
Lesbianism, let me define the term as I am using it in this particular teaching. It refers to women who are not the wives of one man and therefore are not One Flesh with one another engaging in sexual intimacy in which the one woman assumes a dominance pseudo male role in the relationship and in sexual intercourse, probably making use of artificial and mechanical substitutes for the male sexual organ. There is no explicit Scripture relating to this although it is widely held that Romans 1:26-27 does relate to this and I read "For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions, for even their women exchanged the natural use for that for what is against nature. Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which is due." We see that that passage seems to in broad terms refer to the variety of sexual sins which are explicitly prohibited in Leviticus 18 and 20 but where there is absolutely no reference to female to female sexual intimacy however we infer that it would be wrong for women who are One Flesh with their husbands to do this outside of marriage and it is certainly wrong for a woman to...if we read elsewhere in Scriptures, that women may not dress as a man, we may certainly infer that for a woman to strap on an imitation sexual organ and to play the role of a man in intercourse with a woman is an abomination in the sight of God.
From what I've studied and what I believe the Spirit of God has shown to me, it appears that One Flesh Bonds can form in female to female sexual intimacy, particularly where it's associated with strong orgasmic experiences and therefore, the cutting of those One Flesh Bonds and sanctification would be necessary. Note however that if the wife of a man is sexually intimate with a woman who is the wife of another man, since both are One Flesh with their respective husbands it is a form of homosexuality for the wives to be sexually intimate because they are joining the spirits of their respective husbands together and it can be taken that this is sin and it must be cut off, repented of and the marriage sanctified again as set out in tape 3.7. If the other woman is unmarried and free to marry, the husband should accept her as his wife, recognizing that there's no Scripture which prohibits the wives of one man being sexually intimate with one another and that was dealt with at some length in a previous teaching.
This relates to sexual intercourse between a man and an animal or a woman and an animal. It's an extreme perversion and I refer you to Leviticus 18 verse 23 "Nor shall you mate with any animal to defy yourself with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it, it is perversion." Leviticus 20:15-16 "If a man mates with an animal he shall surely be put to death and you shall kill the animal. If a woman approaches any animal and mates with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal. They shall surely be put to death if blood is upon them." I'm unclear whether a spiritual bond is formed in such instances but it would be wise to cut off such bonds and to realize that this will be associated with serious demonic activity, serious bloodline curses and so forth. It is serious sin but then at the same time there is likely to be major sin which permitted its entry. If a partner in a marriage is engaged in bestiality since consummation of the marriage the Covenant has been terribly defiled and even if this happened before marriage, the marriage will not be Holy. All relevant repentance, deliverance, etc discussed previously and particularly I refer you again to tape 3.7. It would be necessary to sanctify the marriage and I must advise you in a case like this particularly to consult deliverance specialists. Bestiality is amongst the most extreme perversions that Satan has introduced into the world and the stuff that follows from that will require expert assistance that is not the ministry in which we operate at this stage and we don't have knowledge and experience in it but there are those (inaudible (01:13:56)). This is not to say that either ourselves or other prophetic ministers could not help you by the Spirit of God should you be unable to contact somebody else.
Sex, so called intercourse, with demonic spirits, Incubus spirits, spirits which come to a man or a woman and take on some apparent human form and have some form of intercourse with them. I'm not entirely sure but it's important to understand the fact that the Devil is able to do that just demonstrates how significantly sexual intercourse is a spiritual act, it is not just a mechanical, physical animalistic act. People who have had intercourse with demons, particularly through processes of illumination etc, will again need particular deliverance ministry from those who are experienced in that field. People who have had intercourse through Satanism, witchcraft, illumination, Celtic rights, most of these are associated with extreme fornication, sexual perversion, curses, hexes, ungodly vows, drinking of blood, in numerable other abominations which ensure that anyone coming out of one of those situations will bring massive spiritual damage and danger with them. For a believer to marry a woman who has been a witch, a Satanist, heavily involved in cults, if he doesn't know clearly that God has lead him to do it and he's not well informed and he's not well aware of the need to apply the blood on a regular basis and to pray protection and to seek deliverance for his wife, he's entering into the most dangerous situation possible.
The full sanctification process set out previously should be adopted and in addition, you should if at all possible, seek ministry from specialists in the field. You could contact Carol Orfa and I have given her details before but I'll give them to you again. Her email address is Her address is PO Box 5595, Cresta, 2118, Republic of South Africa. And Carol is very knowledgeable and will be able to potentially help you. Steve (inaudible (01:16:40)) at the Bornfree website, that's, Steves email address is, Steve has a cult exit ministry and will be able to help you, put you in touch with somebody. Bob Larson, we've spoken about previously has an exorcism ministry and can be found at on the internet. The Derek Prince ministries is strong in the area of deliverance. And there are others referred to in the tape on deliverance in volume two. Tape 2.12, if you haven't listened to it, contains much information there.
All of these factors will contaminate you, your marriage and your spouse but the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus are able to overcome in all cases when they're applied by those who have a revelation of their authority in Christ Jesus, have the anointing to minister and have the relevant knowledge and experience. In the areas of adultery, divorce and putting away, my wife and I are well qualified by experience to help you but as in all things, pray and ask Yahweh to lead you to those best qualified to help you. I stress again, if you're considering marriage with a person whose been through many of the things we've dealt with, preferably let them be sanctified and deal with those things before you marry them unless you are very clear that God is telling you to do it now and He will only do that if it is necessary for their deliverance and their salvation. There is a moving testimony on Steve (inaudible (01:18:24)) website,, of a situation where Yahweh told him to marry a woman who had been seriously abused in Satanic rights, etc, multiple personality disorders, completely schizophrenic and the only way that she could be saved from utter destruction was for that man to lay down his life and marry her and all hell broke loose in his life for several years later to bring her to a place of safety. So unless you know that Yahweh is calling you to do that and you're doing it with your eyes open, first sanctify the relationship, sanctify the person concerned before you enter into marriage.
If you are joined to somebody who has been through those things, you may have already experienced some of the consequences and you will need to deal with it, you need to sanctify the marriage as an interim precaution, apply the blood regularly, in extreme cases apply the blood daily before sexual intercourse or intimacy. There are many other aspects to this, none of this should be taken as reason to be discouraged. The word of God says "For lack of knowledge my people perish, if you have the knowledge you're able to deal with the situation and the Spirit of God is well able to set you free provided you come to Him by faith.” And so I would encourage you not to be discouraged by the stuff that's been taught here, rather just see it as a revelation which enables you, if you've been through any of these things, to recover and be set free. God wants you to experience Heaven on earth in your marriage, no matter what the Devil has put you through in the past. If the Devils put you through a lot it may well indicate that God has a major calling on your life, a major anointing on your life and the Devil is very scared of you. The Devil generally doesn't go and mess with people unless he has something to gain from it.
As I've explained in other teachings, the Devil is outnumbered and out powered by the Spirit of God therefore he will focus his energies where he can do the most damage to the Kingdom of God. He keeps most people in bondage with deception and lies and where that doesn't work he goes into more extreme forms of perversion. The implication of that is that we should not judge, those people who are in the greatest spiritual carnage right now may well be people who are more deeply loved by God than those of us who have never been to hell on earth in some of these situations. The blood of Jesus is all powerful, it will cleanse anybody who will truly, by faith, come and seek the cleansing of the blood of Jesus.
Final Message
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that if there's anything that has been uttered on this tape that is not according to Your word or according to Your will, You will blow it away and it will find no root in the hearts of the hearers. And in the same way Father, I ask that everything that is according to Your will and according to Your word, will find deep root in their hearts and that it will go and produce abundant fruit in Jesus name. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world. Amen.
This message has been recorded by a Church without walls and ministry of end time issue ministries, Po Box 898, Randpark Ridge, Randburg, 2156, Republic of South Africa. We can be contacted by email at Our phone numbers international dialing code, normally 0027 but this may vary from country to country, the 27 is standard. Our landline 0027 11 791 2327 or in South Africa 011 791 2327. My mobile number 0027 83 251 6644 and in South Africa 083 251 6644. Our fax number internationally 0027 11 791 5004 and locally 011 791 5004. All materials produced by this ministry are available at no cost to those who require them, irrespective of financial means. At the same time, donations and offerings are clearly welcome to support the word.
Please feel free to copy any of our materials in part or in full as the Lord leads you. Understanding that the manner in which you utilize those materials and the manner in which you cite them and quote them is for your account on the Day of Judgment. So we would ask you to use the materials widely, but please feel free to copy them however you see fit and to share these truths with anybody as the Lord leads. I would urge those of you who received copies of these tapes at no charge that once you've listened to them that you consider passing them on and blessing others with them. Our heart's desire is that they should not become a artifact sitting on a bookshelf and gathering dust but that the word of God contained in these teachings should be spread as far and as widely as possible. Should you be lead by the Lord to sow into this Ministry, our bank account is end time issue ministries, the account number is 042 752 7805, the branch is the Standard Bank of South Africa, Randburg branch and the branch code is 018 005.
You've been listening to these messages, you've realized that you do not have a personal saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and that if you were to die right now, you would not spend Eternity in Heaven with him. I would urge you to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to pray the prayer of salvation. The steps to salvation are as follows. Firstly admit and recognize that you are a sinner. Romans 3 verse 23 says "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Secondly, accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that He came to Earth as a man, that He was crucified and died on the cross, that on the third day, He rose again and is now seated at the right hand of the Father and that by his death and resurrection He took your sins for Eternity. Romans 5:8 says, "but God demonstrates his own love towards us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Thirdly, confess your sins, repent of your sins and turn around. Repentance means turning around, it means ceasing to do what you now realize is wrong. 1 John 19 says, "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness for confess your faith that Jesus Christ is Lord, that you believe this and receive His salvation and invite Him to dwell in your heart." Romans 10: 9 and 10 says, "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Give thanks to God for your salvation, pray and cry out to God and give thanks to him for saving you. Work out your salvation by the Spirit of God." Philippians 2:12 says, "therefore, my beloved, as you've always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
Salvation is a process. You are saved the moment you pray the sinner's prayer, the prayer of salvation and invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and be Lord of your life. But Salvation is also a process whereby your mind is renewed and you come to have a personal and deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is your choice how far you go in that relationship. He desires a wonderful and a deep and intimate relationship with you, but it is your choice whether you will do what is necessary to come to that place through reading your Bible, praying, seeking counsel, seeking guidance. You should be water baptized at the first possible opportunity. Matthew 3:6 says "And were baptized by him in the Jordan confessing their sins." Encourage you to ask the Lord to lead you to somebody who has some knowledge of the basic ordinance of water baptism who can water baptize you, which leads you to a Church where they can water baptize you.
There's no reason why you cannot be water baptized today as a symbolic cleansing and washing of your sins. In fact, the minute you have prayed the sinners prayer it would be preferable for you to be water baptized. Choose to be obedient to the word of God, accept the Bible in its original Hebrew as given by the Spirit of God and choose to live your life according to that. 1John 5:3 says "For this is the love of God that we keep His Commandments and His Commandments are not burdensome." I encourage you to read the word of God daily and to put into practice everything that you encounter. As a principle which I believe will bear fruit in your life, I would encourage you to make an effort right now, after you've prayed this prayer, start reading your Bible from the book of John through to the book of Revelation.
And then make a discipline of reading the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation at least two, three, four times a year. And read the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi at least once a year. And I would encourage you to do that using different translations. Ask God to lead you to the Church where he wants you to be at this time where they will teach you, they will guide you, they will pray for you and they will help you to walk in the fullness of what God has called you to be. Be aware that God may move you from Church to Church over time to teach you new things. And you should not be reluctant to do this. The service of God is a personal choice. It's a wonderful choice. And if you will step out by faith today and pray the sinner's prayer and follow Him, you will reap a rich harvest if that is your desire to be found faithful on the day of judgment. Should you have listened to this and have decided that you and I are ready to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, I would ask you to pray the following prayer with me in Jesus' name.
Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I confess that I'm a sinner. I confess that I don't have a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and I recognize that without Jesus, if I were to die right now, I would spend Eternity in hell and not with You. I confess that I've sinned and I repented those sins and I turned around. I choose to turn my back on sin and to serve God. I confess that Jesus Christ came to Earth as a man, that he was crucified, that he died and was buried and that he was resurrected on the third day and that he sits on the right hand of the father. I confess by faith that he died to take all of my sins and I thank You Jesus for taking my sin and I give You my sin right now in Jesus' name.
I confess by faith that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I choose now Lord Jesus to make You the Lord of my life. I invite You to come and dwell in my heart. I invite You to take charge of my life. I invite You to start leading and guiding me and directing me and I give You my life and everything that I have and I commit myself to serving You now. Lord Jesus, I thank You that You've heard me and I thank You that You have now come to live in me and I thank You for saving me. I thank You that I'm now a child of the most high God. I thank You that I'm now a servant of the most high God and that You will lead me and guide me into the paths that You want me to walk, I ask You Lord to lead me to the Church where You want me to be.
I ask You in the name of Jesus to bring the people that You want in my life, into my life by Your Spirit, and to remove the people that You don't want in my life by Your Spirit, in Jesus name. I ask You to close all doors in my life that You do not want to open, that no man may open them and I ask You to open every door in my life that You want opened, that no man may close it in Jesus' name. Father, I ask You to teach me to be led by Your Spirit. I ask You to open my eyes, to have a revelation of the word of God. I ask You to give me a hunger for the word of God and for Your Spirit and I ask You to teach me to pray, in Jesus name. I thank You Father and I thank You Jesus for saving me and I declare that I am now a child of God and I praise You and I worship You and I glorify Your Holy name and I thank You for changing me and saving me and delivering me in Jesus name. Amen.
Now that you've prayed that prayer and you're born again into the body of Christ, realize that the Christian walk is a journey, the apostle Paul likens it to a marathon race. You need guidance, you need assistance. If you have no one to help you, pray and ask the Holy Spirit of God to come into your life and to help you. If you need to contact somebody, contact any of the major ministries. If you're not sure who to contact, contact this ministry through the address and telephone number and email details that were supplied earlier. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.
05_10 The Implications of Isaiah 4:1
This is tape number 3.10 entitled The Implications of Isaiah 4-1 in the series Understanding Gods way in Marriage volume 3 dealing with the practical application of the marriage teachings. Before commencing this teaching, it's a particularly challenging teaching and I would really encourage you, if you've got to this tape without going through the entire set of the proceeding 53 odd tapes, please I would encourage you to go back to wherever you've left off or if you haven't listened from the beginning, go back to the beginning and start at the beginning. If you get to this tape without having worked through this entire series, there is a very high probability that you're not equipped with the necessary understanding of the Scriptures to receive this particular teaching in a constructive way and you could end up sinning in a serious fashion. Before I go any further, I would like to pray with you assuming that you have listened to the proceeding tapes. Please understand if you listen to this tape without listening to the proceeding 53 tapes and you are offended and you do end up rejecting this teaching the blood will be on your hands on the Day of Judgment and I would really desire that that did not happen to you. If you're informed in these areas and you feel comfortable and you understand what's probably covered by this teaching, by all mean, continue but please understand you're accountable before God for your response to this teaching.
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus and I bring the listeners to this teaching before you. Father, I pray that you will open their ears to hear what you would have them hear and close their ears that they do not hear what you don't want them to hear. I pray that you will open their eyes of their spirits to see and receive that which you want them to receive and close their eyes that they don't see or receive what you don't want them to receive. I speak to any demon or fallen angel or other cohort to Satan in hearing of this teaching, I bind you, I command you to leave now and go to the pit for a thousand years, in the name of Jesus. Father, I ask you to cover every person listening to this tape with the blood of Jesus from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet, I ask you to cover their families and myself and my family, with the blood of Jesus from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet, in Jesus name. I ask you to cover the location in which they're listening to this tape with the blood of Jesus, the walls, the floors, the ceilings, the roof, the doors, the windows, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels if they're in the room and the immediate environment if they're outside, in Jesus name. I ask that your angels can camp around them to protect them, to keep any demon or fallen angel from interfering with the receiving of this teaching and I bind any spirit that is potentially oppressing any listener in the name of Jesus, I command you to go down and be silent until completion of this teaching and I ask you Father to send your mighty warring angels to find such demons and silence them and stop their ears until the person listening has finished listening to this teaching, in Jesus name. I thank you Father that you will confirm this teaching, I thank you that you send your angels to (inaudible (00:03:26)) the listeners in Jesus name.
Before going further, I would also draw your attention in terms of preparing your heart to receive this teaching. 1 John 5:2 and 3 says "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and we keep His Commandments, for this is the love of God that we keep His Commandments and His Commandments are not burdens." This teaching deals with an aspect of Scripture the implementation of that Scripture and particularly Isaiah 4:1 which is extremely challenging in the world today in terms of the heresies that are prevalent in the world today and I have to say to you that you must measure what you hear today against 1 John 5:2 and 3. If you love God you will keep His Commandments no matter how much they challenge your current paradigm of what the word of God says. Also, Deuteronomy 4:1 and 2 "Now Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you to observe that you may live and go in and possess the land which Yahweh, God of your Fathers, is giving you. You shall not add to the word which I command you nor take anything from it but you may keep the Commandments of Yahweh, your God, which I command you."
Clearly, we may not add or take away from the word of God and I really urge you to realize that there is much in the area of marriage, which I'm sure if you've listened to all the tapes you will be absolutely convinced of virtually everything that is taught in the Church today concerning marriage is pagan in origin, it's heresy, it's false. If you love God, if you fear His judgment, and we're not far from the end of this age, you really must seek the truth with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength. Proverbs 30 verses 5 and 6 "Every word of God is pure, He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar." And Revelation 21:8 very clearly says that all lies will have a part in the lake of fire and brimstone. So really, we cannot afford to add to or take away from the word of God because we will face a harsh judgment and much has been taken away from the word of God and added to the word of God in the area of marriage. If you truly desire to be amongst those who've found to be wheat and not tares, sheep and not goats, wise virgins, faithful servants on the Day of Judgment, you cannot afford to ignore this teaching. Much of what's in this teaching builds on what's contained in the previous series, particularly tapes 1.8, 1.18 and 2.21 and numerous of the other teachings.
Isaiah 4
They show clearly that Yahweh created women from creation, prior to the fall of Adam and Eve, to have only one husband and created man to have more than one wife. We've seen repeatedly that this is essential to understanding adultery, divorce and many other facets of married life in the Christian faith and, in fact, understanding the parallel between marriage and the Christian walk and we've seen that repeatedly in Ephesians 5:29 - 31. And also the reality that this is vital to understanding why there is so much divorce and marital trauma in the world today. If, at this point, you still have reservations about whether the word of God truly permits a man to have more than one wife then the Scriptural definition of marriage, which is available in draft from this ministry, contains a nearly exhaustive analysis of scripture from every angle we're aware of as well as historical information which further supports the conclusion that Isaiah 4:1 indicates that it is Yahweh's will and intention and his heart that on average seven women should share the covering of one man in the faith. If you obtained these teachings on a data CD, a copy of the book should be included on one of the CD's, either in word perfect or MS word format.
At this point I'd just like to recap and read Isaiah Chapter 4 and I want to read it, as I've done on previous occasion, from verse 6 to verse 1 since it refers to a particular day and we need to understand what day we're talking about. Verse 6, "And there will be a tabernacle for shade in the day time from the heat for a place of refuge and for shelter from storm and rain." Verse 5, "And then Yahweh will create above every dwelling place of mount Zion and above her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night for overall the glory there will be a covering." Verse 4, "When Yahweh has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and purged the blood of Jerusalem from her midst by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning." Verse 3, "And it shall come to pass, that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem, will be called Holy, everyone who is recorded among the living in Jerusalem." Verse 2, "In that day the branch of Yahweh shall be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and appealing for those of Israel who've escaped."
It's apparent from these verses that the day we're talking about is the day of the end of the age, the Day of Judgment, the spirit of judgment, the spirit of burning will come. Zion and Jerusalem are both shadows and types of the spiritual Church, the Church of the body of true believers are so called remnant, those people who overcome to the end, the branch speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ, the messiah, so this speaks of the second coming of the Lord Jesus. So we are speaking definitely the end of the age, we're speaking the seventh day of creation which is where we are now and we read then in verse 1 "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying we will eat our own food and wear our own apparel only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach." And we see clearly, and we have seen before, that the calling of the woman by a man's name is a Covenant act associated with marriage. And we've seen that it is a reproach for a woman to be unmarried, it is a shame, it is a symbol of rejection and uncleanness and only very few women are called by God to live celibate lives, it's Gods intention for every women to have a Godly husband and we see that very clearly coming through in Isaiah 4:1.
Many of these aspects have been touched on in previous teachings but I would like to spend an hour or so with you and go through in much greater depth the true implications of Isaiah 4:1. It's apparent that many people who do have some degree of revelation about this truth have yet to come to a full revelation and have not understood fully the significance of Isaiah 4:1 in this age. So my objective in this teaching is to make those implications visible to you. First of all, I would like to discuss some social impacts in terms of the practical application of Isaiah 4:1 in society today. In terms of the broad social impact, the following aspects are significant. Firstly, it is God's heart for every woman to have the covering of a Godly man. Secondly, at the end of the age which is at hand there will be seven times more women than men in the remnant of true believers. Thirdly, it is therefore necessary for every man who truly loves God to extend his covering to on average seven women. If he is not willing to do that he may well be found to be tares and not wheat, a goat and not a sheep, a foolish virgin, a (inaudible (00:11:17)) and find himself rejected on the Day of Judgment. Fourthly, likewise, it is necessary for every woman who is married to such a man to encourage single Christian women who truly are true believers and who need a covering to come into that marriage, if she does not, she is increasingly likely to be rejected. It is coming to time where I sincerely believe that married Christian women are going to be required by God to seek out those women who need a covering being guided by Yahweh’s Spirit. But I believe God is coming to a time now when those women will be required to go out proactively, the reality is that the majority of true believing women out there without husbands, who are desperately crying out for husbands, do not have a revelation of the truth of Isaiah 4:1, the truth about marriage and they will have to be sensitively and actively sought out by believing women who have husbands who qualify to provide a covering to those women.
Fifthly, there are many women who are married to men who will not last the pace. If we take account of the harsh reality, that there will be seven times more women than men in the true believing remnant, we have to conclude that even though currently there are far more believing women than men in the body of Christ anyway, some of those men will still fall away and many women are married to men who are either token nominal believers or unbelievers and those men, for the most part, may well not last the pace, they may well not be part of the remnant. It is going to be extremely challenging for women married to such men to overcome to the end, they will have to submit, they will have to lay down their lives, they will have to intercede. We have seen repeatedly during this series that they cannot just walk away from their husbands, they have to lay down their lives, the only basis in which they can leave their husband is if that man comes to a place where he has either lost his salvation or has committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming the holy spirit or has otherwise come to a place where he has no salvation and therefore he is spiritually dead with no hope of resurrection, no hope of salvation and at that point Yahweh may commit the woman to divorce, particularly if there were children.
Sixthly, Godly women who are seeking a Godly husband are unlikely to find one who is not already married. It is vital, if you're a single woman and you've been crying out to God for a husband, evaluate any man that comes across your path carefully and ask Yahweh’s guidance. You cannot afford, at this season, to marry a man who is not Gods perfect will for you, who is not a mature believer, who is not going to be able to stand firmly in the tribulation that is at hand. You dare not marry hastily, you need to pray continually, ask the Lord to bring the people that He wants into your life and take the people that He doesn't want out. Ask Him to lead you to the man that He's appointed as your husband, be alert, be on the lookout and expect that it is highly probable that that man will already have at least one wife. If that's the case and you feel that the Lord is speaking to you, ask Him to guide you. You might need to go speak to that man’s wife, point out the implications of this teaching and ask her to pray about it and ask her if she would be willing to approach her husband on your behalf. It's Scriptural for you to go directly to that man as well, if that's the way the Lord leads you. And there's a previous teaching in volume 2, tape number 21 which deals with some of those aspects and you should feel at liberty to do that. Understanding that the vast majority of believers right now are not prepared for this truth so it may be wise to approach the matter sensitively and gently, possibly by giving the couple concerned a set of these teachings.
Seventhly, many women have been put away and they must be restored and this has been addressed in some length in the previous teaching. Eighthly, many men have been rejected as immoral and thrown out of the Church for suggesting that they could take another wife or, in fact, are taking another wife and it's important to understand that those men are frequently more spiritual and closer to God's part than most in the body of Christ. And certainly those who've cast them out, who've hardened their hearts against the word of God, will face a very strict judgment if they do not repent. Ninth point, many women who have left their husbands because they've accused him of cheating on them, taking a second wife, whatever are going to have to return to their husbands. Many men and women are living in adultery where the woman may be required to return to her true husband in the sight of Yahweh and we've had some discussion about that in several of the preceding tapes, particularly the tape on establishing who you're really married to. And in all of this, realize there is great judgment coming on those who do not sanctify themselves and do what is right.
I mentioned previously the instance of a woman whose husband, in the light of marital trauma, started a relationship with his virgin secretary. After five years he realized that he had a marital obligation to her in terms of Scripture, his wife totally vehemently and viciously opposed him and eventually accused him of listening to the devil which is effectively blaspheming the Holy Spirit and ultimately he had a vision in which the Lord Jesus showed him a rotting corpse of a woman in the marital bed and indicated that this woman was spiritually dead and had been spiritually dead for some time. The only implication of that being that the man should divorce his wife. I believe that this is something that is rapidly approaching. I found myself yesterday morning on my knees before the father, receiving a serious rebuke for my failure in my own family, to put this teaching into practice and a severe rebuke from my wife for opposing it which brought both of us to repentance and a place where we believe that the fulfillment of these teachings in our own lives is now imminent. But I have to say to you, the Father is no longer going to tolerate people who pervert and corrupt His word and oppose His word and impute ungodly motives to those that are seeking to do right in the sight of God. You need to have a revelation that the word of God permits a man to have more than one wife, that Isaiah 4:1 clearly indicates that in this age many men will have seven wives and that to oppose that for selfish or any reason, is seeking harsh judgment.
I want to spend some time discussing the question why seven, what is so significant about the number seven in Isaiah 4:1 and why should we see Isaiah 4:1 as indicating a state of perfection in marriage and being a key component of the fulfillment of Heaven on earth in marriage. Firstly, recognize that seven is the number of completion, it's the number of perfection, it's the number of Covenant, this point has been made previously, it's made by Bennie Henman in the teaching on the anointing. Seven refers to the completion of the age, we are now in the seventh day, by most people’s reckoning the seventh day from creation where days is a thousand years so we're in the seventh millennium from the creation of Adam and Eve, the millennium of completion, fulfillment of the Covenant. Understand that on the first day of creation, man had one wife but on the seventh day of creation man will have seven wives, the number of completion, the number of fulfillment, the number of perfection. Seven is a number that is used throughout Scripture to indicate perfection and completion.
I am just going to read a few verses, Revelation 1:4 "John to the seven Churches which are in Asia, Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and is to come and from the seven spirits who before his throne." Revelation 3:1 "And to the angel of the Church in Sardis write, these things says he who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars", this is speaking of Jesus. Revelation 4:5 "From the throne proceeded lightning, thundering and voices, seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne which are the seven Spirits of God." Revelation 1:20 "The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand", this is Jesus speaking "and the seven golden lamp stands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven Churches and the seven lamp stands which you saw are the seven Churches." And that seven lamp stands is a fulfillment of the prophetic statement of the lamp stand defined by God to Moses in the (inaudible (00:21:23)) Genesis 2:2 and 3 "And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made." And it seems increasingly that once the initial turmoil of the tribulation has come to an end, once we've moved fully into the millennium reign of Christ, mankind will rest from their battle against Satan in the same way that God and Jesus will end rest from their battle against Satan.
Exodus 13:6 "Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and on the seventh day there shall be a feast to Yahweh." Exodus 31:13 - 18 "Speak also to the children of Israel, surely my Sabbath you shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations that you may know that I am Yahweh who sanctifies you. You shall keep the Sabbath therefore for it is Holy to you, everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death. For whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. Work shall be done for six days but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, Holy to Yahweh, whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, He shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual Covenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever for in six days Yahweh made the Heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed. And when he had made an end of speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone written with the finger of God." So we see here the Commandment given by God to observe the seventh day and keep it Holy. So we see that the seventh is a particularly important day, seven speaks of Holiness and sanctification.
Exodus 28, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy." Exodus 25:37, "You shall make seven lamps for it and they shall arrange the lamps so they give light in front of it." The prophetic statement of the lamps in Revelation. Zachariah 4:2 "And He said to me "What do you see?" so I said I am looking and there's a lamp stand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it and on the lamp stands seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps." So we see that lamps stand going throughout Scripture. Genesis 29:20 "So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her." Again, seven the number of fulfillment, perfection and Covenant. Genesis 21:28-29 "And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves. And Abimelech lost hope in what is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs which you've set by themselves?" Seven, the number of Covenant. Genesis 29:27 "Fulfill her week and we will give you this and also for the service which you will serve with me still another seven years." Laban speaking to Jacob after his put Leah in Jacobs bed instead of Rachel. And again, we see the seven days for the consummation of marriage and fulfillment of marriage as we've seen in previous teachings. And it may be significant though it is not intended that tape 3.7 deals with the sanctification and the cutting of the Holy Covenant.
Genesis 33:3 talking about Jacob returning to his brother Esau "Then he crossed over before them and bowed himself to the ground seven times until he came near to his brother." Leviticus 4:6 "The priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle some of the blood seven times before Yahweh, in front of the vial of the sanctuary." Leviticus 8:33 "And you shall not go outside the door of the tabernacle of meeting for seven days, until the days of your consecration have ended, for seven days he shall consecrate you." So again, we see the number seven as consecration. Leviticus 12:2 "Speak to the children of Israel, saying if a woman has conceived and born a male child then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of her customary impurity, she shall be unclean." So seven is the number of cleanliness, of sanctification. Leviticus 13:4 dealing with cleansing of leprosy "But if the bright spot is white in the skin of his body and does not appear to be deeper than the skin and his hair has not turned white, then the priest shall isolate the one who has the sores seven days." Leviticus 14:8 "He who is to cleansed shall wash his clothes, shave off all his hair and wash himself in water that he may be clean. After that he shall come into the camp and shall stay outside his tent seven days." Again, the number of sanctification. Leviticus 16:19 "Then he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, cleanse it and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel." Sanctification again.
Leviticus 22:27 "When a bull or a sheep or a goat is born, it shall be seven days with its mother and from the eighth day and thereafter it shall be accepted as an offering made by fire to Yahweh." Leviticus 23:41 and 42 speaking of a feast of booths or tabernacles "You shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh, for seven days in the year it shall be a statute forever in your generation. You shall celebrate it in the seventh month. You shall dwell in booths for seven days, all who are native Israelites shall dwell in booths." Matthew 18:21 and 22 "Then Peter came to Him and said Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, I do not say to you up to seven times, up to seventy times seven." Slightly different perspective, Luke 11:26 speaking about a demon that has been cast out, it says then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first, so seven there speaks of the strongest number one plus seven and that refers us back to Isaiah 4:1. Seven crops up throughout Scripture with a wide diversity of implications but all of them speak of strength, of Covenant, of Sanctification, of Holiness, of fulfillment, of completion and we read in Romans 11:4 referring to Gods response to Elijah. But what does the divine response say to him, I've reserved for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to bar, again the number of completion. So we see continuously reference to these truths.
Personality styles
I want to go on and from a variety of secular and human resource and management perspectives, I want to just help you to understand why seven wives to one man is such an amazingly powerful concept and why it is God’s plan for this age, why it represents perfection, why it is a vital component of restoring all truth to the earth in this age, why it is a vital component to casting Satan into the pit in this age and why Satan fears it so much and hates it so much and has expended so much energy over the last few thousand years to entrench the heresy of monogamy and to destroy those who would practice Gods form of marriage. Remember that if Satan can prevent there being a single Christian, a born again believer, alive on the day that Satan is intended to go into the pit or is sentenced to go into the pit, my discerning of Scripture is that God will have no manner in which He can give effect to that sentence. So Satan is hell bent on destroying believers and anything which makes believers stronger, which as we go through this teaching you will see that Isaiah 4:1 represents a form of marriage which is exceptionally strong and exceptionally powerful in spiritual terms and in secular and worldly terms, you will understand why. I remind you in tape 2:14 we saw that Covenant is the exchange of strength and weaknesses. I want to talk now about the eight major personality styles and I am going to seek to demonstrate to you through a variety of items of secular and management information that seven plus one is a number of great perfection and great strength.
I am going to make reference to widely used internationally recognized technique in the human resources field, the tool is referred to as the predictive index and the notes that I'm going to read to you come from the management and organization development program. Predictive index is, what's referred to in human resources terms, an instrument, it's a questionnaire with carefully selected words which are filled in on a response basis by personnel and there's a large body of historical, statistical information and underlying human resources signs which relates to the application of this instrument and its use in management, etc. It's a technique that I've used extensively, its helped me to understand in my management consulting, a number of situations where things were not working, where there was a lot of strife and tension or just not adequate productivity and I've always found that this instrument and instruments like it, there are several others, Myers Briggs Thomas and a number of others, which work in essentially the same way based on essentially the same theory dealing with the way people work and interact in a work situation. They equally have a bearing in the marital situation, they deal with interpersonal relationships, in fact in just about any situation and how people will respond in different situations and what personalities are likely to work well together and what are likely to conflict if they're on a one on one situation.
Predictive Index
I'm just going to read an overview of the predictive index which we (inaudible (00:31:58)). To influence or predict work behavior and awareness of how it is motivated is essential. Different people are motivated by different factors. Personality traits or factors drives the consistent forms of behavior, habitual ways of responding to stimuli. Predictive index measures for trays or drives which are most involved in behavior in the work environment visibly. A) Dominance, ascendance, assertiveness, B) Extroversion, sociability, gregariousness, C) Patience or stability, D) Blame avoidance, conformity, dependence. Each of these factors is a drive to behave in a particular way, every predictive index pattern is comprised of all four drives considered together the four drives influence and modify each other. The information obtained from the PI profile can benefit the organization and the individual in many ways, selection and placement, identifying training strategies and requirements, management strategies, improved communications and determining employee morale. It is not possible for a person to make the profile say what he wants it to say but it is possible for it to give incorrect information especially if a person does not understand words on the word list or there is a direct attempt to manipulate the results or to mislead. A few points to remember, the profile reflects potentials and an individual’s preferred behavior, not necessarily demonstrated behaviors. It in no way reflects intellect, know how, experience, etc, these must be assessed separately. The system assumes that every person has a certain amount of energy, it takes less energy to behave in a way that comes naturally than to behave out of character, trying to change is hard work. Change is possible when a person recognizes a need which is important (inaudible (00:33:56)) to him or her, some adaptations are easier than others ie. require less expenditure of energy. Some kinds of changes are simply too costly in terms of energy demanded eg, moving factors across the norm. The profile should never be used in isolation, track record must be taken into consideration as must observations of the persons demonstrated behavior. There is no good or bad profile, rather there are work environments that are compatible or incompatible with different profiles. The PI system also has a means of identifying what the various environments require. What is significant about this is the fact that profiles, personalities are very, very difficult to change. There are some changes that just can't be made and if a man or woman have a significant gap which would require adaptation it may not be possible and this can give rise to divorce situation. Alternatively, bringing in a second wife who has an intermediate profile can bridge the gap and remove all tension.
The next passage that I want to read out of the manual is pages 7 and 8, headed rational human behavior in the predictive index. Those patterns sum up in easy to read graphic form and measurements of behavior personality made by the predictive index. The value of those measurements to anyone whose responsible for making plans and decisions about the people in a business organization derives from the objectivity, accuracy, specificity, validity and work relatedness. The rationale of the system of measurement is based on concepts developed, observations made and data accumulated by psychologists applying scientific disciplines to the study of human behaviors starting in the early years of the 20th century as follows.
1) That observed and measured behavior provides the only valid basis for a science of psychology. This concept is called behaviorism and the psychologists who developed and practice it are called behaviorists. 2) That all human behavior is the product of response to stimulus, whenever we do anything we're acting in response to some stimulus. 3) Our behavior is governed by two different kinds of stimulus, response interactions. A) Those which come naturally do not need to be learned, they're generally called instincts, are common to all human beings everywhere and are essential to the physical survival of the individual and the species. B) Those which are the learned product of experience starting very early in our lives, such as specific training and teaching about how we should or should not behave, systems of reward and punishment, the example of role models and the impact of a great variety of events and experiences in the world around us. This process which develops the patterns of behavior which are measured by the predictive index is often called conditioning. 4) That the ways in which we respond to stimuli or behave in time becomes habitual and consistent so that all things being equal. A particular individual will respond to a particular stimulus or behave in the same way today that he or she did yesterday and will respond to that stimulus or behave in the same way tomorrow as today which is to say that our behavior is consistent and therefore predictable. At this point it is relevant to note firstly that obviously this can be influenced by demonic infestation but secondly, that each person grows up with a particular personality to a point (inaudible (00:37:38)) enforces a point that a girl who marries at 12 and a half/13 years old will be less entrenched in her personality and therefore more adaptable to a husband who is set in his ways at the age of 20 or so than if she marries at a later age. But at the same time, recognize that the indications are that some of this behavior is inherited and that is the way God created us to be. 5) All behavior is motivated, or to put it another way, no individual does anything, behaves until and unless he or she is first motivated, each of us can be motivated only by our own felt or perceived needs, your perceptions of needs cannot motivate me and my perceptions of need cannot motivate you. Only your needs motivate you and only my needs motivate me. Three enforces the point made in an earlier teaching, we cannot force change, change is a voluntary thing. 6) It is extremely difficult for most of us to know or understand what anybody else’s needs are, in fact it is almost impossible except for people who are strongly empathetic and as you will see many people in leadership and management positions are not empathetic. 7) The question how can leaders and managers possibly motivate other people if they do not know what the individual needs are? The answer, as we go further in this workshop, you will find that the predictive index gives you useful information about how every individual is motivated, that is about what each individual perceives his or her own needs to be. Now clearly we are not going to go into all of that but it's important that you have this background. Reading further, having that information you will then be able to understand how any individual can and must be motivated. More on the subject of motivation later. The general rule for now simply is never assume that anybody is motivated by the same needs which motivate you or anyone else. See the individual PI pattern for the right information. 8) The predictive index checklist is a miniature environment composed of 172 varied symbolic language stimuli response to which provides measurement of behavior and motivation in the real environment. Note: A more complete explanation of the source is rationale and development of the predictive index is provided in the supplement following the workshop notes in this book.
Again, we are not going to look at that in detail but it's important to recognize that these things have a direct bearing on any interpersonal relationship and they certainly have an enormous bearing on marriage which is the most intensely personal and most permanent form of inter relationship if we recognize that the teachings that have preceded this, particularly the reference to Proverbs 31 where we see that the wife is essentially a fully fledged business partner and co-worker with her husband in the ministry and the business which God has given them. You should understand that this is entirely relevant to that subject. Just in order to make the point a little bit more tangible, I am going to use the example of my own and my wife’s profiles and just pick up a few points to demonstrate some of the differences and again, this is something which Yahweh did in bringing the two of us together because our profiles, on the face of it, are very diametrically opposed and this has given us a lot of challenges in adapting to one another and it's reinforced the understanding that God did not intend the two of us to co-exist in a vacuum but to exist together with other wives who would fill the weaknesses that I have and my wife has and vice versa.
My profile the predictive index is termed scientific professional and I will just read a few highlights out of that description. In the pattern a lot of emphasis on analytical thinking, a strong critical sense and the qualities of a strong general technical orientation, he or she thinks fast but his thinking is also disciplined, well organized and based on facts in detail. Concerned for correctness of results and the possibility of making mistakes, can and will take risks but carefully calculated risks based on more information and anticipation of problems. Somewhat narrowly specialized, the person will develop a high level of expertise and a very thorough knowledge of their work. They have a lot of confidence in what knows they can do. Demanding and exacting, sure that they don't make mistakes and is extremely critical of and impatient with other who do. A lot of confidence in the work they do, much less in the work done by others, therefore delegates very little and when must, follows up and controls critically. Strong emphasis in this pattern on getting things done right and quickly. If you work for them, tells you what to do and exactly how to do it, differs in this respect from others. This person is quick to spot mistakes in the details of your work and will be brusque and harsh in their criticism. Reserved and introspective, very little interest in purely social talk or activity, strongly work oriented, expresses themselves factually and authoritively with little consideration for the feelings or attitudes of others but with precision. This is a creative personality but unlikely to be radically innovative because of the concerns of the high detail. A decisive person, decisions are soundly reasoned, supported by facts, difficult to work for, sets very high standards for self and others and is not satisfied with anything less. A cold personality, sometimes disliked by associates and subordinates but likely to be respected for expert knowledge and soundness of decisions. Needs opportunities to make strategic risked decisions which utilize and demonstrate analytical problem solving skills and know how, professional intellectual challenge and stimulation in work. Recognition for tangible results obtained rather than selling all political skills. Autonomy and expressing ideas and putting them into action. As you can see, a very distinct profile, that profile I believe is very strongly relevant in the prophetic office in which I work and which I operate and forms the basis of the teaching as you would have seen, I am not a motivational speaker and I'm not an educational person, I'm an analyst and this entire series is an analytical presentation of facts, it's not intended to be anything else and therefore probably comes across to you as drive, I guess I should complement you if you've hung in there, something like 54 teachings, it certainly must be the Spirit of God that has brought you this far.
By contrast, my wife's profiles which is referred to as diligence says this is very conscientious co-operative person, particularly careful, thorough and accurate in working with details, anxious to do what is expected and do it right. Modest, unassuming and conservative. Can be depended upon to do things consistently by the book and will depend upon professional or craft training and standards or management leadership to provide the structure which is needed for work. Once provided with and trained in the necessary standards, policies and structure will produce work of high quality, giving close attention to accuracy of details. Stable and dependable, has sufficient patience to do work of a repetitive nature and to maintain interest in and concentration on such work at a consistent level. An unselfish person motivated by strong sense of duty. Derives satisfaction from doing good work for the company, the boss and the team and values recognition of conscientiousness and specialized skill. A cautious person unlikely to question or make changes in established or conventional way of doing things. Avoiding risk or uncertainty by adhering closely to the book of which will develop thoroughly detailed knowledge and establish traditional values. In social terms, this is a rather unobtrusive, quiet person. Friendly and pleasant with people who knows well, reserved and formal in meeting new people. General social behavior is governed by a strong sense of propriety. Concern for doing and saying the right things. In familiar social and work situations in which you feel secure and comfortable, is an agreeable and helpful person. Respectful of leadership and conscious of responsibilities to the point of being a worrier about them at times. Very sensitive to criticism of work and behavior, strongly inclined to do all the work them self rather than delegate any of it to be sure that it is all done right. Needs assurance and security as is provided by specific thoroughly detailed description of job function responsibility. Recording an organizational relationship, thorough step by step training in the book, support provided by firm decisive knowledgeable management, a stable work environment, freedom from conflict. Trust in them and appreciation of their work are important satisfiers of their need to feel secure.
If you reflect on those two profiles, I think you will see that there's an enormous difference. My profile is highly analytical, it's innovative, it goes out and does things without needing approval from others. My wife’s profile is very, very opposite, it needs the book, etc. I had no difficulty when the Lord started speaking to me about these truths in marriage, in analyzing the Scriptures, praying the necessary prayers, coming to the conclusion that this was what the word of God said and being ready to go ahead with it. My wife, on the other hand, had enormous difficulty. She'd grown up for 40 years or close to 40 years with a book and an established learning pattern which was diametrically opposed to a lot of what's in this teaching. She's gone through 4 years of immense challenge in adapting and this has forced me to learn something’s about facilitating change and so forth, which I have to confess, I still am not very good at as you see from my profile, it's not a good delegating profile, it's not a good teaching profile, it's not a patient profile when it comes to people who don't have the knowledge that I have. In my case, linked to a very retentive memory that once was near photographic, very high cognitive and intellectual skills. It makes it very difficult for my wife to interact with me in many areas, it has caused a lot of tension, it's become increasingly apparent to me in the last year or more that it was never Gods intention for the two of us to battle these things out on our own and that there's clearly a need for other wives with different profiles, some who are closer to my profile, some who are closer to her profile so that there is a spectrum and a team that can work together.
The next aspect that I would like to address in referring to the predictive index is a section called the predictive index organizational analysis. The definition for executive management is the establishment of the organizations behavioral requirements and a register of its human resources using a practical objective methodology to plan organization development and growth. The definition for human resources specialists is the development of a manageable and practical database of the organizations human resources so that it provides a vehicle for effective process consultation in the context of organization development. The process depends on being able to classify and synthesize the profiles of large numbers of employees and job patterns. This purpose for language or classification code has been developed and this presents a succinct summary of the major profiles and these are as follows, technical orientation line, social orientation line, technical orientation support, social orientation support. Those four are under the heading of generalist, then there are four specialist categories, specialist technical orientation line, specialist social orientation line, specialist technical orientation support, specialist social orientation support.
My profile falls into the first category, generalist technical orientation line, my wife is at the other extreme, specialist social orientation support. What is particularly significant for me, in terms of that list, is that there are eight categories and each of those categories is distinctly well qualified for performing certain functions. Whether those functions are in a business environment, whether they're in a ministry environment or whether they're in a domestic environment. I stress to people repeatedly, I am not a people person, I am not a soft issue person, I view soft issues in a technical light. I am not a pastor, I will never be a pastor, I don't enjoy caring for people and looking after their problems. While I can communicate in public and I have no difficulty standing in front of a large group of people, I am not a motivational speaker, I am not an evangelist. I am also not a teacher, I am not a person who can repetitively go over stuff that people are battling to learn and hold their hands and help them to learn. So I'm not qualified and not suitable for any of those offices and anybody with my personality profile will not cut it as an evangelist, as a teacher or a pastor, that profile is appropriate to a prophet, it is potentially appropriate to an apostle raised through the prophetic ministry, which is the office in which I walk. Conversely, the specialist social orientation support is a very different profile to mine. The components of this classification, the generalist is somebody whose assertiveness is greater than their attention to detail.
Individuals whose need to control is greater than the need to conform, they have the potential to operate on the strength of their own confidence and are less dependent on knowledge, expertise and experience, they display more innovative behavior and companies rely on them for growth and new development. They have the potential for independent decision making and coping with authority and responsibility. Specialists, since the conformity need is greater than that to control these individuals derive confidence from knowledge, training, experience and structure, procedures, policies, supervision. By nature more cautious, conservative and conscientious and are better equipped for maintenance roles. That is where the emphasis is on quality, service, standards, control and efficiency. You can't run an organization just with generalists who are creating and bring about change, you need specialists to give effect for that change, to entrench it and stabilize it.
The next dimension, technical. Technically oriented individuals are those with a critical inquiring mind and naturally focus on the technical intellectual aspects of work, things, tasks, processes, systems. Their analytical problem solving abilities are a strength. Social, socially oriented individuals are those that focus on the people content of work, they are more intuitive and most comfortable when they can interact with others. These are the communicators, motivators, persuaders and facilitators. Again, I'm very, very comfortable not talking to people for days, I can sit in front of a computer and work, I can spend days seeking the Lord, listening to tapes and what have you, I have no need to talk to people. My wife can't do that, she needs to interact with people. That social interaction is much more a pastoral or evangelistic trait than the technical aspect that I have.
The third dimension, line and support. Line, these individuals are comfortable with the unpredictability and unexpected deadline pressures associated with line management positions. These conditions can also apply to staff positions. Most line management positions necessitate a sense of urgency and ability to make things happen. Support, these individuals have the potential to cope with the demands of pure support (inaudible (00:54:32)) with the emphasizes on consistency, accuracy and thoroughness. Many staff support roles require a high tolerance through repetition and attention to detail. I'm sure that you can see from those things, they're very different, different tasks require different personality profiles, it's extremely difficult to get somebody with an inappropriate profile to do a task they're not suited to. Therefore, one needs a diversity of all of those profiles in any business, to cater for the variety of tasks at hand and by the same token one needs a diversity of those profiles in a family situation, in the marriage, in the family business, in the household, in the raising of children, in the ministry, to ensure that the diversity of skills and personality strengths and weaknesses are available in order to conduct affairs effectively. There is a need for somebody who can communicate, there is a need for somebody who can analyze and lead and if you don't have all of those dimensions within the family unit it represents uncovered weakness which weakens the family as a whole, it opens the family to attack by the enemy in spiritual terms and it puts stress on those people who have to plug the gaps. As in our case, neither my wife nor I are extrovert communicators, if you want to get involved in anything which requires extrovert communication one of us has to push ourselves to do that and that creates stress, it means the communication is not free, it's not lighthearted and there is social interactions, there are ministry interactions that we can't get involved in just because we don't have, between us, the ability to do that. It will be apparent from this that to be able to cope, they recall the requirements of ministry business, family and life generally, a team comprising most and probably all of those eight magic categories is required so that we see from a human resources viewpoint that seven plus one looks like a perfect team provided it is put together by Yahweh.
There is no coincidence as far as I'm concerned, the PI shows eight major personality styles and that Isaiah 4:1 prophesize one man plus seven women giving eight, therefore providing for the eight different personality styles to be present in the marriage providing strength in every dimension. As mentioned in the passages that I've read, there are also cognitive, intellectual, experiential, educational and other dimensions over and above the personality which have a bearing. But in terms of relationship and team work, my own experience indicates that the personality is perhaps the most significant. Clearly, you need to select people that have the necessary cognitive, intellectual, experiential, educational and other backgrounds for a particular job function and by the same token, a particular family but in terms of getting on together, this is important. Again, it emphasizes why it is so critical to permit Yahweh to bring in a husband or a wife, we are so inadequately equipped as human beings to make that decision our self. Even if we use instruments like the predictive index. Bearing in mind that in a major corporation or in military context, people go through significant screening and interviewing and CV's and resumes profiling before they are appointed. At the very least, if one was to go into marriage without the guiding of the Lord, one really ought to do the same thing.
Another aspect, in management theory, it's generally accepted that an individual manager can manage effectively seven plus or minus two direct reports. In other words, a person with good cognitive and abstract skills might be able to manage nine subordinates, one who is not as gifted in that area may only manage five subordinates and generally speaking, most organizations lean to the lower number of subordinates. But again, we see that number seven coming through. And these are numbers that I've known for years in many instances or in some instances I have documents and slides going back to pre the time when I got a revelation of Isaiah 4:1 and that just helped this whole thing to fall into place. Widely accepted that the average person can manage seven plus or minus two abstract concepts or significant tasks, concurrently again between five and nine tasks, we see that number seven coming through. In terms of presentation theory, it's widely accepted that a pie chart should have seven plus or minus two slices to it, if there are less than five slices to a pie chart there are too few to be meaningful and if there more than nine or ten, it gets confusing and difficult to quickly assimilate and people are generally told to break it down into smaller components. And this number of seven plus or minus two, where seven being the ideal, applies to organizing many forms of information. In practice it tends to degrade to perhaps about five or six, simply because of the degenerate stance of man and that they're not able to cope the way God intended them to be. So we again see number seven as being the number of perfection, completeness, it's a number that's engrafted into the creation.
Armor of God
On a different note, recognize that Jesus always sent out his disciples two by two, by implication there should be an even number of people in a marriage and, generally speaking, a man or woman should not go out and minister on their own. Wives should be able to go out with another wife, husband should be able to go out with one of his wives. Again, we see seven plus one gives an even number which allows four groups to go out two by two. Another metaphor which came to me some while back in this context, I may not have mentioned in previous teachings, I was a military commander in the South African citizen force for a number of years with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel commanding a regiment of about 600 men and undergoing the necessary training to qualify as a Lieutenant Colonel. And there's some particular significance there, the teachings on judgment and the document poverty in the Church of Jesus Christ, which if you've got these teachings on CD, will God willing also be on the CD, uses extensive the basic metaphor. Further in the context of "We grow in Christ from a babe in the womb to a soldier that goes through basic training to a soldier that is eventually equipped and sent out in the extreme case, as an apostle, effectively a reconnaissance commander being sent out deep into enemy territory with very limited back up but great risk of being captured and heavily dependent on the Spirit of God and the Holy Spirit and the Angels of God for protection. Similar to the soldiers dropped behind enemy lines, reliant on radio communications and helicopter or aircraft support in the event they get into trouble. In understanding what I'm about to say, I would suggest that you just ponder for a moment that the reality is that any believing Christian today lives in a world which is demon infested and where the number of true believers in any particular area is probably relatively limited. The net effect of that is that we could say that we live in a demonically infested spiritual jungle of the last days. Yahweh wants to send platoons of troupes behind the enemy lines to pluck out those who are perishing, to preach the gospel, to bring deliverance to them. There are many, many people out there who are in desperate straits, oppressed by the enemy, demonized, in terrible situations and God wants to rescue them, He does not want a single person to perish but in the current spiritual state of the world, the average person who goes out on their own is likely to be taken prisoner by the enemy.
It's also important to understand. Ephesians 6 talks at some length about the whole armor of God, we have the belt of truth, we have the shoes of the gospel whereby we stand firm, we have the breastplate of righteousness which protects our hearts and our chest, we have the shield of faith which we can use to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one, we have the helmet of salvation which protects our minds and our thought life and we have the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God which we use to cut through the jungle, to cut through the bonds that are holding people prisoners of the enemy and to set them free. And that is the written word, that is the word that we speak out against the forces of darkness but what is significant, that there is no reference in Ephesians 6 or anywhere else in Scripture to any armor covering the back of the believer. This is brought out very, very graphically in the visions of Rick Joiner in the book "The Final Quest" which again, I must encourage you to get hold of and to read but in particular, he cites an example where a group of believers having had a major encounter with the Spirit of God, become proud and advance into enemy territory without protecting their backs. The enemy then creeps up on them unawares and attacks them, stabbing them in the back and bringing them down. The armor of God, the whole armor of God, does not protect our backs. We dare not turn our backs and run from the enemy because we will then be vulnerable to attack and we dare not advance behind enemy lines in pride without our backs being covered. If we go into the enemy or if the enemy creeps up on us unawares, stabs us in the back, there is no protection. I shared on a previous tape that my ex wife had been stabbing me in the back for 25 years and the Lord eventually revealed through a prophet (inaudible (01:05:19)) in a vision the nature and the magnitude of the wound in my spiritual back.
Therefore it is necessary for believers to go out two by two in any situation so that they can cover one another’s backs, that they can look out for demonic attacks, spiritual attacks, stand back to back metaphorically. I am not talking about a physically, sort of walking around, circling one another with their backs towards one another as one would envisage in a gladiator or a combat situation, I am talking about looking out for sneak attacks of pride, lust, deception, anything which the enemy may throw that in the heat of the moment the one believer may not see coming, react to in a way that introduces sin which allows a demon to take a hold of them and potentially take them prisoner. In order to go into serious spiritual warfare for the deliverance of the world, deliverance of all those people who are in bondage, Yahweh wants to send out platoons. It is very difficult for two people on their own to cover one another’s backs effectively and what he reminded me of was something that I don't think I'd thought of since my basic training but essentially a typical military platoon, particularly one that is sent out in dense bush behind enemy lines, would comprise ten people. A platoon leader whose the corporal, who gives the overall direction and instructions, a radio operator and eight soldiers, each of which cover one quadrant in dense jungle. The person in front is the pathfinder, he takes his orientation from the leader and goes down the road following the narrow path and looking maybe 20/25 degrees left and right of the path for enemy forces but if he tries to scan more than that, he's likely to lose his way, step on a landmine or similar. And each person can realistically, in dense bush, only scan about a 45 degree quadrant so in dense bush in the extreme case of real danger, the platoon would each have one of the eight soldiers would be allocated a bracketing quadrant so the first soldier would look straight ahead 22.5 degrees each side of the pathway with a bit of an overlap, the next soldier would look 45 degrees right, the next one 45 degrees left, the next one 90 degrees left or right, the next one 90 degrees left, the next one 45 degrees back on the right, the next one 45 degrees back on the left and the last one looking behind and in extreme cases the last one might actually walk backwards holding onto the back of the radio operator walking in front of him in order to look out for ambushes and attacks from behind. The objective is to ensure that there is no blind spot as the patrol moves through the bush so that they can see an attack coming from any direction and take appropriate action. And the Lord showed me that in Isaiah 4:1, marriage with seven women and one wife is analogist to that, Jesus is the platoon leader, the commander, the Holy Spirit is the radio operator communicating back to head office, if you like, and with each of the soldiers and then the husband is the pathfinder and his seven wives covering his back, covering against attack from every angle.
It's a powerful metaphor and it's important that we understand it because that's one of the reasons why Satan fears it and hates it so much. That platoon can go almost anywhere in the power of the Spirit unless it is overwhelmed by enemy fire power or caught off guard or gets into pride or deception or error. Clearly one small platoon like that cannot go into the middle of a massive tank battle in the world and there are obviously demonic situations where one group of eight people cannot go on their own. But many of those platoons together will be absolutely invincible and that, I truly believe, is Yahweh’s last days army, numerous platoons of one believing man with his seven wives moving in unison, lead by the Spirit, in perfect harmony with the Spirit, walking in the power of the Spirit, doing greater works than Jesus did, raising the dead, opening blind eyes, touching this hurting world and bringing deliverance and with the authority and the unity to pray the prayers that are necessary to tear down the principalities powers, thrones and dominions and cast them into the pit for a thousand years, in Jesus name.
In the spiritual sense, these quadrants are Spiritual, they're not physical. They include different demonic aspects, they include different areas of doctrine, they include all the different ways in which Satan can attack and we've covered a wide diversity of those areas in this teaching but it is not possible for any one human being to be a specialist in all of those areas. By my profile, as I've described it a few minutes ago, I'm a generalist, I have a basic understanding of most of the aspects of the faith but I am not a specialist in any one of them. In order to give full affect to it, one needs specialists and so in the ministry context there is a need for a diversity of specialists, there's specialists in the basic areas of pastoral ministry, the basic areas of the basic doctrines of the faith, more advanced in the areas of judgment, in the areas of marriage, in the areas of deliverance and the list goes on and on and on. Another aspect of that is the different denominational backgrounds, Joiner makes it very clear through his visions or it's made very clear to Joiner, let me put it that way, in his visions in the final quest, that different denominations are preserving different truths so for one of these marital, spiritual platoons to be really effective, the wives need to come from different denominational backgrounds, different groups of different strengths and weaknesses. The traditional Protestant Churches, the Catholic, charismatic Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, African tribal and different backgrounds and faiths all have certain spiritual truths which collectively are not known to the body of Christ but people who come out of those backgrounds collectively will have a wide diversity of knowledge and experience and the ability to discern and head off attacks of the enemy coming in a wide diversity of ways. This may include different racial backgrounds, it's widely held that Africans are more spiritually sensitive than any other racial group in the world and they are sensitive to certain things that white Anglo-Saxon protestant people are completely oblivious to.
Different people have different Scriptural revelations, I have touched on that already, they have different spiritual experience and revelation. They have different wounds from Satan’s attacks. I've been through the gamut of a treachery of a wife, adultery, divorce, loss of my children and associated things. I'm well equipped to minister to those people in that area. I have no personal experience in areas of homosexuality, Satanism, witchcraft, drug addiction, etc, etc. I am not confident to minister to people in those situations, it's necessary for those people to be ministered to people who've come out of those things and knows Satan’s tricks. So by the same token, for a family to be really effective in ministry, it needs a diversity of knowledge in experience, there are people who've been wounded in different ways.
Also, recognize that in the faith there are different offices. The apostle who would generally be, if there is an apostle in the family unit, it is likely to be the husband. The apostles are effectively spiritually Gods general so the people in charge and they would be leading and giving direction to significant groups of other apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. It's absolutely vital that any family unit, there should be at least one prophet or prophetess if not several prophets. The ministry of deliverance requires the prophetic gifts, intersession is an office, is a function of the prophet so in any family unit there should be at least one, if not several prophets. Evangelism is about communication, it's about preaching and selling the gospel. If you're going to spread the truths that have been given to you and your ministry there needs to be at least one member of the family who's a good communicator. Somebody who can communicate easily and comfortably with people, make them feel at ease. The pastoral aspect, caring for people, again in any family unit there should be at least one or more people who are good at caring for the members of family, looking after people who hurt, shepherding and so forth. And teaching, at the very least there needs to be somebody in the family who's good at teaching, who can teach the children. And we've seen in various dimensions how our modern monogamous social structure has totally broken down the family unit. In an Isaiah 4:1 family, there should be at least one wife who's gifted at teaching the younger children and perhaps another wife who's gifted at teaching the older children with the persecution and ostracism and tribulation that is potentially coming to believers in the near future. It may be vital for there to be several wives who are gifted in teaching in order to look after the children and so forth.
Again, I go back to the military metaphor where one gets different combat specialties, like the infantry, the tanks, armored cars and air force and so forth. And different support cores such as the engineers, logistics, signals, administration, finance and so forth. Each of these have different strengths and weaknesses, different calling, different focus which complement each other, they each go through lengthy periods of training, they need different equipment. You need the full combination of those in order to wage warfare effectively. The military tends to define about eight major categories, eight to ten major categories, personnel, administration, intelligence, communication, combat operations, combat planning, logistics which includes transport and maintenance and finance which includes financial administration, financial management. These eight or so categories have a direct relevance in the business field and they have a direct relevance in the domestic field. Any family commercial enterprise or anything else requires a combination of that, people who are good out in the field generating income and people who are good at running the family, looking after the children. There are some women who really enjoy housekeeping and just generally looking after the household, there are some who really enjoy child bearing, there are others who really enjoy looking after children and rearing them and teaching them. There are some who are particularly gifted in caring for the ill and the elderly, some really enjoy cooking and dressmaking and things like that, gardening and producing fresh produce and so forth. Others really enjoy the hurly burly of the commercial business world. When a woman is forced to do a whole diversity of things that she's not good at and does not enjoy, some of those things don't get done well or don't get it done at all, that causes stress for the husband who realizes that he needs those things done and the net effect is continual tension and strife in the marital situation. If we commit Yahweh to bring in the right mixture of women in an Isaiah 4:1 type of marriage, there will be perfect equilibrium and perfect balance. There will be somebody who is good at and enjoys doing every facet of what is required to run that home, the business and the ministry thoroughly and effectively. And everybody will be happier, there will be a lot less tension and a lot less stress. All of these dimensions clearly demonstrate that a family of about seven wives is likely to be strong, harmonious and complete compared to the unstable one legged monogamous situation and we must conclude that Yahweh knows best, that Isaiah 4:1 is not an accident and that if we truly love Yahweh we will urgently and diligently seek His guidance in moving into an Isaiah 4:1 marriage.
Isaiah 4:1 Marriage
In terms of a few aspects in preparing to move into an Isaiah 4:1 marriage, a few factors come to mind. A vast majority of men and women have been indoctrinated in the monogamous heresy or lie. It's fairytales and a fairy is a demon, of prince charming and beautiful princesses living happily ever after, mislead them and set up false expectations which cannot be realized, if you consider what has been discussed so far in this teaching. Most of us have grown up with the concept that men can cheat on their wives and some think it is more acceptable for a woman to have a fling than for a man to have intercourse with another woman. The idea of a man actually having more than one wife produces the most vicious jezebelic response in virtually any person who comes out of the white Anglo-Saxon protestant or catholic backgrounds, out of Europe, out of the Roman Church whether that's in Europe, the United States, South Africa, Australia and other countries. And that spiritual influence has infiltrated most of the world today through the British empire and other things, places where you've seen women leaders reigning over entire nations.
Most Bible commentaries, most Christian books on marriage and most Christian teachers and preachers, teach monogamy as being from Scripture. They make bold statements, they can't support it with Scripture or they distort Scripture to support it as we saw in teaching number 1.18 relating to what was said in that television program. Most teach that adultery includes and very specifically focuses on men who take a second woman and most downplay or ignore virginity. Most teach that if a woman loses her virginity when she's too young she must separate from the man and most teach that it's perfectly acceptable for her to marry somebody else. Today the Church compromises totally on divorce, divorce is widespread and the Church adopts a view which is it is easy to gain permission to remarry. Along with this there's a widespread teaching of the concept of a so called ideal life partner and people rush around looking for the perfect wife or perfect husband and when they think they find them and marry them they soon discover that they have flaws. The whole concept of Covenant being a covering of weakness is lost as people look for people like themselves, people who they perceive to be strong in areas and then they're disappointed when they discover that they're weak in other areas.
All of this is encouraged to take place through a process of experiential and experimental relationship with all sorts of artificial strictures on how far constitutes acceptable touch and kissing and intimacy between an unmarried man and a woman resulting in the hearts and spirits of those people being scattered liberally around during their teenage years and early twenties to a point where their ability to form a solid marriage is desperately reduced contributing to the high level of marriage and reinforcing the need for the sanctification that was spoken of earlier. Virtually no one who has been to Bible school teaches anything except monogamy, those that have tried are generally thrown out or have been so severely castigated that they've repented and thrown in their lot with Satan on this heresy. Those who try to speak the truth are generally subject to the most vicious verbal attack, manipulation or just general sabotage. They're thrown out of Churches, they're publicly vilified from the pulpit.
In my case, it was alleged after I was thrown out of one of the largest Churches in South Africa, that the congregation had it spelled out to them from the pulpit that Scripture permitted a man to have only one wife and that I was an unrepented sinner. Supposedly my name was not mentioned but it was made clear in the context and at that time I was handed over to Satan by a man who was a pastor who counseled me for a number of years, failed to make any material improvement in my marriage, failed to accept responsibility for the fact that he had not improved my marriage and then accused me of listening to Satan in the process, potentially blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Thereafter, my ministry was interfered with, I was prevented from holding certain meetings and subsequently expelled from another Church. I've heard recently that others in the United States who've been promoting this truth have been allegedly raided, persecuted and even held at gunpoint by police and federal agents and are facing potential prosecution. Satan fears this truth and jezebel will pull out all the stops to destroy those who dare to adventure into this.
However, Yahweh requires it and if you're so called and resist He may well reject you. I was given a very serious talking to by the Spirit of God yesterday morning and told very clearly that the Father was highly unhappy with my conduct, that He'd been speaking to others for, going on, four years in this area, that we'd been in disobedience, that my wife had been in disobedience and that if we did not sort our lives out very, very promptly and meet his deadline for the completion of the book and the transcription of these teachings which is required to follow, that I would be rejected and demoted from my apostolic office and that my wife might well find herself rejected for having willfully disobeyed the Spirit of God over a projected period. I cannot stress enough, we are moving into an age where there is no more time to mess around, no more time for discretion as to whether we obey the word of God and the Spirit of God. If you have claimed to love God, if you claim to want to serve God and overcome to the end, you cannot ignore this teaching, you do so at your spiritual peril, you do so at the risk of a very harsh judgment and you do so at the risk of losing your salvation, for willful disobedience. I cannot stress this enough. I have stated before but I must state it again, women who oppose this in their husbands lives will increasingly find themselves judged harshly by Yahweh and potentially rejected by Him and losing their salvation and going to hell.
There's a strong tendency amongst those who oppose this truth to be impressed by their demons to allege that people who are teaching this truth are listening to the Devil. This is the very same statement that led Jesus to warn against blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I refer you to Mark 3 verses 22 - 30 "And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said "He has Beelzebul and by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons. So He called them to Himself and He said to them in parables "How can Satan cast out Satan?" If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand but has an end. No one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man and then he will plunder his house. Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven, the sins of men and whatever blasphemies they may utter but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation because they said He has an unclean spirit." So I urge you, we are coming into an age, I have seen it happen at least twice in my hearing where people have stated these truths are from people that I've been listening to Satan and I'm aware of the case where the man who had a vision in which his wife was shunned to be a rotting corpse spiritually, where she said that her husband was listening to Satan. Judgment is coming, you dare not say that this is from Satan at the risk of eternal judgment.
Before putting this teaching into practice, a few points. Listen to this full series of teachings, pray, study the word of God until you get a solid revelation that this truly is the word of God. Then make a solid commitment, both husband and wife, to Yahweh to do His will, pray and seek His guidance. Sanctify the existing marriage as set out in tape 3.7 and then the husband and the existing wife must through deliverance and get free from all spirits that will interfere. If either of you is battling with this truth, you need to deal with that unless God expressly tells you to marry before that. Prepare yourselves to receive further wives, note that Yahweh may well show you women you already know or have ministered to that He expects you to accept responsibility for. If a married couple ministers to a woman without a husband, particularly in the area of cutting off One Flesh Bonds, I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that it is almost certain that Yahweh will expect that man to extend his covering to that woman after ministry.
You should investigate the legal situation in your country, you may need to go the cohabitation common law route as few countries permit legal marriage. In South Africa there's uncertainty since the new constitution commits customary marriage which includes plural marriage but it is alleged that civil marriage laws still provide for bigamy although this has not been reinforced in recent years and it seems likely that this will be thrown out by the constitutional court. In South Africa, it's a third degree felony for a man to have more than one wife resulting in a jail certificate, a criminal record and note, this relates to a situation in which there's a civil marriage ceremony and certificate, wedding rings and terms of that nature. None of this is relevant or required, remember that all of these are pagan and you should be able to use the words married in the sight of God but living together in the sight of man to describe your relationship if necessary. You can minimize the use of politically sensitive terms but remember, Satan is going to want to destroy you so you dare not engage in any lies or deception, you must walk in integrity and I refer you to the judgment teachings in that area. If you are truly Holy and sanctified no harm will befall you.
Look at the examples of Daniel thrown into the lion’s den and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego thrown into the fiery furnace, all four of them coming out unscathed. You must be prepared to suffer and die for the Gospel and this is a critical part of the Gospel that is good news, it is good news that every Christian woman may have a mature believing husband, it is good news that every man may be sexually fulfilled within his marriage, it is good news that a woman does not have to take care of every facet of household, domestic and ministry life. Then ask Yahweh to lead you, that He may bring people to you, you may have to contact people in some instances. You will have to broach the subject as He leads, pray constantly and been sincerely committed to doing His will. Many women will, in our experience, will reject this out of hand, an approach may be to give them a full set of tapes and let them listen to it. Giving them selected tapes could be problematic. The steps to marriage should be essentially the same as for a first marriage except that the existing wife or wives should be present and participate in discussions for preparation, etc and should probably present the new bride to the husband at the marriage ceremony and witness and participate in the process of sanctification of the marriage and the cutting of the Covenant. This is addressed further in tape 3.12. Yahweh will guide you in putting in place a suitable domestic arrangement, there are various websites that deal with this aspect to a point as there are small groups of believers around the world living in the early stages of this form of marriage. Currently most of these have two or, at most, three wives, I don't know of any with seven wives and it appears to me that based on the fact that the Lord says that we should set aside a year with a new wife that it is unlikely that, in general, He will bring me more than one or, at most, two wives at any time in any one year. So it might take anything from two or three to five or seven years to come to a place where there are seven wives although given that time is running out it is possible that He will bring in wives faster and faster to those who are willing to go all the way with Him.
In the implementation of this truth, the Church is in a pioneering stage. My wife and I expect to go into this shortly and may then, God willing, produce a supplement. We should have been there for several years but we've been disobedient and we've been severely rebuked by the Spirit of God. God, I must ask Your forgiveness that these tapes are overdue and furthermore, that I cannot give you first hand experiential guidance in this area but, for example, the website that I've referred to previously gives a fair amount of detail there, there's a variety of other websites, a variety of other people. Servants of Yahweh deals with some of these issues, the truth bearer website deals with some of these issues, there are various others, can also help you, there are a variety of other addresses which might be relevant to you. If you need this information at this stage, I suggest you contact me at or alternatively, you could also contact Steve Butt at which is the website or you can search the internet for sites dealing with Christian polygamy, you could contact the truth bearer website which I've said before but probably the best is to contact us and also contact us on South Africa, that's 002711 791 2327 or 002783 251 6644 is my mobile. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world, Amen.
05_11 Forging the One Flesh Bond (the Art of Sexual Love Making in Godly Marriage)
This tape number 11, Forging the One Flesh Bond or The Art of Making Love in Godly Marriage. The series is understanding Gods way in marriage and volume three is practical application of the marriage teachings. Subject to forging the One Flesh Bond is a fundamental and critical one in the context of this whole teaching but I must stress to you that if you have not gone the wonderful journey that the Lord has taken us on in getting to this tape. In other words, if you have not listened to the 53 or 54 tapes which precede this, you are quite likely to get the wrong impression and to miss the point of this teaching. You might also be offended and consequently end up sinning and I would urge you, therefore, to go the whole journey with me. Please return to the last tape that you listened to if you haven't listened to this series in any structured fashion, I would encourage you to go back to the beginning and listen to the whole series. Healing your marriage is something which is far too important to take shortcuts and quick fixes. The world has taken something of the order of 2000 plus years for marriage to get into the absolutely degenerate messed up state that it's in today and unfortunately there is no shortcut. To get to a place where your marriage can be healed or if you're not yet married to get to a place where you can experience Heaven on earth in marriage when you do get married and avoid falling into the traps and pitfalls along the way. It's absolutely vital that you don't listen to this tape until you've listened to the preceding tapes. Before I go any further, assuming that you are going the next step of the journey with me, I would ask you to pray with me.
Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I ask that anything that I may utter on this teaching that is not according to Your perfect will and according to Your way and according to Your word, it will be blown away by Your spirit and find no route in the hearts of the hearers. I ask too Father, that every that is of You will be engrafted and find deep root in the hearts of the hearers and will be watered and nourished by Your Spirit and grow and produce abundant fruit to Your glory, in Jesus name. I speak to any demon that may be in the environment where this tape is being played and in the name of Jesus, I bind you, I command you to leave now and go to the pit for a thousand years, in Jesus name. I speak to any demon who may be oppressing the flesh of the people listening to this tape and in the name of Jesus, I bind you, I blind your eyes and I block your ears and I command you to go down until this tape has been completed and then not to interfere with the discussion of this tape, in Jesus name. Father, I ask you to send Your mighty roaring angels to encamp around the people listening to this tape, to bind and silence and deafen any demons that may be oppressing them and to bind and cast out and cast into the pit any demons in the environment around them, in Jesus name. I ask You to cover every person listening to this tape and myself, their family and friends and my family, with the blood of Jesus from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet, in Jesus name. I ask you to cover the entire environment where this tape is being played with the blood of Jesus, if inside the walls, the floors, the ceilings, the roof, the doors, the windows, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels, cover it with the blood of Jesus. I pray that you will open the eyes and the ears and the understanding of those people listening, that they will grasp what is relevant to them in this teaching, in Jesus name and that you will close their eyes and their ears of their Spirit to anything you do not want them to hear or receive, in Jesus name.
One Flesh Bond
This teaching builds on specific references to the One Flesh Bond in tapes 1.31, 1.8, 2.15, 2.18, 2.19 and 3.7. It is the most detailed discussion of the subject forming the One Flesh Bond and it is absolutely vital that you, at the very least, listen to those tapes before you go any further. I understand that it's not my prerogative to insist that you listen to the whole series or, for that matter, to insist that you listen to any of them but I would really encourage you, at the very least, to go back and listen to 1.31, 1.8, 2.15, 2.18, 2.19 and 3.7 before you listen to this tape. If you don't you could very easily miss the entire point of this teaching. We're talking about the One Flesh Bond and to recap some key principles from Scripture which form the foundation for this teaching. Genesis 2:24 in the amplified Bible states "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleaved to his wife and they shall become One Flesh." We've seen in detailed teachings earlier in this series that the act of cleaving, that's the act of splitting the hymen, the virginal membrane of the virginal bride is the act of cutting the marriage Covenant. We've seen very clearly that sexual intercourse is the act of marriage, we've seen very clearly that sexual intercourse is the only thing that is explicitly prohibited in Scripture outside of marriage and therefore, we assume that sexual intercourse is the most vital component in marriage. We've also seen that sexual intercourse is a deeply spiritual act, not a carnal fleshly act as most people would have us believe and that it builds a spiritual unity between husband and wife, referred to as the One Flesh Bond in the passage of Scripture we've just read. And as they make love, as we've heard, that One Flesh Bond becomes stronger and stronger until they will eventually, if they give themselves totally to one another, according to Scripture, reach a point where they are completely united, completely one, where the woman is bone and the man is bone and the flesh of the man’s flesh, where they have spirit to spirit, if you like, telepathic online real time communication, half way around the world, from building to building, wherever they may be, they will be in perfect unity and perfect harmony and completely inseparable. Matthew 19:5 and 6 in the amplified Bible, Jesus speaking "And said, for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be united, joined inseparably to his wife and the two shall become One Flesh. So they are no longer two but One Flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder or separate." It is particularly important to note the implication joined inseparably in the above passage taken together with the phrase let not man put asunder, we saw that this starts to reveal the full extent of the One Flesh Bond as an unbreakable spiritual bond, granted by God in order to bind husband and wife together. As the Bond intensifies through repeated sexual intercourse, it becomes a really immensely strong thing.
I shared in some detail my personal experience of this and how I was almost utterly destroyed by a One Flesh Bond formed foolishly and in deception in adultery, in a relationship which lasted two years and which, when it came to an end, I found that it was indeed an unbreakable bond and something that I could not put asunder, that after a year and a half the only option facing me was to blow my brains out and at that point I finally managed to get somebody to pray in agreement with me. I finally had a revelation of what to do and I was set free by the Grace and the mercy of God and I have to say to you, without a shadow of a doubt, that the One Flesh Bond is the most awesome and powerful spiritual thing that a man and woman can experience on this earth, if they will open themselves up to it, barring of course the full working of the Spirit of God. Other Scriptures of relevance, Hebrews 13:4 says "Marriage is honorable among all and the bed undefiled but fornicators and adulterers God will judge." We saw that there was nothing that a man and woman who are married could do to one another in their act of sexual love making that would be a defilement but that sexual intercourse outside of marriage is indicated by fornicators and adulterers is an abomination.
Sexual intercourse
Again, sexual intercourse is a deeply spiritual act, not primarily a physical act. We saw also in 1 Corinthians 7:3 and 4 that the husband rendered to his wife, the affection due to her and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does, likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does and therefore, we saw that the wife was at liberty to interact sexually with her husband in any way that was pleasing to her and vice versa. And again, there are no restrictions been placed on sexual love making within marriage according to the Scripture. We also saw on 1 Corinthians 12:23 - 27 "And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty but our presentable parts have no need but God composed the body having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no skism in the body but that the members should have the same care for one another and if one members suffers, all the members suffer with it or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ and members individually." So again, we see the parallel between the physical body and the body of Christ and we see that the sexual organs are, so called, unpresentable parts have greater honor and we saw that the male and female sexual organs are, in fact, organs of the marriage Covenant and therefore they are Holy and sacred and should be treated accordingly.
We also saw in Deuteronomy 22:28-29 and other passages that sexual intercourse with a virgin is the act of marriage, reading 28 and 29 of Deuteronomy 22 "If a man finds a damsel that is a virgin which is not betrothed and they hold on her and lie with her and they be found, then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsels father 50 shackles of silver and she shall be his wife because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." And that is from the King James version. So clearly, sexual intercourse with a virgin is marriage, whether the father's consent is gained, whether there is a marriage ceremony or vows or anything else, the actual act of taking a woman’s virginity is the act of marrying. We saw repeatedly that this put a completely new perspective on the act of sexual intercourse and it also helped us to understand why Satan has perverted sexual intercourse to the extent that he has in the present age.
Another aspect, Matthew 22:23-28 "The same day that Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him and asked him, saying teacher Moses said "If a man dies having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother." Now there were with us seven brothers, the first died after he had married and having no offspring left his wife to his brother. Likewise, the second also and the third, even to the seventh. Last of all, the woman died also. Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be for they all had her?" Luke 20:33 says "Therefore in resurrection whose wife does she become for all seven had her as wife." Both of those from the New King James, in the NIV Matthew 22:28 says "Now then at the resurrection whose wife will she be of the seven since all of them were married to her." We see that out of those various passages of Scripture and the different translations that had her, which is a sexual connotation and married her are synonymous depending on the translation. Again, reinforcing the fact that sexual intercourse and marriage are indivisibly related.
To reiterate, sexual lovemaking is the only thing Scripture expressly forbids outside of marriage. Therefore, sexual lovemaking is the most important component of marriage, it is an intensely spiritual act as we caress, embrace, penetrate we're bringing about spirit to spirit contact, we are spirits in a fleshly body, as the bodies are brought into close proximity and direct physical contact with each other, our spirits are able to start touching one another. As penetration occurs the spirits start to envelope, the spirit that is being penetrated envelopes the spirit that is penetrating it. And so the act of gentle lovemaking with penetration through kissing, sexual intercourse, etc is an act of intense spiritual intimacy and this is why it is absolutely undesirable for the form of experimental experiential relationship searching that takes place in the world today to be adopted. A woman and a man should not have any sexual contact with any man or woman, that is obviously opposite gender, that they are not married to. All intimacy was intended to be reserved for marriage and to the extent that it is not the spirit becomes contaminated, the heart gets divided, the soul is confused and generally, the more promiscuity there has been, even without sexual intercourse the less the probability of a successful marriage and therefore the need to sanctify the marriage as set out in tape number 3.7.
We also saw that the Bible is an intensely sexual book, it makes use of sexual metaphor from Genesis to Revelation, it speaks continually of virgin which conjures up a very specific physical state of a very specific physical organ, the sexual organ of a woman, it speaks repeatedly of circumcision which speaks of a very specific physical state of the male sexual organ, it refers to adultery and fornication as a metaphor for explaining spiritual idolatry and fornication, helping mankind to understand these things but unfortunately Satan is so corrupted and perverted out understanding that in this age people do not even regard adultery as a major sin and rather see it as something that can be easily repented of. We've also seen that Proverbs 5:15 - 20 drink water from your own cistern, etc has a very strong sexual connotation, we've seen the sexual connotation throughout the song of Psalms and we've very clearly established that God created sexual intercourse within marriage as something intensely beautiful, as something intensely spiritual and therefore it behooves us as believers to have a deep understanding of exactly what God intended sexual intercourse and marriage to be.
To recap, we've seen the One Flesh Bond, the One Flesh house, the woman truly becoming one with the husband, there is no division if it's fully realized. She becomes bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh, they truly are one. I've shared in some detail in a couple of the tapes, my own experience and I won't go into much detail on that particular point right now. I've shared division that I've had of the man and wife being one in spirit with a large spiritual conduit joining the two of them and growing larger and larger as they grow together and make love on a more regular basis. We've shared about the vision of man and woman who are truly One Flesh walking in absolute perfect unity and harmony with an unbreakable massive spiritual bond which enables them to be in perfect agreement, giving rise to massive spiritual power in prayer and ministry, through the prayer of agreement from two souls that are absolutely praying in complete harmony, even if they're not in the same room, even if they can't hear each other with their natural ears.
I've been repeatedly impressed by the spirit of God that this subject is not adequately discussed in the body of Christ and that most of the available sources tend to have much wrong thinking and that I have knowledge and experience which I must share. In saying this, I need to make a couple of points to you, I have made a point in a number of previous teachings that Satan only corrupts enough truth to send the majority of people in any particular group to hell, he's not interested in corrupting all truths. As a consequence of this, the Father has preserved in different religious and cultural groupings and different groups of people, all truths and therefore in order to return us to all truths we have to draw the truth that is available from different groups of people. Because Satan has been so successful in turning a large group of people into wholesale adultery and fornication as evidenced by most romantic stories in even popular family magazines and novels and certainly in most of the romantic novels and obviously in the, so called, men’s magazines, pornographic magazines and so forth and also in sex manuals and so on, none of which place any material emphasis on virginity and the terrible spiritual trauma associated with adultery. Satan has not concerned himself unduly with seeking to destroy the truths concerning sexual lovemaking within the groups of people who are particularly far into adultery and fornication. And as I've shared with you, in my mid thirties I got trapped by deception, by a variety of things, by my own lusts and by a very rocky marriage, by a situation which was set up to trap me into adultery with a woman who was my secretary for two years. Because of the point that I have just made and because Satan was pretty confident, I think at that time that he'd now finally trapped me into such deception that I was headed to hell with very little help of return, he didn't bother to interfere with the sexual side of that relationship, in actual fact it suited him for us to have a really good sexual relationship because it just entrenched the adultery and with his obvious knowledge of the full power of the One Flesh Bond he realized that the stronger it got, the more hopelessly trapped in that adultery I would be and that even if I did come out of it it would probably kill me which it very nearly did, saved by the Grace of God.
Consequently, the Lord has very clearly shown me that through that process I gained very important knowledge of fundamental truths which are generally unknown in the body of Christ simply because the minute anybody who's a sincere believer gets married or starts to experience sexual intercourse in marriage, Satan comes and corrupts it with religious lies about what is and what is not permissible, frigidity and all sorts of other demonic interference with the result that very few people in the body of Christ, as far as I can circumstantially assess, have meaningful sex lives and certainly sex lives of intensity that I experienced and therefore, very few have a One Flesh Bonds of that magnitude and intensity. If they have it they don't realize that they're in a very unusual position because very few Christians talk about sexual lovemaking at all and if they don't have it they're equally ignorant. Consequently, there is a need for circumspect but explicit discussion of the fundamentals of the act of sexual lovemaking and I'm impressed of the Lord that for this reason I'm required to produce this tape. I also need to make the point that in presenting this teaching that follows, I will be including a number of anecdotes of personal experience. This is based on the experience that I have as an engineer and management consultant that people respond better to real life case histories which make things come more alive and therefore, in that spirit I will share things about my own life which have a very personal and intimate nature and I would ask you to treat them with some sensitivity if you wouldn't mind.
I must say to you that if you're going to be offended by an explicit discussion of human sexuality, the sexual organs and techniques of sexual lovemaking then please understand this is a good place to turn off this tape. I do not want to offend you but I do at the same time have a real need to share the information that I've gained at enormous personal cost and which Yahweh has, by his Spirit, instructed me to share with those who are willing to listen. So if you have yet to fully experience the full sexual potential that Yahweh intended for your marriage and you want to understand the basis in which I've made some of the statements that I've made in previous tapes in this series then I encourage you to continue listening. Please remember that if there are aspects of what I talk about here that do not appeal to you, you're obviously under no obligation to try them or to implement them but I believe that I have an obligation before God not to obfuscate, not to duck issues but to expressly point out everything that has be shown to me within the ambit of the marriage bed being undefiled and within the ambit of the wife’s body being for the husband and the husbands body being for the wife.
Techniques of lovemaking
To visit a few basic principles, it's important that the wife desires her husband on a continuous constant basis, that she prepares for him sexually at all times, that she initiates and suggests sexual lovemaking whenever the opportunity presents itself. I have to stress to you, sexual lovemaking is not some dirty act that people do occasionally for the sake of procreation as many would have it, it is the most sublimely beautiful, spiritually intense, uplifting, fulfilling experience that God has given to man and woman for the fulfillment of their spiritual being within marriage, therefore it is appropriate for them to make love whenever the opportunity presents itself, whenever the spirit leads them. And as I will point out in a number of further instances, there are a number of paradoxes associated with a state of high arousal on the part of a woman, not least of these is that circumstantial evidence at my disposal leads me to conclude that making love to a woman that is highly aroused is far less likely to lead to pregnancy than making love to a woman who is not highly aroused. It appears that the sexual lubricant from the woman not only increases the capacity of her husband to sustain his erection without ejaculating but that it's quite possible that when he does ejaculate there is some spermicidal effect which means that when they're making passionate love there is no necessary direct procreational consequence but when they make love as a mundane chore and there is no arousal, there is no sexual lubricating fluid secreted by the woman then pregnancy is far more probable. One of the many, many paradoxes associated with the way God in His infinite wisdom has created us.
Woman should dress appropriately, the husband and wife should only be naked together for lovemaking, they should not make their display of their bodies to one another. A routine hygiene thing that removes the stimulation, God created us to be highly aroused at the sight of our spouses naked bodies but if we become jaded and familiar with that it removes the excitement. In a sense, the wife should seduce her husband by ministering to him and to bring him to a state of initial arousal. Once he is aroused in the sense that he has become aware of her desire for him and she's initiated, made that initial approach to him, he takes the lead and takes her through a continual process of alternating soft and firm caresses, lovemaking, etc. She's constantly submissive, she follows his lead, she never resists or says no, she gives herself totally to him, she reciprocates his caresses and from time to time, takes the initiative. Each focuses on pleasing the other with no inhibition and no holding back and as they do so they will progressively move to a higher and higher planes of arousal, desire and fulfillment when they climax. Some very important principles, lovemaking should be gentle and smooth and progressive, it should not be rough, (staccato? (00:28:24)), stop start, it should address all parts of the body that there are no forbidden zones. Lovemaking in lust is violent, it's carnal, it's hard, it's harsh, it's unyielding, it's everything that God didn't intend it to be. Lovemaking in Gods way is just a gentle flowing progression of total harmony and intimacy between husband and wife, it requires the wife to be completely yielded and submissive to her husband so that her body just flows with his and responds to every movement of his, that she is not trying to structure her own responses, that she is not allowing her hang ups and her inhibitions and the false notions that she may have grown up with to keep her from giving herself totally to her husband.
If she finds the smell of her husband’s body offensive, if she finds certain touches offensive, if she does not do what's necessary to come to a place of desiring her husband then she's not going to enjoy lovemaking and lovemaking is not going to be the beautiful act that God intended it to be. I have difficulty in telling you how a woman who does not desire her husband should go about changing that, all I can say to you is she needs to pray and she needs to deal with whatever she needs to deal with. There are likely to be various demonic spirits associated with frigidity and other sin that she will need to get free of, she may have a variety of learned, so called, hygiene factors that have been drummed into her since childhood which make her very finicky about what happens with her body and therefore very inhibited, she needs to recognize that that is sin, she needs to recognize that it's contrary to the will and plan of God for her marriage, she needs to repent of it, she needs to get free of it, she needs to get delivered of it. And this should be dealt with in part in the sanctification process described in tape 3.7 but it may require further diligent, prayerful action on her part. The Holy Spirit knows what the issues are and He's able to set her free if she will decide to change.
A few other important factors. If a wife does not have desire for her husband and is therefore not in the initial stages of arousal, many of the touches and caresses talked about later will be ticklish and irritating whereas if she has desire for her husband and is in the first stages of arousal, these same touches and caresses will be highly erotic and stimulating and take it to the next level of arousal. This is a fundamentally important fact, a woman who is not filled with desire for her husband will not enjoy lovemaking and she won't get anywhere in lovemaking, it's a choice on her part. If the woman is not filled with desire for her husband and not aroused and not spiritually open to him when he penetrates her which will probably then mean that there's some degree of artificial lubrication, certainly not that she is lubricated to the extent that is possible. His ejaculation will be rapid and unfulfilling, if she's closed to him he will not experience much spiritual release and will have no desire for further intercourse. If she's very closed spiritually he will feel as though he's ejaculating against pressure and there will be little spiritual (inaudible (00:32:11)). This is a vital fact, a woman can open or close the spirit to her husband in the same way that a man can open or close his spirit to his wife. It seems to me that it may be more because the woman is penetrated, it may be more pronounced in the case of the woman. From my own experience, I've seen or experienced dramatic differences between a situation where the ejaculation has almost bounced back spiritually and is actually quite disturbing through to the other extreme where it's almost as though it's drawn out and sucked out and immense release is experienced. If the woman is highly aroused and lubricating copiously, their lovemaking may go on for considerable time without ejaculation, when he ejaculates he will feel a powerful and fulfilling spiritual release and counter flow from his wife if she climaxes at the same time, he will experience an enhanced recognition of his manhood and in many cases he will be ready for further intercourse almost immediately.
One of the paradoxes, the more highly aroused a woman is, the more highly aroused her man will be and the more highly aroused the two of them are, the longer they can continue with the continual motion of penal intercourse in her vagina without him ejaculating. When he does ejaculate the release will be powerful and he will be able to continue immediately, whereas if she is not aroused, if she's not receptive, if she's not lubricating, he will ejaculate quickly with great sensitivity and probably will not be able to continue with lovemaking and will probably not have any interest in continuing with lovemaking. Under optimum conditions, he will maintain his direction and continue intercourse, almost uninterrupted to a second climax and ejaculation which will greatly enhance his wife’s arousal and climax. If she's highly aroused, she may start climaxing before his first ejaculation and continue alternately building and climaxing until the second ejaculation when she's likely to experience an extremely intense orgasm and it can continue beyond that. Even if the husbands erection subsides after the first ejaculation, he will have great desire to continue lovemaking and he will resume kissing and caressing to build her arousal and restore his own arousal with little or no interruption. If she is not aroused it's going to be a case of after the first ejaculation he's going to lose interest and probably want to go to sleep. There is an immense complexity and beauty in the way God has created man and woman to interact and it is so desperately perverted in this age. Do not lose sight of parallel in Ephesians 5 in terms of which we see that everything in marriage is a shadow and type of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
So by the same token, if we do not prepare ourselves, if we do not look forward to praise and worship, if we do not look forward to our time with the Lord and we just pitch up in Church or pitch up in our quiet time to praise and worship Him with no anticipation, with no desire to be in His presence, we will be like this wife. It will be cold, it will be frigid, it will be unfulfilling for both parties and there will be no desire to continue. And there's nothing that Jesus can do about it, there's nothing the Holy Spirit can do about it. If we do not choose to desire to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, all our minds and all our souls and all our strength, which means that we constantly desire to be in His presence, we will not experience the fulfillment of worship. It's exactly the same in marriage, when you get to that place, when you truly are loving the Lord in that way, you will find that worship can go on for hours and He will be oblivious to the passing of time. You will find that you won't be able to wait to get back into that situation but it takes a conscious commitment, it takes spiritual warfare effort to deal with whatever demonic interference is preventing you from coming to that place, it takes renewing your mind, it takes a whole panoply of discipline to set aside the stuff that is keeping you from giving yourself totally to your Lord. The same applies in marriage.
In a situation where the wife is highly aroused, even after a second ejaculation and a period of relaxation, hugging and possibly even dozing off in one another’s arms, there will be a strong desire to resume intercourse and to go to new heights. At this time, different positions and forms of stimulation, including oral and manual stimulation, may be adopted until the husband and wife are ready for further intercourse. With strong desire on both sides, it is perfectly possible for this to continue for four or five hours or even longer with five or more climaxes on the part of the husband and more on the part of the wife. If they truly focus on one another and desire one another, the fourth or fifth climax can be a really dramatic mutual explosion which results in a sudden massive spiritual fusion which, the first time it happens, will change their lives forever. I base this conclusion on my own experience with a woman who had had at least 20 men before me, having started her sexual experience at the age of 14 with a man who subsequently was responsible for having her gang raped. During our first afternoon that stage she was about 36 years old and I was about 37, so we both had considerable experience in our lives. During our first afternoon together, she experienced her first orgasm and, at the end of the afternoon, our final simultaneous climax left me, at the age of 37, declaring for the first time in my life, I am a man and left her wide eyed with wonder, exclaiming repeatedly how marvelous the experience had been. When we looked at each other we saw one another differently and the next morning at work we knew that our lives had changed forever and that something dramatic had happened between us. Deluded by Satan’s lies, I did not understand or recognize fully what had happened, I truly believed we could get away with it and that it could be ended whenever we wanted. The relationship continued for two years, we made passionate love on innumerable occasions, we probably climaxed together in excess of 500 times in two years and every time there was simultaneous orgasm, every time there was a significant mutual explosion, every time the One Flesh Bond got stronger and stronger. We got to a place where we walked in absolute perfect harmony. In two years, we did not have a single disagreement or, let alone, an argument, we were in such perfect unity and harmony in all that we did.
At the end of two years, the relationship came to an end as I've discussed previously and as I've discussed before, I found myself in a hotel room, absolutely devastated with absolutely no capacity to put my life back together again, with the only thing keeping me from driving into her black township, where there was endemic violence and I was almost certain that I would be apprehended and put to death, was whether I could stand the pain of being burnt to death or with rubber tires around my neck which was the conventional way that people were being murdered in the township that I had in mind and it was then that God spoke to me and reached down and picked me out of the pit that I was in. And for 18 months I cried out to God, I prayed, I read the word of God, I went for counseling, I did all that I could find to do and yet, after 18 months when I had contact again with my former mistress, it was like we hadn't been away from each other, it was like it could have been the next day. We suddenly discovered that we were both in turmoil, desperately in love with one another, desperate to be together, knowing that it was wrong and for six weeks we were in absolute turmoil, communicating telepathically and telephonically and face to face on numerous occasions, agonizing with the desire to get divorced and to marry one another, agonizing the impact on the children, agonizing the realization that since we had both confessed the sin of adultery since she had come to salvation and I had returned to the Lord, we didn't know how we could do it, we couldn't work out what to do and eventually, after six weeks again, at the point of loading a Smith and Western 45 caliber service revolver and blowing my brains out, having had a revelation of the One Flesh Bond and prayed with her and had nothing happen. After three hours of literally, a shouting match with a pastor, I persuaded him to stand in agreement with me, to pray for this thing to be broken and it was broken and it was like I was standing stretched in the middle of a massive rubber band between my mistress and my lawful wife and suddenly I snapped back together as this thing was cut by the Grace of God. And so I speak with profound revelation of the power of the One Flesh Bond and the enormity of the sexual act as a spiritual act.
None the less, even after cutting that One Flesh Bond over the next few years, I saw her in the shops, my heart was doing somersaults, I went for further counseling and ministry in the area of deliverance. I cut off soul ties, renounced and cut off vows, I was lead by the Spirit of God to contact her to release me from vows I'd made that if I ever divorced I would marry her. Familiar spirits transferred through the intimacy were browned and cast out, repentance was revisited, other issues were dealt with until a highly experienced deliverance counselors were of the opinion that there was nothing more that needed to be dealt, yet a year later I again saw her briefly in the shops and found my heart doing somersaults and being drawn towards her. When I cried out to God on that occasion and said "Lord, what is going on?", He lead me to 1 Corinthians 13:8 "Love never fails but whether there are prophecies, they will fail. Whether there are tongues, they will cease. Whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away." In other words, love is eternal. With that revelation, I came to an even deeper understanding of the power of sexual lovemaking. In the two years of the relationship, at the beginning of the relationship, in my delusion, in my deception, I said to this woman, we will never ever talk about love, I love my wife, I am only doing this to save my marriage, you must be stunned at the foolishness and the hypocrisy of that statement that is a measure of the deception in the world today and that Satan had got me into. And it is endemic in the world today, that people think that there is a capacity to have sexual fulfillment outside of marriage and for marriage to be sustainable. So for two years, I never once told her I loved her and she never once told me that she loved me, yet we treated each other in the fashion that is set out in 1 Corinthians 13, we treated each other with respect, she always submitted to me. I never pressed her to make love, she never demanded lovemaking of me, we gave ourselves to one another without stinting, we worked together, we shared an office for two years.
And at the end of that two years we had built love of awesome proportions and seven years later I had to discover, in prayer, that the Lord said to me there was nothing I could do about that love, He could not destroy because He is love and he cannot destroy Himself. I had foolishly built a massive amount of love with a woman who is not my wife and I had been forced to let her go according to Scripture and now I was faced with living with those consequences for the rest of my life. I've had to learn to pray when that love rises up, pray for the blessing of the marriage, pray for the blessing of her husband, pray for the blessing of her children and still today, that love is something which, even as I've been preparing these teachings and revisiting things that, to some extent, I've sought to bury, that required by the Lord to revisit them in order to understand the truths and get the benefit out of my experience, for the word of God says that all things work together for good to them that love God and according to His purpose. And the Lord has allowed that situation to provide me with information to share with you. So the entire process is immensely powerful and, by the same token, what I share with you I know to be true, I know that it's possible, I know that it happens, I've been there, I've done it and by virtue of the fact that I've had to end it, I've been able to see just how powerful it really is and how destruct...I pray that as you listen to what I have to say from here on, you will recognize that it is brought to you without a profound personal revelation and experience. This is truly a vital truth that the Lord God wants shared with His people in this age.
Dress and conduct
I'd like to turn to modesty of dress and conduct. It's my profound belief that the woman should wear loose blouses and dresses well below the knees, with a minimum display of her body when she's with her husband in public. When they're alone together then he's free to enjoy her body when making love. Her body should not be on display for other men and it should not even be on display to her husband as a matter of routine, not in some sort of strange religious withholding sense but simply that she should dress demurely at all times. But then when they've making love he can appreciate and enjoy her body all the more because he is not constantly exposed to it. Provocative scanty clothes in the presence of the husband on a daily basis when she has no intention of making love to him, or certainly when there are other people around, are totally inappropriate. Again, I'm not talking about some restrictive, repressive thing, I'm just talking about preserving the sanctity of your marriage, the sanctity of your desire for one another by not doing foolish things. When they're alone together she may choose, from time to time, to dress in a provocative fashion with scanty clothes in order to excite and arouse him. If that's something that they both feel is appropriate or if it's something that she would like to try from time to time. When she knows she is going to be alone with him, she should seriously consider going without underwear or wearing tanga type panties, if this is appropriate to her build and wear there is a possibility they would be together alone. She can also wear stockings and suspender belts. All of this is directed at her seizing an opportunity to initiate lovemaking with her husband on a non-premeditated basis and as he starts to undress her, discovering that below the demure outer clothing she is ready for him and waiting for him and desiring him. She should not wear deodorant or perfume, her natural bodily perfume, when aroused, will be highly stimulating to her husband. Again, this is one of the paradoxes of the corrupt society in which we live. When a woman is near the man she loves and her desire is for that man, she should be, according to Gods plan, in a state of continual low-key arousal and she will emit a perfume which will be particularly noticeable to him which will let him know that even if they are heavily engaged in routine house chores or office work, that she's aware of him, that she desires him and that will bring him to a state of arousal so that when they do have an opportunity to be alone together they will immediately move onto the first plateau of lovemaking.
She should use limited or no makeup as preferred by her husband. Most women seem to wear makeup for the sake of the people around them, not for their husband. I think many men, when presented with a woman who really desires them, will find that makeup is a hindrance. In any event, when making love, if you've got to contend with eye makeup and lipstick and all sorts of stuff which gets on your clothes, gets in the way, it tastes unpleasant, it's an inhibitor. She may shave her armpits or not, as preferred, and women should take note that many men find unshaved armpits attractive. She should trim her pubic hair or not, again as her husband prefers. And I make the point, that realistically if you take my earlier point about modesty of dress, no man should be seeing a woman’s armpits except her husband and possibly, if they go to the beach or the swimming pool, then it is a bit of an issue. But I've seen women from European countries who don't shave their armpits and that's perfectly acceptable in the sight of their husbands. At the end of the day, what other men think is irrelevant, it's what your husband thinks. If you are dressing yourself, presenting yourself for the sake of other women, excuse me, for other men or to compete with other women, you are allowing Jezebel in, you're allowing whoredom in, you're allowing perversion in, it's a sin for you to think about what other men will think of you when you dress yourself and when you put on makeup. When a possible opportunity for intercourse is identified, the woman should take whatever opportunity there is to wash her pubic area, if that's necessary, just with plain water. And she should take the initiative in going to her husband and asking for a hug, a kiss, etc and if she is already aroused he will sense it immediately from her manner, her body odor, her perfume, etc.
She should only conduct herself towards her husband in, what one might class as, an overtly sexual manner when she's offering herself to him for lovemaking and she's coming to him because she desires him and she desires the fulfillment of consummation with him at that moment. She should not, in any way, try to attempt or tease. She should dress for her husband at all times, never for other men or others generally. And again, I can't stress this thing about tempting or teasing enough, there's this idea that people should be mischievous, it's deception, it involves mystery of presenting your motives, to go to your husband in a way that suggests then that you want to make love to him and tell him then you were only teasing is an absolute appalling abomination, it is violence to your marriage and I cannot stress enough that you should not dream of doing it, if you've been doing it you need to repent to your husband most sincerely.
Think of ways to please your husband, surprise him and arouse him. Give him notes with intimate words, if you pack lunch for him for work put a note in his lunchbox, phone him at work or leave a message on his voicemail or send him a brief email just telling him you love him, possibly with some hidden keyword or symbology which is private between the two of you but which lets him know that you desire him and you're thinking about him. You should be sexually aware of and desire your husband at all times and be ready to make love to him at any opportunity. It should not be something that you do after all the chores are done late at night, it should be something that you seek to do whenever an opportunity presents itself. It's a state of inward being, not an external conduct, it's not brash and brazen whorish behavior, it's a quiet inner desire to be united to your man whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Basics of lovemaking
To move onto some of the more specific basics of lovemaking. Men are highly aroused by their wife approaching them to make love and coming to them just for tenderness, love, caressing, stroking, tender and adoring words, looking at him with love in her eyes, etc. A woman who comes to her husband tenderly, with love and starts caressing him, stroking him, starts speaking to him tenderly and expressing her adoration for him, looking at him with love in her eyes, will melt that man’s heart and bringing him to a state of desire and arousal in absolutely no time at all. And a sensitive woman will always be seeking to build up and to please her husband. She will respond to gentle words, hugs, fleeting kisses and caresses, small thoughtful gifts, etc. But man was not created to court, to woo, seduce or arouse woman, she was created for that and if she does not take the initiative she must not be surprised if her husband is cold and distant, in large measure she determines the level of intimacy. I've made the point in a previous teaching, the more sanctified a man becomes, the more his flesh is crucified with Christ, the less able he is to initiate sexual lovemaking. He awaits his wife coming to him, the only way a man can get himself sexually aroused on his own initiative is through lustful thoughts or pornography. If his wife does not do what she was created to do and she expects him to make love to her, to woo her, then she is setting him up to make use of sexual fantasy involving women who will come to him without the inhibitions that she has, turning to pornography and so forth, to find women who, in his imagination, give themselves totally without holding back.
So if your husband is into pornography, there's a strong likelihood it's because you're not giving yourself to him fully. If you were giving yourself to him in the way that I've just described, he would have no need of pornography. That's not to say that if he was already addicted to pornography and in bondage to it before you met him that that is not going to continue but equally, if you truly are filled with desire for him and love him, my experience indicates, and I have to say not that it's something to be proud of but we need to be real about the facts, that I was in bondage to pornography throughout the two year period and in fact we shared pornography. A woman who is not threatened by her husband’s sexuality, a woman who has a revelation that there is nothing that prevents her man from having more than one woman and therefore is not threatened by it, will not find pornography or other women, in any way, an inhibiting factor and may in fact be, in her terms, stimulated. It's a myth that pornography is a male thing, statistics have I've read indicate that at least as many women as men buy pornographic magazines and read pornographic magazines. In fact, some statistics seem to indicate that more women than men look at pornographic magazines and, so called, men’s magazines.
Returning to the basics of actual lovemaking. In both the man and woman’s case, they should resort to stroking, caressing, both acting gently and firmly and stroking all parts of the body is pleasing to both. And I must stress, this is a two way street, a woman who passively lies there and expects her husband to make love to her cannot expect to receive anything because he wasn't created to do that, he might make the effort a few times but if she's not responsive she has no business expecting anything more from her man. Gentle nibbling kisses of the throat and the nape of her neck are highly stimulating, particularly to women but men also enjoy receiving them, like kisses and caresses of the face, again, are very important. And I am just now going to list a variety of specific physical actions, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail or elaboration, I am just going to give you a catalogue of things that could and should be done between a husband and wife.
French kissing, placing ones tongue in the other ones mouth, most men really appreciate it when their wife inserts her tongue into his mouth and in many cases women seem to think that only the man should insert his tongue into her mouth. Understand that this is bring about spirit to spirit envelopment and therefore, more intense contact, feeling and emotion, giving rise to heightened arousal. It's something very special to a man when his wife penetrates him by putting her tongue into his mouth, I can't explain it, I can just tell you as a man, from my own experience, it's a vital part of truly giving lovemaking between a man and a woman.
Gentle biting, especially of the lower lip of women, is highly stimulating but only when she is already aroused. And again, the reverse, the woman gently nibbling her husband’s lower lip has the same effect. Tight hugs and embraces, when both their hearts are open to one another and love is flowing without hindrance results in a super charge of love flowing between them, in particular if the husband is in intimate communication with God, the love of God will flow through him to his wife in an awesome fashion. I've experienced that quite recently, where if both parties have really got their hearts open, as you embrace, it's like a powerful electric current flowing between the two of you as your spirits just flow together with the power of love. While hugging, particularly while standing or lying on the bed, squeezing of the buttocks and moving the hands between the legs from behind to stimulate the genitals is a very appropriate technique. A more obvious thing is that as a man and woman are aroused and they're hugging, they tend to press and grind to bring the genitals together and this is particularly stimulating for many women as they become aware of their husbands arousal. And this applies both when clothed and, more particularly, when naked. Stroking and gentle squeezing of the breasts, kissing and sucking especially of the nipples and areola, when highly aroused, even quite hard squeezing of the nipples and even gentle biting, can add to arousal in some women and also in some men. There are women who claim that their nipples are hot wired to their clitoris and that stimulation of their nipples in the way that I've just described can bring them to orgasmic climax without touching the genitals. Some find kissing of the armpits stimulating, kissing of the navel, caressing and sucking and kissing of fingers and toes and even their underside of the foot can be erotic when the couple are highly aroused.
In terms of actions by men towards women, gentle stroking and caressing of the female pubic area that I've referred to as the alter of the Covenant and also of the labia minora, insertion of fingers between the labia minora and stroking and rubbing of the clitoris and pulling and stretching of the labia all are stimulating. Insertion of one or more fingers, in some cases up to four fingers, over time as the woman becomes more aroused, into the vagina and stimulation of the g-spot which is the rough area on the front wall on the inside of the vagina, typically reached by the middle finger when its inserted deeply. Very, very sensitive in many women, can trigger some release of urine in some cases or the sense of releasing urine but when stimulated on a sustained basis can bring about a particular release of energy and arousal. Equally, when a woman is penetrated from behind, the penis tends to stimulate this, giving rise to a situation where quite frequently a woman will have her most intense orgasms when penetrated from behind. More direct stimulation of the clitoris with the fingers is obviously a vital part of lovemaking. Stimulation of the labia minora and clitoris by holding tight, for example, in tanga panties, pulling them upwards and then stimulating with the lips, the tongue and fingers and even gentle pressure with the teeth is highly stimulating for many women. Sucking of the labia minora and clitoris, licking and kissing of the vulva generally, together with manual stimulation is a vital component in my opinion of making love.
In terms of women to men, the primary emphasis of the woman is on receiving his caresses and becoming more aroused, his greatest pleasure is in giving her pleasure. Men are created to give to their women gifts and love and lovemaking but the woman needs to be receptive and if she is receptive there is no greater pleasure for a man than to just bring his wife to greater and greater heights. In return she can stroke, kiss, caress, squeeze as said out previously. Gentle of firm caresses and holding of the penis, the scrotum, testicles, etc, raking with her finger nails are things which can give him great pleasure. Taking his penis in her mouth, sucking him deeply, caressing with her tongue, kissing and licking the shaft, the scrotum, the testicles and the hood of the penis are all very stimulating for a man. Simultaneous oral and manual stimulation, which is generally referred to in the world as 69, in other words, the woman lies above the man or vice versa with her vulva over his mouth and takes his penis in her mouth, is very stimulating for both and produces a particular form of intense intimacy which is highly pleasurable. Generally, the women are on top supporting her weight and her knees and elbows are on or with them lying on their side, man on top for a variation but this tends not to be as pleasurable for the woman. This can go all the way to orgasm for either the woman or the man as well. Some women have difficulty receiving their husbands ejaculation in their mouth but I really believe this is something that they should all seek to experience. I have no doubt that God intended it to be that way, it also relieves the pressure on vaginal sex with the associated implications, possible pregnancy. It also, I believe, provides a channel through which the second point of contact for the One Flesh Bond can be established.
Penetration of the vagina with the penis can be preceded by rubbing the tip of the penis in the vulva, stimulating the labia and the clitoris until the time is right for penetration. Gentle, gradual insertion with smooth rhythmic strokes is the correct approach to making love unless in a moment of intense passion a more rapid penetration seems appropriate. Again, the issue here is the man and woman to learn to be in such unity and harmony that they know what works for them and that they do it without inhibitions and hang ups and without causing pain. Various patterns of penal movement in the vagina such as three shallow and one deep stroke until both build to a point where the urgency for climax propels them to intense movement. And again, this is a case of experimentation, intercourse is not some quick get it off frenzied activity, it is an act of just growing together, of bonding your spirits together, of desiring one another and just growing together in intimacy until a point of ejaculation and climax is reached. With practice, a man can build arousal to a point and then lie quietly while still inserted until the pressure to ejaculate has abated and then he can resume movement. If this is associated with intense love and continued caressing, this can build both of them to a very substantial release. Penetration variations include the wife on her back with the husband on top, the wife on her stomach with the husband entering from behind which enables him to stimulate her g-spot, the wife kneeling with entry from behind, the wife standing with entry from in front or behind, the rear entry positions permit manual stimulation of the breasts, the vulva and the clitoris which can increase the intensity of climax significantly.
A skilled and loving husband will lead his wife to progressive crescendos of orgasmic release, raising her steadily to greater heights. But on the other hand, any resistance on her part or intents to bossily direct him, will destroy the arousal and must be avoided at all costs. The wife, in particular, can perform oral stimulation of her husband in situations where further action is not possible and she can do this as an expression of her love and adoration. Many, if not all men, find this particularly stimulating and uplifting and a very personal expression of his wife’s love and desire for him. Certainly in my own experience and all that I've read indicates that men find something very, very special about a woman, his wife, taking him in her mouth and many women experience the same or a comparable sense that this is a particularly important way, particularly personal way of expressing her adoration and love for her man. The man should endeavor to pace his climax so that his wife climaxes with him or has several climaxes before he climaxes. If she is highly aroused this is rarely achieved, if she's not it is impossible.
Arousal is a choice on the part of the wife. Desire for her husband is a commandment of Scripture, he can do nothing to demand it, to command it, to earn it or beg for it. Her desire and arousal is hers to give or hers to withhold, it is a personal choice and there is nothing he can do. If she withholds it, she spites herself as well as she spites him. She breaks down the house, she destroys what could be the most beautiful time in her relationship. And tragically, the vast majority of Christian women, from what I can gather, do this because of wrong ideas, prudery, false hygiene, etc. Satan has been very, very effective in this area as well, of corrupting the Church, perverting what God intended to be the most beautiful act and turning it into some sullied change room, bathroom hygiene bodily function act when it is the most intensely beautiful spiritual act that God has given to a man and a woman to experience together. If the woman has to use saliva or artificial lubricant before she's sufficiently wet for her husband to penetrate her then, as best I understand it, this is purely because she is not aroused. In which case she is not likely to experience real sexual release or pleasure, sex becomes a mechanical thing for both of them. Men and women who are uninhibited and have not been loaded with hang ups are aroused by the sight of one another’s bodies. Women find the sight of the erect penis, the organ with which her husband cut Covenant, particularly appealing and stimulating and enjoy looking at it and touching it. Men are similarly attracted to the wife’s vulva, particularly when highly aroused with the labia minora engorged with blood and swollen and purple and spread out, symbolic of the cutting of the marriage Covenant. Both are aroused by the sight of the penis penetrating the vulva, particularly with rear entry and viewed in a mirror, this is the most visible expression of their Covenant and the fact that they are one and that their spirits are welded together through the bond formed through their united organs, there is a sublime arousal associated with seeing the reenactment of the act of Covenant.
These are most of the basic facts and broad techniques, there are many finer points which time does not permit me to address and which it does not seem necessarily appropriate to discuss at this time. I should perhaps elaborate a bit and say that in the process of making love, the husband and wife should lie on the bed, they should make love, they can make love standing up, lying down, in different positions, they can lie together with her in his arms, on top of him, underneath him, as the mood takes them, they can stop and they can talk, they can drowse off, they can take turns manually stimulating one another or even stimulating themselves in a way that the other can watch and be aroused by it. There's a position, the X position, in terms of which the man penetrates his wife and then turns so that his feet are up near her face and his lying between her face so they are completely twisted around and they can pull themselves toward one another but pulling on their feet and lie like that for ages with a particular form of stimulation. In making love, there should be no hurry, it should be an all day thing and I hope by now that you can understand that if, in the process of cutting Covenant as set out in tape 3.7, they take the entire day, at least five to eight hours to be alone together as I've described in this tape, making love as the mood takes them, possibly climaxing five, six, seven times if they're together for eight hours and if they do that every day for seven days, I have absolutely no shadow of a doubt that at the end of that seventh day those two people will be welded together spiritually with such a divine supernatural force holding them together that when they return to the hum drum activities of the world, they will be inseparable, nobody will be able to drive a wedge between them, adultery and things like that will be absolutely beyond the realms of possible consideration and they will already be starting to walk in the telepathic bond that I've spoken of.
If in addition to that they are able to spend substantial time together in the first year and make love on a regular basis, if the husband is spared from going out to war, going out to travel on business, etc and if they're relieved of most domestic duties, by the end of that year, if they've had a number of additional, at least afternoons or full days, as I've referred to and their lovemaking the rest of the time has been passionate, the arousal is always there, they will have a phenomenal marriage. There is absolutely no doubt about it, God created it that way but until they do this there will be very little in the way of marriage as long as people believe that sex is an incidental in marriage, that it's something dirty and unclean, they will never experience Gods plan for them in marriage.
In making love there must be a total focus on giving pleasure to one another, not holding back and that's probably the single most significant key, together with gentle but clear leadership by the husband and proactive giving submission by the wife, as being the fundamental foundation in Godly sexual lovemaking and in a Godly marriage. These principles will apply whether people are believers or not, I've said this before and Satan uses these principles to produce very strong unions in adultery throughout the world and then to produce absolute twisted, contorted agonized people in the world because they've done this with more than the man and woman that they are joined to in matrimony. Ultimately, lovemaking should be a completely uninhibited act of joy, celebration of the marriage Covenant and of the marriage and every episode of lovemaking should build another solid layer in an increasingly invincible One Flesh Bond towards the point where they can totally and truly communicate spirit to spirit at all times.
Heaven on earth
The parallel here again is, as we spend time in the presence of the Lord, His presence in us becomes greater and greater until it is no longer only Christ in us but us in Christ because His presence in us is overflowing. As in the case of Peter, where the Scripture reports that people who were within the reach of his shadow were healed and I really believe that what happened there was that Peter had come to a place where he was so filled with the Holy Spirit, so filled with Jesus, that it was overflowing and he was walking in Jesus, in the Spirit, to such an extent that there was an invisible cloud around him which was touching people. This should be our objective, not only in our Christian walk but also in marriage. The husband totally fused with his wife and his wife totally filled with him. I pray that while in this teaching I've addressed many things which, I know, many Christians will have difficulty considering as part of a Scripturally based set of teachings. I stress again, this comes out of experience gained at great personal cost, it's experience which I know with absolute certainty Yahweh has required me to include in this series, I know from what He's shown me in the last few years that He views these truths as of absolutely paramount importance, He desires for us to return to the beauty and the awesome wonder of marriage as He created it to be, He desires for us to return to heaven on earth in marriage.
But I have to say that if you cannot walk in what's been discussed in this teaching, if you insist on holding onto religious and traditional dogmas about what is and isn't acceptable in marriage, if you insist on making love once a week with the lights out, with no foreplay and nothing other than straight missionary position, you will have an insipid and weak marriage bond and you should not be surprised if one or other of the partners falls into adultery. If the wife was never fulfilled and is frigid, if the husband is trapped into pornography and so forth. If you desire to walk in marriage the way God created it to be, then recognize that sexual intercourse is the heart of marriage. If you do not practice lovemaking in the totally uninhibited giving manner that Yahweh intended you to practice it, you will not have a marriage of note, you will not have heaven on earth in your marriage, no matter what else you do. You can take everything else that is contained in these teachings but if you do not take to heart what is contained in this teaching and go all out to deal with all the demonic dreck that is keeping you from loving one another, fully, wholeheartedly, without holding back, you will never experience heaven on earth in your marriage.
I would now like to add an anecdote, if you like, to what has been said so far in the way of a story which will help, I hope, to make what has been taught in this tape, more directly relevant to you. I'm just going to give you an example of how a man and woman might go about making love. And I will tell it as a story, it's not a real life story, it is based on some things that have happened but it's there just to give you an example. In the story, the wife is so filled with desire for her husband that from time to time, she really wants to be alone with him, get away from the hub bub of the home, etc. And so, from time to time, she comes to him and asks him if they can spend a day away or even an afternoon away, she arranges and books a hotel room, she makes the reservation and makes an appointment in his diary. She goes first to the hotel, she bathes and prepares herself and after she's arrived and is starting to get ready she phones her husband and tells him that she's waiting for him. He travels to the hotel and by the time he gets there, she has bathed, she's cleaned herself of all makeup and perfume, she's waiting for him wearing an attractive loose fitting silky dress or robe with nothing underneath. As he enters the room, she walks gently and openly to greet him and with her face upturned to kiss him, he takes her in his arms, he kisses her gently and starts to caress her.
As they proceed, he holds her, he kisses her on the mouth, she places her tongue in his mouth and vice versa, they nibble one another’s lips. After a few moments of kissing and caressing, he starts to undress her, he starts to kiss the nape of her neck, he starts to kiss her nipples and her breasts, he drops to his knees and removes her remaining garments, he starts to gently stroke and kiss and stimulate her sexual area, all the time caressing her, telling her how much he loves her. In the meantime, she's caressing his head, caressing his neck, telling him how much she loves him, exclaiming at the pleasure that he's giving her. After a few minutes, he stands up and she drops to her knees, kissing and caressing him as she goes, taking his penis in her mouth, sucking it and making love to it, showing how much she adores him, caressing him, taking him deep and shallow and doing various things which she knows are pleasing to him. Kissing and nibbling and sucking his scrotum and his testicles and generally stimulating him in a way that is pleasing to him. After a while she may rise and he then takes her by the hand, leads her to the bed, laying her out, again caressing and kissing her all over until eventually he's ready to penetrate her. Going in gently, possibly applying the and rubbing the tip of his penis through her vulva and over her clitoris repeatedly for some minutes before going any further, teasing her with the tip of his penis, just into the opening of her vagina. After a few minutes, inserting deeply but gently and gradually coming out again and taking, perhaps, three gentle strokes just in the very opening of her vagina followed by one long deep stroke with a moment’s hesitation and pause at full penetration, coming out again, possibly continuing like that for half an hour before the level of passion builds to a point where he climaxes for the first time in that period, stimulating her, stimulating him, caressing, declaring their love for one another, possibly withdrawing, kissing, possibly moving into the so called 69 position either with him on top of her or her on top of him, giving mutual oral and manual genital stimulation.
After they've climaxed, possibly lying together or possibly at such a level of arousal that they immediately continue with him stroking inside, without significant interruption. Alternatively, he might withdraw and start kissing and caressing her all over again, she might start kissing and caressing him, each taking the initiative as they feel impressed to do. If they're both highly aroused, if she has strong desire for him, the probability is that after his first orgasm he will move quite rapidly to a second climax while she is building and may have several orgasms in the period. By the time he's climaxed a second time, she might then lead him to the bathroom and bathe him, washing him all over, stroking him, massaging him, kissing and caressing him in the bath as she bathes him. They might make love again in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror with him entering her from behind and both of them enjoying the view in the mirror. After some time they might return to the bed and make gentle love without necessarily any climax for 15, 20, 30 minutes until they're ready to climax again. In the meantime, talking, perhaps with some light delicate snacks which they both enjoy, just stroking one another, loving one another until they're ready for penetration. They might adopt different positions, standing, her kneeling with entry from behind. Just going from one position to another, continual stimulation, they might stimulate one another with their hands, lie head to toe while he stimulates her vulva and her vagina with his hands and she stimulates his penis with her hands and alternating with their mouths. They might even stop and stimulate themselves, him with his hand and she with her hand, where they can see one another and they can enjoy watching their bodies responding to that movement, until they're ready again for penetration and further climax.
That can continue, as I've said before, five hours, seven hours, an entire day can be expended in that manner with the husband, over the period of time, climaxing five, six, seven, eight times in a full day period, provided she desires him, provided she takes the initiative, provided she is highly aroused, provided she constantly does little things to let him know how much she esteems him, how much she loves him, how much she desires him, how much she is enjoying being with him, how much pleasure that he is giving to her. As much as she responds to him and yields to him and gives to him, so much will he respond. If she lies back and demands from him, nothing will happen. If she is frigid and cold, if there is no lubrication, if she is dry, the most that will happen will be one or two desultory penetrations with orgasmic ejaculatory release for the man which will be very unsatisfying, after which he will fall asleep. If a man and woman have never experienced what I've just described, it's very, very difficult to imagine what I'm talking about.
If you've grown up with, what one might term, a prudish paradigm of sex being dirty, carnal and ungodly, you may find what I've just shared with you highly offensive and I apologize if that's the case, it's not my intention but I would ask you to examine your heart, read the song of Psalms, in particular. And infer from that what God is saying to us, God intended lovemaking between a man and his wife to be the most delicate, most wonderful experience that is available to human beings and I urge you, if you have difficulty with anything that I've said in this teaching, go before God, ask Him to show you the name of the Spirits that are oppressing you, ask Him to show you and confirm that what is being said in this teaching is of Him and ask Him to set you free. If you ask in faith, without doubting, and you do whatever He shows you to do, repent of viewing something that He created to be so beautiful as being dirty and unclean, understand that when you think those thoughts and say those words, you are insulting a God who created man and woman as sexual beings, understand that it is not right if you're not to enjoy it, the most beautiful thing that He gave you as husband and wife, to enjoy. Set aside your prejudices, ask Him to change you, ask Him to show you how to prepare and come to that place. There are secular books on sexual lovemaking in marriage which go into more detail than what I've just gone into, most of them contain significant error in the sense that they make adultery and fornication a light thing however, pray about it and if the Lord leads you, ask Him to show you perhaps and lead you to a document that will perhaps help you to better understand that. It is very difficult for me to present that to you in this one tape in a way that is suitable for this sort of distribution that I expect this tape to have but please, it's potentially a long process if you don't have a revelation of what I've just said. But God is able to lead you, He's able to bring you to the place, provided you choose to go there.
Father, I ask that anything that is on this teaching that is not according to Your word and according to Your will, will be blown away and find now root in the hearts of the heroes. That I ask Father, that everything that is according to Your word, according to Your will, will find deep root in the hearts of the heroes, that it will be engrafted into their hearts, that it will take root and it will produce abundant fruit. Father, I ask also for those who have challenged, that You will give them utterance by Your Spirit, that they will pray what they need to pray, that You will guide them by Your Spirit, that You will lead them into the truths that they need in whatever manner is appropriate in their situation, that You will send people and materials across their paths to confirm this teaching and that by Your Spirit You will lead them into this truth and guide them so that they may come to a place of revelation and freedom, in Jesus name. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world, Amen.
05_12 Further Considerations (and the One Flesh Bond Continued)
This is tape number 12, of volume three of the series "Understanding God's way in marriage", volume three, dealing with practical application of the marriage teachings and this teaching is entitled, further considerations, the One Flesh Bond continued. This is the final tape in the series on marriage, it wraps up some challenging issues and, God willing, if you've listened to every tape in this series, you will now have a much clearer revelation of how God intended marriage to be and a much clearer revelation of what needs to be done in order for you to experience heaven on earth in marriage. I really pray that you found at an exciting and a challenging journey and a stimulating journey, I have no doubt that it will have been challenging at times, there's much that we've been taught by the Church in this generation which has been shown to be unfounded in Scripture and I have an assurance that virtually everybody who listens to these tapes will be greatly challenged but I pray that you have been blessed by them and I pray that you've been seeking God to show you how to put them into practice.
If your experience in listening to these tapes has been anything like our experience, while we've been preparing and recording these tapes, you will already be experiencing a significant change in your marriage, you will be drawing closer together, you will be dealing with some key issues and God will be blessing you. I encourage you, you may need to listen to these tapes three, four, five times, maybe even more times over the next few years, putting into practice the things that are contained here and I'm personally convinced that I'm going to have to listen to these tapes a number of times and my wife as well, as we seek to come to the place that we have seen that God has for us. As I've said a number of times throughout this journey, change is a process. There are some things in these tapes which you may have found so challenging that you couldn't handle them, there may be some things that have offended you, that's the reflection of the extent to which the Devil has us in bondage. But I pray that as you go back and you listen to the tapes again, you will find the things which sounded absolutely beyond the bounds of reasonableness the first time you listened to them, will in due course take on the awesome revelation of God that they do contain. In this tape, I will touch on a few remaining points and go into a little bit more detail regarding the One Flesh Bond. As I said in the previous tape, there are some issues which I've been very reluctant to touch on in this series lest they offend people but they are things that the Lord has shown me, have been revealed to me, I've paid a great personal price for them and they've truths which need to be shared with the body of Christ. So I will get onto those in a minute.
If you're listening to this tape on a casual basis, and in particular, if you have not listened to any of the other tapes in this series or only a selected few tapes in the series, I appeal to you please switch this tape off and go back to the beginning or go back to wherever you started jumping around. This tape deals with subject matter which is highly, highly challenging. If you have not walked the journey that the Lord has taken us, step by step, if you just jump in the deep end here you are unlikely to be able to swim, you are probably going to be offended and in the process of being offended you are likely to sin against God and bring yourself into a harsher judgment. Please understand offense equals sin, when you are offended it means you are sinning because you are called to walk in the love of God. if there is something that is really not according to the word of God, just turn it off, don't sin in response to somebody else’s sin but at the same time, if you have something wrong in your life, if you have something that's oppressing you, if you are not walking in the fullness and revelation of the word of God that has been shared in the 54 tapes which precede this one, and you're offended then you could well find that you are being offended by what is truly the word of God given through His prophets and that that will count against you on the Day of Judgment so please, I implore you, go back and listen to all of the tapes that precede this before you listen to this.
The tapes build up to the subject matter that is in this tape in a progressive fashion. This progression, I believe, has been carefully formulated by the Spirit of God, so that listeners can move forward one step at a time and overcome obstacles in their understanding and so forth, to the sorts of truths that are contained in the previous tape and this tape. Gradually, to give them the greatest opportunity, to receive what God is saying to His Church through these teachings. To climb in at the deep end right now is almost certainly going to give rise to problems. Having said that, I've not discharged my responsibility towards you, the listener if you have not listened to the preceding 54 tapes. For those of you who've come the whole journey with me, God bless you. As I've said a moment ago, I really pray that you've been blessed and that you're finding greater and greater revelation and greater and greater blessing in your marriage.
As before, I would like to pray with you right now. Father, in the name of Jesus, I bring all who listen to this tape before you. In the name of Jesus I come against any demon or fallen angel that is on or around or in those people who are listening to this tape. In the name of Jesus, I bind you and I command you to go down and be silent in Jesus name. I stop your ears in the name of Jesus, until this tape is complete and I bind you from interfering with the reception of knowledge by the listener, in Jesus name. I speak to any demon or fallen angel in the room or immediate environment, to the person who's listening to this tape, any demon or fallen angel or cohort of Satan within hearing distance, I bind you in the name of Jesus and I command you to leave now and go to the pit for a thousand years, in Jesus name. Father, I ask that you send Your mighty roaring angels to bind, silence and block the ears of those spirits that I've named and to bind and cast into the pit for a thousand years the spirits that have been named appropriately, in Jesus name. Father, I ask that everything in this teaching that is of you will find deep root in the hearts of the hearers and will produce abundant fruit, in Jesus name. And I ask likewise Father, that all that is not or anything that is not of You in this teaching that you will blow it away by Your Spirit and it will find no root in the hearts of the hearers. I thank You that You opened the eyes of the understanding and the ears of the understanding and the hearts of the listeners to receive the truths contained in this teaching, in Jesus name.
As I have been completing this series of, this is now the 55th tape, in parallel with that the Lord has been speaking to me together with a group of people who've been meeting weekly in Pretoria at the foundation for living, a Christian fellowship about the state of the Church generally and, in terms of the Kingdom context. I talked about the Kingdom context in one of the tapes in volume two of this series and it bears repeating. I am now profoundly convinced we are in the second 3.5 years of the great tribulation, the two periods of 3.5 years prophet side by Daniel and elsewhere. I say that prophetically, I can't offer you concrete evidence and I say that also with a deepening and an increasing revelation of the fact that Jesus Christ ushered in a spiritual dispensation. The old Covenant, the old Testament was a physical Covenant, animals were sacrificed, everything was very physical. The new Covenant is a Spiritual Covenant, very few people actually saw Jesus Christ, let alone saw His miracles, we read in the Scriptures that not even Herod had seen one of Jesus miracles when Jesus was brought before Herod prior to His crucifixion. The actual sacrifice, the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ was revealed physically to very, very few people and so does being since then. We are called and we are challenged to serve God who we have not seen without physical signs, we have the miracles that are being worked in the Church today as physical evidence, that is the same evidence that Jesus Christ gave us when He walked the earth. I'm increasingly, profoundly convinced that as, by the same token, bringing about change in the human condition, in business and in marriage as we've seen in the teachings with regards to change throughout this series is time consuming and it's difficult. It seems increasingly unlikely that the physical manifestations of tribulation that many people are looking for will, in fact, take place.
There may be symbolic outbreaks of violence, of persecution, etc but the reality is that history repeatedly indicates that Christians who are violently persecuted draw closer to God and we saw that in the teaching "Do you love like Jesus loved?" Therefore it increasingly seems to me that the Devil would be extremely foolish to bring about physical persecution on a global scale, he would strengthen the Church as we saw on the examples of persecution in Russia. The devil is not stupid, he may be deceived but he is highly intelligent, he is highly competent even if he is Satan, he is almost certainly learnt from his mistakes. Where he has been uniquely successful throughout time is in subtle deception, in subtle leading people astray. We've seen that in how the Church got into deep bondage up to the time of the reformation, we see it in the magnitude of the bondage that the Church is in today, why would the devil bring about massive physical persecution today, forcing Christians to turn to God as a vital necessity when he has the majority of the body of Christ in adultery, in a position where they will not inherit the Kingdom of God, where they are so in bondage to sexual sin that they are unable to minister effectively most of the time, I really believe that the numbers of people who are going to die in the next few years are going to die spiritually. I continue to encounter reports of instances where people confronted with the truths contained in these tapes, claim that it has come from Satan and end up blaspheming the Holy Spirit. That is a much more effective tool for Satan, the more people that he can get to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, the more people he gets to kill spiritually, there is no point in him physically killing and murdering people who because of what they going through turn to God with absolutely no reservation, people who come to salvation because they see no other hope.
I urge you to consider seriously, that we are probably as at today, the 26th of December, the year 2000 in the early stages of the second 3.5 years of what Scripture refers to in Matthew 24 as great tribulation. I urge you to consider that if you open the eyes of your spirit and look around you, you will see tribulation and spiritual suffering and falling away of believers, left right and center, such as you have never before seen and has never been experienced in any generation. I was speaking just a few days ago to a man who's been serving God most of his life, in his seventies, and he was commenting on the number of people who have been strongly serving God all their lives, who have suddenly back slidden from positions of prominence and leadership, not just into a position of slackness but into manifest a major sin. Judgment is coming upon the earth, God has withdrawn Grace, I believe we have to conclude that if the age of Grace is not behind us, it is very close to being behind us or, at the very least, we are now entering a season where there will be no Grace extended until Satan has been cast into the pit. If we do not stop leaning to our own understanding, if we do not stop looking to the things that are seen and start leaning to the mind of Christ and start looking at the things that are unseen, we face a harsh judgment and we face the prospect of finding that we are foolish virgins, that we are tares, that we are goats, that we are classed as workers of inequity, that we are classed as unprofitable servants, that we have a part in the lake of fire and brimstone, that we experience weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and we may not come to a place of this spending eternity with Christ. I truly believe that right now the remnant of true believers is very small and it behooves every one of us to seriously question the wisdom of even beginning to think that we could be part of that remnant, it is an act of great mercy and great Grace for anybody today to be a part of the remnant, we need to seek the Lord our God with all our hearts and all our minds and all our souls and all our strength.
Covering by a Godly man
In that context, I will God willingly be preaching a message on Sunday the 31st of December at the FFL congregation which will catalogue in summary the fact that the Church is currently breaking every one of the ten commandments by way of published and accepted doctrine. Should you want to obtain a copy of the twelve tapes that have been compiled from the FFL meetings over the last three months, they are entitled "The coming tribulation", please contact this ministry and we can make those tapes available to you. But please accept the context of this message, great tribulation is coming on the Church today, great judgment is coming on the Church today, we're enjoined to deal with the things that are not according to the word of God and part of that is to get our lives right in marriage, we cannot endure an overcome to the end if we are in sexual sin, if men have put wives away, men and women are living in adultery, men and women are joined spiritually to Satanists, witches and warlocks. We've had a situation in the last two weeks where we were ministering to a 30 year old man who fell into great sin in his youth, has been in drugs, is a drug addict, he's been into fornication, he's had more than 50 women, fathered a child that he's not seen, been into homosexual prostitution, homosexual rape but a lovely, gentle child of God, born again at the age of 19, in terrible bondage, had a terrible life thus far and we were ministering to him and he was being set free and what we failed to recognize until it was too late, until the devil had dragged him away from us, that man had had a sexual relationship with a woman who he'd told us was a witch, he had fathered a child by her and every time I came to minister to him to cut off the One Flesh Bond something happened to interrupt the process and he eventually ran away. And after he'd gone and I was praying about it, it came to me that because he was One Flesh with that witch and because he had fathered a child by her, she had enormous spiritual influence in his life, somehow she knew that that One Flesh Bond was going to be cut off and she intervened through witchcraft to stop the One Flesh Bond getting cut off. I truly believe that if we had intervened and cut that One Flesh Bond off and we'd been more alert to what the Spirit of God was undoubtedly saying to us, that young man would still be in our care today.
So I need to stress to you, if you have unresolved One Flesh Bonds with the world, if you've joined yourself to prostitutes, and so forth, and you haven't yet dealt with it, do it now because the devil has a hotline into your heart to utterly destroy you and if he hasn't started using it yet, I assure you by the Spirit of God, he is about to start doing it. Having said that, we've touched in tape 3.10 the implications of Isaiah 4.1 and I need to revisit that again in the light of some things which have happened in the last couple of days, which have just highlighted it. Every single believing woman whom Yahweh has or will release from any existing marriage, any existing One Flesh Bonds, needs a Godly man to cover her, particularly if they have custody of minor children or teenage children. With what is coming, spiritually, down the road right now, and to use the metaphor, it is coming like a steam train with all the brakes failed down a steep hill, all hell is about to be let loose and is being let loose on the earth right now. A single believing woman, who does not have a Godly husband for a covering, is in desperate, desperate spiritual danger. The vast majority of them will fall away, we've seen that in the reference in Scripture, to widows who do not marry and are there destroyed by Satan, it's happening all around us, those women need a covering. Isaiah 4:1 is about women who are shamed, women who are desperate for a covering because they don't have one. Isaiah 4:1 is being or should be being fulfilled right now, in the body of Christ around the world if it were not for the heresy of monogamy. This is not about men collecting women, it's about the responsibility of men towards the needs of women, it's not about lust, it's about the safety of millions of women who at this moment in time are extremely, extremely vulnerable. I believe that in the days ahead God is going to take more and more Christian women out of ungodly marriages and those women are going to have to come under a Godly covering very quickly if Satan is not going to destroy them.
In many cases, I believe God is going to do this for the sake of the children. I've shared with you examples where the bloodline of an ungodly father, who'd forsaken God was utterly destroying his son till God eventually, in response to humble prayer, took that man from the face of the earth. More and more of that's going to happen but a woman on her own is going to battle to stand against the onslaught so I urge you, if you are still in doubt or offended by Isaiah 4:1 and what has been taught in this series on Isaiah 4:1, repent, turn around, seek God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul and all your strength to deal with the hardness of your heart and realize that if you are a man, God expects you to extend your covering to any single woman you know of who's a true believer, who needs that covering. Understand that if you are married to a Godly believing man, God expects you as a woman to actively and proactively go forth and offer your husband’s covering to any woman in that situation that the Spirit of God may show you. Understand that Jezebel manifests dramatically in this situation because women’s liberation is about keeping women in bondage, monogamy is about keeping the majority of women in bondage. Isaiah4:1 is about seven times more believing women than men in the body of Christ. Isaiah 4:1 is about the vast majority of men either never accepting Jesus Christ as Lord or backsliding, falling away and falling permanently into sin. Isaiah 4:1 is a salutary warning to any man who calls himself by the name of Christ to take a long hard look at his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and to get himself right with God before the devil takes him apart. It is a long hard serious warning to any Christian woman thinking of getting married to make absolutely sure that the man she is planning to marry is a man who has what it takes to overcome till the end.
This jealousy of women who try to own their husbands is heresy, it's an abomination in the sight of God, it's blasphemy. Any woman who's listening to this, who is doing it, in the name of Jesus, I speak to you now, repent, turn around, before you're rejected by God and you lose your salvation. Any man who's opposing this and thinking that maybe this is of the devil, repent now before you blaspheme and the Holy Spirit and lose your salvation. I urge you, accept the truth, this is a time of great judgment on the earth, this is not the time to play games with the devil and footsie footsie with the devil and resist the word of God. Isaiah 4:1 foretells what is happening in the world today, specifically in the area of marriage. The fact that you may not be able to understand it, the fact that you may have a problem with it does not mean it's not the word of God. God is able to do the work that needs to be done to bring you to the place you need to bring it. If you don't understand, ask God to show you, don't find fault with the word of God.
We've touched repeatedly in this teaching on submission and particularly, in the earlier teachings, we went into submission in great detail, I need to re-stress that point. Wife, if you're arguing with your husband, if you're finding fault with your husband, if you think that he's saying things that are wrong, please understand it's not your responsibility, you are commanded to submit to him in everything. If you're concerned he's going off the rails, you can't do anything about it in the natural, the more you argue with him, the more you fight with him, the more you're going to irritate him and the more likely he is to sin more and to get further off track. Go before Almighty God and say "Father, in the name of Jesus, I know I must submit to this man, this doesn't look right to me" or if you know it's not according to Scripture say "Father, this is not according to Scripture but you tell me I must submit to him and I ask you now, Father, in the name of Jesus, please whatever is necessary to turn him away from this sin and bring him back to where you want him to be." Don't tell God how to do it, don't tell God what to do, ask God to bring about the change and then submit and love him because the word of God says that if you submit to him he will come to repentance.
In the context of this whole teaching, it is vital that we seek all truth, we have been given the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truths, not just the truths which appealed to our itching ears and realized that selective application of truths leaves one very vulnerable. I believe with all my heart that the vast majority of what is contained in the 55 tapes on marriage, is according to the word and the Spirit of God, it is revelation from God for this age. Please, if there are truths you're battling with, there're things you don't think are truths, go before God, ask Him for signs, ask Him for confirmation, don't speak against it unless you are absolutely certain that He's shown you that I'm in error. I'm sure there are bits and pieces where my understanding and my carnality have got in the way but in terms of fundamental principles I am profoundly convinced that it is the word of God, I had given no thought to much of what is in these tapes before I started fasting and praying over this series, it has been revelation as much to me as I'm sure it has been to you, in a number of areas.
In putting some of what's contained in these tapes into practice, particularly with regard to men providing a covering to more than one woman, realized that you have to deal with the world, realize that there are constraints, you cannot have a civil marriage with more than one woman and if you have a civil marriage with one woman and you start talking about another woman as your wife, you are likely to find yourself with legal problems. You may have to, in those cases, divorces the woman who is legally your wife and live in common law marriage with all of them, if you live in South Africa it seems likely that the constitution will protect you but that is by no means certain. Ask God to show you but whatever you do, do not sin in trying to compromise with the world.
It, sort of, crossed my mind that, perhaps, one could marry and divorce each wife, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that that would be sin because the minute you start issuing, deliberately, certificates of divorce you are still going against the word of God, you are speaking and writing and contracting words which are contrary to the word of God, Satan will use that to destroy you. So only do what Yahweh specifically commits you to do and guides you to do, don't seek confrontation with the world but do not resort to subterfuge, compromise or behaving like a fugitive. Remember that the Scripture says that we are blessed when men revile us and persecute us for the sake of the gospel.
Matthew 5:10 - 20 states, and this is Jesus speaking "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is a Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake, rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in Heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. You are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let you light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. Do not think that I came to destroy the Law of the Prophets, I did not come to destroy but to fulfill for assuredly I say to, till Heaven and earth pass away, one jottle, one tipple will by no means pass from the Law until all is fulfilled. Whoever, therefore, breaks one of the least of those commandments and teaches men so shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
Luke 6:22 - 23 "Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and revile you and cast out your name as evil for the son of mans sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy for indeed your reward is great in Heaven. For in light manner, their fathers did to the prophets."
Luke 6:26 - 29 "Woe to you when all men speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets. But I say to you who hear, Love you enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those you despitefully use you. To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also and from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either."
So please understand, if all men are speaking well of you, you might have a problem according to those Scriptures. And understand equally, that if you put into practice everything that is contained in these teachings, men are going to revile you because the devil hates the truths that are contained in these teachings. Having said that, let us just revisit a couple of the key Scriptures before I go into the closing component of this teaching which is to address some further aspects of sexual lovemaking in marriage, as God has revealed it to me over the last few years.
One Flesh Bond
Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage is honorable among all and the bed undefiled but fornicators and adulterers God will judge."And we've seen very clearly, there is no physical act that can take place between a husband and wife, in an act of lovemaking, that is ungodly in the sight of God. I am not talking about ungodly acts like sadomasochism, beating, etc, I'm talking about gentle lovemaking filled with desire, filled with passion for one another. The stuff that is ungodly is spiritual, not physical, it's fornication, it's men having sex with other men’s wives, men having sex with men, men having sex with animals, women having sex with animals, women having sex with men who are not their husbands, that is ungodly, not the physical act that take place within the marriage bed, those are undefiled.
1 Corinthians 7:3-5 "Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her and likewise, also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does and likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does. Do not deprive one another, accept with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting in prayer and come together again so Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self control." In other words, it's not for the wife to deny her husband access to her body and it's not for the husband to deny his wife access to her body. So if you are saying to your husband no you can't do that, no you can't touch me there, no I won't do that, you're in conflict with the Scripture, God created you to give yourself totally to your husband and totally to your wife. And if you have hang ups, if you can't do certain of the things which were taught in the previous teaching, please accept there is something demonic holding you back. If, as a woman, you cannot adore your husband, all of him including taking your husband’s most Holy organ in your mouth and adoring him, making love to him in that way, there is something demonic holding you in bondage, repent, recognize it for the sin that it is and get set free of it. God didn't create you to withhold yourself from him. The same applies to the husband.
1 Corinthians 12:23 - 27 "And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, in these we bestow greater honor. And our unpresentable parts have greater modesty but our presentable parts have no need but God composed the body having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no skism in the body but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it." Now you are the body of Christ and members individually, again we see the parallel. Every physical organ of the body has different functions and those which are, we tend to think, less honorable are in fact most honorable. So the male and female genital organs are the most honorable parts of the body in the sight of God, that is why it is a shame to expose them, it is shame for another woman to see a man’s most Holy organ, it is shame for another man to see a woman’s most Holy organ. Those are the organs of Covenant between husband and wife. It is their height of Holiness for them to be desirous of seeing and touching those organs and it is the height of abomination for them to deliberately expose those organs to other people, particularly in a sexual way.
And you have to look very carefully, women in particular, at the way you dress. But men and women wearing tight clothes, which expose the form of their genitals, are sinning. And also, they're reducing the level of stimulation for one another when they're alone together in private and see one another naked. If you have been schooled in the belief that the genitals are dirty and unclean, not to be touched, certainly not to be kissed, you are mistaken. They are recorded greater honor and they should be treated accordingly. We've seen, in previously, Genesis 2:24 quoted in Matthew 19:5 and 6 and elsewhere, Ephesians 5, 1 Corinthians, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be united" and I'm reading here again from amplified Matthew 19:5 and 6 "joined inseparably to his wife and the two shall become One Flesh." so they are no longer two but One Flesh. "What therefore God has joined together let not man put asunder or separate." That is Jesus speaking. The arithmetic in that is that one joined to one becomes one, in other words, in algebraic notation, one plus one equals one therefore one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one to the end still equals one. A man who joins himself to ten women is still one body, one flesh with all of them. They're all bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, there is no separation between them. And that is vitally important.
They all represent as we saw in the teaching on Isaiah 4:1, tape 3.10, they all represent different functions in the body of that man. One of them may be a good communicator, one may be a gifted intercessor, one may have the gift of healing, one many have the gift of helps, one may be an administrator, one may be a good cook, one may be a wonderful carer for children, they all perform different functions in the body of the house of that man, that they are all one with him. And therefore there is no sexual division between them.
The art of sexual lovemaking in marriage
I want now to go into more specific aspects of the building the One Flesh Bond, as I've called it building the house, the art of sexual lovemaking in marriage, which have not been dealt with yet. I say again, if you have not listened to the preceding tapes, please stop now and go back. At the very least, go and listen to all the other teachings on the One Flesh Bond and building the house before you listen to this tape. As an absolute bare minimum, listen to tape 3.11 before you listen to this one. If you don't and you're offended and you sin, I have to say to you, your blood will be on your hands on the day of judgment. I cannot stress enough, the next part of this tape is not to be listened to by somebody who has not listened to the preceding teachings, it is highly, highly challenging and most people will find it highly controversial but it is the word of God.
A few general points with regard to sexual lovemaking in marriage, before I go onto the most challenging. I've talked at some length about the process of lovemaking and some of the skills that are associated with lovemaking in the previous tape. There's an aspect that was not addressed there. The level of sexual release for the man is generally directly proportional to the level of pressure, the tightness of the female sexual organ and therefore, it is desirable for woman to keep their pelvic muscles and their vaginal muscles strong by doing what gynecologists refer to as pelvic floor exercises. These are exercises that involve tightening and releasing the muscles on a regular basis, they are exercises that are part of prenatal preparation before birth, they were documented in most secular magazines, improve control of urinary flow as well. And if you're a wife and you're not keeping your vaginal muscles in trim by doing pelvic floor exercises, I would urge you to do so. Both men and women should make an effort to be fit and to look after their bodies in order to enjoy sexual lovemaking.
I touched in the first series, under the tape 1.8 on some controversial issues and one of the things that I fleetingly touched on is that there is no Scripture that prohibits anal penetration of the wife by the husband and that this is supported by the fact that Scripture explicitly forbids a man having carnal intercourse with a man which, of necessity, involves penetration of the anal sphincter, the rectum by the male sexual organ. It was pointed out that it is common practice in Catholic countries for anal intercourse to be an alternative to vaginal intercourse and that it provides a means of contraception. It is also pointed out that secular information indicates that a substantial proportion of both men and women enjoy anal stimulation and anal penetration as a sexual derivative. It was also noted that when a woman is highly aroused, that generally there is no fecal matter present in the rectum and in the anal sphincter and it is possible for anal intercourse occur without there being any smell or unclean matter associated with it. But I stress again, that applies primarily in the case where the woman is aroused. And again, we see this thing, God has created our bodies to function differently in a state of sexual arousal than when they're not sexually aroused.
This is supported also by what I've just said about one plus one plus one equals one and a man and a woman being One Flesh. If the man and a woman are one body, then it is inconceivable that there are things that the body can do to itself which are not manifestly violent or hurtful or damaging, that is prohibited. She's bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh and the word of God says the marriage bed is undefiled and there is absolutely no Scripture anywhere which provides for anal penetration to be forbidden and the reality is that when a woman is highly aroused there is a transformation that takes place in her anal sphincter, her anal sphincter becomes sensitive, it responds positively to stimulation by the insertion of the finger and it is receptive to insertion of the penis in the majority of women and many women find it pleasurable. God created women to be like that, understand Satan is a counter feeder, Satan can't create anything, Satan can't do things which make something like that possible, he can only corrupt what is there that God has shown him.
And if we recognize the extreme misery that occurs in situations of, particularly, monogamous marriages, where women have one child after another, we have to understand and see the hand of Satan in this. Firstly, because the woman, as I've said before, if she's highly aroused is less likely to fall pregnant. Secondly, if she's highly aroused, she will find taking her husband in her mouth and receiving ejaculate in her mouth and also penal penetration with ejaculation, pleasant and stimulating and therefore, the extent to which she has to expose herself to the risk of pregnancy is diminished. And further, if they're walking by faith, I really believe that God will not overload them with children. We see throughout Scripture that the families did not have, or the men and women did not have, for the most part, large families. That women went several years without child bearing in some instances.
Also, it's important to note that the perineum, the strip of skin between the anus and the vulva which constitutes the root of the penis is also highly sensitive in many men and women (silence (00:46:56)) thereby rubbing with the finger or the penis is very stimulating for most women, even stimulating with the tongue is stimulating. And when a woman is highly aroused there is an excess of vaginal lubricant which can be used to lubricate her fingers to insert into the anus and many women find that highly stimulating, particularly during intercourse. It is a sensible precaution after anal penetration not to insert the same finger into the vagina and to wash the penis before intercourse, there may be microbial activity that does take place but again, this seems to be a function of the level of arousal of the woman. The fluids which are produced when a woman is highly aroused seem to have some antiseptic qualities.
The last aspect that I want to address is the issue of sexual intimacy between wives. The Scriptural basis for this and the fact that it was not prohibited was dealt with at some length in the second series as an (inaudible (00:48:36)) to the subject of the responsibility of married Christian women to unmarried Christian women and in the second part of that tape there was a fairly detailed analysis of the basis in which it was not possible to formulate any Scriptural prohibition. It was made very clear that there is no Scripture which prohibits sexual intimacy with wives and we see also, just by a simple logical extension, if they're all one body you don't only take the excretory organs to the bathroom, the entire body goes to the bathroom. The left hand washes the right hand and the right hand washes the left hand and the right hand washes the entire body. We don't expect different parts of the body to function independently, by the same logic we cannot expect different parts of the body of the man to function independently in a sexual capacity or any other capacity, they are indivisibly one by insisting that women have sleep in different beds, that they're not present when the husband has intercourse with other wives, it is bringing about a division which has absolutely no Scriptural basis, it is dividing the house.
It is logical for the man and his wives to share a bed when they want to, if a particular woman is menstruating or she wants to sleep without any physical contact, she's at liberty to sleep in another bedroom but the indications are increasingly from people that I've been communicating with, that men and women are starting to walk down this particular road. I have to say to you that I do not have personal of that, as I've indicated in a previous tape. We've been disobedient in putting plural marriage into effect in our own lives but we expect it to happen shortly. I do have indirect experience through the two year adulterous affair that I had on the first time that we were together we discussed the subject of a second woman, both of us had thought about it previously, both were highly aroused and we fantasized consistently throughout the relationship about a second woman. We never made love without fantasizing about there being a second woman who ministered primarily to the woman I was making love to, who became highly aroused through that imagery. When I came back to the Lord and was wrestling to deal with all sorts of things, I've shared with you how I argued with God for more than three months with regard to this revelation that a man could have more than one wife.
I was wrestling with many other things, I was reading Leviticus 18 and 22 and asking God all sorts of questions and with regard to a man not marrying a woman and his daughter, one of the answers that I got was that it would not be right for a woman to be sexually intimate with her daughter and as I debated that, as I prayed for it, I prayed about it and asked God to confirm that eventually I had a vision. I was in a hotel room in London in an area I didn't know at all, I'd arrived there that same day from South Africa to speak at a conference two days later and as I was praying I had a vision. In that vision I saw a particular route out of the hotel where basically I turned left out of the hotel, I walked two blocks, turned left again, walked 100 meters, crossed the road, there was a shop with a magazine with a particular picture and context on the cover on the top rack and I was lead by the Spirit to buy that and to see that there were two instances there. It was a men’s pornographic magazine and I make no apology for that, God will use whatever mechanism He sees fit to speak to us. I purchased the magazine, I read the articles and God told me to destroy it, to throw it away. But He had shown me that that was the case. He subsequently lead me twice more to different places to purchase the same magazine to reinforce the point.
Each time, by the leading of His Spirit, most dramatically in South Africa, about a year later where He told me that if I went to a particular shop I would find that magazine and, in discussion with the proprietor of that shop, I discovered that they never had copies of that particular magazine, this was an isolated copy that they had got and they generally did not succeed in obtaining that particular magazine. And again, I saw it, I shared those pictures with my wife and God told me to destroy it. The basic conclusions around that, that within marriage women enjoy the companionship and fellowship of other women, they constantly are seeking for that outside of marriage, they're seeking for it for their husbands, it's a source of major strife and division. God created them to have that companionship and fellowship from other wives within the marriage. Women are relatively, for the most part, tactile and enjoy touching and caressing and again, God created them to enjoy touching and caressing one another within the marriage. Men are very aroused by watching women being sexually intimate with one another, women are very aroused watching women being sexually intimate with one another and women are also very aroused by watching a man and woman together.
The reality is that God has created us to be very visually and tactilely sensitive and part of reaching the maximum sexual potential, from my own experience and from what I've read as the Lord has permitted me to purchase a number of magazines and books and then subsequently lead me to almost immediately destroy them and discard them, and also based on the extensive reading and research that I did while in bondage to sexual sin before the Lord delivered me a few years ago, is that men and women reach their highest sexual peak in a situation where there is a man with at least two women, where the women are sexually intimate with one another and with a man, where there is absolutely no holds barred in their lovemaking. The capacity of a man to make love and to reach repeated erections and ejaculations is substantially greater when he's in the presence of two or more women than when he's in the presence of one woman. The capacity of woman to reach progressively heightened levels of orgasmic arousal and orgasmic release is significantly increased when there is at least two or more women present and they're being sexually intimate with one another, they're watching one another being stimulated by the man and so forth.
That is the way God created it to be. I've encountered a number of reports of women on their own, being sexually intimate in the position that's known as 69. In other words, the two women are head to tail or head to toe if you like, stimulating one another’s clitoris's and vulvas orally and one another’s vaginas with fingers inserted and women who've had that experience consistently describe that when they reach a simultaneous orgasm after significant lovemaking, they have the experience of becoming fused together or becoming one for some moments during that orgasmic release and after it. I have no doubt that in that process there is a release of spirit to spirit which results in a One Flesh Bond being formed. I don't believe it's nearly as strong as the One Flesh Bond that has formed when a man ejaculates his spirit into either the vagina, the mouth or the anus of a woman but there is nevertheless a flood of spirit from the one woman over the spirit of the other which results in a fusing together. And the full magnitude of the One Flesh Bond within marriage, I profoundly believe, is accomplished when there is completely uninhibited sexual lovemaking with the husband with all of his wives and the wives between one another. In the process, the women stimulate one another then they stimulate the husband.
I now want to share with you, just on sort of an outline basis, two examples which are based on what the Lord showed me in the magazine that He lead me to buy in the visions that I've shared. In the first instance, the case involved a wife of about 28 and an aupair girl of about 18 and the sexual context is promiscuous and so forth and I don't intend to go into that but the reality was that the two women became highly attracted to one another, they reached a point where that matter came up, they unrobed and they started to make passionate love to each other associated with highly intense orgasmic release and explosions. The noise lead the husband to come to the bedroom, he saw what was going on, he became highly aroused and the wife lead the husband to the younger woman and he consummated that relationship with her and they continued then to make love, the three of them together in a relationship which became a long term relationship. It was sullied because of the ways of the world but, as I've said before, these truths have been preserved in different groups of people and these are not truths which have been preserved in the formal traditional Christian Church because Satan has taken that side of things totally away from those who believe and he's left it with those who are going to hell anyway because of their adultery and fornication.
The second instance, in the same magazine, saw two women who had been highly attracted to each other at work eventually making love to one another. But, in essence, in that and many other instances, if I've come across instances of two women undressing, stripping together, dancing together and putting on an act for a man, bringing him to a high state of arousal before they actually make love to him and in that process, the women touch and kiss and caress one another, they kiss one another’s breasts, they kiss one another’s vulvas, they stimulate one another vaginally with their fingers, they rub their vulvas together in, what people tell me, x-position and they generally stimulate one another to high levels of sexual arousal and orgasm and then the man joins in and participates, also at a high level of arousal. And generally, as I've said before, when there are several women present that man has the capacity, in a collective situation, to meet the needs of those women sexually through penetration but equally, those women reach much higher levels of orgasmic release with one another and everybody is fulfilled and the net effect of that is that there are a number of vaginal seminal ejaculations that take place, relative to the number of orgasmic releases is reduced.
So again, in the paradox that the more sexually active a man and his wives are in marriage, the more intense the arousal is, the more intense the release is, there is strong indications that there is a reduction in pregnancy. And the same applies if there are four women together watching stimulation and so forth. And I don't intend to go into any more detail at this stage, I believe I've shared with you enough for you to understand what is being talked about here. The Holy Spirit, as I've said before, is able to lead you into greater truth there. The finer points of what's being talked about, I believe, are really self evident once you understand the principles that are talked about in the previous tape. If they're not as self evident as it seems to me that they probably are, then I would ask that you pray about it and you ask the Lord to lead you to sources of information. If you really do need further information then contact me, my email address is on the packaging for the tapes and on some of the tapes and will probably be on the end of this tape.
And if there is a real need, or if the Lord impresses me to do it, I may, in due course, write a more detailed document based on the knowledge that the Lord has permitted me to gain over the years but my impression at this stage is that what has been said in this tape, in the previous tape, is more than sufficient for anybody who's lead by the Spirit of God to come into a place of full sexual experience and release the way God intended it to be. Understanding that it is a spiritual experience, that the physical stimulation is also a stimulation of the spirit, that the physical release is also a spiritual release, it's a spiritual fusing and every time such orgasmic release takes place there is a further welding together, a fusing of the spirit of the man and his wives or the wives together, as the case may be. And as this continues to happen, the bond becomes stronger and stronger and they come to a place of perfect unity and perfect harmony, provided they choose to go there.
If a wife insists on holding on to Jezebelic heretical beliefs regarding the manner in which she and her husband are supposed to interact, you will never get to the full magnitude and depth of the One Flesh Bond that I'm talking about here, she must give herself totally, she must submit, she must desire her husband and be aroused at the prospect of making love to her husband. Her husband must seek the Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart, mind, soul and strength and not try and get his wife to be aroused, it's not his job, he can't do it however hard he tries. All that will happen is that he will fall into lust and fantasizing about women who are submissive, who do desire their men and the marriage will fall apart at the seams.
Final message
Hopefully, with that I've given you sufficient information for you to deal with the sexual aspect of your marriage and I really pray that, as this series now closes off, you will now have the information that you need. As I've been wrapping up this series, the Lord has impressed on me to put the entire set of teachings into digital audio format, so called mp3 format, and together with that the full set of teachings with regard to deliverance and a full set of teachings with regard to the coming tribulation and the full set of teachings with regard to judgment. So if you've got the teachings on audio tape, be aware that there is a set of two CD's available, God willing I hope to finish them in the next day or so, which should have all of the teachings that I've referred to, composite of something like 55 plus another 36 or so, or 39 teachings in the areas of judgment, the coming tribulation and deliverance, together with copies of the book, the Scriptural definition of marriage, the document on poverty in the Church of Jesus Christ and a couple of other less significant supporting documents, will hopefully all be available to you on data CD's which you can play the teachings on your computer or copy them off the computer onto audio tapes.
The audio tapes are also available from this ministry but obviously the CD's are much more cost effective in terms of manufacture and in terms of distribution and postage. I also hope to have this full series of teachings and the supporting teachings available in electronic form, downloadable over the internet, within the not too distant future. And also in a transcribed format as documents that can be downloaded over the internet or emailed to you and from there, God willing, I hope to produce a book although my deadline is fast approaching and I'm nowhere near as far as I should've been. I realized a couple of days ago that I've been trying to do too much in my own strength, writing too many notes, whereas I should have been allowing myself to be lead by the Holy Spirit more, with less formal preparation of each teaching. So for that I apologize, it's taken longer than the Lord intended for me to produce this set of teachings and there probably hasn't been as much anointing on them as he intended there to be.
I just keep finding that the more I know about the things of God, the closer I go to God the more I discover how far away I am from God, how little I pay attention to what He says to me, how disobedient I am and I've just repented that I confess it as sin and I ask you and I ask Him to forgive me in Jesus name. I urge you to learn from my mistakes and to learn from that, I don't share the facts that I've made so many mistakes with you in order for you to become proud but simply to say to you please examine your heart, the more I come to know about God, the more I come to know how little I know about God and how little I obey Him. And I would say to anybody who's listening to these tapes, if you have at any stage listened to some of my mistakes and listened to some of the things that have been said, if you've started to feel that maybe this guy is a bit of a hack, please examine where that's coming from. Only Jesus is perfect, Paul said at the end of his life that he was the chief of all sinners so you will undoubtedly find level in these teachings, you undoubtedly find signs of tiredness because I was under demonic attack, you will undoubtedly find all sorts of things which the devil can use to get you to reject much of what's contained in these tapes. I urge you, let it go, take the wheat and reject the chaff, take the silver and reject the dross. We've prayed, or I've prayed over every teaching, that the Lord will blow away anything that is not according to His word and according to His will and that that which is left will take solid root in your heart. I pray that that has happened and I pray that you're blessed by this teaching.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you that you establish everything that's been taught in this series, it is according to your word and according to your will in the hearts of the hearers and I thank you that anything that has been taught that is not according to your word is blown away now by your Spirit, in Jesus name and is completely forgotten and destroyed, in Jesus name. Father, I thank you that you judge the listeners of this series severely and correct them harshly, that they may serve you more perfectly in this life and not receive that judgment in the life to come, in Jesus name. I thank you that you bring the people that you want into their lives and you take the people you don't want out, in Jesus name. I thank you that you open the doors you want opened in their lives that no man may close and close the doors that you want closed that no man may open, in Jesus name. Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus, for revelation in their hearts. I thank you that you heal their marriages. For those that are not married or have been separated from the people to whom they're married, I thank you that you restore their marriages.
Those that have discovered that they put away women or have been put away, that wherever it's your will, that you will restore those men and women to one another, supernaturally, moving by your Spirit Lord, to bring people together even if right now they're on opposite sides of the world. Father, I thank you that you will lead every person that listens to this series of tapes towards Holiness and sanctification, towards spiritual awareness and turning away from their own understanding and the things that are seen and turning to the things that are unseen. I thank you that you give them a deep hunger to experience Heaven on earth in their marriages. Father, for those who don't have a husband or wife right now, I thank you that you will show them where you are taking them and that you will give them the husband or the wife that you've wanted for them. Father, those single women who've been battling, for years, to find husbands, I thank you that you will bring them Godly husbands and that you will open their hearts to understand that those men are likely to be married, in Jesus name.
Father, for those women who are married to men who have either lost their salvation or who will never come to salvation and are serving Satan and who are destroying the lives of their wives and children, I thank You Father that where it is appropriate, You will bring those marriages to an end and provide those wives with Godly husbands. But where there is still some possibility of that man coming to salvation, I thank You that You will strengthen that woman by Your Spirit, that You will cause her to submit according to Your word, to lay down her life in prayer and intercession and submission that she may bring her husband to salvation by her Godly example, in Jesus name. I thank You Father for the might and the glory and the power of the name of Jesus, the name above all names. I thank You for setting Your people free. I thank You that Jesus is coming soon. I thank You that the days at hand where Satan will be cast into the pit for a thousand years. I thank You that the days at hand where You are cleansing the bride of Christ and removing every spot and every blemish, that the day may come where the bride will be ready for the return of the bridegroom. Father, we thank You in the name of Jesus, we love You, we praise You, we worship You, in Jesus name. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Savior of the world.
This message has been recorded by a Church without walls and ministry of end time issue ministries, Po Box 898, Randpark Ridge, Randburg, 2156, Republic of South Africa. We can be contacted by email at Our phone numbers international dialing code, normally 0027 but this may vary from country to country, the 27 is standard. Our landline 0027 11 791 2327 or in South Africa 011 791 2327. My number 0027 83 251 6644 and in South Africa 083 251 6644. Our fax number internationally 0027 11 791 5004 and locally 011 791 5004. All materials produced by this ministry are available at no cost to those who require them, irrespective of financial means. At the same time, donations and offerings are clearly welcome to support the word.
Please feel free to copy any of our materials in part or in full as the Lord leads you. Understanding that the manner in which you utilize this materials and the manner in which you cite them and quote them is for your account on the Day of Judgment. So we would ask you to use the materials widely, but please feel free to copy them however you see fit and to share these truths with anybody as the Lord leads. I would urge those of you who received copies of these tapes at no charge that once you've listened to them that you consider passing them on and blessing others with them. Our heart's desire is that they should not become a artifact sitting on a bookshelf and gathering dust but that the word of God contained in these teachings should be spread as far and as widely as possible. Should you be lead by the Lord to sow into this Ministry, our bank account is end time issue ministries, the account number is 042 752 7805, the branch is the Standard Bank of South Africa, Randburg branch and the branch code is 018 005.
You've been listening to these messages, you've realized that you do not have a personal saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and that if you were to die right now, you would not spend Eternity in Heaven with him. I would urge you to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to pray the prayer of salvation. The steps to salvation are as follows. Firstly admit and recognize that you are a sinner. Romans 3 verse 23 says "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Secondly, accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that he came to Earth as a man, that he was crucified and died on the cross, that on the third day, he rose again and is now seated at the right hand of the Father and that by his death and resurrection he took your sons for Eternity. Romans 5:8 says, "but God demonstrates his own love towards us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Thirdly, confess your sins, repent of your sins and turn around. Repentance means turning around, it means ceasing to do what you now realize is wrong. 1 John 19 says, "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness for confess your faith that Jesus Christ is Lord, that you believe this and receive his salvation and invite him to dwell in your heart." Romans 10: 9 and 10 says, "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Give thanks to God for your salvation, pray and cry out to God and give thanks to him for saving you. Work out your salvation by the Spirit of God." Philippians 2:12 says, "therefore, my beloved, as you've always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
Salvation is a process. You are saved the moment you pray the sinner's prayer, the prayer of salvation and invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and be Lord of your life. But Salvation is also a process whereby your mind is renewed and you come to have a personal and deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is your choice how far you go in that relationship. He desires a wonderful and a deep and intimate relationship with you, but it is your choice whether you will do what is necessary to come to that place through reading your Bible, praying, seeking counsel, seeking guidance. You should be water baptized at the first possible opportunity. Matthew 3:6 says "And were baptized by him in the Jordan confessing their sins." Encourage you to ask the Lord to lead you to somebody who has some knowledge of the basic ordinance of water baptism who can water baptize you, which leads you to a Church where they can water baptize you.
There's no reason why you cannot be water baptized today as a symbolic cleansing and washing of your sins. In fact, the minute you have prayed the sinners prayer it would be preferable for you to be water baptized. Choose to be obedient to the word of God, accept the Bible in its original Hebrew as given by the Spirit of God and choose to live your life according to that. 1John 5:3 says "For this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not burdensome." I encourage you to read the word of God daily and to put into practice everything that you encounter. As a principle which I believe will bear fruit in your life, I would encourage you to make an effort right now, after you've prayed this prayer, start reading your Bible from the book of John through to the book of Revelation.
And then make a discipline of reading the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation at least two, three, four times a year. And read the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi at least once a year. And I would encourage you to do that using different translations. Ask God to lead you to the Church where he wants you to be at this time where they will teach you, they will guide you, they will pray for you and they will help you to walk in the fullness of what God has called you to be. Be aware that God may move you from Church to Church over time to teach you new things. And you should not be reluctant to do this. The service of God is a personal choice. It's a wonderful choice. And if you will step out by faith today and pray the sinner's prayer and follow Him, you will reap a rich harvest if that is your desire to be found faithful on the Day of Judgment. Should you have listened to this and have decided that you and I are ready to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, I would ask you to pray the following prayer with me in Jesus' name.
Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I confess that I'm a sinner. I confess that I don't have a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and I recognize that without Jesus, if I were to die right now, I would spend Eternity in hell and not with You. I confess that I've sinned and I repented those sins and I turned around. I choose to turn my back on sin and to serve God. I confess that Jesus Christ came to Earth as a man, that he was crucified, that he died and was buried and that he was resurrected on the third day and that he sits on the right hand of the father. I confess by faith that he died to take all of my sins and I thank You Jesus for taking my sin and I give You my sin right now in Jesus' name.
I confess by faith that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I choose now Lord Jesus to make You the Lord of my life. I invite You to come and dwell in my heart. I invite You to take charge of my life. I invite You to start leading and guiding me and directing me and I give You my life and everything that I have and I commit myself to serving You now. Lord Jesus, I thank You that You've heard me and I thank You that You have now come to live in me and I thank You for saving me. I thank You that I'm now a child of the most high God. I thank You that I'm now a servant of the most high God and that You will lead me and guide me into the paths that You want me to walk, I ask You Lord to lead me to the Church where You want me to be.
I ask You in the name of Jesus to bring the people that You want in my life, into my life by Your Spirit, and to remove the people that You don't want in my life by Your Spirit, in Jesus name. I ask You to close all doors in my life that You do not want to open, that no man may open them and I ask You to open every door in my life that You want opened, that no man may close it in Jesus' name. Father, I ask You to teach me to be led by Your Spirit. I ask You to open my eyes, to have a revelation of the word of God. I ask You to give me a hunger for the word of God and for Your Spirit and I ask you to teach me to pray, in Jesus name. I thank You Father and I thank You Jesus, for saving me and I declare that I'm now a child of God and I praise you and I worship you and I glorify Your Holy name and I thank You for changing me and saving me and delivering me, in Jesus name. Amen.
Now that you've prayed that prayer and you're born again into the body of Christ, realize that the Christian walk is a journey; the apostle Paul likens it to a marathon race. You need guidance, you need assistance, if you have no one to help you pray and ask the Holy Spirit of God to come into your life and to help you. If you need to contact somebody, contact any of the major ministries. If you're not sure who to contact, contact this ministry through the address and telephone and email details that were supplied earlier. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.