This Broadcast discusses the importance of Fasting and then moves on to commence discussion with regard to Spiritual Cleansing which is continued in subsequent Broadcasts.
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Listen to Recording_2019.04.26 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 5 -- Fasting and Cleansing
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me in Heaven when they do not believe I exist?" So if you are listening to this and you do not believe in the reality of the Creator, then you might want to rethink that because you certainly are not going to end up in Heaven unless you decide to come to a deep revelation of His reality and His existence.
The Almighty has also said concerning Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?" So if you are a Believer and you are not actively seeking to serve the Almighty and draw close to Him, you might also like to think about that because you could end up a long way from the throne.
Today's topic is a continuation of the last few programmes, "Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty." This is Part 5. We are going to look at Component 3 ‑ Fasting and we are going to introduce Component 4 ‑ Cleansing. So we will get on with that now.
Just to remind you that the Almighty has said, "I created human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
This programme is about how you can get to such a relationship.
Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator – Fasting and Cleansing -- Overview
An overview of tonight's programme, we are looking at Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty. First component ‑ Fasting.
We are going to learn that fasting is a critical element of drawing close to Father Yah.
We will look at the variety of forms that a fast can take.
We will take note that it is helpful to rehearse the Covenant morning and evening during a fast.
We will note that seven to nine three day fasts at seven to ten day intervals are powerful and convenient.
We will realise that death with Yahooshua is a powerful prayer accompanied with fasting, but not to be prayed lightly. We will talk about Praying for Death with Yahooshua can lead to death if one loses the anointing.
We then move on to Cleansing.
We will see that we are all defiled when we come to belief and most Believers remain defiled throughout their lives.
We will see that symbolism and metaphor play an important role in the Spirit Realm, and it is preferable to get help but most ministers today are also contaminated because of errors relating to the names ‑ Jesus, God, the LORD, beliefs about the Bible, beliefs about Jesus, etc.
We will see that Demons are the Spirits of Dead Unbelievers. We will see that if you are serious about drawing close to Father Yah it is vital to get rid of all defilement, the processes discussed in the coming weeks will enable you to do this
Who am I?
My name is James Robertson.
I have a PhD in Civil Engineering.
I have spent 25 years in South Africa as a strategic management consultant around Business Information Systems.
I am currently the Chief Operating Officer of a group of small companies in the United Kingdom.
I have spent 26 years actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty after a dramatic experience with Him in March 1993, which gave me to realise deeply that He was real and that my life was a mess because I had been ignoring Him.
What is End Time Issue Ministries?
It is my organisational vehicle for delivering my message, hosts the websites, the email publishing, this radio programme, and hopefully within a couple of months, there will be some physical books as well.
What is this programme ‑ The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! This programme is designed and intended to help whoever listens to realise that it is possible to have a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty and then to help you to understand how to get there. See my website at for more information. There is a huge amount of information on that website.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Questions from last week's programme:
Number one, "How do we know we have the right relationship with the Creator?" The simple answer is He will tell you. If you really are in right standing with Him, if you really have a Relationship with Him and one of the things that you will have accomplished in getting there is to learn to hear His voice. And once you can hear His voice, He can point you in the right direction, He can tell where you are out of line. You have to pray the prayers that I have spoken about in the last few programmes, but He will tell you if you are in right relationship with Him. It is up to you to listen, get on your knees, hear what He has to say, take rebuke if rebuke is necessary.
Point number two, "Guess you have a point with that. I don’t want to be called by the name of another." Very, very important and sadly, so many Believers do not get it. They just go with "Well, I have always known Him as God or the LORD and He has answered my prayers, so why should I worry about Yahweh or Yahooeh or Yah?" Folks, it grieves Him so much. I have seen Him in tears over His name twice. Once because somebody refused to change and get rid of a email address and once, because somebody shut down a Yahoo group because Yahoo is a blasphemous name. Please, it is respectful, it is loving, use His correct names. It is Yah the Eternally Self Existing or just Yah and Yahooshua is Yahooshua, not Jesus. For respect for both of them, please use their correct names.
Question three, "How is it they got some names right in the translation but not others?" Well, the sad thing is that the names that they got right in the translation are the ones relating to the Satanic and Demonic Realm and the ones that they got wrong relate to Father and His matters. Some of it was error, some of it was people were too scared to put the truth out. Some reports say that early translators did have the truth that there was so much persecution that they backed away from it. Not absolutely sure of the answer to that one, but human error is basically the answer.
Point number four, "Are you saying we should divorce but not remarry a Believer?" No, I am not. I am saying that if you are married to an Unbeliever, you should get divorced and marry a Believer. If you are a single woman, there are not enough believing men to go around, so you will probably have to stay single.
Point number five, "Sex should be enjoyable correct?" Absolutely. Anything that is possible between a man and one or more women in Covenant sexually is entirely permissible and you can have really good sex within a Covenant relationship. Yah created us to be sexual beings. So all the enjoyable things that you read about in pornography and so-called men's magazines, adult magazines and so forth, is absolutely permissible within your marriage, within your Covenant relationship. Outside of that, it is forbidden. So much confusion. People think that Yah does not like sex; not at all. He invented it.
Point number six, "And that brings us back to how do we know things to be the truth?" Well, pretty much the same as the first point. If you hear Him clearly and you are praying the right prayers, you will come to a point where you know things to be the truth, but it is going to take you some years, you are going to need to do some fasts and it is going to take time, but if you are really committed and you really let Him guide you, He will lead you into truth. But do not just think because you have got a bit of truth here and a bit of truth here that you have all truth. I see so many people who think that they have got truth and they really, really have got a lot of error.
Body of the Message
Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
So tonight we are looking at Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator. It is vital to understand how corrupt this world is and how much the Forces of Darkness, the Satanic and Demonic Realm are in control of the Earth. If one is ignorant of this, one cannot hope to really walk in victory in this life, cannot hope to get close to Father.
This series of programmes seeks to address in detail the measures that one can take to overcome the corrupt state of the environment in which we are forced to operate. It is vital that you give the Almighty permission to work in your life, and to teach you; otherwise you will remain in massive error and be defeated at the end of your life. The prayers that I have spoken about in a number of previous programmes are just so important for this, folks. And then fasting is a critical component of this.
Component 3: Fasting
So we are going to look at Component 3 of the Seven Components of Drawing Close to Father and that is Fasting. Fasting is an important way of drawing closer to Father. It is also a discipline that many people discount or at least seriously underestimate. Fasting is a way of disciplining your worldly, fleshly self and opening yourself up to hearing more clearly from Father. Regular fasting is non-negotiable if you truly desire to draw close to Father.
So those of you who asked earlier about knowing about truth and knowing about right standing, it is vital to fast on a regular basis. There is a diversity of fasts that are possible and again, there is no recipe. Remember, each of us is unique and Father will meet each of us where He deems most appropriate. So the fact that certain fasts work well for me does not mean that you should have to use my model. Allow Father to guide you to the form of fast that He wants you to undertake right now. I strongly recommend that if you have just made a decision to serve Father, you immediately embark on one or more significant fasts in order to get aligned with Him as quickly as possible.
Fasting – Types of Fast
So let us look at the types of fasts. Fasts can take various forms and at the simplest level, a full day no food only water, 24 hours. Three days no food, water only. Seven days no food, water only. Seven three day water only fasts at weekly intervals. Twenty one days with no food, water only. Forty days with no food, water only. That is the type of fast that Yahooshua went on when he was in the wilderness before he started his Ministry.
Some people fast and drink soups and fruit juices, others eat vegetables, but no pleasant thing. There are many variations. You need to formulate the variation that works for you. Do not do it presumptuously, ask Father to show you.
I personally believe that the more stringent the fast, in another words, water only, the more effective it is, and I have no experience of the others because I have always done water only fasts. It is vital when you are fasting to drink plenty of water. Otherwise you can damage your kidneys. If you drink a lot of coffee, normally a fast will produce serious detox effects. So do not be surprised when you get massive headaches. If you are a coffee drinker and you start just drinking water and fasting, it is going to be very unpleasant for the first couple of days. The answer to that is to slowly wean yourself off coffee for a week or so before you go on the fast, otherwise just sweat it out and it might change your view of how much coffee you drink.
Fasting Continued
Continuing with fasting, in all cases as an option you can take bread and grape juice or wine morning and evenings and rehearse the Covenant or in common language, take Communion, Sacraments. This is necessary if you need to take medication. You should not be taking medication on an empty stomach. So I take quarter of a sheet of Jewish Matzah, unleavened baked bread and about half a glass of grape juice morning and evening and then I take my tablets on top of that. You can also eat soup once or twice a day, you can eat fruit and vegetables only with no meat or no pleasant things for any of the above durations or any other duration that Father leads you to. As I say, my preference is water only with the bread and wine of the Covenant morning and evening.
Three days with a small amount of bread and grape juice morning and evening to rehearse the Covenant is relatively easy for most people. Beyond that seven days and more becomes challenging and can affect your health. Only undertake a longer fast when you are absolutely certain that Father is leading you to do that.
It is important not to just go in and fast for the sake of it. Fast because you believe it is the right thing to do, fast because you prayed about it, and do it with the right intentions. Pray the necessary prayers, pray appropriate prayers.
Forty Day Fasts
Let us talk a bit about forty day fasts. There are some people who say that it is not possible to enter into full-time power ministry where one performs miracles and is deeply led by the Spirit of the Almighty without undergoing at least one forty-day water-only fast. I have never done such a fast and I do not have such a ministry. The fact is that if one embarks on a forty-day water only fast, one is likely to spend the last two to four weeks in bed unless you are strongly filled with the Spirit of Yah throughout the fast, which means that you need to worship for at least an hour or two hours every day of that fast. I have spoken at some length about Worship a couple of months ago, I refer you to those teachings. It is absolutely vital if you are going to do longer fasts that you worship. Even if you are doing a short fast, you should worship but the longer the fast the more important it is.
It is important to recognise that Yahooshua started his Ministry with a forty day water only fast in the wilderness. I have met an anointed servant who was highly anointed, had a very open line of communication with Father, raised about eighteen people from the dead over the years, prayed for people and they were healed, very, very powerful. She had been on two if not three forty-day fasts over a period of years and was extremely powerful, the most powerful person that I have actually had real contact with. So if you aspire to performing miracles and really touching people in that sort of dramatic way, then you might want to consider doing a forty-day fast. You might even do a forty-day fast again after another twelve months if you really want to get powerful.
Most people are not called to that. I certainly do not believe I am called to that. I have never felt the leading to do a forty-day fast. I have not even felt the leading to do a seven-day fast. I have done repeated, about six or seven times now, fasts three days intervals, water only at weekly intervals seven to nine fasts and I strongly recommend that. It is easy to do. So let us talk about that.
Seven Three Day Fasts at Weekly Intervals
I found a series of seven to nine three-day fasts at weekly to ten day intervals highly beneficial. Every time that I have undertaken such a programme of fasts, I have received considerable new understanding and revelation and drawn significantly closer to Father. Such a programme is easy to follow. It has little impact on one's health and allows one to keep working full days while on the programme. I generally have an early supper on Thursday evening and fast through Friday, Saturday and Sunday breaking the fast with a late supper on Sunday night. I repeat this regime at weekly intervals for seven to nine weeks with minor adjustments. For example, I have a discipline of fasting for three days over Halloween, the most evil day of the year and Satan's high feast.
I also like to fast for three days over Christmas, Satan’s most effective counterfeit holy day and over Easter. Both of these are pagan, that is Satanic feasts which should not be observed in any shape or form by a truly committed Believer. One can embark on nine three day fasts starting over Halloween and ending up over New Year (which is another pagan feast day). Remember that nine is the number of judgment so you may find Yah telling you to speak out judgment as you near the end of a fast comprising nine three-day fasts.
I have also found that doing a programme of three-day fasts at seven-day intervals, seven to nine fasts has been very beneficial in terms of hearing Father clearly. So I really recommend this type of fast.
Fasting Continued
There is more information on fasting on the website under the “Anointed Life” menu item. In the absence of clear guidance and assuming that you have just taken a solid decision to draw close to Father, I advise you to embark on seven three-day water only fasts with limited amounts of bread, preferably unleavened and red grape juice or red wine morning and evenings coupled to rehearsing the Covenant as set out above for six weeks (seven fasts) starting immediately.
Why red wine or red grape juice? It symbolises the Blood of the Covenant shed by Yahooshua. So please do not use white wine or white grape juice and certainly not water or some other fluid. The symbolism of the contents of the cup being the blood of Yahooshua is really important and it is really an offence to Yahooshua not to do this properly. Proper vessel, cup, chalice, wineglass, quality wine or quality grape juice, quality bread, and just do it with reverence and recognise the huge sacrifice Yahooshua made to give us forgiveness for sin. And in doing all of that, remember that he died, he lived a life without sin in order to take our sin or provide a way for us to be set free from our sin. So it behoves us to live a life without sin.
You need to take it seriously folks. If you are trying to be a Believer, one of the key things that you need to get right is to get free of sin and get free of error and that is going to take you some years, it is going to take you several of these fasts and serious prayer and serious effort to get there. And I strongly recommend it. You will bring Father much joy and you will earn much recognition at the end of your life.
Death with Yahooshua
I want to talk now about something else, which is quite challenging. If you ever get to a point where you are totally sold out to serving Father, there is a no going back irreversible prayer that you can pray that will lock you in to dependence on Father to a much greater level but which can literally kill you if you get out of line. That prayer is "Father, as I fast I ask you to put me to death with Yahooshua such that it is no longer I that live but you that live through me and the life that I live I live by emunah (faith) in you."
If you pray this morning and evening together with the bread and wine for every day of seven three-day fasts over six weeks, by the end of that period you will have reached a level of dependence on the anointing of the Spirit of Yah in order to stand.
If you do this repeatedly over a series of such fasts over several years you will come to a point where truly it is Father who is living through you and where you no longer have strength to exist without Him. By this I mean that if something happens that causes the anointing to drain from you that you will be so weak that you may well die.
You should only do this if you are in a stable life time covenant union with someone who fully understands the consequences of what you are doing and will stand by you in this prayer for the rest of your life.
Alternatively, if you are single you can pray this prayer but then understand that you can never join yourself sexually to another human being unless that person is at a comparable level of anointing and closeness to Father to you and you are absolutely certain Father has approved the union!
Then, if any person you are joined to sexually gets into fear, anger, bitterness, rebellion, turning away from Father, etc., the anointing will drain out of you like someone pulled the plug on a bath of water and you will suddenly find yourself limp and without strength because the Spirit of Yah that was supporting your partially dead body has drained out of you.
Only pray to die with Yahooshua if you are certain that you are ready to take the consequences and that the person or persons that you are sexually one with are one hundred percent informed and committed to standing with you in this prayer.
That said, this is a position of great power with Father because it enables Him to walk on Earth in your body! In the same way that He did with Yahooshua in particular and others. This is the greatest gift that you can give to Father Yah but only do it after the most careful consideration! This is also a consequence of a forty-day water only fast.
I prayed that prayer in 2010 when I went on a programme of nine three-day fasts at seven-day intervals and every morning and every morning and in fact, during the day, I kept praying "Father put me to death with Yahooshua that you may live through me." I only really discovered what had happened when sometime later, I got married and my wife was not nearly as anointed as I was and for weeks I was tired and exhausted. Subsequently it turned out she was unable to stay in close alignment with me and on three occasions I nearly died. So it is possible to pray this prayer and go against the advice I gave a minute ago, just be aware that it is difficult.
At the same time, while sometimes I have regretted praying that prayer on balance, I am glad I did it because it has forced me to stay close to Father. I was laying for days in the bed too weak to really get up, just worshipping and praying and getting my strength back, getting the anointing back and without having prayed that prayer, without having lost my physical strength, I am not sure whether I would have stayed as close to Father. It has certainly forced me to stay close to Him.
Fasting Wrapping Up
So to wrap up on fasting, fasting is a critical element of drawing close to Father Yah. There are a variety of forms that a fast can take. Seek Yah to know which is right for you. It is helpful to rehearse the Covenant, take the bread and wine morning and evening and I recommend seven to nine three-day fasts at seven to ten day intervals as being powerful and convenient. In general, seven days is good because then you do it the same three days of the week every week.
Death with Yahooshua is a powerful prayer accompanied with fasting but not to be prayed lightly. Death with Yahooshua can lead to death if one loses the anointing – that is the infilling of the Spirit of Yah.
If you have never fasted, I really encourage you to start a fast pretty much immediately. If you fasted but have not done so for a few years, I would encourage you to fast now and I will encourage you to think carefully about which form of fast you embark on and to pray about it.
Component 4 -- Cleansing
So to move on to Component 4 of the Seven Components of Drawing Close to Father, we are going to talk about Cleansing. This is probably one of the most if not the most controversial section in this teaching which is going to go on for another six or seven weeks probably. The fact of the matter is that the Demonic Realm does not want people to have this knowledge. They do not want them to have these processes. So if you find yourself getting uncomfortable or offended, just bind it in the name of Yahooshua as I taught you a few weeks ago and just tough it out and just stay with me please. This is really important stuff.
It is a harsh reality that the day a person chooses to serve the Almighty Creator they are grossly contaminated by the Satanic realm in which we operate by default. They are contaminated by false beliefs, wrong life practices, spiritual marks, spiritual defilement and above all, Demons. The Satanic realm operates by putting Demons on people. There is virtually not a human being on the planet who is free of Demons. It is the same, it goes hand-in-hand with getting free of error, getting free of sin. If there is no sin, there is no error and all the curses are being cut off, the Demons have no legal right to oppress you.
If you have not achieved those things, then you are going to have Demons. If you have a propensity to tell little white lies or whatever then you have got a lying spirit, you need to deal with it.
Symbolism and Metaphor
Let us talk a bit about symbolism and metaphor.
In considering what follows it is important to be aware that the Spirit Realm is highly influenced by symbolism and metaphor and therefore some of the procedures outlined in the next few broadcasts do not make sense from a physical world perspective but they do work effectively in dealing with the Satanic and Demonic Realm.
Be aware that there are all sorts of Demonic signs and marks in the Spiritual Realm that are not visible to us in the physical realm but which are seen by Demons and Satanic Messengers and some senior Satan Servants. So, in a large measure the physical rites recommended in the broadcast that follow, are directed at removing these marks and removing Demons and the legal rights for Demons to attach themselves to one.
Cleansing is in large measure about removing the legal rights for Demons to attach to you and influence you and removing blockages to you hearing Father clearly.
I mentioned some weeks ago the situation I found myself back in 2010 where I had been on a particular assignment for Father, I had inaccurately prayed in certain things, I had been sending Demons to the pit for a thousand years and I did not have the authority to do that and their crimes were not sufficient to warrant that. I should have been praying "Father send them where you want them to go." The result was that Demons had not left me and I had amassed a whole army of Demons that were sitting on me. But I was living a life without sin. There were also 196 death curses against me that were not touching me, I was driving safely, I was living safely. Because I was free of sin, they could not touch me.
So I cannot stress enough folks, if you are really serious about serving Father, get free of sin, please. It is attractive to get help with what we are talking about here with regard to deliverance, getting free of Demons, etc.
Getting Help With This
In years past before Satan was sent to the Pit, there were anointed ministers who could assist with the casting out of Demons. The vast majority of these have been trapped by False Doctrines and either neutralized totally or are in so much error that it is dangerous to associate with them because they may unintentionally leave you with stronger Demons than you started with. Accordingly you are probably going to have to undertake what is presented in these broadcasts, largely on your own with the caveat that you should find someone who is reasonably strong to cover your back if you can.
To start pray "Father, if there is anyone who I can make contact with who can help me to get rid of these Demons and generally clean up spiritually please lead me to them." In this case, it is particularly important that you pray this in your heart (not out loud) and be alert to meet such a person if they are brought into your life. It may take some time before you come into contact with them and that could be days, weeks, months, possibly even years because they are few and far between.
You may not know for sure that you have Demons, you may not know which Demons you have got. If you clean up in the way that I am going to tell you to clean up in the next few weeks, that will get rid of them. But again, you have got to get free of sin, you have got to get free of the legal rights they have to oppress you.
If you are unable to make contact with an experienced servant to help you and you do not have anyone to cover your back, pray "Father, I intend to get rid of the Demons that are in my home or on my body (as applicable) and I have no one to cover my back, I ask you to cover my back."
Note that if you are a single woman you can turn to Father as your husband and ask Him to cover your back, the prayer would be "Father I ask you to be my husband and to cover me, protect me and help provide for me." This can be a life time prayer, but you will still have to have a job.
Just coming back to the point about praying silently, the Satanic and Demonic Realm can hear everything that you say, read everything that you write, and read everything that you read. So there are no secrets there. The only way that you can avoid them knowing what is going on in your head is to not talk about what is going on in your head, to pray silently to Father. Father hears your thoughts, only Father can read your mind.
So these prayers, you might want to pray silently so that the Forces of Darkness do not know what is going on. It is important to understand that this whole so-called spiritual warfare is a bit of a cat and mouse game in the early days. You were trying to get clean, you were trying to get free of sin, you were trying to get free of Demons. They are trying to put more Demons on there, they are bringing you lies, they are sending people across your path who have got error who can deceive you, very, very challenging to get really free and clean and we will talk more about that in the weeks to come.
Demons are the Spirits of Dead Unbelievers
Let us talk a little bit about where Demons come from. Demons are the spirits of dead Unbelievers. Now, that maybe a bit of a shock to you if you have never heard that before, but that is what it is. Demons are the spirits of human beings who died without believing in the Almighty Creator. On death they are taken to the Lake of Fire and told that this will be their destination in the event that Satan loses the Contest. And they are then taken to Heaven and shown where they would have ended up if they had believed. They are also taken for an initial induction course in which the Rules of Engagement are explained and any initial assignments given to them, including mustering them into a particular Satanic principality which provides their overall chain of command.
In particular, it is explained to them that if they are obedient and diligent in their work as Demons, they may progress through the hierarchy and if they step out of line they will be subject to harsh discipline and torture.
They are then returned to their corpse and, depending on circumstances, may remain with their mortal remains as they decay in a remote location, at the bottom of the sea, on the body of a predator or they may be collected by a Witch or Satanist in a hospital, Funeral Parlour, Crematorium, etc.
In the latter cases the Satan servant who collects them will assign them to a new host, such as to a Believer under anaesthetic in a hospital and, with this may come an assignment to specific duties. Many Demons are angry at being lied to and go all out to seduce their host to become more evil than they were.
Good people on the other hand tend to become good demons who may be remorseful at their error but unable to warn those left behind on pain of extreme torture. Can you imagine what it is like to die, become a Demon, maybe sitting on your son or your daughter knowing that they are going to end up where you are and there is nothing you can do to stop them? I think that must be a terrible situation to be in.
All human beings who have not undergone a rigorous process of cleansing are carrying demons. There are over 100 billion demons on Earth, that is over 100 billion human beings who have died without knowing the Almighty Creator and more are being added every second.
That gives around 14 demons to every human being. However, the number of demons on human beings in communities where there is no service of the Almighty is relatively fewer than occur where there is service to the Almighty.
The majority of Believers and the children of Believers generally carry a much greater numbers of demons than Unbelievers in communities where there is little likelihood of exposure to the Almighty.
The primary goal of Demons is to prevent people believing in the Almighty so that they also end up as Ancestor Spirits (Demons) and, when they do believe, to keep them in such bondage to sin and problems that they are ineffective in serving the Almighty.
It is so important to understand this folks, this world is spiritually defiled and corrupt. The Demons will attack you and affect you. They will feed you lies. They will speak to you through your spirit and you will think it is the Almighty speaking to you. They will set up traps, they will tell people not to give you money, they will distract you from your business. If you are a Believer, they will stop Unbelievers from doing business with you. There is absolutely no limit. They are human beings. There is no limit to the ingenuity in how they can oppress and attack you. You need to get rid of them.
Much of this activity relates to leading Believers into the multiplicity of lies that pervade the Christian body of Believers, the Moslem body of Believers and the Jewish body of Believers. Fundamentally, if there is no human being on Earth around May 3003 who is free of sin and serving the Almighty effectively then Satan wins the Contest and Father Yah withdraws from Earth leaving Satan to rule.
In reality it is a Pyrrhic victory because once Yah withdraws all plant and animal life and all human life will immediately die and Satan will be left to rule a desolate planet with billions of Demons with no transport and a smaller number of Demons transported by Satanic Messengers (Satanic Angels). These Messengers will primarily transport the leaders (Masterminds) of the Satanic kingdom. Expect ongoing terrible battles that exceed the worst excesses of anything seen on Television or the Movies.
Folks, if you are an Unbeliever you do not want to go here. I would suggest that you get on your knees right now, cry out for forgiveness, cry out for Father to accept you, cry out for him to forgive you, and then turn your life around and seek Father earnestly, and if you are a lukewarm Believer who is not actively serving Father, I suggest you do the same. The Outer Darkness, the place of the Foolish Virgins in Heaven is not a particularly nice place to end up and spend Eternity. It is so important that you live your life on the basis of your afterlife of your Eternal destiny. Do not worry about this life other than in terms of the impact that this life will have on the life to come.
Paradoxically, the more intensely a person is seeking to serve Yah the greater number of Demons will be assigned to them unless they clean up their act to a point where there is no longer a legal right for Demons to attach to them and the Demons are forced to leave through appropriate prayer.
People who have been strongly serving Satan will also have large numbers of demons, in that case largely by invitation. Senior Satan servants invite demons to come and dwell in them, that is Demon Possession as opposed to dwelling on them, which is Demon Oppression. Such indwelling Demons counterfeit the indwelling of the Set-Apart (Holy) Spirit of the Almighty Creator in Believers and give such people, the Illuminated ones, great powers. These are the Illuminated ones in contrast to the Anointed ones who serve Father.
If you are such a person, in other words, an Illuminated Satan servant and have chosen to serve the Almighty Creator, you will need to take the measures given here and in the programmes that follow with regard to cleansing to extreme lengths. You will really, really have to go for it to clean up and some of the procedures and processes are very, very powerful for this, so it certainly can be done.
The thing to keep in mind here folks, is that the Satanic Realm rule on Earth, except in the lives of Believers who have cleaned up their acts. I am on numerous email lists and I cannot tell you the number of people who have got email names like “Truth Bearer” and “Angel of Yahweh” and what have you, who are publishing such rubbish, such lies, and they are clearly crawling with Demons because they have not prayed the right prayers, they have not done the fasting, they have not done the cleaning up. It is so important to clean up.
Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator -- Cleansing-- Recap
So we are coming to the end of today's programme, so recap with regard to cleansing.
We are all defiled when we come to belief and most Believers remain defiled throughout their lives.
Symbolism and metaphor play an important role in the Spirit Realm.
It is preferable to get help but most ministers are also contaminated because of errors relating to Jesus, God, the LORD, the Bible, etc.
Demons are the Spirits of Dead Unbelievers.
If you are serious about drawing close to Father Yah it is vital to get rid of all defilement, the processes discussed in the coming weeks will enable you to do this.
I sincerely hope that after this session, which is probably the most difficult message that I have brought so far because it is dealing with a subject that a lot of people are uncomfortable with. I really hope after this that you will realise that it is so important to clean up your act, get free of sin, get free of error, get on your knees, pray the right prayers, do the right fasts, and seek to get free of Demons, free of curses. If you can do that you will become a very powerful weapon in the hand of the Almighty, a very powerful servant and you will be well on the way to becoming His Friend, because think about it, why would He want you to be His Friend if you are crawling with Demons and you are full of error? If you want to become His Friend, you need to deal with this stuff.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
So to complete, I have spoken before, but I want to recap.
Five key documents ‑ "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with you." We have done a lot of work on the website in the last couple of weeks and there is now a Menu item on this topic near the bottom of the Menu on the website.
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" ‑ also near the bottom of the Menu, a new Menu item. This is the basis of this series of teachings that I am giving you at the moment.
"Recommended Worship" ‑ I refer you to the teachings on Worship a few weeks ago. It is so important that you sing the right songs. Listening to music that does not have words is pretty pointless. Listening to songs where the words are meaningless or do not have power is pretty pointless. You really need to carefully pick the songs that you listen to.
The next article ‑ "The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" at the top of the Menu. Understand how the name Yah permeates the history of Believers as represented in the Bible.
"Where will you Spend Eternity? ‑ What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?" ‑ near the bottom of the menu, also a new tab. It is so important that you read this. I encourage you to go to the website on the Main Menu you will find these things, behind the Menu tab at the top left or at the bottom of the Menu.
Transcripts of all the teachings in this series are available on the website at the bottom on the Radio Page. Recordings of all the teachings, broadcasts so far are also available on the Radio Page and also at Click on the "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available at the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page. I publish regular email articles, email to be added to the list or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the website and visit the homepage for more information.
Thank you for listening. Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage. I will answer them in the next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list.
If you desire to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email, telephone so that I can help you with your journey. I would love to do that.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator and remember, it does not matter who you are, it does not matter your gender, your age, whether you are wealthy or poor, whether you are black or white or anything in between, where you come from, what your tribe is, whatever, Father wants a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU.
You can reach out to Father right now, get on your knees, ask Him to touch you. He wants to be your Friend. He wants you to be His Friend and I hope by now you are starting to see that it is actually not as difficult as it might at first have appeared. It is just about doing some really important things that are not that difficult to do, just takes some discipline. I really encourage you to go for it.
Thank you so much.
Good night!