From time to time I update my collection of worship songs that are more or less doctrinally sound in terms of the principles that I teach, see commentary in the article “Recommended Worship” at
I update this collection from time to time, see also notes on “2022.08.04 Recommended Worship as at 27 August 2022” at
I have compiled the entire suite of songs that I use into one consolidated zip file for download at
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Some Powerful Worship Songs
NEXT SECTION: Challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry >>>
Please exercise caution with regard to other songs, particularly songs that explicitly worship Jesus. Such references have been removed from the songs in this collection.
Please also refer to the article “2023.04.11 Critical Caveats regarding Third Party Content” at
I suggest that you load these songs onto your sound system at home to play as much as possible, I run mine all the time I am awake except when on a Zoom or phone call. I also have them on a pocket mp3 player which is on 24/7 and which I listen to even if for a few seconds when going about my daily activities. I encourage you to do the same.
Please feel free to email me (James) by replying to this email if you have questions or comments.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
{Apostle and Prophet of the Almighty Creator}
04 July 2023
See also 2024.08.07 Let Your Name Be Glorified -- Afrikaans with Powerful Anointing at
More Powerful Worship Songs
I found myself today listening to a string of worship songs that were largely free of worship of Jesus and other significant errors so I thought I would share them.
Let Me Be Filled --Help Me To Love -- Brian and Jenn Johnson -- Bethel Worship
This is powerful -- Had me sobbing and asking Father to help me love in the way described in this song -- I strongly encourage you to listen and take this prayer as your own.
Listen: Let Me Be Filled --Help Me To Love -- Brian and Jenn Johnson -- Bethel Worship
Watch "Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone (Live)" on YouTube
Powerful worship
Watch "Kari Jobe - Let The Heavens Open (Live)" on YouTube
Another powerful worship song
Watch "Yahweh -- Kari Jobe on YouTube
More powerful worship with True Name
Watch "Yahweh - Hillsong Worship" on YouTube
More worship in the Name of Yahweh
Remember that Yahweh means “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”
Watch "Kari Jobe - The Garden (Acoustic)" on YouTube
A love song to Father Yah
Watch "Kari Jobe - Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest) [Lyrics]" on YouTube
Another love song to Yah
Watch "Kari Jobe - Hands To The Heavens (Live)" on YouTube
More powerful worship to Yah
Watch "Kari Jobe - Find You On My Knees" on YouTube
More Worship
I feel strongly called to worship today
Watch "Kari Jobe - Keeper Of My Heart (Live)" on YouTube
Another love song
Remember Worship Yah alone
Watch "Kari Jobe - Breathe On Us (Live)" on YouTube
Love song to Father Yah’s Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit
Watch "Kari Jobe - Only Your Love (Live)" on YouTube
Another love song
Watch "Kari Jobe - Holy Spirit (Live) ft. Cody Carnes" on YouTube
Another love song to Father Yah
Watch "Kari Jobe - Look Upon The Lord (Live)" on YouTube
More worship
Watch "Kari Jobe - When You Walk In The Room (Live)" on YouTube
Powerful worship – remember to worship Yah alone
Watch "Kari Jobe - Always Enough (Live)" on YouTube
More worship – powerful thread today
It is really important to worship Father Yah regularly, preferably daily and to ONLY use songs that are free of error, see “Recommended Worship” at for a detailed discussion of the types of songs to be avoided.
Please feel free to email me if you have questions or comments.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
20 January 2023
2023.04.06 More Anointed Worship Songs
Following are some further anointed worship songs with minor corrections made.
The full set can be downloaded at:
See also the webpage “Recommended Worship” at for some caveats regarding language used in Worship.
Kari Jobe - Hands To The Heavens (Live) – You Tube
Kari Jobe - Always Enough (Live)
Kari Jobe - When You Walk In The Room (Live)
Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe – Forever & Amen (Official Live Video)