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In response to a recent conversation I thought I would set out in some detail what I have come to understand about the bible over the years because, what Yah has shown me is EXTREMELY CONTROVERSIAL and will probably shock most who read this.
To place this in context let me headline my encounters with, and beliefs relating to the bible:
About 1970 – someone tells me "you really should read the bible, it is the Word of God"-- I start in Genesis, get to a few men with more than one wife, recognize this does not agree with what the church teaches and throw the book away. In the years that follow in become disillusioned with the church and walk away almost totally.
In 1993 after a dramatic encounter with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing, who at that time was introduced to me as "God" and "the LORD" I chose to believe that the bible is the "inerrant Word of God" and believe everything in it – I hold it up to Yah, take a solemn vow, and ask Him to answer all my questions.
In the years that follow I read the Old Testament over 20 times in numerous translations and the New Testament over 35 times in even more numerous translations. I ask numerous questions and all are answered. Some questions take years to answer.
In 2001 after a huge number of encounters with Yah such that I know His voice clearly, Yah says to me that the book is NOT His Word and that it is SIN to worship it!
I have spent the last decade digesting that and coming to terms with it and this document summarizes what I have come to learn after a lengthy period of readjusting my thinking about the book.
The headlines are as follows
1. The book does not make any claims for itself
People claim that the bible is "THE inerrant word of God", "THE WORD", etc but nowhere does the book make such claims for itself.
The exact age of the book is unsure but it seems certain that the current compilation was finalized about 300 AD or a bit later. Search on the Internet for conflicting opinions.
What seems fairly sure is that it was compiled by a committee who deliberated at length over what was to be included.
What is easily verifiable is that there are a number of books with the title "Holy Bible" produced by different groups which differ to a material extent regarding the exact content of the book.
What is also reasonably easily verifiable is that there are multiple source manuscripts that DISAGREE in over one thousand places in the so-called "New Testament" so much so that the so-called Trinity, which occurs only once is NOT in all manuscripts and other passages on which deep doctrine is based are not present in all manuscripts.
What is not generally known is that Yah said to me many years ago that there were errors of translation and that key books were missing and were locked away in the crypts of a large international religious body.
What few people recognize is that there are 66 "books" in the so-called "Protestant Bible", the version most widely used today and 6 is the number of man and 666 is the number of the beast and that the existence of precisely 66 books might just be Yah's way of saying that man has been "messing with the book".
Bottom line?
Not only does the book NOT claim to be the inerrant Word of Yah or even the Word of Yah there are numerous source texts and numerous published versions and, in addition to that there are numerous translations in English alone, one source says over 450 English versions and over 2,000 in total.
Remember also that bible comes from the Greek biblios which means book as in the Afrikaans for library which is "biblioteek" – so the word bible means nothing of significance.
Consider also:
IF the bible really was what people claim for it it would be reasonable to expect that the author of every one of the disparate 66 tracts written over several thousand years would preface his writing with some declaration of the following form "I …name of writer… hereby declare that Yah the eternally self-existing has spoken to me and dictated verbatim that which follows which comprises vvv paragraphs, www sentences, xxx words, yyy letters with a total Hebrew / Greek numeric value count of zzz,zzz,zzz (all Hebrew and Greek letters have numeric values). I testify that every word that I have written was given to me personally by Yah and I have not added to nor have I subtracted from what Yah has given me" – may Yah strike me dead if I have lied about this in any way.
Not one single passage in the bible has any declaration at all about its veracity let alone a robust statement such as that above which would result in an inviolate passage of text that was not amenable to scribal error or amendment through the use of the statistics included above.
Instead, we have differing manuscripts of the same passage that contain material differences from one another and many of these manuscripts are compilations based on physical fragments found in different locations and assembled together through human endeavour.
NO, there is no way that a single passage in the book claims to be inspired, let alone fully inspired, let alone without error.
Note also that unless a person is so confident of the level of inspiration that they are willing for Yah to strike them dead if they have lied then there is no reason to place your ENTIRE TRUST regarding your future for eternity in these writings.
Consider further that IF the bible is what is claimed for it then the compilers of the book should identify themselves by name and make a similarly robust declaration with the additional declaration that the book comprises nnn (where nnn = 66 in the modern Protestant bible) passages all of which are inspired and all of which Yah told the compilers to include in the book.
In the absence of such claims ALL that can be said of the book is that it is a collection of writings by various human beings over a period of between 500 and 2,000 years compiled by other human beings and containing some important information about the interaction of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally-self existing with men during this period
2. The beliefs about the book restrict Yah terribly -- "this tiny book"
Late last year (December 2010) I was walking past a very large bookshop in the area where I live.
I was drawn to look into the shop and Yah said clearly to me "son of man, do you see how this people limit me to this tiny book" at that moment I understood clearly that the total writings of mankind comprise billions of pages of text, I have in my life alone written many thousands of pages, I have written in excess of 7,000 pages on the matters of the Almighty alone, more text than in the entire bible.
Yet our modern day teachers teach us that the ENTIRE CANON, the entire body of authoritative inspired writing, the WORD OF GOD, is restricted to one little book of about 1,300 pages depending on font size, layout and page size.
It is a GROSS INSULT to the Almighty to suggest that this is the sum total of what He has managed to communicate to human beings as a reference in getting to know Him.
It IS mercy and grace that He has permitted this minuscule record to be persevered as some way for us to come to know Him but it is vital to recognize that this is ALL it is, a minuscule record.
Men have written billions of pages containing words inspired by the Spirit of Yah and yet those who claim to love Him limit Him to just over a thousand pages!
It is a GROSS INSULT and hurts and angers Yah GREATLY!
3. The beliefs about the book have neutralized and disempowered anointed ones for over 1,700 years
Another consequence of this worship of the book, for that is what it is, the Bible is an IDOL, is that anointed one's have undervalued the words that Yah has given them because they perceive the bible to be the FINAL AUTHORITY!
I have met highly anointed one's who have become careless with their words because they do not attach the same significance to the words Yah speaks through them as they attach to "the WORD OF GOD".
This grieves and angers Yah AND it disempowers these anointed ones and leads them into serious sin.
Every word that Yah speaks through a human being is of equal and inestimable value – it is an insult to Yah to suggest that some of His words in history are of more value than the words He speaks today.
Yah is speaking GREAT words to this generation through His anointed emissaries and spokesmen {Apostles and Prophets} and it is vital that they are heard.
One of the greatest prophetic works of this generation is devalued because the spokesman repeatedly states that the words Yah is speaking to Him are NOT of the same status of the words in the bible AND that the "Canon of scripture is closed" and by implication Yah cannot teach us anything new. As a consequence this person does NOT hear anything new and perpetuates serious errors in his doctrine.
This is a gross insult to Yah and a gross disservice to His anointed one's in this generation.
If YOU are an anointed one it is time for YOU to take grave responsibility for EVERY word that Yah speaks to you and THROUGH you!!!!!!!!
4. Pleases Satan immensely, one of his greatest triumphs
This marginalization of the words of Yah is one of Satan's greatest triumphs and causes great rejoicing and mirth in the kingdom of darkness.
Satan is god (mighty one) and king of this world and nothing happens on earth unless he consents OR unless a strongly anointed one in right standing with Yah speaks it into existence. Since the latter is so infrequent in this age almost all of what happens on earth today is happening at the express leading of the kingdom of Satan.
Thus it is that Satan has PERMITTED AND ENCOURAGED the spread of the bible and its widespread acceptance as the Word of God knowing full well that this belief massively restricts and hampers Yah in His goals for mankind. Satan has also faked resistance in order to get people to believe in the bible! Men have died terrible deaths in seeking to preserve these few words, and will be rewarded in heaven, BUT Satan has destroyed them in order to give credence to the lie that the bible is the word of God!
Foolish arguments based on "the bible says it, I believe it" neutralizes faith in Yah with the intellectually critical and even with those who are not so critical and results in those who believe this lie suspending their critical faculties in order to believe something that is palpably false with the result that their faith becomes foolish and without power and open to demonic and satanic forces to work through them.
5. Most is verifiable history, nothing more, nothing impressive, a little inspiration
Much of what is contained in the bible is no more than historical accounts of the lives of various people and nations.
There is NO NEED for these passages to be inspired and there is nothing impressive about what is contained in them.
To the extent that they are at some level inspired they are at best minute fragments of all that was recorded by inspired men and women about the events of those times in history.
Building an argument about the flood of Noah on the basis of "the bible says it, I believe it", is gross foolishness, there are hundreds, some say over 600 independent historical accounts of this flood IN ADDITION to the one in Genesis.
Yet believers neutralize one of the most important testimonies of Yah with their foolish remarks and beliefs.
I have recently completed a work proving a Global Flood WITHOUT USING THE BIBLE and have had several people give me writings of others who seek to prove the same thing but within the first couple of pages make some sort of statement which says implicitly "I believe the bible and that proves there was a flood and you are an idiot if you do not believe the bible" – they do not use this language but the language they DO use gives this message – driven by the demons that have taken hold of them through their foolishness in believing that the bible IS what so many claim for it and in the process suspending their intellect.
Remember as I say this that for about eight years I too subscribed to these beliefs and you will find many of my early writings which are built on this foundation. I confess this as sin and repent before Yah for my foolishness!
6. Sets Yah up as a ruthless, manipulative puppet master
In order to believe that "the bible is the Word of Yah and without error and EVERY word in the bible was breathed by Yah" and that "Yah knows the end from the beginning" it is necessary to believe that the events recorded in history were foreordained such that Yah planned for David to commit adultery with Bathsheba and then have her husband murdered, and, and, and …
So, those who believe these things set Yah up as a ruthless puppet master who manipulates the lives of mankind in order to prepare stories to be included in "His book"!
Do you have any idea how Satan laughs when powerful anointed servants of Yah make such statements to gullible audiences who absorb these lies and in the process suspend their critical faculties?
This is a huge victory for Satan and his forces and if YOU desire to make a difference on the earth you need to let go of these wrong beliefs.
7. Is made up of disparate and inconsistent fragments in both the "Old" and the "New"
If you really get a fix on the extent to which the bible has been compiled from disparate and inconsistent fragments, the "old testament" during and after the Babylonian exile and the "new testament" after massive persecution of the anointed believers by the Jews and the Romans you should let go of any belief about the bible being the "inerrant word of God" very quickly.
Incidentally, there is NO SUCH THING as the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament" – nowhere is this distinction made in the texts that make up the book, it is only there through the actions of the people who assembled the book or those who have translated it and published it over the years.
The writings contained in the book are a SINGLE FRAGMENTARY RECORD Yah's interactions with mankind over a period of about 4,000 years during which numerous covenants were entered into, including the covenant facilitated by Moshe {Moses} at Sinai and the covenant facilitated by Yahooshua at Golgotha.
8. Is doctrinally corrupt in both the Greek and English and resulting child translations
The lie about "new" and "old" is compounded by completely disparate translation between the books before Yahooshua and the books about Yahooshua and after Yahooshua. Mary the mother of Yahooshua would be "Miriam" in the books before Yahooshua just as men called Yahooshua are called Joshua before the birth of Yahooshua of Natsareth son of Miriam but becomes Jesus afterwards. The extent to which these translation errors distort the truth and result in people reading the bible to say that Yahooshua IS Yah or at least that "Jesus is God" is huge.
Modern bibles almost universally at translated in such a way that they make Jesus = God which is a GROSS ABOMINATION in the sight of Yah.
Then again we find that the books before Yahooshua have also been tampered with and the true name of the Creator, Yah has been substituted with Adonay and Elohym translated as "the LORD" and "God" both of which are pagan idolatrous names as discussed previously on this list.
These lies are also almost universally perpetuated in nearly all bible versions on earth today, much to Satan's pleasure.
9. Worship of the bible is a form of idolatry that Yah HATES and has condemned for over 1,500 years
Making the book "the inerrant WORD OF GOD" is huge error, it is one of the worst forms of idolatry in the world today, second only to the worship of Yahooshua by Christians and Messianics.
Yah made it clear through His spokesman {prophet} Mohammed that the "people of the book", the Christians and the Jews were in serious and deep error in their worship of the book and would face harsh judgment if they did not repent.
Yet those self-same people continue in their error 1,500 years later AND attack and condemn the Muslim people (people who seek to worship and serve Yah through the covenant made by Yah with Mohammed) and to perpetuate atrocities against them and, because those who are committed Muslims clearly see this error their dislike for Jews and Christians is magnified even though today, just as there are few Jews and Christians who in any meaningful way have a relationship with Yah there are few Muslims who have a meaningful relationship with Yah and so we face the possibility of escalating conflict in the world fueled in great measure by the Christian lies about Jesus and the Bible.
IF you are serious about serving Yah it is time to repent of worshiping the book and turn to Yah who is the author and finisher of our faith, the only saviour and the only deliverer, who created all things and who will judge all men on the Day of Judgment assisted by Yahooshua who through his obedient sacrifice is seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool.
One of the enemies that must be made his footstool is worship of the bible!
Worship of the book {Bible} is one of the greatest sins of Christianity today and is an abomination in the sight of Yah.
Will you continue to sin or will you repent and turn to Yah as the final source of ALL teaching and let His Spirit lead YOU into ALL TRUTH?
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